UGC NET Exam June 2014 Comparative Literature Paper-3 Question Paper With Answer Key


Paper – III

Note : This paper contains seventy five (75) objective type questions of two (2) marks each. All questions are compulsory.

1. Bride and Prejudice, a Bollywood-style adaptation of Pride and Prejudice released in 2004 and directed by

(A) Shekhar Kapoor

(B) Gurinder Chadha

(C) Deepa Mehta

(D) Mira Nair

Ans: (B)

2. The critic who held the view that “what we might call the epic, lyric and dramatic world-view actually had to occur in the particular succession indicated, determined by the ever greater development of individualism”, is _________

(A) Schlegel

(B) Staiger

(C) Schmidt

(D) Vesclovsky

Ans: (D)

3. In Tejaswini Niranjana’s work, what is the central intersection of translation studies and post colonial studies ?

(A) The concept of in-betweeness

(B) The hybrid use of the language of the coloniser and the colonised

(C) The articulation of gendered identities

(D) Power relations expressed through the image of the colonial subject

Ans: (D)

4. Which two of the following scholars saw the origin of Greek tragedy in terms of social and cultural evolution ?

I. Jane Harrison

II. A.W. Pickard-Cambridge

III. George Thomson

IV. H.D.F. Kitto

The correct combination according to the code is

(A) I and II are correct.

(B) II and IV are correct.

(C) I and III are correct.

(D) I and IV are correct.

Ans: (C)

5. Who among the following coined the term “White Mythology” ?

(A) Barthes

(B) Foucault

(C) Derrida

(D) Fanon

Ans: (C)

6. A number of pathbreaking Dalit writers work have been published since the 1970s and translated over the last decades. Two of them are named below :

I. Namdeo Dhasal

II. Bama

III. Rajendra Prasad Singh

IV. Jogendranath Mandal

The correct combination according to the code is

(A) I and IV are correct.

(B) I and II are correct.

(C) II and III are correct.

(D) II and IV are correct.

Ans: (B)

7. Who among the following poets has suggested that poetry is what gets lost in translation ?

(A) Mathew Arnold

(B) Charles Baudelaire

(C) Robert Frost

(D) R.N. Tagore

Ans: (C)

8. The critic who feels that “what we need to argue against is a universal geology that by the slieght of hegemony, may turn out to be European or Western genology” is

(A) Amiya Dev

(B) Nagendra

(C) Chellappan

(D) Sisir Kumar Das

Ans: (A)

9. Who among the following poets has written a number of poems about music ?

(A) Osip Mandelstam

(B) Peter Porter

(C) Dereh Walcott

(D) Seamus Heaney

Ans: (B)

10. Which of the following genres provides ample instances of productive use by women writers ?

(A) Tragedy

(B) Mock-heroic

(C) Autobiography

(D) Limeric

Ans: (C)

11. Translation, according to one of the following critics, “puts the original in motion to decanonize it, giving it movement of fragmentation, a wandering of errance, a kind of permanent exile.” Identify the critic.

(A) Paul de Man

(B) Jacques Derrida

(C) Susan Bassnett

(D) Walter Benjamin

Ans: (A)

12. New Literary History, the journal which contributed to a new practice of writing history was founded by

(A) Dominick La Capra

(B) Jonathan Arac

(C) Ralph Cohen

(D) Herbert Grabes

Ans: (C)

13. The mapping of modern Indian languages through Western theoretical framework was begun by

(A) Ramachandra Shukla

(B) William Jones

(C) George Grierson

(D) Max Muller

Ans: (C)

14. Who among the following has persistently raised questions regarding translation as a feminist practice ?

(A) Sherry Simon

(B) Carol Maier

(C) Julia Kristeva

(D) Gayatri Spivak

Ans: (A)

15. With regard to periodization in literary history, who among the following says that “we require the concept of a unified period in order to deny it, and thus make apparent the particularity, local difference, heterogeneity, fluctuation, discontinuity and strife that are now preferred categories for understanding any moment of the past” ?

(A) Asjorn Aarseth

(B) Lawrence Besserman

(C) David Perkins

(D) Frederic Jameson

Ans: (C)

16. The following scholars are associated with the polysystem theory :

Names of Scholars

I. Robert Estivals

II. Itamar Evan Zohar

III. Gidron Toury

IV. Niklas Luhmann

The correct combination according to the code is

(A) I and II are correct.

(B) II and IV are correct.

(C) II and III are correct.

(D) III and IV are correct.

