Loyola College M.Com April 2008 Financial Management Question Paper PDF Download



RO 35







Date : 28-04-08                  Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 1:00 – 4:00


Answer all questions: Each question carries TWO marks.                                               (10×2=20) 


  1. What are financial decisions taken by the modern financial manager?
  2. Mr. X intends to have return of Rs.10,000 per annum for perpetuity.  In case the discount rate is 20%.  Calculate the present value of this perpetuity.
  3. Distinguish capital structure from financial structure.
  4. What do you mean by leverage in financial management?
  5. Define Explicit and Implicit cost of capital.
  6. The current market price of an equity share of a company is Rs.90.  The current dividend per share is Rs.4.50.  In case the dividends are expected to grow at the rate of 7%. Calculate the cost of equity capital?
  7. Define the term ‘Capital Budgeting’.
  8. What do you mean by working capital management?
  9. Calculate the optimum production quantity per production run from the following information:

Estimated annual production              90,000 units.

Setup cost per production run             Rs. 50

Carrying cost per unit per annum        Rs.1.

  1. Distinguish Bonus shares from right shares.




Answer any FIVE of the following.  Each question carries EIGHT marks.                   (5×8=40)


  1. Explain the benefits and Risks of holding inventories.
  2. Briefly explain the factors affecting Dividend policy.
  3. A company has sales of Rs.1 lakh.  The variable costs are 40% of the sales while fixed operating costs amount to Rs.30,000. The amount of inter on long-term debt is Rs.10,000.

You are required to calculate the composite leverage and illustrate its impact if sales increased by 5%.

  1. A Ltd intends to issue new equity shares.  It’s present equity shares are being sold in the market at Rs.125 a share.  The company’s past record regarding payment of dividend is as follows:

1994: 10.70%;      1995: 11.45%;        1996: 12.25%;             1997:13.11%;              1998:14.03%

The floatation costs are estimated at 3% of the current selling price of the shares. You are required to calculate:

  1. growth rate in dividends
  2. cost of funds raised by issue of equity shares assuming that the growth rate as calculated under (a) above will continue for ever.
  3. cost of new equity shares.
  1. Good company has currently an ordinary share capital of Rs 25 lakhs consisting of 25,000 shares of Rs.100 each. The management is planning to raise another Rs.20 lakhs to finance a major programme of expansion through one of four possible financing plans.  The option are:
  • Entirely through ordinary shares
  • 10 lakhs through ordinary shares and Rs.10 lakhs through long-term borrowings at 8% interest per annum.
  • 5 lakhs through ordinary shares and Rs.15 lakhs through long-term borrowings at 9% interest per annum.
  • 10 lakhs through ordinary shares and Rs.10 lakhs through preference shares with 5% dividend.

The company’s expected earnings before interest and Tax will be Rs.8 lakhs.  Assuming corporate Tax of 50% determine the Earnings per share in each alternative.





  1. From the following information determine the optimal combination of projects assuming that the projects are divisible.  The total funds available Rs.3,00,000.
Project Required Initial Investment NPV at the appropriate cost of capital
A—— 1,00,000 20,000
B—— 3,00,000 35,000
C—— 50,000 16,000
D——- 2,00,000 25,000
E——- 1,00,000 30,000


  1. A firm is considering pushing up its sales by extending credit facilities to the following categories of customers:
  • Customers with a 10% risk of non-payment, and
  • Customers with a 30% risk of non-payment.

The incremental sales expected in case of category (a) are Rs.40,000 while incase of category   (b) they are Rs.50,000.

The cost of production and selling costs are 60% of sales while the collection costs amount to 5% of sales in case of category (a) and 10% of sales in case of category (b).

You are required to advise the firm about extending credit facilities to each of the above categories of customers.


  1. Explain the advantages of leasing.


 Answer any TWO questions                                                                                               (2×20=40)                                                                                                                                                             


  1. From the following information extracted from the books of a manufacturing company, compute the operating cycle in days and the amount of working capital required:

Period covered……….                          365 days.

Average period of credit by suppliers……                   16 days


Average total of debtors outstanding 4,80,000
Raw materials consumption 44,00,000
Total production cost 1,00,00,000
Total cost of sales 1,05,00,000
Sales for the year 1,60,00,000


Value of Average stock maintained:

Raw material 3,20,000
Work in Progress 3,50,000
Finished goods 2,60,000


  1.  You are required to determine the weighted average cost of capital (Ko) of the K.C. Ltd using (i) book value weights; and (ii) Market value weights. The following information is available for your perusal:

Book value capital structure                                                                                Rs

Debentures (Rs. 100 per debenture) 8,00,000
Preference Shares (Rs. 100 per share) 2,00,000
Equity shares (Rs. 100 per share) 10,00,000

All these securities are traded in the capital markets. Recent prices are debentures @ Rs. 110, Preference Shares @ Rs. 120 and Equity Shares @ Rs.22. Anticipated external financing opportunities are:

  • 100 per debenture redeemable at par: 20 year maturity, 8% Coupon rate, 4% floatation costs, sale price Rs. 100.
  • 100 preference share redeemable at Par: 15 year maturity, 10% dividend rate, 5% floatation costs, sale price Rs. 100.
  • Equity shares Rs.2 per share floatation costs, sale price Rs.22.

In addition, the dividend expected on the equity share at the end of the year Rs.2 share, the anticipated growth rate in dividends is 5% and the company has the practice of paying all its earning in the form of dividends. The corporate tax rate is 50%.

  1. Write notes on the following:
  • Importance of financial management.
  • Factors determining working capital
  • Modigilani-Miller approach of capital structure.
  • Significance of operating and Financial leverages.


