Loyola College B.Sc. Zoology Nov 2006 Reproductive Physiology Question Paper PDF Download

                        LOYOLA COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS), CHENNAI – 600 034


AF 07



(Also equivalent to ZOO 400)



Date & Time : 03-11-2006/9.00-12.00   Dept. No.                                                       Max. : 100 Marks




(Answer all )                                                                                  10 x 2 = 20

  1. Define ovulation
  2. Differentiate mesovarium and hilus
  3. Comment on vasectomy and tubectomy
  4. Comment on the antagonistic effect of female reproductive system
  5. List down the implications of population explosion
  6. Comment on spermicidal agents
  7. What is monarchism?
  8. List down the secondary sexual characters of human male and female
  9. Differentiate internal and external fertilization with examples
  10. What is vulva and IUCD?


(Answer any four)                                                                       4 x 10 = 40

  1. Discuss the role of hormones in pregnancy and parturition
  2. Explain the details of spermatozoa and Graffian follicle
  3. Discuss the extensive role of male sex hormones in detail
  4. Explain oesterous and menstrual cycles
  5. Write an essay on infertility in human males
  6. Write an essay on female sexual act


(Answer any two)                                                                        2 x 20 = 40

  1. Write notes on the following
  1. Male genital system
  2. Capacitation of sperms
  3. Male sex act
  4. Descent of testis
  1. Write an essay on contraception and termination of unwanted pregnancy
  2. Write notes on the following
  1. Artificial insemination
  2. Test tube baby
  3. Twins
  1. Form an essay on any five types of congenital anomalies


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Loyola College B.Sc. Zoology Nov 2006 Immunology Question Paper PDF Download


AF 08



(Also equivalent to ZOO 401)



Date & Time : 06-11-2006/9.00-12.00         Dept. No.                                                       Max. : 100 Marks



PART – A                                          2 x 10 = 20  Marks

I           Answer ALL the questions.

  1. What is meant by immune response?
  2. Differentiate between passive and active immunity?
  3. Explain manifestation of measles.
  4. Differentiate between allograft and xenograft.
  5. What is HAT medium?
  6. Comment on lymph nodes.
  7. What are natural killer cells?
  8. What are interferons?
  9. What are the manifestations of tetanus?.
  10. Expand BCG and its significance.


PART – B                                    4 x 10 = 40 Marks

II         Answer any FOUR of the following

  1. What are the antigens of micro organisms?
  2. Explain the different lymphatic organs of man.
  3. Write a note on haemopoiesis

14   Comment on immunity against fungal infection.

15   Write a note on monoclonal antibodies.

16   What are vaccines and their schedule intervals?


PART – C                                    2 x 20 = 40 Marks

III        Answer any TWO of the following


  1. Write an essay on protozoan infections and immunity in man.
  2. Write an essay on grafts and graft rejection.
  3. Describe different types of immunoglobulins.
  4. Write an essay on AIDS and its present status in India.


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Loyola College B.Sc. Zoology Nov 2006 Genetics Question Paper PDF Download

                           LOYOLA COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS), CHENNAI – 600 034          B.Sc. DEGREE EXAMINATION – ZOOLOGY

AF 10


         ZO 5501 – GENETICS

(Also equivalent to ZOO 510)



Date & Time : 27-10-2006/9.00-12.00   Dept. No.                                                       Max. : 100 Marks




Answer ALL.                                                                                                                   (10×2=20 marks)


  1. What is non-disjunction?
  2. Define the following.
  3. Muton b. Allele
  4. What is a Syndrome?
  5. Find the result of the following crosses.
  6. AB x AB b. OO x AA
  7. Find out the gene frequency of A and a. Where the genotype frequency of ‘a’ is 0.25.
  8. What is antigen antibody reaction?
  9. What are transduction and transformation?
  10. When a carrier woman is married to a colorblind man whose mother is normal, what is the

possibility of colorblindedness in their progeny.

  1. What is law of segregation?
  2. Distinguish co-dominance and incomplete dominance.


Answer any FOUR.                                                                                               (5×8=40 marks)


  1. Explain in detail the chromosomal aberrations.
  2. Explain with suitable example y-linked inheritance.
  3. With suitable example explain crossing over.
  4. Write a paragraph on mendel’s dihybrid cross.
  5. Explain the factors affecting Hardy Weinberg’s law.
  6. Write a paragraph on the principles of bio-informatics.



