Loyola College M.Sc. Chemistry April 2007 Chemical Kinetics Question Paper PDF Download


LM 41




Date & Time: 26/04/2007 / 9:00 – 12:00      Dept. No.                                       Max. : 100 Marks



Part A

Answer ALL the questions.                                                    (10 x 2 = 20 Marks)

  1. Differentiate between time order from true order.
  2. At 518 K, the half life for the decomposition of a gaseous compound initially at 363 torr

was 410 s.  When the pressure was 169 torr, the half life was 880 s.

Determine the order of the reaction.

  1. The rate constant for the reaction of the type A2- + B à X3- + Y is 0.2 M-1 min-1 in zero ionic strength. Calculate the rate constant of the above reaction in water at 250C in an ionic strength of 0.5 M.
  2. What is the significance of electrostriction?
  3. Write down the expression for the rate constant of a reaction between two linear molecules forming a linear transition state on the basis of ARRT.
  4. What is meant by ‘turnover number’?
  5. For the reaction between 2NO(g) + O2(g) à 2 NO2(g), the observed rate decreases with increase in temperature.
  6. What is meant “capillary condensation” ?
  7. Calculate the Hammett acidity function (H0) if pKBH+ for the base 4 Chloro 2 nitro

aniline (B) is –3.3 and [BH+]/[B] = 8 x 10-4

  1. Mention the steps involved in a chain reaction with an example.


Answer ANY EIGHT questions                                            (8 x 5 = 40 Marks)

  1. Describe the potential energy surface of the following reaction. HAHB + HC <=>  HBHC + HA.
  2. The rate constant for the decomposition of a certain substance is 1.7 x 10-2 dm3 mol-1 s-1 at 240C and 2.01 x 10-2 at 370 Evaluate the activation energy of the reaction.
  3. Calculate the number of collisions per s between oxygen molecules in 1 cm3 at a total pressure of 1 atm and at a temperature of 270 The molecular radius oxygen is 1.46×10-8 cm.
  4. Explain the kinetics of unimolecular reactions using Lindemann’s Theory.
  5. Explain the significance of volume of activation for reactions in solution phase.
  6. The pre-exponential factor for a certain first order reaction is 3.98 x1013 s-1 and Ea = 180 KJ mol-1. Calculate DH#, DS# and DG# for the reaction at 2000C (R=8.314 J K-1 mol-1)
  7. Differentiate van’t Hoff intermediates from Arrhenius intermediates.
  8. Write BET equation. Mention the terms involved.  How is it verified?
  9. How is Stern-Volmer constant evaluated?
  10. For the following parallel first order reaction, the percentage yields of he two products B and C are 1.2 and 98.8 respectively.  The overall half life is 21.8 y.  Calculate he rate constant for each of the two parallel paths.                                                 B



  1. Outline the various steps involved in the thermal decomposition of acetaldehyde.
  2. Discuss the principle of flash photolysis.


Answer ANY FOUR questions                                              (4 x 10 = 40 Marks)

  1. Compare the rate constants calculated by the ARRT and the Collision Theory for the reaction between two atoms. Explain.
  2. Using double sphere model for a reaction between two ions deduce the relation connecting the rate constant and dielectric constant of the medium and explain.
  3. Explain an two of the following a) Relaxation methods b) Skrabal plots  c) kinetics of explosions
    1. Explain Michaelis-Menton kinetic scheme for an enzymatic reaction. Deduce the rate law and explain
    2. Discuss the mechanisms of bimolecular surface reactions with a specific example.

Deduce the rate expression for each case.

  1. In the study of the kinetics of chlorination of phenol and mono substituted phenols by t-butyl hypochlorite in aqueous alkaline medium, the following data were obtained.


(i) At constant [substrate]0, and [OH], the plots of log[t-BuOCl] vs time were linear. (ii) At constant [t-BuOCl]0 and [OH], the rate increased with increase in [substrate] with first order dependences with all phenols.  The plots of kobs vs [phenol] were linear with zero intercepts on the ordinates.  (iii) The rate decreased with increase in [OH] at fixed [t-BuOCl]0 and [phenol] for the chlorination of all phenols. The plots of kobs vs 1/[OH] gave straight line passing through the origin (iv) Variation of ionic strength of the medium had negligible effect on the rates of chlorination.  (v) The decrease in the dielectric constant of the medium increased the rate.   Propose a suitable mechanism to account for the above data and explain.



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Loyola College M.Sc. Chemistry April 2007 Chemical Kinetics Question Paper PDF Download

LM 53








Date & Time : 16.04.2007/9.00-12.00      Dept. No.                                                      Max. : 100 Marks



Part A


Answer ALL the questions.                                                    (10 x 2 = 20 Marks)

  1. Explain electrostriction.
  2. The rate of a reaction between X and Y has been investigated in aqueous solution at 300 K and the second order rate constant (k20 ) at zero ionic strength is found to be 0.681 M-1 s-1. When ionic strength of the medium (m) is 1.60 x 10-3 M,  the second order rate constant (k2) is 0.901 M-1 s-1.  Predict the charge on X.
  3. Show that collision theory of activation is less than the energy of activation calculated using the Arrhenius equation.
  4. Write down the expression for the rate constant of a reaction between two linear molecules forming a non-linear transition state on the basis of ARRT.
  5. The pKa for the dissociation of phenol in water at 250C is 9.85. The r value for the dissociation H2O + X-C6H4OH à X-C6H4O + H3O+ is 2.00. If  sp values of –CH3 is –0.31, determine pKa for the dissociation of p-methyl phenol in water at this temperature.
  6. What are Skrabal plots?
  7. For the reaction 2NO(g) + O2(g) à2NO2(g), the observed rate of the reaction decreases with increase in temperature.
  8. What is the significance of “Hammett acidity functions”??
  9. In a typical Stern-Volmer plot graph of F0/F (Y-axis) versus the concentration of quencher gave a straight line with slope = 640 l/mol and the rate constant of quenching is 1010 l mol-1 s-1. Calculate the Stern-Volmer constant and the life time.
  10. Mention any four relaxation techniques employed for the study of kinetics of fast reactions.



Answer ANY EIGHT questions                                            (8 x 5 = 40 Marks)


  1. Using the Collision theory of reaction rates, derive the expression for the Collision number between two different molecules A and B
  2. Calculate the rotational partition function for CO2 in the standard state of 103 mol m-3 at 250  The carbon-oxygen distance is 1.16 x 10-10 m
  3. Explain the need for activation energy based upon potential energy surfaces.
  4. If the rate constant at high pressures for the isomerization of cyclopropane is 2 x 10-4 s-1 and that at low pressures is 5.14 x 10-6 torr-1 s-1, below what pressure will the isomerization be for all practical purposes a second order  reaction?
  5. Discus the double-sphere model for the influence of dielectric constant on the rate of an ion-ion reaction
  6. Heckt and Conrad measured the rate constant (k2) of the reaction of methyl iodide and sodium ethoxide in ethanol as 2.45 x 10-4 M-1 s-1 at 285 K.  If Ea = 85.20 kJ/mol.  Calculate DG#, DH# and DS# of the reaction.   (kB=1.37 x 10-23 J molecule-1)
  7. How is surface area of a solid deermined using BET equation.
  8. For an enzyme catalyzed reaction, KM = 25 x 10-3 Calculate the rate of the reaction if the limiting rate is 0.64 M s-1 and the  the initial substrate concentration of 4.32 x 10-6 M.
  9. Represent all the possible steps in a bimolecular photophysical process. Indicate the rate expression for each step.
  10. For the following parallel first order reaction,  the rate constants of the two parallel paths are 3.75 and 4.65 s-1  Calculate the percentage yield of B and also the overall half life of the reaction.                 B



  1. Discuss the principle of flash photolysis.
  2. Explain Bronsted catalytic law.



Answer ANY FOUR questions                                              (4 x 10 = 40 Marks)


