Loyola College M.A. English April 2008 Contemporary Communicative Concerns – II Question Paper PDF Download

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Date : 05-05-08                  Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 9:00 – 12:00



Answer ALL Questions. Each question carries ONE mark.


  1. In a certain code, ‘6, 7, 8’ means “How are you”, ‘3, 4, 7’ means “How is life”, and ‘5, 6, 9’ means “You were wonderful”, which numeral in that language means “you”?

(A) 5                      (B) 6                (C) 7                (D) 9                (E) None of these


  1. Two persons X and Y starts walking from point A along the two adjacent sides AB and AD of rectangular field ABCD 50m x 40m. If AB is 50 m and X walks twice as fast as Y, on which side shall X cross Y?

(A) BC                  (B) AD            (C) CD                        (D) AB            (E) On the corner


  1. Ramesh’s house is to the east of Iqbal’s, Edward’s is west to Mohan’s. If Sohan’s house is to the west of Iqbal’s and east of Mohan’s house, whose house is the farthest from Iqbal’s?

(A) Edward’s        (B) Sohan’s     (C) Mohan’s    (D) Ramesh’s  (E) None of these


  1. A man born in the first of nineteenth century was X years old in the year X2. Find the year he was


(A) 1836                (B) 1825          (C) 1812          (D) 1806          (E) 1864


  1. If 62358 means POWER, then 8265 means

(A) HOPE             (B) ROPE       (C) PORE       (D) ROWE      (E) None of these


  1. Complete the series: 7, 49, 2401, ?

(A) 5764801          (B) 5764081    (C) 5768041    (D) 5761048    (E) None of these


  1. In a group of cows and herdsmen the number of legs is 155 more than the number of heads. If each herdsman has to look after ten cows, how many herdsmen are there?

(A) 4                      (B) 5                (C) 10              (D) 15              (E) 20


  1. If ‘Water’ is called ‘Food’, ‘Food’ is called ‘Tree’, ‘Tree’ is called ‘Sky’, ‘Sky’ is called ‘Well’. On which of the following grows a fruit?

(A) Water              (B) Food         (C) Tree           (D) Sky           (E) None of these


In each of the following questions there are two terms to the left of the sign :: and two to its right. One term is missing in each case which is given as one of the alternatives. Find the relationship and choose the correct alternative.

  1. LOM : NMK :: PKI : ?

(A) RIH                (B) SHG          (C) RIG           (D) RHG         (E) None of these



(A) ODNIBX       (B) MDLIZX  (C) OFNKBZ (D) MFLKZZ (E) None of these


  1. JKL : NML :: PQR : ?

(A) SRQ                (B) STR           (C) SQR          (D) TSR          (E) None of these


  1. CDXW : EFVU :: GHTS : ?

(A) KLPO             (B) JIQR         (C) LKOP       (D) IJRQ         (E) None of these


  1. POLK : RQJI :: KJQP : ?

(A) QRJI               (B) IHSR        (C) MLON      (D) NMNM     (E) None of these


In each of the following two questions compare the figures in the first two boxes. Then look at the third figure and find its partner in the boxes on the right.










Answer ANY TWO questions. Each question carries FIVE marks.

  1. Five farmers have 7, 9, 11, 13 & 14 apple trees, respectively in their orchards. Last year, each of

them discovered that every tree in their own orchard bore exactly the same number of apples. Further, if the third farmer gives one apple to the first, and the fifth gives three to each of the second and the fourth, they would all have exactly the same number of apples. What were the yields per tree in the orchards of the third and fourth farmers?


  1. Five executives A, B, C, D and E of European Corporation hold a Conference in Rome
    Mr. A converses in Spanish & Italian
    Mr. B, a Spaniard, knows English also
    Mr. C knows English and belongs to Italy
    Mr. D converses in French and Spanish
    Mr. E, a native of Italy knows French
    Which of the following can act as interpreter if Mr. C & Mr. D wish to converse
    a) only Mr. A     b) Only Mr. B     c) Mr. A & Mr. B    d) Any of the other three
  2. Statements given by different family members.
  3.   B  is my father’s brother
  4.   E is my mother-in-law.
  5.   C is my son-in -law’s brother.
  6.   A is my brother’s wife.

A,B,C,D,E are the family members. Who made the above statements? Give relationships between them.

Section 2


Answer any FIVE  of the following in about 150 words each  (5 x 5 = 25 marks)

  1. Explain Commodity goals.
  2. Write on any one obstacle to Face-related goals
  3. Discuss’ Adaptive Planning’.
  4. Write on any One aspect of Interpersonal Relationship.
  5. Is the expression ‘Softskill’ suitable to define the skills involved in it? Substantiate your point of view.
  6. How can proper attitude be developed in a trainer?


Section 3

  1. Explain the differences between discovery and invention.                (5)
  2. What is meant by scientific temper? What is the need for it?            (5)
  3. Discuss the various theories regarding the nature of light.                 (5)
  4. a) Outline the life and achievements of any great scientist of your choice.


