UGC NET Exam June-2013 Physical Education Paper-3 Question Paper With Answer Key


Paper – III

Note : This paper contains seventy five (75) objective type questions of two (2) marks each. All questions are compulsory.

1. Select the correct option.

Correct sequential order of the rings of the Olympic Flag.

(A) Blue, red, yellow, black, green.

(B) Blue, black, green, yellow, red.

(C) Blue, yellow, black, green, red.

(D) Blue, black, red, yellow, green.

Answer: (C)

2. Select the correct option.

The time taken for a movement to occur from its initiation to its termination is called

(A) Reaction time

(B) Reflex time

(C) Movement time

(D) Response time

Answer: (C)

3. Select the correct option.

Women took part for the first time in Olympic Games in the events

(A) 100 m and 200 m

(B) Lawn Tennis and Equestrian

(C) Long jump and High jump

(D) Putting the shot and Javelin throw

Answer: (C)

4. Select the correct option. 

School Health Programme does not include

(A) Health Instruction

(B) Health Supervision

(C) Health Services

(D) Health Research

Answer: (D)

5. Select the correct option.

Perefereal Vasoconstriction around a wound is initiated by

(A) Diathermy

(B) Hydro therapy

(C) Cryotherapy

(D) Diapulse

Answer: (C)

6. Select the correct option.

From the following list identify the one which is not an approach to organizational behaviour :

(A) Interdisciplinary approach

(B) Productivity approach

(C) Inter-efficiency approach

(D) Contingency approach

Answer: (C)

7. Select the correct option.

A score to which an obtained score is compared, is

(A) Data

(B) Norm

(C) Primary score

(D) Grade

Answer: (B)

8. Rationale equivalence is a method of measuring

(A) Face validity

(B) Tournament standing

(C) Reliability

(D) Objectivity

Answer: (C)

9. Select the correct option. 

Acetyl choline is a

(A) Excitatory chemical transmitter

(B) Inhibitive chemical transmitter

(C) Relaxative of Atrial pacemaker.

(D) Steroid form

Answer: (A)

10. If the mean of a distribution is 5.0 and the standard deviation is 0.20, its variance will be

(A) 5.0

(B) 0.04

(C) 25

(D) √5

Answer: (B)

11. A questionnaire may be either open ended or closed ended. Advantage of closed ended questionnaire is

(A) It is easy to analyze.

(B) It eliminates investigator’s bias.

(C) It provides depth and variety.

(D) Its answer truly reflects respondent’s opinion.

Answer: (A)

12. Two common types of curvilinear pathways are

(A) Angular and Circular

(B) Angular and Parabolic

(C) Circular and Rotary

(D) Rotary and Angular

Answer: (B)

13. Abduction of wrist joint is also known as 

(A) Ulnar flexion

(B) Radial flexion

(C) Pronation

(D) Supination

Answer: (B)

14. Select the correct option. 

Competition is defined as a process through which success is measured by 

(A) Determining who reaches certain level of excellence.

(B) Comparing present performance with the past performance.

(C) Standard of excellence set by those who have performed in the past.

(D) Comparing the achievement of those performing the same activity under the same circumstances.

Answer: (D)

15. Mere expression of an attitude in response to a questionnaire may cause the respondent to think and alter his attitude at the time of post test. This effect is known as

(A) Maturation effect

(B) Reactive effect

(C) Training effect

(D) Regression effect

Answer: (D)

16. Delimitations are possible shortcomings that cannot be controlled by the investigator. In a study, the researcher analyses motor fitness of Adolescents. The subjects were fifteen boys and the speed was measured by 50% dash, on a college ground with natural surface, without running shoes. In this experiment, the limitations were

(A) Boys as subjects and natural surface as track.

(B) Only fifteen subjects and natural surface as track.

(C) Boys as subjects and running without running shoes.

(D) Natural surface as track and running without running shoes.

