St. Joseph’s College of Commerce B.B.M. 2013 VI Sem Management Accounting Question Paper PDF Download

St.Joseph’s college of commerce (autonomous)

End semester examination – APRIL 2013



Duration : 3 hours                                                                                                Marks: 100



  1. Answer ALL the following questions.                                                    (10 x 2 = 20)


  1. State two differences between a FFS and a CFS.
  2. How will you treat interest received on investments under the indirect method of a cash flow statement?
  3. Explain the term notional flow of cash with an example.
  4. M. company presents the following information and you are required to calculate funds from operations:


Profit and Loss Account


To Operational Expenses 1,00,000 By Gross Profit 2,00,000
To Depreciation 40,000 By Gain on Sale of Plant 20,000
To Loss on Sale of building 10,000    
To Advertisement Suspense A/c 5,000    
To Discount (allowed to customers) 500    
To Discount on Issue of Shares written off 500    
To Goodwill 12,000    
To Net Profit 52,000    
  2,20,000   2,20,000


  1. A firm’s current assets and current liabilities are Rs.24,000 and Rs.6,000 respectively. How much can it borrow from a bank without reducing its current ratio below 1.5?


  1. What is Trend Analysis?


  1. What is meant by capital gearing ratio?


  1. Distinguish between Management Accounting and Financial Accounting on the basis of
  2. Period of reporting ii)  Users of information.


  1. How are routine reports different from special reports?


  1. Assuming the current ratio of a company is 2, state with reasons in each case whether the ratio will improve or decline or will have no change.
  2. Payment of current liabilities ii) Purchase of fixed assets.

                                  SECTION – B


  1. Answer any FOUR  Each carries 5 marks.                           (4×5=20)


  1. The following is the Profit & Loss Account of I.T.R. Co., for the year 2012 and its previous year:

I.T.R. Co.

Profit & Loss Account


Particulars 2011 2012 Particulars 2011 2012
  Rs. Rs.   Rs. Rs.
To Cost of Sales 4,63,250 4,83,899 By Sales 7,21,456 8,34,250
To Administration




    Less: Returns 11,588




To Selling Expenses









By Other Incomes:

Interests &








To Interest paid 4,275 3,500 Purchase Discount 4,250 3,792
To Loss on Sale of                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Fixed Assets  




Profit on Sale of Land  



To Income-tax 43,038 80,390      
To net profit 70,742 88,851      
  7,20,913 8,26,759   7,20,913 8,26,759


Present the above data in the form of a common size statement.


  1. State by giving reasons whether the following transactions increase or decrease or do not affect the working capital :


  1. a) A company issues Rs.1,00,000 worth of shares for cash.
  2. b) Redemption of Debentures worth Rs.2,00,000.
  3. c) Amount received from Debtors Rs.32,000.
  4. d) Amount paid to creditors Rs.15,000.
  5. e) Advance Income Tax paid Rs.1,00,000..
  6. f) Raw materials purchased Rs.60,000 from ZB Co. on credit basis.
  7. g) Furniture purchased Rs.40,000.
  8. h) Purchased plant worth Rs.1,00,000 by issuing equal amount of Debentures of Rs.500 each.
  9. i) Bills receivable Rs.30,000 discounted for Rs.29,000.
  10. j) Debentures worth Rs.1,00,000 redeemed by raising a long-term loan of equal amount.




  1. Calculate cash from operations from the following:


  1. Profit made during the year Rs.2,50,000 after considering the following items:


  1. Depreciation on fixed assets 10,000
  2. Amortization of goodwill   5,000
  3. Transfer to general reserve   7,000
  4. Profit on sales of land   3,000


  1. The following is the position of current assets and current liabilities:

2012                2011

Rs.                   Rs.

Debtors                                                          15,000             12,000

Creditors                                                       10,000             15,000

Bills Receivable                                              8,000             10,000

Prepaid expenses                                           2,000               4,000


14)  i) Calculate Stock Turnover Ratio from the following information:

Opening stock                        =  Rs. 40,000

Closing stock              = Rs.  44,000

Sales                            = Rs.4,15,000

Gross Profit ratio        =        20%.


  1. ii) Compute pay out ratio from the following data:

No. of equity shares               = 3000

Dividend per equity share     = Re. 0.40

Net profit                                = Rs.10,000

Provision for tax                    = Rs.5,000

Preference dividend               = Rs.2,000.


  • Calculate Quick Ratio from the following Balance Sheet figures:


Liabilities Rs. Assets Rs.
Capital 2,20,000 Fixed Assets 2,00,000
Loan (long-term) 50,000 Stock 50,000
Creditors 40,000 Debtors 50,000
B/P 10,000 B/P 15,000
Other current liabilities 7,500 Cash and Bank Balance 15,000
Provision for Doubtful Debts 2,500    
  3,30,000   3,30,000




15)  The following data relates to Wipro Ltd.

  2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
  Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
Capital 2,00,000 2,50,000 2,80,000 3,00,000 3,50,000 4,00,000
Fixed Assets 1,50,000 1,80,000 2,00,000 2,10,000 1,90,000 2,00,000
Current Assets 90,000 1,40,000 1,50,000 1,70,000 2,60,000 2,90,000
Current Liabilities 40,000 70,000 70,000 80,000 1,00,000 90,000


From the above figures

  1. Calculate trend ratios for each item taking 2006 as the base year.
  2. Establish relationships (i.e., ratio) between
  • Current Assets and Current Liabilities, and
  • Capital and Fixed Assets and convert these two ratios into trend percentages for all the six years


16)  “There are no externally imposed generally accepted accounting principles for management accounting”.  In light of the above statement discuss the nature of Management Accounting.




  • Answer any THREE Each carries 15 marks.              (3×15=45)   


  1. Following are the Balance Sheets of M.S. Sales Corporation as on 31st March 2012 and 2013:


Liabilities 2012




Assets 2012




Equity share Capital 3,10,000 3,60,000 Goodwill 10,000 15,000
General Reserve      50,000 55,000 Buildings 3,00,000 2,90,000
Profit & Loss A/c 30,500 35,600 Machinery 1,50,000 1,69,000
Bills Payable 70,000 Stock 1,00,000 74,000
Creditors 1,50,000 1,35,200 Debtors 80,000 64,200
Provision for Tax 30,000 35,000 Cash & Bank 500 8,600
  6,40,500 6,20,800   6,40,500 6,20,800


The following transactions took place during the year 2013

  1. Dividend of Rs.25,000 was paid during the year.
  2. Assets of another company were purchased for Rs.50,000 payable in shares-assets purchased were stock Rs.20,000, machines Rs.25,000.
  3. Machine was further purchased for cash Rs.6,000.
  4. Taxes paid during the year Rs.28,000.


You are required to prepare a statement of Sources and Application of funds.


18)  Following are the Balance Sheets of Deon and Co., as on 31.12.2011 &

31.12. 2012

Liabilities 2011 2012 Assets 2011 2012
Equity Share capital 2,00,000 3,00,000 Land 80,000 1,20,000
12% Deb. 1,00,000 2,00,000 Plant 3,00,000 6,25,000
10% pref. Capital 2,00,000 2,50,000 Investment 1,00,000 2,00,000
Reserve & Surplus 1,00,000 1,20,000 Stock 1,50,000 2,00,000
Sundry Crs. 1,50,000 4,10,000 S. Debtors 1,00,000 1,20,000
Bank O.D. 50,000 Bank Bal. 70,000 1,35,000
Dividend  O/S 50,000 70,000      
  8,00,000 14,00,000   8,00,000 14,00,000
  1. Compare the financial position of the two companies with the help of a Comparative Balance Sheet.
  2. Analyse the changes in the working capital position of the firm.
  • Has the firm used long term or short term funds to finance its fixed assets?
  1. Comment on the overall profitability of the firm after a detailed analysis of its short and long term financial position.


19) From the following information, prepare the Balance Sheet of R.K. Motors Ltd.

Current ratio                                                      2

Working capital                                                Rs.4,00,000

Capital block to current assets                       3 : 2

Fixed assets to turnover                                  1 : 3

Sales cash/credit                                              1 : 2

Stock velocity                                                    2 months

Creditors velocity                                             2 months

Debtors velocity                                               3 months

Share capital                                                      Rs.6,00,000

Debenture / share capital                               1 : 2

Net profit                                                           10% of sales

Gross profit                                                       25% of sales

Reserves                                                             2.5% of sales.


20)  i) Inspite of increasing profits of Infotel & Co., for the last three years, the company is having shortage of cash due to which dividends cannot be paid,  Draft a report to management diagnosing the situation and suggesting the appropriate action to improve the situation.                                             (10 marks)


  1. ii) Briefly explain the different classification of management reports.

(5 marks)

  1. i) From the following particulars calculate cash from operating activities for the year ending 31st March 2012 using the direct method.   (10 marks)


Income Statement
           Sales   20,000
           Stock Adjustment:    
           Closing Stock 8,000  
           Less: Opening Stock 6,000 2,000
           Income from Investments   2,400
Raw material Consumed:    
Opening Stock 4,000  
Add: Purchases 10,000  
Less:  Closing Stock 3,000 11,000
Wages a Salaries   5,000
Other Expenses   4,000
Depreciation   1,000
Profit Before Interest and Tax   3,400
Interest   1,600
Profit Before Tax   1,800
Provision for Tax   200
Profit After Tax   1,600

Balance Sheet

Liabilities 31.3.2012 31.3.2011 Assets 31.3.2012 31.3.2011
Share Capital 8,000 6,000 Fixed Assets(Gross) 16,000 12,000
General Reserve 2,000 1,500 Less: Acc Dep. (3,000) (2,000)
        13,000 10,000
Profit Loss Account 100 200 Investments


2,400 1,600
Loans 12,000 8,000 Investments (Risk-free, Liquid) 600 400
Sundry Creditors 8,700 9,600 Inventories 11,000 10,000
Provision for Tax 200 300 Trade Debtors 4,000 3,000
Proposed Dividend 1,200 900 Cash & Bank Balances 1,000 1,200
Other current liabilities 200 300      
  32,200 26,500   32,200 26,500


  1. ii) Following is the Profit and Loss Account to Electro Matrix Ltd. for the year ended 31st December 2012:
Particulars Rs. Particulars             Rs.
To Opening Stock 1,00,000 By Sales 5,60,000
’’  Purchases 3,50,000 ’’ Closing Stock 1,00,000
’’  Wages      9,000    
To Gross Profit c/d 201000    
  6,60,000   6,60,000
To Administrative expenses 20,000 By Gross Profit  b/d 201000
’’ Selling & Distribution Expenses 89,000 ’’ Interest on Investments

(Outside business)




’’ Non-operating expenses


30,000 ’’ Profit on Sale of Investments  


To net profit 80,000    
  2,19,000   2,19,000


You are required to calculate:

  1. Gross Profit Ratio
  2. Net Profit Ratio
  3. Operating Ratio
  4. Operating Profit Ratio
  5. Administrative Expenses Ratio.                             (5 marks)



Section – D


  1. Compulsory question – Case study                    (15 marks)


  1. The following are the summarized Balance sheet of a company as on

December 31,  2012 and 2013

Liabilities 2012




Assets 2012




Share Capital 2,00,000 2,50,000 Land & Buildings 2,00,000 1,90,000
General Reserve 50,000 60,000 Machinery 1,50,000 1,69,000
Profit & Loss A/c 30,500 30,600 Stock 1,00,000 74,000
Bank Loan (long-term) 70,000 Sundry Debtors 80,000 64,200
Sundry Creditors 1,50,000 1,35,200 Cash 500 .600
Provision for Taxation 30,000 35,000 Bank 8,000
      Good will 5,000
  5,30,500 5,10,800   5,30,500 5,10,800





Additional information:  During the year ended 31st December 2013.

1)    Dividend of Rs.23,000 was paid.

2)    Assets of another company were purchased for consideration of Rs.50,000

payable in shares. The following assets were purchased:

Stock Rs.20,000;   Machinery Rs.25,000

3)    Machinery was further purchased for Rs.8,000

4)    Depreciation written off machinery Rs.12,000

5)     Income-tax provided during the year Rs.33,000

6)    Loss on sale of machinery Rs.200 was written off to general reserve.



  1. You are required to analyse the above information and prepare the Cash Flow Statement.
  2. What was the amount of tax that the company had paid.
  3. Calculate the amount of cash the company had earned or lost solely from operations.
  4. How much money did the company transfer to reserves during the year.
  5. State the activities of the company that have resulted in the biggest inflow and outflow of cash.


St. Joseph’s College of Commerce B.B.M. 2013 VI Sem Income Tax II Question Paper PDF Download

St. Joseph’s college of Commerce (Autonomous)

End semester examination – April 2013


Income Tax – II


Duration: 3Hrs                                                                                 Max.Marks:100

Section – A


  1. Answer ALL the following questions. (10X2=20)

1)  How to treat bad debts recovered but disallowed earlier?

2)  What is depreciation U/S 32 (1) of the act?

3)  Define the term transfers.

4)  Mention any four assets which do not come under the term capital asset.

5)  What is composite rent?

6)  Under what circumstances the speculation losses can be allowed to be set


7)  What is the deduction allowable U/S 80GG.

8)  Expand abbreviations-CCIT&CBDT

9)  Explain the provisions of section 54EC of Income Tax under the head

capital gains.

10) What do you mean by less  Tax NonGovernment securities?


Section – B

  1. II) Answer any FOUR (4X5=20)


11)  Mr. Vijayan had the following incomes during the year 2011-12:


Interest on Bank deposits                                                                                  4, 000

Income from units of a Mutual Fund                                                              5, 000

Interest on Govt. Security                                                                                  8, 000

Winning from lottery                                                                                        10, 000

Winning from horse race                                                                                    5, 000

He claimed the following deductions:

Collection charges of interest on Govt. Security by Bank                                 100

Expenses for buying lottery tickets                                                                  1, 000


Compute income from other sources of Mr. Vijayan for Assessment year



12)  Mr. Prabhath Bhat transfers a plot of land for a consideration of Rs.