  1. a) How will you determine the order of a reaction using dimensionless parameters?
  2. b) The volume of activation for a certain reaction is – 4 x 10-6 m3 mol-1 at 300 K.  Calculate the pressure required to double the rate constant if the initial pressure is 105
  3. a) Calculate the number of collisions per second in 1 cm3 of oxygen at  270C and 101.3 kPa pressure given the molecular radius of oxygen to be 1.46 x 10-8 cm
  4. b) Explain the influence of internal pressure on the rate of a reaction between neutral molecules in solutions
  5. Explain the kinetics of bimolecular surface reactions with a specific example. Derive the relevant rate law for each mechanism.
  6. Explain any two of the following: a) Evaluation of kinetic parameters for an enzymatic reaction b) kinetics of chain reactions  c) van’ Hoff intermediates
    1. a) Derive an expression for relaxation time for a I order reaction.
    2. b) Outline the salient features of the kinetics of explosive reactions.
    3. For the oxidation of aresenous acid by enneamolbdomanganate (IV) in perchloric acid medium, the following data were obtained: (i) Under constant [HClO4], the second order rate constants were fairly constant. (ii) Presence of acrylonitrile  has no effect on the rate of the reaction (iii) It was found that the graph of kobs against [H+]2 was found to be curved passing through origin  (iv) The rate of the reaction was found to be unaffected by the increase of the ionic strength of the medium (vi) The entropy of activation was 5 J K-1 mol-1.  Propose a suitable mechanism to account for the above data, write the rate expression, and explain your answer.



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Loyola College M.Sc. Chemistry April 2007 Analytical Chemistry Question Paper PDF Download



LM 29






Date & Time: 02/05/2007 / 1:00 – 4:00      Dept. No.                                       Max. : 100 Marks




Answer ALL the questions:                                                                             ( 10 x 2 = 20 )


  1. What is Correlation Coefficient? What is its significance?
  2. 00 ML of well water is found to contain 0.0400g calcium ion. Express the concentration of Ca+2 in Well water in ppm.
  3. Mention the factors which affect the pm value in complexometry.
  4. Draw the titration curves for the following.
    • 00ML of 10-2 M H2 SO4 vs 10-2 M NaOH.
    • 00ML of 10-2 M vs  10-2 M NaOH.


  1. List the factors which influence the thermogram.
  2. State the principle involved in the analysis of Fe3+ by Spectrophotocolorimetric Method.
  3. Match the following:

(i)  Electrogravimetry   (ii)  Flame Photometry  (iii) Polarography  (iv)  Flourescence  Method.


(A) K+  (B) Pb2+,  Bi3+ in a mixture (C) Cu2+  (D)  Benzphrene in cigarette Smoke.


  1. Be, Al, and La cannot be accurately determined by atomic absorption method.
  2. 28 of p-vitrophenol in IN-NaOH showed an absorbance of 0.500 at 400mm. The thickness of the all used is 0.1cm.  Calculate the molar absorption coefficient .
  3. Mention the principle used in the anodic stripping voltammetry.



Answer any EIGHT questions:                                                                                   ( 8 x 5 = 40)


  1. How are Authentic Results produced in research?
  2. Show that the equivalence point potential for   is dependent on PH.
  3. Compare at the equivalence point for the following titration’s:
    • 00ML of 0.0250M
    • 00ML of 0.0250M CH3 COOH vs 0.0250M O(Ka for CH3 COOH is 10-5)


  1. Ka1, Ka2, Ka3 and Ka4 for EDTA are 10-2, 10-3, 10-8 and 10-12 respectively. Calculate the        conditional stability constant for the following in 10-2 M  .



  1. Discuss the thermogram of CuSO4.5H2O.


  1. Explain the principle of gas chromatography.


  1. How is Lambert-Beer’s Law verified? Mention the deviations.


  1. How are the sensitivity and selectivity enhanced in the spectrophotocolorimetric method of         analysis?
  2. Mention any tour applications of Spectroflourimetric Method of analysis.


  1. How is Castant potential Calomety carried out?


  1. Discuss the estimation of sulphate by turbidimetric method.


  1. How is cyclic voltammogram recorded? Discuss the parameters that influence the peak potentials and peak current.


Answer any FOUR questions:                                                                                                ( 4 x 10 = 40 )


  1. A standard solution was put through appropriate dilutions to give the concentrations of Fe(II) shown below.


The Fe(II)/i,  10 Phenanthroline complex was then developed in 25.00ML aliquots of these solutions, following which each was diluted to 50.00ML.  The following absorbance’s (1.00cm cell)  were recorded at 510 mm.

Conc.  of Fe(II); ppm A510
4.00 0.160
10.00 0.390
16.00 0.630
24.00 0.950
32.00 1.260
40.00 1.580

Assuming a linear relationship between the variables, apply the method of least squares to arrive at the equation for the best fit.  Calculate the concentration of Fe(II) in a sample that gave an absorbance of 1.510 which is the mean of three measurements.  Also calculate the standard deviation of the slope and the result.


  1. Calamine which is used for relief of skin irritations is a mixture of ZnO and Fe2O3. A 1.022g sample of dried calamine was dissolved in acid and diluted to 250.00ML.  KF was added to a 10.00ML aliquot of the diluted solution to mask the iron;  after suitable adjustment of the PH the Zn+2 consumed 38.78 ML of 0.01294M EDTA.  A second 50.00ML aliquot was suitably buffered and titrated with 2.40ML of 0.002727 M ZnY-2  solution;

Fe+3 + ZnY-2  →  FeY + Zn+2.


Calculate the percentages of ZnO and Fe2O3 in the sample.  Compare the stability constants of  ZnY-2  and  FeY.


  1. Plot the titration curve for the titration of 40.00ML of 0.0125M Mg+2 vs 0.0500M EDTA. Keff for MgY-2 at PH 10 is 1018.


  1. Describe the estimation of Copper by electrogravimentric method.


  1. Discuss the principle and instrumentation involved in atomic absorption method. How is ICP method is more superior to AAS method?


  1. Describe the polarograpic set-up. How are Zn2+ and Cd2+ in a mixture can be analysed by its method.



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Loyola College M.Sc. Chemistry April 2007 Applications Of Spectroscopy Question Paper PDF Download



LM 54






Date & Time: 20/04/2007 / 9:00 – 12:00          Dept. No.                                                          Max. : 100 Marks




                                                     Answer ALL questions.                                (10 ´ 2 = 20)

  1. How would you distinguish the following using UV spectroscopy?
  2. What are blue and red shifts? Give an example for each.
  3. How would you explain the deshielding of alkenyl and aldehydic protons in organic compounds?
  4. Find the equivalent and non-equivalent protons in the different conformers of
    (i) 1,2,3-tribromocyclopropane and (ii) 1,2-dibromocyclopropane.
  5. What are the characteristics of fragmentation pattern for alkenes?
  6. How is Raman spectroscopy useful in combination with IR to decide geometry of a molelcule?
  7. Write a note on sources of IR radiation in an IR spectrophotometer.
  8. What is reduced mass? Give its significance.
  9. How does fine spectrum of esr arise?
  10. What are prolate and oblate orientations?



                                                     Answer any EIGHT questions.                      (8 ´ 5 = 40)

  1. The following triene on partial hydrogenation gives three products, which are separated by GLC. How would you distinguish the products using UV spectroscopy?
  2. How would you distinguish the following compounds using UV spectroscopy?




  1. Draw the proton NMR spectrum of 2-bromo-4-nitrotoluene and explain different splitting patterns.


  1. Establish the structure of the organic compound from the following NMR spectral data:
  2. a) MF: C9H10 Signals: d04 quin(2H); d 2.91 t(4H); d 7.17 s(4H)
  3. b) MF: C10H12 Signals: d65 m(2H); d 0.81 m(2H); d 1.37 s(3H); d 7.17 s(5H)


  1. Depict the mass spectrum and explain the fragmentation pattern in
    (i) 2-methyl-1-pentene and      (ii) 2-hexanol.


  1. Name and explain any three factors affecting the fragmentation of a molecule with suitable examples.


  1. How does hydrogen bond affect IR spectrum of a molecule?
  2. Why does cyclohexane show different IR spectra when temperature is changed?
  3. What is Lande’s splitting factor in esr? Why does it remain constant for electron in any environment?


