Loyola College M.A. Social Work Nov 2008 Health Situation In India Question Paper PDF Download


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THIRD SEMESTER – November 2008





Date : 05-11-08                 Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 9:00 – 12:00



 (Answer ALL the questions not exceeding 50 words)                                                 (10X2=20 marks)


  1. Define health
  2. Name any four indigenous systems of medicine.
  3. Give the main recommendations of the Shrivatsav Committee.
  4. What was the focus of the first five year plan?
  5. List the main features of the Pre-natal Diagnostic Technique Act.
  6. Name any four occupational diseases.
  7. Expand the following: NACO, ICDS, NLEP, UNDP.
  8. What is Epidemiology?
  9. Define “Vulnerable Groups”.
  10. List the Principles of Primary Health Care.


                                                            Section -B


 (Answer any FOUR questions not exceeding 300 words)                                    (4X10=40 marks)


  1. What is Health Legislation? Discuss any Two legislations pertaining to health.
  2. Write a short note on the National and State Level of Health Administration in India.
  3. Critically review the National Health Policy and the National Health Programs in India.
  4. Describe the structure, elements and functions of the Primary health canters in India and review the latest schemes introduced by the Government.
  5. What is Health Planning? Comment on the Sixth Five Year Plan.

Section -C

(Answer any TWO question not exceeding 600 words)                                                (2×20=40 marks)


  1. Critically examine the Health Status of the people in India. Analyze the role of NGOs and Health Networks as partners in Health Care.
  2. Elucidate the context of the Bhore Committee, Its findings and recommendations to the Government of India. Evaluate the response of the Government to the Bhore Committee.
  3. Explain the Principles, Models of Intervention in Community Health. Analyze the role and function of a Professional Social Worker in promoting the Health Care of the community.


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