St. Joseph’s College of Commerce BBM 2013 III Sem Production And Operation Management Question Paper PDF Download

TIME: 3 HOURS Max. Marks: 100
I) Answer ALL the following questions. (10 x 2 = 20 )
1. Workers at Ford Motor Company complained of monotony and boredom in the
production function leading to the introduction of Robots. Write the functions of
Robots in production dept.
2. Mention the elements of production planning and control.
3. What are templates used for and how?
4. Draw the two major types of stores layout.
5. Mention any four objectives of Production Management.
6. When can value analysis be applied in the production function?
7. Mention any two principles of plant layout.
8. Mr. Santosh has a construction business and he is losing lots of money in the Surplus.
How can he dispose this surplus and save money in the business.
9. Give two examples of companies in Job production.
10. Which two concepts are concerned with examination of everything pertaining to the
performance of job and increasing the efficiency of human movements only?
II) Answer any FOUR out of six questions. ( 4 x 5 = 20)
11. What are the different types of production methods available to Mr. Joel who is the
production manager of his unit? Does nature of the product is to do with the
selection of production method?
12. What do you mean by waste and scrap? What steps could be taken to reduce the
waste in the production department.
13. Explain the popular methods of vendor rating?
14. Diagrammatically present both the techniques of work study.
15. Explain the vital managerial decision on location according to Bethel, Atwater and
Smith in their new theory of industrial location.
16. Toyota Motor Co., Ltd. won the Deming Application Prize in 1965 and the Japan
Quality Control Award in 1970, following the introduction of Total Quality
Management (TQM) based on the unchanging principles of ‘customer first’. What is
TQM and also explain its elements?
III) Answer any THREE out of five questions. (3 x 15 = 45)
17. What do you mean by Automation? Explain the various forms of automation and
also write the merits of automation.
18. What are the various techniques of plant layout which could be explained to Mr.
Rohan for his Sun Private Limited for planning for his layout and also mention the
layout planning with the help of computers.
19. Explain the various tools and techniques used for material control.
20. What do you mean by production and operations management? And explain the
relationship between production function with other functions.
21. Briefly explain the various purchasing policies used by the production department
for their purchases.
IV) Compulsory Case study (1 x 15 = 15)
Indian Institute of Materials Management (IIMM) is a forum for purchase and materials
related employees and they have frequent meetings, seminars and annual conventions
to share knowledge. In one of their annual conventions the topic was implementation of
JIT for competitive advantages. Leading personalities of the Indian industries talked
lots of positive points and benefits due to the JIT purchase and JIT manufacturing
methods. Many presented calculations and statistics of savings in costs and time and
how it helps in reduce the price of the end products and hence competitive advantage.
Most of the audiences were impressed about the theory and thought of practical
application in their respective companies. However, few of the executive participants
were more worried about practice and less interested in idealistic theories. One Mr.
JItendra Joshi of LML’s Bangalore office was impressed. He has been arranging Engine
Block castings, tyre tube sets, machined components, speedometers etc from southern
region to LML, Kanpur Unit. He has 15 years’ of experience in facing lots of problems in
arranging the long distance supplies. He mustered courage to get up and ask few
questions against the JIT and summary of question to Mr. Sudhakar (the speaker) were
as follows: Mr. Joshi said JIT cannot be fully implement able in Indian conditions due to
following genuine constraints.
(a) The inter-state disputes like ‘Kaveri Dispute’, “Border disputes’ at times disturb the
(b) On and off terrorism, political agitations, holidays due to local, regional and national
leaders’ deaths also disturb work environment.
(c) Spread of vendors all over India and vastness of coverage do not enable to know
correct position of WIP of vendors.
(d)Transport bottlenecks, heavy rains, floods (coastal areas), workers’ strikes cause
anxiety and worry.
(e)Partnership problems, financial and quality constraints are not easily attended or
These questions were like a mini speech on anti JIT and the atmosphere in the
auditorium got charged up Mr. Sudhakar, the speaker, gave half hearted replies to
questions for which Mr. Joshi and his friends were not satisfied. Finally Mr. Sudhakar
said:“The system which operate successfully in Japan may not work equally well in
other countries.” Only when Mr. Joshi took his seat as he felt he has made his clear on
practical problems than merely going through the theory. Suddenly he seems to have
won the admiration of the gathering. Prof. Rao who was chairman of the technical
session gave his concluding remarks. He appreciated the ideology of JIT but advised
executives to take it up step by step and ensure pragmatic views and do not over
depend on JIT to fail. This he told as Indian Industrial Environment is yet to mature to
take care of JIT systems in totality.
Answer the following questions:
a) Highlight the importance of Just in Time in India.
b) Do you agree with Mr. Joshi’s views on constraints to JIT?
c) Write how you feel the JIT systems can be adopted in India.

St. Joseph’s College of Commerce BBM 2013 III Sem Human Resources Management Question Paper PDF Download