  1. Account for the fact that esr is recorded at low temperatures and in solid state only.
  2. Draw rough sketch of esr spectra of the following and explain the same (i) 12H3

and  (ii) 13D  [I values for C12 = 0;  C13 = ± ½ ;   H1 = ± ½;    D2 = ± 1]


  1. How is the principle of NQR different from that of esr?

                                                     Answer any FOUR questions                      (4 ´ 10 = 40)

  1. On the basis of Woodward rules, calculate the expected position of the absorption

maximum in the following:


  1. Explain the following with suitable examples:
    1. Spin decoupling
    2. Chemical shift
  • Long range coupling
  1. Base peak in mass spectrum
  2. Internal standard in NMR


  1. a) A compound, C9H10O2, shows a molecular ion at m/e = 150 and a base peak at
    m/e = 135. Its infrared spectrum shows a strong band at 1680 cm‑1. Its proton NMR shows signals in three distinct regions at d 2.3(3H, s), d 3.6(3H, s) and at d 7.1(4H, a pair of doublets).  Assign a structure for this compound.
  2. b) How would you distinguish between (i) the isomeric alcohols 3-methyl-1-butanol and 2-methyl-2-butanol and (ii) 2-butanone and butyraldehyde using mass spectroscopy?
  3. a) Discuss sample handling in IR spectroscopy.
  4. b) Giving reasons, explain group frequencies of carbonyl group in (i) aldehydes;
    (ii) ketones; (iii) acyl halides and  (iv) carboxylic acids.
  5. Explain the FT technology. Describe working of a FT – IR spectrophotometer and its advantage over a conventional IR spectrophotometer.
  6. Discuss the applications of NQR spectral technique.


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Loyola College M.Sc. BMIS April 2007 Statistical Application In Biological Sc. Question Paper PDF Download


AC 45







Date & Time: 02/05/2007 / 9:00 – 12:00      Dept. No.                                       Max. : 100 Marks




Answer ALL questions. Each carries 2  marks                            [10×2=20]

  1. State any two applications of Statistics in Biological
  2. Define Secondary data and  write any two sources of getting Health related data.
  3. Distinguish between Bar diagram and Histogram by a suitable example from Biological sciences.
  4. Write any two Biological scenario for which the ‘Scatter diagram’ is applied.
  5. Explain any two advantages of Co-efficient of Variation over measures of Dispersion.
  6. Define a] Sample space b] Random variable.
  7. What do you understand from the term ‘Standard Error’ ?
  8. Distinguish between Parameter and
  9. Illustrate the application of   t-distribution in Biological studies.
  10. What is meant by ‘Analysis Of Variance’(ANOVA)? State its uses.


Answer any FIVE questions                                                                        (5×8 =40)


  1. Nine patients with severe chronic airflow limitation were the subjects of a study and                Investigated the effectiveness of a treatment to improve gas exchange in subjects. The  following are the body  surface areas(m2) of the patients.

2.10    1.74   1.68     1.83      1.57        1.71        1.73    1.74   1.72

Calculate Mean, Standard Deviation  and Co-efficient of  Variation  from the above  data.


  1. Explain any two types of classifications of data with illustrations.
  2. If the average number of deaths from a certain non-contagious disease has been 5 and follow Poisson distribution for several years in the past. Find the probability that there will be:

[a] Exactly 3 people will die from the disease. [b] No deaths  from the disease

  1. Explain the step-by-step procedure of Hypothesis testing by an Illustration.
  2. The Body Mass Index(BMI) measurements for 10 male subjects are given below:

Test if it is reasonable to conclude that the mean BMI of the population from the sample was drawn is more than 30? Let a=0.05

36, 38, 27, 28, 24, 32, 57, 28, 31, 42.

  1. In a study on the effectiveness of Chicken-Kunya  vaccine series , it is found that 610 of 650  vaccinated adults were not infected. However, 10 of 50 non-vaccinated adults were infected with Chicken-Kunya. Can we conclude on the basis of these sample data that the infection rate is significantly more  in the non-vaccinated population than in the vaccinated population? Test at 5% level of Significance.
  2. The Weights (in Kg.) of 8 Obese Women before and after 12-weeks of VLCD(very low calorie diet) treatment are given in following table. Test whether these data provide sufficient evidence to allow us to conclude that the treatment is effective in causing weight reduction in obese women?

Let a=0.05

Before  : 104      96    103   105   100   87   85   72

After    :   89        78    89     83      77    67   60   69

  1. Write a short note on the following measures :

[a] Central tendency   [b] Dispersion  [c] Skewness   [d] Kurtosis



Answer any TWO  questions                                                                      (2×20=40)

  1. In a research study, Age and Blood Urea values were observed from 10 PKD patients.

[a]  Detect the nature of Correlation between Age and Blood urea level

[b]  Determine the co-efficient of Correlation between Age and Blood Urea.

[c]  Construct Regression equations and hence  estimate the Blood Urea value

when age is 57

Age 13 12 38 15 37 33 34 36 78 61
Blood Urea 24 31 45 31 42 32 38 38 43 32


  1. Blood Sugar values were observed from 10 Normal and 10 PKD patients. [a] Identify which set of patients is having higher average Blood sugar level. [b] Find out the group which is more consistent with regard to Blood Sugar level

[c] Also compute the co-efficients  of  Skewness and Kurtosis and hence

comment on symmetry and Normality nature of the groups.

Blood Sugar (Normal) 130 155 185 98 120 106 125 96 110 90
Blood Sugar (PKD) 180 125 162 140 162 130 108 145 190 125


  1. [a] The following are measurements of Streptococcus Pneumonia bacteria   in lungs ( log10 cfu / ml of lung homogenate) after 24  hours of injections of two types. Can we conclude that the injections are equally effective on the clearance of the viable bacteria? Test at 5% level of significance.

Ofloxacin100      : 7.3     5.3    7.4   6.7   7.1

Ciprofloxacin100  : 7.8     4.6    6.4   8.0   7.2


[b] The following table gives the number of earthworms obtained from ten randomly

located sampled   plots of  1m2 area. Can we conclude that the earthworm

population is distributed  equally in all the plots?

Plot number 1       2       3        4         5           6         7        8         9         10
No. of Earthworm / m2 25     32    17      23       15         39        27     19        22        26


  1. A re-motivation team in a psychiatric hospital conducted an experiment to compare five methods for re-motivating patients. Patients were grouped according to level of initial motivation. Patients in each group were randomly assigned to the five methods. At the end of the experimental period the patients were evaluated by a team composed of a psychiatrist, a psychologist, a nurse and a social worker, none of whom was aware of the method to which patients had been assigned. The team assigned each patient a composite score as a measure of his/her level of motivation. The results were as follows:


Level of Initial motivation Re-motivation method

A            B              C           D             E

Nil 58 68 60 68 64
Very Low 62 70 65 80 69
Low 67 78 68 81 70
Average 70 81 70 89 74

Do these data provide sufficient evidence to indicate a difference in mean scores among methods? Also, test whether the level of Initial motivation are equal?

Let a=0.05.


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Loyola College M.Sc. Biotechnology April 2007 Biophysics Question Paper PDF Download


SC 30







Date & Time: 26/04/2007 / 1:00 – 4:00         Dept. No.                                       Max. : 100 Marks



Part A

Answer all the following questions                                                                         (20 marks)


  1. Choose the correct answer (5 x 1 = 5 )


  1. _________ at Stanford university developed an array based on cDNA libraries.
  2. a) Pat Brown b) Leibler c) Maxam        d) Smith
  3. K stands for _________.

a)Proline    b) Leucine       c)Lysine           d) Valine.

