Loyola College M.Com April 2008 Corporate Accounts & Accounting Standards Question Paper PDF Download


RO 56







Date : 25/04/2008            Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 9:00 – 12:00


Answer all questions:                                                                                         10 x 2 = 20

  • What are fundamental accounting assumptions?
  • Write short note on events occurring after the balance sheet date.
  • Given an example for prior period item and extraordinary item as per AS5
  • B Ltd submits you the following information to calculate the weighted average number of shares outstanding during the year 2002 for the purpose of calculation of earnings per share.

Number of shares outstanding as on 1.1.02 – 9000

Number of shares on 31.05.02 – 3000

Number of shares bought back as on 1.11.2002 – 1500

  • Define “Value Added”.
  • Write short not on “Minority Interest”
  • Distinguish between amalgamation and absorption.
  • Calculate the maximum remuneration payable to the whole time director on the profits after charging his remuneration. Net profit for calculating managerial remuneration Rs.400000.
  • What are inter-company Owings? How are they treated on consolidation?
  • Stock of Rs.1, 60,000 held by H Ltd consists of Rs.60, 000 goods purchased from S Ltd who has charged Profit on Sale of 20%. H Ltd acquired 80% of shares of S Ltd. Calculate the amount of unrealized profit included in stock.


Answer any five only:                                                                                    5 x 8 = 40

  • Write short note on: a) Cost of Control; b) Unrealized Profit; c) Consolidated Balance sheet.
  • Distinguish between Merger method and Purchase method of Accounting for amalgamation.
  • Briefly explain the accounting treatment on revaluation of fixed Assets.
  • Determine the maximum remuneration payable to the part time directors and Manger of B Ltd., a manufacturing company under section 309 and 387 of the company’s act 1956 from the following particulars.

Before charging any such remuneration, the Profit and Loss account showed a credit balance of Rs.23, 05,000 for the year ended 31st march 2005 after taking into account the following matters:


Profit on sale of investments                                      2,05,000

Subsidy received from government                            4,10,000

Loss on sale of fixed assets                                           65,000

Ex-gratia to an employee                                               30,000

Compensation paid to injured workman                        75,000

Provision for taxation                                                 2,79,000

Bonus to foreign technicians                                      3,12,000

Multiple shift allowance                                             1,00,000

Special depreciation                                                       75,000

Capital expenditure                                                     5,10,000

Profit on sale of assets                                                1,00,000

(Cost price Rs.2, 50,000 and written down value

Rs.1, 80,000)

Company is providing depreciation as per section 350 of the companies’ act 1956.

  • From the following items in the trial balance of a company on 31.12.2005 and the adjustments given hereunder, show how the items would appear in the relevant accounts and details in the balance sheet.

                                Trial Balance                        DR.               CR.

Advance tax paid (2005)                                            Rs.60, 000

Provision for tax (2005)                                                                      Rs.80, 000

Tax deducted at source                                               Rs.10, 000


Income tax for 2005 has been assessed at Rs.1, 00,000 against which the

Advance Payment of tax deducted at source is to be adjusted.

Provide Rs.60, 000 for taxation on current profits.


  • NDA Company had 20,00,000 equity shares outstanding as on 1.1.2001. On 1.10.2001 it issued 2 equity shares bonus for each share outstanding on 30.09.01. Net profit for 2000 was Rs.18, 00,000; net profit for 2001 was Rs.60, 00,000. Calculate basic EPS 2001 and Adjusted EPS 2000.


  • The East Karnataka Ltd. Sells its business to Basu Product Ltd. as on 31-12-2005. On which date its balance sheet was as under:

Liabilities                                Rs.                   Assets                          Rs.

