Loyola College Supplementary Chemistry April 2006 Physical Chemistry – II Question Paper PDF Download




                                                    CH 5500 – PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY – II




Date & Time : 28/06/2006/9.00 – 12.00        Dept. No.                                                       Max. : 100 Marks




PartA (20 Marks)

Answer ALL questions (10 x 2 = 20)

  1. Write the anodic reaction of the calomel electrode.
  2. Calculate the reduction potential of a hydrogen electrode at 25˚C and at pH: 3.
  3. What do you mean by primary reference electrode? Give an example.
  4. What are concentration cells? Give one example.
  5. Explain why a salt like KCl is used in the salt bridge.
  6. State any two differences between order and molecularity.
  7. What is a parallel reaction? Give an example.
  8. Explain how ionic strength affects the rate of a reaction between two cations.
  9. Bring out the differences between adsorption and absorption.
  10. Define quantum yield.

PartB (40 Marks)

Answer any eight questions (8 x 5 = 40)

  1. Define standard reduction potential. How will you determine its value for the Zn electrode?
  2. Derive the equation connecting emf and concentration for a cell.
  3. Determine the emf of the cell at 25˚C that could be formed out of the electrodes Zn / Zn 2+ (0.1M) (SRP = – 0.78V) and  Cu / Cu 2+ (0.04M) (SRP = 0.34 V)
  4. Explain ,with a diagram, the working of Weston saturated cadmium cell
  5. The standard quinhydrone electrode (SRP=0.6996V) is combined with hydrogen electrode. Calculate the emf of the cell at 25˚C if the pH of the solution at the hydrogen electrode is four.
  6. Explain any five types of electrodes with one example for each.
  7. A first-order reaction undergoes 60% completion in 45 minutes. Calculate its rate constant and its half life period.
  8. Derive the integrated rate equation for a second order reaction involving only one reactant.
  9. Explain any two methods of determining the order of a reaction.
  10. Obtain the rate equation for an enzyme catalyzed reaction.
  11. Derive the ideal adsorption isotherm.
  12. Explain the principle of chemiluminescence with an example.


PartC (40 Marks)

Answer any four questions (4 x 10 = 40)

  1. Explain the following:

(a) Potentiometric acid-base titration

(b) Determination of pH using hydrogen electrode.

  1. (a) Define transport number.

(b) Explain the determination transport number by Hittorff’s method.

  1. (a) Define equivalent conductance.

(b) Explain the variation of equivalent conductance with concentration for

a weak electrolyte.

  1. (a) Explain the kinetics of an SN2 reaction.

(b) Discuss collision theory of reaction rate.

  1. (a) Explain any five factors that affect the rate of a reaction.

(b) Discuss absolute reaction rate theory.

  1. (a)Explain primary and secondary photochemical process with an example for each.

(b) Write a note on photosensitized reactions.



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Loyola College Supplementary Chemistry April 2006 General Chemistry For Physics & Maths Question Paper PDF Download




                               CH 3200 – GENERAL CHEMISTRY FOR PHYSICS & MATHS




Date & Time : 28/06/2006/9.00 – 12.00        Dept. No.                                                       Max. : 100 Marks




   Answer all questions                                                                                        (10×2=20)

  1. What principle is used in the separation of o-nitrophenol and p-nitrophenol?
  2. Draw any two structures of aromatic polycyclic hydrocarbons.
  3. What are chromosphores? Give an example.
  4. Write any two uses of aspirin.
  5. State Hess’s law.
  6. What is a zwitter ion? Give an example.
  7. How is glycine synthesized from a-chloroacetic acid?
  8. State I law of thermodynamics.
  9. Give any two examples for radioisotopes.
  10. How is BHC prepared?


   Answer any eight questions.                                                                           (8×5=40)

  1. Explain the origin of hydrogen bonding using the theory of dipole-dipole interaction.
  2. What is lanthanide contraction? Explain.
  3. Write the mechanism of nitration of naphthalene.
  4. Explain any three electrophilic substitution reactions of furan.
  5. Draw the structure of penicillin and give any three uses of the same.
  6. Define the following term:
  7. a) enthalpy of formation            b) enthalpy of neutralization      c) EMF
  8. Write a note on primary electrode.
  9. Derive Kirchoff’s equation.
  10. Draw and explain saturated calomel electrode.
  11. Discuss the structure of glucose.
  12. Write a note on a) calorific value of fuel     b) octane number.
  13. How is urea synthesized?



