UGC NET Exam November 2017 Labour Welfare and Industrial Relations Paper-2 Question Paper With Answer Key



Note : This paper contains fifty (50) objective type questions of two (2) marks each. All questions are compulsory.

1. Who among the following are known for study of work arrangements to eliminate wasteful hand and body motions ?

(1) Henry Gantt and C.I. Barnard

(2) Frank and Lillian Gilbreth

(3) Elton Mayo and H. Emerson

(4) F.W.Taylor and Henry Gantt

Answer: (2)

2. Which of the following represents the rights inherent in a managerial position to give orders and expect them to be obeyed ?

(1) Power

(2) Authority

(3) Influence

(4) Responsibility

Answer: (2)

3. Match the following :

Answer: (2)

4. Which of the following has specialists from different functional departments working on one or more projects that are led by a project manager ?

(1) Functional Organisation

(2) Cross – Functional Team

(3) Matrix Organisation

(4) Product Organisation

Answer: (3)

5. Which one of the following is related to clan control ?

(1) Relies on administrative rules and regulations

(2) Employee’s behaviours are regulated by the shared values, norms, traditions, rituals and beliefs of the organisation

(3) Emphasizes organisational authority

(4) Depends on standardisation activities

Answer: (2)

6. Which one of the following Acts, deals with the issue of complaints ?

(1) Factories Act, 1948

(2) Payment of wages Act, 1948

(3) Employees’ compensation Act, 1923

(4) Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946

Answer: (4)

7. Job Description implies :

(1) Identification of the qualities required in the job holder

(2) Performance of job in a methodical way

(3) Laying down systematically the duties and responsibilities of the job

(4) Determination of the performance standards of the job

Answer: (3)

8. The Human Resource Planning is a :

(1) Positive process

(2) Negative process

(3) Reactive process

(4) Pro – active process

Answer: (4)

9. The degree to which a particular selection device accurately predicts the level of performance is known as :

(1) Construct Validity

(2) Criterion – related validity

(3) Logical validity

(4) Concurrent validity

Answer: (2)

10. Progressive Discipline is :

(1) For the growth of skills.

(2) A system of warnings and punishments that gradually become more severe.

(3) Discipline to meet future needs.

(4) A system of severe punishments right from the beginning.

Answer: (2)

11. Read this small passage on HRD and answer questions at the end by chosing appropriate answer from the given alternatives.

HRD is a competence building exercise through which people everywhere (of the world, of the nation, and of the organization) are enabled to recognize their potential so as to utilize their capabilities and available resources and opportunities equitably for not only their own development but also development of their organisations, Nations and the world on a sustainable basis.

Which of the following statements picked up from the passage is/are true or false ?

(a) It talks about Macro and Micro level HRD.

(b) At macro level it encompasses world and national development.

(c) It highlights the contents of HRD vividly.

(d) At all levels, HRD aims at sustainable development.

Code :

(1) (a), (b) are true, (c), (d) are false

(2) (a), (b), (d) are true, (c) is false

(3) (a), (b), (c) are true, (d) is false

(4) All the statements are true

Answer: (2)

12. Match the following concepts of career planning List – I with their propagators List – II :

Answer: (4)

13. Quality of work Life is a combination of employee’s welfare, working conditions and workplace democracy. Who highlighted the concept of workplace democracy ?

(a) Eric Tryst

(b) Udai Pareek

(c) Einar Thorsrud

(d) Fred Emery.

Code :

(1) (a) and (b)

(2) (a), (c) and (d)

(3) (a) and (d)

(4) (a), (b), (c) and (d)

Answer: (2)

14. ‘Bell curve’ is represented by which of the traditional methods of performance Appraisal ?

(1) Forced Choice Method

(2) Free from Essay Method

(3) Critical Incidence Method

(4) Forced Distribution Method

Answer: (4)

15. Match the following approaches of HRD List – I with the person or institution who or which advanced the approach List – II :

Answer: (3)

16. Which of the following statements about the Organisational Behaviour (OB) system is/are true and false ?

(a) OB believes in open system.

(b) It has three sub-systems namely formal Organisation System, Individual System and Social System.

(c) There are no intervening mechanisms to lead Organisational Behaviour towards organisational effectiveness.

