UGC NET Exam July 2018 Comparative Literature Paper-2 Question Paper With Answer Key



Note : This paper contains hundred (100) objective type questions of two (2) marks each. All questions are compulsory.

1. How does Freud define “uncanny” in a famous essay, “Das Unheimliche” (1919) ?

(1) It is the feeling we get when we discover a long lost object

(2) It is the feeling we get when an experience that occured by chance suddenly feels fateful and inescapable

(3) It is the feeling we get when we recollect a traumatic episode of our childhood

(4) It is the feeling we get when we have an irrational attack of amnesia

Answer: (2)

2. The adoption of western conventional periodization (Ancient, Medieval, Modern) for Indian Literary Historiography poses a problem because :

(1) The Indian historians disagree about the nature of feudalism in India.

(2) The ‘ancient’ and ‘medieval’ vary for different Indian languages.

(3) Literary periodization in India follows a dichotomy between courtly and popular.

(4) India has more than one classical language.

Answer: (2)

3. Match the terms with their meanings :

Answer: (2)

4. Identify the comparatist who almost omits thematology from comparative literature because it does not involve literary influences :

(1) Paul Hazard

(2) Paul Van Tieghem

(3) Anna Balakian

(4) Elizabeth Frenzel

Answer: (1)

5. Who among the following is associated with the elucidation of the theory of interliterary processes ?

(1) David Damrosch

(2) Claudio Guillen

(3) Dionyz Durisin

(4) Roman Ingarden

Answer: (3)

6. “Sthayi and “Sanchari” are parts of __________ in __________ music.

(1) melodic composition, Hindustani

(2) rhythmic section, Carnatic

(3) melodic composition, Sufi

(4) rhythmic composition, Tribal

Answer: (1)

7. Match the autobiography with the writer.

Answer: (3)

8. The French scholar Paul Van Tieghem, while trying for a more precise definition of the term ‘General Literature’ uses the alternate term __________.

(1) Comparative Literature

(2) National Literature

(3) Cosmopolitan Literature

(4) Synthetic Literature

Answer: (4)

9. Girish Karnad’s Hayavadana is based upon __________ written by __________.

(1) Siddharta, Herman Hesse

(2) Transposed Heads, Thomas Mann

(3) Glassbead Game, Herman Hesse

(4) Faust, Goethe

Answer: (2)

10. Who among the following described the complex, multilingual situation of India as the Bower of Babel, taking the sting out of Steiner’s earlier use of Tower of Babel ?

(1) Sujit Mukherjee

(2) Sisir Kumar Das

(3) Harish Trivedi

(4) Swapan Majumdar

Answer: (1)

11. Who among the following coined the term, “Carpe diem” ?

(1) Cicero

(2) Virgil

(3) Horace

(4) Quintilian

Answer: (3)

12. “The Philosophy of the East Taught the First Principles of Human Perception.” This occurs n __________ by __________.

(1) “Hymn to Pracriti”, William Blake

(2) “Ruins” Count de Volney

(3) “Marriage of Heaven and Hell”, William Blake

(4) “Hymn to Brahma”, William Jones

Answer: (3)

13. The following two genres were written in modern Bangla poetry :

(a) Secondary epics

(b) Ghazals

(c) Pastoral elegy

(d) Sonnets

The right combination according to the code is :

(1) (a) and (d)

(2) (b) and (c)

(3) (a) and (b)

(4) (b) and (d)

Answer: (1)

14. Match the Shakespeare adaptations in Indian languages with the original text.

Answer: (2)

15. Match the theorist with the theory :

Answer: (2)

16. The relevance of philosophy to the understanding of the Bible as literature is exemplified by :

(1) Spinoza’s Tractatus Theologico – Politicus

(2) Hegel’s Logic

(3) Hobbe’s Leviathan

(4) Marx’s German Ideology

Answer: (1)

17. The Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies (C C C S) was set up at the university of Birmingham in __________ through the mediation of __________ and finally closed down in __________.

(1) 1965, Terry Eagleton, 2003

(2) 1960, Raymond Williams, 2001

(3) 1964, Richard Hoggart, 2002

(4) 1966, Christopher Caudwell, 2004

Answer: (3)

18. __________ thought of the hermeneutic circle as an ontological issue rather than an issue in interpretation.

