Loyola College M.A. English April 2008 Ecopoetics Question Paper PDF Download



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Date : 29-04-08                  Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 1:00 – 4:00



I Answer any SIX of the following questions in about 150 words each       (6×5=30 marks)

  1. “This we know.

All things are connected

Like the blood

Which unites one family …

Whatever befalls the earth,

Befalls the sons and daughters of the earth.

Man did not weave the web of life;

He is merely a strand in it.

Whatever he does to the web,

He does to himself.”

-Chief Seattle

Comment on the lines.

  1. Explain Gaia Theory.
  2. What is ecosensitivity?
  3. What is Chaos Theory or The Butterfly Effect? Do establish a connect between this and Tsunami that ravaged  the South Asian shores in 2004.
  4. Differentiate between Shallow Ecology and Deep Ecology.
  5. Establish the connection between Environment and Ecology.
  6. Define ecocriticism after Cheryll Glotfelty.
  7. How is ecocriticism interdisciplinary?



II Answer the following questions in about 300 words each                                     (2 x 20 = 40 marks) 

  1. Explain the reasons for violence against nature.


Why are Jane Austen and Thomas Hardy popular even today among the English readers?

  1. Explain the ecovision of William Wordsworth citing examples from any one of his poems.


How does Emerson deal with nature in a transcendental manner?



III Applied Criticism

  1. Scrutinise the following literary text within the given parameters. (15 marks)
  1. Identify the ‘oikoses’ in the text.
  2. Establish the relation of one ‘oikos’ with the other ‘oikoses’.
  3. Compare the ‘oikos’ of one text with the ‘oikoses’ of other comparable texts.





Song of Quarry Workers



We brought gravel for the highway

And ballast for the railway track.

Our hands are free this holiday,

No load we bear on head or back.


We sing a song of joy with pride,

For all our tools are laid aside.

We sing a song of joy with pride,

For all our tools are laid aside.


The hills we broke, now plains are they;

The plains we mined are now a vale.

Our hands are free this holiday

We hammer neither stone nor nail.

We sing a song of joy with pride,

For all our tools are laid aside.

We sing a song of joy with pride,

For all our tools are laid aside.


Talk not to us of work, we pray;

Tomorrow we do what you bid.

Our hands are free this holiday,

Our hearts are not in what we did.


We sing a song of joy with pride,

For all our tools are laid aside.

We sing a song of joy with pride,

For all our tools are laid aside.




  1. Apply Green Density Measurement to the following poem.             (15 marks)


The Tree


It rained, it poured,

It thundered, but people snored.

The night was violent

The city was silent.


Every one was happy

Enjoying their dreams.

They did not hear

The trees screaming.


The tree lay down,

Fallen on its leaves.

It looked like a broken crown.


It lay down still,

It lay down weak.

No one heard

The tree screaming.

  • Deepak Kudapa


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