Answer: (D)

17. A Null hypothesis is formulated as an alternate hypothesis. Type-I error occurs when A Null hypothesis is

(A) Accepted when it is true

(B) Rejected when it is true

(C) Rejected when it is false

(D) Accepted when it is false

Answer: (B)

18. Select the correct option :

Two wooden bails are placed on top of the stumps in cricket. The bails must not project more than

(A) 0.4 inches

(B) 0.5 inches

(C) 0.6 inches

(D) 0.7 inches

Answer: (B)

19. Select the correct option. 

The total amount of time dedicated to training by a group of athletes/team  during a specific training lesson or phase of training is referred as

(A) Absolute Volume

(B) Absolute Intensity

(C) Relative Volume

(D) Relative Intensity

Answer: (C)

20. Sociogram is a tool to measure 

(A) Cooperation

(B) Team satisfaction

(C) Task orientation

(D) Affiliation and attraction among group members

Answer: (D)

21. Some of the communicational methods are 

I. Interview

II. Lecture

III. Conference

IV. Manual gesture 

Among the above methods, oral communication includes


(B) I, II, III


(D) IV, I, II

Answer: (B)

22. There may be variety of problems to carry out physical education programs in an educational institute. Some of such problems are

I. Unionism

II. Teacher burn out

III. Safety of equipment

IV. Use of temporary personnel

Among the above problems, human resource problems include

(A) I, II, III


(C) III, IV, I

(D) IV, I, II

Answer: (D)

23. Curriculum planning should be based on 

I. Understanding of the learning process.

II. Recreational value of programme.

III. Influences from society and culture.

IV. Leadership ability.

Find the correct combination. 

Codes :

(A) I, II


(C) I, III

(D) II, IV 

Answer: (C)

24. Cognitive skills to develop cognitive ability are

I. Knowing difference between feeling & action.

II. Reading & interpreting social cues.

III. A positive attitude to life.

IV. Communicating through facial expressiveness.

Find the correct combination. 

Codes :

(A) I & II

(B) III & IV

(C) I & IV

(D) II & III

Answer: (D)

25. Diploma/Degree were awarded by various Universities/Boards for physical education courses :

I. B.P.Ed.

II. B.P.E.

III. D.P.Ed.

IV. M.P.E.

Put in sequential order based on their initiation.

Codes :

(A) III, II, IV, I

(B) I, III, II, IV

(C) II, IV, III, I

(D) IV, I, II, III

Answer: (A)

26. Evaluation is

I. a continuous process.

II. based on interactions between teacher and the learner.

III. the determination of how the objectives are achieved.

IV. subjective assessment. 

Find the correct combination. 

Codes :

(A) I, II

(B) II, IV


(D) I, III

Answer: (D)

27. Leadership is a behavioural process which focuses on

(A) Developing and maintaining good relationship.

(B) Influencing individuals and group towards set goals.

(C) Situational characteristics of the group.

(D) Setting goals & getting the job done.

Answer: (B)

28. Psychological foundation of Physical Education involves 

I. Individual differences

II. Growth and exercise

III. Motor skill acquisition

IV. Competition and cooperation 

Find the correct combination from the following codes :

Codes :

(A) I & III

(B) II & IV

(C) III & IV

(D) I & II

Answer: (C)

29. The red muscle fibers contains 

I. High content of glycogen.

II. Higher myoglobin content.

III. Better for aerobic work.

IV. Better for anaerobic work

Find the correct combinations. 

Codes :

(A) I and II

(B) I and III

(C) II and III

(D) II and IV

Answer: (C)

30. Professional preparation in physical education emphasizes on development of some qualities, some of which are

(A) Creativity, accountability, academic qualification. 

(B) Accountability, academic qualification, Interest in research.

(C) Academic qualification, Interest in research, creativity.

(D) Interest in research, creativity, accountability.

Answer: (D)

31. In high altitude, a jumper will have 

(A) Lesser air friction and more body weight.

(B) Lesser air friction and lesser body weight.

(C) More air friction and more body weight.

(D) More air friction and lesser body weight.

Answer: (B)

32. Determine the sequence of events following a muscular contraction using the codes given below :

I. Uncovering of Active site of Actin filament.

II. Break down of ATP.

III. Release of calcium ions.

IV. Coupling of Actin and Myosin filaments.

V. Decrease in distance between two Z lines.

Codes :

(A) IV, II, I, III, V

(B) III, I, IV, II, V

(C) I, II, IV, III, V

(D) I, III, II, IV, V

Answer: (B)

33. Friedal Field Hockey skill test has following test items :

I. Pass receiving

II. Dribbling

III. Driving back the ball

IV. Goal shooting

Select the right options.