  1. _________ is the secondary structure that is spontaneously formed.
  2. a) helix b) turn c) coil  d) strand
  3. At higher resolution of _________ the individual atoms can be visualized.

a)4A0         b)2 A0              c)1 A0                 d)3 A0

  1. Type I and II reverse turns differ by a _________ flip of the peptide unit.
  2. a) 1800 b) 650 c)850    d) 1500


  1. State whether the following statements are True or False : (5 x 1 = 5 )
  2. In a α helix R groups exist outward from the center of the helix.
  3. The H bonding patterns are similar in parallel and antiparallel β sheets.
  4. Asparagine is the first aminoacid to be discovered.
  5. In proteins the hydrophobic aminoacids are present on the surface .
  6. Left handed helices are allowed in ramachandran plots.


III. Complete the following                                                                              (5 x 1 = 5)

  1. In microarrays________ is used to fix DNA to the glass slide.
  2. nano________ can be used in cancer treatment.
  3. The Bfactor is called ________ factor.
  4. ________ are also called fullerenes.
  5. MAD stands for ________.





  1. Answer the following each within 50 words . (5 x 1 = 5)
  2. TΨCG loop.
  3. Greek key motif.
  4. Quantum effect.
  5. Writhing number.
  6. Disulfide bonds.

Part B

 Answer any five of the following each in about 350 words.                            (5 x 8 = 40)

  1. Give an account on Rama chandran plots.
  2. Explain the topology of DNA supercoiling.
  3. Explain Multiwavelength anomalous Diffraction in detail.
  4. Discuss about Multiple Isomorphous replacement.
  5. Explain MALDI-TOF in detail.
  6. Discuss about the factors affecting the stability of a helix.
  7. Discuss the importance and applications of biophysics in biotechnology.
  8. Explain the principle and applications of STM .

Part C


Answer the following, each  in about 1500 words. Draw necessary diagrams     (2 x 20 = 40)


  1. a) Explain in detail the various weak interactions that stabilize the protein structures.


  1. Explain the bottum up methods in nanotechnology.


  1. a) Discuss about the gene expression studies and their applications.


  1. Explain how NMR can be used the determination of protein structures.



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Loyola College M.Com April 2007 Security Analysis & Portfolio Management Question Paper PDF Download


TH 46







Date & Time: 24/04/2007 / 9:00 – 12:00      Dept. No.                                       Max. : 100 Marks




Answer ALL questions:                                                                                                         (10 x 2 = 20 )


  1. Enumerate various Investment attributes.


  1. What do you understand by gambling?


  1. What is unique risk?


  1. List out the assumptions of Random walk theory.


  1. Highlight the important feature of Filter Test.


  1. Under what situation the ‘Rupee cost average’ plan is applied?


  1. What is portfolio? What are its objectives?


  1. What are the problems encountered in Portfolio revision?


  1. R & Co. had a dividend payout ratio of 30%, earnings per share Rs.10. Its internal rate of return is 20% and the normal capitalization rate or cost of capital is 25%. What is the price of share under Walter Model?


  1. A Rs.1,000 bond matures in 20 years and offers a 9% coupon rate. The required rate of return is 11%. Compute the bond’s value.  (11%, 20 years = 7.963; 11%, 20 years = 0.124)




Answer any FIVE questions:                                                                                                    (5 x 8 = 40 )


  1. Highlight the stages of investment process.


  1. What are the criticisms posed against the efficient market hypothesis?


  1. Lay out various steps involved in Portfolio construction.


  1. Explain three principles of Port Folio diversification.


  1. Give an account of various tests conducted under Semi-strong form.






  1. A company belongs to a risk-class for which the appropriate capitalization rate is 10%. It currently has outstanding 25,000 shares selling at Rs.100 each.  The firm is contemplating the declaration of dividend of Rs.5 per share at the end of the current financial year.  The company expects to have a net income of Rs.2,50,000 and a proposal for making new investment of Rs.5,00,000.  Show that under MM assumption, the payment of dividend does not affect the value of the firm.


  1. An investor is seeking the price to pay for a security, whose standard deviation is 3%. The correlation coefficient for the security with the market is 0.8 and the market standard deviatin is 2.2%. The return from government securities is 5.2% and from the market portfolio is 9.8%. The investor knows that, by calculating the required return, he can then determine the price to pay for the security.  What is the required return on the security?


  1. The following information is available in respect from security X under different economic conditions:

Economic condition                Return                         Probability

Good                                       20%                                   0.1

Average                                   16%                                   0.4

Bad                                         10%                                   0.3

Poor                                           3%                                   0.2

Find out the expected return of the security and the risk associated with that.



Answer any TWO questions:                                                                 ( 2 x 20 = 40 )


  1. What is portfolio management? Explain the process involved and the factors contributing to Portfolio management?


  1. Give an elaborate account of various Investment alternatives available to the investors.


  1. Write note on
  • Capital Asset Pricing Model
  • Bond Valuation theorm
  • Markowitz Portfolio
  • Gordon’s Dividend Model


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Loyola College M.Com April 2007 Marketing Management Question Paper PDF Download



TH 33






Date & Time: 27/04/2007 / 1:00 – 4:00Dept. No.                                              Max. : 100 Marks




Answer ALL the questions from Section A:                                                     ( 10 x 2 = 20 )


  1. Who is called Potential customer? Give an example.
  2. Who is the innovator in PLC?
  3. What is the difference between Captive product and Optional product?
  4. What is meant Pull and Push strategy?
  5. When are the sales and the Profits found maximum in the PLC?
  6. When is the customer said to be satisfied?
  7. How is the Marketing mix important for a marketer?
  8. Differentiate Intensive from exclusive channel.
  9. What is the difference between targeting and positioning?
  10. What is meant by prestige pricing? When is such strategy followed?



Answer any FIVE questions from Section B:                                                  ( 5 x 8 = 40 )


  1. Draw a grid to show the various elements of product mix with 35 products and explain its significance.
  2. Explain the adoption and diffusion processes with diagram or chart.
  3. What are the positioning strategies you may suggest for successful marketing of fabric clothes?
  4. Write a marketing strategy statement for a Boost, a milk powder under New Product development.
  5. Explain the various appeals (any four) to be used to promote a product, with examples and illustrations.
  6. Explain the various discounts and allowances offered to the customers and dealers.
  7. Explain the various factors influencing the channels selection decision.
  8. Explain the various geographic factors available for segmenting the consumer market.



Answer any TWO questions from Section C:                                            ( 2 x 20 = 40 )


  1. A dealer L.G. refrigerator approaches you for consultation, asking for suitable and relevant strategies for his product which is presently in a the Growth stage. Give out the strategies for his product justify your answer.


  1. What are the important factors influencing the pricing decisions in the market? Explain with suitable examples.


  1. “Indian consumers, today amidst globalization and IT are price sensitive but quality oriented”. Critically analyse the your statement with your comments with suitable examples and illustrations.


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Loyola College M.Com April 2007 Modern Management Practice Question Paper PDF Download



TH 40





Date & Time: 21/04/2007 / 1:00 – 4:00Dept. No.                                                Max. : 100 Marks





Answer ALL Questions:                                                            (10 x 2= 20)


  1. Define Management.
  2. What is a strategy?
  3. Portfolio planning – what is it?
  4. What do you mean by a vision for an organization?
  5. Span of control – Define.
  6. What is a virtual team?
  7. Stakeholders – who are they for a business?
  8. Define brainstorming.
  9. What is a conflict?
  10. What is meant by innovation?



Answer any FIVE questions:                                                         (5 x 8 = 40)


  1. What are the 3 different types of strategies used by organizations?
  2. Explain the BCG matrix.
  3. What are the Internal and External environments of business?
  4. Explain the Hersey-Blanchard’s situational leadership model.
  5. Does Globalization help or destroy an economy?
  6. Enumerate Vroom’s theory of motivation.
  7. What are the various conflict management styles?
  8. How does SWOT analysis help an organization?



