fourth SEMESTER – APRIL 2003
ZO 4803 / Z 1020 clinical technology
1.00 -4.00 Max: 100 Marks
Section – A (10´ 2 = 20 Marks)
Answer ALL the questions
- What is Haeomoglobinuria?
- Expand the abbreviations: MMR, ACD, DPT, ESR.
- Write the normal values of PCV and Hb.
- Write the procedure for detection of bile salt.
- What is Hydatid cyst?
- Write the symptoms of cholera.
- What is GTT? Explain.
- What is erythroblastosis foetalis?
- What is Noscomic infection?
- What is the importance of HC protein?
SECTION – B (4 ´ 10 = 40 Marks)
Answer any four of the following
- Give an account of any two groups of pathogenic viruses of man.
- Write the principle and procedure for estimation of blood glucose.
- Describe the composition of human blood cells. Add a note on their abnormalities.
- List the criteria for screening a donor in a blood bank.
- Write the macroscopic characteristics of human urine sample. Add a note on casts and crystals.
- Write short notes on a) medical ethics
- b) Quality control
SECTION – C (2 ´ 20 = 40 Marks)
Answer any TWO of the following
- Describe the cycle of Golgi. Add a note on types of Plasmodia and
their clinical symptoms.
- Write the principle, procedure, normal value and clinical significance of
WBC count with suitable sketches.
- Give an account on air borne bacterial diseases.
- a) Explain physical methods of sterilisation.
- Explain the principle and procedure for estimation of ketone bodies.