Duration: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100
I) Answer ALL the following questions in few sentences: (10×2=20)
1. Write down the differences between Personnel Management and HRM.
2. What do you mean by Attrition?
3. What is Job Rotation?
4. What do the aspects of Job Analysis include? Explain the terms.
5. Recruitment is distinct from employment and selection. Justify.
6. What is EQ?
7. What is Cognitive Ability Test?
8. What do you understand by 360o performance appraisal?
9. What is succession planning?
10. What is minimum wage and statutory minimum wage?
II) Answer any FOUR out of six questions. (4×5=20)
11. Describe in brief the nature and scope for HR function in an organisation.
12. What is an interview? Explain the various types of interview.
13. What is Job Evaluation? Explain the objectives and principles of Job
14. What is Training and Development? Explain the need for training.
15. Define Industrial Relations. Explain its objectives and functions.
16. Explain the importance and process of Induction.
III) Answer ANY THREE out of five questions. (3×15=45)
17. As a manager, write in detail the managerial and operative functions of
18. Is HRP same as HRM? Explain the factors affecting HRP.
19. Explain the traditional and modern sources of Recruitment.
20. USA and most of the developed countries of the world are known for their
brilliant social security measures. The Government in our country too have
been working on these measures for several years. What are the various social
security measures in India? Explain.
21. Explain the various methods of Performance appraisals.
IV) Compulsory case study: (15 marks)
Air India used to pay more than double the salaries to Expatriate pilots compared to
that of national pilots. In fact national pilots are in no way inferior to expatriate
pilots in skills and in performance, safety, regularity and punctuality. The salary
discrimination was necessitated to attract foreign pilots due to shortage of national
pilots. This practice was along with policies and practices of compensation
management in other public and private organisations in India.
These practices resulted in the dissatisfaction among national pilots that prompted
them to look for opportunities in other countries. The fast growth of airlines industry
in various countries led to shortage of pilots resulting in higher salaries for pilots
across the countries. Majority of the national pilots of Air India who were
dissatisfied with their salaries procured jobs in various airline companies
particularly in the middle-east with triple the salary levels of their previous job.
The migration of Indian pilots reached the peak few years ago and Air India did not
have required number of pilots to operate their flights and had to cancel some of its
domestic flights and delay the operation of international flights.
Consequently, Air India modified its compensation policy and offered equal salary
levels to its national pilots along with that of expatriate pilots to combat the
situation. However, it could not attract those pilots who left the company, but could
halt the further migration of pilots to other companies.
1. Do you think the compensation discrimination based on the nationality in
2. Why did the management of Air India fail to foresee the situation?
3. Suggest the strategies to prevent such situations in future.

St. Joseph’s College of Commerce BBM 2013 III Sem Financial Management Question Paper PDF Download

TIME: 3 HOURS Max. Marks: 100
1. “Profit maximization ignores the time value on money”. Explain this statement
with an example.
2. Why capital budgeting decisions are considered highly significant?
3. What is meant by capital rationing?
4. How do you calculate Profitability Index? If the Gross Profitability Index of a
project is 0.125, should the project be accepted?
5. Mention the different motives of holding cash.
6. Name any four factors that are considered while rating the credit worthiness of a
7. Expand the following tools of inventory management.
i) VED Analysis ii) FSN Analysis
8. What is meant by Scrip Dividend?
9. Draw a self explanatory diagram of an operating cycle.
10. If the combined leverage and operating leverage figures of a company are 2.5 and
1.25 respectively, find the financial leverage. Given that the interest payable per
year is Rs 1,00,000 total fixed cost is Rs 50,000 and sales Rs 10,00,000 , calculate
i) EBIT ii) Variable cost
11. A new project is under consideration in MRB Ltd. which requires a capital
investment of Rs. 4.50 crore. Interest on term loan is 12% and corporate Tax Rate is
50%. If the Debt Equity ratio insisted by the financing agencies is 2:1, calculate the
point of indifference of the project.
12. Biocon Ltd. has furnished the following information:
Particulars Rs.
Earnings per share (EPS) 4
Dividend payout ratio 25%
Market price per share 40
Rate of tax 30%
Growth rate of dividend 8%
The company wants to raise additional capital of Rs. 10 lakhs including debt of Rs. 4
lakhs. The cost of debt (before tax) is 10% upto Rs 2 lakhs and 15% beyond that.
(i) Cost of equity.
(ii) After tax average cost of debt.
13. A project needs an investment of Rs. 1,38,500. The cost of capital is 12 per cent. The
net cash inflows are as follows:
Year 1 2 3 4 5
Cash flow after tax
30,000 40,000 60,000 30,000 20,000