(d) OB Mod and reinforcement are outside the purview of OB system.

Code :

(1) (a), (b), (c) are true, (d) is false.

(2) (a), (c), (d) are true, (b) is false.

(3) (a), (c) are true, (b) and (d) are false.

(4) (a) and (b) are true, (c) and (d) are false.

Answer: (4)

17. What is ’Neotony’ as a leadership trait advanced by Bennis and Thomas ?

(1) Calm, confident and predictable under stressful condition

(2) Youthful, curious, playful, fearless, warm and energetic

(3) Encouraging dissent, empathy and obsessive communication

(4) Ambitious, morally strong and competence

Answer: (2)

18. In which year, in which factory and by whom the first quality circle in India was introduced ?

(1) 1982 ; Bharat Electronics Ltd, S.R. Udpa

(2) 1981 ; Hindusthan Aeronautics Ltd, S.R. Udpa

(3) 1982 ; Hindusthan Machine Tools, R.S. Tarneja

(4) 1982 ; Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd, S.R. Udpa

Answer: (4)

19. Which of the following statements relating to ‘role’ is/are true and false ?

(a) The system of various roles that the individual carries and performs is ‘role set’.

(b) The system of various roles of which an individuals role is a part is ‘role space’.

(c) Self role integration, proactivity, creativity and confrontation are ingredients of the Role making ‘ dimension of Role efficacy.

(d) Role stress is caused by both Role space conflict and Role set conflict.

Code :

(1) (a), (c) are true, (b), (d) are false

(2) (a), (b) are true, (c), (d) are false

(3) (a), (b) are false, (c), (d) are true

(4) (a), (d) are true, (b), (c) are false

Answer: (3)

20. The characteristics of ‘Morale’ are depicted as (i) The absence of conflict (ii) feeling of happiness (iii) good inter – personal adjustment (iv) involvement in one’s job (v) group cohesiveness (vi) Positive job related attitudes (vii) individual’s acceptance of the group goals. Who is associated with this explanation ?

(1) Blum and Naylor

(2) Hugo Munsterberg

(3) R.M. Guien

(4) J.L. Moreno

Answer: (3)

21. Who regarded trade unions as “institutions for overcoming managerial dictatorship, to strengthen individual labourers and to give them some voice in the determination of the conditions under which they have to work” ?

(1) Karl Marx

(2) Mahatma Gandhi

(3) Sidney and Beatrice Webb

(4) Selig Perlman

Answer: (3)

22. ‘Feather Bedding’ refers to :

(1) The prevalence of the work rules which permit employees to be paid for work they do not perform. 

(2) The practice of hiring local people as a ‘sons-of-the soil’ policy. 

(3) The practice of providing mattresses as a welfare measure to the employees in the winter season for taking rest at the workplace during the rest intervals.

(4) The practice of hiring people belonging to rural areas only.

Answer: (1)

23. Which of the following statements relating to the Board for Industrial and Financial Reconstruction is correct ?

(1) It was established in 1986.

(2) It was a non – Statutory body.

(3) It was located in Mumbai.

(4) It was dissolved from December 1, 2016.

Answer: (4)

24. Who declared that a strike is an “inherent right of the working men for the purpose of securing justice” ?

(1) Mahatma Gandhi

(2) Karl Marx

(3) Sidney and Beatrice Webb

(4) John T. Dunlop

Answer: (1)

25. In which year, the Calcutta High Court held that a ‘gherao’ that involved wrongful restraint of a person belonging to the management was a cognizable offence ?

(1) 1964

(2) 1965

(3) 1966

(4) 1967

Answer: (4)

26. In which year the International Federation of Chemical, Energy, Mining and General Workers formed ?

(1) 1985

(2) 1995

(3) 2005

(4) 2016

Answer: (2)

27. Who took the initiative of setting up the Joint Consultative Board of Industry and Labour in 1951 ?

(1) V.V. Giri

(2) G.L. Nanda

(3) Khandubhai Desai

(4) Babu Jagjiwan Ram

Answer: (2)

28. In which year, India ratified the ILO Convention concerning the Right of Association for Agricultural Workers ?

(1) 1923

(2) 1924

(3) 1925

(4) 2017

Answer: (1)

29. The headquarter of Trade Union International of Workers in Building, Wood and Building Materials Industries is located at :

(1) New Delhi

(2) Paris

(3) Kolkata

(4) Helsinki

Answer: (4)

30. Which of the following statements relating to ILO Convention No. 182 is wrong ?

(1) The Convention relates to Worst Forms of Child Labour.