Codes :

(A) I, II and IV

(B) II and IV

(C) I, II and III

(D) I and IV

Answer: (C)

34. Russel Launge volleyball test had following test items.

I. Serving ability

II. Spiking ability

III. Blocking ability

IV. Volleying ability

Find the right combination.

Codes :

(A) I & II

(B) I & III

(C) II & IV

(D) I & IV

Answer: (D)

35. Match List-I with List-II using the codes given below :

Answer: (D)

36. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct option using the code given below :

Answer: (D)

37. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct option using the codes given below :

Answer: (A)

38. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct option using the code given below :

Answer: (B)

39. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct option using the code given below :

Answer: (B)

40. Match List-I with List-II using the codes given below :

Answer: (A)

41. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct option using the code given below :

Answer: (A)

42. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct option using the code given below :

Answer: (C)

43. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct option using the code given below :

Answer: (C)

44. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct option using the code given below :

Answer: (B)

45. Match List-I with List-II and select the right option.

Answer: (A)

46. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct option.

Answer: (B)

47. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct option from the codes given below :

Answer: (B)

48. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct option using the code given below :

Answer: (C)

49. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct option using the code given below :

Answer: (D)

50. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct option using the code given below :

Answer: (C)

51. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct option using the code given below :

Answer: (C)

52. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct option using the code given below :

Answer: (A)

53. Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion (A) and other is labelled as Reason (R).

Assertion (A) : Physical Education contributes to the development of physical, mental, emotional and social attributes of the individual.

Reason (R) : Each individual today cannot be considered as the active and creative force of the society.

In the context of two statements, which one of the following is correct ?

Codes :

(A) Both (A) and (R) are right and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(B) Both (A) and (R) are right, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(C) (A) is right, but (R) is wrong.

(D) (A) is wrong, but (R) is right.

Answer: (B)

54. Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion (A) and other is labelled as Reason (R).

Assertion (A) : Kurtosis is the description of direction of hump of the curve of distribution of data.

Reason (R) : Normal probability curve is characterized by the mean, median and mode being at the same point.

In the context of the above two statements, which one of the following is correct ?

Codes :

(A) (A) is right, but (R) is wrong.

(B) (A) is wrong, but (R) is right.

(C) Both (A) and (R) are right and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(D) Both (A) and (R) are right, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

Answer: (B)

55. Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion (A) and other is labelled as Reason (R).

Assertion (A) : Purpose of sports management is to get right things done to achieve the goals.

Reason (R) : The fast changing sports scenario calls for sound management training for Physical Educators.

In the context of two statements, which one of the following is correct ?

Codes :

(A) Both (A) and (R) are right and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(B) Both (A) and (R) are right, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(C) (A) is right, but (R) is wrong. 

(D) (A) is wrong, but (R) is right.

Answer: (A)

56. Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion (A) and other is labelled as Reason (R).

Assertion (A) : Placement means the determination of the job to which a candidate is to be assigned and his assignment to the job.

Reason (R) : The dictum of personnel placement is, round peg in square hole and square peg in round hole.

In the context of two statements, which one of the following is correct ?

Codes :

(A) (A) is wrong, but (R) is right.

(B) (A) is right, but (R) is wrong.

(C) Both (A) and (R) are right, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(D) Both (A) and (R) are wrong. 

Answer: (B)

57. Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion (A) and other is labelled as Reason (R).

Assertion (A) : Hypokinetic diseases are increasing in the society.

Reason (R) : Health related careers in the realm of physical education have grown.

In the context of the statements, which one of the following is correct ?

Codes :

(A) Both (A) and (R) are right, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(B) Both (A) and (R) are right, but (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(C) Both (A) and (R) right.

(D) Both (A) and (R) wrong.

Answer: (C)

58. Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion (A) and other is labelled as Reason (R).

Assertion (A) : The curriculum of a school is the series of experiences through which pupils  go to gain, under the auspices of
that school.

Reason (R) : Curriculum requires to be updated frequently with drastic changes.

In the context of the two statements, which one of the following is correct ?

Codes :

(A) Both (A) and (R) are right, but (R) is not the right explanation of (A).