(1) Friedrich Schleiermacher

(2) Paul Ricoeur

(3) Martin Heidegger

(4) Charles Taylor

Answer: (3)

19. According to __________, the analysis of culture is not an experimental science in search of law but an interpretive one in search of meaning.

(1) Max Weber

(2) Raymond Williams

(3) Clifford Geertz

(4) Theodor Adorno

Answer: (3)

20. In 1883 Richard Burton translated Vatsayana’s Kama Sutra and published it ‘for private circulation’ by the ‘Kama-Sastra Society of London and Benares’, a society which had first one member other than Barton himself, his friend and collaborator in this translation. Who was the collaborator ?

(1) Nathaniel Halhed

(2) F.F. Arbuthnot

(3) William Waterfield

(4) William Crooke

Answer: (2)

21. Choose the correct option :

(1) Rohstoff is stoff performed

(2) Rohstoff and stoff are categories in Historigraphy

(3) Stoff is extrinsic to the text while Rohstoff is intrinsic to the text

(4) Rohstoff and stoff belong to thematology

Answer: (4)

22. Which author covers Sturm and Drang Classicism and Romanticism ?

(1) Goethe

(2) Schlegel

(3) Nietzsche

(4) Schiller

Answer: (1)

23. Which of the following is not a feature of Fakir Mohan Senapati’s classic novel, Chha Mana Atha Guntha ?

(1) deft handling of the spoken language

(2) exploritation of the poor villagers by the zamindars

(3) peasant insurgency in the 19th Century Odisha

(4) the erosion of moral values in society

Answer: (3)

24. Which of the following novels has literary theory as a theme ?

(1) Not a Penny More, Not a Penny Loss – Jeffrey Archar

(2) Campus Trilogy – David Lodge

(3) Foreign Affairs – Alison Lurie

(4) Goldstein – The Mind Body Problem – Rebecca Newberger 

Answer: (3)

25. Who among the following critics is not associated with the literary method of close reading ?

(1) Allen Tate

(2) I.A. Richards

(3) Maud Bodkin

(4) William Empson

Answer: (3)

26. Thakazhi Sivasankara Pillai won the Jnanpith award in 1984 for his novel __________.

(1) Enippadigal

(2) Chemmeen

(3) Kayar

(4) Thottiyude Makan

Answer: (3)

27. When we trace the development of genre in Europe since Petrarch’s day we contribute to __________, whereas when we compare a Shakespearean sonnet with a Petrarchan one we are within the area of __________.

(a) General Literature

(b) National Literature

(c) World Literature

(d) Comparative Literature

The right combination according to the code is :

(1) (b) and (c)

(2) (a) and (d)

(3) (c) and (d)

(4) (a) and (c)

Answer: (2)

28. Match the biographics with their writers :

Answer: (2)

29. In his exposition of the longue – duree, Fernand Braudel cited the work of the literary historian, __________.

(1) Legouis and Cazamian

(2) Hippolyte Taine

(3) Ernest Robert Curtius

(4) Jacob Burckhardt

Answer: (3)

30. Identify two theoretical concepts that are critically important in the disciplinary evolution of Cultural Studies :

(a) hegemony

(b) interpellation

(c) cultural poetics

(d) cultural construction

The right combination according to the code is :

(1) (a) and (b)

(2) (b) and (c)

(3) (a) and (d)

(4) (c) and (d)

Answer: (3)

31. Match the terms with their meanings :

Answer: (1)

32. Two figures closely associated with World Literature programme are :

(a) Franco Moretti

(b) Rene Wellek

(c) David Damrosch

(d) Sisir Kumar Das

The right combination according to the code is :

(1) (a) and (d)

(2) (a) and (c)

(3) (b) and (d)

(4) (a) and (b)

Answer: (2)

33. The qawwali form is practised by the __________ Sufi order, and its name derives from qual, meaning __________.

(1) Quadiriya, god

(2) Chistiya, utterance

(3) Ahmadiya, utterance

(4) Chistiya, god

Answer: (2)