40,00,000 on 10.10.2011. This plot of land was purchased by him in 1980-81

for Rs. 3, 50,000 (FMV as on 1.4.81 was Rs. 4, 00,000). Brokerage paid for

sale of plot of land was Rs.10, 000. He purchased a residential house for Rs.

5, 00,000 on 1.11.2011 and deposited Rs. 50, 000 in capital gain account

scheme. Compute Mr. Prabhath Bhat’s taxable capital gain for the AY

2012-13. (CII for 1981-82=100 2011-12=785)


13)  State, giving brief reasons, whether the following items are allowable

while  computing profits and gains of business or profession

(i)    Donation to a political party.

(ii)   Fees paid to the Lawyer for drafting a new Partnership Deed.

(iii)  Sums paid to a labour leader to call off the strike.

(iv)  Salary paid to son, who is working in the office. The salary is reasonable.

(v)   Rent paid to daughter for office block which was gifted to her at the time

of her  marriage.


14)    Explain the rules regarding inter head set of losses.


15)    Write short notes on the following:

  1. a) Recovery of tax.
  2. b) Refund of tax.


1 6)    The gross total income of Mrs. Usha amounted to Rs. 6, 00,000 in the

previous year ending on 31st March, 2012. She has made the following



(i)   To prime minister’s Gujarat Earthquake Relief Fund (100%)   40,000

(ii)  To Africa (public contribution India) fund  (100%)                     10,000

(iii) To approved educational institutions(50%)                                 15,000

(iv) To approved temples                                                                        35,000

(v)  Clothes distributed to poor                                                                5,000

(vi) To Municipal Corporation for promotion of family planning    20,000


Compute the amount of deduction admissible u/s 80G for the

assessment year 2012-13.


  Section – C

III)  Answer any three questions.                                                        (3×15=45)


  1. From the below given profit and loss account and additional information of Mr. David compute his taxable business income for the assessment year 2012-2013.
Particulars Rs. Particulars Rs.
Opening stock 40,000 Sales 5,00,000
Purchase 2,20,000 Closing stock 50,000
Wages 15,000    
Freight 10,000    
Gross profit 2,65,000    
  5,50,000   5,50,000
Establishment expenses 15,000 Gross profit 2,65,000
Salaries 25,000 Dividend on shares(Gross) 6,000
Rent and taxes 12,000 Rent from house property 15,000
Income tax 10,000 Refund of income tax 2,000
Household expenses 14,000 Interest on Govt. Securities 1,000
Reserve for bad debts 5,000 Bad debts recovered 5,000
Advertisement 15,000 Profits on sale of machinery 3,000
Donation 6,000 Miscellaneous income 9,000
Sale tax 20,000    
Provision for Income tax 8,000    
Carriage outwards 11,000    
Drawings 4,000    
General expenses 16,000    
Interest on capital 9,000    
Bad debts 7,000    
Repairs 7,500    
Taxes and insurance 2,500    
Car expenses 11,000    
Audit fees 12,500    
Depreciation 20,500    
Net profit 75,000    
Total 3,06,000 Total 3,06,000

Additional information:

  1. a) Salaries include payment to a relative employee, which is considered to be

unreasonable up to Rs. 6, 000.

  1. b) Purchases include two payments of Rs.30, 000 and Rs. 10, 000 paid in cash to a supplier
  2. c) Opening stock is valued at 10% above the cost
  3. d) Allowable depreciation is Rs. 22, 500
  4. e) 60% of expenses are for business purposes.


18)  Dr. Surendra is a renowned medical practitioner who maintains books of account on cash basis, furnishes his Receipts and Payments Account for the financial year 2011-12:

Income Rs. Expenditure Rs.
Balance b/d 14,000 Rent of Clinic:2010-11 600
Consultation Fees 2010-11 3,000                         2011-12 4,800
                              2011-12 15,000                         2012-13 600
                               2012-13 2,000 Electricity and Water bills 2,000
Visiting Fees 30,000 Professional Books (Annual pub.) 4,000
Loan from Bank for professional purposes 25,000 Collection Charges on Dividend Income 100
Sale of medicines 60,000 Household expenses 7,800
Gift and Presents 5,000 Motor-car purchased 30,000
Remuneration from Articles Published in Professional Journal 6,000 Surgical Equipments 4,800
Dividend 10,000 Income tax 10,000
Interest on Post office Savings Bank A/c in joint names 7,000 Salary of staff 15,000
    Life Ins. Premium 15,000
    Gift to wife 5,000
    Interest on loan 2,000
    Car expenses 15,000
    Purchases of medicines 40,000
    Balance c/d 20,300
Total 1,77,000 Total 1,77,000

Compute his Taxable Professional Income for the assessment year 2012-13, after taking into account the following additional information:

(i)   1/3rd of the use of car relates to his personal use.

(ii)  Depreciation on Motor-car allowable is 15%, on books it is @ 100% and on surgical equipments it is 15%.

(iii) Gifts and presents include Rs. 3,000 from patients in appreciation of his medical service and Rs. 2, 000 received as Birthday Gifts from relatives.

(iv) Closing stock of medicines amounted to Rs.5, 500.


19)  From the following particulars, compute taxable capital gains of Mr. Shankar (resident) for A.Y. 2012-13.

Asset Date of purchase Cost (Rs.) FMV on 1-4-81 Date of sale Sale price Selling expenses
House property 1-12-87 75,000 1-10-11 15,00,000 20,000
Personal Jewellery 1-12-78 12,000 20,000 1-11-11 3,00,000 4,500
Listed debentures 1-12-06 50,000 1-02-12 2,00,000 1,000
Personal car 1-12-02 30,000 1-01-12 12,000
Urban agriculture Land 1-12-75 48,000 45,000 1-03-12 4,50,000 30,000

He purchased a new agriculture land on 31.03.2012 for Rs. 1, 00,000.

( CIIs: 1981-82 =100; 1987-88=150; 2002-03=447; 2006-07=518;2011-12=785)


20)  Compute income from other sources of Dr.Gokak who held the following investments in P.Y. 2011-12.

  1. a) 1, 10,000, 10% central Government Securities.
  2. b) 4, 00,000, 10% commercial securities.
  3. c) 8, 000 (gross) received as interest on public Ltd. Co., securities. (listed)
  4. d) 7, 200 received as interest on Karnataka Govt., securities.
  5. e) 3, 600 received as interest on XYZ Ltd., (listed).
  6. f) 3, 00,000, 13.5% securities of X Co Ltd. (Unlisted).
  7. g) 3, 50,000, 11% securities on a paper mill Co., (listed).
  8. h) Interest on post office savings Bank A/c- Rs. 6, 500.
  9. i) Dividend received from Carona Ltd., (Gross) Rs. 32, 000

For purchasing securities of X Co., Ltd., he took a loan of Rs. 2, 50,000 at 12% p.a. This loan was taken from his friend in. UK. The interest has been paid in UK but, no TDS is made. Bank charged Rs. 2, 000 as collection charges.

During the year he also got a prize in Karnataka State lottery. The net amount received by him was Rs. 2, 80,000. Interest is payment on 1st July and 1st January, every year.


21)  Sh. S.K. Basu is in service in Calcutta (Population above 25 lakhs) drawing a monthly salary of Rs. 15, 000 p.m. He is also provided with a free unfurnished flat, for which employer pays a rent of Rs. 2, 500 p.m. He contributes 10 percent of his salary to recognised provident fund. The interest @8% on his provident fund account for the year ended 31st March 2012 amounted to Rs. 2, 500. He is also the owner of a house which is let out a monthly rent of Rs. 2, 500. His expenses for above here:


(a)  Municipal taxes                                                                       3, 000

(b)  Interest on loan for construction of the house                     6,600

(c)  Repairs                                                                                          500

He has also interest on Govt. securities amounting to Rs. 14,000 ( Gross).

He has also received a share from a firm assessed as firm of Rs. 5, 000 and his share of firm’s tax amounts to Rs. 600. He has paid life insurance premium for a policy on his own life Rs. 700. He paid to P.M. National Relief Fund Rs. 200.


Compute the Total income of Shri S.K.Basu.


Section – D     


  1. IV) Answer the following compulsory question. (1X15=15)


22) Miss Ashitha submits the following details for the PY 2011-2012

Rent received from let out house Rs. 6, 000 per month.

Municipal taxes Rs. 500 p.a.

She is also employed in a private organisation

Where she gets a salary of a Rs. 14,000 per month

Taxable short term capital gain Rs. 15, 000

Taxable long term capital gain Rs. 35,000

She earned a lottery income of Rs. 10,000.

She donated Rs. 5,000 for National Relief Fund.

She paid a LIC premium on her life Rs. 8, 000

She contributed Rs. 10, 000 towards mediclaim insurance policy.


Compute her Total Taxable Income & Tax liability for the A.Y:2012-13





St. Joseph’s College of Commerce B.B.M. 2013 VI Sem Business Law Question Paper PDF Download

St.Joseph’s college of commerce (autonomous)

End semester examination – APRIL 2013



Duration : 3 hours                                                                                                Marks: 100



  1. Answer ALL the following questions.                                                    (10 x 2 = 20)


  1. Explain the Doctrine of Ultra Vires.’
  2. Who is a ‘defendant’?
  3. Distinguish between surrender and revocation of patents.
  4. State two objectives of FEMA.
  5. Define 1) Consumer 2) Deficiency as per the Consumer Protection Act of 1986.
  6. State two differences between conditions and warranties.
  7. What are the rights of a patentee?
  8. A plumber accidentally installs a sprinkler system in the lawn of the wrong house. The owner of the house had learned the previous day that his neighbor was getting new sprinklers. That morning, he sees the plumber installing them in his own lawn. Pleased at the mistake, he says nothing, and then refuses to pay when the plumber hands him the bill. Will the man be held liable for payment?
  1. What is meant by General Lien?
  2. Explain the doctrine of ‘stare decisis”




  1. Answer any four from the following:                                              (4 X 5= 20)


  1. “Impossibility of performance is a rule, not an excuse for non-performance of a contract.” Discuss.
  2. What are the exceptions to the rule of ‘no consideration, no contract’?
  3. What are some of the rights of an unpaid seller?
  4. Distinguish between FERA and FEMA.
  5. Discuss the doctrine of ‘caveat emptor’. State its exceptions.


          SECTION –C


  • Answer any three of the following:                           (3X15=45)


  1. Enumerate the sources of Indian Business Law.
  2. What are the remedies available to an aggrieved party on the breach of a contract?



  1. Discuss the procedure to be adopted by the District Forum on receipt of a complaint.
  2. Define ‘Memorandum of Association’. What does it contain?
  3. Define ‘Invention’. What are not considered to be ‘inventions’ as per the Patents Act, 1970?


          SECTION –D

IV)               Case Study   -Compulsory question.                                                       (5×3=15)


  1. A offered to sell a stereo to B for Rs 15,000 but B was willing to pay Rs 10,000. A refused. B then offered Rs 15,000 which A refused. Was it a valid contract?


  1. B, the purchaser of a car from A is compelled, after several months of purchase, to hand over the car to C, the real owner. What will be your advice to B?


  1. Advise Asiatic Government Security Life Insurance Co Ltd, on whether it can seek an injunction against “The New Asiatic Insurance Co. Ltd” which was subsequently formed, restraining it from having in its name the word “Asiatic” on the ground that it has caused confusion and can deceive the public.






St. Joseph’s College of Commerce B.B.M. 2013 IV Sem Project Management Question Paper PDF Download




Project Management

Duration: 3 Hours                                                                                         Max. Marks: 100


  1. Answer ALL the following questions.                         (10×2 = 20)


  1. Enumerate the characteristics of a project.
  2. What are crash projects?
  3. What are the reasons for growth of Project Management?
  4. What are the differences between Feasibility study and Business plan?
  5. What are the various means of finance available to fund a project?
  6. List the logical sequence of events as per project scheduling.
  7. Define sick industrial company. What are the leading indicators of sickness?
  8. What is the purpose of PMIS?
  9. Mention the differences between Project Management and Functional Management.
  10. What do you understand by cash flow estimate statement?



  1. Answer any FOUR              (4 x 5 = 20)


  1. Explain the Daming Cycle for Project Management.
  2. What do you mean by Social Cost Benefit Analysis? How does it differ from financial analysis of a project?
  3. Explain the role of Government as the regulator in industrial development.
  4. Identifying a new worthwhile project is a complex problem. It involves careful study from many different angles. Hence explain the sources from which new project ideas may emerge.
  5. Explain the concept of Project Risk Analysis.
  6. Define contract. Explain the types of contract.


                                                            SECTION – C


  • Answer any THREE Each carries 15 marks.                       (3 x 15 = 45)


  1. Explain the benefits of Project Management. How can one achieve effective Project Management?
  2. What are the important phases of a project life cycle? Explain each phase with key issues involved in it.
  3. Bring out the importance of pre- feasibility, feasibility studies in ensuring success in the operation phase of the project.


  1. What is Matrix organisation? What are the advantages of this structure in terms of Project Management? Enumerate the disadvantages. Also, under which situation is Matrix structure suitable?
  2. Write in detail about the data required for the calculation of discounted cash flow techniques.





  1. Case study – Compulsory Question.                                       (1 x 15 = 15)


  1. Zoozo, a mechanical engineering graduate from IIT, Chennai was a promising entrepreneur. His father owned a small scale industrial unit for the manufacture of mild-steel pressed components used in the manufacture of electrical panel boards. His father’s engineering unit M/S Zoozo Engineers was mainly catering to the requirements of local fabricators and electrical contractors. Mr. Zoozo, after his studies, took over the management of the unit from his father. After a few years of gaining firsthand experience of the trade, he decided to go in for large scale production, as he found the prospects for the industry good.

He formed a Private limited company by name M/S Senior Zoozo Engineers (P) Ltd, with his family members and close friends as the promoters. The entire investment for the proposed project was decided to be financed by share capital contribution of the directors. Mr. Zoozo’s dream project took off smoothly. He did not face any financial constraints as all the promoters were financially sound. The company gained market recognition due to high quality of its products and within a short span of time the company became an original equipment supplier to major machinery manufacturers.

The production capacity of the plant was ten tonnes per month. The order position was also about ten tonnes per month. Hence the plant capacity was to the requirement. Due to sudden spurt in the demand, the order position improved subsequently and Mr. Zoozo found an immediate need to increase the production capacity of the plant to twenty tonnes per month.