Calculate Internal Rate of Return and suggest whether the project should be
accepted or not.
14. Examine the factors that affect the working capital of a firm.
15. What is meant by Factoring? Explain its chief characteristics.
16. ABC Ltd has under consideration two mutually exclusive proposals for the
purchase of new equipment.
Particulars Machine X Machine Y
Net cash outlay (Rs) 1,00,000 75,000
Salvage value —– ——
Life (years) 5 5
Profit before depreciation & tax Rs. Rs.
1 25,000 18,000
2 30,000 20,000
3 35,000 22,000
4 25,000 20,000
5 20,000 16,000
Assuming the tax rate to be 50 %,suggest to the management the best alternative using
Accounting Rate of Return.
17. PR Engineering Ltd. is considering the purchase of a new machine which will carry
out some operations which are at present performed by manual labour. The
following information related to the two alternative models ‘MX and MY ‘ are
Particulars Machine X Machine Y
Cost of Machine Rs. 8,00,000 Rs. 10,20,000
Expected Life 6 years 6 years
Scrap Value Rs. 20,000 Rs. 30,000
Corporate tax rate for this company is 30% and company’s required rate of
return on investment proposals is 10%. Depreciation will be charged on straight line
Estimated net income before depreciation and tax:
Years Rs. Rs
1 2,50,000 2,70,000
2 2,30,000 3,60,000
3 1,80,000 3,80,000
4 2,00,000 2,80,000
5 1,80,000 2,60,000
6 1,60,000 1,85,000
You are required to :
(i) Calculate the pay-back period of each proposal.
(ii) Calculate the net present value of each proposal, if the P.V. factor @ 10% is
0.909., 0.826, 0.751, 0.683, 0.621 and 0.564.
(iii) Which proposal would you recommend and why?
18. Delta Ltd. currently has an equity share capital of Rs. 10, 00,000 consisting of 1,
00,000 Equity shares of Rs. 10 each. The company is going through a major
expansion plan requiring to raise funds to the tune of Rs. 6, 00,000. To finance the
expansion the management has the following plans.
Plan I – Issue 60,000 Equity shares of Rs. 10 each.
Plan II – Issue 40,000 Equity shares of Rs. 10 each and the balance through longterm
borrowing at 12% interest p.a
Plan III – Issue 30,000 Equity shares of Rs. 10 each. And 3,000 Rs. 100, 9%
Plan IV – Issue 30,000 Equity shares of Rs. 10 each and the balance through 6%
preference shares.
The EBIT of the company is expected to be Rs. 4, 00,000 p.a. Assume corporate tax
rate of 40%. You are required to:
(i) Calculate EPS in each of the above plans.
(ii) Ascertain the degree of financial leverage in each plan.
19. From the following information of VSGR Company Ltd. estimate the working
capital needed to finance a level of activity of 1,44,000 units of production after
adding a 10% safety contingency.
Particulars Cost per unit (Rs.)
Raw materials 45
Direct labour 20
Overheads 40
Total cost 105
Profit 15
Selling price 120
Additional Information:
• Average raw materials in stock : Two months
• Average materials—in- process (50 per cent completion stage): Four weeks
• Average finished goods in stock: One month
• Credit allowed by suppliers: One month
• Credit allowed to customers: Two months
• Time lag in payment of wages: One and half weeks
• Time lag in payment of overhead expenses: One and half weeks
• One fifth of the sales is on cash basis.
• Cash balance is expected to be Rs. 1,00,000 . You may assume that
production is carried on evenly throughout the year.
20. JKL Ltd. has the following book value capital structure as on March 31 2013.
Particulars Amount
Equity share capital (2,00,000 shares) 40,00,000
11.5% preference shares 10,00,000
10% debentures 30,00,000
The equity share of the company sells for Rs. 20. It is expected that the company will
pay next year a dividend of Rs. 2 per equity share, which is expected to grow at 5%
p.a forever. Assume a 35% corporate tax rate.
(i) Compute weighted average cost of capital (WACC) of the company based on
the existing capital structure.
(ii) Compute the new WACC , if the company raises an additional Rs. 20 lakhs
debt by issuing 12% debentures. This would result in increasing the expected
equity dividend to Rs. 2.40 and leave the growth rate unchanged, but the
price of equity share will fall to Rs. 16 per share.
21. (A) What is meant by stock dividend? Discuss its objectives and
Benefits to the company and shareholders (5 marks)
21. (B) The following information is available in respect of a firm:
Earnings per Share (EPS) Rs. 40
Capitalization rate (Ke) 10%
Assumed rate of return on investment (R)
(a) 13% (b) 10 % (c) 8 %
You are required to show the effect of dividend payment on the market price per
share using Walter’s model, when dividend payout ratio is (a) 0 % (b) 50% (c)
100 % (10 marks)
IV) Compulsory question – Case study. (15 Marks)
22. A company belongs to a risk class for which the appropriate capitalization rate is
10%. It currently has 25,000 shares current market price is Rs. 100 each. The firm is
contemplating the declaration of dividend of Rs. 5 per share at the end of the current
financial year.
(a) Applying the MM model. Compute the market price of the share when
recommended dividend is (i) paid (ii) not paid
(b) Assuming the firm has a net income of Rs. 2.5 lakhs and a proposal for
making new investments of Rs. 5 lakhs. Find the number of shares to be
(c) Show that under Modigliani Miller hypotheses the payment of dividend does
not affect the value of the firm.

