Date : 25/04/2008 Dept. No. Max. : 100 Marks
Time : 9:00 – 12:00
Answer ALL the Questions. Each question carries 33 marks
- (a.)
i.) Draw the OC curve of a single sampling with n = 100 , c =2.Also draw the AOQ
and ATI curves.
ii.) Draw the tabular CUSUM for the following data.∆ = 0.5, α = 0.005, β = 0.10, σ = 1, n = 5
The sample mean values are given below.
34.5, 34.2, 31.6, 31.5, 35, 34.1, 32.6, 33.8, 34.8, 33.6, 31.9, 39.6, 35.4, 34, 37.1, 34.9, 33.5, 31.7, 34, 35.1
(i) The data below represents the results of inspecting all units of a personal computer produced for the last 10 days.
Obtain the control limits .
Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Units inspected 80 110 90 75 130 120 70 125 105 95
No of defectives 4 7 5 8 6 6 4 5 8 7
(ii.) The following fraction non confirming control chart with n = 100 is used to control a process.
UCL = 0.075 CL = 0.04 LCL = 0.005
- Find probability of type I error.
- Find probability of type II error when p = 0.06.
- Draw the OC curve for the control chart.
- Find the ARL when p= 0.06.
- ( a)
The following data were collected from a 25 factorial experiment in two replicates with blocks of size 8 by completely confounding the effects ABC, ADE and BCDE. Analyse the data and identify the significant effects.
Combination |
Yields (Rep I) | Yields (Rep II) |
00000 01100 10110 11010 11001 10101 00011 01111 |
Block 1
56 68 70 73 71 81 69 86 |
60 48 77 81 55 51 43 56 |
11000 10100 00010 01110 00001 01101 11011 10111 |
Block 2
82 68 59 83 72 88 84 76 |
Block 6
81 76 56 40 70 56 46 72 |
10000 11100 01010 01001 00101 10011 11111 00110 |
Block 3
81 61 56 57 75 72 72 84 |
57 37 77 52 51 64 62 70 |
00111 01011 11101 10001 11110 10010 00100 01000 |
Block 4
74 69 60 49 46 74 54 72 |
Block 8
68 46 59 89 50 42 98 62 |
(b) The yield of a chemical process was believed to be dependent mainly on standing time of the process. However, other factors also come into play. The chemical engineers who wanted to compare the effects of various standing times planned to
account for three other factors. So, they conducted an experiment using five types of
raw materials, five acid concentrations, five standing times (A, B ,C, D, E) and five catalyst concentrations ( α,β,γ,δ,ε). The following Graeco-Latin square design was
used. Analyse the data and draw your conclusions. Would you recommend a particular standing time over the others to maximize the yield? If so, which standing time is that?
Acid Concentrations
Material type 1 2 3 4 5
1 (Aα)16 (Bβ) 6 (Cγ) 9 (Dδ) 6 (Eε) 3
2 (Bγ) 8 (Cδ) 11 (Dε) 8 (Eα) 1 (Aβ) 11
3 (Cε) 10 (Dα) 2 (Eβ) 6 (Aγ) 15 (Bδ) 3
4 (Dβ) 5 (Eγ) 5 (Aδ) 12 (Bε) 4 (Cα) 7
5 (Eδ) 1 (Aε) 14 (Bα) 7 (Cβ) 7 (Dγ) 4
(3) (a)
(i) A business man is engaged in buying and selling identical items. He operates from a warehouse having a capacity of 500 items. Each month he can sell any quantity that he chooses up to the stock at the beginning of the month. Each month, he can buy as much as he wishes for delivery at the end of the month so long as his stock does not exceed 500 items. For the next four months he ahs the following error-free forecasts of cost and sales price:
Month: 1 2 3 4
Cost Cn: 27 24 26 28
Sales Price pn: 28 25 25 27
If he has a stock of 220 unit, what quantities should he sell and buy in the next four months. Find the solution using dynamic programming.
(ii) Use the Kuhn-Tucker conditions to solve the following non-linear programming problem:
Minimize Z = 2 x12 + 12 x1 x2 – 7 x22
Subject to the constraints
2 x1 + 5 x2 ≤ 98, x1, x2 ≥ 0
(i) Use integer programming to solve the LPP
Maximize Z = x1 – 2x2
Subject to the constraints
4 x1 + 2 x2 ≤ 15, x1, x2 ≥ 0 and integers
(ii) Use Wolfe’s Method to solve the QPP
Maximize Z = 2 x1 + 3 x2 – 2 x12
Subject to the constraints
x1 + 4 x2 ≤ 4
x1 + x2 ≤ 2 , x1, x2 ≥ 0