Ans: (C)

17. The comparative literature discipline grew out of the age old tension between the conservatives and the progressives and the resultant dialectic of imitation and originality in

(A) France

(B) Germany

(C) Italy

(D) England

Ans: (A)

18. “The politics of Post-colonial Translation” is an essay by

(A) Harish Trivedi

(B) Ananda Lal

(C) C.J.V. Prasad

(D) Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak

Ans: (A)

19. The three-fold division of history carried over from the Europeanpolitical history into Indian literaryhistory is inadequate for Indian literary historiography because 

(A) it assumes the existence of feudalism disputed by many scholars

(B) it looks at “classical” languages only

(C) it assumes an excessive degree of temporal unity across India

(D) it ignores the Perso-Arabic tradition

Ans: (C)

20. Who among the following theorists has dwelt on the “ethnocentric violence of translation” ?

(A) Theo Hermans

(B) Lawrence Venuti

(C) Andre Lefevère

(D) Gideon Toury

Ans: (B)

21. In his prologue to A History of Indian Literature : 1800-1910, Sisir Kumar Das uses the term Sahitya by stressing its

(A) Sense of Literariness

(B) Sense of Communality

(C) Sense of Aesthetic pleasure

(D) Sense of Unity

Ans: (B)

22. The critic who condemned the whole enterprise of literary relations and influences as irremediably vitiated by an unreflecting positivism is

(A) Anna Balakian

(B) Van Tieghem

(C) Harry Levin

(D) René Wellek

Ans: (D)

23. One of the first important feminist studies of D.H. Lawrence’s work was carried out by

(A) Kate Millett in Sexual Politics

(B) Christopher Caudwell in Studies in a Dying culture

(C) Eva Figes in Tragedy and Social Evolution

(D) Juliet Mitchell in Woman’s Estate

Ans: (A)

24. ‘Little narratives’, according to Lyotard, 

(A) are self-legitimating

(B) follow scientific logic

(C) negate differences

(D) rule out the incommensurable

Ans: (A)

25. According to whom a period in literary history has been defined as “a time section dominated by a system of norms, whose introduction, spread and diversification, integration and disappearance can be traced” ?

(A) Harry Levin

(B) Jean Braisiere

(C) René Wellek

(D) Andre Jolles

Ans: (C)

26. The argument that in cross cultural literary transmission, the hospitable elements of the receiving culture are as
important as the elements of the ‘donor’ culture, has been made by

(A) Jauss

(B) De Zepetnek

(C) Durisin

(D) Iser

Ans: (C)

27. That there can be several literary analogies or parallels in which there has been no contact or direct influence has been pointed out by

(A) C.L. Wren

(B) V.M. Zhirmunsky

(C) J.R.R. Tolkien

(D) F. Schiller

Ans: (B)

28. Who among the Indian comparatists first stressed that the term Comparative Literature tended to ignore seventy percent of India’s population, who depended on orality ?

(A) Nabaneeta Dev Sen

(B) Chellappan

(C) Ayyappa Panikkar

(D) Swapan Majumdar

Ans: (A)

29. The Gothic novel influenced which of the following genres ?

(A) Cold War Thrillers

(B) Horror fiction

(C) Detective fiction

(D) Inspirational fiction

Ans: (B)

30. Among the following who was the Hindi poet with the greatest influence of Rabindranath on him ?

(A) Harivansh Rai Bachchan

(B) Maithili Sharan Gupt

(C) Suryakant Tripathi “Nirala”

(D) Ramdhari Singh Dinkar

Ans: (C)

31. “Comparative Literature : Where have we been, where are we now, where are we going, and do we want to go there” is a recent book on comparative literature by

(A) Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak

(B) Steven Sondrup

(C) Dorothy Figueira

(D) Haun Saussy

Ans: (C)

32. Julius K. Nyerere has translated the following plays of Shakespeare into Swahili/Kiswahili ________

I. Merchant of Venice

II. King Lear

III. Julius Caesar

IV. The Tempest

The correct combination according to the code is

(A) I and II are correct.

(B) I and IV are correct.

(C) I and III are correct.

(D) II and III are correct.

Ans: (C)

33. The first German adaptation of the legend of the Chalk circle was by

(A) Herder

(B) Klabund

(C) Brecht

(D) Mann

Ans: (B)

34. The Indian novelist teasingly described by William Walsh as ‘a wild-eyed Indian Joyce’ is ________.

(A) G.V. Desani

(B) Salman Rushdie

(C) Arvind Adiga

(D) Anita Desai

Ans: (A)

35. The locus classicus of the Renaissance theme of “love at first sight” is.

(A) Marlowe’s “Hero and Leander”

(B) Heliodorus’ Ethiopica

(C) Martorell’s Tirant lo Blanc

(D) Cervantes’s Don Quixote

Ans: (B)

36. Which of the two have written poems similar in theme and spirit ?

I. Vilvamangal

II. Jayadeva

III. Subramanya Bharati

IV. Chandidas

The right combination according to the code is

(A) II and III are correct.