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Loyola College M.Com Nov 2008 Financial Management Question Paper PDF Download


QB 16


FIRST SEMESTER – November 2008





Date : 04-11-08                 Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 1:00 – 4:00


Answer ALL questions.                                                                                 (10 x 2 = 20)


  1. Explain the term operating leverage?
  2. Classify the patterns of capital structure?
  3. What are the importance of K.
  4. Discuss the purpose of issue of right shares.
  5. What are the advantages to the company at the time of issue of Bonus Shares?
  6. How do you view the operating cycle in Working Capital Management.
  7. Illustrate the motive for holding cash.
  8. What are the credit polices available in working capital management.
  9. How do you process the Capital Budgeting?
  10. Write short note on Finance Lease.



Answer any five questions.                                                           (5 x 8 = 40)


  1. Explain the factors affecting Capital Structure.
  2. State the SEBI Guidelines for Right Issue.
  3. Discuss the Factors Affecting Dividend Policy.
  4. The relevant financial information for Xavier Limited for the year ended

2007 is given below.

             Profit and Loss Account                                        Balance Sheet Data

(Rs. million)                                       Beginning of 2007     End of 2007

Sales                          80                      Inventory                         9                    12

Cost of goods sold    56                      Accounts receivable        12                   16

Accounts payable             7                    10

What is the length of the operating cycle? The cash cycle? Assume 365 days to a year.

15. M Ltd. is considering relaxing its collection efforts. Existing sales are Rs.50,00,000, Average

collection period is 25 days, P/V Ratio 25%, Cost of Capital 15% and Bad debts 4%.

The relaxation of the collection effort will increase sales by Rs.6,00,000, increase average

collection period to 40 days and increase bad debts to 6%. The company can save collection

expenses of Rs.10,000. Advice the company.

16. A Ltd. issued Rs.100, 15% debt at par repayable in 3 annual installments of Rs.30, Rs.30 and

Rs.40 at the end of the 7th, 8thand 9th years respectively. The issued cost is 3% and the tax rate

60% Calculate kd.


17. A Ltd. has a share capital of Rs.1,00,000 divided into shares of Rs.10 each. It has major

expansion programme requiring an investment of another Rs.50,000. The management is

considering the following alternatives for raising this amount:

(i) Issue of 5,000 equity shares of Rs.10 each.

(ii) Issue of 5,000, 12% preference shares of Rs.10 each.

(iii) Issue of 10% debentures of Rs.50,000.

The company’s present earnings before interest and tax (EBIT) are Rs.40,000 p.a. You are

required to calculate the effect of each of the above modes on financing of the earnings per share

(EPS) presuming:

(a) EBIT continues to be the same even after expansion.

(b) EBIT increases by Rs.10,000.

18. Operating Leverage = 2; Combined Leverage = 3, at present sales level of 10,000 units; selling

price = Rs.12; Variable cost = 50% of sales; Tax Rate = 50%

The company has no preference share capital. If the rate of interest of the company’s debt is 16%

Calculate the amount of debt to the capital structure.


Answer any two questions                                                                         (2 x 2 = 40)

19. A project requires investment of Rs.1,00,000 and the working capital of Rs.20,000 at the end

of the first year. The project has a life of 5 years and the scrap value of Rs.20,000.  The project

yields the following profits before tax.

Year                   Profit before Tax (PBT)


1                           20,000

2                           40,000

3                           60,000

4                           50,000

5                            30,000


(i) pay back period, (PBP),

(ii) Average Rate of Return (ARR),

(iii) Net present value (NPV) and

(iv) Profitability Index PI

(v) Discounted pay back period

Assume cost of capital is 10% and tax @ 50%

20. A Ltd, is presently operating at 60% capacity and producing 36,000 units per annum. In the

next year it plans to operate at 90% capacity.

The present cost price structure per unit is – Raw Material Rs.4; Wages Rs.2; Variable overheads

Rs.2; Fixed overheads Re.1 and selling price Rs.10

1. Raw material will remain in stores for 2 month.

2. WIP for 1 month.

3. Finished goods for 2 months.

4. Debtors are allowed 2 months credit and creditors are allowed 3 months credit.

5. Lag in payment of wages and overheads = 1 month each.

Ascertain the profit at 90% capacity level and the working capital necessary to sustain this  production, assuming that the cash balance of 5% of the gross working capital is required. Calculate the Cash Cost of Working Capital .

21. You are required to determine the weighted average cost of capital (Ko) of the K.C. Ltd. using (i) book value weights; and (ii) market value weights. The following is available for your perusal:

The K.C. Ltd.’s present book value capital structure is :


Debentures (Rs.100 per debenture)                  8,00,000

Preference Shares (Rs.100 per share)               2,00,000

Equity Shares (Rs.10 per share)                      10,00,000


All these securities are traded in the capital markets. Recent prices are, debentures @ Rs.100, preference shares @ Rs.120 equity shares@ Rs.22. Anticipated external financing opportunities are –

(i) Rs.100 per debentures redeemable at par: 20-year maturity, 8% coupon rate, 4% floatation costs, sale price Rs.100.

(ii) Rs.100 preference share redeemable at par: 15-year maturity, 10% dividend rate,     5% floatation costs, sale price Rs.100.

(iii) Equity shares: Rs.2 per share floatation costs, sale price Rs.22.

In addition, the dividend expected on the equity share at the end of the year in Rs.2 per share; the anticipated growth rate in dividends is 5% and the company has the practice of paying all its earning in the form of dividends. The corporate tax rate is 50%.


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