Answer any TWO questions:                                                          (2 x 20 = 40)


  1. Explain how Organization Development (OD) Process works.
  2. As Manager of 21st century, what are the challenges you envisage? How will you face them?
  3. Discuss the importance of Corporate Social Responsibility and explain how Indian companies implement CSR.



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Loyola College M.Com April 2007 Organisational Behaviour Question Paper PDF Download




TH 29




Date & Time: 02/05/2007 / 1:00 – 4:00      Dept. No.                                       Max. : 100 Marks




Explain the following concepts in five lines each.                                                                         10 x 2 = 20


  1. Organisational Behaviour
  2. Psychology
  3. Perception
  4. Organisational culture
  5. Work group
  6. Motivation
  7. Organisational development
  8. Stress
  9. Participation
  10. Personality




Answer any five questions (Answer should not exceed 2 pages each).                                            5 x 8 = 40


  1. Highlight the important characteristics of autocratic model of organisation.
  2. Explain the Reinforcement theory of skinner.  How does the theory help in behaviour modification.
  3. What are the cultural dimensions brought out by Hofstede?
  4. Explain the various stages of group development.
  5. What are the causes of conflict in an organisation.  Explain the various methods of dialing with organisational conflict.
  6. What are the various techniques used for bringing about organisational change and development.
  7. What factors influence perception?  How would you manaqc perceptions the an organisation?  Are there any specific strategies.
  8. Explain any two theories of leadership.




Answer any two questions.  (Answers should not exceed 4 – 6 pages each)                                  2 x 20 = 40


  1. Why is a study of personality important in organisational behaviour?  What are the major dimensions of personality?
  2. What are the dimensions of organisational culture?  What will you do to change organisatinal culture?
  3. What are the causes of stress in an organisation?  How does stress affect an organisation?  Suggest effective strategies for dealing with stress.



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Loyola College M.Com April 2007 Managerial Economics Question Paper PDF Download


RF 15







Date & Time: 28/04/2007 / 1:00 – 4:00      Dept. No.                                       Max. : 100 Marks





Answer any Five questions in 75 words each ( 5 x4 =20 marks)


1) Distinguish between Durable goods and Non- Durable goods.

2) Define Perfectly elastic demand and Absolutely inelastic demand.

3) Explain Sample survey and Experts’ Opinion method of demand forecasting.

4) What do you understand by Explicit Cost and Implicit Cost?

5) What do you mean by Standard Costing and Performance budgeting?

6) Differentiate Material Cost Variance from Overhead Cost Variance.

7) Bring out the differences between Oligopoly and Monopolistic Competition.




Answer any Four questions in 250 words each ( 4 x 10 =40 marks).


8) ‘’ Professionally qualified managers are not necessarily more efficient and

effective than other managers’’ Comment

9)   Describe the applicability of the concept of Elasticity of demand to modern


10)  How do demand-forecasting methods for new products vary from those for

established products ?.

11)  Explain the Statistical estimation of Cost functions. Why is it more popular than

Engineering estimation of Costs?

12) What is Ratio Analysis?. How is it applied to control Cost and reduce Cost in

business world?.

13) Analyze the objectives of Price discrimination. Do you consider that it is detrimental

to the welfare of society?.

14)  What is Differential pricing?. Briefly explain the different types of price differentials.




Answer any Two questions in 900 words each ( 2 x 20 = 40 marks).


15) Discuss the problems involved in setting a Profit policy.

16) What is ‘Margin of Safety’?  Explain the method of its measurement and its relation to


17) Compare Administered prices and Dual pricing. Do you think that these

concepts are applicable to modern business?. How?

18) Critically assess the diverse types of Price leadership. Is it practicable to Indian

business scenario ?.


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Loyola College M.Com April 2007 Managerial Economics Question Paper PDF Download


TH 42






Date & Time: 27/04/2007 / 1:00 – 4:00      Dept. No.                                            Max. : 100 Marks




SECTION – A                                     2 x 10 = 20


Answer All questions in not more than 3 lines each.


  1. State any 2 distinctions between producers goods and consumers goods.
  2. What is the difference between derived demand and autonomous demand?
  3. State any 3 factors that determine market share.
  4. What is a shut down cost?
  5. What are abandonment costs?
  6. What are postponable costs?
  7. Explain the Veblen effect.
  8. Briefly explain the Giffen’s paradox.
  9. Why is AR=MR=P in Perfect competition?
  10. What is Normal Profit?


SECTION – B                                                 5 x 8 = 40


Answer any 5 in not more than 2 pages each.


  1. Explain the Criteria for a good demand forecasting method.
  2. Write a note on the different kinds of pollution.
  3. Write a note on Demand determinants.
  4. What is the role of a managerial economist in a modern business enterprise?
  5. Briefly explain the phases of a business cycle.
  6. Explain Short term Price-Output determination.
  7. What are the characteristics of a monopoly market?
  8. Explain the 3 types of Oligopolistic price leadership.


SECTION – C                                   2 x 20 = 40


Answer any 2 in not more than 4 pages each.


  1. What are the features of a perfectly competitive market?
  2. Write a note on the Scope of managerial economics.
  3. Explain the following equilibrium an under monopolistic competition:

(a) Short term supernormal profit.

(b) Short term minimum loss equilibrium.

(c) Long term normal profit equilibrium.



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Loyola College M.Com April 2007 Management Accounting Question Paper PDF Download


TH 48







Date & Time: 28/04/2007 / 9:00 – 12:00      Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks





Answer ALL questions                                                                      (10 x 2 = 20 marks)


  1. Explain the scope of Management Accounting?
  2. Distinguish between Management Accounting and Cost Accounting.
  3. Illustrate the uses of Cash flow statement.
  4. State the need for working capital.
  5. Discuss the advantages of Zero – base Budgeting.
  6. How do standard cost differ from estimated cost?
  7. Your are required to calculate BEP when Profit Rs.5,000 (20% sales) PV ratio is 50%.
  8. CR. 2.5, working capital Rs.63,000. Calculate current assets and current Liabilities.
  9. Calculate Sales value variance and sales price variance from the following particulars.

Product      Budget qty      Budget price p/u         Actual qty       Actual price p/u

A                 400                    30                                        500                        31

  1. Calculate cash from operations: Net profit for 2005 Rs.25,000 Depreciation Rs.1,000, Prepaid

expenses on   1.1.05 Rs.2,000,  Prepaid expenses on 31.12.05 Rs.1,000.    Outstanding  salary on

31.12.05 Rs.500.


Answer any FIVE questions                                                                          (5 x 8 = 40 marks)


  1. Discuss the Managerial use of Fund Flow statement.
  2. “Ratio Analysis is a tool of management for measuring efficiency and guiding business

policies” Discuss.


  1. From the following details, calculate funds from operations.


Particulars Rs. Particulars Rs.
Salaries 5,000 Closing balance of P&L a/c 60,000
Discount on issue of debentures 2,000 Opening balance of P&L a/c 25,000
Provision for bad debts 1,000 Transfer to GR    1,000
Rent 3,000 Preliminary expenses written off    3,000
Refund of Tax 3,000 Goodwill written off    2,000
Profit on sale of building 5,000 Proposed dividend    6,000
Depreciation on plant 5,000 Dividend received    5,000
Provision for Tax 4,000
Loss on sale of plant 2,000


  1. The capital of Everest co ltd is as follows:


9% Preference shares of Rs.10 each               3,00,000

Equity shares of Rs.10 each                            8,00,000





The accountant has ascertained the following information’s:

  1. a) Profit after Tax @ 60% Rs.2,70,000 b) Depreciation Rs.60,000 c) Equity dividend paid 20%   d) Reserves Rs.77,000  e) Market price per equity shares Rs.40.  Calculate  a) Dividend yield on equity shares   b) Cover for preference and equity dividends.  c) Earning per share
  2. d) The price earning ratio e) Dividend pay out ratio f) Book value per share.