(B) II and IV are correct.

(C) III and IV are correct.

(D) I and II are correct.

Ans: (D)

37. A play on Irom Sharmila has been written by

(A) Civic Chandran

(B) Varvara Rao

(C) Mohan Rakesh

(D) Vijay Tendulkar

Ans: (A)

38. The progressive writers’ movement had its origins in the publication

(A) Kallol in Bangla

(B) Angare in Urdu

(C) Saraswati in Hindi

(D) Parimal in Hindi

Ans: (B)

39. In his The Transposed Heads, Thomas Mann borrows his theme from

(A) Hayavadana

(B) Aesop’s Fables

(C) Kathasarit Sagar

(D) Charandas Chor

Ans: (C)

40. Who among the following poets has translated a selection of poems by Tukaram ?

(A) A.K. Ramanujan

(B) Dilip Chitre

(C) Saleem Peeradina

(D) Arun Kolatkar

Ans: (B)

41. The term ‘Repressive State Apparatus’ was coined by

(A) Theodor Adorno

(B) Walter Benjamin

(C) Louis Althusser

(D) Mikhail Bakhtin

Ans: (C)

42. Who among the following wrote medieval Hindi couplets ?

(A) Mirza Ghalib

(B) Maithili Sharan Gupt

(C) Abdur Rahim Khan-i-Khana

(D) Deenakrushna Das

Ans: (C)

43. Who is the principal editor of the first journal in the discipline of Comparative Literature ?

(A) Wellek and Warren

(B) Posnett

(C) Hugo Meltzl

(D) Bandes

Ans: (C)

44. According to A.K. Ramanujan’s challenging essay “Three Hundred Ramayanas”, what aspect of the various texts based on the Ramayana did the translator/critic find as the most striking trait ?

(A) Retelling

(B) Revision

(C) Adaptation

(D) Translation

Ans: (A)

45. Which of the following is NOT true of the cultural studies approach ?

(A) It works to ‘demystify’ the text.

(B) It is concerned with the cultural formation of reader’s identities.

(C) It tends to focus on the formal aspects of the text.

(D) It classifies literature in terms of ‘representative’ writing.

Ans: (C)

46. D.R. Bendre of Kannada Literature was profoundly influenced by

(A) Sivaram Karanth

(B) Masti Venkatesa Iyegar

(C) Bankimchandra Chattopadhyay

(D) Rabindranath Tagore

Ans: (D)

47. The centre for contemporary cultural studies was set up within the English Dept. at

(A) Manchester University

(B) University of Edinburg

(C) Birmingham University

(D) University of East Anglia

Ans: (C)

48. In theorising the bases of Comparative Literature as a discipline in India, who among the following uses the notion of “differential monologue” ?

(A) Gurbhagat Singh

(B) Amiya Dev

(C) Sisir Kumar Das

(D) Jaidev

Ans: (A)

49. Which of the following texts introduces the notion of gender as performance ?

(A) The Second Sex

(B) Imperial Leather

(C) Gender Trouble

(D) Sexual Politics

Ans: (C)

50. The Italian scholar who produced a critique of thematology was

(A) Labriola

(B) Gramsci

(C) Croce

(D) D’Annunzio

Ans: (C)

51. Identify the theorist with whom the critical term “hegemony” is associated.

(A) Adorno

(B) Gramsci

(C) Habermas

(D) Weber

Ans: (B)

52. From Frenzel’s and Trousson’s treatment of themes and motifs, it can be argued that

(A) themes and motifs are identical

(B) motifs relate to situations, while themes relate to characters.

(C) motifs reach levels of abstraction not found in themes.

(D) motifs are far more numerous than themes.

Ans: (B)

53. For Foucault, discourse regulates not only what can be said under determinate social and cultural conditions, but also

(A) the spiritual outlook of the human agent

(B) the limit of human sexuality

(C) who can speak, when and where

(D) who can act in the circuit of power

Ans: (C)

54. Thematology had historically been considered a German preserve primarily because

(A) the terms of analysis had a German origin

(B) it was sustained due to the German folklore mania 

(C) the influence of Goethe

(D) none of the above

Ans: (B)

55. The author of Vyaktiviveka is

(A) Mahimabhatta

(B) Anandavardhana

(C) Kuntaka

(D) Bhartrhari

Ans: (A)

56. Which scholar, among the following, gave an important lecture in 1882 entitled “What is a Nation” ?

(A) Herder

(B) Renan

(C) Croce

(D) Kant

Ans: (B)

