Loyola College M.Sc. Zoology April 2003 Phylogeny Of Chordata Question Paper PDF Download



first SEMESTER  – APRIL 2003

ZO 1802 / Z  721  phylogeny of chordata


1.00 – 4.00

                                                                                                            Max: 100 Marks


PART   A                (10 ´ 2 = 20 Marks)

Answer ALL questions.


  1. Give the zoological terms of the following.
  2. Tiger Peacock
  3. Write the dental formulae of
  4. Man b. Squirrel
  5. What is ductus caroticus?
  6. What is a palaeontological question mark?
  7. Write short notes on synsacrum.
  8. Mention the different types of skull.
  9. Write a note on
  10. Draco Chamaelear
  11. Comment on of Seymouria.
  12. Mention the name of any four Avian fauna of India.
  13. Define osmorequlation


PART B                  (4 ´ 10 = 40 Marks)

Answer any four questions


  1. Explain the parental cares of fishes.
  2. Give an account of cavities of brain in Frog.
  3. Write short notes on Archaeopteryx.
  4. Explain the origin, ancestry and evolution of Amphibians.
  5. Give an account of Tetrapod limbs.
  6. Comment on the Avian fossile of India.


PART C                 (2 ´ 20 = 40 Marks)

Answer any two questions.


  1. Write an essay on ostracoderms.
  2. Explain in detail the origin and evolution of Mammals.
  3. Give a comparative account of respiratory system of chordates and bring out the evolutionary significance.
  4. Write an essay on Migration of birds.




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Loyola College M.Sc. Zoology April 2006 Phylogeny Of Chordata Question Paper PDF Download






                                                  ZO 1802 – PHYLOGENY OF CHORDATA




Date & Time : 27/06/2006/9.00 – 12.00        Dept. No.                                                       Max. : 100 Marks


Part – A

Answer ALL questions.                                                                                10 x 2 = 20

  1. Write the dental formulae of the following: a) Rat   b) Squirrel
  2. Give the zoological names of a) Rhesus monkey   b) Horned toad
  3. What is a palaentological question mark?
  4. Write short notes on cephalaspis.
  5. Distinguish ductus caroticus from ductus cuiveri.
  6. Give any two diagnostic features of cephalochordates.
  7. Explain any two parental care in Amphibians.
  8. Write short notes on Archaeopteryx.
  9. What are flame cells.
  10. Write the main branches of dorsal aorta.

Part – B

Answer any FOUR of the following.                                                           4 x 10 = 40

  1. Describe briefly the cavities of Brain of frog and rat.
  2. Give an account of the exoskeleton of birds.
  3. Classify Indian fossils.
  4. Describe the morphology of Amphioxus.
  5. Give an account of affinities of urochordates.
  6. Explain the origin and ancestry of amphibians.

Part – C

Answer ALL questions.                                                                                10 x 2 = 20

  1. Write an essay on ostracoderms.
  2. Give an account of origin, ancestry and evolution of birds.
  3. Write in detail the ‘Migration of Birds’
  4. Give an account of parental care in fishes.


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Loyola College M.Sc. Zoology April 2006 Phylogeny Of Chordata Question Paper PDF Download



TS 17


                                                  ZO 1802 – PHYLOGENY OF CHORDATA



Date & Time : 25-04-2006/1.00-4.00 P.M.   Dept. No.                                                       Max. : 100 Marks



Part A                                     (Answer All)                          10 ´ 2 = 20


  1. Distinguish progressive and retrogressive metamorphosis
  2. Categorise the dentition in mammals.
  3. Comment on palaeontological question mark.
  4. Enumerate the evolutionary significance of seymouria.
  5. Tabulate the major biological events of Mesozoic era.
  6. Differentiate diastylic from autostylic jaw suspension.
  7. What are ductus caroticus and ductus cuvieri?
  8. With a suitable example explain living fossils?
  9. Write down the binomial name of Peacock, lion, tiger and camel?
  10. Comment on the structure and function of synsacrum.


Part B                                     (Answer any four)                 4 ´ 10 = 40

  1. Explain the parental care in amphibians.
  2. Briefly explain the flight adaptations of birds.
  3. Explain placentation in mammals.
  4. Write an account on scales of fishes.
  5. Give an account of the affinities of Hemichordates.
  6. Write a note on the ventricles of brain.


Part C                                     (Answer any two)                              2 ´ 20 = 40

  1. Give an account on Ostracoderms.
  2. Write an essay on migration of birds
  3. Give an account on the vertebrate fauna of India.
  4. Write an essay on the digestive system of vertebrates.


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