UGC NET Exam November 2017 Visual Arts Paper-2 Question Paper With Answer Key



Note : This paper contains fifty (50) objective type questions of two (2) marks each. All questions are compulsory.

1. An ingredient of liquid flexographic ink is called :

(1) Thinner

(2) Aniline dye

(3) Rubber solvent

(4) Linseed oil

Answer: (2)

2. The ‘subject’ of D.P. Roy Chaudhry’s painting were mostly :

(1) Animals

(2) Male

(3) Female

(4) Environment

Answer: (3)

3. In print making ‘aquatint’ effect is obtained by :

(1) Crayon

(2) Resin

(3) Chalk

(4) Gum Arabic

Answer: (2)

4. Collage plate printing process was introduced in India :

(1) Krishna Reddy

(2) Kanwal Krishna

(3) Jagmohan Chopra

(4) Chitta Prasad

Answer: (2)

5. Colour placed on surface in sequence to obtain a flow called :

(1) Gradation

(2) Harmony

(3) Balance

(4) Contrast

Answer: (1)

6. Name the writer of the book tittled “Myths and Symbols in Indian art and Civilization”.

(1) W.G. Archer

(2) H.Zimmer

(3) A.K. Coomaraswamy

(4) Stella Kramrisch

Answer: (2)

7. Who suggested “Fourth Dimension’’ in painting ?

(1) Henri Robert

(2) Kandinsky

(3) Kupka

(4) Larionov

Answer: (4)

8. Painting tittled ‘Bathers in Front of a Tent’ is associated with whom ?

(1) Gustave Courbet

(2) Camille Corot

(3) Van Gogh

(4) Paul Cezanne

Answer: (4)

9. Cholamandal Artists’ village was founded by :

(1) K.C.S. Paniker

(2) A. Ramachandran

(3) K.G. Subramanyan

(4) Ved Nayar

Answer: (1)

10. Who wrote the book “Words and Lines” ?

(1) F.N. Souza

(2) Trilok Kaul

(3) S.H. Raza

(4) G.R. Santosh

Answer: (1)

11. Where is Pandrethan temple located ?

(1) Jammu and Kashmir

(2) Uttar Pradesh

(3) Rajasthan

(4) Kerala

Answer: (1)

12. What was the technique used by Michelangelo to paint the ceiling of sistine chapel in Vatican ?

(1) Tempera

(2) Mix-Media

(3) Fresco

(4) Oil

Answer: (3)

13. Glyptic mode of rendering form is associated with :

(1) Welding

(2) Carving

(3) Modelling

(4) Casting

Answer: (2)

14. Name the sculptor who was commissioned by Maharaja of Baroda Saiyaji Rao Gaekwad (III) to produce work for Laxmi Vilas Palace of Baroda.

(1) D.P. Roy Chowdhury

(2) Fanindranath Bose

(3) V.P. Karmarkar

(4) Sankho Chaudhuri

Answer: (2)

15. Which Indian sculptor won the Silver Medal in appreciation for his work at the 1948 Summer Olympics ?

(1) Biman Das

(2) Ajit Chakraborti

(3) Sharbasi Roy Choudhuri

(4) Chintamoni Kar

Answer: (4)

16. One of the major materials for FRP/Polymer is :

(1) Latex

(2) Shellac

(3) Epoxy

(4) Gelatin

Answer: (3)

17. Who is described as ‘Japan’s consummate visual communicator ?

(1) Shiego Fukuda

(2) Masaru Katsumi

(3) Giovani Pintori

(4) Stefan Sagmeistar

Answer: (1)

18. Which city has a dense underground poster environment ?

(1) London

(2) Berlin

(3) New York

(4) Moscow

Answer: (1)

19. Moving picture illustration developed for a story board to give clients an idea of the finished commercial :

(1) Animation

(2) Animatic

(3) Airdate

(4) Advertorial

Answer: (2)

20. An advertisement that has the appearance of a news article or editorial :

(1) Adverts

(2) Classified Ad

(3) Direct Mail

(4) Advertorial

Answer: (4)

21. Match the following :

Answer: (2)

22. Match the following :

Answer: (2)

23. Match the following :

Answer: (3)

24. Match the following :

Answer: (2)

25. Match the following :

Answer: (1)

26. Match the following :

Answer: (4)

27. Match the following according to eclecticism in their art :

Answer: (4)

28. Match the following according to their melting points :

Answer: (4)

29. Match the terms with the types of media of Advertising :

Answer: (2)

30. Match the brands with celebrities as their brand Ambassadors :

Answer: (1)

31. Assertion (A) : The earliest lithographic prints were printed for an illustrated book at Government Press in India.

Reason (R) : The press was established in 1824.

