UGC NET Exam December 2014 Philosophy Paper-3 Question Paper With Answer Key


Paper – III

Note : This paper contains seventy five (75) objective type questions of two (2) marks each. All questions are compulsory.

1. By what sannikar a do we perceive all the members of a class according to the Nyaya ?

(A) Visesanata

(B) Yogaja

(C) Samyoga

(D) Samanyalaksana

Ans: (D)

2. Select the code that states the dravyas which are neither bhuta nor murta according to the Vaisesikas :

(A) Akasa, Kala, Dik

(B) Kala, Dik, Atman

(C) Dik, Atman and Manas

(D) Akasa, Atman, Kala

Ans: (B)

3. Which one among the following is not a nityadravya in Vaisesika metaphysics ?

(A) Paramanu

(B) Dvyanuka

(C) Kala

(D) Manas

Ans: (B)

4. Consider Set – I and Set – II and select the code correctly matched following Vaisesika

Ans: (B)

5. Select the relation through which Brahman is related to cit and acit according to Ramanuja.

(A) Tadatmya

(B) Samavaya

(C) Svarupa

(D) Aprthaksiddhi

Ans: (D)

6. Consider the following Assertion (A) and Reason (R) and select the correct code :

Assertion (A) : Tryanuka must have parts (dvyanuka)

Reason (R) : Whatever is visible must have parts viz. a pot.

Codes :

(A) (A) is true, but (R) is not and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(B) (A) is true, but (R) is not and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(C) (A) and (R) both are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(D) (A) and (R) both are true and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

Ans: (C)

7. Which of the following are acceptable to Aristotle ?

(a) Different types of living beings have different types of soul.

(b) Soul is the form of a living body.

(c) The soul can exist apart from the body.

(d) The rational part of the soul is not fully developed in some human beings.

Codes :

(A) (a) and (b)

(B) (b) and (c)

(C) (a), (b) and

(c) (D) (a), (b) and (d)

Ans: (D)

8. ‘No two substances can resemble each other entirely’ is supported by

(A) Leibnitz only

(B) Spinoza only

(C) Leibnitz and Descartes

(D) Leibnitz and Spinoza

Ans: (D)

9. ‘Personal identity consists in the sameness of consciousness’ is the view supported by

(A) Descartes

(B) Berkeley

(C) Kant

(D) Locke

Ans: (D)

10. Match List – I with List – II and choose the correct answer with the help of codes given below :

Ans: (C)

11. Which one of the following is not acceptable to Kant ?

(A) Space and Time are a priori.

(B) Space and Time are not general concepts.

(C) Space and Time are transcendentally ideal.

(D) Space and Time are not empirically real.

Ans: (D)

12. Anvitabhidhanavada is related to

(A) Kumarila

(B) Prabhakara

(C) Jaimini

D) Gautam

Ans: (B)

13. The theory of error accepted by Kumarila is

(A) Satkhyati

(B) Asatkhyati

(C) Atmakhyati

(D) Anyathakhyati


14. According to Advaita Vedanta, when we perceive snake in a rope, then

(A) the snake is unreal.

(B) the snake is real.

(C) the snake is neither real nor unreal.

(D) none of the above.

Ans: (C)

15. Match List – I with List – II and select your answer from the codes given below :

Ans: (B)

16. Perceptual knowledge is that which is not preceded by some other knowledge. This view is accepted by

(A) Mimamsakas

(B) Naiyayikas

(C) Jains

(D) Grammarians

Ans: (B)

17. According to Nyaya illusion is based on one of the following kinds of perception :

(A) Samanyalaksana

(B) Jñanalaksana

(C) Yogaja

(D) Nirvikalpaka

Ans: (B)

18. According to Locke knowledge consists in

(A) Agreement between ideas

(B) Disagreement between ideas

(C) Perception of agreement or disagreement between ideas and objects

(D) Perception of agreement or disagreement between ideas

Ans: (D)

19. Match List – I with List – II and choose the correct answer with the help of codes given below :

Ans: (B)

20. Select the correct option by considering Assertion (A) and Reason (R) given below :

Assertion (A) : Quine rejects radical reductionism of empiricists.

Reason (R) : Our statements about the external world face the tribunal of sense experience as a collective body.

Codes :

(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(B) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(C) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true

Ans: (A)

21. ‘Empiricists are like ants; they collect and put to use; but rationalists like spiders, spin threads out of themselves’ was said by

(A) Locke

(B) Bacon

(C) Berkeley

(D) Ayer

Ans: (B)

22. Which one of the following is acceptable to both Descartes and Locke ?

(A) We know the objects directly through perception.