34. Who is the English translator of Valmiki’s Joothan ?

(1) Arun Prabha Mukherjee

(2) Sharmila Rege

(3) Maya Pandit

(4) K. Lalita

Answer: (1)

35. In O ‘Neill’s play Mourning Becomes Electra, Christine Mannon draws upon the classical character _________.

(1) Electra

(2) Clytemnestra

(3) Aegisthus

(4) Agamemnon

Answer: (2)

36. On which Greek play did Sigmund Freud write, “the play is so effective even to modern audience because it is the fate of all of us, perhaps to direct our first sexual impulse towards our mother and our first hatred and our first murderous wish against our father”.

(1) Prometheus Bound

(2) Oedipus Rex

(3) Antigone

(4) Heracles

Answer: (2)

37. In a James Joyce short story the protagonist hears a song that sparks a melancholy recollection of a major event in her youth. Identify the story :

(1) “The Dead”

(2) “Araby”

(3) “Eveline”

(4) “The Sisters”

Answer: (1)

38. Cultural Materialism is associated with __________.

(1) Anthony Appiah

(2) Jacques Derrida

(3) Raymond Williams

(4) Stephen Greenblatt

Answer: (3)

39. Based on the Mahabharata, Draupadi-centred texts in the Gingee or Senji cult tradition of South India belong to the genre of __________.

(1) Veerkavya

(2) Carita

(3) Kottu

(4) Upanyas

Answer: (3)

40. Which of the following features would you associate with the idea of the postmodern ?

(a) deconstruction

(b) high art

(c) simulacra

(d) scientific method

The right combination according to the code is :

(1) (a) and (c)

(2) (b) and (c)

(3) (a) and (d)

(4) (b) and (d)

Answer: (1)

41. Who among the following made a rigid and sharp distinction between General Literature and Comparative Literature ?

(1) Claudio Guillen

(2) Paul Van Tieghem

(3) H.H. Remak

(4) Rene Wellek

Answer: (2)

42. According to Tamil Literature, which of the following is not Bhakti Literature ?

(1) Thevaram

(2) Nannool

(3) Thirumurai

(4) Dhivya Prabandham

Answer: (2)

43. Comparison is a dialectical relationship between a differentiating way of thinking i.e. __________ and a totalising attitude, i.e. __________ .

(a) induction

(b) deduction

(c) decentering

(d) totalising

The correct answer according to the code is :

(1) (a) and (b)

(2) (a) and (c)

(3) (b) and (c)

(4) (a) and (d)

Answer: (1)

44. A commentatory on Bharata’s Natyashastra was written by __________ and called __________.

(1) Mahimabhatta, Vyakti-Vivek

(2) Abhinavagupta, Abhinavbharati

(3) Ananda Vardhan, Dhvanyaloka

(4) Bhartrihari, Vakyapadiya

Answer: (2)

45. The heroic theme of Ramayana is subverted in __________.

(1) Valmiki’s Ramayana

(2) The Ramacharitmanas of Tulsidas

(3) The TV seriel Ramayana

(4) Michael Madhusudan Dutt’s Meghnad badh Kavya

Answer: (4)

46. Arrange the following in the sequence in which they appeared :

(a) Tragedy

(b) Picaresque

(c) Short story

(d) Sonnet

The correct answer according to the code is :

(1) (a) (b) (c) (d)

(2) (d) (c) (b) (a)

(3) (a) (d) (b) (c)

(4) (d) (a) (c) (b)

Answer: (3)

47. __________ play prefigures the later work, Goethe’s Iphigenic auf Tauris.

(1) Euripide’s

(2) Sophocle’s

(3) Ovid’s

(4) Aeschylus’s

Answer: (1)

48. Who among the following pointed out that the historical context of any text is infinite, and hence that the historical or sociological explanation of the literary series must, if rigorously pursued in detail, focus not on a literature, but on social totality of which literature is one manifestation ?

(1) Matthew Arnold

(2) Benedetto Croce

(3) Ferdinand Brunetiere

(4) Viktor Shklovsky

Answer: (3)

49. The rational tradition of Islam is called _________ tradition.

(1) Khilafat

(2) Mutazila

(3) Wahabi

(4) Sufi

Answer: (2)

50. Assertion (A) : A single literary history is a history also of its relations to other literatures.

Reason (R) : When a literature’s many points of intersection with other literatures are mapped the literary historian confronts a complex network.

In the light of the statements above.

(1) Both (A) and (R) are true, and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(2) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(3) (A) is true but (R) is false.

(4) (A) is false but (R) is true.

Answer: (2)

51. In which year the Tamil novel Prathapa Mudaliar Charithram was published ?

(1) 1879

(2) 1878

(3) 1877

(4) 1876

Answer: (1)

52. Match the following films with the books/stories :

Answer: (3)

53. The idea of “equivalence without identity” in the area of translation studies was proposed by :

(1) Jacques Derrida

(2) Paul Ricouer

(3) Georges Mounin

(4) Walter Benjamin

Answer: (2)

54. Who among the following is NOT a globalization theorist ?

(1) Arjun Appadurai

(2) Michel de Certeau

(3) David Held

(4) John Urry

Answer: (2)

55. Which State of the Discipline Report of American Comparative Literature Association holds that a “work’s value is perceived as residing primarily in the authenticity of the image it conveys of culture it is taken to represent, politically and mimetically” ?

(1) The Levin Report

(2) The Bernheimer Report

(3) The Saussy Report

(4) The Greene Report

Answer: (2)

56. Hermeneutics as a method was first applied to the Bible by __________.

(1) Schiller

(2) Goethe

(3) Schlegel

(4) Schleirmacher

Answer: (4)

57. Match the concepts with their descriptions.

Answer: (1)

58. What is ‘Erziehungsroman’ ?

(1) Educational Novel

(2) Science Fiction

(3)Historical Novel

(4) Epistolary Novel

Answer: (1)

59. Terry Eagleton proposed that the focus of translation theory should shift from source and target text opposition to __________.

(1) target culture

(2) source culture

(3) intertextuality

(4) familiarity

Answer: (3)

60. __________ and __________ were proponents of the ‘pragmatic’ School of Sociology, also known as __________ school.

(1) Durkheim, Weber, Chicago

(2) Williams, Hall, Chicago

(3) Durkheim, Hall, Birmingham

(4) Clifford, Weber, Birmingham

Answer: (1)

61. __________ introduced haiku poetry to the American public and influenced the __________ movement.

(1) Ezra Pound, Imagist

(2) Fenellosa, Symbolist

(3) Wallace Stevens, Imagist

(4) Robert Frost, Symbolist

Answer: (1)

62. Kant’s view of history as noumenally directed reason moving towards free self-embodiment :

(1) anticipated the Hegelian vision of history.

(2) opposed the Enlightenment view of progress.

(3) rejected Euro centricism in historiography.

(4) did away with the need for periodization.

Answer: (1)

63. Which of the following theorists conceptualized the symbolic form as tripartite ?

(1) Roland Barthes

(2) Ernest Cassirer

(3) Antonio Gramsci

(4) Ferdinand de Saussure

Answer: (2)

64. The name of the poet appears in a ghazal as __________.

(1) bhanita

(2) pseudonym

(3) takhallus

(4) proper noun

Answer: (3)

65. __________ is defined by Frenzel as “a repetition of the same word sequence, at least by way of allusion, or in slight variations, at different points of poetic work”, but related to each other through their common characteristics.

(1) Motif

(2) Trait

(3) Leitmotif

(4) Image

Answer: (3)

66. Who among the following famously characterized the field of comparative literature “as a yearning rather than an object” ?