Code :

(1) (A) is correct but (R) is not correct

(2) (A) is not correct but (R) is correct

(3) (A) and (R) both are not correct

(4) (A) and (R) both are correct

Answer: (4)

32. Assertion (A) : Aquatint is known as a part of Engraving print making process.

Reason (R) : Because in Engraving printing process the image is sunk below the surface of the plate.

Code :

(1) (A) is correct but (R) is not correct

(2) (A) is not correct but (R) is correct

(3) (A) and (R) both are not correct

(4) (A) and (R) both are correct

Answer: (2)

33. Assertion (A) : Creative impulse is the Primary Force in all arts.

Reason (R) : Because an artist experiences the pleasure of supreme power.

Code :

(1) (A) and (R) both are correct

(2) (A) is correct and (R) is incorrect

(3) (A) is incorrect and (R) is correct

(4) (A) and (R) both are incorrect

Answer: (1)

34. Assertion (A) : All truths – are highly Beautiful….. When artists begin to see beauty in truth, true art arises.

Reason (R) : Because if artist want to create a truthful art he must Plunge deep in to the root of Art.

Code :
(1) (A) is correct and (R) is incorrect

(2) (A) is incorrect and (R) is correct

(3) (A) and (R) both are correct

(4) (A) and (R) both are incorrect

Answer: (3)

35. Assertion (A) : Pablo Picasso took keen interest in the primitive art. 

Reason (R) : This is because he wished to learn how it is possible to build up an image out of a few simple elements.

Code :

(1) (A) is correct but (R) is not correct

(2) (A) is not correct but (R) is correct

(3) (A) and (R) both are not correct

(4) (A) and (R) both are correct

Answer: (4)

36. Assertion (A) : Primitivism and Environmentalism were the guiding principles at Kala Bhawan, Shantineketan.

Reason (R) : At Kala Bhawan preference was for traditional mode of education over the modern.

Code :

(1) (A) is correct but (R) is not correct.

(2) (A) is not but (R) is correct.

(3) (A) and (R) both are not correct.

(4) (A) and (R) both are correct.

Answer: (1)

37. Assertion (A) : Kaolin is used effectively in the slip casting of ceramic sculpture from molds.

Reason (R) : Because of its high shrinkage rate.

Code :

(1) (A) and (R) both are correct.

(2) (A) and (R) both are incorrect.

(3) (A) is incorrect, but (R) is correct.

(4) (A) is correct, but (R) is incorrect.

Answer: (4)

38. Assertion (A) : Adrian Frutigar’s ‘Universe’ Font Family, when laid in full, becomes a map in itself.

Reason (R) : Because it expressed the individual characteristics in each cut out of the typeface and acts as a legend to the map.

Code :

(1) Both (A) and (R) are incorrect

(2) Both (A) and (R) are correct

(3) (A) is correct, but (R) is incorrect

(4) (A) is not correct, but (R) is correct

Answer: (2)

39. Assertion (A) : Proof-check and print-out of design work are not necessary for accuracy and scale.

Reason (R) : Because computer screens are accurate in terms of actual scale.

Code :

(1) (A) is correct, but (R) is incorrect

(2) (A) is incorrect, but (R) is correct

(3) Both (A) and (R) are incorrect

(4) Both (A) and (R) are correct

Answer: (3)

40. Assertion (A) : Sculptors occasionally add a small quantity of lead to a molten bronze mass.

Reason (R) : As it lowers the melting point of the resulting bronze and also to soften it physically.

Code :

(1) (A) and (R) both are correct.

(2) (A) and (R) both are incorrect.

(3) (A) is correct, but (R) is incorrect.

(4) (A) is incorrect, but (R) is correct.

Answer: (1)

41. Choose the correct sequence of offset printing process :

(1) Creating image, image transfer on metal, rubber blanket, image on surface

(2) Image on surface, image transfer on metal, rubber blanket, creating image

(3) Rubber blanket, creating image, image on surface, image transfer on metal

(4) Creating image, rubber blanket, image on surface, image transfer on metal

Answer: (1)

42. Choose the correct chronological sequence of printing :

(1) Intaglio Printing, Relief Printing, Screen Printing, Photography

(2) Relief Printing, Intaglio Printing, Screen Printing, Photography

(3) Photography, Screen Printing, Relief Printing, Intaglio Printing

(4) Screen Printing, Photography, Intaglio Printing, Relief Printing

Answer: (2)

43. Select the correct chronological sequence :

(1) K.G. Subramanyan, Tyeb Mehta, Vivan Sundram, A.Ramachandran.

