UGC NET Exam December 2014 Social Medicine & Community Health Paper-3 Question Paper With Answer Key


Paper – III

Note : This paper contains seventy five (75) objective type questions of two (2) marks each. All questions are compulsory.

1. National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) is headed by

(A) Prime Minister

(B) Health Minister

(C) President of India

(D) Defence Minister

Ans: (A)

2. Which of the following is not a minimum service to be provided by a fully functional FRU ?

(A) Emergency obstetric care including caesarean section

(B) New born care

(C) Treatment of STT/RTI services

(D) An indoor unit with 50 beds

Ans: (D)

3. The most sensitive indicator of environmental iodine deficiency is

(A) Neonatal hypothyroidism

(B) Prevalence of goitre

(C) Urinary iodine excretion

(D) Prevalence of cretinism

Ans: (A)

4. The UNICEF headquarters is located at

(A) Geneva

(B) New York

(C) Rome

(D) Washington DC

Ans: (B)

5. The minimum number of Antenatal check ups to be provided to a pregnant woman for essential obstetric care is

(A) 4

(B) 2

(C) 3

(D) 5

Ans: (C)

6. Vande Mataram scheme is

(A) Voluntary enrolment of doctors for providing safe motherhood services.

(B) Scheme for training health workers.

(C) Provision of free food to pregnant women from BPL families.

(D) Immunization of children from BPL families.

Ans: (A)

7. Krishnan Committee Report (1982) relates to which one of the following ?

(A) Multi-purpose worker

(B) Medical Education

(C) Urban Health Services

(D) Tribal Health Services

Ans: (C)

8. The function of CBHI is

(A) to promote health and family welfare programmes in the country

(B) to do the surveillance for communicable diseases in the country

(C) to collect, analyse and disseminate the information on health conditions of the country

(D) to provide health manpower in the country

Ans: (C)

9. Which of the following is a visible source of fat ?

(A) Pulses

(B) Condiments

(C) Peanuts

(D) Cereals

Ans: (C)

10. The required prevalence level for declaring elimination of leprosy as a public health problem is

(A) < 0.1 case / 10,000 population

(B) < 1 case / 10,000 population

(C) < 1 case / 1,000 population

(D) < 10 cases / 1,000 population

Ans: (B)

11. First Referral Unit (FRU) is located at

(A) Sub-centre

(B) Primary Health Centre

(C) Community Health Centre

(D) District Hospital

Ans: (C)

12. Which of the following committee recommended the conversion of unipurpose worker to multipurpose worker ?

(A) Mudaliar Committee (1961)

(B) Mukherjee Committee (1963)

(C) Kartar Singh Committee (1973)

(D) Hathi Committee (1974)

Ans: (C)

13. All of the following are principles of Primary Health Care, except

(A) Equitable Distribution

(B) Intersectoral Co-ordination

(C) Provision of Essential Drugs

(D) Appropriate Technology

Ans: (C)

14. ABC analysis for inventory control is based on

(A) Need

(B) Cost

(C) Criticality

(D) Availability

Ans: (B)

15. Which of the following is not a component of prevention of parent to child transmission of HIV ?

(A) Counselling and testing of pregnant women.

(B) Detection of positive pregnant women.

(C) Administration of prophylactic drug zidovidine to HIV positive women and their infants

(D) Administration of prophylactic Nevirapine to HIV positive women and their infants

Ans: (C)

16. A designated Microscopy Centre in the revised National Tuberculosis Control programme is established for a population of

(A) 2 lakh and 1 lakh in tribal and hilly areas.

(B) 50,000 and 25,000 in tribal and hilly areas.

(C) 1 lakh and 80,000 in tribal and hilly areas.

(D) 1 lakh and 50,000 in tribal and hilly areas.

