(Also equivalent to CHE 506)
Date & Time : 27-04-2006/9.00-12.00 Dept. No. Max. : 100 Marks
Part – A
Answer all the questions (10 ´ 2 = 20)
- Name any two alloys of copper and give the composition.
- How does KMnO4 on acidic medium act as an oxidizing agent? Give the chemical equation.
- ‘Zinc does not show variable oxidation state’. Explain.
- What is EAN rule? Calculate EAN for K3[Fe(CN)6].
- What is the source of the presence of crystal defects in regular solids?
- Give the structure of EDTA and indicate the coordination sites.
- What are fertile and fissile isotopes? Give examples.
- Half life of Po210 is 140 days. Calculate the number of days after which 1/4g of Po210 will be left undisintegrated from 1g of the isotope?
- What are isotopes and isotones? Give an example for each.
- Account for the fact that the conductivity of the metal decreases if the temperature is increased.
Part – B
Answer any eight questions (8 ´ 5 = 40)
- Explain the zone refining and cyanide processes of refining of metals.
- What is lanthanide contraction? How are individual lanthanides separated by ion-exchange chromatography techniques.
- Predict the geometry of [Co(CN)6]3-(diamagnetic) and [CoF6]3-(paramagnetic) using VB theory.
- What are electron capture process and spallation reaction? Give an example for each.
- Explain the various steps involved in the extraction of Uranium (Give chemical reactions wherever necessary).
- Calculate the CFSE for octahedral, high and low spin d4 and d7
- a) Differentiate hydrogen bomb and atom bomb
b) Complete the nuclear reaction:
12Mg24 (2He4, 0n1 ) ; 17Cl35( 0n1, 1H1)
- Derive the relationship between half-life period,t1/2 and decay constant, K of a radioactive element.
- Explain Geiger-Nuttal rule with suitable example.
- (a) Calculate the density of nucleus of 81Br isotope.
(b) In a period of time 236U was found to have permitted 7 alpha particles and four beta particles. Find the final product. - Explain the conducting behaviour of metals using band theory.
- Define unit cell. Discuss the structure of Nacl unit cell.
Part – C
Answer any four questions (4 ´ 10 = 40)
- Explain the significances of Ellingham diagram in the conversion of metallic oxide to metal in the metallurgical process?
- Discuss (a) hydrate (b) linkage (c) ionization and (d) geometrical isomerism exhibited by coordination compounds with suitable examples.
- Discuss the splitting of d-orbitals of metals in square planar environment of ligands.
- Discuss the factors affecting the stability of a nucleus.
- Explain the working principles of a nuclear reactor and breeder reactor. Describe the working of a nuclear reactor to generate electricity.
- (a) What is the principle of X-ray diffraction techniques? (b) Explain the single crystal diffraction technique.