Date & Time: 21/04/2009 / 9:00 – 12:00 Dept. No. Max. : 100 Marks
- Answer all the questions:
1.What is fund from operation?
2.Explain stock turnover ratio
3.What is margin of safety
4.Distinguish fixed budget from flexible budget
5.Explain return on capital employed
6.Find out the quantity of raw material to be purchased from the following details:
Opening stock of raw material 10,000 kgs.
Material expected to be consumed 20,000 kgs
Closing stock of raw material required 5,000 kgs
7.If inventory turnover ratio is 5 times, G.P ratio 20% and sales Rs. 10,00,000 find out the average stock
8.A plant purchased for Rs. 55.000 ( accumulated depreciation Rs. 23.000) was sold for Rs.44.000. The gain
on sale of plant was credited to P/L account, thus increasing the net profit to Rs. 1.62,000. Calculate fund
from operation.
9.Sales Rs.1,00,000. Profit Rs.10,000. Variable cost 70%.
Find out
- P/V Ratio
- Fixed Cost
10.The budgeted and actual sales of a concern are:
Budgeted sales 10.000 units at Rs.4 per unit
Actual sales 5,000 units at Rs.3.50 per unit
8,000 units at Rs.4.00 per unit
Calculate a). sales price variance b) sales volume variance
SECTION –B (5×8=40)
- Answer any FIVE questions only:
11.Distinguish Management Accounting from Financial Accounting
12.Explain the importance of Marginal costing in managerial decision making
13.What are the different classifications of budget?
14.Statement of financial position of Mr. Arun is given below:
Liabilities 2007 2008 Assets 2007 2008
Rs Rs Rs Rs.
Accounts Payable 29,000 25,000 Cash 40,000 30,000
Capital 7,39,000 6,15,000 Debtor 20,000 17,000
Stock 8,000 13,000
Building 1,00,000 80,000
Other fixed asset 6,00,000 5,00,000
7.68,000 6,40,000 7,68,000 6,40,000
- there were no drawing
- there were no purchases or sale of building or other fixed assets.
Prepare a fund Flow Statement
15.A company shows the following results for two periods:
Year Units Total cost Sales
2003 10,000 Rs.80,000 Rs.1,00,000
2004 12,000 Rs.90,000 Rs.1,20,000
Find out the following:
- P/V Ratio
- BEP both in units and amount
- Fixed Cost
- Margin of safety in the year 2004
- Debtor velocity 3 months
Creditor Velocity 2 months
Stock velocity 8 times
Bills payable Rs.4,000
Bills receivable Rs.10,000
Total sales Rs.2,40,000
The closing stock is Rs.2,000 more than the opening stock. .Gross profit on the above sales is Rs.40,000. There are no cash sales and cash purchases and the accounting year consists of 360 days. Find out
(a) Sundry debtor (b) Sundry creditors (c) Closing stock
17.The standard mix for 100 units of product ‘X’ is
Material A 6 Kg at Rs.15 90
Material B 4 Kg at Rs.10 40
——- ——-
10 Kg Rs 130
——– ———
During January, the actual consumption was as follows
Material A 63 kg at Rs.14 882
Material B 39 kg at Rs.11 429
——- ———-
102 kg Rs.1,311
——– ———–
Actual output was 960 units. Calculate material variances
18.The monthly budgets for manufacturing overhead of a concern for two levels of activities were as follows:
Capacity 60% 100%
Budgeted production (units) 600 1,000
Rs. Rs.
Wages 1,200 2,000
Consumable stores 900 1,500
Maintenance 1,100 1,500
Power and fuel 1,600 2,000
Depreciation 4,000 4,000
Insurance 1,000 1,000
————- ———
9,800 12,000
————- ————
You are required :
- indicate which of the items are Fixed, Variable and Semi-Variable
- prepare a budget for 80% capacity
SECTION-C (2X20=40)
Answer any TWO questions
19.From the following Balance Sheets prepare a Fund Flow Statement
Balance Sheets of A Ltd
Liabilities 2006 2007 Assets 2006 2007
Rs Rs Rs Rs
Share Capital 6,00,000 7,00,000 Fixed Asset 8,00,000 9,50,000
General Reserve 2,00,000 2,50,000 Investments 1,80,000 1,80,000
Profit on sale of Stock 2,00,000 2,70,000
Investment – 10,000 Debtor 2,25,000 2,45,000
P/L A/c 1,00,000 2,00,000 B/R 40,000 65,000
7%Debenture 3,00,000 2,00,000 Prepaid Expense 10,000 12,000
Creditors 1,60,000 2,50,000 Discount on 15,000 10,000
B/P 10,000 12,000 debenture
Proposed dividend 30,000 35,000
Provision for tax 70,000 75,000
—————————————————————————————————————————— 14,70,000 17,32,000 14,70,000 17,32,000
Other information:
- During 2007 , Fixed asset ( Book value Rs.10,000 and depreciation written off Rs.30,000) were sold for Rs.8,000
- During 2007 investment costing Rs.80,000 were sold and new investment were bought for Rs.80,000
- Debenture were redeemed at a premium of 10%
- During 2007 income tax paid was Rs.55,000
- Provision for depreciation 31-12-2006 Rs.2,00,000 and on 31-12-2007 Rs.2,50,000
- S. Ltd wishes to prepare a cash budget from January. Prepare a cash budget for the first 6 months from
the following estimated revenue and expenditure.
Month Total sales Materials Wages Production Selling
Overheads overheads
Rs Rs Rs Rs Rs
Jan. 40,000 40,000 8,000 6,400 1,600
February 44,000 28,000 8,800 6,600 1,800
March 56,000 28,000 9,200 6,800 1,800
April 72,000 44,000 9,200 7,000 2,000
May 60,000 40,000 8,000 6,400 1,800
June 80,000 50,000 10,000 7,200 2,400
Cash balance on 1 st Jan was Rs 20,000.
A new machine is to be installed at Rs 20,000 to be paid by two equal installments in March and April. Sales commission at 5% on total sales to be paid within month following actual sales.
Rs 20,000 being the amount of share 2 nd call may be received in March.
Share premium amounting to Rs 4,000 is also obtainable with the 2 nd call.
Period of credit allowed by suppliers -2 months
Period of credit allowed to customers -1 month
Delay in payment of overheads -1 month
Delay in payment of wages -1/2 month
Assume cash sales as 50% total sales
21.From the following figures and ratios, Draw up the Balance sheet and Trading account and Profit and Loss
Share Capital Rs 1,80,000
Working Capital Rs 63,000
Bank overdraft Rs 10,000
There is no fictitious asset. In current assets there is no assets other than stock, debtor and cash. Closing stock is 20% higher than the opening stock.
Current ratio – 2.5
Proprietary ratio – 0.7
Stock velocity – 4 times
Net profit – 10%(to average capital employed)
Quick ratio – 1.5
Gross profit ratio – 20% to sales
Debtor velocity – 36.5 days