  1. Assuming the cost structure and selling prices remain the same in periods I and II, Find

out  a) PV ratio  b) BEP sales   (c) Profit when sales are Rs.10,000   d) Sales required to

earn a   profit of Rs.20,000.

Period              Sales                Cost


I                       1,20,000          1,11,000

II                     1,40,000          1,27,000


  1. Draw a Material Procurement Budget from the following details estimated sales of a

product  40,000 units.  Each unit of the product requires 3 units of material A and 5 units

of material B.


Estimate opening balance Material on order
Finished product 5,000 uts
Material A 12,000 uts Material A 7,000 uts
Material B 20,000 uts Material B 11,000 uts
Estimate closing balance Materials of order
Finished product 7,000 uts ———
Material A 15,000 uts Material A 8,000 uts
Material B 25,000 uts Material B 10,000 uts


  1. The standard material and standard cost per kg of material required for the production of

one unit of product A is as follows.

Material – 5 kgs standard price Rs. 5 per kg.  The actual production and related material data

are as follows 400 units of product A, Materials used 22000 kgs Price of Material Rs.4.50 per kg.  Calculate  (a) Material cost Variance   b) Material usage variance   c) Material price variance.


  1. From the following data calculate labour variance standard time p.u 2.5 hrs. Actual hours

2,000 standard wages rate Rs. 2 per hour, Actual out put 1,000 uts.  Actual wages

Rs.4,500.   20% of actual time has been lost due to machinery break down.












Answer any TWO questions                                                              (2 x 20 = 40 marks)


  1. With the help of the following ratios of Edward Ltd draw balance sheet.

Current Ratio 2.5, Liquid Ratio 1.5, Networking capital Rs.3,00,000, stock turnover ratio: 6

times, Gross profit  Ratio 20% Debit collection period 2 months.  Fixed asset Turnover

Ratio: 2 times fixed asset to share holders noteworthy : 0.80

Reserve and surplus to capital  0.50.

Hint: Turn over refers to cost of sales


  1. The summaries Balance sheet of kumar Ltd as on 31.3.05 and 31.3.06 are as follows


Liabilities 31.03.05 31.03.06 Assets 31.03.05 31.03.06
Share capital 4,50,000 4,50,000 Fixed Assets 4,00,000 3,20,000
General Reserve 3,00,000 3,10,000 Investments    50,000    60,000
P&L a/c    56,000    68,000 Stock 2,40,000 2,10,000
Creditors 1,68,000 1,34,000 Debtors 2,10,000 4,55,000
Tax provision    75,000    10,000 Bank 1,49,000 1,97,000
Mortgage Loan 2,70,000
10,49,000 12,42,000 10,49,000 12,42,000


Additional information a) Investments castings Rs. 8,000 were sold for Rs.8,500  b) Tax provision made during the year was Rs.9,000. c) During the year part of the fixed assets costing Rs.10,000 was sold for Rs.12,000 and the profit was including in P&L a/c.  You are required to prepare cash flow statement for the year ended 31.03.2006.


  1. The following particulars are taken form the record of a company engaged in manufacturing two products X and Y for a certain raw material


Particulars Product X Product Y
Sales 125.00 250.00
Material cost (Rs.2.50 per kg) 25.00 62.50
Wages m(Rs. 15 per hour) 37.50 75.00
Variable over head 12.50 25.00


Total fixed over head Rs.50,000.  Comment oh the profitability of each product when

  1. Total availability of raw material is 20,000 kgs and maximum sales potential of each product is 1,000 units Find out the product mix to yield maximum profit.
  2. Total sales value of limited
  3. Labour Time is limited

Production capacity in units is a key factor.


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Loyola College M.Com April 2007 Labour Legislation Question Paper PDF Download


TH 61







Date & Time: 23/04/2007 / 9:00 – 12:00  Dept. No.                                              Max. : 100 Marks






  1. Answer all the questions: 10 x 2 = 20 Marks


  1. State the objectives of the Factories Act, 1948.
  2. What are the duties of the Certifying Surgeons?
  3. What is meant by Subsistence Allowance?
  4. What is the effect of certification of standing orders?
  5. Mention any four matters over which labour court can exercise jurisdiction.
  6. List out the different authorities constituted under the Industrial Disputes Act.
  7. When is the lump-sum compensation payable under the Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923?
  8. A workman, on completion of his day’s work, was going home.  On way he was injured by an accident without any fault or negligence on his part.  Is the employer liable to pay compensation?
  9. An employee who is earning Rs.400 per month was fined by the employer Rs.15 for an act duly specified by a notice exhibited on the premises of the factory.  The employee contends that not more than Rs.12 should be deducted as under the payment of wages Act, 1936, only 3 paise in the rupee can be imposed as maximum fine.  Advice.
  10. A fine is imposed on an employed person on 1st January 2007.  The employer seeks to recover the fine on 7th March 2007.  Can be recover?  State reasons for your answer.





  1. Answer any FIVE questions only: 5 x 8 = 40 Marks


  1. Explain briefly the provisions relating to employment of women and young person as per the Factories Act, 1948.
  2. Highlight the provisions relating to Deductions under the Payment of Wages Act, 1936.
  3. Bring out the rules relating to payment of contribution as per the Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923.
  4. Explain the provisions relating to Health as per the Factories Act, 1948.
  5. What are the objectives of the Standing Orders Act?  State the procedure for obtaining the certification.
  6. Condense the provisions relating to Annual leave with wages as per the Factories Act, 1948
  7. Explain the following:
    1. Disablement B. Occupational diseases
  8. Distinguish between Strike and Lock out





III. Answer any TWO questions only:                                            2 x 20 = 40 Marks


  1. Discuss in detail the provisions relating to Safety as per the Factories Act, 1948.
  2. Narrate the roles of various authorities constituted under the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 to resolve industrial disputes.
  3. Explain in detail the matters to be specified in the standing orders.  Bring out the procedure for modification of the standing orders.



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Loyola College M.Com April 2007 Human Resource Management Question Paper PDF Download


TH 32






Date & Time: 25/04/2007 / 1:00 – 4:00      Dept. No.                                       Max. : 100 Marks





Explain the following terms in FIVE line each:                                             (10 x 2 = 20 marks)


  1. Human resource management
  2. Manpower planning
  3. Training
  4. Development
  5. Grievances
  6. Discipline
  7. Quality of work life
  8. Fringe benefits
  9. Recruitment
  10. Performance appraisal



Answer any FIVE questions.  Answer should not exceed two pages each:        (5 x 8 = 40 marks)


  1. Why is there a need for human resource department in an organization?
  2. State the objectives of recruitment
  3. State the objectives of training
  4. State the objectives of performance appraisal
  5. What is job analysis?  What are the advantages of having job analysis? Explain the scope of analysis.
  6. How will you deal with grievances in an organization?
  7. What are the various factors that are associated with quality of work life?
  8. What are the environmental factors you will take in to account while doing manpower planning?



(2 x 20 40 marks)


Answer any TWO questions.  Answer should not exceed more than 4 – 6 pages each:


  1. What are the challenges faced by a HR Manager? How will you deal with such challenges
  2. Explain the various methods of performance appraisal.
  3. Explain the various methods of training and development.


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Loyola College M.Com April 2007 Financial Management Question Paper PDF Download


TH 56



CO 4801 / 4800 / 1807 – FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT


Date & Time: 25/04/2007 / 9:00 – 12:00      Dept. No.                                       Max. : 100 Marks




Answer ALL questions:                                                                        ( 10 x 2 = 20 )


  1. Give any four advantages of financial forecasting?
  2. Under what situations investment decisions are mainly guided by payback period method?