(2) A.Ramachandran, Tyeb Mehta, Vivan Sundram, K.G. Subramanyan.

(3) K.G. Subramanyan, Tyeb Mehta, A. Ramachandran, Vivan Sundram.

(4) Tyeb Mehta, Vivan Sundram, K.G. Subramanyan, A. Ramachandran.

Answer: (3)

44. Select the correct chronological sequence :

(1) Blue Circus, Persistence of Memory, Broadway Boogie-Woogie, Guernica.

(2) Blue Circus, Guernica, Persistence of Memory, Broadway Boogie-Woogie

(3) Persistence of Memory, Guernica, Broadway Boogie-Woogie, Blue Circus

(4) Broadway Boogie-Woogie, Blue Circus, Persistence of Memory, Guernica.

Answer: (3)

45. Select Anish Kapoor’s works in chronological order of creations :

(1) Turning the World Upside Down; Cloud Gate; As if to celebrate, I discovered a Mountain Blooming with Red Flowers; Sky Mirror, NewYork.

(2) Sky Mirror, NewYork; Turning the World Upside Down; Cloud Gate; As if to celebrate, I discovered a Mountain Blooming with Red Flowers.

(3) As if to celebrate, I discovered a Mountain Blooming with Red Flowers; Sky Mirror, NewYork; Cloud Gate; Turning the World Upside Down.

(4) Cloud Gate; Sky Mirror , NewYork; Turning the World Upside Down; As if to celebrate, I discovered a Mountain Blooming with Red Flowers.

Answer: (3)

46. Select the correct sequence from older to younger :

(1) Degas, Richard Long, Donatello, Alexander Calder.

(2) Donatello, Degas, Alexander Calder, Richard Long.

(3) Alexander Calder, Degas, Richard Long, Donatello.

(4) Richard Long, Alexander Calder, Donatello, Degas.

Answer: (2)

47. Select chronologically the famous posters as they evolve :

(1) ‘Che’ poster, Obama ‘Hope’ poster, Mother Teresa ‘Anyway’ Quote poster, Lautrec ‘Moulin Rouge-La Goulu’-e’

(2) Lautrec ‘Moulin Rouge-La Goulue’, ‘Che’ poster, Obama ‘Hope’ poster, Mother Teresa ‘Anyway’ Quote poster

(3) Mother Teresa ‘Anyway’ Quote poster, ‘Chi’ poster, Obama ‘Hope’ poster, Lautrec Moulin Rouge-La Goulue’

(4) Obama ‘Hope’ poster, Lautrec ‘Moulin Rouge-La Goulue’, Mother Teresa ‘Anyway’ Quote poster, ‘Che’ poster

Answer: (2)

48. Select the symbols in right sequence of their inception :

(1) The Red Cross, The Olympic Rings, The Mercedes Star, McDonld’s Golden arches

(2) The Olympic Rings, McDonld’s Golden arches, The Red Cross, The Mercedes Star

(3) The Red cross, The Mercedes Star, The Olympic Rings, McDonld’s Golden arches

(4) McDonld’s Golden arches, The Olympic Rings, The Mercedes Star, The Red Cross

Answer: (3)

49. Select the correct chronological sequence of Greek sculptures :

(1) Apollo Belvedere, Praxiteles (Hermes with the Young Dionysus), Venus of Milo, Lacoon and his sons

(2) Lacoon and his sons, Venus of Milo, Apollo Belvedere, Praxiteles (Hermes with the Young Dionysus)

(3) Praxiteles (Hermes with the Young Dionysus), Venus of Milo, Apollo Belvedere, Lacoon and his sons

(4) Venus of Milo, Apollo Belvedere, Lacoon and his sons, Praxiteles (Hermes with the Young Dionysus)

Answer: (1)

50. Select the right chronological sequence of the architecture :

(1) Sistine Chapel, Cathedral of Notre-Dame, The Parthenon, The Colosseum

(2) The Parthenon, The Colosseum, Cathedral of Notre-Dame, Sistine Chapel

(3) The Colosseum, The Parthenon, Cathedral of Notre-Dame, Sistine Chapel

(4) Cathedral of Notre-Dame, The Colosseum, The Parthenon, Sistine Chapel

Answer: (2)

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