Paid up share capital:

2000 shares of Rs.100 each    2, 00,000         Goodwill                     50,000

Debentures                              1, 00,000         Freehold property     1, 50,000

Creditors                                    30,000          Plant and Tools            83,000

General Reserve                         50,000          Stock                            35,000

Profit & Loss a/c                        20,000          Bills Recivable               4,500

Debtors                       27,500

Cash at bank               50,000

4,00,000                                            4,00,000


Basu Products Ltd. agreed to take over the assets (exclusive of goodwill and cash) at 10% less then the book values, to pay Rs.75000 for goodwill and to take over debentures.

The purchase consideration was to be discharged by the allotment to the East Karnataka Co.Ltd.1500 shares of Rs.100 each at a premium of Rs.10 per share and the balance in cash.

The cost of liquidation amounted to Rs.3, 000.

Show the calculation of purchase consideration and opening entries in the books of Basu Product Ltd.


  • Balance sheets as at 31.12.2000

Liabilities                    H               S          Assets                    H                  S

Shar Capital Re.1        10,000       5000    Sundry Assets       19000          15000

Reserves                        5000      ——      5000 shares in

S Ltd.                     6000

P&L A/C                       4000        1800

Creditors                       6000        8200

25000      15000                                  25000          15000


Shares of S Ltd were purchased by H Ltd on 30th June 2000. On 1st Jan2000 the balance sheet of S Ltd showed a loss of Rs.3000.

Prepare the consolidated Balance sheet.



Answer any two only:                                                                                  2 x 20 = 20


  • The Auto Parts Manufacturing Co.Ltd., was registered with an authoried capital of Rs.7,50,000 divided into 3000, 6% cumulative preference shares of rs.100 each and 4500 equity shares of Rs.100 each. The following are the balance taken as on 31.12.2006


Particulars                                      Rs                    Particulars                               Rs

Calls in arrear                                      18750              Plant and Machinery               900000

Stock 1.4.02                                      187500              Fixtures                                     18000

Debtors                                             217500              Buildings                                 750000

Purchases                                          462500              Interim dividend paid               18750

Rent                                                    12000              General Expense                       12250

Debenture interest                               22250              Bills Payable                             95000

General Reserves                                62500              P&L Appropriation A/C(cr)      36250

Equity shares (fully called up)        1150000              Preliminary Expense                 12500

Goodwill                                             62500              Freight                                       32750

Cash in Hand                                        6125              Wages                                     212000

Directors fees                                      14350              Cash at Bank                             95750

Commission on sales                           18000              Bad Debts                                   5275

Debentures                                        750000              Salaries                                      36250

Government securities                      150000              Sales                                      1037500

Sundry creditors                               125000              Provision for bad debts               8750


The stock on 31st March,2003 was estimated at Rs.2,52,500. The following adjustments have also to be made:


  • Depreciation of plant and Machinery at 10% and on Fixtures at 5%
  • Wages include Rs.25000 paid for the construction of additional rooms to the building
  • Final dividend at 5% to be provided
  • Preliminary expenses to be written off by 20%
  • Provision for bad debts to be maintained at 5% on debtors
  • 25000 to be transferred to General Reserve.
  • A provision for income tax was the extent of Rs.62500 was to be made.


You are required to prepare the trading and profit and loss account and appropriation account for the year ending 31st March 2003 and the balance sheet as on the same date.


  • Following are the Balance Sheets of HLtd. and its subsidiary SLtd. as on31.3.06


Liabilities                   H. Ltd.       S. Ltd.                     Assets          H. Ltd        S Ltd 

                             Rs.              Rs.                                          Rs.            Rs.

Share Capital        20, 00,000     8, 00,000      Fixed Assets   16, 00,000  10,00,000

(Rs.100 each)

General Reserve    6,40,000        2,40,000      Stock                  4, 00,000    3,60,000

P&L A/C               5,60,000        3,60,000      Debtors               1,60,000    3,00,000

Creditors               3,20,000        3,60,000      Investments:

6400 shares in

S.Ltd at cost   12, 00,000      ——–

Bank                    1,60,000    1,00,000

35,20,000    17,.60,000                                35,20,000 17,.60,000


  • Ltd. acquired the shares in S.Ltd on 1st Oct.2005.