St. Joseph’s College of Commerce BBM 2013 III Sem Corporate Accounting Question Paper PDF Download

1. What is the meaning of Statutory Reserve?
2. What is Reduction of share capital?
3. What are Preferential Creditors? Give example.
4. What is the meaning of External Reconstruction?
5. What is the meaning of Amalgamation of Company’s?
6. What is the difference between Interim Dividend and Final Dividend?
7. What is an intangible asset? Give two examples.
8. How do you deal with the balance in capital Reduction A/C?
9. What is ‘Net Assets’?
10. Who is a contributory?
II) Answer ANY FOUR questions. (4×5=20)
11. Balance Sheet of Jordan Company stood as follows on 31/12/2012.
Balance Sheet
Liabilities Amount (Rs) Assets Amount (Rs)
19,000 Shares of 100 each 19,00,000 Land & Buildings 1,00,000
Creditors 1,00,000 Machinery 2,60,000
Debentures 1,00,000 Furniture 20,000
Stock 3,70,000
Debtors 1,80,000
Goodwill 2,00,000
Profit & Loss A/c 9,70,000
21,00,000 21,00,000
The company is to be reconstructed as follows:
(i) Shares of Rs. 100 are to be reduced to an equal number of fully paid shares of Rs. 40
(ii) To issue 1,000 new shares of Rs. 40 each as fully paid up to debenture holders in full
(iii) The amount available is to be utilized in writing off the Goodwill and Profit and loss
A/c and the balance in writing down the value of machinery.
(iv) Authorised capital of the company is 20,000 shares of Rs. 100 each.
Give the necessary Journal Entries.
12. Calculate the purchase consideration from the following:
Total assets at book value – Rs. 5,00,000
Assets are taken over at 10% less than book value.
Total liabilities – Rs. 2,00,000
Liabilities not taken over – Rs. 50,000
Liquidation expenses of Rs. 5,000 is to be borne by the purchasing company .
13. Explain briefly the differences between Amalgamation by Merger and Amalgamation by
Purchase Method.
14. Calculate liquidator’s remuneration and amount available to pay unsecured creditors:
(i) Balance of cash after paying preferential creditors Rs. 2,10,000
(ii) Other unsecured creditors are Rs. 2,50,000.
(iii) Liquidator’s remuneration is 5% on the amount paid to other unsecured creditors.
15. Briefly explain the functions of Accounting Standard Board.
16. What are the differences between Internal Reconstruction and External Reconstruction?
III) Answer any THREE out the following : (3×15=45 )
17. American Ltd was absorbed by India Ltd on 31/12/2012 on which date the Balance Sheet of
American Ltd was as follows:
Liabilities Amount (Rs) Assets Amount (Rs)
Equity Share Capital 6,00,000 Buildings 4,00,000
5% Preference Share Capital 4,00,000 Plant 2,00,000
Sundry Creditors 1,10,000 Current Assets 2,00,000
Development Rebate Reserve 40,000 P& L A/c 3,50,000
11,50,000 11,50,000
India Ltd took over buildings at Rs. 3,00,000. Plant at Rs. 1,40,000 and Stock at Rs. 60,000.
The purchase consideration is to be satisfied by the issue of 8% Preference Shares of Rs. 100
each and Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each in 3:2 ratio.
The Preference Shareholders are to be settled in full by the allotment of new Preference
Shares. Sundry debtors realized Rs. 1,50,000 and Rs. 1,00,000 was paid to Sundry Creditors
in full settlement (There were no other current assets). Cost of liquidation Rs. 10,000.
Development Rebate Reserve is a Statutory Reserve to be continued to 2 more years.
Prepare necessary ledger accounts in the books of American Ltd. Opening Journal Entries
of India Ltd and its Balance Sheet.
18. Fast Consumption Ltd went into voluntary liquidation on 31/12/2012. The Balance Sheet as
on that date was:
Liabilities Amount (Rs) Assets Amount (Rs)
Share Capital:
5,000 , 6% Cumulative
preference Shares of Rs. 100
each fully paid
Land and Buildings
2,500 Equity Shares of Rs. 100
each Rs. 75 paid up
Machinery 6,25,000
7,500 Equity Shares of 100
each Rs. 60 paid up
Patents 1,00,000
5% Mortgage debentures 2,50,000 Stock 1,37,500
Interest outstanding on
Debtors 2,75,000
Creditors 3,62,500 Cash at Bank 75,000
Profit and Loss A/c 3,00,000
17,62,500 17,62,500
The liquidators is entitled to a commission of 3% on all assets relised except cash and 2%
on amounts distributed to unsecured creditors.
Creditors include Rs. 17,500 for Income tax due to Government Rs. 5,000 outstanding
Salaries of employees and an award of Rs. 15,000 made under Workmen’s Compensation
Act. It also includes a loan for Rs. 1,25,000 secured by mortgage on Land and Buildings. The
preference dividends were in arrears for two years. The assets realized as follows:
Assets Amount (Rs)
Land and Buildings 3,00,000
Machinery 5,00,000
Patents 75,000
Stock 1,50,000
Debtors 2,00,000
Expenses of Liquidation
amounted to
Prepare the Liquidators Final Statement of Accounts.
19. Briefly explain the following Accounting Standards.
AS-2 AS-6 AS-8
20. The State of Affairs of Texas Co Ltd on 31/12/2012 was as follows:
Liabilities Amount (Rs) Assets Amount (Rs)
20,000 Equity Shares of Rs. 10
2,00,000 Goodwill 80,000
15,000 7% preference shares of
Rs. 10 each
1,50,000 Buildings 1,75,000
13,000 5% preference shares of 65,000 Machinery 3,25,000
Rs. 10 each . Rs. 5 paid
5% Debentures 1,50,000 Patents 54,000
8% Debentures 3,00,000 Furniture 15,000
Sundry Creditors 4,50,000 Investments 75,000
Debenture interest due 19,500 Sundry Debtors 4,15,000
Cash 2,000
Bank 18,000
Profit and Loss A/c 1,75,500
13,34,500 13,34,500
The following scheme of capital reduction was submitted and approved by the court.
(a) Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each were to be reduced to Shares of Rs. 5 each.
(b) 7% preference shares of Rs. 10 each fully paid were to be reduced to 6% preference
shares of Rs. 10 each ,Rs. 6 per share paid.
(c) 5% preference shares of Rs. 10 each , Rs. 5 paid up were to be reduced to 4 ½ preference
shares of Rs. 10 each, Rs. 3 per share paid up.
The debenture holders agreed to forego the interest due to them. The company in the
meantime recovered as damages a sum of Rs. 84,000 from a third party and it was
decided to use this amount also to write off the Capital losses.
The reconstruction expenses comes to Rs. 7,250.
Give Journal Entries to record the above and draw the Reconstructed Balance Sheet.
21. P Ltd and Q Ltd agreed to Amalgamation by transferring their undertaking to a new
company to PQ Ltd. formed for that purpose. On the date of the transfer, Balance Sheets of
the two companies were as under:
Liabilities P Ltd Q Ltd Assets P Ltd Q Ltd
Equity Shares of Rs.
10 each
7,50,000 2,50,000 Sundry Assets 6,00,000 3,10,000
5% Debentures — 30,000 Freehold
30,000 —–
Reserve —- 20,000 Debtors 1,80,000 50,000
Mortgage Loan on
freehold property
50,000 —– Investments 1,30,000 30,000
Sundry Creditors 40,000 1,00,000 Bank 1,00,000 20,000
Profit & Loss A/c 2,00,000 10,000
10,40,000 4,10,000 10,40,000 4,10,000
The Purchase Consideration consisted of :
(i) The assumption of liabilities of both the companies.
(ii) The discharge of Debentures in Q Ltd by the issue of Rs. 35,000 4% Debentures in PQ
(iii) The issue at a premium of Rs. 5 each to both the vendor companies equity shares of
Rs. 10 each in PQ Ltd.
For the purpose of transfer the assets are to be revalued as under:
Particulars P Ltd Q Ltd
Sundry Assets 6,50,000 3,56,000
Freehold property 50,000
Debtors 1,71,000 45,000
Investments 1,49,000 40,000
Goodwill 1,10,000 40,000
Write up Realisation account and the Shareholders account and PQ Ltd account in
each of the vendor company and Journal Entries in the Book of PQ Ltd. Under
amalgamation in the nature of purchase.
IV) Compulsory question. (15 Marks)
22. Following is the trial balance of Indore Co.Ltd as at 31 March 2013:
Particulars Amount (Rs) Amount (Rs)
Stock 31/03/2012 70,000
Sales 3,50,000
Purchase 2,50,000
Wages 50,000
Discount 5,000
Furniture and Fittings 17,000
Salaries 7,000
Rent 4,950
Sundry Expenses 7,550
Surplus Account 31/03/2012 15,030
Dividends paid 4,000
Share Capital 1,00,000
Debtors and Creditors 37,500 17,500
Plant and Machinery 29,000
Cash and Bank 18,200
Reserve 15,500
Patents and Trade Mark 7,830
5,03,030 5,03,030
Prepare Statement of Profit and Loss for the year ended 31/03/2013 and Balance Sheet
as at the date. Take into consideration the following adjustments:
(i) Stock on 31/03/2013 was valued at Rs. 82,000.
(ii) Depreciation on fixed assets @ 10%.
(iii) Make a provision for income tax @ 50%
(iv) Ignore corporate dividend tax