(1) Harry Levin

(2) Claudio Guillen

(3) Rene Wellek

(4) Earl Miner

Answer: (2)

67. Who among the following is NOT a translator of Goethe’s Faust ?

(1) Bayard Taylor

(2) P.B. Shelley

(3) Gerard de Nerval

(4) William Wordsworth

Answer: (4)

68. Nationalist themes portraying communal harmony in Hindi drama were influenced by the plays of __________.

(1) Dwijendra Lal Roy

(2) Rabindranath Thakur

(3) George Bernard Shaw

(4) Henrik Ibsen

Answer: (1)

69. According to __________, “ to understand is to translate.”

(1) Eugene Nida

(2) Georges Mounin

(3) George Steiner

(4) Martin Heidegger

Answer: (3)

70. The introduction of a genre from one literary system to another has been studied by __________.

(1) Matthew Arnold

(2) Yury Tynyanov

(3) T. S. Eliot

(4) Dionyzh Durisin

Answer: (4)

71. The leitmotif, a __________ term differs from motif which is __________ oriented.

(a) structure

(b) image

(c) trait

(d) content

The right combination according to the code is :

(1) (a) and (d)

(2) (b) and (d)

(3) (c) and (b)

(4) (d) and (c)

Answer: (1)

72. Match the following :

Answer: (2)

73. Who bemoans the fact that in most literary histories medieval literature is staggered primarily according to sociological, or philological view points, and that criteria derived from stylistics are only hesitantly used ?

(1) Hans Meyer

(2) H.P.H. Teesing

(3) Buckner Trawick

(4) Jan Huizinga

Answer: (2)

74. Pair the original and received texts correctly :

Answer: (1)

75. Which of these four main Dravidian languages had the richest and longest history of Manipravala ?

(1) Telugu

(2) Malayalam

(3) Kannada

(4) Tamil

Answer: (2)

76. In Dialectic of Enlightenment, Adorno and Horkheimer describe the enlightenment as ___________.

(1) the new Renaissance

(2) mass deception

(3) an aesthetic revolution

(4) a historical blunder

Answer: (2)

77. Assertion (A) : Historical novels written from Scott to Stendhal all share common features from one to another.

Reason (R) : Historical novels as a family type has different features, but no feature is common to all.

In the light of the preceding statements :

(1) (A) and (R) are true, and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(2) (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(3) (A) is true but (R) is false.

(4) (A) and (R) are both false.

Answer: (2)

78. The Tamil writer Vasanthy, through her art of writing the novel __________ celebrates literature and dance.

(1) Jaipur Necklace

(2) Kutravali

(3) Thirakkatha Jannalkal

(4) Thunaivi

Answer: (1)

79. The __________ is a cultural gathering among __________ commemorating the “People of the House”.

(1) Sama, the sunnis

(2) Majlis, the Shias

(3) Majlis, the sunnis

(4) Sama, Dawoodi Bohras

Answer: (2)

80. In translation theory a __________ approach is associated with favouring the target text/ reader/language and culture.

(1) Word for word

(2) Syntagmatic

(3) Sense for sense

(4) Metaphorical

Answer: (3)

81. Which of the following statements is true of Rene Etiemble’s position in Comparison n’est pas raison. La crise de la littérature Comparee (1963) ?

(1) Practical knowledge of German, English, Spanish, French and Italian is sufficient.

(2) Translations should be discarded for originals

(3) Ignorance of languages such as Russian, Japanese, Chinese and Arabic is absolutely unacceptable

(4) The new comparative method should reject the aesthetic, the integrated study of forms and the comparative analysis of metrical systems and symbols

Answer: (3)

82. Identify the language which the writers used :

Answer: (3)

83. The development of stoffgeschichte in the 19th century focused on :

(1) Romantic idealism

(2) the migration of themes

(3) the identification of themes with genres

(4) the organization of historical periods under manageable rubrics

Answer: (2)

84. __________ proposes the idea of kinship of languages in the essay, __________.

(1) Paul Ricouer ; “From Action to the Agent”

(2) Julia Kristeva ; “Desire in Language”

(3) Walter Benjamin ; “Task of the Translator”

(4) George Steiner; “The Retreat from the Word”

Answer: (3)

85. A study of international literary relations, i.e, Italian in Shakespeare’s England, English in the Germany of Lessing and the German in the France of the post-Napoleonic period is a study of the __________ relationship.

(1) emitter – receiver

(2) translator – work

(3) cause – effect

(4) individual – group

Answer: (1)

86. Which small thematic unit, according to Petsch, can be raised to the level of motif by means of ‘Pointe’ that shows it to be characteristic or symptomatic ?