Out of the machinery available, the power press which is a major machine could produce thirty tonnes of pressed components per month. The other engineering fabrication machines like drilling machines, welding machines, punching machines and nibbling machines have been just adequate to handle orders to the tune of about fifteen tonnes per month. The powder coating machine which is used for giving surface finish to the pressed components could handle about ten tonnes per month. Two of the major customers have given orders to the tune of around twenty tonnes per month and are also willing to enter into contract for the regular supply of twenty tonnes of products per month for the next twelve months. There are also indications from other customers that their requirement would be about ten tonnes per month and they affirm that the order position is likely to be on the increasing trend.

In order to cope with the orders of twenty tonnes per month finalised with two customers, Mr.Zoozo went for an expansion of his production facility. He doubled the production capacity of general fabrication facility by doubling the capacity of drilling, welding, punching and nibbling machines. As the investment on powder coating machine was slightly on the higher side, he added only one more powder coating machine, thus increasing its handling capacity to about twenty tonnes per month. By the time he completed the expansion works, orders have started pouring in and orders to the extent of thirty tonnes per month have been booked. Mr. Zoozo was happy that his power press could handle thirty tonnes quite easily. But, the machines downstream have inadequate capacity to handle thirty tonnes per month. The production engineer suggested to Mr. Zoozo to accept all the orders and to divert part of the fabrication and finishing works to outside engineering units if the entire work cannot be carried out in-house. However, Mr. Zoozo was very quality conscious; he was not prepared to accept orders beyond his production capacity.

His preference is to have all the required production facilities in house and he is even prepared to go for one more expansion plan to handle the increased orders.




  1. Was Mr. Zoozo right in his approach that all the required production facilities should be available in house?                                      (7 marks)


  1. Was the Production engineer’s view a right one and will it help the company to tie-over the situation?                                          (8 marks)




St. Joseph’s College of Commerce B.B.M. 2013 IV Sem Financial Markets And Services Question Paper PDF Download


SUPPLEMENTARY Examinations – APRIL 2013

bbm – iv semester

financial markets and services

Duration: 3 Hrs                                                                                             Max. Marks: 100


Section – A


  1. Answer all the questions. Each carries 2 marks. (10×2=20)


  • What is meant by Forfeiting?
  • Mention any 2 reasons for the formation of OTCEI.
  • Who is an angel investor?


  • Choose the best answer:
  1. Under forfeiting the client is able to get credit facility to the extent of:
  2. 100% of the value of the export bill
  3. 80% of the value of the export bill
  4. 75% of the value of the export bill
  5. 90% of the value of the export bill
  6. Under factoring, the factor acts in the capacity of
  7. An agent of his client
  8. A trustee
  9. A holder for value
  10. An administrator


  • Expand :  (a) ONICRA             (b) CRISIL
  • Write any 2 tax implications to the Lessor in a leasing agreement.
  • What is a currency swap?
  • Comment in 4 lines as to how savings is the key element for rendering financial service.
  • Explain any two fees based financial service.
  • What is Private equity?


Section – B


  1. Answer any FOUR questions out of 6. Each carries 5 marks. (4×5=20)


  • How has globalization brought about changes in the financial services industry? Elaborate.
  • What are the factors that are analyzed by the venture capitalists while deciding on investments?
  • How is hire purchase financing different from lease financing?
  • What are the main limitations of credit rating in a country like India?
  • Explain Option as a derivative instrument and what are the different types of options?
  • Explain the modus-operandi of factoring service.



Section – C


  • Answer any THREE questions out of 5. Each carries 15 marks.        (3×15=45)


  • What do you understand by a stock market index? Why are there so many indices? What purposes do they serve?


  • Sriram Polymer Company Ltd. Wants to acquire machinery costing INR 5 million, which has an economic value of 8 years with zero, salvage value. The company is considering two alternatives- taking the machinery on lease or purchasing the asset outright by raising a loan. If the company acquires the asset on lease, it has to pay INR 0.7 million every year as lease rental. The company can borrow INR 5 million at an interest rate of 13% per annum. The loan has to be repaid in 8 equal installments. The company follows straight-line method of depreciation. The corporate tax rate is 35%. Which alternative is better for the company?


  • What are the exit routes available to a venture capitalist? What are the pros and cons of each one?


  • What is factoring and discuss in detail the different forms of Factoring?


  • What are the applications of derivative instruments in risk management? Explain with illustrations.



Section – D


  1. Compulsory Question – Case study. ( 15 marks)


“Standard & Poor’s said on Thursday India’s budget for the 2013/14 fiscal year would have no impact on the country’s sovereign credit ratings, warning there was potential for the government to exceed its budgeted spending. S&P also said there had been “little progress” in structural reforms to reduce the “vulnerability” in the government’s fiscal position. S&P last year cut its outlook on India’s “BBB-minus” sovereign ratings to “negative,” threatening to push the country into sub-investment category.”  (Reuters MUMBAI | Thu Feb 28, 2013 5:36pm IST)

  1. How should India react to the statement made by S&P
  2. Can S&P be the ultimate decider of fate for all the Indian companies?
  3. Does S&P’s rating alter the way India is perceived by foreigners as an investment hub?




St. Joseph’s College of Commerce B.B.M. 2013 IV Sem Cost Accounting Question Paper PDF Download

St. Joseph’s College of Commerce (Autonomous)


End Semester Examination – March/April 2013

B.B.M. – IV Semester


Duration: 3 hours                                                                                      Max. Marks: 100


  1. Answer ALL the following questions.                                   (10×2=20)


  1. What is target costing?
  2. What is a cost centre?
  3. State any 4 items which are excluded from the cost sheet.
  4. What is Bill of Material?
  5. What is EOQ? Give its utility?
  6. What are the methods of time keeping?
  7. What are fringe benefits? Give examples.
  8. Differentiate between normal and abnormal process loss.
  9. What is meant by uncertified work in contract?
  10. What is ‘operating costing? In which industry do you apply?  Give 2 examples.



  1. Answer any FOUR questions. Each carries 5 marks.                           (4×5=20)


  1. Sagar Private Limited has three production departments A, B, C and two service departments D.E.  The expenses incurred for the year ended 31-3-2004 are as follows:
Rent 50000
Repairs to plant 7000
Supervisor’s salary 28000
Insurance on machinery 17500
Power 18000
Lighting 4000
Staff welfare 21000
General Expenses 12000

The following additional information is also supplied.











Area in sq.mts. 140 120 110 90 40
Value of plant (Rs) 40000 36000 32000 20000 12000
No. of workers 30 20 10 5 5
H.P. Machines 30 25 25 10
Light points 8 6 3 2 1
Total wages 20000 16000 10000 10000 4000

Apportion the costs to the various departments on the most equitable basis.



  1. From the following details compute total wages, labour cost per hour and labour cost per unit:
  2. Name: Abdul Carrim
  3. Ticket No: 786
  • Job commenced : Monday, 23rd February, 8 A.M.
  1. Job finished: Saturday, 28th February, 12 noon.
  2. Quantity produced and approved: 400 units.
  3. Wage rate: Rs.2 per hour.
  • Time allowed: 8 units per hour.
  • Bonus: 50% of time saved.
  1. Shift timings: 8 A.M. to 4 P.M.
  2. Overtime worked: Nil.


  1. A company has three production departments and two service departments, and for a period the departmental distribution summary has the following totals:


Production Departments:

P1 —Rs.800;   P2 —700 and P3—Rs.500                                        2,000

Service Departments:

S1 —Rs.234  and S2 —Rs.300                                                              534


The expenses of the service departments are charged out on  percentage basis as follows:

P1        P2        P3        S1         S2

Service Department S1                                 20%     40%     30%     –          10%

Service Department S2                                 40%     20%     20%     20%        –

Prepare a statement showing the apportionment of two service departments expenses to Production Departments by Simultaneous Equation Method.


  1. A company manufactures a standard product. From the following data, prepare a statement of Cost and Profit:

Raw materials consumed —–Rs.45,000

Direct labour                      —–Rs.27,000

Machine hours worked    —–          900.

Machine hour rate  ——-          Rs.15

Administration overhead—20%on works cost.

Selling cost —Rs.1.50 per unit

Units produced  —–Rs.15,000

Units sold   —14,000 at Rs.12 per unit.


  1. Explain in detail the various techniques of costing?


  1. Differentiate between job costing and process costing.



  • Answer any THREE questions. Each carries 15 marks.                             (3×15=45)


  1. Following are the particulars of production of 1,500 machines of ABC Company Ltd. for the year 2009:


Cost of materials                                                      ..          1,20,000

Salaries                                                                      ..             90,000

Wages                                                                                    ..          1,80,000

Factory expenses                                                      ..               75,000

Rent, rates and insurance                                       ..                15,000

Sales expenses                                                          ..               45,000

General expenses                                                     ..                30,000

Sales revenue                                                            ..             6,00,000


The Sales Manger of the company estimates that the sales during 2010 will be 2,000 machines.  Prepare a statement showing the estimated cost for 2,000 machines and the price per machine to earn 20% profit on selling price.


The following changes have been anticipated:

  • Rise in price of raw materials by 20%:
  • Wages will be up by 5%.
  • Factory expenses will rise in proportion to the combined cost of materials and wages.
  • Selling expenses per unit will remain the same.
  • Other expenses will remain unaffected by the rise in output.


  1. A) The following were the receipts and issues of material ‘A’ during April 2012.

Apr.    1          Opening balance 2200 units @Rs.6/unit.

2          Issued 280 units

3          Issued 500 units

7          Issued 420 units

10        Received 800 units @ Rs.5/unit

14        Return of surplus from work order 60 units @ Rs.6.00/unit

18        Issued 700 units

22        Received 960 units @ Rs.5.50/unit

24        Issued  1000 units

27        Received 200 units @ Rs.6/unit

29        Return of surplus from work order 24 units (Issued on 2nd April                                                                                                                               2012)

30        Received 300 units Rs.6.50 / unit.


From the above write up stores Ledger Account on Simple Average Basis.  The stock verification on 30th April revelaed a shortage of 20 units.    (12 marks)


  1. B) Calculate the Economic Order Quantity from the following information. Also state the number of orders to be placed in a year.

Consumption of materials per annum     :           10,000 kgs.

Order placing cost per order                     :           Rs. 50

Cost per kg. of raw materials                     :           Rs.2

Storage costs                                                 :           8% on average inventory

(3 marks)


  1. Shankar has been provided a contract to run a tourist car on 20km. long route for the chief executive of a multinational firm.  He buys a car costing Rs.3,50,000.  The annual cost of insurance & taxes are Rs.4,500 & Rs.1,000 respectively.  He has to pay Rs.500 per month for a garage where he keeps the car when it is not in use.  The annual repair cost is estimated to be Rs.4,000.  The car is estimated to have a life of 10 years at the end of which the scrap value is likely to be Rs.50,000.

He hires a driver who is to be paid Rs.3,000 per month plus 10% of the taking as commission.  Other incidental expenses are estimated at Rs.200 per month.

Petrol & oil will cost Rs.200 per 100kms.  The car will make 4 round trips each day.  Assuming that a profit of 15% on takings is desired, & that the car will be on the road for 25 days on an average per month, what should be charged per round trip?


  1. M/s Bansala Construction Ltd. took a contract for Rs.60,00,000 expected to be completed in three years.  The following particulars relating to the contract are available:








Materials 6,75,000 10,50,000 9,00,000
Wages 6,20,000 9,00,000 7,50,000
Cartage 30,000 90,000 75,000
Other expenses 30,000 75,000 24,000
Cumulative work certified 13,50,000 45,00,000 60,00,000
Cumulative work uncertified 15,000 75,000


Plant costing Rs.3,00,000 was bought at the commencement of the contract.  Depreciation was to be charged at 25% per annum, on the written down value method.  The contractee pays 75% of the value of work certified as and when certified, and makes the final payment on completion of the contract.


You are required to make a contract account and contractee account as they would appear in each of the three years.


  1. A) What is meant by idle time? What are the causes of idle time?  Explain how is it treated and how is it controlled?                                                  (8 marks)


  1. B) Using Taylor’s differential piece rate system, find the earnings of the Amar, Akbar and Ali from the following particulars;

Standard time per piece      :           20 minutes

Normal rate per hour          :           Rs.9.00

In a 8 hour day

Amar produced                    :           23 units

Akbar Produced                   :           24 units

Ali produced                                    :           30 units.

(7 marks)


Section – D

  1. Compulsory question (15 marks)


22)  Product A is obtained after it passes through three distinct processes, I, II and III.  The following information is obtained from the accounts for the month of March 2012.












  Rs. Rs. Rs.
Direct material 15,084 5,200 3,960 5,924
Direct wages 18,000 4,000 6,000 8,000
Production overhead 18,000      


1,000 units at Rs.6 each were introduced into process I.  There was no stock of material or work-in-progress at the beginning or at the end.  The output of each process passes directly to the next process and finally to the finished stock.  Production overhead is recovered at 100% of direct wages.  The following additional data are obtained.


Output  during                     Percentage of                        Value of

Process                          the Month                           Normal Loss to         Scrap per

Units                                    Input                            Unit

I                                       950                                          5%                               4

II                                        840                                         10%                              8

III                                       750                                         15%                             10


Prepare Process Accounts and Abnormal Loss or Gain Accounts.


St. Joseph’s College of Commerce B.B.M. 2013 IV Sem Research Methodology Question Paper PDF Download


End Semester Examinations– April 2013

BBM – IV Semester


Duration : 3 hrs                                                                                         Max. Marks: 100

Section – A

  1. Answer ALL Questions. Each question carries 2 marks.                             (10 x 2 = 20)
  2. How would you define business research?
  3. Write on the uses of “source cards” in research.
  4. Explain the term “sampling frame” with a suitable example.
  5. Explain the meaning of the term “confidence level” with an example.
  6. “Personal interviews are usually carried out in a structured way”. Comment on the meaning of Structured interview.
  7. What is meant by coding?
  8. Discuss the significance of diagrams and graphs in research?
  9. A certain medicine was developed by a pharmaceutical company for controlling blood pressure. The company claims that the new medicine is effective in controlling blood pressure. The calculated value of “t” is 2.075. The table value of t0.05, for v=9,= 2.26. Is the claim of the company valid? Based on the above information what is the decision rule?
  10. The management of a Hyper market wants to verify the impact of a special promotional campaign introduced to improve the sales. Formulate a null hypothesis as well as an alternate hypothesis.
  11. What does the Latin abbreviation “et al.,” denote?

