St. Joseph’s College of Commerce M.I.B. 2013 I sem International Business Environment Question Paper PDF Download




International Business Environment

Time: 3 hrs                                                                                                         Max.  Marks:100


                   Section –A

  1. Answer any SEVEN                                                                 (7 x 5 = 35)


  1. Make a critical assessment of WTO’s assistance to world trade.
  2. What are the main objectives of the Foreign Trade Policy (FTP)?
  3. Thrust of mercantilism.
  4. State the government strategy to achieve the objectives of the Indian Foreign Trade Policy 2004-2009.
  5. Special Economic Zone (SEZ) programme in India Boon or Disaster?
  6. Indian seller of goods and Chinese buyer agreed that as per the rules of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), the arbitration would be held in Singapore. The Chinese buyer, however, filed an application in the Indian High Court seeking an injunction restraining the Indian seller from selling or alienating its goods, property or assets. Indian seller took the objection that, as per the agreement, the place of arbitration was at Singapore. As such, provisions of the Part-I of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 were not applicable and the application for interim relief was liable to be dismissed. Decide with reasons in the light of authoritative judgment on the above issue.
  7. Discuss in detail the reasons that prompt the companies for doing business globally.
  8. Highlight the function of theory of comparative advantage in global business.
  9. Critically discuss the various dimensions of technology transfer international business.
  10. Write short notes on: (a) GDP         (b) GNP


Section – B

  1. Answer any THREE                                                          (3 x 15   = 45) 


  1. Good business are not born, but are made by the combined efforts of all stakeholders, board of directors, government and the society at large.” In the light of this statement, bring out the various responsibilities of business towards different grouping of good corporate social responsibility.


  1. Make a critical assessment of different approaches to world trade and commerce.


  1. Explain the various strategies followed at various stages of product life cycle in global business. And discuss the motive for PLC in global trade.


  1. Enumerate the main motive within social and cultural Environment of global trade.


  1. Discuss the following technology impact on global business

(a) E-Business                (b) EFT                (c) SWIFT


Section – C

  • Compulsory Case study                                                             ( 1 x 20 = 20)


 India has imposed anti-dumping duties on imports of compact discs recordable (CDRs) from China, Hong Kong, Singapore and Chinese Taipei. The move is expected to give some relief to domestic producers of CDRs. The Central Board of Excise and Customs (CBEC) had notified the imposition of anti-dumping duty in the range of $0.050 to $0.099 per piece. Imposition of duty is expected to level the field for domestic players. The domestic industry had petitioned the government against such imports as these were eroding their margins.

The designated authority – Director General of Anti-Dumping (DGAD) had made a recommendation to the CBEC in this regard. The authority, in its final findings, had concluded that the CDRs had entered Indian market from the identified countries at price less than their normal value in the domestic market.

“The domestic industry had suffered material injury and the injury has been caused to the domestic industry both by volume and price effect of dumped imports of subjected goods originating in or exported from the subject countries”, it had said. The authority maintained that dumping margins of the CDRs imported from these countries were substantial and above the de minims and recommended imposition of definitive anti-dumping duties.


Answer the following questions


  • What is dumping? Illustrate.
  • How did Directorate General of Anti dumping and Allied Duties (DGAD) come to the conclusion of dumping of CDRs?
  • Under what conditions DGAD would have suspended the investigations?
  • With whom the appeal against the order of DGAD may be filed and in how many days?





Class: MIB                                                                                                                Semester: I

          Subject: International Business Environment

Time: 3 Hours                                                                                                    Max: 100 Marks



Section –A                                                                

     Answer any SEVEN questions                                                                                    7 x 5 = 35         

  1. Make a critical assessment of WTO’s assistance to world trade
  • The World Trade Organization (WTO) is the only international organization dealing with the global rules of trade between nations. Its main function is to ensure that trade flows as smoothly, predictably and freely as possible.
  • The goal is to help producers of goods and services, exporters, and importers conduct their business
  • Administers the WTO Agreements and facilitates their operation and implementation

Various assistance of WTO

  • Provides a forum for trade negotiations among member states on matters covered by the Agreements and for further liberalization of trade amongst members
  • Responsible for the settlement of differences and disputes between members
  • Responsible for periodic reviews of the trade policies of members
  • In addition provides technical assistance and training for developing countries
  • Cooperates with other international organisations on subjects of mutual interest


  1. What are the main objectives of the Foreign Trade Policy (FTP)?
  • Policies are designed to regulate, direct, and protect national activities. The exercise of these policies is the result of national control, which provides a government with the right to shape the environment of the country and its citizens.
  • Analyze the most common reasons for countries to protect certain industries. And to discuss the mechanisms used to provide protection.
  • Enhance exports of major export.
  • Commodities Identify potential export commodities.
  • Diversify export destinations.