(B) Memory is the criterion of personal identity.

(C) Intuition and demonstration give us certain knowledge.

(D) Existence of God follows from the very idea of God.


23. “Pratyakma kalpanapodam namajatyadyasamyuta ” this definition of Pratyak a is given by

(A) Dharmakirti

(B) Dinnaga

(C) Vasubandhu

(D) Ratnakirti

Ans: (B)

24. Consider the Assertion (A) and the Reason (R) and select the correct code as given below in the context of Nyaya Epistemology.

Assertion (A) : Sound is eternal.

Reason (R) : Sound is audible.

Codes :

(A) (A) is true, but (R) is false and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(B) (A) and (R) both are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(C) (A) and (R) both are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(D) (A) is false and (R) is false, but (R) is the correct explanation of (A).


25. “All things are eternal because they are knowable” – this argument commits the fallacy of

(A) Asadharana savyabhicara

(B) Asrayasiddha

(C) Badhita

(D) Anupasamsavyabhicara

Ans: (D)

26. Select the correct sequence :

A) Pratijña, hetu, upanaya, udaharana

(B) Pratijña, hetu, nigamana, upanaya

(C) Pratijña, hetu, udaharana, upanaya

(D) Hetu, udaharana, pratijña, nigamana

Ans: (C)

27. According to Buddhists avinabhava sambandha is based on

(A) Tadatmaya, Karanata, Nisedha

(B) Tadatmaya, Niyat Sahcarya, Nisedha

(C) Karanata, Nisedha, Niyat Sahcarya

(D) Nisedha, Niyat Sahcarya, Karanata

Ans: (A)

28. According to the Buddhists which option states about the kinds of perception ?

(A) Indriyavijñana, Manovijñana, Samanyalaksana, Yogijñana

(B) Manovijñana, Sva-Samvedana, Indriyavijñana, Jñanalaksana

(C) Sva-Samvedana, Manovijñana, Yogijñana, Jñanalaksana

(D) Indriyavijñana, Manovijñana, Sva-Samvedana, Yogijñana

Ans: (D)

29. Loka Samgraha means

(A) Actions for the benefit of the liberated souls.

(B) Actions for the benefit of humanity.

(C) Actions for attaining liberation.

(D) None of the above.

Ans: (B)

30. Consider Assertion (A) and Reason (R) in the context of Gita and mark the correct code : 

Assertion (A) : One should follow Swadharma

Reason (R) : This produces happiness.

Codes :

(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(B) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(C) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

(D) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

Ans: (B)

31. Match the List – I with List – II and choose correct answer from the code given below

Ans: (B)

32. Which one of the following is known as ‘Trsarana’ according to Bauddhism ?

(A) Darsana, ñana, Caritra

(B) Maitri, Karuna, Mudita

(C) Sravana, Manana, Nididhyasana

(D) Buddha, Dhamma, Sangha

Ans: (D)

33. Bhagavadgita has been consider as the most important work due to

(A) Harmonious philosophy of life.

(B) Synthesis of Action, Devotion and knowledge.

(C) Moral teaching

(D) All of the above

Ans: (D)

34. Which one is the correct sequence of the following ?

(A) Ksipta, Viksipta, Mudha

(B) Ksipta, Mudha, Vik ipta

(C) Ksipta, Viksipta, Ekagra

(D) Viksipta, Mudha, Ekagra

Ans: (B)

35. Which one of the following holds that ‘The Political powers are the highest court of appeal in the matters of morality’ ?

(A) Spencer

(B) Mill

(C) Kant

(D) Hobbes

Ans: (D)

36. Match the List – I with List – II and choose correct answer from the code given below :

Ans: (C)

37. Which one among the following holds that ‘Man is the measure of all things’ ?

(A) Zeno

(B) Protagoras

(C) Aristotle

(D) Plato

Ans: (B)

38. Which one of the following distinguishes Indian ethics from Western ethics ?

(A) The concept of Purusartha

(B) The concept of Varna and Asrama

(C) The concept of non-violence

(D) The concept of reward and punishment


39. ‘Consequence of action is the basis of moral Judgment.’ Which one of the following holds this view ?