  • The Profit and loss account of S.Ltd. on 1- 4 – 2005 showed a balance of

Rs.2, 80, 000 out of which a dividend of 20% was paid for the year

2004- 2005, in the month of Oct 2005. H.Ltd credited the dividend to its

Profit and Loss account.


3)  Sundry creditors of S.Ltd includes Rs.60, 000 for goods supplied by H.Ltd.

The closing stock of S.Ltd includes goods worth Rs.24, 000 which were

supplied by H.Ltd. at a profit of 25% on cost.


Prepare Consolidated Balance Sheet.



  • The balance sheet of O LTd. And P Ltd as on 31st March, 2004 are as under:

(Rs. .Lakhs)

Liabilities              O               P              Assets                      O                     P

Equity (Rs.10)      25               50            Fixed Assets           110                  50

Reserves             131              29.25        Investments                16.25            25

12% Debenture     11                5.50       Current Assets           40.25              3.25

Creditors                 8                2.75       Misc. Expenditure        8.50              9.25

175              87.50                                             175            87.50


Investments of O Ltd represent 125000 shares of P Ltd. Investments of P Ltd are considered worth Rs.30 lakhs. P Ltd is taken over by O Ltd on the basis of the intrinsic value in their respective books of accounts. Prepare a statement showing the number of shares to be allotted by O Ltd to P Ltd and the opening entries in the books of O Ltd and also show the Balance sheet of O Ltd after absorption of P Ltd.


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Loyola College M.Com April 2009 Corporate Accounts & Accounting Standards Question Paper PDF Download


KP 57







Date & Time: 28/04/2009 / 9:00 – 12:00  Dept. No.                                                  Max. : 100 Marks




Answer All Questions:                                                                                       10 x 2 = 20

  • Under what headings will you classify the following items while preparing Balance Sheet of a Company?
    1. Preliminary Expenses. ii) Unclaimed Dividend, iii) Loose Tools., iv) Securities Premium.
  • Fill in the Blanks:
    1. If the proposed dividend lies between 12.5% and 15 % the percentage of profits to be

transferred to general reserve is ————.

  1. ii) A reserve which is represented by investments outside the business is known as ———-.
  • What are accounting standards?
  • What are Notes to Accounts?
  • Give an example of Loss Contingency.
  • Whether the following items are a) Prior period items, b) Extraordinary items, c) Change in accounting estimate. D) None of these.
  • Expenses of Rs. 1, 00,000 of the previous year, which were omitted, form the books of account of the previous year due to oversight.
  • Write off a huge debt of a major customer due for more than a year.
  • On 1-1-2001 A Ltd has 1800 equity shares outstanding. On 31-05-2001, it issued 600 equity shares for cash (without bonus claim). On 1-11-2001 it bought back 300 shares. Calculate weighted average number of shares as on 31-12-2001.
  • Define Holding Company.
  • What is purchase Consideration according to AS14?
  • S Ltd was taken over by R Ltd the following position was mutually agreed upon

S Ltd.              R Ltd

Number of Shares                               60,000             90,000

Face Value of Share                            100                  10

Net Assets                                           3, 60, 00,000   72, 00,000

Ascertain intrinsic values of the shares, ratio of exchange of shares and Number

of shares to be issued.


Answer any five only:                                                                                          5 x 8 = 40


  • Distinguish between Merger method and Purchase method of Accounting for amalgamation.


  • Define “Value added.” Explain the importance of Value Added concept in the present industrial environment?


  • Define “Impairment Loss”. How would an impaired Asset be identified? What are the disclosure provisions relating to impairment of assets?