  1. b) Present detailed review of any book on science and technology read by you

recently.                                                                                              (10)


Section 4


  1. What is bio ethics                                                                                (10)
  2. Discuss any three bio ethical issues and their impact on human values. (15)


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Loyola College M.A. English Nov 2008 Contemporary Communicative Concerns – II Question Paper PDF Download


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THIRD SEMESTER – November 2008





Date : 14-11-08                 Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 9:00 – 12:00


Answer ALL questions.                                                                                  (15 x 1 = 15)

  1. Gita walks 10 km from north to south and turns left and again walks 5 km, then she turns left and walks

8 km. In which direction is she positioned now with reference to the starting point?

(a) East            (b) South – East          (c) North         (d) North – East

  1. Sailaja traveled straight from a point P to Z, which is at a distance of 100 m. She turned right and walked

60 m, then again turned right and walked 80 m. Finally, she turned right and walked 60 m. How far is she

from the starting point?

(a) 20 m           (b) 30 m           (c) 10 m           (d) 40 m

  1. If ‘Water’ is called ‘Food’, ‘Food’ is called ‘Tree’, ‘Tree’ is called ‘Sky’, and ‘Sky’ is called ‘Well’. On

which of the following grows a fruit?

(a) Water         (b) Food          (c) Tree            (d) Sky








  1. In a certain code, ‘6, 7, 8’ means “How are you”, ‘3, 4, 7’ means “How is life”, and ‘5, 6, 9’ means “You

were wonderful”, which numeral in that language means “you”?

(a) 5                 (b) 6                 (c) 7                 (d) 9

  1. Find the odd man out. (i) 6, 8, 64, 16

(ii) Orange, Blue, Yellow, Brown

  1. Ship : Anchor; Car : Brake; Light : ?

(a) Plug            (b) Switch       (c) Bulb           (d) Fuse

  1. X’s father has a son Y who has an aunt Z who has a husband K whose father-in-law is M. What could be M to X?

(a) Grandson   (b) Son                        (c) Uncle         (d) Grandfather

  1. Complete the series. 2, 9, 28, 65, ?

(a) 93               (b) 126             (c) 102             (d) 87

  1. Find the next number in the series. 1, 3, 7, 13, 21, 31, ?

(a) 41               (b) 43               (c) 40               (d) None of these

  1. 9 : 8 :: __ : 125

(a) 25               (b) 36               (c) 26               (d) 27

  1. In the following sequence of letters, how many a’s are there in even places?


(a) 10               (b) 9                 (c) 8                 (d) 11

  1. If the word DIAGRAM is coded as AGDMIRA, then the word PICTURE can be coded as


  1. If EXAMINATION could be given the code number 125, what code number could be given to HARDWORK?

(a) 521             (b) 250             (c) 68               (d) 98

  1. If N – B + T = 64 and R + Y – C = 80, then R + N – D = ?

(a) 42               (b) 82               (c) 56               (d) 34



Answer ANY TWO questions.                                                                                   (2 x 5 = 10)

  1. Find the values of each of the alphabets.



+  M O O N



Each alphabet must be represented by the same digit and no beginning letter of a word can be 0.

  1. In a certain class, 40% of the students take coffee, 40% take tea and 50% take milk. 10% take all the

three. Also 20% take coffee and tea, 20% take milk and tea and 20% take coffee and milk. 10 students

do not take any of the three?

(i) How many students are there in the class?

(ii) What percentage of students take exactly two of the three drinks?

(iii) What percentage of the coffee drinkers drink only coffee?

(iv) What is the ratio of the number of students who take coffee to that of those who take only milk?

  1. A visits Vizagpatnam where his brother P resides. P stays with his father Q and mother S. P’s

grandfather, R also stays with him. P has two children B and C. B’s husband is X. C is married to Y,

who is a wrestler. C’s son T welcomes A on his visit.

(i) How is T related to B?

(ii) How is S related to C?

(iii) How is P related to X?

(iv) How is C related to Q?

(v) How is A related to R?

SECTION  B –  Soft Skills

Answer all the questions in about 150 words each:                                        3 x 5 =15 marks

  1. Explain Negotiation Skill.
  2. What is Interpersonal communication?
  3. Differentiate soft skills from hard skills

Answer the following in about 300 words                                         10 marks

  1.  Prepare a case study of the recent communal violence  in Orissa and explain how Soft skill can solve such crisis.

SECTION  C – Bioethics

Answer any FIVE questions                                                               (5 x 5 = 25)

  1. Expand the abbreviations HIV and AIDS. Write about the mode of transmission symptoms and prevention of AIDS.
  2. Discuss the pros and cons of organ donation.
  3. Explain the significance of population management in India.
  4. Discuss the ethical issues involved in stem cell research.
  5. “IVF gives millions a leap of hope.” Would you agree or disagree? Articulate your viewpoints.
  6. ‘Biotechnology is a boon or bane.” What is your stand as a bioethicist?


SECTION  D –Basic Science and Technology

Answer all the questions given below:

  1. Discuss the scientific method and illustrate with an example.                       (5 marks)
  2. Give two examples of Processes during which energy is transmitted from one form to another                                                                                                                                          (5 marks)
  3. Name the different regimes of the electromagnetic spectrum and give one use each of these radiations.                                                                                                                            (5 marks)
  4.  Explain the basic concepts of either the theory of Relativity


The Quantum theory                                                                                       (10 marks)



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