St. Joseph’s College of Commerce BBM 2013 III Sem Computer Applications & Management Information System Question Paper PDF Download

TIME: 3 HOURS Max. Marks: 100
I) Answer the following questions briefly in two or three sentence (10×2=20)
1. What are the advantages of using Pivot table in MS-Excel?
2. Why MS-Excel is known as a general purpose language?
3. What do you mean by slide transition in MS-PowerPoint?
4. How to prepare a simple HTML document?
5. What is DBMS? Point out any two advantages of using this.
6. What do you mean by structured system design?
7. What are the differences between Decision Support System and Management
Information system?
8. What do you mean by Data Warehouse?
9. How will you apply spell check in MS word?
10. What do you mean by Forms in MS Access?
II) Answer ANY FOUR questions from the following: (4×5=20)
11. Explain sumif() and countif() with an example?
12. Explain Transaction Processing System?
13. How to insert an image in a web page. What are the attributes of image tag?
Explain with an example.
14. Why the database is important in Management Information System. Explain.
15. What do you mean by Macro in MS word? How to set Macro in MS Word.
16. Write commands for the operations based on the spreadsheet.
1 AJAY 6500 0
2 AMIR 6800 500
3 ANIL 5800 0
4 AMIT 9000 0
Allocate the cell location address according to the table and compute the
1. Calculate the HRA 13% of BASIC for all employees in the table.
2. Calculate DA 25% of BASIC+HRA for all employees in the table.
3. Calculate PF as 10% of the Basic for all employees in the table.
4. Calculate GROSS salary(BASIC+HRA+DA+PF).
5. Calculate NET =GROSS deduct PF and all DEDUCTIONS for all employees in
the table.
III) Answer ANY THREE questions from the following: (3×15=45)
17. Explain any six financial functions and statistical functions in MS-Excel?
18. How the internet technologies be involved in improving any one of the
functions of business. Explain.
19. Explain Decision Support System.
20. Explain the body tag of HTML with all attributes. Give an example program
with all body attributes.
21. Explain data manipulation tools in MS-Excel with example.
IV) Compulsory Question. (1×15=15)
Egghead Software, a Washington based company, enjoyed great success as the
nationwide chain of stores that sold only software. The chain grew to comprise
more than 200 stores, employing thousands of workers and earning millions of
dollars in revenues. Egghead’s success attracts competitors, including mass
merchandisers such as Wall-Mart and CompUSA, who began selling software
at discounted prices. As software prices fell, Egghead was unable to compete
successfully and began suffering operating losses.
Needing a change in direction, Egghead board of directors turned to
George Orban, a longtime Egghead investor with a track record for turning
around failing businesses. Orban, who joined Egghead as chairman and CEO,
believed that the only way to save Egghead was to simplify the business by
closing stores, cutting cost, and better identifying the company’s target market.
He began Egghead’s turnaround with massive cost cutting program that
involved closing more than 70 stores and a distribution center, selling real
estate holdings, and laying off hundreds of employees. The merchandise at
some of the remaining stores was switched to a more profitable product mix
that included computer systems and accessories.
1. Would these changes be enough to save Egghead?
2. Whether to close the brick-and-mortar stores and go for another option? If
so, How they can achieve online sales?

