Name of the Rajasthan Assembly Constituency: Pilani
Parliament Constituency: Jhunjhunu
District: Jhunjhunu
Voters Statistics:
15th Assembly Election
14th Assembly Election:
Election Year: 2013
Assembly Constituency No: 25
Category of Reservation: Scheduled Caste (SC)
Elected Member: Sunderlal
Votes in Favour: 72914
Gender: M
Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)
Runner Up Candidate: J.P.Chandelia
Votes in Favour: 58918
Gender: M
Party: Independent (IND)
13th Assembly Election:
Election Year: 2008
Assembly Constituency No: 25
Category of Reservation: Scheduled Caste (SC)
Elected Member: Sunder Lal
Votes in Favour: 43506
Gender: M
Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)
Runner Up Candidate: Hanuman Prasaad
Votes in Favour: 40260
Gender: M
Party: Indian National Congress (INC)
12th Assembly Election:
Election Year: Indian National Congress (INC)
Assembly Constituency No: 23
Category of Reservation: General (GEN)
Elected Member: Shrawan Kumar
Votes in Favour: 53367
Gender: M
Party: Indian National Congress (INC)
Runner Up Candidate: Dr. Mool Singh Shekhawat
Votes in Favour: 44453
Gender: M
Party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)
11th Assembly Election:
Election Year: 1998
Assembly Constituency No: 23
Category of Reservation: General (GEN)
Elected Member: Sharwan Kumar
Votes in Favour: 54565
Gender: M
Party: Indian National Congress (INC)
Runner Up Candidate: Rajendra Bhalothia
Votes in Favour: 29063
Gender: M
Party: Independent (IND)
10th Assembly Election:
Election Year: 1993
Assembly Constituency No: 23
Category of Reservation: General (GEN)
Elected Member: Sharwan Kumar
Votes in Favour: 27412
Gender: M
Party: Independent (IND)
Runner Up Candidate: Sumitra Singh
Votes in Favour: 24430
Gender: F
Party: Indian National Congress (INC)
09th Assembly Election:
Election Year: 1990
Assembly Constituency No: 23
Category of Reservation: General (GEN)
Elected Member: Sumitra Singh
Votes in Favour: 60022
Gender: F
Party: Janata Dal (JD)
Runner Up Candidate: Ramawtar Daand
Votes in Favour: 36121
Gender: M
Party: Indian National Congress (INC)
08th Assembly Election:
Election Year: 1985
Assembly Constituency No: 23
Category of Reservation: General (GEN)
Elected Member: Sumitra Singh
Votes in Favour: 39754
Gender: F
Party: Lok Dal (LKD)
Runner Up Candidate: Vimla
Votes in Favour: 20343
Gender: F
Party: Indian National Congress (INC)
07th Assembly Election:
Election Year: 1980
Assembly Constituency No: 23
Category of Reservation: General (GEN)
Elected Member: Hajari Lal
Votes in Favour: 28633
Gender: M
Party: Janata Party (JP) (JNP(JP))
Runner Up Candidate: Katewa Mool Chand
Votes in Favour: 19317
Gender: M
Party: Janata Party (Secular) – CH. Charan Singh (JNP(SC))
06th Assembly Election:
Election Year: 1977
Assembly Constituency No: 23
Category of Reservation: General (GEN)
Elected Member: Sheesh Ram Ola
Votes in Favour: 22820
Gender: M
Party: Indian National Congress (INC)
Runner Up Candidate: Hazari Lal Sharma
Votes in Favour: 19640
Gender: M
Party: Independent (IND)
05th Assembly Election:
Election Year: 1972
Assembly Constituency No: 20
Category of Reservation: General (GEN)
Elected Member: Sheesh Ram Ola
Votes in Favour: 22596
Gender: M
Party: Indian National Congress (INC)
Runner Up Candidate: Hajari Lal
Votes in Favour: 22487
Gender: M
Party: Independent (IND)
04th Assembly Election:
Election Year: 1967
Assembly Constituency No: 20
Category of Reservation: General (GEN)
Elected Member: M.C. Katewa
Votes in Favour: 23115
Gender: M
Party: Swatantra Party (SWA)
Runner Up Candidate: H. Lal
Votes in Favour: 17277
Gender: M
Party: Indian National Congress (INC)
03rd Assembly Election:
Election Year: 1962
Assembly Constituency No: 1
Category of Reservation: General (GEN)
Elected Member: Hajari Lal
Votes in Favour: 18249
Gender: M
Party: Independent (IND)
Runner Up Candidate: Harlal Singh
Votes in Favour: 10279
Gender: M
Party: Indian National Congress (INC)
02nd Assembly Election:
Election Year: 1957
Assembly Constituency No: 2
Category of Reservation: General (GEN)
Elected Member: Sumitra
Votes in Favour: 12963
Gender: F
Party: Indian National Congress (INC)
Runner Up Candidate: Hazari
Votes in Favour: 9394
Gender: M
Party: Independent (IND)
01st Assembly Election:
Election Year:
Assembly Constituency No:
Category of Reservation:
Elected Member:
Votes in Favour:
Runner Up Candidate:
Votes in Favour: