Date & Time : 20-04-2006/FORENOON Dept. No. Max. : 100 Marks
Part–A (20 Marks)
Answer ALL questions (10 x 2 = 20)
- Calculate the thickness of ionic atmosphere in 0.1M aqueous lanthanum sulphate.
- Compare the ion-solvent interaction of the following
- 1M aq KCl
- 1M aq Al2(SO4)3
- λ H+ is the highest among cations in aqueous solution. Why?
- How is the capacitance related to the thickness of double layer in Helmholtz Perrin
- What are surfactants? Give example.
- What do you mean by a polarisable electrode? State the condition for its ideal
- What is reaction resistance? Calculate its value of an electrode having equilibrium
current density 2 .08 μA cm.
- Nernst equation is a special case of Butler-Volmer equation.Explain.
- Determine whether Cu form 0.01 M Cu2+ will be deposited or not.
( SRP : Cu2+/ Cu = 0.34V )
- Obtain the relation between rate and current density of an electro-chemical reaction
from Faraday’s laws.
Part-B (40 Marks)
Answer any EIGHT questions (8 x 5 = 40)
- 11. What are electro capillary curves? What is its importance?
- Derive an expression for the interfacial tension applying parallel plate condenser
- Apply Born’s model to find out the energy of ion solvent interaction.
- 14. Discuss the evidences for the existence of ionic atmosphere.
- 15. The measured emf for the cell Ag, AgBr,KBr || Hg2Br2 | Hg are 0.06839V at 25ºC
and 0.07048V at 30ºC. Write the reaction involved and calculate ∆H, ∆G and ∆S
for the reaction at 25ºC
- A 0.2m lead nitrate solution freezes at -0.10ºC. Calculate the dissociation constant
if Kf of water is 1.86 K molal-1
- Derive the Butler-Volmer equation for a one electron electrode process.
- 18. Define transfer coefficient. How is it determined experimentally?
- 19. The reversible potential and c.d of an electrode are 0.22 V and 7.2×10 -4 A cm-2
respectively. Calculate the c.d across it at 0.74 V if it has 40% cathodic tendency.
- 20. The tafel anodic and cathodic slopes of “applied potential vs logi ” of an
electrode process were found to be 0.04 & 0.12 respectively. Calculate the
ransfer coefficients.
- 21. Explain the applications of Tafel equations.
- 22. The exchange current density of Pt/Fe, Feis 2.5 mA cm. Calculate the
current density across the electrode at 25C maintained at 1V when [Fe] = 0.1
M and [Fe]= 0.2 M (SRP = 0.77IV, β = 0.58)
Part-C (40 Marks)
Answer any FOUR questions (4 x 10 = 40)
- 23. Discuss sterns model of double layer structure.
- 24. Describe ‘Electrokinetic Phenomena’.
- 25. Derive Debye Huckel limiting law. How is it verified?
- 26. For the system Pt /Fe3+, Fe2+ at 298K the i were measured as shown below:
(mV): 50 80 100 120 150 200
(mA cm) : 8.01 16.1 25.17 41 82.4 264
Evaluate io and β
- 27. Consider the following mechanism for the deposition iron.
Fe2+ + H2O FeOH+ + H+ eq const K1 ……. (1)
FeOH+ + e FeOH eq const K2 ……. (2)
FeOH + H+ + e Fe + H2O eq const K3 ……. (3)
Derive the expression for rate if step-2 is rds
- Discussion of Butler -Volmer equation for different values of over potentials.