SATHE, SHRI VASANT, B.A., LL.B. [Congress (I)—Maharashtra, Wardha, 1989]: s. of Purushottam Sathe; b. at Nasik, Maharashtra, March 5, 1925; ed. at Nagpur University, Law College, Nagpur; m. Jayshree Sathe, February, 7, 1949, 1 s. and 2 d.; Political and Social Worker, Lawyer, Trade Unionist; suffered imprisonment for participation in the Quit India Movement, 1942;
Public Offices held: President, Metropolitan Board, Nagpur, 1969-71; Union Minister, Information & Broadcasting, January 1980-September 1982, Supply & Rehabilitation, Chemical & Fertilizers, September 1982-October 1984, November 1984-December 1984, Steel, Mines & Coal, December 1984-September 1985, April 1987-July 1987, Energy, September 1985-December 1989, held additional Charge of Communications, February 1988-June 1988;
Previous Association with Political Parties: President, Socialist Party, Vidarbha, Maharashtra, till 1964; Executive Member, Praja Socialist Party, Vidarbha; Member, AICC (I), since 1964; Vice-President, PCC (I), Maharashtra, since 1964; President, Cong. (I), Vidarbha, since 1964;
Previous Membership: Fifth Lok Sabha, 1971-77, Sixth Lok Sabha, 1977-79, Seventh Lok Sabha, 1980-84, Eighth Lok Sabha, 1984-89;
Committee Experience: Member, Panel of Chairmen, Committee on Public Undertakings, Committee of Privileges, Committee on Taxation Laws, Planning & Sports Committee, 5th Lok Sabha; Member, Public Accounts Committee, 6th Lok Sabha, Consultative Committee, Information & Broadcasting, Chemicals & Fertilizers, Steel, Mines & Coal, Energy & Communications, 7th Lok Sabha and 8th Lok Sabha; Member, Business Advisory Committee, May 4, 1990 and Consultative Committee, Ministry of Planning & Programme Implementation, 1990;
Favourite Pastime and Recreation: Writing, theatre and performing arts;
Publications: Towards Social Revolution, Restructuring of Public Sector in India, The Challenge of Change, Two Swords in one Scabbard, articles in Newspapers and Journals;
Delegation to Foreign Countries Czechoslovakia: Member, National Productivity Coucil study Team to USSR and 1961; Senior Advisor, Indian Delegation to 25th United Nations General Assembly; represented India at the UN Human Rights Commission 1970 and to World Peace Congress, Moscow, 1973; Member, Indian Parliamentary Delegation to Tokyo, 1974; Leader, Indian Delegation to UNESCO Conference at Belgrade, 1981; addressed the Asian-Indians’ Convention of North America at Chicago;
Travels Abroad: U.S.S.R., U.S.A., U.K., Japan, Italy, France, GDR, FRG, Sri Lanka, Mauritius among several others;
Special Interests: Economics, music, classical and folk dances; Cultural Secretary, Constitution Club for a decade;
Sports and Clubs: Cricket, Boxing, Horse-riding and Swimming; President, Badminton Association of India; Member, Jawaharlal Nehru National Youth Centre, Vidarbha Cricket Association;
Social Activities: Economic development and general welfare of people in Vidarbha region, Maharashtra;
Other Information: Member, Board of Trustees, Indira Gandhi Memorial Trust; President, Vidarbha Productivity Council, Nagpur Citizens’ Council, Development Corporation of Vidarbha, 1971-72; Member Samsad (Court) of Vishwa Bharati, February 9, 1990;
Permanent Address: Dhantoli, Nagpur, Maharashtra.