St. Joseph’s College of Commerce BBM 2013 I Sem Perspectives In Management Question Paper PDF Download

Time : 3 hours Max. Marks: 100
I) Answer ALL the questions. (10×2=20)
1. Define management.
2. Mention the advantages of a partnership firm.
3. Mention any two advantages of budgetary control system.
4. Name the different levels of management and give their major responsibilities.
5. Who is known as the father of scientific management?
6. Define MBO.
7. What is functional departmentation?
8. Give the meaning of a trustee.
9. Explain the concept of decentralisation.
10. What is business ethics?
II) Answer ANY FOUR questions: (4×5=20)
11. Define recruitment and mention the sources of recruitment.
12. Enumerate the trends and challenges of management in the globalised era.
13. Describe about the evolution of management thought.
14. State and explain the common steps involved in a typical managerial decision making
15. Explain critically the basic leadership styles.
16. Explain the line organisation with a neat sketch.
III) Answer ANY THREE questions: (3×15=45)
17. State and explain the contributions of Taylor and Fayol in the field of management
18. Assuming you to be the HR manager of a reputed company chalk out the plan for
selecting right candidates for your organization.
19. Communication may be broadly defined as the process of meaningful interaction
among human beings. More specifically, it is the process by which meanings are
perceived and understanding is reached among human beings. Keeping the above
definition enumerate the importance of communication in management. What could be
the barriers of communication and suggest ways to overcome the barriers.
20. “Forecasting is the essence of planning”. In the light of this statement, discuss the
relationship between forecasting and planning.
21. Motivation is the core of management. Defining the term list out different motivation
tools that a busisess enterprise can adopt to motivate its employees and write a note on
the contribution of McGregor.
IV) Case Study – Compulsory question. (15 MARKS)
Timothy (who works for Blocks Ltd.), and David, (who works for Fones Ltd.), are employed as
production managers. Last night, both of them attended a staff development meeting organised
by a Production Management Institute (a professional body), of which they are members.
During the tea-break, Timothy and David discussed the various leadership styles that they were
following in their respective organisations. Timothy told David that he had a friendly
personality and was optimistic that he will get on well with the workers in the factory. He went
on to say that a total of fifty workers are employed, with 40 of them having been employed with
the business for over 20 years. The others, mostly unskilled, tend to be younger workers who
stay for a year or so and then move on, since Timothy thinks that they are harder to motivate.
Timothy is aware that new Health & Safety regulations are due to be implemented and this will
require discipline in the workforce. He is thinking of adopting a more autocratic leadership
David told Timothy that he was newly appointed to the role, and was relatively inexperienced.
He pointed out that he manages a team of forty workers, grouped into project teams with
highly skilled and experienced staff in each team. David mentioned that his predecessor was
unpopular with the workforce since he adopted an autocratic style of leadership. At one stage,
the Labour Relations Agency was asked to mediate in a dispute regarding
management/employee relations. In view of this, he had been thinking of adopting a
democratic leadership style.
1. Explain the key functions of management within organisations such as Blocks Limited
and Fones Limited.
2. Discuss whether or not Timothy and David should adopt their proposed new
leadership styles within their respective organisations.
3. With reference to each organisation (Blocks Limited and Fones Limited), discuss the role
of management in motivation.

St. Joseph’s College of Commerce BBM 2013 I Sem Organizational Behaviour Question Paper PDF Download

Time : 3 HOURS Max. Marks : 100
I) Answer ALL the following: (10×2=20)
1. Explain the ‘ego defensive’ function of attitudes?
2. Distinguish between Job enlargement and Job enrichment.
3. What is ‘Machiavellianism’?
4. Define ‘Organizational Culture’.
5. Which learning theory is B.F Skinner connected to?
6. Distinguish between functional and dysfunctional conflict.
7. Name the stages in conflict.
8 Explain ‘coercive power’.
9. What is ‘Goal succession’?
10. Give two behavioral outcomes of stress.
II) Answer any FOUR from the following: (4x 5= 20)
11. What are the stages of group formation?
12. Distinguish between Official, Tactical and Operational goals.
13. What are the pre-conditions or antecedents that lead to inter-group
14. Explain the personality attributes influencing OB.
15. What are the organizational challenges present in the current Indian
16. Critically analyze Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs.
III) Answer any THREE of the following: (3×15=45)
17. Why is organizational change often resisted by individuals and groups
within the organization? How can it be overcome?
18. Explain the Managerial Grid, with the help of a diagrammatic
19. Compare and contrast classical conditioning, operant conditioning and
social learning.
20. What are perceptual errors? Explain any 5 perceptual errors.
21. Explain the Hawthorne Studies and its contributions.
IV) Case Study -Compulsory. (1×15=15)
Jyoti Private Limited is an Automotive spare parts company with an annual
turnover of Rs 1000 crores. The company is 10 years old and its workforce
breakdown is as follows :
Workmen -450 Officers -220.
The company has its head office at Gurgaon and has two manufacturing facilities at
Daman and Pune. The Managing Director, Yatin Raj is also the owner of this
company, and he and his family have largely contributed towards the growth of
Jyoti Private Limited.
The company has primarily been run as a family owned business and most people
decisions are taken by the Managing Director, with the HR department being
involved in execution of these decisions.
Yatin Raj is shortly due to retire from the company and hand over the reins of the
company to his only son Sanjeev Raj. Sanjeev has studied at Harvard and believes
in empowerment and a professional approach in managing the company. Yatin
realizes that times are changing and is in agreement with Sanjeev’s ideas in
managing the company. Yatin though, is a worried man on the change management
his company and employees will need to undergo and wonders if the way forward
will be successful.
a) If you were to look at the above case from a ‘change management’
perspective, what would you suggest to Yatin?
b) Critically evaluate HR’s role as a ‘change agent’ in an organization.
c) Why do individuals resist change? Narrate with examples.

St. Joseph’s College of Commerce BBM 2013 I Sem Micro Economics Question Paper PDF Download

Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100
I. Answer ALL Questions. Each question carries 2 marks. (10 x 2 = 20)
1. “Managerial economics is an integration of economic theory, decision, and science
and business management” Comment.
2. Explain briefly the term “Economic Development.”
3. State the reason behind the statement that “two indifference curves cannot intersect,”
with appropriate illustration.
4. Define the concept of “cross elasticity of demand.”
5. What are the considerations that are involved while fixing “Cost Plus” price policy?
6. Briefly explain the concept of “Dual Pricing.”
7. Explain the term “production function.”
8. What is meant by long run average cost? Why is it known as the envelop curve?
9. With the help of data given below, calculate marginal returns.
Units 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
45 95 125 145 155 155 140
10. Who adopts price discrimination? How does price discrimination occur?
II. Answer any FOUR. Each question carries FIVE marks. (4 x 5 = 20)
11. Explain the Concept of Equilibrium.
12. What is budget line? What does the slope of budget line measure?
13. Assuming that the same rate of change continues, what would be the predicted sales
for the year 2015?
Year 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
(Rs. Lakhs)
10 12 15 18 24 25 30
14. Why is short run average cost curve U-shaped?
15. What is meant by “law of returns to scale.” Briefly explain different types of returns
to scale.
16. Explain the conditions necessary for the existence of perfect competition.
III. Answer any THREE. Each question carries FIFTEEN marks. (3X15 = 45)

17. Distinguish between plant, firm and industry.
18. Explain the law of demand. What are the determinants of demand? State
exceptions to the law of demand.
19. Elucidate the factors influencing pricing policy? Comment on the objectives behind
implementing an appropriate pricing policy. Mention four important methods of
20. Discuss the law of variable proportion with the help of a table and diagram. What
are the essential conditions of its applicability?
21. What is monopolistic competition? How is equilibrium price and output determined
under monopolistic competition?
IV. Compulsory Case Study (1 x 15 = 15)
22. Shiny got promoted to her second semester BBM class. Her father gave her Rs. 2000
to make adequate purchases for the ensuing semester. She has been longing to buy
some new wearing apparels for quite a time. One apparel will approximately cost Rs.
500 per set. She is in need of some of some new books also. The cost price of each book
is Rs. 100. But she is willing to sacrifice some investment in clothes to buy books .
1. Since she needs both goods, how will you explain consumer behavior in spending on
both units, and maintain the same level of utility, when some quantity of one
commodity is substituted for additional units of another? (5 marks)
2. Explain when she will reach maximum satisfaction (equilibrium),given the budget
and the price of apparels and books. Explain through a diagram. (10 marks)

St. Joseph’s College of Commerce BBM 2013 I Sem General English Question Paper PDF Download

Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks-100
I) Answer ANY FIVE questions in one or two sentences. (5×2= 10)
1) On which day and year did J. Krishnamurthy deliver his speech ‘On Relationship’?
2) To what does Allama Prabhu compare the human legs to?
3) How does Imtiaz Dharker forecast the return of Saviours?
4) A ‘Poem’ is compared to which fruit in the lesson by Archibald MacLeish?
5) Who were the other traders or vendors who did their business around the astrologer in ‘An
Astrologer’s Day’?
6) Where is the setting of the story ‘The Last Leaf’?
II) Write short notes ON ANY FOUR of the following. (4×5 = 20)
7) The astrologer’s appearance.
8) Ending of ‘The Last Leaf’.
9) Krishnamurthy’s views on the effects of Isolation.
10) Explain the lines ‘A poem should not mean, But be’
11) Nature in ‘The World is too much with Us’.
III) Answer ANY THREE of the following in about 250 words. (3×10 =30)
12) Write a critical summary of the poem Vachanas of Allama Prabhu.
13) Comment on the use of irony to depict the relationship between the astrologer and Guru
Nayak in ‘An Astrologer’s Day.
14) Discuss Krishnamurthy’s views on Nationalism.
15) Bring out the satirical element in the poem ‘Saviours’ by giving appropriate illustrations
from the text.
IV) Read the following passage carefully and answer questions that follow.
Books are, by far, the most lasting product of human effort. Temples crumble into ruin, pictures
and statues decay, but books survive. Time does not destroy the great thoughts which are as
fresh today as when they first passed through their author’s mind. These thoughts speak to us
through the printed page. The only effect of time has been to throw out of currency the bad
products. Nothing in literature which is not good can live for long. Good books have always
helped man in various spheres of life. No wonder that the world keeps its book with great care.
16) Answer the following in a word or sentence. (5×2= 10)
a) How does time not destroy books?
b) What does the line mean “To throw out of currency”?
c) Why the world keeps its book with great care?
d) Of all the product of human efforts, what makes a book so important?
e) Give a suitable title to the passage.
17) What is the importance of reading books in your life? Do you favour reading e-books or the
usual books? Give reasons to support your answer. (5 marks)
18) Rewrite the following as directed. (5 marks)
a) I was tired; so I _______ down. (lay, laid) (Choose the correct word)
b) Every man and woman ________ happy in this village. (is, are) (Use correct form of verb)
c) I doubt ________ he was there. ( that, if ) (Choose the correct conjunction)
d) I want to go to _____ cinema. (a, the) (Use appropriate article)
e) He is good _______ cricket. (in, at) (Use correct preposition)
19) Use the following words in sentences. (4 marks)
a) Pity, Piety
b) Symbol, Cymbal
20) Use the Idiomatic expressions into sentences. (4 marks)
a) All and sundry
b) To pull one’s socks up
21) Fill in the blanks using appropriate phrasal words. (4 x 2=8)
( bowled over, put up, broke up, drawn off, broke down )
a) I cannot _____ with this fellow.
b) We were _______ by the unexpected beauty of the landscape.
c) The police_______ the meeting as it turned violent.
d) He has _____ a major share of his profits from the company.
22) Pick out the most effective word from the given words to fill in the blank.
(4 marks)
I) The old _______ that ‘honesty is the best policy’ still inspires a large number of people.
a) saying b) adage
c) belief d) assumption
II) Rapid industrialization has played havoc with the _______ landscape of the country side.
a) idyllic b) clean
c) noisy d) colourful