Ans: (D)

17. Which of the following terms represent the formula

(A) Mean deviation

(B) Coefficient of variation

(C) Standard deviation

(D) Interquartile range

Ans: (B)

18. Which of the following national programme / scheme is not under health department ?

(A) Vitamin A prophylaxis programme

(B) National Programme for control of Iodine Deficiency Diseases

(C) Integrated Child Development Scheme

(D) School Health Programme

Ans: (C)

19. The range of corrected effective temperature in deg. C. which is considered ‘comfortable’ in India is :

(A) 27 – 28

(B) 20 – 25

(C) 25 – 27

(D) 22 – 25

Ans: (C)

20. The level of iodine in salt at consumer level should not be less than

(A) 15 PPM

(B) 10 PPM

(C) 30 PPM

(D) 5 PPM

Ans: (A)

21. Physical Quality of Life Index (PQLI) is a composite index involving

(A) IMR, Life Expectancy at age one, monthly income

(B) IMR, MMR, monthly income

(C) IMR, Life Expectancy at age one, MMR

(D) IMR, Life Expectancy at age one, Literacy

Ans: (D)

22. The total process of registering, compiling and reporting of the aggregate of vital events such as births, deaths and marriages that occur during a specified duration of time among the members of the population residing in an area is termed as

(A) Census

(B) Decimal Census

(C) Registration

(D) Vital Statistics

Ans: (D)

23. Nalgonda technique is used for

(A) Assessing chlorine demand of water

(B) Chlorination of water

(C) Assessing fluorine content of water

(D) Defluoridation of water

Ans: (D)

24. The urban areas included in the ‘Urban Malaria Scheme’ are those with

(A) Population more than 1 lakh and slide positivity rate more than 1%

(B) Population more than 1 lakh and slide positivity rate more than 5%

(C) Population more than 50,000 and slide positivity rate more than 1%

(D) Population more than 50,000 and slide positivity rate more than 5%

Ans: (D)

25. The characteristic feature of occupational cancer is

(A) the short period between exposure and development of the disease.

(B) the disease does not develop after cessation of exposure.

(C) the average age incidence is earlier than that for cancer in general.

(D) may appear after short exposure.

Ans: (C)

26. Which one of the following is an impact indicator for the monitoring of ASHA’s work ?

(A) % of unmet need for spacing contraception among BPL.

(B) Child malnutrition rates.

(C) Number of ASHAs selected by due process.

(D) % of ASHAs attending review meeting after one year.

Ans: (B)

27. District based rapid household survey is conducted to assess

(A) Infant Mortality Rate

(B) Couple Protection Rate

(C) Reproductive Health Status of Women

(D) Causes of Death

Ans: (C)

28. Day-to-day activities like walking, house work, gardening will be beneficial to individuals in all of the following ways, except

(A) weight reduction

(B) lowering of blood pressure

(C) lowering of serum triglyceride

(D) lowering of HDL cholesterol

Ans: (D)

29. Congenital rubella birth defects are uncommon if maternal rubella infection occurs after

(A) 8 weeks of gestation

(B) 12 weeks of gestation

(C) 16 weeks of gestation

(D) 20 weeks of gestation

Ans: (D)

30. Women vaccinated with rubella vaccine should avoid pregnancy for

(A) 1 month

(B) 3 months

(C) 6 months

(D) 9 months

Ans: (B)

31. All are the characteristics of the waste suitable for incineration, except

(A) low heating volume

(B) content of combustible matter above 60%

(C) content of non-combustible fines below 20%

(D) Moisture content below 50%

Ans: (D)

32. Rabies Immunoglobulin (RIg) is required for which category of dog bite ?

(A) Licks

(B) Category I bites

(C) Category II bites

(D) Category III bites

Ans: (D)

33. Which of the following is not the function of ICTC ?

(A) Early detection of HIV.

(B) Providing basic information on modes of transmission and prevention of HIV.

(C) Voluntary Counselling and Testing.

(D) Treatment of AIDS.