Section – B

  1. Answer any FOUR. Each question carries FIVE marks.                (4 x 5 = 20)
  2. Based on a survey conducted, a business magazine publishes a feature on the “top ten banks in our country”. Do you think of these studies are conducted on the basis of sound principles of research methodology ? What should be the criteria of a good research?
  3. What are the characteristics of a good sample?
  4. “By way of caution , the researcher, before using secondary data, must see that they posses certain characteristics”. Briefly mention the relevant characteristics.
  5. What are the two types of errors that may result from a hypothesis test? Explain the terms significance level and power of the test.
  6. Briefly explain the different types of report.
  7. The following data were collected from two cities as regards the starting stipend paid to new management trainees.

Does  the data give evidence that the stipend paid in city B is significantly more than that in the city A?

Test a significance level of 1%

City Monthly stipend(Mean) Sample

Standard deviation

Sample size
A Rs. 1400 Rs. 80 200
B Rs.1600 Rs. 120 175


Section – C

III. Answer any THREE.  Each question carries FIFTEEN marks.                                (15 x 3 = 45)


  1. What are the different types of business research?
  2. What is meant by sampling design? What are the different types of sampling designs?
  3. Discuss the various primary methods of data collection?
  4. Describe, in brief, the lay out of a research report, covering all relevant points.
  5. The manufacturers of TV sets were trying to find out what variables influenced the purchase of a TV set. Level of income was suggested as possible variable influencing the purchase of TV sets. A sample of 500 households was selected and the information obtained is classified as shown below:
  Have TV Set Do Not Have TV Set
Low Income Group 0 250
Middle Income Group 50 100
High Income Group 80 20


Is there evidence from the above data of a relation ownership of TV sets and level of income.


Section – D

  1. Compulsory Case Study (1 x 15 = 15)


The administrators of “Parents Pride”, one of the city’s largest chain of pre-nursery schools, are concerned with the attitude parents have towards the various aspects of the school and whether they would recommend the school to their friends and colleagues. They have authorized the undertaking of a market research study  to gather this information, and have directed that it covers  the following areas – all the functions with which the  parents and children come into contact (such as admissions, school infrastructure, teachers, teachers’ attitude, meals, fee structure, parent-teacher interaction, hygienic conditions and so on).


  1. Name a sampling design that may be used for the purpose of the study.
  2. Design a questionnaire that can be used for the study
  3. Would your design change if this was a schedule? How?



St. Joseph’s College of Commerce B.B.M. 2013 II Sem Business Law Question Paper PDF Download


End Semester Examinations– April 2013

BBM – IV Semester

Business Law

Duration : 3 hrs                                                                                         Max. Marks: 100

Section- A


  1. I) Answer ALL the following questions of 2 marks each.  (10×2=20)


  1. A intends to make an offer to B and tells it to C about it. C informs B of the offer but A himself does not communicate the offer to B. B accepts the offer and informs A about it. Is there a contract between A and B? Why and justify.
  2. Why was FEMA introduced in place of FERA?
  3. Who is a true and first inventor as per Sec. 4(1) (t) of patent Act?
  4. Distinguish between MOA and AOA and state 2 differences.
  5. Distinguish between express and implied contracts.
  6. John, a minor is supplied with necessaries of life by a grocer. He makes out promissory note in favour of the grocer. Is grocer entitled to claim payment under the promissory note (a) from minor personally (b) against his estate?
  7. What is defined as per Sec. 2(1) (c) of the consumer protection Act?
  8. What do you mean by Quantum Meruit?
  9. What do you mean by future goods?
  10. A young widow was forced to adopt a boy under the threat preventing the body of her husband, who had just died, from being removed for cremation. Is this adoption valid under law?

Section – B


  1. II) Answer any FOUR of the following questions. (4×5=20)


  1. Explain the various sources of the Indian business Law.
  2. Write a short note on FEMA.
  3. “A stranger to a contract cannot sue.” Are there any exceptions to the rule?
  4. The rule in sale of goods is “none can give or transfer what he himself does not possess” are there any exceptions to this rule. Explain.
  5. What do you mean by free consent? And what are the various factors leading to error in consensus?
  6. Who is a Patentee? What are the rights of a Patentee?



III) Answer any THREE of the following questions.                                   (3×15=45)


  1. ABC Private Limited is planning to get their company registered with the ROC of Karnataka. Hence it is important that members prepare the MOA. As one of the member of the company, prepare the MOA with all the clauses briefly explained.
  2. Explain the various implied conditions and warranties in a contract of sale of goods.
  3. Mr. David, who is the first inventor of an industrial design, would like to get his invention patented. What is the procedure for the grant of patent?
  4. Mr. Salman promised to supply fifty floral bouquet to Mr. Saif for the company’s anniversary function by eight in the evening. But Salman could not supply nor informed about the reason for the breach of contract. What remedies are available to an aggrieved party on the breach of contract?
  5. “All agreements are not contracts but all contracts are agreements” Comment on the statement explaining the essential elements of a valid contract.




  1. IV) Compulsory question – Case study. (1×15=15)


  1. Kanta Bhakta, MumbaiV/s A Jeweller in Dadar, Mumbai


On March 18, 2011, Kanta Bhakta purchased a pair of bangles and a single bangle from a jeweller in Dadar. They were declared to be of 22 carat gold purity and accordingly she was charged for gold of 22 carat purity plus an additional amount as making charges. After the purchase, the bangles were kept in her locker. Both during Diwali 2010 and at the marriage of a relative, her daughter used the bangles. By coincidence, the complainant came across the X-ray gold testing facility of Tanishq Jewellers who were offering to check the purity of gold through an X-ray test which was non-destructive. Out of sheer curiosity, she had the bangles tested and to her utter disbelief, found out that they were of less than 17 carat purity and not 22 carat, as had been represented at the time of the sale. Shaken by this discovery, she immediately visited the jeweller from whom she had bought the bangles along with the cash memo. He refused to accept her claim and her efforts to reason with him were in vain.


Questions :


  1. What can Kanta Bhakta do to claim for damages suffered by her?


  1. b) Write a note on the functions of Consumer Disputes Redressal forum.



St. Joseph’s College of Commerce B.B.M. 2013 II Sem Bnaking And Issurance Question Paper PDF Download


B.B.M. – IV SEMESTER                                                           


Time:  3Hrs                                                                                       Max marks: 100

Section – A

  1. Answer ALL the following:                                                                  (10X2=20)
  2. Distinguish between pure and speculative risk?
  3. What is mutilated cheque?
  4. Explain the different types of insurance intermediaries?
  5. What are general utility services?
  6. Define underwriting?
  7. What is principle of causa proxima?
  8. What are scheduled banks?
  9. Explain the monopolistic function of RBI?
  10. What do you mean by deposit management?
  11. X and Mr. Y holds joint current account and Mr. X has taken term loan on the same. If Mr. X defaults in payment of amount will the banker get right of lien in such a case? Justify your answer.


  1. Answer any FOUR from the following:                                               (4X5=20)


  1. Ram who has completed PUC and currently pursuing his degree is in need of money to support himself. As he is looking for a part time job guide him to pursue to be an agent for a life insurance company. Enlighten Mr. Ram about the eligibility criteria and procedures
  2. What do you mean by Riba? Explain the five principles of Islamic banking?
  3. How do you cross a Cheque? Explain the different types of crossing?
  4. Since the growing fluctuation in the economic condition giving rise for “too much of money chasing too few goods “ the monetary authority of the country wants to control the situation by guiding the commercial banks on credit control. Explain each of the qualitative techniques used by RBI?
  5. Case1

Mr. Ranga has taken insurance from Agriculture Insurance Company Limited on his crop    (for which there is tremendous demand and increase in price). Which is yet to be harvested. Due to the improper imbalance in the monsoon condition his sources of water is drying up and he is scared of risk beyond expectation due to damage of crops. So he decides to take up another insurance for the same from Agriculture Insurance Company Limited.


Ms Radha has insured her property, in Lavel road (Bangalore) for Rs 10 Crore from Royal Sundaram General Insurance Company. Due to high risk and inability to cover such risk the Royal Sundaram General Insurance Company has decided to share its risk with Citi Bank Insurance Service.

Based on above 2 cases identify which is double insurance and which one is re-insurance and distinguish between the two.

  1. Explain the process of underwriting an insurance policy?



  • Answer any three of the following:                (3X15=45)


  1. What do you mean by risk management? Explain the process of risk management?
  2. Who is an actuary? Briefly explain his duties and eligibility to become an actuary?
  3. What is insurance? Explain the classification of each insurance policy?
  4. Define bank? Explain the various function of commercial bank?
  5. Explain the changing scenario of banking system in India?



  1. Compulsory question                           (1X15=15)
  2. On Jan 1, 2012, Mr. Vivek an entrepreneur has opened a savings bank account in Vijaya bank and deposited Rs 5, 00,000.
  3. Further he directed the banker to make some payments such as insurance premium, electricity bill and telephone bill, on monthly basis.
  4. On Feb 2rd 2012, he wanted to make some investments. So the banker suggested and provided him with detail of some instruments and services that they offer to a premium customer like him
  5. On March 3rd 2012, Mr. Vivek deposited a sum of 2,00,000 and ask the bank to manage the fund for his specific purpose
  6. Vivek has kept her property document and jewellary in the safety locker with the bank. Due to the negligence of the banker the valuables were stolen. is the banker liable for such a loss

From the above all cases, identify and explain the relation between the banker and customer.


St. Joseph’s College of Commerce B.B.M. 2013 II Sem Principles Of Marketing Question Paper PDF Download


End semester EXAMINATION – APRIL 2013

B.B.M.  – II semester


TIME : 3 HRS                                                                                                    MARKS : 100

Section – A


  1. Answer ALL the following:                                                                        (10×2=20)


  1. Define ‘USP’ in your own terms with relevant examples.
  2. Give two examples of relationship marketing.
  3. Differentiate between industrial and consumer products.
  4. What do you mean by Vertical Marketing Systems?
  5. What is Brand Equity?
  6. Explain what you understand by the term ‘Consumerism’.
  7. What are the purposes of packaging?
  • What is penetration pricing?
  1. What is ‘contextual marketing’?
  2. State two advantages of blogs as a promotion tool.


Section – B


  1. Answer any four from the following:                           (4 X 5= 20)


  1. Explain Psychographic segmentation. What is the basis of this type of segmentation?
  2. Explain the different levels of products using a diagram.
  3. What is meant by product line? What are the major product line decisions?
  4. Discuss the role and importance of channels of distribution.
  5. What is ‘direct marketing’? Explain the importance of direct marketing in the current scenario.
  6. What are the steps involved in the consumer buying process?


Section – c


  • Answer any three of the following:                                                       (3X15=45)


  1. Explain the stages of the product life cycle using a diagram.
  2. Discuss the importance of promotion mix in marketing. Explain its components.
  3. Bring out the role and importance of advertising both from the marketer’s as well as the customer’s point of view.
  4. Design a ‘Marketing Mix’ for the following products: a) Portable MP3 player b) Branded wheat flour (Atta). Justify your answer. (Make Assumptions wherever necessary) T.O…..
  5. Discuss how market segmentation, target marketing and positioning are interrelated. Give examples.


Section – D



IV) Case Study – Compulsory question.                                                                      (1×15=15)


Some of the most dramatic consumer transformations in the recent past have occurred because of innovations in pricing. Consumers love relevant pricing innovation. Marketers who have leveraged consumer insights through new pricing ideas have often rewritten the future brands.


Consider the pricing of mobile telephone calls. As long as the price structure required the receiver to pay for incoming calls, the concerned industry witnessed a slow growth. But as soon as the pricing structure changed, with all costs to be paid by the originator and all incoming calls to be free, subscriber growth zoomed. This pricing innovation perhaps single-handedly liberated the telecom sector in India from its initial sluggishness. Consumers loved the new pricing because it gave them complete control of their telephone expenses.  Introduction of the “per second” pricing has been lapped up by millions of consumers. Again, consumers loved this idea because they perceive it will cause less waste, since they will only be charges for the exact duration that they speak.


We see many other simple but powerful pricing innovations that have sprung up in recent years. Most cinema multiplexes offer different pricing for weekends, mornings, noon shows and evening shows. Only five years ago, movie tickets were always sold at a fixed price for each class, whichever day or show you chose.


On the internet, online financial publications attract readers by offering several general reports and features free of charge.  But, if you wish to read more specialized articles, there is a “pay-per-view” charge. There are many products which can be bought through equated monthly installments (EMI). In many instances, the new pricing idea is a fundamental trigger for many first-time users to buy into the category. In many other cases, it helps new players disrupt an established market (like Docomo, Virgin mobile and MTS). Such innovation also helps established players make their business models more robust. It is noteworthy that on every occasion, a successful pricing innovation led to great business success.


One of the oldest examples of pricing innovations is more than a century old postage stamp. It created a simple and much-loved per-payment system for letters which is now taken for granted, but never existed earlier, and thus revolutionized the postal system worldwide.


  1. Questions
    1. Discuss the impact of varied pricing on consumers.
    2. Explain pricing innovation with examples from consumer durables.


