“Loyola College B.Sc. Chemistry April 2008 Organic Chemistry – II Question Paper PDF Download”



GH 54







Date : 26/04/2008                Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 9:00 – 12:00



                                                     Answer ALL questions.                              (10 ´ 2 = 20)


  1. ‘cyclopropane is more reactive than cyclohexane’. Why?
  2. What are the conformers possible for cyclohexane? Which one is more stable? Why?
  3. How would you distinguish methanol from ethanol by means of chemical tests?
  4. ‘Williamson’s synthesis is useful for the preparation of both simple and mixed ethers’. Justify this statement with suitable examples.
  5. Arrange the following in the increasing order of their acidity. Justify your answer.

Monochloroacetic acid, Dichloroacetic acid, Acetic acid, Formic acid and Trichloro acetic acid.

  1. What happens when maleic acid is treated with bromine? Identify the stereochemistry of the product obtained?
  2. Name the electrophile in nitration of benzene. What are the evidences for its existence?
  3. ‘Aniline does not undergo Friedel-Craft’s reaction’. Why?
  4. How would you prepare the following from benzene diazonium chloride?
    (i) Benzene   and  (ii) Benzoic acid
  5. Give the mechanism of Reimer-Tiemann reaction.



                                                 Answer any EIGHT questions.                      (8 ´ 5 = 40)


  1. Explain Baeyer’s strain theory in the stability of cycloalkanes.
  2. How are alcohols prepared from hydroboration-oxidation method? Explain with mechanism.
  3. An amide(A) having molecular formula C3H7ON on hydrolysis gives an acid C3H6O2(B). (B) on chlorination in the presence of red phosphorus produces a chloroacid(C).The latter on boiling with aqueous NaOH and subsequent acidification forms lactic acid(D).Write the reactions and identify the structure of A, B, C and D.
  4. What happens when benzaldehyde is heated with alcoholic KCN solution? Explain the mechanism.
  5. How would you prepare 4-methylpentanoic and 3-methylbutanoic acid using diethyl malonate?
  6. Explain the mechanism of Hofmann-bromamide reaction. Name the intermediate in this reaction.
  7. ‘Nitration of benzene is irreversible while sulphonation of benzene is a reversible reaction.’ Explain.
  8. What are sulpha drugs? Explain the mechanism of action of  sulpha durgs.
  9. What happens when 3-bromo-2, 3-dimethyl pentane is treated with alcoholic KOH? Identify the different products obtained and explain with mechanism.
  10. Explain the mechanism of Baeyer-Villiger rearrangement.
  11. Explain the synthetic utility of acetoacetic ester with examples.
  12. Explain aromaticity, antiaromaticity and nonaromaticity with suitable examples.



                                                 Answer any FOUR questions.                       (4 ´ 10 = 40)


  1. a) Explain the mechanism of reduction of CH3COOC2H5 by LiAlH4.
  2. b) Compare the stereochemistry of products obtained in Sn1 and Sn2 reactions.
  3. a) How are grignard reagents used in the preparation of primary, secondary and     tertiary alcohols? Explain with suitable examples.
  4. b) Explain the mechanism of preparation of ethers by oxymercuration-    demercuration method.
  5. a) How are the following compounds prepared?
    (i) acrylic acid             (ii) cinnamic acid      (iii) maleic acid
  6. b) Explain the action of heat on a-, b- and g-hydroxy acids and identify the     products obtained.
  7. a) Explain the mechanism of sulphonation of benzene
  8. b) ‘Halogens are deactivating groups but o-, p- directing’.
  9. a) How will you synthesise the following compounds from benzaldehyde?

(i) Mandelic acid         (ii) m-Benzaldehydesulphonic acid

  1. b) Write a note on: (a) Cannizaro reaction (b) Perkin reaction
  2. a) Explain Claisen and abnormal Claisen rearrangements with mechanism.
  3. b) How would you convert m-nitrophenol from nitrobenzene? Explain all the steps involved in this process.



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