  1. Thrust of mercantilism

Mercantilism, which emerged in England in the mid-16th century, asserted that it is in a country’s best interest to maintain a trade surplus, to export more than it imports.

Thrust Areas

  • Promotion of National wealth and power
  • Importance of trade surpluses
  • Trade surplus leads to a net gold inflow, and thereby to greater national wealth and power
  • correlation between nations and households
  • Encourage domestic production and exports, discourage imports


  1. State the government strategy to achieve the objectives of the Indian Foreign Trade Policy 2004-2009.

Objective: Simplifying procedures and bringing down transaction costs

  • Transaction costs are incurred at the pre and post-production stages, and arise out from several procedural complexities associated with administrative processes, availability of finance and transportation problems.
  • For enhancing the growth of exports it is important to reduce the transaction costs involved.
  • Simplified and less stringent bureaucratic procedures like single window clearance and business friendly approach
  • Better technology due to higher levels of foreign investment, faster loading/unloading methods
  • Flexible labour laws and Cheap availability of power and raw materials


  1. Special Economic Zone (SEZ) programme in India Boon or Disaster?
    • Political Influence / Interference
    • Strict Policy
    • Setting up of new infrastructure
    • Resettlement and rehabilitation policy
    • Slow on approval for IT SEZ’s
    • Problem of alienation and discrimination.


  1. Indian seller of goods and Chinese buyer agreed that as per the rules of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), the arbitration would be held in Singapore. The Chinese buyer, however, filed an application in the Indian High Court seeking an injunction restraining the Indian seller from selling or alienating its goods, property or assets. Indian seller took the objection that, as per the agreement, the place of arbitration was at Singapore. As such, provisions of the Part-I of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 were not applicable and the application for interim relief was liable to be dismissed. Decide with reasons in the light of authoritative judgment on the above issue.

Based on Negotiation, Agreement – Consider Arbitration and Conciliation. Without affecting two countries bilateral relationship.

  1. Discuss in detail the reasons that prompt the companies for doing business globally.
  • Greater integration and interdependency of national economies; leading to freer movement of goods, services, capital, and knowledge
  • Rise of regional economic integration coalition
  • Growth of global investment and financial flows
  • Convergence of consumer lifestyles and preferences
  • Globalization of production
  • Exchange of products and services across national borders; typically through exporting and importing.



  1. Highlight the function of theory of comparative advantage in global business.

Theory of comparative advantage

It makes sense for a country to specialize in the production of those goods that it produces most efficiently.

  • According to the law of comparative advantage, a country must specialize in those products that it can produce relatively more efficiently than other countries.
  • Superior features provide good products
  • Unique benefits in global competition
  • Beneficial for two countries to trade even if one has absolute advantage in the production of all products.


  1. Critically discuss the various dimensions of technology transfer international business.
  • Defines the concept as ‘‘the movement of know-how, technical knowledge, or technology from one organizational setting to another’’.
  • Analyze an astonishingly wide range of organizational and institutional interactions involving some form of technology-related exchange.

Dimension Technology Transfer

  • Transfer agent
  • Transfer medium-
  • Transfer object
  • Transfer recipient
  • Demand Environment


  1. Write short notes on

(a) GDP- The total value of all goods and services produced within a nation’s borders over one year, no matter whether domestic or foreign-owned companies make the product.

(b) GNP- The income generated both by total domestic production as well as the international production activities of national companies.


     Answer any THREE questions                                                                               3 x 15   = 45 


  1. Good business are not born, but are made by the combined efforts of all stakeholders, board of directors, government and the society at large.” In the light of this statement, bring out the various responsibilities of business towards different grouping of good corporate social responsibility.