St. Joseph’s College of Commerce B.B.M. 2013 II Sem Management Accounting Question Paper PDF Download



BBM – II SEMESTER (International Students)


TIME: 1 ½  HOURS                                                                                                        Max. Marks: 50


Answer any 5  questions.  Each carries 10 marks.                                                            (5 x 10 = 50)


  1. From the following forecast of income and expenditure, prepare a cash budget for the months March to June 2012.
Particulars Sales (Credit) Rs Purchases (Credit ) Rs Wages Factory Expenses Office Expenses Distribution Expenses (Rs)
Jan 2012 50,000 25,000 4,000 2,000 1,500 1,000
Feb 60,000 26,000 4,000 2,200 1,550 1,100
Mar 75,000 25,000 4,500 2,000 1,600 1,200
Apr 80,000 27,000 4,500 2,100 1,700 1,250
May 1,00,000 27,500 4,750 2,200 1,750 1,200
June 1,05,000 29,000 5,000 2,500 1,800 1,400

Additional information is as follows:

  1. Balance of cash in hand on 1st March 2012 is Rs. 20,000.
  2. The customers are allowed a credit period of 2 months.
  3. The creditors are allowing a credit of 1 month.
  4. A dividend of Rs. 25,000 is payable in June.
  5. Capital expenditure to be incurred :

Machinery purchased 20th April for Rs. 10,000; a Land has been purchased on 1st   March and the payment are to be made in monthly installments of Rs. 5,000 each.

  1. Interest on Investment of Rs. 25,000 is receivable in May.
  2. Wages are paid on 1st week of the next month.
  3. Lag in payment of other expenses is one month.


  1. The expenses for the budgeted production of 10,000 units in a factory are given below:
Particulars Per unit (Rs)
Materials 70
Labour 25
Variable overheads 20
Fixed overheads(Rs.1,00,000) 10
Variable Expenses (Direct) 5
Selling Expenses (10% fixed) 13
Distribution Expenses (20% fixed) 7
Administrative Expenses Rs. 50,000) 5
Total cost 155

Prepare a flexible budget for the production of (i) 8,000 units and (ii) 6,000 units.

  1. (a) From the following data calculate:    (4 marks)


  • Number to units to be sold to earn a profit of Rs. 1,50,000.
  • Sales to earn a profit of RS. 1,50,000.

Selling price per unit Rs. 50.

Variable selling cost per unit Rs. 3.

Variable manufacturing cost per unit Rs. 22.

Fixed factory overhead Rs. 1,75,000.

Fixed selling cost Rs. 25,000.

(b) Assuming that the cost structure and selling prices remain the same in periods I and I

find out                                                                                                           (6 marks)


  • P/V Ratio
  • E. Sales
  • Profit when sales are Rs. 1,00,000
  • Sales required to earn a profit of Rs. 25,000.


Period                         Sales (in Rs)                          Profit (in Rs)

I                       1,20,000                                  9,000

II                      1,40,000                                  14,000


  1. (a) Calculate funds from operations from the following income statement.     (4 marks)


Particulars Rs. Particulars Rs.
To Salaries paid 1,00,000 By Gross profit 5,00,000
To Rent paid 25,000 By Profit on sale of vehicle 3,000
To Provision for depreciation 50,000 By Refund of tax 2,000
To Commission paid 5,000 By Dividend received 10,000
To Provision for tax 1,50,000    
To General reserve 3,000    
To Loss on sale of investment 10,000    
To Cost of issue of shares written off 2,000    
To provision for legal damages 5,000    
To Net Profit 1,65,000    
  5,15,000   5,15,000

From the following information find out the changes in working capital:     (6 marks)


Liabilities 2011 2012 Assets 2011 2012
Share Capital 545 545 Fixed Assets 3,006 2,343
Reserves 2,459 1,660 Investments 62 62
Long –Term Loan 2,796 2,295 Inventories 2,075 1,804
Current Liabilities 1,241 1,533 Debtors 1,157 687
      Cash 512 844
Provisions 434 327 Loans & Advances 663 620
  7,475 6,360   7,475 6,360



  1. Following are the summarized Balance Sheets of Arul Ltd. as on 31st December, 2011 and 2012.
Liabilities 2011 2012 Assets 2011 2012
Share Capital 1,00,000 1,50,000 Land & Building 1,00,000 90,000
General Reserve 50,000 60,000 Plant & Machinery A/c 1,00,000 1,19,000
P& L A/c 30,500 30,000 Stock 50,000 24,000
Bank Loan 70,000 Debtors 75,000 63,200
Sundry Creditors 50,000 37,200 Cash 500 1,000
Provision for taxation 32,000 35,000 Bank 2,000 15,000
      Good will 5,000
  3,32,500 3,12,200   3,32,500 3,12,200


Additional Information.

During the year ended 31st December 2012.


  • Dividend of Rs. 23,000 was paid.
  • Depreciation written off on building Rs. 10,000, Machinery Rs. 14,000.
  • Income tax paid during the year Rs. 28,000.

Prepare a cash flow statement.



  1. Explain in detail
  • The qualities of a good report. (4 marks)
  • The different kinds of management reports. (6 marks)




St. Joseph’s College of Commerce B.B.M. 2013 II Sem Macro Economics Question Paper PDF Download

St. Joseph’s College of Commerce (Autonomous)

End Semester ExamINATION – APRIL 2013

BBM  – II Semester

Macro Economics

Time: 3 Hours                                                                                                 Max Marks: 100


Section – A

  1. Answer all the questions.                        (10X2=20)


  1. What are economic systems?
  2. What is a trade cycle?
  3. What is inflation?
  4. Expand FII.
  5. What is Bank rate?
  6. Define population.
  7. Define national income.
  8. What is exchange rate?
  9. What is liquidity?
  10. What is K-economy?

Section – B

  1. Answer any FOUR                (4X5=20)


  1. What are the features of capitalism?
  2. Explain the depression phase.
  3. What are the objectives of monetary policy?
  4. What are the three major issues of the international monetary system?
  5. Does population growth have any effects? Explain.
  6. How is FDI different from FII?

Section – C

  • Answer any THREE          (3×15=45)
  1. Keeping in mind the Indian economy, how could unemployment be defined? What could be the various types of unemployment?
  2. Explain the qualitative and quantitative tools of the central bank.
  3. How is demand-pull inflation different from cost-push inflation? Explain diagrammatically.
  4. What is a developing economy, and how does K-Economy have an impact on developing economies?
  5. Do business cycles have an effect on countries? If yes, how are the governing bodies controlling business cycles.


Section – D

  1. Compulsory Case Study:        (15 marks)


St. Joseph’s College of Commerce B.B.M. 2014 VI Sem Management Accounting Question Paper PDF Download


End Semester examination – APRIL 2014



Duration: 3 Hrs                                                                                                Max. Marks: 100

Section – A


  1. Answer ALL the questions. Each carries 2 marks.                              ( 10 x 2 = 20)
  2. What is Management Accounting as per American Accounting Association?
  3. State any 4 objectives of Management Accounting.
  4. What is Trend Analysis?
  5. What is Management Reporting?
  6. Give the meaning of Ratio Analysis.
  7. Mention any 4 Balance Sheet Ratios.
  8. State any two uses of fund flow analysis.
  9. What is Cash Flow Statement?
  10. Distinguish between internal and external analysis.
  11. State the significance of Acid Test Ratio.


Section – B


  1. Answer any FOUR Each carries 5 marks.                             ( 4 x 5 = 20)
  2. Explain any five functions of Management Accounting.


  1. “Accounting Reports are a matter of necessity for the management and not a matter of convenience”. Explain critically the above statement.


  1. Briefly explain the following:
  2. Current Ratio b)  Liquid Ratio      c)  Absolute Liquid Ratio.


  1. State with reasons whether the following transactions result in increase/decrease/ no change in working capital.
  2. Bills receivable Rs. 65,000 discounted for Rs. 63,000
  3. Fixed Assets Rs. 5,00 ,000 sold
  4. Short term loans raised Rs. 1,00,000
  5. Issue of shares Rs. 10,00,000 against fixed assets
  6. Good will written off Rs. 5000


  1. From the following details, prepare Land and Buildings A/c and explain the treatment of various items in the preparation of Cash Flow Statement .
  • Balance in Land And Buildings A/c as at 1-4-2012 Rs. 5,60,000 and as at 31-3-2013 Rs. 8,04,000
  • Purchase of Land and Buildings during the year 2012-13 Rs. 3,00,000.
  • There was no sale of any land or buildings during the year.


  1. From the following data, compute trend percentages taking 2008 as base.


Year Sales (Rs.) Closing Stock (Rs.) Profit Before Tax (Rs.)





















Section – C

  • Answer any THREE Each carries 15 marks.                  (3 x 15 = 45)


  1. From the following Balance Sheets of RKS Ltd, prepare comparative balance sheet and comment upon the financial position of the company
Particulars 2012 2013

Land and buildings

Plant and Machinery


Other fixed assets

Cash in hand

Bills receivables

Sundry debtors


Prepaid expenses



























Equity share capital

Reserves and surplus


Long-term loans

Bills payable

Sundry creditors

Other current liabilities



















14,35,000 16,97,000


  1. From the following information, prepare income statement and balance sheet:

Debtors turnover ratio = 2 times

Inventory turnover ratio=1.25

Fixed assets turnover ratio= 0.8

Debts assets ratio= 0.6

Net profit margin = 5%

Gross profit margin = 25%

Return on investments = 2%





Income statement:

Particulars Amount

Less: Cost of goods sold

Gross profit

Less: other expenses


Less: Interest at 5%




Balance sheet


Long term debt

Short term debt


Net fixed assets


Sundry debtors



  1. Balance sheet of Anita ltd as on 31.12.2012 and 31.12.2013 were as follows:
Liabilities 2012 2013 Assets 2012 2013
Share capital

Share premium

8% debentures

General reserves

P & L account

Provision for taxation

Proposed dividend

S. creditors
















Plant &  Machinery

Land & buildings




Cash and bank













  5,00,000 6,50,000   5,00,000 6,50,000

Additional information:

  1. Investments costing Rs. 8,000 was sold for Rs. 15,000. The profit being

credited to P & L A/c.


  1. An interim dividend of Rs. 20,000 was paid during the year.


  1. Accumulated depreciation on

31.12.2012                  31.12.2013

Land & Building      30,000                         40,000

Plant & Machinery   40,000                         60,000


  1. Depreciation charged during the year

Land & Building Rs. 10,000

Plant & Machinery Rs. 20,000


  1. Debentures were redeemed at par



  1. Profit & loss account balance 2012 Rs. 50,000

Add: profit for 2013                                     Rs. 40,000

Rs. 90,000

Less: interim dividend                                            Rs. 20,000

Rs. 70,000

Prepare a Cash flow statement



  1. The following schedule shows the balance sheets in condensed form of Machinery manufacturing ltd. At the end of the year 2012 and 2013.
Assets : 2012 2013
Cash and bank balance

Sundry debtors

Temporary investments

Prepaid expenses


Land & buildings
















5,52,000 5,35,000

Sundry creditors

Outstanding expenses

8% debentures

Depreciation fund

Reserve for contingencies

P & L a/c

Share capital

















5,52,000 5,35,000

The following information concerning the transactions is available:

  1. 10% dividend was paid in cash
  2. New machinery for Rs. 30,000 was purchased but old machinery costing Rs. 12,000 was sold for Rs. 4,000, accumulated depreciation was Rs. 6,000.
  3. Rs. 20,000, 8% debentures were redeemed by purchase from open market at Rs.96 per debentures of Rs. 100.
  4. Rs. 36,000 investments were sold at book value.


You are required to prepare schedule of changes in working capital and fund flow statement.



  1. The profits of Excellent ltd declined year by year. As a management accountant of the company draft a report to the management exploring the reasons for declining profit and suggest the corrective measures.


Section – D


  1. IV) ONE Compulsory question.                                              (1 x 15 = 15)


Michael Ltd. wants to expand its operations. It needs additional funds. However, HDFC Ltd., its banker is not in a position to provide any additional funds to it due to credit squeeze. Rather it wants the company to reduce its bank overdraft substantially preferably by 50% in the next six months. The management appoints you as a Consultant to ascertain what has gone wrong with the company and suggest appropriate measures.

The Balance sheets of the company as on 31.12.2012 and 31.12.2013 are as follows:

(Rs. In Lakhs)

Liabilities 2012 2013 Assets 2012 2013
Share capital


6% Debentures(Unsecured)

8% Mortgage on Freehold Property


Proposed Dividend

Provision for taxation

Secured overdraft ( by  a floating charge on assets)


















Freehold property

Plant & Machinery

Investment on shares

Other investments

















  730.50 817.50   730.50 817.50


The following additional information for the year 2013 is relevant:

  1. Credit Sales            875 lakh
  2. Credit Purchases                          520 lakh
  3. Overheads             83.75 lakh
  4. Depreciation on Plant and Machinery 17.50 lakh
  5. Dividend for 2012 was paid in full
  6. Amount paid towards taxations for the year 2013 21.50 lakh


You are required to prepare a cash flow statement and briefly comment on the financial position of the company and suggest remedial measures to overcome the financial crisis.


St. Joseph’s College of Commerce B.B.M. 2014 VI Sem Income Tax- II Question Paper PDF Download


End Semester examination – APRIL 2014


Income Tax- II

Duration: 3 Hrs                                                                                                Max. Marks: 100  Section – A

  1. Answer ALL the questions. Each carries 2 marks.                                             ( 10 x 2 = 20)
  2. Write the tax treatment for arrears of rent under Income from House Property
  3. To what extent the following are allowable deductions in computing the income of business carried on by Mr. A
  • Entertainment expenditure incurred during the previous year ending 31-3-2013 is Rs. 50000
  • Daily allowance given to Mohan an employee is @ 2000 per day. He was on tour for 5 days and was given Rs 10000 as daily allowance during the previous year 2012-2013.
  • Ten items were presented during the previous year 2012-2013 on advertisements each costing Rs. 2000/-
  • Income tax deposited in advance during the previous year 2012-2013 amounted to Rs. 10000
  1. What is transfer u/s 2 (47)
  2. Find out the indexed cost of following long term capital assets if they are sold during the previous year 2012-2013
SL.NO Asset Year of purchase Cost FMV 1/4/81







Plot inherited in 85-86




Acquired by father in 79-80








CII 84-85 is 125,      1985-86 is 133,     for  91-92 is 199 and 2012-2013 is 852


  1. What are bond washing transactions? Give two examples
  2. Explain any two exemptions available for Long term capital gains.
  3. When an individual is assessable in respect of remuneration of spouse (Sec 64 (1))
  4. Can revised return be filed? Explain
  5. What is a defective or incomplete return
  6. Explain Intra head adjustment and inter head adjustment of losses with exceptions

Section – B

  1. Answer any FOUR Each carries 5 marks.                                          (4 x 5 = 20)
  1. The following are the particulars of assets at the beginning of the year
  WDV as on 1/4/2012 Rate
Building (non residential) 10,00,000 10%
Building (Residential) 5,00,000 5%
Furniture 1,00,000 10%
Plant and Machinery 15,00,000 15%
Motor cars 1,00,000 15%
Trucks used for own business 27,000 15%

Machinery worth Rs. 5, 00,000 was purchased and installed on 14/10/2012.  One machine was sold for Rs. 45,000 during the year.  The Assessee is engaged in the business of manufacturing fertilizers using Indian technical know how

One residential building was destroyed by fire during the year for which insurance company accepted a claim for Rs. 60,000

Calculate the amount of depreciation for the PY 31-3-2013.