Answer any TWO.                                                                                               (2×20=40 marks)


  1. a. What is maternal inheritance?
  2. Write an essay on cytoplasmic inheritance.
  3. a. What is a phage?
  4. Write an experiment to prove DNA as the genetic material through phage infection.
  5. a. Define multiple alleles.
  6. With suitable examples explain multiple allelism.
  7. Write an essay on the human genome project.



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Loyola College B.Sc. Zoology Nov 2006 Economic Entomology Question Paper PDF Download

                        LOYOLA COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS), CHENNAI – 600 034


AF 12



(Also equivalent to ZOO 512)



Date & Time : 01-11-2006/9.00-12.00   Dept. No.                                                       Max. : 100 Marks






Answer All the questions. Each question carries TWO marks.         (10 x 2 = 20 Marks)


  1. Comment on repellents.
  2. What are plant protection appliances?
  3. What is shaft louse?
  4. What are pheromone traps?
  5. What is stone weevil?
  6. What is bee forage?
  7. What is IPM?
  8. Expand: FAO & ICAR.
  9. Enumerate any two causes for insects assuming pest status.
  1. Name any four household insect pests.




Answer any FOUR questions. Each question carries TEN marks.   (4 x 10 = 40 Marks)


  1. Describe the life cycle of locust and its control.
  1. Write notes on the classification of insecticides.
  2. List down the twenty nine orders of the class Insecta.
  3. Give an account on Apiculture.
  4. Give an account on mosquitoes in relation to public health.
  5. Give an account on rhinoceros beetle and its control.




Answer any TWO questions. Each question carries TWENTY marks.

  (2 x 20 = 40 Marks)

  1. Explain the procedure involved in the dry mount of insects.
  2. Describe biological control of insect pests.
  3. Give an account on Sericulture.
  1. (a) Describe any three insect pests of Rice and their control.

(b) Insect pests of stored products and their control.



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Loyola College B.Sc. Zoology Nov 2006 Cell Biology Question Paper PDF Download


AF 09


         ZO 5500 – CELL BIOLOGY

(Also equivalent to ZOO 509)



Date & Time : 25-10-2006/9.00-12.00         Dept. No.                                                       Max. : 100 Marks






I.Answer in a few sentences    ( 10 x 2=20 marks)


  1. Define numerical aperture and resolving power.

2.What is autoradiography ?

  1. Compare Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic ribosomes
  2. Mention an initiation codon and terminate codon.
  3. What is vital staining ? Cite two examples.
  4. Illustrate the ultra structure of cilium or flagellum .

7.Sketch any one model of nucleopore complex.

  1. What are histones ? Mention their significance.
  2. Draw a cell cycle and mention the role of each phase.
  3. Expand: MTOC and ETS.




II Briefly Answer any FOUR of the following   (4 x 10 =40 Marks)  


  1. Explain the principle and application of electrophoresis.
  2. Highlight the significance of oil immersion and phase contrast microscope.
  3. Outline the significance of Mosaic Membrane model.
  4. Illustrate the intra cellular digestion and polymorphic forms of lysosome.
  5. Explain the process of DNA replication.

16.Enumerate the characteristics of cancer cells.




III. Write any TWO  Detailed  answer  (2 x 20  = 40 Marks)


17.Expalin the principle and protocol of  cell fractionation and  ultra centrifugation.

  1. How are mRNA codons are translated into amino acids or proteins during


  1. Give an account on Chromosomes and Giant Chromosomes.
  2. Highlight the mechanism of mitotic cell division.



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Loyola College B.Sc. Zoology Nov 2006 Biotechnology Question Paper PDF Download


AF 11



(Also equivalent to ZOO 514)



Date & Time : 30-10-2006/9.00-12.00         Dept. No.                                                       Max. : 100 Marks





(Answer all )                                                                                   10 x 2 = 20

  1. Comment on bacterial vaccines
  2. What are monoclonal antibodies?
  3. Write a note on plasmids
  4. What is micropropagation?
  5. Name any two Indian and foreign Biotech Companies
  6. What are called Transformed Cell Lines?
  7. Comment on Idiolites
  8. What is biodegradation?
  9. Comment on Hybridoma Technology
  10. Name any four primary metabolites


(Answer any four)                                                                                     4 x 10 = 40

  1. Describe the role of microbes in Biotech Industry
  2. Explain the different gene cloning strategies
  3. Bring out the importance of monoclonal antibodies
  4. Explain the role of blood and blood products in cell culture
  5. How do you construct a hybridoma cell line?
  6. Bring out the socio ethical problems of Biotechnology


(Answer any two)                                                                          2 x 20 = 40

  1. Form an essay on the role of Biotechnology in Agriculture
  2. Discuss what is Patent Law and Intellectual Property Rights
  3. Form an essay on the Technological uses of animal tissue culture
  4. Discuss the importance of bioreactors in Biotech industry



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B.Sc. Zoology Gamete and Developments Biology Sample Paper 1 (English)

Gamete and Developments Biology

Max Marks: 15

Note : The internal Assignment has been divided into three section A, B, and C, write answer as per the given instruction.