(2) It is one of the eight Fundamental Conventions of the ILO.

(3) It was adopted in 1999 by the ILO.

(4) This Convention has not been ratified by India.

Answer: (4)

31. What is the minimum number of days a woman employee must have actually worked under an employer in the twelve months immediately preceeding the date of expected delivery for becoming eligible for maternity benefit under the Maternity Benefit Act, 1961 ?

(1) Eighty days

(2) Ninety days

(3) One hundred twenty days

(4) One hundred days

Answer: (1)

32. What is the maximum limit of monthly wages to be taken into account for calculation of the compensation under the Employee’s Compensation Act, 1923 ?

(1) Rs. 10,000

(2) Rs. 18,000

(3) Rs. 8,000

(4) Rs. 15,000

Answer: (3)

33. Under which of the following legislation provisions for Rehabilitation and Re-employment are Provided ?

(1) Employees State Insurance Act, 1948

(2) Employees Compensation Act, 1923

(3) Inter – State Migrant Workmen (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Services) Act, 1979

(4) Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970

Answer: (1)

34. Which one of the following is not covered under Article 39 of the Indian Constitution ?

(1) Equal pay for equal work for both men and women

(2) Protection of Childhood and youth against exploitation

(3) Citizens, men and women equally have the right to adequate means of livelihood

(4) Securing just and human conditions of work

Answer: (4)

35. The Factories Act, 1948 came into force with effect from ?

(1) 1st April, 1948

(2) 1st January, 1948

(3) 1st August, 1948

(4) 1st October, 1948

Answer: (All)

36. Which of the following labour legislations are covered under the category of Protective Labour Legislation ?

(a) Minimum wages Act, 1948

(b) Motor Transport workers Act, 1961

(c) Factories Act, 1948

(d) Trade Unions Act, 1926

(e) Employees compensation Act, 1923

Code :

(1) (a) and (e) only

(2) (a), (c) and (e) only

(3) (a), (b) and (c) only

(4) (b), (c) and (d) only

Answer: (3)

37. Which one of the following statements is true relating to the composition of the International Labour Conference ?

(1) It consists of four delegates nominated by each member state.

(2) It consists of eight delegates nominated by each state.

(3) It consists of six delegates nominated by each state.

(4) It consists of three delegates nominated by each member state.

Answer: (1)

38. Which one of the statements is true relating to the representation of outsiders as office bearers of any registered Trade Union under the Trade Unions Act, 1926 functioning other than in an unorganised sector ?

(1) Not more than one – third of the total number of office bearers or five which ever is more

(2) Not more than one – third of the total number of office bearers or five which ever is less

(3) Not more than one – half of the total number of office bearers or six which ever is less

(4) Not more than one – half of the total number of office bearers.

Answer: (2)

39. Which of the following are true as per the provisions of the Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946 ?

(a) Draft standing orders are to be submitted by the employer to the certifying officer within six months from the date on which the Act becomes applicable

(b) Six copies of such draft standing orders are to be submitted to the certifying officer

(c) Draft standing orders are to be prepared in consultation of the workmen employed in the industrial establishment along with the trade unions if any

(d) A statement with particulars of the workmen employed in this industrial establishment including the name of the trade unions, if any to be submitted along with the draft standing order

Code :

(1) (a), (b) and (d)

(2) (a), (c) and (d)

(3) (a) and (d)

(4) (b) and (c)

Answer: (3)

40. A commercial establishment has employed two hundred workmen. Then which of the following provisions shall be applicable under the provisions of the Industrial Disputes Act 1947.

(a) Setting up of Grievance Redressal Machinery

(b) Constituting Works Committee

(c) Provisions of chapter V – B

(d) Compulsory reference of disputes to arbitration

Code :

(1) (a), (b) and (c) only

(2) (a) and (b) only

(3) (b), (c) and (d) only

(4) (a), (b), (c) and (d)

Answer: (2)

41. Assertion (A) :

Labour Welfare is a relative concept as it is related to time and space.

