UGC NET Exam December 2014 Linguistics Paper-2 Question Paper With Answer Key


Paper – II

Note : This paper contains fifty (50) objective type questions of two (2) marks each. All questions are compulsory.

1. Arbitrariness as a feature of language means that

(A) Words are mixed randomly in communication.

(B) The meanings of words changes frequently.

(C) There is no necessary connection between the form of a word and its meaning.

(D) There is an inherent connection between words and their meanings.

Ans: (C)

2. In the sentence ‘somebody stole my folder’, ‘somebody’ is a

(A) Common noun

(B) Proper noun

(C) Indefinite pronoun

(D) Demonstrative pronoun

Ans: (C)

3. In which function of communication ‘Addresser’ is the target factor ?

(A) Referential

(B) Emotive

(C) Conative

(D) Metalingual

Ans: (B)

4. Vakyapadiya has been authored by

(A) Yask

(B) Patanjali

(C) Nagesha

(D) Bhartrihari

Ans: (D)

5. Assertion (i) : In the sentence ‘My friend baked the cake’, the word ‘the’ is a definite article.

Assertion (ii) : The words ‘a’, ‘an’ and ‘the’ are examples of content words.

Codes :

(A) Both (i) and (ii) are true.

(B) (i) is true, but (ii) is false.

(C) (i) is false, but (ii) is true.

(D) Both (i) and (ii) are false.

Ans: (B)

6. The famous claim ;

‘The Sanskrit language, whatever be its antiquity, is of a wonder structure; more perfect than Greek, more copious than the Latin, and mere delicately refined than either…… was made by

(A) Leonard Bloom field

(B) Roy Harris

(C) William Jones

(D) Edward Sapir

Ans: (C)

7. The terms ‘stress’, ‘pitch’ and ‘intonation’ are called

(A) Segmental features

(B) Suprasegmental features

(C) Distinctive features

(D) Extra-linguistic features

Ans: (B)

8. Assertion (i) : An alternate sign language is the first language of a group that does not have access to spoken language.

Assertion (ii) : A primary sign language is a system of gestures for use in certain contexts where speech cannot be used, and is developed by people who use speech in normal circumstances.

Codes :

(A) Both (i) and (ii) are false.

(B) Both (i) and (ii) are true.

(C) (i) is false, but (ii) is true.

(D) (ii) is false, but (i) is true.

Ans: (A)

9. The following languages are written in the Devanagari script.

(A) Hindi, Sanskrit, Khasi

(B) Hindi, Brahmi, Pashto.

(C) Hindi, Pali, Manipuri.

(D) Hindi, Sanskrit, Dogri.

Ans: (D)

10. The English phonemes /f/ and /z/ differ in the following aspect/s.

(A) Place of articulation

(B) Manner of articulation

(C) Manner of articulation and voicing

(D) Place of articulation and voicing

Ans: (D)

11. During the process of Nasalization ______

(A) The air is fully released through the nasal passage.

(B) The air is released through both the nasal passage and oral passage.

(C) The air is partially released through the mouth.

(D) The air is partially released through the nasal passage.

Ans: (B)

12. Pick out the odd set off words from among the following :

(A) front; back

(B) aspirated; unaspirated

(C) rounded; unrounded

(D) low; high

Ans: (B)

13. The words ‘house’ and ‘mouse’ can be referred to as

(A) Minimal pair

(B) Homophones

(C) Disyllabic words

(D) Allophones

Ans: (A)

14. /r/ and /l/ are two independent phonemes in a language but in a few contexts e.g. /di:va:r/, /di:va:l/ the two items occur in free variation. How will you account for this process ?

(A) Merger

(B) Convergence

(C) Neutralization

(D) Coalesce

Ans: (C)

15. Morphological typology refers to the ‘classification’ languages on the basis of

(i) the nature and function of morphemes used in the languages.

(ii) polysynthetic languages give hard time to the morphologists for the concatenation of morphemes.

(iii) Isolating languages show abundant use of bound morphemes.

(iv) Inflectional languages use plenty of portmanteau morphemes.

Codes :

(A) Only (i) and (iv) are correct.

(B) Only (iii) and (iv) are correct.

(C) (i), (ii) and (iv) are correct.