Section – A (Very Short Answer Type Questions)

Note: Answer all questions. As per the nature of the question delimit answer in one word, one sentence or maximum up to 30 words. Each question carries ½ marks. 6×1/2=3

  1. Write any two names of sciantist as “Ovist”?
  2. Who proposed the “Theory of Recapitulation” ?
  3. Who scientist was awarded Nobel Prize in 1935 for Organiser Theory or “Inducer”?
  4. Write any two examples of Incomplete Parthenogenesis ?
  5. Give an example of Maridional plane cleavage ?
  6. What type of plane is present in third cleavage of frog?

Section – B

Note: Answer any 4 questions. Each answer should not exceed 100 words. Each question carries 1.5 marks. 4×1.5=6

  1. What is Bayer’s law ?
  2. Draw well labeled diagram of Sperm ?
  3. What is significance of Parthenogenesis ?
  4. What are functions of Placenta?
  5. Draw well labelled diagram of 33 hrs. Incubation period of Chick embryo.

Section – C

Note: Answer any two questions. You have to delimit each answer maximum up to 400 words. Each question carries 3 marks. 2×3=6

  1. Write an Essay on “Oogenesis?
  2. Explain Morphogentic Movements ?
  3. Explain Embrgonic Induction ?
  4. Write a note on Regeneration ?

B.Sc. Zoology Cell Biology and Genetics Sample Paper 1 (English)

Cell Biology and Genetics

Max Marks: 15

Note : The internal Assignment has been divided into three section A, B, and C, write answer as per the given instruction.

Section – A (Very Short Answer Type Questions)

Note: Answer all questions. As per the nature of the question delimit answer in one word, one sentence or maximum up to 30 words. Each question carries ½ marks.  6×1/2=3

  1. Who discovered Nucleic Acids?
  2. Write two examples of triplet codons?
  3. Write three phases of cell cycle?
  4. What name is given to the units of Golgi Bodies in plants?
  5. What are Spherosomes ?
  6. What are components of Nucleic Acids?

Section – B

Note: Answer any 4 questions. Each answer should not exceed 100 words. Each question carries 1.5 marks. 4×1.5=6

  1. Write fundamental points of cell theory?
  2. Differentiate between smooth and Rough Endoplassmic Reticulum?
  3. What is significance of Mitosis ?
  4. What are the functions of chromosomes?
  5. What is cell membrane transport?

Section – C

Note: Answer any two questions. You have to delimit each answer maximum up to 400 words. Each question carries 3 marks. 2×3=6

  1. Write an Essay on structure of DNA and also explain DNA replication ?
  2. Write an Essay on functeons of Mitochondria and generation of ATP in Mitochondria ?
  3. Write a note on Ribosomes ?
  4. Explain Chromosomal Organization ?

B.Sc. Zoology Animal Diversity and Evolution Sample Paper 1 (English)

Animal Diversity and Evolution

Max Marks: 15

Note : The internal Assignment has been divided into three section A, B, and C, write answer as per the given instruction.

Section – A (Very Short Answer Type Questions)

Note: Answer all questions. As per the nature of the question delimit answer in one word, one sentence or maximum up to 30 words. Each question carries ½ marks.

  1. India exist in which Zoogeographical region ?
  2. Which one is the National Animal of India ?
  3. Give the examples of any two Endoparasites?
  4. Write the name of two animals got extinct from India?
  5. What was the name of one land mass before continental drift ?
  6. Who proposed Five Kingdom scheme of the classification?

Section – B

Note: Answer any 4 questions. Each answer should not exceed 100 words. Each question carries 1.5 marks. 4×1.5=6

  1. Differentiate between Protostomia and Deutrostomia ?
  2. Write general character of phylum Hemichahordia ?
  3. Write Habit Habitat and External features of Camel?
  4. What is Isolation ?
  5. What is role of Symmetry in Classification?

Section – C

Note: Answer any two questions. You have to delimit each answer maximum up to 400 words. Each question carries 3 marks. 2×3=6

  1. Write an assay on Adaptation?
  2. Write a note on five kingdom scheme of classification?
  3. Explain Darwinism ?
  4. Explain general features and classification of Arthropods?
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