  1. What is dividend?  Explain dividend u/s 2(22)
  2. Compute income from other sources from the particulars given below:-
  • Interest on deposits with a company Rs. 10,000
  • University remuneration on working as examiner Rs. 6000
  • Royalty for writing books Rs.60,000

He claims to have spent Rs. 20,000 on writing these books

  • Dividend declared by R Co. 1/3/2013 but paid on 1/5/2013 Rs. 6000
  • Interim dividend paid on 1/5/2012 Rs. 3000
  • Stake money on race horses Rs. 1,50,000

Horses are maintained by him and expenses on maintenance of these horses are Rs. 2, 40,000

  • Family pension Rs. 36,000.


  1. Mr.Varun Rampal whose gross total income is Rs. 70,00,000 (Rs. 20,00,000 as long term capital gain) makes the following donations during the previous year 2012-13


  • PM national relief fund Rs. 1,25,000
  • National Defence fund Rs. 2,50,000
  • Municipal corporation Rs. 1,25,000
  • CMC Ludhiana for promotion of Family planning Rs. 1,70,000
  • Sunil Dutt – a social activist for charity purpose Rs. 50,000
  • National Children Fund Rs. 40,000
  • Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial fund Rs. 2,50,000
  • To temple of public worship for repairs (notified) Rs. 4,00,000

Compute his total income for the AY 2013-2014


  1.  Explain the powers and functions of the Commissioner of Income Tax
  2. MR.Rawat gives you the following particulars from his accounts for the year ended 31/3/2013
  • Net profit as per P&L account (without charging the following items) Rs. 2,75,000
  • Expenditure on family planning Rs. 45,000
  • Lump sum consideration for purchase of technical knowhow developed in government laboratory Rs. 90,000
  • Entertainment expenditure Rs 30,000
  • Expenditure on acquisition of patent right Rs. 84,000
  • Expenditure on advertisement paid in cash Rs. 18,000
  • Provision for excise duty Rs. 45000 (He paid Rs. 20,000 on 27/6/2013 and Rs. 7000 on 10/11/2013.  Due date of filing return Rs. 31/7/2013)
  • Amount paid to Rajasthan University for an approved Research programme in the field of social science not connected with his business Rs. 32,000

Compute his business profit for the year ending 31-3-2013


Section – C

  • Answer any THREE  Each carries 15 marks.                                  (3 x 15 = 45)
  1. Mr. G submits the following information about sale of assets during the previous year 2012-13
Asset Residential house Jewellery Listed debentures
Date of acquisition


Cost of acquisition

Date of sale

Sale price


Residential house

Bonds of REC



Rs. 2,80,000


Rs. 20,00,000

Date of acquisition





Rs. 70,000


Rs. 4,00,000

Amount invested

Rs. 13,00,000

Rs. 1,20,000



Rs. 2,00,000


Rs. 4,00,000

Calculate Taxable Capital Gains for the AY 2013 – 14

  1. From the particulars of income of Sri Madan Mohan, compute his gross total income for the AY 2013-2014.
  • He owns an agricultural land in Bangladesh from which he earned an income of Rs. 6500
  • He owns a plot of land in Dharwad which is let out for Rs. 1200 pm for trading purpose
  • He has a building near agricultural land in a village in India. It is let out for Rs. 900 pm and used for storing agricultural equipments and for supervision of agricultural work
  • He received Rs. 12500 during the year as management consulting fee
  • He has a quarry in Ankola. He has let it on a royalty of 50 paise per ton of stone raised.  During the year 14600 tons of stone was raised.  He spent Rs. 450 to earn royalty
  • He has let machinery and furniture at Rs.3000 pm. He spent Rs. 1000 on the repair of these assets.  Depreciation allowed on these assets Rs. 6000
  • He lives in a rented house paying a rent of Rs. 2000 pm. He has sublet 40% of this house at a rent of Rs. 1500 pm.  He has paid Rs. 1000 as municipal tax on the house and spent Rs. 500 on the repairs of the whole house
  • He has received an amount of Rs. 70,000 as lottery prize on 1/11/2012
  • He borrowed Rs. 30000 on 1/6/2012 from a bank @ 15% p.a interest. He invested the money in the purchase of equity shares of public limited company.  During the year he has not received any dividend from the company.


  1. From the following particulars of income of Shri M Shaw during the year 31-3-3013 ascertain his total income tax for AY 2013-2014
  • As a secretary of a company, he received salary at Rs. 16000 per month and a house rent allowance of Rs. 3000 per month. He is living in a house for which he pays Rs. 4000 p.m
  • He had a house property which was let out at Rs. 2000 p.m for which he had to pay Rs. 500 as ground rent and Rs. 167 as insurance charges. The house was subject to local tax at Rs. 2000 per year
  • He owned a residential house since 1965 which he sold during the year at a profit of Rs. 2500
  • He had some agricultural lands in the village where from he received an income of Rs. 4200
  • During the year he received Rs. 750 as interest from savings account in the bank and Rs. 3550 interest on postal saving bank account
  • He was a gambler and during the year he earned an income of Rs. 5900 from gambling
  • From a mutual fund his dividend income is Rs. 3000
  • He earned Rs. 27500 as interest from government securities
  • He had a half share in an AOP and his share of profit was Rs. 7200
  • He insured his life and paid Rs. 9900 as premium and donated Rs. 20000 for promotion of family planning. AOP has no such member whose individual income exceeds the exemption limit.
  1. Write short notes on:
  • Central board of direct Taxes
  • Commissioner of Income tax
  • Deputy commissioner of Income tax


  1. Mr. Prakash is a small businessman.  He gives you the following details from the books of accounts for the year ending 31-3-2013
  1. Computed net profit (after charging the following )Rs. 55,000
  2. Provisions and reserves debited to profit and loss account
  • Provision for doubtful debts Rs. 30,000
  • Depreciation reserve Rs. 40,000
  • Household expenses Rs. 60,000
  1. Donation to Prime Minister’s National relief fund Rs. 20000, other charitable donations Rs. 40000
  2. Cheques issued for purchases Rs. 20000
  3. OYT deposit Rs. 10,000
  • Advertisement expenses Rs. 5000 spent on a wooden signboard given to a customer, advertisement gifts to fifty customers at a cost of Rs. 100 each
  • Audit fees Rs. 20000
  1. Patents purchased for Rs. 70,000 during the previous year
  2. Market survey expenses Rs. 8000. Feasibility Report expenses Rs.12000 on a new project of Rs. 1000000
  3. Incomes credited to profit and loss account were
  • Bank interest on FD Rs. 5000
  • Interest on Post office Savings Bank a/c Rs.3000
  • Interest on UTI units Rs. 2000
  • Opening stock is valued at cost + 10% basis where as closing stock is valued at cost -10% basis. Opening stock valued was Rs. 132000 and closing stock was valued Rs. 144000.

Compute the net business income for the AY 2013-2014

Section – D


  1. IV) Compulsory question.                                                                 (1 x 15 = 15)


  1. Profit and loss account for the year ending on 31/3/2013
Particulars Rs Particulars Rs.

Commission to employees

Repairs of P & M

Local taxes of house property

Repairs of vehicles

Expenditure on scientific research (not related to own business)

Depreciation of Van @ 15% purchased and used for scientific research in own field

Amount given to Delhi National Laboratory

Patent right

Preliminary expenses 1/10th debited

Bad debts

Provision for sales tax (paid on  1/11/2013)

Donation to hospital for family planning

Employees health insurance premium

Interest on loan

Contribution to RPF

Entertainment expenditure for customers

Advertisements in TV and magazines

Travelling expenses of employees

Expenses on guest house

Loss due to theft from factory

Loss of furniture due to fire

Penalty paid for excise default

Festival expenses

Purchase of technical know how

Wealth tax paid

Depreciation on an item of P & M sold during the year @ 15%

Depreciation on new  item of P & M acquired on 1/7/2012  @ 15% for 9 months

Depreciation on bus purchased on 1/11/2012 for 5 months @ 30%

Another bus purchased on 1/6/2012 depreciation @30% for full year

Net profit





















































Gross profit

Rent of 40% property let out

Bad debts recovered disallowed earlier

Excise duty recovered – allowed earlier

Gift from uncle

Profit on sale of P & M used for scientific research

Post office saving bank

Profit on sale of export license

Sale price of P&M (15% block)















Total 23,07,000   23,07,000


  • Salary includes a lump sum payment of Rs. 1,00,000 paid in cash to an employee
  • Commission of Rs. 70,000 which was due on 31/3/2013 was paid as Rs. 50000 on 15/7/2013 and Rs. 20,000 on 15/11/2013
  • 60% of the house property is used for own business
  • Health insurance premium of employees up to Rs. 20000 was paid in cash
  • Employers contribution to RPF for the month of March 2013 Rs. 2500 due on 15/3/2013 was paid on 31/3/2013
  • Advertisement includes Rs. 14000 on purchase of a neon sign board on 2/10/2012
  • Festival expenses include Rs. 5000 as gifts to his daughter on birth day
  • Rate of depreciation for P&M is 15% and for Buses is 30%
  • Date of filing return 31/7/2013
  • He is also engaged in the business of hiring vehicles

Compute business income for the AY 2013-2014





St. Joseph’s College of Commerce B.B.M. 2014 VI Sem Entrepreneurship Development Program Question Paper PDF Download

St. Joseph’s College of Commerce (Autonomous)

End Semester examination – MARCH / April 2014



Duration: 3 Hours                                                                                         Max. Marks: 100

Section – A

  1. Answer any TEN Each carries 2 marks.                              ( 10 x 2 = 20)
  2. Briefly explain ‘COB’ License.
  3. Differentiate ‘Social Entrepreneur’ with ‘Serial Entrepreneur’, with examples.
  1. Briefly explain ‘Letter of Credit’.
  2. Explain ‘Foreign Direct Investment’.
  3. What is the difference between ‘Angel Investor’ and ‘Venture Capital Investor’?
  1. What do you understand by the term ‘INTRAPRENEURSHIP’?
  1. Explain the term ‘Copyrights’.
  2. Briefly explain the term ‘Industrial Estate’.
  3. Give the meaning of ‘Business Format Franchising’.
  1. Differentiate the terms ‘Entrepreneur’ and ‘Entrepreneurship’.
  1. What is a Private Limited Company?
  1. Why is the Provisional Registration certificate necessary for a SSI?


Section – B

  1. Answer any FOUR Each carries 5 marks.                            ( 4 x 5 = 20)
  2. Mention the reasons for failure of Business Plans.
  3. Elaborate on Debt v/s Equity, in financing start up Businesses.
  4. Write a note on classification of ‘start up Businesses.
  1. What are the taxation benefits extended to SME’s ?
  1. Explain the challenges faced by ‘Women Entrepreneurs’.
  2. Discuss the emerging trends in ‘Social Entrepreneurship’.


Section C

  • Answer any THREE Each carries 15 marks.                  (3 x 15 = 45)
  1. What is a’ Business Plan’? Elaborate about the relevance and application of ‘Business Models’ in preparation of ‘Business plans’?
  2. Explain the different types of Institutional support systems that exist to support Entrepreneurial ventures.
  3. Describe the procedure and formalities for Starting up a Venture in India.
  1. Write a note about Franchising. Explain the Merits and demerits of franchising.
  2. Describe the procedure for entering International Markets.



  1. Case study – compulsory question (15 marks)


24)  Read the passage below and answer the questions mentioned.

Michael E Gerber has written a book titled ‘The E-Myth: Why most businesses don’t Work and What to do about it’.

He clearly delineates the differences among the types of persons involved with contemporary businesses. Stat up Business owners can be playing any one of the following roles as listed below

  • The ‘Entrepreneur’ who invents a business that works without him or her. This person is a visionary who makes a business unique by imbuing it with a special and exciting sense of purpose and direction. The Entrepreneur’s far reaching perspective enables him or her to anticipate changes and needs in the marketplace and to initiate activities to capitalize on them
  • The ‘Manager’ produces results through employees by developing and implementing effective systems and by interacting with employees, enhances their self esteem and ability to produce good results. The Manager can actualize the entrepreneur’s vision through planning, implementation and analysis.


  • The ‘Technician’ performs specific tasks according to systems and standards management developed. The Technician, in the best of businesses, not only gets the work done but also provides input to supervisors for improvement of those systems and standards.


Understanding these definitions is important because Gerber contends that most small businesses don’t work; their owners do. In other words, he believes that today’s small-businesses owner works too hard at a job that he or she has created for himself or herself rather than working to create a business. Thus, most small businesses fail because the owner is more of a ‘technician’ than an ‘entrepreneur’. Working only as a technician, the small business owner realizes too little reward for so much effort, and eventually, according to Gerber the Business fails.

The E-myth is today’s business owners are not true entrepreneurs who create businesses buy merely technicians who now have created a job for themselves. The



solution to this myth lies in the owner’s willingness to begin thinking and acting like a true entrepreneur; to imagine how the business would work without him or her. In other words, the owner must begin working on the business, in addition to working in it. He or she must leverage the company’s capacity through systems development and implementation. The Whole key is a person developing an “Entrepreneurial Perspective”.

Answer the following Questions:

  1. What do you understand by the term “Entrepreneurial Perspective”?


  1. Explain the aspect of ‘working on the business, in addition to working in it’, as mentioned in the passage? Comment with regard to the Concepts of ‘Business Models’ and ‘Business Plans’?


