Education and Development
Note: The Question paper is divided into three sections A, B, and C. Write Answer as per the given instruction.
Section-A (Very Short Answer Type Questions)
Note: Answer all questions. As per the nature of the question you delimit your answer in one word, one sentence or maximum up to 30 words. Each question carries 1 marks. 6×1=06
1. Which ceremony indicated start of education during Vedic Period?
2. What was the duration of studying a signal Veda.
3. Which ceremony indicated start of education during Buddhist era?
4. Which book was used during first six month during Buddhist period.
5. What kind of education was imparted in Madrashas?
6. Which commission has suggested 10+2+3 education system?
Section-B (Short Answer Questions)
Note: Answer any 4 questions. Each answer should not exceed 100 words. Each question carries 03 marks. 4×3=12
1. Describe in brief objectives of Vedic Period education?
2. Write in brief about institutes of Muslim period?
3. What are the recommendations of Kothari Commission
4. Explain meaning and concept of education?
5. Write a short note on ‘aims of education’.
Section-C (Long Answer Questions)
Note: Answer any two questions. You have to delimit your each answer maximum up to 400 words. Each question carries 6 marks. 2×6=12
1. Describe main recommendations of different committees and commissions in independent India?
2. Describe efforts made by Britishers in the development of Indian education?
3. Write an essay on democratization of education in present context of India?
4. Why education is needed for success of democracy? Comment critically?
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