  • X Ltd, having three whole time directors on its Board, the others being part time directors, earned profits during the year ended 31st March, 2007 to the tune of Rs.2,50,000 after taking into consideration the following:

Depreciation on fixed assets – Rs.47, 800

Depreciation admissible as per Income Tax rules – Rs. 32, 800

Provision of Income Tax – Rs.1, 22,500

Capital expenditure included in general expenses charged to     P&L A/C – Rs.12, 500

Calculate the maximum remuneration payable to the whole time directors assuming that the remuneration payable to the whole time directors to be calculated on net profits remaining after payment of commission to part time directors and the commission to part time directors is to be calculated on net profits remaining after payment of remuneration to whole time directors.


  • X Ltd., is having a plant (Asset) carrying amount of which is Rs.250 lakhs on 31.03,2002. Its useful life is 5 years and residual value at the end of 5 years is Rs.5 lakhs. Estimated future cash flow from using the plant in next 5 ears are:

For the year ended on                                   Estimated cash flow ( Rs.in lakhs)

  • 50
  • 30
  • 30
  • 20
  • 20

Calculate “Value in use” for plant if the discount rate is 25% and also calculate the recoverable amount and impairment loss. Give necessary journal entries.


  • A) P Ltd had 12, 00,000 equity shares of Rs.10 each fully paid up outstanding prior to rights issue. The details of rights issue are as follows:
    1. One new share for every two shares outstanding.
    2. Rights issue price. Rs.18
    3. Last date to exercise rights is 31st December, 2003
    4. Fair value of each equity share earned by the company as follows:

Year ended 31-3-03 Rs.40, 00,000

Year ended 31-3-04 Rs.54, 00,000

Calculate EPS to be reported under AS-20.


  1. B) Calculate from the following information basic earning per share:

Profit Rs.50,00,000., 10% Preference Shares of Rs.100 lakhs., Number of Equity shares in the beginning of the year 10 lakhs. Bonus issued in the middle of the year 5,00,000.


17)  Balance sheet of H.Ltd, and S.Ltd  as on 31.12.2000 given below:

Liabilities         HLtd.         S.Ltd.              Assets              H.Ltd.       S.Ltd.

Share Capital    10,000           5,000             sundry assets   17,000      10,000

(Rs.1 each)

General Reserve 5,000        ———             4000 shares in

S.Ltd                 5000

Creditors            3,000            3,200

P&L A/C           4,000            1,800

22,000          10,000                                     22,000     10,000

Shares were purchased by H.Ltd. in S.Ltd. on 30th june,2000. On 1st  January, 2000 the balance sheet of S.LTd. showed loss of Rs.3,000 which was written off out of the profits earned during 2000.Profits are assumed to accrue evenly throughout the year. Prepare consolidated Balance sheet.


  • a) What is Contingent Liability as per AS 29?
  1. b) Board of directors approved the financial account of year 2003 – 04 on 31st July, 2004. The following events occurred before the approval of financial accounts by Board of Directors. State how you would deal with this situation:

“The wages of the employees are revised retrospectively from 01.01.04. The agreement is signed on 01.07.04. The negotiations have been going on since 1.2.04. The due to this revision extra wages payable from 01.01.04 to 31.03.04 was Rs.5, 00,000.”

  1. c) Write the areas where AS29 is not applicable.



Answer any two only:                                                                                        2 x 20 = 40


  • The authorized capital of X Ltd is Rs.5, 00,000 consisting of 2,000, 6% preference shares of Rs.100 each and 30,000 equity shares of Rs.100 each. The following was the Trial Balance of X Ltd as on 31-03-2006

Particulars                                                                  Debits (Rs.)     Credits (Rs.)