(A) Hedonist

(B) Intuitionist

(C) Rigorist

(D) Idealist

Ans: (A)

40. Which one of the following thinkers has considered Justice to be as a ‘Cordinal Virtue’ ?

(A) Sophist

(B) Aristippus

(C) Bentham

(D) Plato

Ans: (D)

41. Match the List – I with List – II and choose correct answer from the codes given below :

Ans: (C)

42. Match List – I with List – II and choose the correct answer with the help of codes given below :

Ans: (A)

43. Match List – I with List – II with regard to Human Rights Conventions and mark the correct code.

Ans: (B)

44. Who among the following did not criticise the concept of human rights in one form or the other ?

(A) Friedrich Nietzshe

(B) Edmund Burke

(C) Jeremy Bentham

(D) None of the above

Ans: (D)

45. The popular slogan of Carol Hanisch “The personal is political” is often understood to be synonymous with

(A) First wave feminism

(B) Third wave feminism

(C) Post feminism

(D) Second wave feminism

Ans: (D)

46. If the major premise in the first figure is an I proposition then the fallacy is known as

(A) Undistributed Middle or Illicit Major

(B) Illicit Major or Illicit Minor

(C) Fallacy of four terms or Undistributed Middle

(D) Illicit Minor or Undistributed Middle

Ans: (A)

47. Inductive generalization is based

(A) only upon experience

(B) only upon generalization

(C) only upon uniformity of nature

(D) upon all stated above

Ans: (D)

48. Which one is not a rule of inference ?

(A) Modus Ponens

(B) Commutation

(C) Simplification

(D) Addition

Ans: (B)

49. Match List – I with List – II and mark the correct option as given below :

Ans: (A)

50. The denotation of a term is

(A) Its extension

(B) Its quality

(C) Both of these

(D) None of these

Ans: (A)

51. Which one of the following options is a suggestion of a deductive argument ?

(A) It cannot be that premises are true, but conclusion is false.

(B) It can be that the premises are not in accordance with the conclusion.

(C) Such arguments are neither valid nor invalid

(D) None of the above

Ans: (A)

52. Mark the option which is not correct.

(A) In a truth functional statement if antecedent and consequent both are true, the statement is true.

(B) In a truth functional statement if antecedent is true and consequent is false, the statement is true.

(C) In a truth functional statement if the antecedent and consequent both are false, then the statement is true.

(D) In a truth functional statement if the antecedent is true and consequent is false, the statement is false.

Ans: (B)

53. If A and B are true, but X and Y are false, then which one of the following statements (options) is true ?

(A) ~ A ∨ (X · Y)

(B) (A · X)

(C) Both of these as stated above

(D) None of these as stated above

Ans: (B)

54. Check the given arguments and mark the correct option :

Codes :

(A) Both the arguments I and II are valid.

(B) Both the arguments I and II are invalid.

(C) Argument I is valid, but Argument II is invalid.

(D) Argument I is invalid, but Argument II is valid.


55. Which one of the given codes are correct in the context of given arguments ?

Codes :

(A) Both the arguments are valid.

(B) Both the arguments are invalid.

(C) Argument I is valid, but argument II is invalid.

(D) Argument I is invalid, but argument II is valid.

Ans: (C)

56. Mark the option which is not correct.

(A) An affermative singular proposition asserts that a particular individual has some specified attribute.

(B) Quantification do not alter the rules of inference.

(C) A valid syllogism is a formally valid argument, valid by the virtue of its content.

(D) ‘p · q ⊃ m ∨ r’ is a contingent statement.

Ans: (C)

57. The doctrine ‘God within man’ is accepted by

(A) Ramanuja and Kabir

(B) Kabir and Guru Nanak

(C) Guru Nanak and Ramakrishna

(D) All of the above

Ans: (D)

58. Read following options and select the correct sequence of dependent origination as per Buddhism.

(A) Samskara, Vijñana, Nama-rupa, Sadayatana, Sparsa

(B) Samskara, Sparsa, Nama-rupa, Vijñana, Sadayatana

(C) Samskara, Vijñana, Nama-rupa, Sparsa, Sadayatana

(D) Sparsa, Sa skara, Vijñana, Nama-rupa, Sadayatana

Ans: (A)

59. Following are the names of Ten Gurus of Sikhism. Select the option having correct sequence of Gurus from 1st to 10th :

(A) Guru Nanak, Guru Angad, Guru Amar Das, Guru Ram Das, Guru Hargobind, Guru Arjan Dev, Guru Hari Rai, Guru Hari Krishan, Guru Teg Bahadur, Guru Gobind Singh.

