Loyola College M.A. English April 2004 New Literature In English Question Paper PDF Download






Date        : 03.04.04                                                                                     Max    : 100 marks

Duration : 9 – 12 noon                                                                                            Hours  : 3 hrs




  1. Answer any FOUR in 50 words each :    (4 x 3 = 12 marks)


  1. “I am the twinkle of a jewel

But he is the kind – quarters of a lion”

Bring out the significance of these lines


  1. “The gorilla wrestles with the superman”

Comment on the contrasting images of this line.


  1. “The great eagle lifts its wings from the dream

And the shells of childhood are scattered.”

Consider the figures of speech in these lines.


  1. “Caught in the clash of counter claims and charges

When not in the niche others have left,

We fall”

What event in history is referred to here? Explain.


  1. “This means that I am greater than

The fox of the undergrowth”

How does it reverse at the end of the play?


  1. Answer any TWO in 150 words each (2 x 9 = 18 mks)


  1. How does Nyerere differentiate the African Socialism from Euro-centric socialism?
  2. Identify the themes of West Indian Poetry with examples.
  3. Write short notes on any TWO:
  1. a) Chume b) Ekwefi        c) Ikemefuna   d) Brother Jero


III. Answer any ONE in 300 words:                                                                         (1 x 20 = mks)


  1. Discuss the themes and concerns of New Literatures in English with examples.
  2. Consider the techniques of Wole Soyinka from the study of the two plays prescribed for your study.




  1. Answer any FOUR in 50 words each:               (4 x 3 = 12 maks)


  1. “There are differences

Of Course: the lack of reliable charts; . . .”

What is the point of  Comparison here?



  1. “To the tumultuous throng

Of the sky his cold and passionate song.”

Explain the paradox in these lines.



  1. “The learned doubt, the chatter of cultured apes

Which is called civilization over there”.

Account for the poet’s vehement denunciation.


  1. “The trap of time surprised my heart-“

How did time surprise the poet?


  1. “To be simple is not a simple thing.”

Why does the poet say so?


  1. Answer any TWO in 150 words each. (2x 9 = 18 mks)


  1. Discuss A Prairie Water Colour as a nature poem.
  2. Critically examine Clock and Heart as a metaphysical poem.
  3. How effectively is the mood of alienation evoked in House and hand?


III. Answer any ONE in 300 words:                                                                    (1 x 20 = 20 mks)


  1. What are the characteristics of a postmodern novel found in Surfacing?
  2. What kind of didactic role does a novelist have according to chinua Acheb?




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Loyola College M.A. English April 2006 New Literature In English Question Paper PDF Download



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                                                EL 1800 – NEW LITERATURE IN ENGLISH



Date & Time : 22-04-2006/1.00-4.00 P.M.   Dept. No.                                                       Max. : 100 Marks




  1. Answer any FOUR in 50 words each: (4 x 3 = 12 marks)
    1. “The child still thinks she is wiser than

The cotton head of age”.

  • Is this a fair assessment? How?
  1. “ The great eagle lifts its wings from the dream

And the shells of childhood are scattered”.

  • Consider the figures of speech in these lines.
  1. “All sagging as are

The cases celebrated for kwashiorkor,

The unforeseen camp-follower of not just our war”.

  • Bring out the significance of these lines.
    1. “This means that I am greater than

The fox of the undergrowth”

–    How does it reverse at the end of the play?

  1. “How can I face such slaughter and be cool?

How can I turn from Africa and live?”

  • What causes this dilemma and why?


  1. Answer any TWO in 150 words each: ( 2 x 9 = 18 marks )
  1. Bring out the rich oral tradition of the Igbo society as expressed in Things Fall Apart .
  2. How do the poems from Africa play on the human emotions? Explain with special reference to the poems prescribed for your study.
  3. Discuss the themes and concerns in the study of West Indian Literature.


III. Answer any ONE in 300 words:                                                (1 x 20 = 20 marks )

  1. Analyse the two plays of Soyinka prescribed for your study with special reference to their themes, diction, milieu and techniques.
  2. Discuss the themes and concerns of New Literatures in English with suitable examples.



  1. Answer any Four questions in 50 words each: (4×3=12 marks)


  1. “Whatever I do I must

Keep my head….”

Explain the context of this utterance.


  1. “Under the central dome of winter and night

A wild swan spreads his fantastic wing.”

Comment on the symbolism in these lines.


  1. ” Where second-hand Europeans pullulate…”

Why does the poet speak in such a harsh manner?


  1. “To be simple is not a simple thing.”

Is this line simple or profound in your view?


  1. “The solitude of poetry

locked me within its second shade”

Establish the connection between “poetry” and “second shade”.


  1. Answer any Two questions in 150 words each: (2×9=18 marks)


  1. Critically examine “My Daughter’s Boy Friend” as a poem on cultural conflict.


  1. Discuss ” Loneliness” as an existential poem.


  1. Analyze “House and Land” as an evocative poem.


III. Answer any One of the following questions in about 300 words: (1×20=20 marks)


  1. What kind of a role does Chinua Achebe envisage for a novelist?


  1. Discuss Atwood’s “Surfacing “either as an existential or postmodern novel?


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Loyola College M.A. English Nov 2006 New Literature In English Question Paper PDF Download

                        LOYOLA COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS), CHENNAI – 600 034


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Date & Time : 04-11-2006/1.00-4.00     Dept. No.                                                       Max. : 100 Marks



Note: Please answer Part – A and Part – B separately.