(D) Only (i) and (ii) are correct.

Ans: (C)

16. Match the following :

Ans: (D)

17. Match the items in List – I with those in List – II. Then choose the correct answer from the codes :

Ans: (D)

18. Assertion (i) : Base in morphology accepts ‘derivational marker’ while ‘stem’ can take ‘inflectional marker’.

Assertion (ii) : Once the inflectional marker is added to a morpheme, no further derivation of that morpheme is possible.

Codes :

(A) Only (i) is true, (ii) is false.

(B) Only (ii) is true, (i) is false.

(C) Both (i) and (ii) are true.

(D) Both (i) and (ii) are false.

Ans: (C)

19. The sound variants which are within the one set and so are not mutually contrastive are regarded as

(A) archiphonemes

(B) allophones

(C) antiphonemes

(D) None of the above

Ans: (B)

20. The aspects model is related to

(A) Standard Theory

(B) Extended Standard Theory

(C) Revised Extended Standard Theory

(D) Government and Binding

Ans: (A)

21. Match the items from List-I with List-II and select the correct items from the codes given below :

Ans: (D)

22. According to G-B theory, the case-assigner categories are

(i) INFL

(ii) Verb

(iii) Noun

(iv) Preposition

Codes :

(A) Both (i) and (iv)

(B) Only (iii)

(C) (i), (ii) and (iv)

(D) (iv), (iii) and (i)

Ans: (C)

23. A di-transitive verb as per the subcategorization rule/principle has following number of arguments(s) :

(A) One argument

(B) Zero argument

(C) Two arguments

(D) Three arguments

Ans: (C)

24. Transformations convert

(A) Surface structure to Deep Structure

(B) Deep Structure to Surface Structure

(C) Both from Deep to surface Structure and from Surface Structure to Deep Structure.

(D) Neither from Deep to Surface Structure and nor from Surface to Deep Structure.

Ans: (B)

25. Match the items in the List-I with those of List-II

Ans: (A)

26. Which of the following is an example of relative opposition ?

(A) Tenant – Landlord

(B) Animal – Lion

(C) Smoker – Non-smoker

(D) Alive – Dead

Ans: (A)

27. Relation between a pair of propositions such that the truth of the second proposition necessarily follows from the truth of the first.

(A) Presupposition

(B) Entailment

(C) Focus

(D) Projection

Ans: (B)

28. Match the linguistic expressions from List-I and the functions of these expression in List-II.

Ans: (C)

29. Which of the following is not a test to distinguish presupposition from assertion, implicature, maxims of conversation and speech acts

(A) Negation test

(B) Variation of speech act test

(C) Tensed sentence test

(D) Conjunction test with ‘and’

Ans: (C)

30. In sound changes, the term ‘syncope’ refers to

(A) the deletion of a vowel/consonant from the interior of a word.

(B) the addition of a vowel in the beginning of a word.

(C) the deletion of a vowel from the initial position of a word.

(D) the deletion of a vowel at the end of the word.

Ans: (A)

31. Assertion (i) : In a process of sound change ‘Lenition’ refers to weakening of a sound to its original counterpart.

Reason (ii) : A process of sound change in which ‘stops’ and ‘affricates’ change to fricatives is also sound weakening.

Codes :

(A) Only (i) is true, (ii) is false.

(B) Only (ii) is true, (i) is false.

(C) Both (i) and (ii) are true.

(D) Both (i) and (ii) are false.

Ans: (C)

32. Panini authored

(A) Mahabhasya

(B) Ash adhyayi

(C) Nagesa

(D) Patanjali

Ans: (B)

33. ‘Case syncretism’ refers to a process in which

(A) One case-marker changes to other.

(B) Two or more cases merge to one form.

(C) Semantics of cases are altered.

(D) Morphological cases are deleted.

Ans: (B)

34. Assertion (i) : Passive construction facilitates as to hide the action done by the agent.

Reason (ii) : Most Newspaper headlines are in passive-forms precisely due to the reason.

Codes :

(A) Both (i) & (ii) are false.

(B) Both (i) & (ii) are true.

(C) Only (i) is true, (ii) is false.

(D) Only (ii) is true, (i) is false.