(B) Both (A) and (R) are right and (R) is the right explanation of (A).

(C) (A) is right, but (R) is wrong. 

(D) (A) is wrong, but (R) is right.

Answer: (C)

59. Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion (A) and other as Reason (R).

Assertion (A) : A teacher must undergo good physical education professional preparation programme to be a successful physical educator.

Reason (R) : A successful physical education teacher must be a good sportsperson.

In the context of two statements, which one of the following is correct ?

Codes :

(A) Both (A) and (R) are right, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(B) Both (A) and (R) are right and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(C) (A) is right, but (R) is wrong.

(D) (A) is wrong, but (R) is right.

Answer: (C)

60. Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion (A) and other as Reason (R).

Assertion (A) : The concept of simple analysis is variance is an extension of the independent t-test.

Reason (R) : Analysis of variance evaluates the null hypothesis between two or more group means.

In the context of above two statements, which one of the following is correct ?

Codes :

(A) (A) is right, but (R) is wrong.

(B) (A) is wrong, but (R) is right.

(C) Both (A) and (R) are right and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(D) Both (A) and (R) are right, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

Answer: (C)

61. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and other as Reason (R).

Assertion (A) : Flexion occurs in sagittal plane and around frontal axis.

Reason (R) : Frontal axis is perpendicular to sagittal plane.

In the context of above statements, which one of the following is correct ?

Codes :

(A) Both (A) and (R) are right, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(B) Both (A) and (R) are right, and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(C) (A) is right, but (R) is wrong.

(D) (A) is wrong, but (R) is correct.

Answer: (B)

62. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and other as Reason (R).

Assertion (A) : For a vertical jump one goes down at first from standing position.

Reason (R) : Going down from standing position increases degree of stability.

In the context of above statements, which one of the following is correct ?

Codes :

(A) Both (A) and (R) are right and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(B) (A) is right, but (R) is wrong.

(C) (A) is wrong, but (R) is right.

(D) Both (A) and (R) are right, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

Answer: (D)

63. Given below are two statements, one of which is labelled as Assertion (A) and other as Reason (R).

Assertion (A) : The adaptability processes occur only when the stimuli reach an intensity proportional to the individual’s
threshold capacity.

Reason (R) : A high volume of work without a minimal intensity does not facilitate organisms adaptation.

In the context of above statements, which one of the following is correct ?

Codes :

(A) (R) is right, but (A) is wrong.

(B) (A) is right, but (R) is wrong.

(C) Both (A) and (R) are right and (R) is the correct explanation of (A). 

(D) Both (A) and (R) are right, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

Answer: (C)

64. Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other one is Reason (R).

Assertion (A) : Lactate threshold, when expressed as a percentage of VO2 max is not a best determinant of an athlete’s

Reason (R) : In fact lactate threshold is that point in the Intensity of exercise where lactic acid accumulation above resting level

Which one of the following statement is correct ?

Codes :

(A) (A) is true and (R) is right explanation of (A).

(B) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

(C) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

(D) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not right explanation of (A).

Answer: (C)

65. Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other as Reason (R).

Assertion (A) : The oxygen dissociation curve is affected by the increase in temperature and hydrogen (H+) ion concentration
in the exercising muscle.

Reason (R) : This results in lesser unloading of oxygen in the exercising muscles.

Which of the following statement is correct ?

Codes : 

(A) (A) is true and (R) is right explanation of (A).

(B) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not right explanation of (A).

(C) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

(D) Both (A) and (R) are not true.

Answer: (C)

66. Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion (A) the other as Reason (R).

Assertion (A) : The distribution of blood in body parts depends upon the immediate needs of a specific tissue and of other
tissues as a whole.

Reason (R) : At rest under normal conditions, the liver and kidneys combined receives nearly 75% of the total blood supply.
Which of the following statement is correct ?

Codes :

(A) (A) is true and (R) is right explanation of (A).

(B) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not right explanation of (A).

(C) (A) is true and (R) is false.

(D) (A) is false and (R) is true.

Answer: (C)

67. Given below are two statements, one is Assertion (A) and the other one is Reason (R).

Assertion (A) : A test which is apparent in its aim of measurement is highly valid test.

Reason (R) : As it clearly specify the predictive value of the test. 