  1. What do you mean by Combined Leverage?
  2. How ABC analysis enables in controlling inventory?
  3. What is permanent working capital?
  4. What are the components of cost of capital?
  5. What is meant by ‘capital rationing’?
  6. A company has the following capital structure:

Equity share capital                             Rs. 1,00,000

10% Preference share capital                     1,00,000

8% Debentures                                                      1,25,000

The present EBIT is Rs.50,000.  Calculate the financial leverage assuming that company is in 50% tax bracket.


  1. A project costs Rs.15,60,000 and yields annually a profit of Rs.2,70,400 after depreciation of 12% p.a but before tax at 25%. Calculate pay-back period.


  1. MNR Ltd. has the following capital structure: (Rs.lakhs)

Equity capital                                                                     30

Debt (16%)                                                                        60


Corporate tax rate is 40%. The cost of equity is assumed to be 24%.  Calculate the weighed average cost of capital of the company.


Answer any FIVE questions:                                                                    ( 5 x 8 = 40)


  1. 11. How would you justify the adoption of present value maximization as an apt substitute for it?


  1. Examine the inter-relationship among the investment, financing and dividend decisions.
  2. What are the objectives of cash management?
  3. What do you mean by optimal capital structure? Make out a list of factors determining optimum capital structure.


  1. Write note on (a) M-M Theory and (b) Trading on equity


  1. X Ltd. is expecting an annual EBIT of Rs.1 lakh. The company has Rs.4.00 lakhs in 10% debentures. The cost of equity capital is 12.5%. You are required to calculate the value of the firm.



  1. A company is considering raising of funds of about Rs.100 lakhs by one of two alternative

methods – 14% institutional term loan and 13% non-convertible debentures.  The term loan option would attract no major incidental cost.  The debentures would have to be issued at a discount of 2.5% and would involve cost of issue of Rs.1 lakh.  Advice the company as to the better option based on the effective cost of capital in each case.  Assume a tax rate of 50%.


  1. The earnings per share of a company are Rs.16. The market rate of discount applicable to the company is 12.5%. Retained earnings can be employed to yield a return of 10%. The company is considering a pay-out of 25%, 50% and 75%.  Which of these would maximize the wealth of shareholders?



Answer any TWO questions:                                                                 ( 2 x 20 = 40 )


  1. A firm can purchase for Rs.2,500 an asset having life of 5 years after which its salvage value is Rs.500. The firm provides depreciation on straight line method.  Purchasing and using the asset will increase the firm’s expected revenues by Rs.1,500 per year and will raise its expected operating expenses (not including depreciation and interest) by Rs.700 per year.  The corporate tax is 50% and the cost of capital of the firm is 10%.


The firm can also lease the asset for a yearly rental of Rs.650.  The incremental revenue will be same at Rs.1,500 per year and the increase in firm’s expected non-depreciation expense is Rs.600 per year only.  Evaluate the proposals.


  1. Two projects M and N which are mutually exclusive are being under consideration. Both of them require an investment of Rs.1,00,000 each. The net cash inflows are estimated as under :


Year M




















The company’s targeted rate of return on investments is 12%. You are required to assess the projects on the basis of their present values, using (1) NPV method and (2) Profitability index method.

Present values of Re.1 at 12% interest for five years are given below:

1st year : 0.893; 2nd year : 0.797; 3rd year : 0.712; 4th year : 0.636; 5th year : 0.567.



  1. The cost sheet of PQR Ltd. provides the following data :
Cost per unit
Raw material Rs.50
Direct Labour 20
Overheads (including depreciation of Rs.10) 40
Total cost 110
Profits 20
Selling price 130


Average raw material in stock is for one month.  Average material in work-in-progress is for  ½ month. Credit allowed by suppliers: one month; credit allowed to debtors : one month.  Average time lag in payment of wages : 10 days; average time lag in payment of overheads 30 days. 25% of the sales are on cash basis. Cash balance expected to be Rs.1,00,000.  Finished goods lie in the warehouse for one month.


You are required to prepare a statement of the working capital needed to finance a level of the activity of 54,000 units of output.  Production is carried on evenly throughout the year and wages and overheads accrue similarly.  State your assumptions, if any, clearly.


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Loyola College M.Com April 2007 Entrepreneurship & Small Business Question Paper PDF Download


TH 44






Date & Time: 26/04/2007 / 1:00 – 4:00      Dept. No.                                       Max. : 100 Marks




Section  A:

Answer ALL Questions                                                          (10×2=20  Marks)


  1. List the major objectives of small -scale enterprise.
  2. How is a project formulated?
  3. Enumerate the differences between PERT and CPM.
  4. Mention the stages for promoting small entrepreneurship.
  5. Which are the important environment pollution related clearances?
  6. Mention the central level institutions supporting small business enterprises in India.
  7. What is depreciation allowance in the context of incentives and subsidies.
  8. What do you mean by joint ventures?
  9. When is payback method suitable in appraising projects?
  10. Why is ‘Seed Capital’ insisted to be supplied by the entrepreneurs?


Section B

Answer any FIVE Questions                                                    (5×8=40 Marks)


  1. ‘None of the four forms of business ownership is best in all respects’-


  1. Why is a business plan so important for an entrepreneur; an investor a customer; a supplier?
  2. Examine the various industry associations supporting small- scale sector in India.
  3. Examine the models suggested for the development of entrepreneurship.
  4. How do joint ventures differ from merger activity? In what ways are they similar?
  5. Explain the type of entrepreneurial decision to be taken while launching a new small-scale enterprise.
  6. What is Internal rate of return? Explain its superiority over the traditional methods of project evaluation.
  7. Explain how the family background of a person influences the growth of entrepreneurship.



Section C

Answer any TWO Questions                                            (2×20=40 Marks)


  1. ‘Small-scale industries serve as seed-bed of entrepreneurship

development’-  Discuss. Examine role played by small- scale enterprises

in the development of   national economy.

  1. What is feasibility Report? Highlight the salient features of a feasibility

report. Present the feasibility report of hypothetical unit of your choice.

  1. ‘One of the most important inhibitory factors restrict the supply of

entrepreneurs in India is the availability and supply of Capital’ –

comment. Critically examine the role played by various sources of capital

and growth of entrepreneurship in India.



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Loyola College M.Com April 2007 Corporate Accounts & Accounting Standards Question Paper PDF Download


TH 60







Date & Time: 23/04/2007 / 9:00 – 12:00Dept. No.                                              Max. : 100 Marks



Answer ALL the questions                                                        (10 * 2 = 20)

  1. What are the objectives of accounting standards?
  2. State the three fundamental accounting assumption as per AS – 1.
  3. When should the revenue be recognized in the case of real estate transation?
  4. State any two assets which fall under the fixed assets category but AS 10 is not


  1. What is potential equity share?
  2. When an asset is said to be impaired?
  3. What is the meaning of “Provision” as per AS – 29?
  4. What is restructuring cost?
  5. What is purchase consideration?
  6. On 31-3-02, A Ltd traded is an old machine having carrying amount of

Rs.16,800 and paid cash difference of Rs.6000 for a new machine having a

total cash price of Rs.20,500. On 31-3-02, what amount of loss should  ALtd

recognize on this exchange?


Answer any five questions                                                        (5*8 = 40)


  1. What is meant by value added ratio ? Explain the different value added ratios

and their importance.

  1. Briefly explain the provisions of AS-4 on contingencies and events occurring

after the balance sheet date.

  1. a) NDA Co.purchased a machine costing Rs.1,25,000 for its manufacturing

operations and paid shipping costs of Rs. 20,000.NDA spent an additional

amount of Rs.10,000 for testing and preparing the machine for use. What

amount should NDA record as the cost of the machine.

