Loyola College M.A. English April 2004 British Literature (1670 – 1832) Question Paper PDF Download




EL 3800/LE 923 – BRITISH LITERATURE (1670 – 1832)

Date        :16.04.04                                                                                         Max   : 100 marks

Duration : 9 – 12 noon                                                                                    Hours : 3 hrs


  1. Answer the following briefly: (10 x 2 = 20)
  2. A present Deity they shout around:

A present Deity the vaulted roofs rebound.

  1. For when the Fair in all their pride expire,

To their first elements their souls retire:

  1. Full many a flowers are born to blush unseen

And waste its sweetness in the desert air.

  1. … That time is past,

and all its aching joys are now no more

and all its dizzy raptures.

  1. Though round its breast the rolling clouds are spread

Eternal sunshione settles on his head.

  1. “The practice of stage representation reducess everything to a controversy of elocution”. Expand the passage with refernce to the context.
  2. “Spirits and fairies cannot be represented… they can only be believed”. Interpret the above pasaage.
  3. “See him in the dish, the second cardle, how meek he lieth”. Comment on “second cradle” and “meek”.
  4. “I have a kindly yearning towards these dim speeks- poor blots- innocent blackness”. Explain the underlined words.
  5. “Much remains to sing. Many fantastic shapes rise up but they must be mine in private”.Explain with reference to the context.



  1. Answer any five of the following questions in short paragraphs of almost 100-150 words each.                                                                                                (5 x 8 = 40)
  2. What does the story of the Little Black Boy convey to the reader?
  3. The situation presented in The Castaway is about a belief present in those times. What is it?
  4. Describe the many soothing effects that the Evening has according to Collins.
  5. What is the central episode of summer in “The Seasons”?
  6. Write briefly on the theme of love in Pride and Prejudice.

16. Critically evaluate Dryden’s estimate of Chaucer in Preface to fables.

  1. Write a short on the theme of Abuse of Reason in Gulliver’s third voyage.
  2. Bring out some of the most striking aspects of Medievalism in Walter Scott’s Ivanhoe.

Part C

  • Answer the following in about 350-400 words each.          (2 x 20 = 40)
  1. a) Bring out the distinguishing features of Sheridan’s The School for Scandal.


  1. b) Describe the three stages of Wordsworth’s encounter with Nature.
  2. a) She Stoops to Conquer is an anti-sentimental comedy – discuss.


  1. “Tintern Abbey” shows many of the characteristics of the Romantic temperament in poetry”. Elucidate.


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Loyola College M.A. English Nov 2006 British Literature (1670 – 1832) Question Paper PDF Download

                       LOYOLA COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS), CHENNAI – 600 034


AP 29


EL 3805 – BRITISH LITERATURE (1670 – 1832)

(Also equivalent to EL 3800)



Date & Time : 30-10-2006/9.00-12.00   Dept. No.                                                       Max. : 100 Marks





Interpret the following lines in about 50 words each:                                    (10 x 2 = 20 marks)


  1. The paths of glory lead but to the grave.
  2. It was a miracle of rare device, A sunny pleasure – dome with caves of ice!
  3. He raised a mortal to the skies;  She drew an angel down.
  4. His pity gave ere charity began.
  5. … These heateous forms, through a long absence, have not been to me.

As is a landscapes to a blind man’s eye.

  1. This is, the south sea House.

Describe the south sea House.

  1. … I love everything that is old; old friends, old books, old wine.

Comment on the speaker.

  1. I reverence these young Africans of our own growth.

Why and who is called ‘young Africans?

  1. The greatness of Lear is not in corporeal dimension, but in intellect.  Explain.
  2. The practice of stage representation renders everything to a controversy of elocution.




Answer any FIVE of the following questions in short  paragraphs of about 150-200 words each:

(5 x 8 = 40 marks)

  1. What makes Don Juan (Canto II) idyllie and picturesque?
  2. How does Collins recount the blessings of the evening, in his poem?
  3. Bring out the underlying concept in the story of the little black boy.
  4. Comment on the various themes in Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice.
  5. Write a short note on Johnson’s estimate of Milton’s Epics.
  6. Why, according to Dryden is Chaucer, the father of English poetry?
  7. Consider at least to themes that Swift develops in Gulliver’s Travels.
  8. What are the highlights of Congreve’s The Way of the World?



Answers to be in about 350-400 words:                                                         (2 x 20 = 40 marks)


  1. a) Define Shelley’s Adonais as a pastoral Elegy and show how it follows specific



  1. b) Comment on the range of characters that Sheridan presents in The School for Scandal.


  1. a) Tintern Abbey is about the growth of Wordsworth’s mind – Discuss.



  1. b) Account for the popularity of She stoops to Conquer.


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Loyola College M.A. English April 2007 British Literature (1670 – 1832) Question Paper PDF Download



LO 51


EL 3800 / 3805 – BRITISH LITERATURE (1670 – 1832)




Date & Time: 28/04/2007 / 9:00 – 12:00 Dept. No.                                         Max. : 100 Marks




Interpret the following lines in about 50 words each:                               10 x 2 = 20


  1. The paths of glory lead but to the grave.

Elaborate on the wisdom of this line.

  1. It was a miracle of rare device,

A summary pleasure – dome with cave of icel.

  1. He raised a mortal to the skies;

She drew an angel down.

  1. His pity gave ere charity began,

Explain the manner in which this virtue was displayed.

  1. ……. These beauteous forms.

Through  a long absence, have not been to me

As is a landscape to a blind man’s eye.

  1. I reverence these young Africans

of our own growth.

Explicate the under lined words.

  1. Such is, the south sea House.

Describe the South Sea House.

  1. The greatness of Lear……… is intellectual

– Explain.

  1. The practice of stage representation

reduces everything to controversy of elocution.

– comment.

  1. Notice him in his second cradle.  Explain the underlined words.










Answer any Five of the following questions in short paragraphs of about 150-200 words each:                                                                                                                                                             5 x 8 = 40

  1. How does Goldsmith enlist our admiration for the village parson?
  2. Show how Gray describes that every human being yearns to the remembered.
  3. Cull out two of the characteristics of the Romantic movement in Tintern Abbey.
  4. What are the limitations of scenery and dress in theatrical representation?
  5. Write a short note on Johnson’s views on Milton’s Epics.
  6. Write a paragraph on Dryden’s estimate of Chaucer.
  7. Write briefly on Swifts method of satire in Gulliver’s Travels.
  8. Cull out four features of Comedy of manners in Congreve’s The Way of The World.




Answer to be in about 350-400 words:                                                     2 x 20 = 40


  1. a) Write an essay on Wordsworth’s various stages of evolution towards nature.


  1. b) Comment on the range of characters that Sheridan presents in

The School for Scandal.

  1. a) Account for the popularity of

She stoops To conquer.


  1. b) Comment on the various themes in Jane Austen’s Pride and prejudice.



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