(1) Trait

(2) Type

(3) Image

(4) Topos

Answer: (1)

87. In which essay does Matthew Arnold make the statement “………. no single event, no single literature is adequately comprehended except in relation to other events, to other literatures.”

(1) “The Function of Criticism at the Present Time”

(2) “On the Modern Element in Literature”

(3) Preface to 1853 Poems

(4) “The Study of Poetry”

Answer: (2)

88. “I have only one language ; it is not mine.” Thus begins __________’s book, Monolingualism of the other.

(1) Roland Barthes

(2) Jacques Derrida

(3) Emmanuel Levinas

(4) George Steiner

Answer: (2)

89. Match the subtitles with the main titles :

Answer: (2)

90. Assertion (A) : Periods are entities we love to hate yet we cannot do without them. 

Reason (R) : Periodization in literary studies raises questions common to every historiographical enterprise, namely those related to the reconstruction of the past and the apprehension of time.

In the light of the statements above.

(1) Both (A) and (R) are true, and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(2) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(3) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

(4) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

Answer: (2)

91. Simplicity and directness are associated with the __________ riti, and __________ riti is associated with ornate hyperbole.

(1) Gaudiya, Latika

(2) Latika, Vaidarbhi

(3) Gaudiya, Kaushiki

(4) Vaidarbhi, Gaudiya

Answer: (4)

92. Linguistic mapping in India was initiated by __________.

(1) Friedrich Max Muller

(2) Suniti Kumar Chattopadhyay

(3) George Grierson

(4) Warren Hastings

Answer: (3)

93. Assertion (A) : A literary text is not a phonetic system but is also a semantic system.

Reason (R) : It is impossible to approximate a set of meanings belonging to one culture through a corresponding set of meanings in another culture.

In the light of the statements above

(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(2) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(3) (A) is true but (R) is false.

(4) (A) is false but (R) is true.

Answer: (3)

94. Which of the following writers is NOT from Kashmir ?

(1) Kalhana

(2) Bilhana

(3) Bhartrihari

(4) Visvanatha

Answer: (4)

95. Which poetic and religions movement is the theme of Karnad’s Raktakalyan ?

(1) Vaishnavite

(2) Veerasaivite

(3) Saivite

(4) Varkari

Answer: (2)

96. Which of the following writers dealt with the legend of Orestes ?

(1) Aeschylus, Sophocles

(2) Aeschylus, Sartre

(3) Sophoeles, Goethe

(4) Euripedes, Goethe

Answer: (4)

97. The five Great Epics (Aimperum Kaapiyam) of Tamil Literature were written over a period of __________.

(1) II Century CE to 10th Century CE

(2) I Century CE to 10th Century CE

(3) II Century CE to 8th Century CE

(4) I Century CE to 8th Century CE

Answer: (2)

Read the following passage and answer questions from 98 to 100.

     The genre, for Hirsch is not a class but a type : not an aggregate of works but a set of characteristics. The generic horizon (which is necessarily limited by the state of the genre at the time of the work’s composition, since Hirsch recognises only the author’s intended meaning and no others) is crucial in determining the work’s meaning. The interpreter, in positing the genre, surrounds the work with a horizon of expectations against which it must be read. The idea that literary meaning is encoded by the generic type is an easily recognisable and influential notion, but Hirsch’s interpretative model is both historicist-in the sense of privileging the task of understanding the author’s past intention and anti-historical, in its refusal to accommodate generic history and change. The question of history is crucial to most disagreements about the nature of genre.

98. Hirsch’s interpretative model is historicist because __________.

(1) He stresses the task of understanding the intention the author had.

(2) He links geners to the study of history.

(3) He sees the genre as a set of features.

(4) Meaning is constructed by historical memory.

Answer: (1)

99. The interpreter sets the work within a genre by locating it :

(1) in a national literary history

(2) in the understanding of the author’s intention

(3) in a horizon of expectations

(4) in a set of characteristics

Answer: (3)

100. The generic horizon is :

(1) defined by the literary meaning

(2) limited to the state of the genre

(3) historically updated

(4) characterized by the random disruption of hierarchies

Answer: (2)

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