Responsibilities towards various groups

  • Owners / shareholders
  • Employees
  • Consumers
  • Government
  • Community and Society At Large



  1. Make a critical assessment of different approaches to world trade and commerce.



  1. Explain the various strategies followed at various stages of product life cycle in global business. And discuss the motive for PLC in global trade.
  • It’s important for marketers to understand how to move their product through the different stages by manipulating the marketing mix. A product life cycle consists of the introductory, growth, maturity and decline stages.
  • These stages need to be supported with correct pricing, promotion and distribution to reach the target market.












  1. Enumerate the main motive within social and cultural Environment of global trade.





  1. Discuss the following technology impact on global business

(a) EBusiness

  • Reduction in physical boundaries and distance;
  • Serve larger customer base more efficiently;
  • Target specific customer groups;
  • The Internet is an interactive marketing medium;
  • More detailed information on customer transactions; and
  • Improved transaction efficiency.


 (b) EFT

  • EFT Global provide an efficient, safe and effective method to accept or make payments by EFT/ACH methods reducing administrative overheads and adding process efficiencies to your business.
  • Electronic fund transfers (EFT’s) are processed using the worldwide payment networks. EFT is a paperless system that provides for the inter-bank clearing of electronic entries for participating financial institutions
  • With the global emergence of electronic payments replacing paper based transaction methods it is now more important than ever for businesses to process transactions fast, efficient and accurately; enhancing business capabilities, reducing administrative overheads and allowing you concentrate on core business functions.


          (c) SWIFT- Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications

  • Quick and cheap
  • Secure and reliable
  • Standardized forms
  • Speed-More Reliable and Fast, Accurate
  • Costs- Cheaper
  • Volume – Manage Large
  • Security – More Authentic service
  • Uniform Formats


St. Joseph’s College of Commerce M.Com. 2014 I Sem International Business Environment Question Paper PDF Download


End Semester Examinations – SEPT / OCT 2014

MIB – i semester


Duration: 3 Hours                                                                                                                Max. Marks: 100

Section – A

  1. Answer any SEVEN questions. Each carries 5 marks.                                  (7 x 5 = 35)


  1. Governments create the rules and frameworks in which businesses are able to compete against each other. From time to time the government will change these rules     and frameworks forcing businesses to change the way they operate. How are       international businesses affected by government policies?
  2. Today most International organizations are using “WTO”- widely to administer the legislative support and progress with customers in a more efficient manner. What are the             main roles and functions that need to be considered when      inflowing to the          overseas markets in relation to WTO?
  3. “Franchising is one of the best options to expand business operations internationally.” Critically analyze this statement.
  4. “What is Foreign Trade Policy?” Explain why Foreign Trade Policy should be done?
  5. Analyze recent trends in global trade and foreign investment with special reference to FDI in retail sector in India.
  6. Make a sketch of competitive advantage. Explain how they give a Competitive advantage in International market with relevant examples.
  7. An Indian company marketing coffee has identified that coffee is most often consumed in the mornings. However, they would like to change this and make the drink acceptable during other time periods during the day. Which form of segmentation         would they need to work with and establish a strategy reflective of their desires? And         also advise them for various drivers of International Business when entering to         the       overseas markets.


  1. Using an appropriate example, explain how Mixed Economy is important in building     economic development.
  2. The Impact of Technological Changes in the international business has tremendous          Progress. How do various dimensions of technology transfer affect the global business?
  3. Write short Notes on the following:

(a) Totalitarianism


Section – B

  1. Answer any THREE questions. Each carries 15 marks.                                                 (3 x 15   = 45)
  2. You have been appointed as the Manager, International Marketing, of a newly established export company. You are advised to brief the management about ‘the    concept of political risk as a marketing function’. Your answer should discuss the risks based on the International marketing political environment.


  1. Culture is an integral part of understanding different countries. In fact, your company is interested in importing Australian seafood to the United States, as part of the initial analysis. Identify the components of culture and provide a brief         description of the same.


  1. You are the Senior Manager (Operations) of Innova Exports Ltd. The Board of directors desires to know the International marketing strategies of product life cycle             with your business. Sketch a note for consideration of the Board of directors.


  1. Presume that you are the idea manager of a large domestic operating in India. The company intends to introduce new cologne to the International market and wants            to explore potential avenues for their products. For this purpose you are required to spot   various modes of entry level for Global Business.


  1. How does corporate social responsibility contribute towards international business? Take any one Indian corporate as case and Comment.