Investment in shares in cost                                           50, 000

Purchases                                                                   4, 90, 500

Selling Expenses                                                            79, 100

Stock on 01-04-2005                                                 1, 45, 200

Salaries and Wages                                                        52, 000

Cash in hand                                                                  12, 000

Interim preference dividend for half year                       6, 000

Discount on issue of Debentures                                     2, 000

Preliminary Expenses                                                       1, 000

Bills Receivable                                                             41, 500

Interest on Bank Overdraft                                             7, 800

Interest on Debentures up to 30-09-05                            3, 750

Debtors and Creditors                                                   50, 100            87, 850

Freehold property at cost                                           3, 50, 000

Furniture at cost                                                             35, 000

6% preference share capital                                                               2, 00, 000

Equity share capital fully paid up                                                      2, 00, 000

5% Mortgage Debenture secured on –

-Freehold properties                                                                           1, 50, 000

Income tax paid in advance for 2005 -06                                  10, 000

Dividends                                                                                                4, 250

Profit and Loss A/C (1-4-2005)                                                            28, 500

Sales (Net)                                                                                         6, 70, 350

Bank Overdraft secured by Hypothecation of stocks                       1, 50, 000

Technical know – how fees at cost paid –

– during the year                                                        1, 50, 000

Audit fees                                                                        5, 000

14, 90,950        14, 90,950

You are require dot prepare the profit and loss account for the year ended         31-03-06 and the balance sheet as on that date after taking into the following:

  • Closing stock was valued at Rs.1,42,500
  • Purchase includes Rs. 5000 worth of goods and articles distributed among valued customers.
  • Salaries and wages include Rs.2000 being wages incurred for installation of electrical fittings which were recorded under furniture.
  • Bills receivable of Rs.2000 maturing after 31-3-06 were discounted.
  • Depreciation on furniture to be charged at 10% on written down value.
  • 1000 of discount on issue of debentures to be written off.
  • Provide provision for taxation Rs.4000
  • Technical know how is to be written off over a period of 10 years and preliminary expenses to be written off Rs.500.
  • Salaries and wages include Rs.10000 being the directors remuneration
  • Debtors include Rs.6000 debts due for more than six months.

Keeping in mind the requirements of schedule VI part I and Part II of the companies Act 1956, draw up the final accounts of X Ltd.


  • Following are the balance sheet of two companies W Ltd and Z Ltd as at 31st March 2005

Liabilities                    W Ltd.         Z Ltd.     Assets                      W Ltd        Z Ltd

Equity shares of                                              Sundry assets         750000     350000

Rs.100 each                 500000        300000    1000 shares in

Reserves                      100000          60000    W Ltd at Cost                         100000

Creditors                     150000          90000

750000        450000                                   750000     450000

W Ltd was to absorb Z Ltd agreeing that the shares of both the companies are worth Rs.120 each. The purchase consideration was to be discharged in the form of fully paid shares.

A Sum of Rs.20000 is owed by W Ltd to Z Ltd. Also included in the stock of W Ltd is Rs.30000 goods supplied by Z Ltd at cost plus 20%

Give entries in the books of both the companies and Balance sheet in the books of W Ltd.

  • The Balance sheets of H Ltd and S Ltd as at 31st March, 2007 were as under:

Liabilities.             H Ltd.      SLTd.       Assets.                          HLtd.          SLTd

Equity Capital      9,00,000   3,00,000    Fixed Assets              9,00,000   4,00,000

(Rs.10 each)

General Reserve   5,00,000     30,000     Investments              6,00,000    ———-

P&L A/C             6,00,000  2,00,000      Debtors                     1,60,000      90,000

Creditors              1,00,000  1,70,000      Inventory                 2,10,000    1,20,000

Bank                         2,30,000       90,000

21,00,000   7,00,000                                    21,00,000     7,00,000


H Ltd has acquired 75% of S Ltd shares at Rs.600000 on 1st July, 2006. S LTd had an opening balance of Rs.1,00,000 in profit and loss account form which it paid dividend for 2005 -06 at 20 % on 30th September,2006. The dividend received by H Ltd is included in its profit and loss account.

Inventory of H Ltd includes Rs.20, 000 out of purchases of Rs.50, 000 made from small Ltd in January 2007. Credit period is 90 days. S Ltd had sold these items at a margin of 25% on cost. There has been no change in the General Reserve Account for S Ltd during 2006 -07.

Prepare a consolidated Balance Sheet as at 31.03.2007.



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