Loyola College M.Sc. Mathematics Nov 2010 Linear Algebra Question Paper PDF Download




MT 1810/ 1804 – LINEAR ALGEBRA




Date : 30-10-2011             Dept. No.                                        Max. : 100 Marks

Time : 1:00 – 4:00


  1. a) (i) Prove that similar matrices have the same characteristic polynomial.


(OR)                                                                                        (5)


(ii) Let T be the linear operator on Â3 which is represented in the standard ordered basis by

the matrix .  Find the characteristic polynomial of A.

  1. b) (i) State and prove Cayley-Hamilton theorem.


(OR)                                                                                           (15)

(ii) Let V be a finite dimensional vector space over F and T a linear operator on V.  Then

prove that T is diagonalizable if and only if the minimal polynomial for T has the

form are distinct elements of F.

  1. a) (i) Let T be a linear operator on a finite dimensional space V and let c be a scalar. Prove

that the following statements are equivalent.

  1. c is a characteristic value of T.
  2. The operator (T – cI) is singular.
  3. det (T – cI) = 0.

(OR)                                                                                        (5)


(ii) Let W be an invariant subspace for T.  Then prove that the minimal polynomial for Tw

divides the minimal polynomial for T.


  1. b) (i) State and prove Primary Decomposition theorem.

(OR)                                                                                           (15)


(ii) Let T be a linear operator on a finite dimensional space V.  If T is diagonalizable and if

c1,…,ck  are the distinct characteristic values of T, then prove that there exist linear

operators E1,…,Ek on V such that

  1. T = c1E1 +…+ ckEk.
  2. I = Ej +…+ Ek.
  3. EiEj = 0,i≠j.
  4. Each Ei is a projection

III. a)  (i) Let W be a proper T-admissible subspace of V. Prove that there exists a nonzero a in

V such that W Ç Z (a ; T) = {0}.

(OR)                                                                                             (5)


(ii) Define Tannihilator, T-admissible, Projection of vector space V and Companion



  1. b) (i) State and prove Cyclic Decomposition theorem.


(OR)                                                                                           (15)



  1. ii) Let P be an m x m matrix with entries in the polynomial algebra F [x]. The following are



  • P is invertible
  • The determinant of P is a non-zero scalar polynomial.
  • P is row-equivalent to the m x m identity matrix.
  • P is a product of elementary matrices.


  1. a) (i) Let V be a complex vector space and f be a form on V such that f (a,a) is real for

every a.  Then prove that f is Hermitian.                                                                                          (5)


  1. ii) Let f ­ be the form on a finite-dimensional complex inner product space V. Then prove

that there is an orthonormal basis for V in which the matrix of f is upper-triangular.


  1. b) (i) Let f be a form on a finite dimensional vector space V and let A be the matrix of f in an

ordered basis B. Then f is a positive form iff A = A* and the principal minors of A are all


(OR)                                                                         (15)

(ii) Let V be a finite-dimensional inner product space and f a form on V.  Then show that there is a

unique linear operator T on V such that f(a,b) = (Ta½b) for all a, b in V, and the map f ®T is an

isomorphism of the space of forms onto L(V,V).




  1. a) (i) Let V be a vector space over the field F. Define a bilinear form f on V and prove that the

function defined by f (a;b) = L1 (a) L2 (b) is bilinear.


(OR)                                                                            (5)


  1. ii) Define the quadratic form q associated with a symmetric bilinear form f and prove that



  1. b) i) Let V be a finite dimensional vector space over the field of complex numbers. Let f be a symmetric bilinear form on V which has rank r.  Then prove that there is an ordered basis

B ={b1, b2, … bn} for V such that the matrix of f in the ordered basis B is diagonal and  .

(OR)                                                                                (15)

  1. ii) If f is a non-zero skew-symmetric bilinear form on a finite dimensional vector space V then

prove that there exist a finite sequence of pairs of vectors, (a1, β1), (a2, β2),… (ak, βk) with the

following properties.

  1. f (aj, βj) = 1 , j=1,2,,…,k.
  2. f (ai, aj)=f(βi, β)=f(aii)=0,i≠j.
  3. c) If Wj is the two dimensional subspace spanned by aj and βj, then V=W1 Å W2Å …Wk Å W0

where W0 is orthogonal to all aj and βj and the restriction of f  to W0 is the zero form.



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