Section – C

  • Compulsory Case study.                                                               (1 x 20 = 20)


  1. Globalization and the increased global competition has brought in its wake make up this caselet. The measures taken by WTO member-countries to protect their domestic            industries from global competition forms part of the caselet, which also focuses on the   legitimization of anti-dumping duties and excessive protectionism. It points to the       growing number of anti-dumping cases and its impact on the global economy. Prior to       globalization, when tariffs and other trade barriers were high, domestic industries were             naturally protected from global competition.

Though there was a surge in international marketing in the early 20th century, local    industries did not have to worry about global competition as they were protected. However, successive rounds of trade liberalization under the General Agreement on      Tariffs and Trade (GATT) during the Uruguay Round resulted in trade liberalization          and reduced tariff and non-tariff barriers.


  1. The increase in the number of anti-dumping complaints does not augur well for the global business. Comment.
  2. How far are anti-dumping measures effective in protecting the domestic markets from international competition?
  3. Do you think “Globalization’’ increases poverty and inequality? Justify your answer.
  4. Globalization is good in actual fact but only its implementation that evokes concern. Discuss the type of contribution required from developed nations to integrate low-   income nations into the global economy. Suggest some measures that can reduce      poverty in developing countries.



St. Joseph’s College of Commerce M.I.B. 2015 I Sem International Business Environment Question Paper PDF Download


Duration: 3 Hours                                                                                              Max. Marks: 100
I. Answer any SEVEN questions.  Each carries 5 marks.                                    (7×5=35)
1. What is foreign direct investment? What are the advantages of FDI?
2. How is the WTO different from GATT?
3. Write a brief note on “Letter of  Credit”.
4. Enumerate  the impact of diversity  in international business
5. Discuss the role of various international agencies in reducing / resolving conflicts.
6. Write a  short note  on ethnocentric  approach  in  international business.
7. What is international franchising? List 2 issues in franchising.
8. Explain the factor  price  equalization theory.
9. What is capitalistic economic system?
10. Write a note on TRIPS.
II. Answer any THREE questions.  Each carries 15 marks.                                (3×15=45)


11. How do the bilateral and multilateral agreements resolve and prevent conflicts?
12. What is technology? Explain the role of technological changes in the  global business.
13. Bring out the difference between domestic and international business.
14. Define integration.  Explain different levels of integration in international business.
15. Write a short note on European union.


III. Case Study                                                                                                              (1×20=20)
16. Mahindra & Mahindra (M&M) is a major player ¡n the tractor and certain segments of the automobile market in India. After an impressive growth for a few years, the tractor market in India has been stagnating during 1998-99 — 2000-01.

M&M has been selling its tractors and utility vehicles in foreign markets including USA. Some of the components for its products have been sourced from abroad.

M&M has a 100% subsidiary in USA, Mahindra USA, with a strong network of

100 dealers. Mahindra has a five-per cent market share in the US market in the 28-30 horse power (HP)  range.

As a part of the strategy aimed at building a global supply chain, Mahindra USA has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Korean tractor major Tong Yang, a part of the $2 bn Tong Yang Moolsam group, according to which Mahindra will source high horse power (mostly 25-40 hp range) and sell them around the world under the M&M brand name. To start with the premium range of tractors will be sold in the US.

M&M’s current tractor range is more utility-oriented and lacks the aesthetic appeal that Tong Yang’s tractors have, a must for a strong presence in the US market.


a.  What are the advantages and disadvantages of global sourcing?

b.  How will the foreign market expansion help M&M?

c.  How does the Strategic alliance with Tong Yang benefit M&M?

d.  What are the possible risks of the alliance? How can they be  overcome/minimised?




St. Joseph’s College of Commerce 2015 International Business Environment Question Paper PDF Download

Duration: 3 Hours                                                                                                    Max. Marks: 100
I. Answer any SEVEN questions.  Each carries 5 marks.                                          (7×5=35)
  1. Define Unipolar with and Example?
  2. Write a short Note on Infant Industry? With Example.
  3. What is Cross- Culture Literacy?
  4. Write a Note on Tariff and Quota?
  5. Distinguish between Licensing and Franchising?
  6. Define Goods under International Sale Contract?
  7. Explain Ethnocentric and Geocentric?
  8. Write a Note on Values and Norms?
  9. Explain the Needs of International Business?
  10. What do you mean by Social Stratification?
II. Answer any THREE questions.  Each carries 15 marks.                                      (3×15=45)
  11. Distinguish between International Business and Domestic Business with suitable examples.
  12. Describe the social factors which impact customer needs and size of markets?