  1. Answer any FOUR of the following in 50 words each: (4 x 3 = 12 marks)


  1. ‘Out of my way, book-nourished shrimp.

Do you see what strength he has given me?’

  • Who are the two referred to here? How are they contrasted?
  1. ‘If now I am misunderstood by you

And your race of savages, I rise above taunts

And remain unruffled’.

      –     Who is misunderstood and why?

  1. ‘They are the wandering minstrels who, beating on

The drums of the human heart, draw the world

Into a dance with rites it does not know’

  • Comment on these lines.
  1. ‘The once proud planet shrieks in terror

Opening a vast space for the mysterious young bird

For the merciless talons of the new generation.’

  • Explain the poetic device used here.
  1. ‘I who am poisoned with the blood of both,

Where shall I turn, divided to the vein?’

  • What causes the dilemma?


  1. Answer any TWO in 150 words each: (2 x 9 = 18 marks)


  1. Bring out the rich African oral tradition as seen in Things Fall Apart.
  2. Discuss Soyinka’s concern in reforming the religion in The Trials of Brother Jero.
  3. Identify the themes of the West Indian Poetry with suitable examples.


III. Answer any ONE in 300 words:                                                                          (20 marks)


  1. Consider the political ideology of East Africa as seen from the texts of Julius K. Nyerere and Ngugi wa Thiongo.
  2. Critically analyze The Lion and the Jewel with special reference to its theme, diction, millieu and techniques.








  1. Answer any FOUR of the following in 50 words each: (4 x 3 = 12 marks)


  1. “A wild swan spreads his fantastic wing”

Identify the “wild swan” and his contributions.

  1. “The learned doubt, the chatter of cultured apes”

Explain the phrases “learned doubt” and “cultured apes” in terms of the overall context of the poem.

  1. “To be snatched off my branches by a thoughtless hand”.

What is the cause of the poet’s grief?

  1. “To be simple is not a simple thing.”

What task is simplicity connected with in the above line?

  1. “The Solitude of poetry locked me within its Second Shade”.

Establish the relationship between poetry and the poet’s personal life.


  1. Answer any TWO in 150 words each (2 x 9 = 18 marks)


  1. Critically examine A Prairie Water Column as a poem that exalts the beauty of Nature and Art simultaneously.
  2. Bring out the satirical slant in A.D. Hope’s Australia.
  3. Discuss Shaw Neilson as a Nature poet.


III. Answer any ONE in 300 words                                                                           (20 marks)


  1. Critically analyze Atwood’s Surfacing either as a psychological or a feminist novel.
  2. Comment on Chinua Achebe’s assertion that a novelist must play the role of a teacher through his verbal art.


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Loyola College M.A. English April 2007 New Literature In English Question Paper PDF Download

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Date & Time : 25.04.2007/1.00-4.00   Dept. No.                                                                        Max. 100 Marks


Note : Answer Part A & B Separately



I Answer any FOUR of the following in 50 words each:                                                                  4 x 3 = 12


  1. ‘Caught in the clash of counter claims and charges

When not in the niche others have left,

We fall’.

  • Explain the cause for the ‘clash’.


  1. ‘They are the children of iron

They are the fearless bees of the night’.

  • What poetic device is used here?


  1. ‘an haffi a fight

johncnow from sky

fi get food fi nyam’

  • How do these lines picture the pathetic plight of these people?


  1. ‘Did I not, to announce the Harmattan,

Climb to the top of the silk-cotton tree,

Break the first pod, and scatter tasselled seeds

To the four winds – and this but yesterday?’

  • Bring out the significance of these lines.


  1. ‘Sidi, my love will open your mind

Like the chaste leaf in the morning, when

The sun first touches it?

  • Comment on the language of the speaker.



II Answer any TWO  in 150 words each:                                                                                           2 x 9 = 18


  1. How do the proverbs and the folk-tales enrich the narrative technique of Things Fall

       Apart ?

  1. How do culture, society and topography influence the Caribbean Poetry?
  2. How do the East African writers view socialism and personal freedom?



III Answer any ONE in 300 words :                                                                                                1 x 20 = 20


  1. What are the themes and concerns in studying African Literature?  Give example.
  2. Discuss how Soyinka combines reform and criticism in his plays?







  1. Answer any FOUR of the following in 50 words each:                                                                                  4×3=12


  1. “There are differences

Of course: the lack of reliable charts;”

Establish the link between reliability and differences in these lines.


  1. “So consoling, we made disconsolate each other.”

Comment on the dynamics of love.


  1. “I found in ordinary love

the solitudes of poetry”

How is poetry compared with love?


  1. “The twisted tree is incandescent

with flowers”.

Explain the imagery in these lines.


  1. “The street has fallen asleep,”

Comment on the figure of speech in this line.



II.Answer any TWO in 150 words each:                                                                                                 2×9=18


  1. Consider V.S.Naipaul as a satirical novelist and social critic with reference to “A Wounded Civilization.”


  1. Comment on the tone of the poem “To a Visitor to Singapore.”


  1. Comment on the roles of the minor characters in SURFACING.


III. Answer any ONE in 300 words:                                                                                                                   1×20=20


  1. Critically examine “Australia “ as a patriotic poem.


  1. Discuss SURFACING as a postmodern novel.




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