Ans: (B)

35. Assertion (i) : A cognate is a word in a language that has a similar form with another language and is (was) used with similar meaning.

Reason (ii) : In most Indian languages words such as ‘bus’ ‘station’ ‘platform’ etc. from English language are cognates.

Codes :

(A) Both (i) & (ii) are true.

(B) Only (ii) is true, (i) is false.

(C) Only (i) is true, (ii) is false.

(D) Both (i) and (ii) are false.

Ans: (C)

36. The compound verbs in South Asian languages demand that

(i) there has to be minimum two verbs.

(ii) both V1 and V2 can be tense-inflected.

(iii) the meaning of V1 should be the meaning of compound verb.

(iv) only V2 takes the inflectional markers.

(A) all the above are true.

(B) only (i) and (ii) are true.

(C) (i), (iii) and (iv) are true.

(D) (i), (ii) and (iv) are false.

Ans: (C)

37. The term CALQUE refers to

(A) Borrowing Money

(B) Lending

(C) Loan shift

(D) Loan translation

Ans: (D)

38. ‘Ergativity’, where the subject of intransitive verb is case marked in similar way to the direct object and differently from the subject of transitive verb was proposed by

(A) R. Dixon

(B) M. Emaneau

(C) C.A. Ferguson

(D) L. BloomField

Ans: (A)

39. Assertion (i) : A ‘Register’ is illustrative of ‘use’ oriented variation in language.

Assertion (ii) : The use of a ‘register’ depends on the context of use, the topic, as well as the field.

Codes :

(A) Both (i) and (ii) are true.

(B) Both (i) and (ii) are false.

(C) (i) is true, but (ii) is false.

(D) (i) is false, but (ii) is true.

Ans: (A)

40. A basilect is best defined as

(A) a highly conservative version of Creole.

(B) a variety of language used by baseball players.

(C) the base form of a language.

(D) a variety of language used by a particular religion.

Ans: (A)

41. According to the structuralist, which of the following is not true with regard to child language acquisition ?

(A) Language is a result of conditioning.

(B) The mind of an infant is a tabula rasa.

(C) Children have an innate capacity to acquire a language.

(D) Language is acquired through imitation.

Ans: (C)

42. The study with its field concerned with acquired disorders of language associated with neurological damage is

(A) speech pathology

(B) Neuro linguistics

(C) Aphasiology

(D) None of the above

Ans: (C)

43. ‘Diglossia’ is a term used to refer to the use of the following varieties of a language :

(A) High and Low

(B) Dialect and Idiolect

(C) Spoken variety and written variety

(D) Living variety and Extinct variety

Ans: (A)

44. Assertion (i) : Linguistic variation that is due to the context or topic is called stylistic variation.

Assertion (ii) : Linguistic variation that is due to the age and gender of the speaker is called Interactionally determined variation.

Codes :

(A) Only (i) is correct.

(B) Both (i) and (ii) are correct.

(C) (i) is correct, but (ii) is incorrect.

(D) (i) is incorrect, but (ii) is correct.

Ans: (A & C)

45. The term ‘inter language’ refers to a variety of language :

(A) used by adolescents for in-group communication.

(B) used by infants before they begin to use complete sentences.

(C) used by tourists for international communication.

(D) used by speakers at an intermediate stage of language learning.

Ans: (D)

46. Identify the correct sequence of Child Language Acquisition, from the given choices :

1. Babbling

2. Holophrastic stage

3. Cooing

4. Two word stage

Codes :

(A) 3, 1, 2, 4

(B) 1, 3, 2, 4

(C) 2, 3, 4, 1

(D) 4, 2, 1, 3

Ans: (A)

47. Which language teaching method ended up ‘teaching about the language’ instead of ‘teaching the language” ?

(A) Grammar Translation method

(B) Direct method

(C) Audio Lingual method

(D) Suggestopedia

Ans: (A)

48. Dyslexia is reportedly rare among learners of a language in which there is one to one correspondence between a sound and a letter.

(A) True

(B) False

(C) Open-ended

(D) To be verified

Ans: (A)

49. Parsing is meant to identify ______ in a sentence.

(A) clauses

(B) phrases

(C) lexemes

(D) idioms

Ans: (B)

50. Match the following :

Ans: (A)

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