St. Joseph’s College of Commerce BBM 2013 I Sem Business Mathematics And Statistics Question Paper PDF Download

Time : 3 HOURS Max. Marks : 100
I) Answer ALL the questions. (10x 2 = 20)
1) Solve: (2x-7)(3x+1)=(2x-5)(3x-1).
2) Find the Simple interest on Rs. 17,000 for 3 months at 4% P.a.
3) Define Statistics.
4) Mention any 4 applications of statistics.
5) Arun can do a piece of work in 8 days, which Bala alone can do in 10 days. In
how many days both working together can do it?
6) Ramesh, Mohan and Chandra start a business jointly. Twice the investment of
Ramesh is equal to thrice the capital of Mohan and the capital of Mohan is four
times the capital of Chandra. Find the share of Mohan in an annual profit of
7) A reduction of 20% in the price of sugar enables a man to purchase 4 kg more of
Rs. 280. What is the original rate and what is the reduced rate?
8) Solve x2-6x-72=0.
9) A company needs Rs. 10,00,000 at the end of 5 years from now. It would like to
set aside equal amount each year out of its profits. If the present market rate of
interest is 16%. How much of annual amount should be invested?
10) How is the value of r in Karl Pearson’s coefficient of correlation interpreted?
II) Answer ANY FOUR of the following. (4×5=20)
11) Describe the characteristics of statistics.
12) Explain the limitations and scope of Statistics.
13) The following are heights in centimetres of 40 students. Form the frequency
distribution with appropriate class interval. 163.3, 155.0, 163.9, 163.9, 148.2, 151.5,
178.9, 155, 146.1, 145.2, 156.6, 159.9, 158.0, 153.4, 160.0, 149.3, 154.2, 164.7, 159.0,
160.8, 157.1, 176, 164.4, 170.0, 152.9, 169.3, 159.5, 162.4, 173.6, 154.8, 158.3, 172.5,
158.0, 154.0, 172.2, 148.0, 152.4, 156.6, 157.7, 165.3
14) Locate the Median and Quartiles from the following data.
Size of
4 20
4.5 36
5 44
5.5 50
6 80
6.5 30
7 30
7.5 16
8 14
15)A sum of Rs.8448 is divided between 2 persons A and B who are respectively 18 years
and 19 years old in such a way that their shares be invested at 6.25% per annum
compound interest. They shall receive equal amount on attaining the age of 21 years.
How should the sum be divided. How much will each receive when 21 years old?
16)Draw a histogram from the following and locate the mode. verify it by actual
0-10 14
10-20 23
20-30 35
30-40 20
40-50 8
50-60 5
III) Answer ANY THREE of the following questions. (3×15=45)
17) a) Explain the functions of Statistics?
b) Describe the uses of Statistics?
18) a) Following are the runs scored by 2 batsmen in 10 innings. Find who is a
better scorer and who is more consistent.
Player1-101, 22, 0, 36, 82, 45,7,13, 65, 14
Player2- 97, 12, 40, 96, 13,8, 85 ,8, 56,16.
b) Draw Ogives from the following data and measure the median value. verify it by
actual calculations.
Mid point: 5 15 25 35 45.
Frequency: 5 11 21 16 10.
19) The life of 2 types of tyres in a sample survey is given below.
Number of
Tyres of Type
Number of
Tyres of
Type B
5000-10000 10 18
10000-15000 18 22
15000-20000 32 40
20000-25000 40 32
25000-30000 22 18
30000-35000 18 10
a) Which of the 2 makes has a higher average life?
b) If prices are same for both the types, which type would you prefer and why?
20) The competitors of a beauty contest were ranked by 3 judges as follows:
Judge A: 3 5 4 10 8 8 1 6 8 2
Judge B: 5.5 5.5 1 8.5 4 10 2 7 8.5 3
Judge c: 9 9 7 5 2 2 2 5 5 9
21) a) The following data relates to the ages of husbands and wives.
Age of the
Husband : 25 28 30 32 35 36 38 39 42 55
Age of wife: 20 26 29 30 25 18 26 35 35 46.
Obtain the two regression equations and determine the most likely age of
husband for the age of wife of 25 years.
b) Define and explain the different types of Annuity.
22) a) Compute the mean runs scored by a batsman from the following data.
Runs Scored: 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Number of : 7 8 15 25 30 20 16 7 2.
b) Represent the following data in a suitable diagram
Newspaper Daily
Times of India 1432000
Deccan Herald 1431000
Indian Express 1327000
Asian Age 1119000
Hindustan times 894000
6.3) if the mean of a set of scores is 20, median is 22.Find the mode?
IV) Compulsory question. (15 marks)
23) a) Compute the Karl Pearson’s coefficient of correlation between per capita
national income and per capita consumer expenditure from the data given
below. (8 marks)
Per capita
1978 249 237
1979 251 238
1980 248 236
1981 252 240
1982 258 245
1983 269 255
1984 271 254
1985 272 252
1986 280 258
1987 275 251
b) LIC offers a special annuity scheme called the Jeevan Dhara scheme. One of
the options in this scheme is as follows. If a lump sum amount is paid now,
the LIC will pay an annuity of Rs.12000 commencing from the end of 1st year
till the person’s death. Assuming that LIC allows 9% P.a rate of interest and
the person’s life expectation is 15 years, how much should be deposited in
lump sum now. (7 marks)

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