Reason (R) :

Welfare is growing and dynamic. The welfare potential changes as a result of which its content keeps on varying and has to keep pace with the changing times.

Code :

(1) Assertion (A) is wrong and Reason (R) fails to explain (A).

(2) Assertion (A) is correct and Reason (R) fully explains (A).

(3) Assertion (A) is wrong and Reason (R), therefore, cannot explain (A).

(4) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are wrong.

Answer: (2)

42. Assertion (A) :

The aims and objectives of Labour Welfare have progressively changed during the last few decades.

Reason (R) :

It has gradually moved to the era of paternalism with philanthropic objectives from the primitive policing and placating philosophy of Labour welfare.

Code :

(1) Assertion (A) is correct but Reason (R) fails to explain (A).

(2) Assertion (A) is correct and Reason (R) explains (A).

(3) Assertion (A) is wrong and Reason (R) is correct.

(4) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are wrong.

Answer: (2)

43. Labour Welfare Services were divided into two groups by the Committee of Experts on Welfare facilities for industrial workers convened by the I.L.O. in 1963. They are within the precincts and outside the establishment.

Answer: (3)

44. Work stress is a chronic ailment caused by conditions that negatively affect one’s performance and/or overall well being of the body and mind. Employers, these days, are concerned about managing stress.

Which of the following are not the typical symptoms of job related stress ?

(a) Insomnia

(b) Lack of Concentration

(c) Anxiety, depression

(d) Job insecurity

(e) Extreme anger and mood swings

(f) Family conflicts

(g) Strict deadlines (h) Frustration

Code :

(1) (b) and (h)

(2) (d) and (f)

(3) (d) and (g)

(4) (g) and (h)

Answer: (3)

45. Theories of Labour Welfare have been propounded after careful study and observation of the state of affairs prevalent during that particular period of time.

Which theory of labour welfare was propounded after observing “ The factories and other industrial workplaces provide ample opportunities for owners and manager of capital to exploit workers in an unfair manner”,

(1) Placating Theory

(2) Religions Theory

(3) Policing Theory

(4) Philanthropic Theory

Answer: (3)

46. Supply – demand framework predicts that termination of any ambitious project depresses a particular segment of Labour market. This type of prediction is an example of :

(1) Positive Economics

(2) Equillibrium

(3) Normative Economics

(4) State of Saturation

Answer: (1)

47. Let us presume that an individual consumes Rs. 500 of consumption of goods and 100 hours of Leisure per week. The utility index would equal 50,000 ‘utils’. Suppose further that the individual consumes Rs. 400 worth of goods and 125 hours of Leisure, the utility index would still equal 50,000 ‘utils’.

Suppose then that we hold utility constant at 50,000 utils, many combinations of utility and Leisure will generate this particular level of utility. The locus of such points is called an indifference curve.

Which among the following is an incorrect property of Indifference curve ?

(1) Indifference curves are downward sloping.

(2) Higher indifference curves indicate higher levels of utility.

(3) Indifference curves do not intersect.

(4) Indifference curves are concave to the origin.

Answer: (4)

48. Labour is remunerated through payment of wages. There are different methods of wage payment prevalent in different industries in different countries. But the ideal wage system should fulfil certain characteristics. Which among the following is not a characteristic : 

(1) It should be conducive to the interest of Labour only.

(2) It should be devised as to avoid industrial conflict.

(3) It should be conducive to the interest of both parties – employer and employee.

(4) It should be fairly simple as well as flexible.

Answer: (1)

49. Wages of the workers are Normally, the proportionality derived from their efficiency. But the concept of efficiency of labour is itself vague such as amount of physical output, output per man – hour or output per man shift. But output is not the function of man alone. There are other factors which affect the output. Which among the following is/are not the factor(s) that would affect the output directly :

(a) Physical condition of work

(b) Nature of machinery

(c) Technical process

(d) Quality of raw material

(e) System of management

(f) Role of fellow workers

(g) Competitors in the market

Code :

(1) (a) and (e)

(2) (e) and (f)

(3) (f) and (g)

(4) (d) and (f)

Answer: (3)

50. Match the following theories of wages List – I with their propagators List – II :

Answer: (1)

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