  1. What differences you notice between the mindset of a ‘Manager ‘with that of an ‘Entrepreneur’?



St. Joseph’s College of Commerce B.B.M. 2014 IV Sem Project Management Question Paper PDF Download



BBM – IV Semester


Duration : 3 hrs                                                                                                  Max. Marks: 100

Section – A

  1. Answer ALL the Each carries 2 marks.                                    (10×2=20)
  2. What is Work Break down Structure?
  3. What is an Economic Audit?
  4. Mention four leading indicators of Industrial sickness.
  5. How should a management approach a fog and a movie type of project?
  6. Give examples of incentives that result due to commercial policies.
  7. Mention eight main sources of Project Finance.
  8. What is Normal time and Crash time?
  9. What does a Project Family Tree comprise of?
  10. What are the reasons for growth of Project Management?
  11. What is Social cost and Social Cost Benefit Analysis?

Section – B


  1. II) Answer any FOUR Each carries 5 marks.      (4×5=20)


  1. What is a contract? Explain the types of Project contracts.
  2. Explain the concept of Post project Audit.
  3. What are the essentials of a good Project Information System?
  4. What are the advantages of using Computer based Project Management?
  5. Explain Project Planning and Project Scheduling.
  6.   Popularly known as the knowledge areas of Project Management, explain the nine sub-systems of Project Management.
  7. Explain the kinds of Project Risks.

Section – C


III) Answer any THREE   questions. Each carries 15 marks.                               (3×15=45)


  1. A. Explain in brief the types of Organisational Structure found in Project Management.
  2. Explain the concept of Matrix type of Organisational structure in detail.
  3. The term ‘Project Participants’ includes everyone who has a role to play in the project. Having said this, explain the role of important participants in Project Management.
  4. Project Formulation comprises of four stages. Explain them.
  5. Explain the stages of Project Life Cycle.
  6. What is Project Management? Explain the benefits of Project Management. How can one achieve effective Project Management?

Section – D


  1. IV) Compulsory question – Case study.     (1×15=15)


  1. A manufacturer of blood testing devices was scheduled to undergo an ISO audit of its Quality Management System (QMS). The successful completion of the audit would allow the company to sell its products to the European market. As part of the ISO 13485 certification program, a cross-functional team of regulatory, R&D, and production experts had developed 26 procedural documents that defined the standards and policies of its QMS. But as the audit approached, management realized that there was a gap in the audit preparation. In order to make certification more likely, the team needed a way to clearly communicate the QMS to the auditor. Toward that end, the team recognized the need to illustrate the key process interdependencies, inputs, and outputs for each of the 26 procedures; as such an illustration would visually depict who had to do what and when, to ensure successful performance of the QMS. The in-house team attempted to develop the required document map. However, due to the complexity of the task, especially when trying to coordinate activities across functions, they produced a document map of the document management process that resembled the proverbial “spaghetti bowl.” With less than one month to go before the audit, the company engaged Integrated Project Management Company, Inc. (IPM) to help.


  1. Identify what is this case all about and write down the facts of the case.
  2. What is the issue addressed in this case? Also, identify the reasons that could have lead to this problem.
  3. What solutions would you suggest? Kindly justify your solutions.
  4. Explain the implications from the point of view of every stake holder.



St. Joseph’s College of Commerce B.B.M. 2014 IV Sem Financial Markets And Services Question Paper PDF Download



BBM – IV Semester


Duration: 3 Hours                                                                                       Max. Marks: 100


  1. I) Answer ALL the Each carries 2 marks.                    (10 x 2 = 20)


  1. Well developed financial markets consisting of both deep and liquid markets are essential for a balanced financial system.
  2. Write any four differences between Discounting and Factoring.
  3. Explain four functions of a Stock Exchange.
  4. Merchant Banking, although non-banking financial activity, resembles banking function.
  5. Mention four differences between Futures and Options.
  6. What is NASDAQ?
  7. Write a note on CRISIL.
  8. How does a financial institution help a business to manage its accounts receivables?
  9. Mention four Regulatory Functions of SEBI.
  10. i) After the collapse of Satyam it was taken over by ——————–.
  11. ii) —————- has bought messaging app in a deal worth a total of $19bn (£11.4bn) in cash and shares.


  1. II) Answer any FOUR Each carries 5 marks.                             (4 x 5 = 20)
  2. What are the differences between an Operating Lease and Financial Lease?
  3. Write a brief note on five kinds of Option Contracts.
  4. Mention five advantages and disadvantages of Listing of Shares.
  5. What are Financial Services? Explain its Features.  Give two examples.
  6. What financial service does the following pie-chart represent? Write a note about the same.


  1. Explain the features of Factoring.



III) Answer any THREE questions.  Each carries 15 marks.                      (3 x 15 = 45)

  1. Explain any TEN functions of Merchant Banking.
  2. Write a brief note on the following:
    1. Private Placements
    2. Any three Kinds of Risks associated with Derivatives
  • Tripartite Lease
  1. Moody’s and S&P
  2. Certificate of Deposits and Commercial Papers


  1. Briefly discuss the various stages in Venture Capital Financing.
  2. What are the objectives of Credit Rating? Explain also the procedure for Credit Rating.
  3. Write about any five capital market instruments.



  1. IV) Compulsory question.    (15 marks)
  1. Credit rating started in USA in the late 19th century when early rating agencies began publishing financial analyses on railroad companies. The concept came to India in 1987 with the setting up of CRISIL.  But the turn of the 21st century brought a slew of problems for the credit rating agencies (CRAs) as they failed to detect signals of the collapse of companies like Enron Corp., King Fisher Airlines, and so on. The credit worthiness of the rating agencies and validity of the processes and methodologies adopted for rating began to be questioned and demands for strengthening regulations began to be made. The government began to pressurise SEBI to re-examine the role of credit rating agencies and proposed greater oversight of the rating firms’ anticompetitive practices and conflicts of interest. A few critics also proposed establishing a separate regulatory set-up to monitor the rating agencies. The major question revolved around the extent of regulatory involvement in ensuring the safety and soundness of the rating process. Experts felt that these regulations would change the very nature of the rating industry in the India.


  1. What are the objectives of CreditRating?
  2. Discuss the credibility of credit rating agencies.
  • What can be the solution, in your opinion, to the above mentioned setback?



St. Joseph’s College of Commerce B.B.M. 2014 IV Sem Cost Accounting Question Paper PDF Download





Duration: 3 Hrs                                                                                                 Max. Marks: 100 

Section – A

  1. Answer ALL the Each carries 2 marks.                            (10×2=20)
  • Define the term ‘cost center’.
  • What is single output or unit costing?
  • Distinguish between allocation and apportionment of overhead?
  • State what is meant by ‘Uncertified’ work?
  • What is ‘Retention money’? Why is it retained?
  • What is inter-process profit?
  • Explain what is meant by abnormal process loss? Give examples.
  • Calculate the total earnings and the effective wage rate per hour of a worker under Halsey plan:

Time allowed: 50 hours

Time taken    : 40 hours

Rate per hour: Rs 10


  • A transport company maintains a fleet of Lorries for carrying goods from Bangalore to Mysore, 100 kms off. Each lorry which operates 25 days on an average in a month, starts every day from Bangalore with a load of 4 tons and returns from Mysore with a load of 2 tons


  • (a) Compute the total commercial ton kms.
  • (b) What would be the cost per commercial ton –km when the total monthly charges for a lorry are Rs 27,000?


  • From the following particulars ascertain the labour cost per day of 8 hours:
  1. Basic pay – Rs 200 per month
  2. Leave pay – 5%
  • Employers contribution to provident fund – 10.5% of (a) and (b)
  1. Other amenities – Rs 17.95 per head per month.
  2. Working hours in a month – 200




Section – B


  1. II) Answer any FOUR Each carries 5 marks. (4×5=20)


11) A Company manufactures a special product which requires a component ‘Alpha’.

The following particulars are collected for the year 2013:


  1. Annual demand of Alpha       8,000 units
  2. Cost of placing an order Rs 200 per order
  • Cost per unit of Alpha Rs 400
  1. Carrying cost % p.a 20 %


The company has been offered a quantity discount of 4% on the purchase of Alpha provided the order size is 4,000 components at a time

You are required to :

  1. Compute the EOQ.
  2. Advise whether the quantity discount offered can be accepted.


12) A machine is purchased for cash at Rs. 9,200. Its working life is estimated to be

18,000 hours after which its scrap value is estimated at Rs. 200. It is assumed from

past experience that :

(a) The machine will work for 1,800 hours annually.

(b) The repair charges will be Rs. 1,080 during the whole period of life of the machine.

(c) The power consumption will be 5 units per hour at 6 paisa per unit.

(d) Other annual standing charges are estimated to be:


  1. Rent of department (machine occupies 1/5th of total space)    780
  2. Lighting (12 points in the department – 2 points engaged in the machine) 288
  • Foreman’s salary (1/4th of his time is occupied in the Machine)              6,000
  1. Insurance premium (fire) for machinery                36
  2. Cotton waste          60


Find out the machine hour rate on the basis of above data for allocation of the work expenses to  all the jobs for which the machine is used


13) A manufacturing company runs its boiler on furnace oil obtained from X oil      company and Y oil company whose depots are situated at a distance of 24 kms and 16 kms  from the factory site respectively.


Transportation of furnace oil is made by company’s own tank lorries of 8 ton capacity each. Onward trips are made only with full load and the lorries return empty. The filling time takes an average of 40 minutes for X Oil Company and 30 minutes for Y oil company. The empty time in the factory is only 40 minutes for each. The average speed of the lorries is 24 kms per hour. The varying operating charges average 80 paise per km covered and fixed charges gives an incidence of Rs 7.50 per hour of operation.


Calculate the transportation cost per ton km for each source of furnace oil.


14)  Using Taylor’s differential piece rate system, find the earnings of Amar, Akbar and Ali from the following particulars


Normal rate per hour                                 Rs. 9.00

Standard time per unit                               20 minutes

Output per day is as follows:

Amar              :           23 units

Akbar             :           24 units

Ali                   :           30 units

Working hours per day are 8.

Differentials to be applied : 83% of piece rate below standard

: 125% of piece rate above standard


15)       Two components, A and B, are used as follows:


Normal Usage: 350 units per week each

Minimum Usage: 175 units per week each

Maximum Usage: 525 units per week each

Re-Order Quantity: A- 2100 units

B- 3500 units

Re-Order Period: A- 6 to 8 weeks

B- 3 to 5 weeks


Calculate for each component:

(a) Order level             (b) Minimum Level

(c) Maximum Level     (d) Average Stock level



16)          XYZ Co. employs its workers for a single shift of 8 hours per day for 25 days

In a month. The company has recently fixed the standard output of 40 units per day per worker for a mass production item and introduced an incentive scheme to boost output. Details of wages payable to the worker are as follows :


  • Basic wages : Rs 3 per unit subject to a guaranteed minimum wages of

Rs 80 per day worked

  • Dearness allowance : Rs 40 per day worked

Incentive Bonus:

  • For efficiency upto 80%  : Nil
  • For efficiency above 80% : Rs. 50 for every 1% increase above 80%

The details of performance of 2 workers for a particular month are as follows:

Workers                           No of days worked                          Output (units)

A                                                25                                                        820

B                                                 18                                                        500

Calculate the total earnings of both the workers for the month.

Section – C


III) Answer any THREE   questions. Each carries 15 marks.                               (3×15=45)


17) In respect of a factory the following particulars have been extracted for the year 2013:


Cost of materials                                                            3,00,000

Wages                                                                              2,50,000

Factory overheads                                                         1,50,000

Administration charges                                                1,68,000

Selling charges                                                               1,12,000

Distribution charges                                                        70,000

Profit                                                                                2,10,000


A work order has to be executed in 2014 and the estimated expenses are :

Materials Rs 16,000, Wages Rs 10,000.


Assuming that in 2014, the rate of the factory overheads has gone up by 20%, distribution charges have gone down by 10% and the selling and administration charges have  each gone up by 12 ½  %, at what price should the product be sold so as to earn the same rate of profit on the selling price as in 2013?

Factory overheads are based on wages and all other overheads are based  on factory cost.


18) Prepare the Stores Ledger Account for the month of December from the following transactions relating to the receipts and supplies of the material on the basis of:

(a) Simple Average price                                           (b) Weighted average price



Date                      Quantity                     Rate

2 Dec                     2000 kgs                   Rs. 10 per kg

6 Dec                      300 kgs                    Rs. 12 per kg

10 Dec                    200 kgs                   Rs. 14 per kg

22 Dec                    300 kgs                    Rs. 11 per kg



Date                       Quantity                                                 

9 Dec                      1200 kgs

11 Dec                    1000 kgs

31 Dec                    200 kgs


19) Prestige construction Ltd. With a paid share capital of Rs. 50,00,000 undertook a contract to construct Joseph apartments. The work commenced on the contract on 1st April 2013. The contract price was Rs. 60,00,000. Cash received on account of the contract upto 31st March 2014 was Rs. 18,00,000 (being 90% of the work certified). Work completed but not certified was estimated at Rs. 1,00,000. As on 31st march, 2014 materials at site was estimated at Rs.30,000, machinery at site costing Rs. 2,00,000 was returned to the stores and wages outstanding were Rs.5,000. Plant and machinery at site is to be depreciated at 5%. The following were the ledger balances (Dr.) as per trial balance as on 31st march, 2013.

Land and building 23,00,000
Plant and machinery (60% at site) 25,00,000
Furniture 60,000
Materials 14,00,000


Fuel and power 1,25,000
Site expenses 5,000
Office expenses 12,000
Rates and taxes 15,000
Cash at bank 1,33,000
Wages 2,50,000

Prepare a contract account and the  balance sheet at the end of the year.

20) A product passes through three processes- A ,B  and C .The details of expenses incurred on the three processes during the year 2013 were as under:


A                     B                      C

Units Issued                                                20,000

Rs.                   Rs.                   Rs.

