Loyola College M.Sc. Statistics April 2007 Estimation Theory Question Paper PDF Download



AC 32


ST 2808/2806/2801 – ESTIMATION THEORY




Date & Time: 17/04/2007 / 1:00 – 4:00 Dept. No.                                              Max. : 100 Marks




Answer all the questions                                                                                   (10 x 2 = 20)


  1. Explain the problem of Point estimation.
  2. Give two examples of loss function for simultaneous estimation.
  3. If δ is a UMVUE, then show that δ + 2 is also a UMVUE.
  4. Define Fisher information in the multi-parameter case.
  5. Define minimal sufficient statistic.
  6. Give an example of a family of distributions which is not complete.
  7. Give two examples of scale equivariant estimator.
  8. Let X follow B(1, θ), θ = 0.1,0.2. Find MLE of θ .
  9. Given a random sample from DU{1,2,…, N}, N ε I+, find a consistent estimator of N.
  10. Explain Bayes estimation.



‌‌‌Answer any  five questions                                                                                (5 x 8 = 40)


  1. If δ0 is an unbiased estimator of g, show that the class of unbiased estimators of g is

{ δ0 + u‌‌ │‌‌u ε U0}.

  1. Given a random sample from N(μ, σ2), μ ε R , σ > 0, find Cramer-Rao lower bound for

estimating  σ/ μ.

  1. State and establish Bhattacharya inequality.
  2. Let X1,X2,…,Xn be a random sample from U(θ – 1, θ + 1), θ ε R. Show that

(X(1), X(n)) is minimal sufficient but not complete.

  1. State and establish Basu’s theorem.
  2. Given a random sample from E(ξ,1), ξ ε R, find MREE of ξ with respect to i) squared error loss and
  3. ii) absolute error loss.
  4. State and prove the theorem providing MREE of a scale parameter.
  5. Given a random sample from U(0, θ), θ ε R, show that MLE is not CAN. Suggest a CAN estimator.



Answer any two questions                                                                               (2 x 20 = 40)


19 a) State and establish Cramer-Rao inequality for the multiparameter case.

  1. b) Let X follow DU{1,2,…,N}, N = 3,4,… Find the UMVUE of g(N). Hence find the UMVUE of N.

20 a) Show that an estimator is QA – optimal if and only if it is D – optimal.

  1. b) Given a random sample from E(ξ, τ), ξ ε R, τ > 0, find UMRUE of (ξ , ξ + τ) with

respect to any loss function, convex in the second argument.


21 a) Discuss the problem of equivariant estimation of the percentiles of a location – scale model.

  1. b) Given a random sample of size n from N(μ, τ2), μ ε R, τ > 0, find MREE of (μ+3τ) with respect to

standardized squared error loss.

22 a) State and establish invariance property of CAN estimator.

  1. b) Let (Xi,Yi) , i= 1,2,…,n be a random sample from a bivariate distribution with pdf



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