Ans: (D)

34. Which of the following is not a pre-requisite to apply z-test for mean ?

(A) Sample/s must be randomly selected

(B) Data must be quantitative

(C) Variable is not assumed to follow normal distribution in the population

(D) Sample size must be larger than 30

Ans: (C)

35. P2 = P1 + (B – D) + (I – E), where, P1 and P2 = Population at two different points of time B = Births

D = Deaths

I = Immigrants

E = Emigrants

Which of the following represents the above equation ?

(A) Natural increase equation

(B) Demographic transition equation

(C) Basic demographic equation

(D) Net migration equation

Ans: (C)

36. National Tuberculosis Institute is located in

(A) Kolkata

(B) Bengaluru

(C) Chennai

(D) Delhi

Ans: (B)

37. Under the Integrated Disease surveillance project which of the following conditions is under Regular Surveillance ?


(B) Hypertension

(C) Water Quality

(D) Road Traffic Accidents

Ans: (D)

38. Millennium Development Goals comprise of _______ targets.

(A) 8

(B) 18

(C) 28

(D) 48

Ans: (B)

39. Total Knee Replacement is

(A) Primary Prevention

(B) Secondary Prevention

(C) Tertiary Prevention

(D) Primordial Prevention

Ans: (C)

40. The Registration of Birth and Deaths Act came into existence in the year

(A) 1951

(B) 1954

(C) 1962

(D) 1969

Ans: (D)

41. What is the proportion of snake bites in which envenomation occurs ?

(A) < 3 %

(B) < 10 %

(C) < 20 %

(D) < 30 %

Ans: (C)

42. Which of the following is not a side-effect of MDT for leprosy ?

(A) Hypertension

(B) Thrombocytopenic purpura

(C) Haemolytic anaemia

(D) Hypotension

Ans: (A)

43. Which of the following drugs is not used in the treatment of filariasis ?

(A) Albendazole

(B) Artemisin

(C) Ivermectin

(D) Diethyl Carbamazine

Ans: (B)

44. Post-infectious encephalitis is not seen after infection with

(A) Measles

(B) Rubella

(C) Mumps

(D) Shigella

Ans: (D)

45. What is the percentage of energy that good quality proteins should provide in complementary foods ?

(A) 3 – 5%

(B) 8 – 10%

(C) 11 – 14%

(D) 15 – 20%

Ans: (B)

46. WHO’s multi-centre growth reference study (MGRS) included data from children of all the following countries, except

(A) Brazil

(B) Norway

(C) Bangladesh

(D) Oman

Ans: (C)

47. ‘3 Million Plan’ was recommended by

(A) Health Survey and Development Committee

(B) Health Survey and Planning Committee

(C) Committee on Integration of Health Services

(D) Committee on Multipurpose Workers under Health and Family Planning

Ans: (A)

48. Which of the following is not a criteria suggesting causal association in noncommunicable diseases ?

(A) Strength of association

(B) Dose response relationship

(C) Specificity of association

(D) Lack of temporal association

Ans: (D)

49. Societies where their members movement of social ladder is unrestricted, on the basis of achievement or gaining wealth is called as

(A) Social upliftment

(B) Social mobility

(C) Social insurance

(D) Social sanction

Ans: (B)

50. The administration of Human Immunoglobulin after exposure of Rabies is an example of

(A) Health promotion

(B) Herd immunity

(C) Passive immunity

(D) Active immunity

Ans: (C)

51. Society is defined as

(A) a conglomeration of people

(B) a group of people bound with social norms

(C) an association with regulated membership

(D) an association patterned on the norms of interaction

Ans: (B)

52. Care at birth requires five cleans. All of the following cleans are included in it, except 

(A) clean hands

(B) clean cord tie

(C) clean tap water

(D) clean razor blade

Ans: (C)

53. A data is arranged as dissatisfied, satisfied, very satisfied. This is a

(A) Nominal scale

(B) Ordinal scale

(C) Interval scale

(D) Ratio scale

Ans: (B)

54. Acculturation is defined as

(A) A loss of culture sense

(B) Isolation of two cultures

(C) Fading away of culture

(D) Mixing of two cultures when coming in contact

Ans: (D)