Cost per unit                                                 0.50

Materials consumed                                   6,000               4,000               2,000

Direct Labour                                              8,000               6,000               3,000

Manufacturing expenses                            1,000               1,000               1,500


Actual output of the three processes was: Process A-19,500 units; Process B-18,800 units; Process C-16,000 units. There is no work in progress in any process.

The normal loss of the three processes, calculated on the input of every process was: Process A-2%, Process B-5%, Process C-10%.

The loss of Process A and B  was sold at Rs.5  per 100 units and that of Process C at Rs.20 per 100 units.


  • Process A,B and C accounts
  • Abnormal loss account
  • Normal loss account
  • Abnormal gain account.

Calculations should be made to the nearest rupee.

21) Mr Furqan has been promised a contract to run a tourist car on a  20 km long route for the chief executive of a multinational firm. He buys a car costing Rs. 1,50,000. It has been insured at 3%p.a and the annual tax will amount to Rs. 900. He has to pay Rs 500 per month for a garage where he keeps the car when not in use. The annual repair costs are estimated at Rs 4,000. The car is estimated to have a life of 10 years at the end of which the sale value is likely to be Rs 50,000.

He hires a driver who is to be paid  Rs 300 p.m in addition to 10% of the takings as commission. Other incidential expenses are estimated at Rs 200 p.m.

Petrol and oil will be Rs.100 per 100 kms. The car will make 4 round trips each day. Assuming 15% profit on takings is desired and that the car will be on the road  on an average of 25 days in a month ,what should be the charge per round trip? Show all working clearly.



Section – D


  1. IV) Compulsory question                             (1×15=15)


22) Modern Manufactures Ltd have three Production Departments P1 ,P2, P3 and two Service Departments S1 and S2 details pertaining to which are as under:


  P1 P2 P3 S1 S2
Direct wages (Rs) 3,000 2,000 3,000 1,500 195
Working hours 3,070 4,475 2,419
Value of machines (Rs) 60,000 80,000 1,00,000 5,000 5,000
H.P. of machines 60 30 50 10
Light points 10 15 20 10 5
Floor space (sq.ft) 2,000 2,500 3,000 2,000 500


The following figures extracted from the Accounting records are relevant:


Rent and Rates 5,000
General Lighting 600
Indirect Wages 1,939
Power 1,500
Depreciation on Machines 10,000
Sundries 9,695


The expenses of the Service Departments are allocated as under


Particulars P1 P2 P3 S1 S2
S1 20% 30% 40%       – 10%
S2 40% 20% 30% 10%


Find out the total cost of product X which is processed for manufacture in Departments P1 ,P2, P3 for 4,5 and 3 hours respectively, given that its Direct Material Cost is Rs. 50 and Direct Labour Cost is Rs. 30.



St. Joseph’s College of Commerce B.B.M. 2014 IV Sem Business Law Question Paper PDF Download



BBM – IV Semester


Duration : 3 hrs                                                                                                  Max. Marks: 100

Section – A


  1. I) Answer ALL the following questions of 2 marks each.                         (10×2=20)


  1. Explain the term ‘Obiter dictum’
  2. What is statement in lieu of prospectus?
  3. Define Foreign Exchange as per FEMA Act 1999.
  4. Define consumer dispute as per COPRA 1986.
  5. Who is a True and First inventor as per Patents Act 1970?
  6. What is the meaning of Consensus ad idem?
  7. What is meant by  i) Novation    ii)  Remission ?
  8. What is anticipatory breach of contract?
  9. Define a Government Company as per Indian  Companies Act.
  10.  P says to Q, “I will sell you a camera”. P owns three different types of cameras    

of various prices. Is it a valid offer? Give reason.


Section – B


  1. II) Answer any FOUR Each carries 5 marks.                                     (4×5=20)


  1. Write a note on the contents of the Memorandum of Association.
  2. Distinguish between coercion and undue influence.
  3. What are the objectives of Consumer protection Act 1986?
  4. Distinguish between a sale and agreement to sell.
  5. Examine the salient features of the Foreign Exchange Management Act?
  6. Explain the various sources of Indian Business Law.





Section – C


III) Answer any THREE   questions. Each carries 15 marks.                               (3×15=45)


  1. “A contract shall not be enforced if the court regards it as opposed to public policy” Discuss.
  2. Briefly explain the various steps involved in the formation of a company.
  3. AMUL Milk Federation has developed a process for large scale conversion of milk. How can the patent be obtained? Explain.
  4. Who is an Unpaid Seller? What are the rights of an Unpaid Seller? Explain.
  5. “If a contract is broken, the law will endeavour so far as money can do it, to place the injured party in the same position as if the contract has been performed” Discuss.



  1. IV) Compulsory question – Case study.     (1×15=15)


  1. Mr. Amanullah, bought a IFB Washing machine for Rs. 25,000 in Jan 2013 from

R.S. Enterprises, Bangalore, authorized dealers of the company. The machine

started giving trouble right from the time of its installation, and on  12th Feb

2013, it started to burn leading to a major fire.

Executives and loss assessors sent by the manufacturer inspected the

damage and estimated the total loss at Rs. 90,000.

However, IFB rejected the claim for compensation on the ground that

there was no manufacturing defect. They also contended that the wiring system

in the complainant’s house was defective.

But Mr. Amanullah was using a number of consumer durables such as

water heater and air-conditioner for many years and they were working



Questions :


  1. What can Mr. Amanullah do? Where can he file a complaint?
  2. How can he file a complaint and what reliefs are available to him?
  3. What are the functions of Consumer Protection Councils?



St. Joseph’s College of Commerce B.B.M. 2014 IV Sem Business Research Methodology Question Paper PDF Download



BBM – IV Semester


Duration : 3 Hrs.                                                                                                Max. Marks: 100

Section – A

  1. Answer ALL the questions. Each carries 2 marks.                                       (10 x 2 = 20)
  2. Narrate the reasons to support the argument that research is essential to address the problems faced by companies?
  3. In what order will you make the following entries in the bibliography
  4. “An Examination of the Comparative Reality of Performance Rating ” Walter C. Borman, Journal of Applied Psychology,  Vol.12 No. 7  pp 158-77 Oct. 2013
  5. “India Unbound” , Revised and updated edition, 2002, Gurcharan Das, Penguinbooks.
  6. Explain the term “population parameter’ with proper examples..
  7. What are the main aims of sampling?
  8. State the advantages a researcher gets while depending on primary data.
  9. Explain the term ‘coding’ with suitable examples. What is the purpose behind coding.
  10. Illustrate the meaning of “level of significance” with suitable examples ?
  11. Which of the following statements is a null hypothesis? State your reasons.
  12. The population proportions of Agra and Allahabad differ in wheat consumption.
  13. The population proportions of Agra and Allahabad do not differ in wheat consumption.
  14. What is meant by “glossary of terms” and in which part of the research is it normally found?
  15. What is a “footnote’ and where does it appear in a report?

Section – B

  1. Answer any FOUR questions. Each carries 5 marks.    (4 x 5 = 20)
  2. Suppose you are working as Assistant HR Manager of Asia Pacific Sports goods company.  To improve competitiveness in the market,  the management wants to revamp the entire functioning of the HR division of the company. You are asked to make close association with the agency conducting research.  To ensure research to be of value, what  essential features  of research should you  ensure that the agency is adhering to?
  3. Discuss the characteristics of a good sample design.
  4. Rahul wants to conduct a research on bank fraud happening in commercial banks. What would be the source of information that would assist him in the task? State which source of data will help him in his endeavour. Briefly state the difference between primary and secondary data.
  5. What is meant by editing? What is the purpose behind editing?
  6. State the important principles that are to be followed while preparing a table.
  7. Discuss what is meant by “end notes” and what are the items presented in this section.

Section – C

III. Answer any THREE questions.  Each carries 15 marks.                          (3 x 15 = 45)

  1. A very successful business person who was not fortunate enough to have higher level academic qualifications  is searching for  a business opportunity to export cotton cloths to Dubai. Will you advise this person about the desired sequence of steps  that are to be undertaken for  carrying out  a proper research before signing any technical collaboration with a foreign concern.
  2. Discuss on the various non-probability and probability sampling techniques with suitable examples.
  3. What do you understand by classification of data and what are its objectives? Elucidate different methods of classification of data?
  4. What should be the ideal structure of a research report?
  5. In an anti-bacterial campaign in a certain area, a new chemical drug was administered to 812 persons out of a total population 3248. The number of affected cases reported is shown below
Application of the drug
Affected Not affected Total
Drug 20 792 812
No drug 220 2216   2436
Total 240 3008 3248

Discuss the usefulness of the drug in checking bacterial infection.

Given for v =1, X2 0.05 =3.84,  v =2, X2 0.05 =5.99

Section – D

  1. Compulsory question – Case Study           (1 x 15 = 15)
  2. In the following situations, decide what is the most appropriate method of data collection. State your reasons for recommending a particular method and what all sources are most appropriate.
  3. Mr. Ramesh is conducting a study on the index of Chicago Mercantile Exchange on gold pricing and its impact of gold pricing under the Indian situations.
  4. Ms. Chandana is interested in understanding the problems of marginalized women entrepreneurs due to financial exclusion by nationalized banks.
  5. Ms. Carol and Mr. Pramod, two researchers, are investigating on latest Retail Store Display tactics to attract new customers so as to advise their clients.








End Semester Examination – April 2014

BM 401: BBM (Fourth Semester)


Section – A

  1. 1. Identify and find solutions to problems. 2. To help making decisions. 3. To find alternate strategies.
  2. To develop new concepts.
  3. Books:
  4. Das, Gurcharan (2002) “India Unbound”, Penguinbooks, Revised and updated edition, 2002.


  1. Borman, Walter C. (Oct. 2013) “An Examination of the Comparative Reality of Performance Rating” Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol.12 No. 7 pp 158-77 .
  2. Parameter is a characteristic of the population, eg., mean, standard deviation, proportion etc.,
  3. The basic objective of sampling is to draw inferences about population. Sampling helps to understand the characteristics of the population.
  4. First hand information- reliable information- useful in knowing opinion attitudes of people- starting point of collection of information.
  5. After editing, the responses to individual questions are assigned symbols or numbers, which is referred to as coding. Coding helps to put responses into a limited number of categories or classes. E.g., question about marital status has two answers,.i.e., i) yes and ii) No. Researcher may code 1 to Yes and 2 to No.
  6. The confidence with which null hypothesis is accepted or rejected depends on significance level. It is the probability of rejecting a null hypothesis when it is true. For instance, when LOS is .05, the statistician will be rejecting true null hypothesis 5 times out of every 100.
  7. Ho: ii. The population proportion of Agra and Allahabad do not differ in wheat consumption

Hypothesis is of no difference is Null Hypothesis.

  1. Glossary of terms is usually part of research Report. It contains a word list of specific terms and technical jargons used in the report.
  2. Footnote is part of main report and appears at the bottom of a page or at the end of the main text. This refers to a source that the author has referred to or it may be an explanation of a particular referred to in the text


Section – B

  1. 1. Clearly stated purpose. 2. A systematic and detailed plan of investigation 3. A logical system of data collection. 4. The study should be unbiased, objective and neutral. 5. Maintain high ethical standard.6. the study should be replicable.
  2. Representation of population- variance between variables is small- free from bias- conform with the subject matter- based on past and practical experiences.
  3. Secondary information.
Primary Source Secondary Source
1. latest information Relates to a past period
2. Apt for the study (tailor made) Usually not apt for the study
3. Always not feasible Some times more processed information available
4. Efforts of data collection more Can be taken effortlessly,
5. Expensive Inexpensive


  1. Editing ensures that all relevant data are included and irrelevant are excluded. Errors and omissions are detected and corrected as far as possible. Purpose: Ensure i. Completeness, ii. Consistency, iii. Accuracy, iv. Homogeneity.
  2. i. Table No., ii. Title, iii. Captions and Stubs [Caption =column heading, Stubs= row heading]

iv Head Notes – clarifies contents of the table. E.g., in millions, in hectars etc. v. Body – figures, sub totals . vi. Source: Source of information.

  1. End notes provides all supportive material in the study. Some common details are: i) Appendices (consists of secondary information and primary data). Ii. Bibliography. iii. Footnote. iv. Glossary of terms.

Section C

  1. Formulating research problem-extensive literature survey- Development of working hypothesis- preparing research design- determining sample design- collecting data- execution of project- Analyzing of the data- Hypothesis testing- Generalization and interpretation- preparation of report or thesis.

Non-probability sampling techniques:  convenience samples- judgment samples- Quota samples  – Snow ball sampling.  Probability sampling techniques: Simple random sampling:  [i. Lottery method, ii. Random number table Method  (Mechanical  Randomization),  Stratified random sampling, Systematic  random sampling. Cluster sampling, Multistage sampling.

  1. The process of arranging and data in groups or classes according to resemblances and similarities is called classification of data. Objectives: 1. To simplify complexities, 2. To bring out points of similarity, 3. To facilitate comparison, 4. To bring out relationship, 5. To prepare basis for tabulation.  Methods of classification:  Classification based on: 1. Attributes, 2. Variables, 3.  Geographical, 4. Chronological.
  2. 1. Preliminary section: i. title page, ii. letter of authorization, iii. Table of contents, declaration, iv. Acknowledgements. 2. Background section: i. Introduction and back ground, ii. Review of literature iii. Problem statement, iv. Objectives and scope. 3. Methodology section: i. research design, ii. sampling design, iii.  Data collection, iv. Data analysis tools used. 4. Analysis and interpretation. 5. Findings, Conclusion and Suggestions. 6. Appendices, glossary. 7. Bibliography.

H0: The new drug is not effective in checking bacterial infection.

Ha: The new drug is effective in checking bacterial infection.

Expected frequency

60 752 812
180 2256 2436
240 3008 3248


O E (O-E)2 (O-E)2/E
20 60 1600 26.667
220 180 1600 8.889
792 752 1600 2.128
2216 2256 1600 0.709

Calculate value of X2 =38.393.  Table  value of X2 = 3.84

Calculate value of X2 is greater than the table value . Hypothesis is rejected. The new drug is effective in checking bacterial infection.

22.A.                (Secondary Information).

  1. (Primary data and secondary data).
  2. (Observation, web browsing)




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