Loyola College B.Com Nov 2006 Business Statistics Question Paper PDF Download


AB 04



(Also equivalent to STA 101)



Date & Time : 08-11-2006/1.00-4.00           Dept. No.                                                       Max. : 100 Marks



SECTION-A     (10 x 2 = 20)


Answer All the questions. Each question carries 2 marks.



  1. What are the different levels of measurements?
  2. Create your own example and draw histogram.
  3. Distinguish between symmetric and asymmetric distributions.
  4. When do you prefer median as compared to arithmetic mean?
  5. What do you understand by Kurtosis?
  6. Explain briefly any two properties of Regression coefficients.
  7. Write the normal equations for fitting Quadratic model.
  8. Give the meaning of “Splicing the index numbers”.
  9. Distinguish between slack and surplus variables.
  10. Define a Transportation problem.


SECTION-B    (5 x 8 = 40)

Answer any 5 questions.  Each question carries 8 marks.


  1. Draw ogive curve for the following data and locate D39 and P63.

Also, verify it using the formula.



Electricity consumption per month 0-100     100-500      500-1000    1000-1500        1500-2000



No. of  families 26                     148                  296                    185               70



  1. The wage distribution of employees working in two different IT

industries are given below:



              Particulars IT-1 IT-2
No. of  Employees 800 550
Average Salary per month (in Rs.) 16,500 21,300
Standard Deviation (in Rs.) 1,900 2,600



  1. Calculate the combined mean and combined standard deviation.
  2. b) Which industry is consistent in wage distribution? (4+4)



  1. Calculate the Bowley’s coefficient of skewness for the following



Processing time (in min.) 0- 5        5-10      10-15    15-20    20-25
No. of  Operators  8             24           58         31         14



  1. Calculate the rank correlation coefficient for the following data:


                                Awarded Scores out of 20

Judge-1 8      14           16         19         20       10          5       7     3       14
Judge-2 6      10            18        20         20        14          4       6      4      13


  1. a) What is the purpose of constructing index numbers?
  2. b) Distinguish between weighted and unweighted index numbers.
  3. Calculate the cost of living index using the Family Budget method for the following data:


Particulars Food Rent Fuel &Elect. Education Medical Misc.
Weights 4 4 1 2 2 3
Base year expenses (in Rs.) 2500 3000 600 900 800 1700
Current year (in Rs.) expenses 3000 3250 700 950 700 2200


  1. Product A offers a profit of Rs.25/- per unit and Product B yields a profit of Rs. 40/- per unit. To manufacture the products—leather, wood and glue are required in the amount shown below:




Product Leather(in kg.) Woods                 (in sq.metres) Glue(in litres)
A 0.5 4 0.2
B 0.25 7 0.3

Available resources include 2,200 kg. of leather; 28,000 square metres of wood and 1,400 litres of glue.  Formulate the problem as an LPP.


  1. What do you mean by unbounded solution in LPP? Does

unboundedness implies no solution to the Problem?  Explain in


SECTION-C  (2 x 20 = 40)


Answer any 2 questions.  Each question carries 20 marks.

  1. a) What are the scope and limitations of Statistics? (4+4)
  2. b) Distinguish between sample surveys and Census. Explain the

     merits and demerits of both. (12)


  1. Consider the following data:
  Year (X) 2001     2002         2003       2004     2005
Profit in lakhs (Y)  12.3     16.8          21.5         26.4      30.2


  1. Fit a regression line of Y on X
  2. Estimate profit for 2006
  3. Obtain the standard error of the estimate
  4. Draw the original and trend lines on the graph. (10+2+4+4)



  1.   a) Explain in detail the major components of Time series. (8)
  1. b) Calculate the seasonal indices for the following data using the

ratio to moving average method:



           Quarterly Cement Production ( in lakh tons)
2003 48.3 62.1 36.1 41.2
2004 69.7 79.4 29.4 56.9
2005 84.1 96.3 59.1 62.8




  • a) Solve the following LPP by Simplex method:


Max. Z = 3 X + 2 Y


X + Y ≤  4

X – Y ≤ 2

X,  Y  ≥ 0           (12)

  1. MCS Inc. is a Software company that has three projects with the departments of health, education and housing. Based on the background and experiences of the project leaders, they differ in terms of their performance at various projects.  The performance score matrix is given below:



Project leaders Health Education Housing
P1 20 26 42
P2 24 32 50
P3 32 34 44


Help the management by determining the optimal assignment that

maximize the total performance score.              (8)


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