55. Social mobility is

(A) from rural to urban areas for work

(B) industrialization

(C) interaction between cultures

(D) movement in socio-economic status

Ans: (D)

56. Which of the following Acts is not related to manufacture, sale and other related aspects of drugs in India ?

(A) The Drugs and Cosmetics Rules of 1945

(B) The Pharmacy Act of 1948

(C) The Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substance Act, 1985

(D) MTP Act, 1971

Ans: (D)

57. Which of the following is not transmitted by blood and/or body fluids ?

(A) Hepatitis A

(B) Hepatitis B

(C) Hepatitis C

(D) Hepatitis D

Ans: (A)

58. Triage is

(A) First come first treat

(B) Progressive patient care

(C) Medical intervention based on severity of injuries

(D) Isolation of patients

Ans: (C)

59. World Population Day is observed on

(A) 11th January

(B) 11th June

(C) 11th July

(D) 11th September

Ans: (C)

60. Surveillance can be

(A) Active and Passive

(B) Passive and Sentinel

(C) Active and Sentinel

(D) Active, Passive and Sentinel

Ans: (D)

61. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs relates to

(A) Motivation

(B) Leadership

(C) Supervision

(D) Communication

Ans: (A)

62. The Registration of Births and Deaths Act was passed in

(A) 1969

(B) 1869

(C) 1862

(D) 1951

Ans: (A)

63. Which of the following theories is Alfred Lotka (1922) credited with ?

(A) Epidemiological Transition Theory

(B) Stable Population Theory

(C) Demographic Transition Theory

(D) Demographic Dividend Theory

Ans: (B)

64. Bitot Spot is seen in

(A) Vitamin A deficiency

(B) Riboflavin deficiency

(C) Folic Acid deficiency

(D) Vitamin D deficiency

Ans: (A)

65. Optimum Population to be covered by sub-center in Jaisalmer district of Rajasthan would be

(A) 1000

(B) 2000

(C) 3000

(D) 5000

Ans: (C)

66. The cut off point for diagnosis of Anaemia recommended by a WHO expert group for children aged 6 months to 6 years is

(A) 12 g/dL in venous blood

(B) 13 g/dL in venous blood

(C) 11.5 g/dL in venous blood

(D) 11 g/dL in venous blood

Ans: (D)

67. ‘Ujjawala’ is a comprehensive scheme to combat :

(A) Child Labour

(B) Child trafficking

(C) Juvenile delinquency

(D) Child Abuse

Ans: (B)

68. Child Development Index (CDI) is not based on which of the following ?

(A) Health and Nutrition indicators

(B) Cognitive Development and Education Indicators

(C) Safety and overall child development indicators

(D) Socioeconomic indicators

Ans: (D)

69. Pearl’s index indicates

(A) LBW (Low Birth Weight)

(B) IUGR (Intra Uterine Growth Retardation)

(C) Contraceptive failure

(D) Socio-economic condition

Ans: (C)

70. ‘Anhiliation of Caste’ was written by

(A) M.K. Gandhi

(B) J. Phule

(C) B.R. Ambedkar

(D) T.N. Madan

Ans: (C)

71. The concept of ‘Social Exclusion’ has its origin in

(A) Germany

(B) France

(C) England

(D) Finland

Ans: (B)

72. The terms ‘Sanskritisation’ and ‘Westernisation’ were coined by

(A) G.S. Ghurye

(B) M.N. Srinivas

(C) Andre Beteille

(D) M.S.A. Rao

Ans: (B)

73. Who coined the terminology ‘Sick role’ ?

(A) Auguste Comte

(B) Emile Durkheim

(C) Talcott Parsons

(D) Max Weber

Ans: (C)

74. When was the National Policy on safety, health and environment at work place formulated by Government of India ?

(A) 2005

(B) 2010

(C) 2009

(D) 2007

Ans: (C)

75. Which of the following is a technique and not a method ?

(A) Personal Interview

(B) Recording

(C) Oral Narratives

(D) Group Discussion

Ans: (B)

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