(B) Guru Nanak, Guru Angad, Guru Amar Das, Guru Ram Das, Guru Arjan Dev, Guru Hargobind, Guru Hari Rai, Guru Hari Krishnan, Guru Teg Bahadur, Guru Gobind Singh.

(C) Guru Nanak, Guru Angad, Guru Ram Das, Guru Amar Das, Guru Hargobind, Guru Arjan Dev, Guru Hari Rai, Guru Hari Krishan, Guru Teg Bahadur, Guru Gobind Singh.

(D) Guru Nanak, Guru Angad, Guru Amar Das, Guru Ram Das, Guru Arjan Dev, Guru Hargobind, Guru Hari Krishan, Guru Hari Rai, Guru Teg Bahadur, Guru Gobind Singh.

Ans: (B)

60. Who among the following holds the view that the concept of a person is ‘primitive’ ?

(A) Descartes

(B) Ayer

(C) Austin

(D) Strawson

Ans: (D)

61. Consider the following statements with regard to John Dewey and mark the correct code :

(a) Dewey criticised Cartesian notion of self.

(b) Dewey argued that self is a product of social practices.

(c) Dewey’s work ‘pragmatism’ is the foundation for pragmatist philosophy.

Codes :

(A) Only (a) is true.

(B) Only (b) is true.

(C) (a), (b) and (c) are true.

(D) Only (a) and (b) are true.

Ans: (D)

62. Match List – I with List – II and mark the correct code.

Ans: (B)

63. Who among the following is not a part of hermeneutic tradition ?

(a) Hans-George Gadamer

(b) Friedrich Schleiermacher

(c) Wilhelm Dilthey

(d) Wittgenstein

Codes :

(A) Only (d) and (a)

(B) Only (c) and (a)

(C) Only (b)

(D) Only (d)

Ans: (D)

64. Which of the following works are not written by Edmund Husserl ?

(a) Logical Investigations

(b) Ideas for a Pure Phenomenology

(c) Cartesian Meditations

(d) Transcendental Phenomenology and the Crisis of the European Sciences

Codes :

(A) Only (c)

(B) Only (c) and (d)

(C) Only (b), (c) and (d)

(D) None of the above

Ans: (D)

65. Which one of the following has made a distinction between ‘pour-soi’ and ‘en-soi’ ?

(A) Heidegger

(B) Schleiermacher

(C) Sartre

(D) Wilhelm Dilthey

Ans: (C)

66. The first systematic expounder of Advaita Vedanta is

(A) Samkara

(B) Ramanuja

(C) Gaudapada

(D) Padmapada

Ans: (C)

67. ‘Brahman is self luminous, so Maya cannot conceal Brahman’ is proved by

(A) Asrayanupapatti

(B) Tirodhananupapatti

(C) Nivartakanupapatti

(D) Swarupanupapatti

Ans: (B)

68. Which one of the following theories is not accepted by Advaita Vedanta ?

(A) Pratibimbavada

(B) Avacchedavada

(C) Abhasavada

(D) Ansavada

Ans: (D)

69. The spirit of Gandhian concept of ‘Swadeshi’ implies

(A) Only using that which is produced by one self.

(B) Absolutely denying foreign goods.

(C) Restricting to use services of immediate surrounding.

(D) Not going beyond native production.

Ans: (A)

70. During which movement the concept of national education was propounded ?

(A) Quit India

(B) Home Rule

(C) Non-cooperation

(D) Swadeshi

Ans: (D)

71. When did Gandhi use his Satyagrah technique for the first time ?

(A) Khera

(B) Dandi

(C) Champaran

(D) Ahmedabad

Ans: (C)

72. ‘All the wealth belongs to God and those who hold it are trustees not possessor’ was stated by

(A) Tolstoy

(B) Vinoba Bhave

(C) Gandhi

(D) Tilak

Ans: (C)

73. ‘A performative utterance is used to perform an action. To issue such an utterance is to perform the action.’ This is the view of

(A) Searle

(B) Wittgenstein

(C) Frege

(D) Austin

Ans: (D)

74. Who among the following holds the view that moral terms have a ‘magnetism’ and a moral judgement has both descriptive and emotive meaning ?

(A) Ayer

(B) Prichard

(C) Stevenson

(D) Hume

Ans: (C)

75. ‘My station and its duties’ is stated by

(A) Hegel

(B) Bradley

(C) Mill

(D) Moore

Ans: (B)

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