Loyola College P.G. Commerce Nov 2006 Entrepreneurship And Small Business Mgt Question Paper PDF Download

                        LOYOLA COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS), CHENNAI – 600 034            P.G. DEGREE EXAMINATION – COMMON PAPER

AT 30





Date & Time : 08-11-2006/9.00-12.00      Dept. No.                                                       Max. : 100 Marks



SECTION – A                       (10 x 2 = 20 marks)


Answer all questions. Each answers carries maximum of 2 marks. Each answer should be around 10 lines.


  1. What do you understand by the term entrepreneur?
  • How does an entrepreneur differ from a manager?
  • What is meant by intrapreneur?
  • Write a note on Imitative Entrepreneur
  • What are the objectives of small scale Units
  • What is Project Appraisal
  • Write a short note on Sub-contracting
  • What is Venture Capital?
  • Explain the uses of PERT
  • What are the objectives of Technical Consultancy Organisation (TCO)?


SECTION – B                            (5 x 8 = 40 marks)


Answer any 5 questions. Each answers carries maximum of 8 marks. Answers should be in about 1 page.


  • Comment on the statement that entrepreneurs are made not born.
  • What do you understand by the term entrepreneurial competency? Can they be acquired?
  • Define a small-scale industry. What are its chief characteristics?
  • What are the peculiar problems of women entrepreneurs in India
  • What factors demotivate Indians to go for entrepreneurial venture
  • What are the Planning Commission’s guidelines for a Project report
  • What are the various sources of finance available to small enterprise
  • What are the main functions of Small Industries Service Institute(SISI)


SECTION – C                          (2 x 20 = 40 marks)


Answer any 2 questions. Each answers carries maximum of 20 marks. Answers should be around 4 pages.

  1. “For the industrial development of India, both small and large scale industries need to develop as mutually supportive and complimentary to each other”. Discuss.
  2. What is Network analysis? Discuss CPM and PERT techniques of Network analysis
  3. From the project you have done of a small enterprise, make out a SWOT Analysis



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Loyola College P.G. Commerce 2007-April Entrepreneurship And Small Business Mgt. Question Paper PDF Download


TH 50







Date & Time: 02/05/2007 / 9:00 – 12:00      Dept. No.                                       Max. : 100 Marks


Section – A                                                                                   (10 x 2 = 20 marks)


Answer all questions. Each answers carries maximum of 2 marks. Each answer should be around 10 lines.

  1. Give the main characteristics of an entrepreneur.
  2. Explain the main functions performed by the entrepreneurs.
  3. How will you distinguish intrapreneur from entrepreneur?
  4. Define the term ‘project;’
  5. What is the rationale in developing small businesses
  6. How are business projects classified
  7. What are the functions of District Industrial Centre (DIC)?
  8. What is Network Analysis?
  9. What is SWOT Analysis?
  10. What are the sources of working capital?


Section – B                                                                                   (5 x 8 = 40 marks)

Answer any 5 questions. Each answers carries maximum of 8 marks. Answers should be in about 1 page.

  1. Who are innovative entrepreneurs? Are they suitable for an underdeveloped economy like India? If not, why?
  2. Discuss the qualities of a successful entrepreneur.
  3. What is the rationale behind the development of small-scale industries in India?
  4. Discuss Government measures taken to promote women entrepreneurs
  5. What are the steps involved in Project identification
  6. Explain the importance of rural entrepreneurship.
  7. What are the functions of Technical Consultancy Organisation (TCO)
  8. Explain the objectives of creating industrial estates.


Section – C                                                                                   (2 x 20 = 40 marks)

Answer any 2 questions. Each answers carries maximum of 20 marks. Answers should be around 4 pages.

  1. Explain the significance of project planning. Discuss the methods of project appraisal.
  2. What are the peculiar problems faced by women entrepreneurs in India. What are the government measures to promote women entrepreneur.
  3. Discuss various growth strategies that may be used by small businesses.



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Loyola College P.G. Commerce 2008-April Entrepreneurship And Small Business Mgt. Question Paper PDF Download

RO 52









Date : 06-05-08                  Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 9:00 – 12:00


Section – A

Answer all questions                                                                                     10 x 2 = 20 marks


  1. How does innovation differ from invention?
  2. Distinguish between entrepreneur and enterprise.
  3. What are the main functions of an entrepreneur?

.4. Mention any five common entrepreneurial traits.

  1. What is Achievement Motivation?
  2. Explain the different sources of business ideas.
  3. What do you understand by a ‘project’?
  4. What is Techno-economic survey for project identification?
  5. What are the objectives of Government subsidy?
  6. What is Critical Path Analysis?



Section – B

Answer any Five questions                                                                           5 x 8 = 40 marks


  1. Describe the steps involved in the identification of a project.
  2. What problems are commonly faced by entrepreneurs while starting a new project?
  3. Describe the planning Commission guidelines for project formulation/ feasibility reports of industrial projects.
  4. Distinguish between PERT and CPM.
  5. Briefly explain various project appraisal methods.
  6. Describe SWOT Analysis
  7. Explain the role and functions of SIDBI
  8. Draw a network diagram and indicate the Critical Path


Section – C

Answer any Two questions                                                                          2 x 20 = 40 marks


19.‘Small business is the seedbed of entrepreneurship’. Do you agree or not? Is there not any positive role for large sized business towards entrepreneurship and small businesses?

