Loyola College M.A. Social Work April 2008 Women & Development Question Paper PDF Download


CQ 21



    SW 3985 – WOMEN AND DEVELOPMENT      (4)




Date : 30/04/2008            Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 9:00 – 12:00

SECTION .A                                              (10X2=20)


(Answer ALL the questions. Answer to each question should not exceed 50 words)


  1. Expand GDI and HPI.
  2. Name the agency which brings out Human Development Report?
  3. What is Gender Budgeting?
  4. Expand NCW and NHRC.
  5. Write any 4 activities of the Planning Commission of India.
  6. State 2 reasons why sex ration is important for a country.
  7. What is triple discrimination?
  8. List our any four problems of FHH.
  9. Mention any four problems of Unwed Mothers.
  10. Mention any four problems of Commercial Sex Workers.


SECTION –B                                              (4X10=40)


(Answer any FOUR questions. Answer to each question should not exceed 300 words)


  1. What should be the role of political parties on Women’s Reservation Bill?
  2. Analyse “Feminisation of Labour” with specific reference to SEZs / EPZs.
  3. Write a note on elderly women in our country?
  4. Explain in detail the portrayal of women in our media.
  5. What is the role of religion in positioning women in our society?


SECTION C                                                     (2×20=40)


(Answer any TWO question. Answer to the question should not exceed 600 words)


  1. Examine the statement “Self Help Groups are empowering women”.
  2. Is our country progressing towards Millennium Development Goals? Substantiate your arguments with suitable examples.
  3. Critically comment on the Violence Against Women Act, 2005.


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Loyola College M.A. Social Work Nov 2008 Women & Development Question Paper PDF Download


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THIRD SEMESTER – November 2008

    SW 3985 – WOMEN AND DEVELOPMENT      (4)




Date : 05-11-08                 Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 9:00 – 12:00

Section -A                                           (10 x 2=20 marks)


 (Answer ALL the questions .Answer to each question carries 2 marks.

 (Answer to each question should not exceed 50 words)


  1. Write any two problems faced by Elderly Women.
  2. Write a short note on the National Commission for Women
  3. Write in brief the importance of MDGs for women empowerment
  4. Mention any 4 Problems faced by Singly Women.
  5. What is meant by ‘Triple Discrimination’
  6. Write the Pillars of the State and briefly explain any one.
  7. Write a short note on Equal Opportunities Commission.

   Expand and write a short note on

  1. DPSP
  2. GDI
  3. GEM


Section –B                                           (4×10=40 marks)


  (Answer any FOUR questions. Answer to each question carries 10 marks. Answer to each question   

   should not exceed 300 words)


  1. List out the challenges faced by families in a changing society
  2. As a Social Worker what would be your role in ensuring rights of a women in the society.
  3. Discuss in detail about Unorganised Sector women.
  4. Women’s Rights are Human Rights- Explain.
  5. Write in detail the human rights violations faced by minority women in Gujarat Communal Riots, 2002.

Section – C                                                  (2×20=40 marks)


  (Answer any TWO questions. Answer to the question carries 20 marks. Answer to the question

   should not exceed 600 words)


  1. How are women  portrayed in the Media? Analyse your answer with examples from Visual Media
  2. Analyse the working nature of SHG’s in India with reference to your readings on the subject.
  3. Discuss in detail about Domestic Workers and their problems with examples.


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