PH 1813 / 1808 – ELECTRONICS
Date : 13-11-10 Dept. No. Max. : 100 Marks
Time : 1:00 – 4:00
Part – A
Answer ALL Questions. (10×2=20)
- With a neat circuit diagram obtain the expression for the output for an Op-amp based difference amplifier.
- Write a note on the linearity and accuracy of an A/D converter.
- Write a program for µP 8085 to 2s complement the content of a memory location.
- Write a subroutine for µP8085 to generate the highest possible delay using BC pair.
- Write a program segment for µP8085 to generate a square wave in SOD line.
- Write a subroutine for µP8085 which returns through the accumulator the square of a number passed through register B without destroying other registers.
- Write a program for µP8085 to find the number of zeros in a byte.
- Write a program segment for µP8085 to mask RST6.5 and RST7.5 if SID is 1.
- Write a note on the indexed mode of addressing of µP Z80.
- Write a program segment for µP Z80 to halt the system if the second bit of the accumulator is zero using bit manipulating instruction.
Part – B
Answer any FOUR Questions. (4×7.5=30)
- Sketch a neat circuit diagram of a 4 bit weighted resistor D/A converter and explain it’s working in detail.
- With a neat diagram, explain the internal architecture of µP8085.
- Develop a program for µP8085 to capitalize an array of 20H bytes.
- With timing diagram explain the interrupt acknowledge machine cycle of µP8085.
- Explain the various block transfer and block search instructions available in µPZ80.
Part – C
Answer any FOUR Questions. (4×12.5=50)
- Develop an interface and a program for µP8085 to implement a 4 bit A/D counter based converter.
- Discuss in detail all the vectored interrupts of µP8085.
- Develop a program for µP 8085 to solve with a subroutine for factorial, another for multiplication and another for division.
- Eight LEDs are connected to an output port and two switches to an input port. Develop a program for µP8085 make the LEDs glow as given in the table below.
S1 | S0 | LEDs |
0 | 0 | All ON |
0 | 1 | All OFF |
1 | 0 | Left to Right |
1 | 1 | Diverging |
- Develop a program for Z80 to reverse a byte array of ‘n’ elements.