  1. What are the special problems of a) women b) rural entrepreneurs in India? How can they be overcome?
  2. Examine various sources of finance for a start up project. Discuss the merits of any two Government Institutions engaged in financing small Business.


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Loyola College P.G. Commerce 2007-Nov Entreprenurship And Small Business Mgt Question Paper PDF Download


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Loyola College P.G. Commerce 2008-Nov Entrepreneurship And Small Business Mgt. Question Paper PDF Download


QB 25


THIRD SEMESTER – November 2008





Date : 12-11-08                 Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 9:00 – 12:00

SECTION – A                       (10 x 2 = 20 marks)

Answer all questions. Each answers carries maximum of 2 marks.                                                 Each answer should be around 10 lines.

  1. How important is it to plan one’s business idea?
  2. Mention any two opportunities experienced by entrepreneurs from the business problems they face.
  3. Explain the importance of doing market analysis before starting business.
  4. What is ‘product life cycle’?
  5. Who is an intrapreneur?
  6. Mention any three items usually included in a project proposal report.
  7. Why do some new products fail?
  8. What is venture capital?
  9. Differentiate ‘gross-profit’ from ‘net-profit’.
  10. What is a ‘Question Mark’ according to the BCG matrix?


SECTION – B                            (5 x 8 = 40 marks)

Answer any 5 questions. Each answers carries maximum of 8 marks.                                      Answers should be in about 1 page.

  1. Why are entrepreneurs considered, aggressive? Is there some truth in this expression, considering your observations of successful entrepreneurs recently?
  2. What is the role of marketing in the success of entrepreneurial ventures?
  3. Does the financial crises observed in the markets a sign of bad times for the entrepreneurial community?
  4. Describe some services provided by any two financial institutions based in India, who are known to help Small scale businesses in India.
  5. Are entrepreneurs born or made? Can an entrepreneur be trained?
  6. Prepare a questionnaire investigating the market potential of a new business opportunity known to you.
  7. How do you build brands? What strategies can an entrepreneur follow to create a successful brand?
  8. Identify any three ‘star’ (BCG matrix) business opportunities in India.

SECTION – C                    (2 x 20 = 40 marks)

Answer any 2 questions. Each answers carries maximum of 20 marks.                                          Answers should be around 4 pages.


  1. What is Network analysis? Discuss the CPM and PERT techniques of Network analysis.
  2. Suggest some interesting project ideas for any two of the following: a) women entrepreneurs; b) senior citizens; c) unemployed urban youth.

Adopt the reach, depth, attainability, efficiency and longevity criteria to evaluate your idea.

  1. Write detailed notes on:
  2. SWOT Analysis of any small enterprise/ business known to you.
  3. BCG matrix.



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Loyola College P.G. Commerce 2009-April Entrepreneurship And Small Business Mgt. Question Paper PDF Download



KP 53






Date & Time: 02/05/2009 / 9:00 – 12:00  Dept. No.                                                    Max. : 100 Marks



SECTION – A                       (10 x 2 = 20 marks)

Answer all questions. Each answers carries maximum of 2 marks. Each answer should be around 10 lines.

  1. Mention any two features of a technical feasibility appraisal.
  2. Why are some entrepreneurs successful? Mention any three success reasons.
  3. Identify any three startup expenses faced by an entrepreneur.
  4. What is BEP analysis?
  5. Why is planning an important step before starting a business idea?
  6. How do entrepreneurs learn from new product features?
  7. What is a ‘cash cow’ (BCG matrix)?
  8. What is a profit and loss a/c?
  9. What are ‘Fixed assets’?
  10. Mention any one path-breaking idea in any field known to you like, education, health, environment, housing etc.

SECTION – B                  (5 x 8 = 40 marks)

    Answer any 5 questions. Each answers carries maximum of 8 marks.

    Answers should be in about 1 page.


  1. What are the key characteristics of a small scale business?
  2. How can entrepreneurs save the world from the current recession?
  3. Do a SWOT analysis on any one business known to you.
  4. Is there a special relationship between ‘entrepreneurs’ and ‘emerging economies’ as per the GEM report on Entrepreneurship?
  5. Can entrepreneurs be created in a society? How effective can entrepreneur education be to encourage entrepreneurship?
  6. What suggestions will you give an entrepreneur who plans to build a successful brand?
  7. Can the BCG matrix be usefully adopted in an entrepreneurial venture? Comment with examples?
  8. What is a product life cycle? How does it help build strategies for an entrepreneur?


SECTION – C                    (2 x 20 = 40 marks)

     Answer any 2 questions. Each answers carries maximum of 20 marks.

     Answers should be around 4 pages.


  1. Prepare a questionnaire to investigate a ‘Business Idea’ of your choice? Describe the business briefly

while explaining the consumer need satisfied, market description, size, location etc. Adopt the reach,

depth, attainability, efficiency and longevity criteria to evaluate your idea.

  1. Describe some services provided by any two financial institutions based in India, who are known to

help Small scale businesses. How do you recognize and create a ‘star’ venture? Comment on the 7

domains of attractive opportunities as recommended by John Mullins.

  1. Prepare a master plan to be submitted to the collector of your district to encourage college students

to take up entrepreneurship as a vocation? Suggest important strategies to the Indian Government to

enhance the spirit of enterprise among Indian youth.



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