  13. Differentiate between Franchising and Joint ventures.
  14. What is Globalization? Explain the dimensions of economic Globalization.
  15. How does a foreign company invest in India? What are the regulations pertaining to issue of shares by Indian companies to foreign collaborators/investors?


III. Case Study                                                                                                                  (1×20=20)
  16. Pifizer Inc. a New York based firm, is now considered to be one of the world’s most admired Pharma companies. The firm discovers, develops, manufactures and sells leading prescription medicines for human beings and animals. The firm’s innovative value added products lead to its success. The company has three business segments: health care, animal health and consumer health care. Its products are available in more than 150 countries; its medicines help about 150 million people in year worldwide.

Pfizer was ranked the world’s most admired pharmaceuticals by the fortune magazine in 1997. In 1999, Pifizer celebrated its 150th anniversary. Forbes magazine declared is “The company of the year”. In 2000, Pifizer and Warner-Lambert agreed on a $90 billion merger to form the new Pifizer, which would make Pifizer the world’s fastest growing major Pharma company in the coming decades. Pifizer was named as “One of the 25 global Most admired all stars” by the Fortune magazine.

In 1924, the company’s employee strength was only 306, but now it has increased to 1,22,2000 staff worldwide. Pifizer is decided to discovering and developing innovative medicines and making them available to people around the world.


Pfizer Reports:

Our business is fundamentally about saving, improving and enhancing lives, and we believe that by being successful as a business we provide the greatest benefit to society.Our commitment to being an exemplary corporate citizen is reflected in our extensive efforts to improve access to healthcare, the core focus of our philanthropic initiatives. Through our support of health initiatives, and by the generosity and compassion of our employees, we strive to make the community in which we operate a better place to live and work. At Pfizer, ‘Community’ is a Core value Building relationships within the communities in which Pfizer operates is high on the agenda of Pfizer. We recognize that constructive interaction with society and positive relationships with host communities are important to our success and are beneficial to the company, its employees and the people around. Support to the need of the community is an integral part of Pfizer’s round the year community development programs.

Our Philanthropic Focus

  • Providing Access to Medicines
  • Support to patient Groups
  • Providing Health Literacy
  • Spreading Disease Awareness
  • Building Communities
  • Education, Training and Capacity Building
  • The Process of drug discovery.


At an estimated budget of $7.9 billion in 2004 for research and development (R&D), Pfizer Inc. boasts of the industry’s largest Pharmaceutical R&D organization: Pfizer Global Research and Development.


Pfizer’s search for new treatments spans hundreds of research projects across 18 therapeutic areas. This is much more than any other company. Our scientists, clinicians, technicians, and other professionals employ state-of-the-art tools ranging from robotic high-through put screening (a method pioneered by Pfizer) to sophisticated genomic studies, and deliver a steady stream of innovative new products that enhance human and animal health.


A half century ago, despite daunting odds and great risk, Pfizer pioneered the mass production of penicillin, thus ushering in the modern pharmaceutical era. Now, more than 12,500 Pfizer scientists at our research facilities around the world continue the quest for new medicines with the same pioneering spirit.


Today, Pfizer is poised at the cutting edge of science and biotechnology, a position that is strengthened by partnerships and links with more than 250 associates in academia and from within the industry. These partnerships provide Pfizer with access to novel R&D tools and to key data on emerging trends.



Going beyond medicines-In India, Pfizer instituted the first every Diseases management program – Healthy Heart TM in Cardio Vascular Disease (hypertension, chronic stable angina and dyslipidemia), in partnership with Apollo Hospital, Hyderabad and more recently with Apollo Hospital, Chennai.

Partner with Physician Associations to develop recommendations/guidelines of managing specific diseases.


Provide medical information to physicians on drugs as well as therapeutic areas that we operate in a Pharmaco-Vigilance system wherein we track adverse events reported by physicians.



  1. Does Pfizer fulfill its role as a global player? Justify your answer.
  2. Has its growth around the globe helped developing countries? Comment.



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