  1. b) On Dec 1,2001, Induga Co, purchased Rs.4,00,000 worth of land for a

factory site. Induga razed an old building on the property and sold the

materials it salvaged from the demolition. It incurred additional costs and

realized salvage  proceeds during December 2001 as follows :

Demolition of old building                                                       Rs.50,000                                              Legal fees for purchase contract and recording ownership      Rs.10,000

Title guarantee insurance                                                         Rs.12,000

Proceeds from sale of salvaged materials                                             Rs. 8,000

In its December 31,2001 Balance sheet ,at what value Induga Co, should   report in the  balance sheet under land account.


  1. What is merger as per AS – 14? What method of accounting is suggested in










  1. X Ltd ,is having a plant (Asset) carrying amount of which is Rs.250 lakhs on

31-3-2002 its balance useful life is 5 years and residual value at the end of 5

years is Rs.5 lakhs. Estimated future cash flow from using the plant in next 5

years are :-

for the year ended       estimated cash inflow(Rs.in lakhs)

31.3.03                        50

31.3.04                        30

31.3.05                        30

31.3.06                        20

31.3.07                        20


Calculate value in use for plant if the discount rate is 10% and also calculate

the recoverable amount  and impairment loss , if net selling price of plant on

31-3-2002 is Rs.60 lakhs.

  1. What is enterprise resource planning? State the advantages of it.
  2. A company carried forward a balance of Rs.1,20,000 in the profit & loss account from the year ended 31st March 1996.During the year 1997 it made a further profit before tax of Rs.8,00,000.It was decided that following provisions and transfers be carried out :
  3. i) Dividend equalization account Rs.30,000
  4. ii) Provision for taxation Rs.2,20,000

iii) General reserve Rs.1,05,000

  1. iv) Development rebate reserve Rs.1,10,000
  2. v) Dividend at 9% (tax free) on preference shares of rs.5,00,000
  3. vi) Dividend at 15% on 1,00,000 equity shares of Rs.10 each fully paid.

You are required to give profit & loss appropriation account and give journal entries for payment of dividend. Tax deducted at source is 20%.

  1. On 01-01-2001 Bermin Ltd. Had 500000 shares outstanding, on 01-03-2001,it issued one new share for each five shares outstanding at Rs.15.Fair value of one equity share immediately before the right issue was Rs.21.Net profit for the year 2000 was Rs.11,00,000 and for 2001 Rs.15,00,000. Calculate the basic EPS for 2001 restated EPS for 2000.



Answer any two questions:                                                        (2*20 =40)


  1. Following are the balance sheet of A Ltd and B Ltd .as on 31.03.2002


A Ltd


B Ltd




A Ltd


B Ltd
Share Capital : 40,000 Equity shares of Rs.100 each

General Reserve

Current Liabilities

Provision for tax

Proposed dividend




















Fixed Assets


Good will

Current Assets























B Ltd . is to be absorbed by A Ltd .On the following  terms :

1) B Ltd , declares a dividend of 20% before absorption for the payment of which it

is to retain sufficient amount of cash .

2)  The net worth of BLtd is valued at  Rs.16,00,000.

3)  The purchase consideration is satisfied by the issue of fully paid – up shares of

Rs.100 each in A Ltd.

Following further information is also to be taken into consideration :

  1. i) A Ltd holds 5,000 shares of BLtd at a cost of Rs . 3,00,000
  2. ii) The stocks of BLtd include item valued at Rs.1,00,000 purchased from A

Ltd  (cost to A Ltd Rs.75,000)

iii) The creditors of B Ltd include Rs.50,000 due to A Ltd.

Show ledger accounts in the books of BLtd. To give effect to the above and balance

sheet of A Ltd after completion of the absorption.


20.The following are the Balance sheet of  Hltd. And S ltd.as on 31st march 1999.

Liabilities                     Hltd.    Sltd.                 Assets                  Hltd.            Sltd.

Shares of Rs.100Each     5,00,000      4,00,000      Fixed assets       2,50,000   2,00,000

General reserve             1,00,000      1,00,000        investment in

Sltd.                    2,50,000       —

Profit/loss a/c                2,00,000    1,50,000          Current Assets    4,00,000   5,50,000

Current liabilities           1,00,000    1,00,000

————–       ———–                                  ———-    ———–

9,00,000       7,50,000                                  9,00,000   7,50,000

—————     ————                                 ———-    ———–

  1. Hltd.acquired 2000 shares in Sltd.on 1.4.98 when the latter’s general reserve

and profit /loss a/c were Rs.2,50,000  and Rs.1,00,000 respectively.


  1. on 30.6.98 Sltd. Declared 20% dividend out of pre-acquisition profits  and

Hltd. Credited the amount received to its P/La/c.


  1. on 31.10.98 Sltd. Issued bonus shares in the ratio of 3for 5 shares held out of

the  general reserve.Hltd. made no entry in its books  for the bonus shares



  1. Sltd. owed Hltd.Rs.50,000 on 31.3.99 on account of  goods supplied on credit.

However all of those goods were already disposed off by Sltd.

Prepare a  consolidated Balance sheet as at  31st march 1999.


  1. When do you recognize revenue in the following cases as per AS-9
  2. Sale of goods
  3. Rendering of services

Explain the above two with revenue recognition norms  for different categories  of

sales and services.


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Loyola College M.Com April 2007 Consumer Behaviour Question Paper PDF Download



TH 39






Date & Time: 19/04/2007 / 1:00 – 4:00     Dept. No.                                                             Max. : 100 Marks





Answer ALL questions in not more than 3 lines each                                   (2 x 10 = 20 marks)


  1. What are generic goals?
  2. What is an avoidance object?
  3. Define personality.
  4. Who is a verbalizer?
  5. What are sensory receptors?
  6. Why are Behavioral learning theories referred to as stimulus – response theories?
  7. What is a symbotic reference group?
  8. What is social status?
  9. What is sub-culture?
  10. What is relationship marketing?  What is at its heart?





Answer any FIVE in not more than 2 pages each                                          (5 x 8 = 40 marks)


  1. When will a person adopt defense mechanisms?  What are its different manifestations?
  2. Write a note on the trio of needs.
  3. How can selective perception (exposure) and psychological noise he barriers to communication?  Suggest ways to overcome these.
  4. How is culture learned?
  5. How would you market products to older consumers?
  6. Explain the three levels of Consumer Decision Making.
  7. How do consumers handle risk?
  8. Explain the factors which indicate social class.





Answer any TWO in not more than 4 pages each                                    (2 x 20 = 40 marks)


  1. Write a note on Consumer innovativeness.  Explain the marketing significance of each type.
  2. Write a note on the dynamics of perception.
  3. Explain any four groups which can influence consumers’ attitude and behaviour.



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Loyola College M.Com April 2007 Company Law Question Paper PDF Download



TH 36






Date & Time: 18/04/2007 / 1:00 – 4:00      Dept. No.                                                          Max. : 100 Marks




Explain the following legal terms in FIVE line each:                                          (10 x 2 = 20 marks)


  1. Company
  3. Prospectus
  4. Director
  5. Allotment of shares
  6. Operation
  7. Memorandum of association
  8. Qualification shares
  9. Government company
  10. Incorporation certificate




Answer any FIVE questions.  Answer should not exceed two pages each:             (5 x 8 = 40 marks)


  1. What are the differences between memorandum and articles of association?
  2. What are the differences between shares and stock?
  3. Explain the rule in Foss verses Harbottle.  What are its exceptions?
  4. Explain the facts of the case Royal British Bank V/S Turquand.  State its exceptions.
  5. How will you alter the articles of the association?
  6. Explain the rules regarding the allotment of shares.  What are the consequences of irregular allotment shares?
  7. What are rights and duties of Director?
  8. What are the differences between equity shares and preference shares?



(2 x 20 40 marks)

Answer any TWO questions.  Answer should not exceed more than 4 – 6 pages each:


  1. State the contents of the prospectus.
  2. How will you alter the memorandum of association clause wise?
  3. Explain the various methods of appointing directors in a company.  Explain rules for calculating managerial remuneration payable to directors.


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