Answer any four questions.                                                                         (4×10=40)

  1. Discuss in details Born-Haber cycle for calculating lattice energy.
  2. a) Explain the Haworth synthesis of naphthalene. (5)
  3. b) Explain any one method of preparation of pyrrole.                                      (5)
  4. a) Write short notes on sulpha drugs. (4)
  5. b) Discuss the different types of conductometric titrations. (6)
  6. a) What is equivalent conductance? How is it determined? (5)
  7. b) Explain Sanger’s method for the determination of N-terminal group of proteins
  8. a) What are the factors influencing the activity of enzymes. (5)
  9. b) Explain the primary structure of proteins.
  10. Discuss the salient features of fractional distillation of petroleum. (10)


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Loyola College Supplementary Chemistry April 2006 Food Chemistry Question Paper PDF Download





                                                           CH 6650 – FOOD CHEMISTRY




Date & Time : 28/062006/1.00 – 4.00           Dept. No.                                                       Max. : 100 Marks


Part – A

Answer ALL the questions.                                                                         (10 x 2 = 20)  

  1. Mention the factors causing temporary and permanent hardness to water.
  2. What is alkaline phosphatase test?
  3. What are whey proteins? Mention any two.
  4. What are food preservatives? Name any two inorganic preservatives.
  5. What is sensory evaluation of food quality?
  6. What is inversion of cane sugar?
  7. How is fructosazone prepared from fructose?
  8. Define RM value.
  9. What is smoke point of oils and fats?
  10. Draw the structure of amylose.


Part – B

Answer any EIGHT questions only.                                                           (8 x 5 = 40)

  1. Explain the pasteurization of milk with its types. Discuss the effects of pasteurization on milk.
  2. Explain the following: a. Low sodium milk b. skimmed milk c. Sweetened milk.
  3. Explain ion exchange method for the purification of water.
  4. Write an account of the changes in meat during cooking and processing.
  5. Describe the commercial heat preservation techniques.
  6. What are food additives? Mention their legitimate uses.
  7. Write a short note on food colourants.
  8. What is rancidity? Explain the different kinds of rancidity.
  9. Discuss the open and cyclic structure of glucose.
  10. What are saturated and unsaturated fatty acids? Explain with an example.
  11. Explain the terms dextrinization and syneresis.
  12. What are the medicinal uses of chocolates?

Part – C

Answer any EIGHT questions only.                                                           (4 x 10 = 40)


  1. Write a short note on carbohydrates, lipids, vitamins and enzymes present in milk.
  2. What is reverse osmosis? Explain this method to treat brackish water.
  3. Write a note on spurious colourants.
  4. What is hazard analysis? How is it important in food processing?
  5. How is sucrose manufactured from sugar cane?
  6. Discuss the digestion and metabolism of carbohydrates.
  7. Write a note on chemical composition of tea.
  8. Explain different types of fruit beverages with an example.



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Loyola College Supplementary Chemistry April 2006 Bio-Chemistry For Biologist Question Paper PDF Download




                                             CH 4202 – BIO-CHEMISTRY FOR BIOLOGIST




Date & Time : 28/06/2006/1.00 – 4.00          Dept. No.                                                       Max. : 100 Marks




Answer ALL the questions.                                                                           (10 X 2 = 20)

  1. What is denaturation of proteins?
  2. Define the isoelectric pH of a protein.
  3. Differentiate lyases from ligases.
  4. Mention any three functions of lipoproteins.
  5. Write the structural formulation of a nucleotide. Indicate clearly the nucleoside    portion in it.
  6. Draw the open and cyclic structure of D- glucose.
  7. Give the net gain of ATP in the glycolysis one mole of glucose to pyruvate.
  8. What is Bordeaux mixture? Mention its importance.
  9. How is terpene extracted from the flowers?
  10. Draw the structure of nicotine? Mention its physiological action.


Answer ALL the questions.                                                                           (8 X 5 = 20)

  1. Discuss the synthesis of aspartic acid by pthalimidomalonic ester method.
  2. Explain Edmand Pehr method of N- terminal analysis of proteins.
  3. Illustrate the two models proposed to explain the enzyme action.
  4. How are the carbohydrates classified?
  5. Write a short note on glycolipids, sphingolipids and plasmolipids.
  6. What is inhibition? Explain reversible and irreversible inhibitions?
  7. How are super phosphate and triple super phosphate of lime manufactured?
  8. Write a short note on the importance of micro and macro nutrients.
  9. Illustrate the hydrogen bonding in the G – C and A – T base pairs.
  10. What is isoprene rule? Apply it to citral.
  11. Write a short note on anthocyanins.
  12. Describe the structure, properties and uses of citral and camphor.