57. A type of extended allusion or metaphor used in classical Tamil poetry called ullurai means

(A) Extended meaning

(B) Inner meaning

(C) Referential meaning

(D) Symbolic meaning

Ans: (B)

58. The book “Tableau de la Littérature an moyen age en France, en Italic, en Espagne et en Angle terre” published
in 1830, was written by

(A) Francois Villemain

(B) Jean Jacques Ampere

(C) Claudio Guillen

(D) Paul Van Tieghen

Ans: (A)

59. Among the obstacles to the realisation of rasa Abhinava Gupta mentions :

I. The look of verisimilitude

II. The experience-participant’s personal attachment to emotions.

III. A highly ornate style.

IV. The use of exotic conventions. 

The right combination according to the code is

(A) I and III are correct.

(B) II and III are correct.

(C) I and II are correct.

(D) II and IV are correct.

Ans: (C)

60. Among these thematological items, which one can be used to analyse recreation / re-telling of a text ?

(A) Kernmotiv

(B) Situation

(C) Stoff

(D) Heroic theme

Ans: (D)

61. This critic has studied what she calls “contact zones” areas which allow the intermingling of two or more cultures, “Social spaces where cultures meet, clash and grapple with each other, often in contexts of highly asymmetrical relations of power”, Identify the critic from the following list :

(A) Homi Bhabha

(B) Anis Bawarshi

(C) Mary Louise Pratt

(D) Walter Mignolo

Ans: (C)

62. In its initial institutional phase, the American perspective on Comparative Literature was based on

(A) Linguistic criteria

(B) Manifest destiny

(C) Inter disciplinarity

(D) Politicised readings

Ans: (C)

63. Match the following :

Ans: (B)

64. The theme of fertility based on religious cult has been used in two historical romances :

I. Mary Renault, The King Must Die

II. Marion Zimmer Bradley, The Mists of Avalon

III. Mary Renault, Funeral Games

IV. Conn Iggulden, Empire of Silver 

The correct combination according to the code is

(A) I and II are correct.

(B) III and IV are correct.

(C) I and III are correct.

(D) II and IV are correct.

Ans: (A)

65. Who turned the Siegfried Myth into a multi-part Opera ?

(A) Brahms

(B) Strauss

(C) Wagner

(D) Tchaikovsky

Ans: (C)

66. Eric Auerbach has borrowed his epigraph to Mimesis from

(A) Homer

(B) Cervantes

(C) Montaigne

(D) Marvell

Ans: (D)

67. Tagore’s story “Na. s .tanid” was filmed by

(A) Satyajit Ray

(B) Tapan Sinha

(C) Gautam Ghosh

(D) Hrisikesh Mukherjee

Ans: (A)

68. Who among the following scholars has run down thematology in the field of Comparative Literature ?

(A) Susan Bassnett

(B) Fernand Baldensperger

(C) S.S. Prawar

(D) Claudio Guillen

Ans: (B)

69. Mahasweta Devi’s story ‘Draupadi’ has been set as play in which province of India ?

(A) West Bengal

(B) Gujarat

(C) Odissa

(D) Manipur

Ans: (D)

70. The term ‘thematology’ was coined by

(A) Harry Levin

(B) Bernedetto Croce

(C) Van Tieghem

(D) Baldensperger

Ans: (A)

71. Dialogic heteroglossia is best described as the 

(A) Singularity of discourse in literary theory

(B) Essential relatively of authorto- reader communication

(C) Multiplicity of voices in a literary genre

(D) Epistemological question of dialogic truth

Ans: (B)

72. Of the following, which one is a purely political play ?

(A) Abhij~nanasakuntalam

(B) M.rcchaka. tika

(C) Mudrarak. shasa

(D) Ratnavali

Ans: (C)

73. In his Republic, Plato makes it explicit that

(A) he accepts painting as a source of knowledge

(B) he accepts poetry as a source of knowledge

(C) he accepts both painting and poetry as providing access to truth.

(D) he accepts neither painting nor poetry as a source of knowledge

Ans: (D)

74. Which of the following texts sets out to connect the comparative with the postcolonial studies ?

(A) Grounds of Comparison 

(B) All the Difference in the world

(C) Death of a Discipline

(D) Modes of Comparison

Ans: (B)

75. Laura Mulvey’s main argument in “Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema” is

(A) Hollywood narrative films use women in order to provide a pleasurable visual experience for men.

(B) Hollywood narrative films challenge the ideological assumptions of the viewers leading to surprise and pleasure.

(C) Hollywood narrative films transcend the limits of the visual imagination the generate pleasure.

(D) Hollywood narrative films are structured around images of women resisting the male gaze.

Ans: (A)

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