Find the correct answer from the following :

Codes :

(A) Both (A) and (R) are right and (R) is right explanation of (A).

(B) Both (A) and (R) are right, but (R) is not right explanation of (A).

(C) (A) is right and (R) is wrong.

(D) (R) is right and (A) is right explanation of (R).

Answer: (C)

68. Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion (A) the other is labelled as Reason (R).

Assertion (A) : Motivation is energizer, selector and director of your behaviour.

Reason (R) : Achievement situations, self-efficacy, precipitating event add to Psychological momentum.

In the context of two statements, which one of the following is correct ?

Codes :

(A) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not correct explanation of (A).

(B) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is a correct explanation of (A).

(C) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

Answer: (B)

69. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) the other as Reason (R).

Assertion (A) : Both psychological traits & states should be assessed in interactional approach to measure the personality of sports person.

Reason (R) : Situational specific measures predict behaviour more reliably.

In the context of two statements, which one of the following is correct ?

Codes :

(A) Both are right and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(B) Both are right, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(C) (A) is right, but (R) is wrong.

(D) (A) is wrong, but (R) is right.

Answer: (B)

70. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) the other as Reason (R).

Assertion (A) : A team has interaction among its member, especially as it relates to shared common goals and  interdependence of team members to support each other in pursuit of fulfilling these common goals.

Reason (R) : A group has a collective identity, a sense of shared purpose, a structured mode of communication, personal and or task interdependence and interpersonal attraction.

In the context of two statements, which one of the following is correct ?

Codes :

(A) Both are right and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(B) Both are right and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(C) (A) is right and (R) is wrong.

(D) (R) is right and (A) is wrong.

Answer: (A)

Read the following passage and answer the question Nos. 71 to 75.

Movement is integral to the human being. Every thing that people do, involves movement of some sort. Movement is thus a tool of life, the more efficiently a person moves, the more meaningful life is. Movement experience can be extremely beautiful, and a knowledge of movement will contribute to a richer appreciation of such experiences.

Program of movement education are structured on a problem-solving basis, leaving individuals free to relate to force time & space through their particular use of balance, leverage and technique. Movement educators believe that numerous activities have common elements, all of which are based on a comprehensive knowledge of movement fundamentals. The better the individual is able to perceive movement pattern, the more ease there will be in developing skills, since these skills will tend to develop as a concommitant of learning to move.

Movement education is an important aspect of physical education programs, particularly at the elementary school level. Movement education explores the science of movement and consists of an educational program designed to help young people become more aware of their bodies and teach them how to have better and more effective movement.

Movement education is individual exploration through individual exploration students are encouraged to find their own solutions to problems involving physical movement. Further more, this individual exploration is concerned with the natural movements of childhood. Children enjoy running, jumping, climbing, leaping and other physical movements, and they tend to
perform these movements of their own volition. Movement educators seek to capitalize on these natural movements of childhood as they guide the child through an individual exploration of the many variations of these movements.

Formal physical education programs tend to stress conformity to stylized patterns of movement. Movement educators believe that the child’s individualized patterns of movement can be reinforced and retained. Movement education program provide unlimited opportunities for children to explore the uses of their bodies for movement in ways that are creative and self-expressive.

71. Movement education explores the

I. Science of movement

II. Movement mechanics

III. Body awareness

IV. Quality of movement

Find the correct combination.

Codes :

(A) I & II

(B) III & IV

(C) I & III

(D) II & IV

Answer: (C)

72. Tick the correct answer. 

Programs of movement education are structured on the basis of

(A) Common elements

(B) Basic movements

(C) Problem solving

(D) Combination of movements

Answer: (C)

73. The better ability to perceive movement pattern helps in

(A) Imprasing learning

(B) Developing skills

(C) Developing motor coordination

(D) Developing balance.

Answer: (B)

74. Individual exploration is concerned with 

(A) Complex movement

(B) Problem solving

(C) Stylized patterns of movement

(D) Natural movements

Answer: (D)

75. Program of movement education are structured by making

I. use of balance

II. use of time

III. use of technique

IV. use of space

Find the correct combination.

Codes :

(A) I & II

(B) II & IV

(C) I & III

(D) III & IV

Answer: (C)

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