Answer any FOUR questions only.                                                             (4X 10 = 40)

  1. Explain the structure, properties and functions of fibre and globular proteins.
  2. What is glycolysis? Discuss the various steps involved in the glycolysis of glucose to pyruvate.
  3. Discuss the salient features of Crick and Watson model for the structure of DNA.
  4. What are alkaloids? How are they classified? Explain the structure, physical properties and physiological actions of papaverine.
  5. Write a short on the biological importance of lipids.                    (4)
  6. What is saponification value of oil? How is it determined? What is its                                  significance?                                                                                                  (6)
  7. a. Explain the preparation of amino acids by malonic ester synthesis. (3)
  8. Explain the absolute and group specificity of enzyme calalyzed reaction. (4)
  9. What is role of humus in the fertility of soil?                    (3)




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Loyola College Supplementary Chemistry April 2006 Analytical Chemistry – III Question Paper PDF Download





                                                 CH 3805 – ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY – III




Date & Time : 26/06/2006/9.00 – 12.00        Dept. No.                                                       Max. : 100 Marks



Answer ALL the questions.                                                 10 x 2 = 20 marks

  1. Mention the characteristics of a good set of Measurements.
  2. A chloride sample containing bromide as contaminant is estimated by argentometric titration.  What is the error associated with the result?
  3. Calculate the pH of the mixture containing 20.00mL of 0.0250M CH3COOH and 40.00mL of 0.0125M OH.  Ka  for CH3COOH is 10–5.
  4. A little of Mg EDTA  complex is added in the estimation of Ca+2 using EDTA.  Why?
  5. What is the gravimetric factor for Fe+3, when it is precipitated as ferric hydroxide and weighed as ferric oxide?
  6. Calculate the current required to deposit all the metal ions in 100 ml of 0.01M Cu2Cl2 in 30 minutes.
  7. What is the difference between potentiometry and voltametry?
  8. Explain why electroylysis of aqueous 1 M NaCl results in the liberation of hydrogen and not Na?
  9. Explain the principle of AAS method of estimation of metal ions.
  10. Mention any two applications of TGA.



Answer any EIGHT questions.                                                        8 x 5 = 40 marks

  1. Compare the solubility of Mg(OH)2 (Ksp Mg(OH)2 = 10–12 mol3dm–9) in
    i) 10–2M La2(SO4)3                              ii) 10–2M AlCl3.
  2. Analysis of Vitamin C content of a citrus fruit drink gave the following results.  0.218, 0.219, 0.215, 0.230 and 0.220 mg/mL.  Calculate the 99% confidence interval if t99% is 4.60.
  3. Write a note on the acid base titration in non-aqueous solvent.
  4. Discuss the factors which affect  ate the equivalence point.
  5. Compare the initial equivalence point pH for the following.
    i) 20.00mL of 10–2M, CH­3COOH Vs 10–2M OH
    ii) 20.00 mL of 10–2 CHCl2COOH Vs 10–2M OH–‑.
    Ka for CH3COOH is 10–5 and Ka for CHCl2 COOH is 10–2.
  6. Show that the equivalence point potential for Fe+2 Vs MnO4–‑/H+ depends on pH.
  7. Define half wave potential.  How does it differ from standard reduction potential?
  8. An aqueous solution of CdSO4 was analysed at its half-wave potential with a current of 0.6 A.  Calculate the time required to lower the concentration of 10ml of Cd2+ solution from 2 x 10–4 M to 1.9 x 10–4M.  What conclusion you can draw from the result?
  9. Explain a coulometric method of estimation thiosulphate using iodide.
  10. How will you estimate bromide by ampereometric titration?
  11. Explain, with suitable diagrams, the difference between TGA and DTA.
  12. Explain, with an example, the principle of i) steam distillation and ii) solvent extraction.



Answer ALL the questions.                                                 10 x 2 = 20 marks

  1. The following data were obtained in calibrating a calcium ion electrode for the determination of pCa.  A linear relationship between the potential E and pCa is known to exist.

pCa                  E mv

5.00                 –53.8

4.00                 –27.7

3.00                 +2.7

2.00                 +31.9

1.00                 +65.1

  1. i) Calculate the equation for the best straight line through these points.
  2. ii) Obtain the pCa of a serum solution in which the electrode potential is 20.3mV, which is the mean of four measurements.

iii) Also calculate the standard deviation of the slope and the result.

  1. Draw the titration curve for the titration of 20.00mL of 0.0250M Ni+2 vs 0.01250M EDTA at pH 8 by finding out the pNi at the following stages: i) initial ii) pre-equivalence point iii) just before equivalence point  iv) the equivalence point v) post equivalence point.
    Keff for [Ni EDTA]–2 is 1016 at pH 8.
  2. i) Determine the concentration of all the species in the mixture containing 50 mL of 0.0500M Fe+2 and 25mL of 0.1000M Ce+4 in 1.000M H2SO4. E0Ce+4/Ce+3 = 1.5V; E0Fe+3 /Fe+2 = 0.70V
  3. ii) A 0.6200g sample containing NaCl and NaBr gives 0.5120g precipitate of silver halide. Another 0.6200g sample containing NaCl and NaBr gives 0.5120g precipitate of silver halide.  Another 0.6200g sample is titrated with 0.1070M AgNO3 requiring 28.10mL.  Calculate the percentages of NaCl and NaBr in the sample.


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