Panchkula District of Haryana at a Glance

Lok Sabha Constituencies in Panchkula district, Haryana (MP Constituencies) Ambala
MLA Assembly Constituencies in Panchkula district, Haryana Kalka

About Panchkula District :

Panchkula is a planned city in Panchkula District, Haryana, India. It is a satellite city of the Union Territory of Chandigarh. The prestigious Chandimandir Cantonment Headquarters of the Indian Western Command, is also located in Panchkula city. There are five towns in the district named Panchkula, Barwala, Pinjore, Kalka, and Raipur Rani. The only Hill station in Haryana called Morni is also in this District. The estimated population of Panchkula city, in 2006, is 2,00,000. Panchkula and Mohali (in Punjab) are two satellite cities of Chandigarh. These three cities are collectively known as Chandigarh Tricity.

The origin of the name Panchkula is based on the five irrigation canals (or kuls as they were called, making it Panch Kul of five canals) that take water from the Ghaggar in the uphill section and distribute it from Nada Sahib to Mansa Devi. The Nada canal has now been eroded by the river and most of the kul’s pass through the cantonment of Chandimandir towards Mansa Devi. The canals are a beautiful example of community property and are maintained by the villagers along the way, with distribution days decided. The canals were made by a ruler in the past, and follow the contours to take water to levels much higher than the river at the same spot.

Though the district came into existence in the mid of last decade of 20th century, yet its antiquity is beyond any doubt. The earliest inhabitants of the district were a primitive people using stone tools of the lower palaeolithic age such as choppers, unworked flakes, cleavers, hand-axes, etc. These have been discovered from Mansa Devi area (Bilaspur), Pinjore and Suketri. In the ancient time Aryans traversed the region emotionally. The district is also associated with Pandavas who enroute to Himalayas during their exile stayed here for some times. The place was known as Panchpura later corrupted to Pinjore. The name Panchpura was deciphered from the Pinjore Baoli Inscription found from here. Pinjore is also mentioned in ancient literature1. The region was also indirectly under the sway of the foreign Kushan and Yaudhey rulers. This fact is corroborated from the recent finding of Kushan bricks from the adjacent territories of present Ambala district. According to Majumdar, this region had been a part of Gupta dynasty. This fact is based on discovery of silver coins of Gupta dynasty.

Towards the close of the seventh and first part of the eighth century A.D., the district fell a prey to the imperial ambitions of Yasovarman of Kanauj and Lalitaditya, the ruler of Kashmir. During the 12th century A.D., the area was acquired by the Chauhans of Delhi. They restored peace and order in the area including adjoining district of Ambala. The inscription , dated A.D. 1164 gives an idea of the role which the region played in resisting the Muslim invaders. In this context, it is said that Kilhana , maternal uncle of Prithviraj-II was appointed as governor of Hansi and he defeated the ruler of Panchpura (Pinjore) and extended Chauhan rule over that region. The district finally passed on to the Muslim rule as a result of the decisive victory of Shihab-ud-din Ghuri over Prithviraj -III in the Second Battle of Tarain (A.D. 1192). After the death of Shihab-ud-din Ghuri, Qutb-ud-din Aibak established Muslim rule in North India. The region was also included in the Delhi Sultanate. Tabakat-i-Nasiri refers to the victories of Sultan Nasir-ud-din Mahmud in the vicinity of Pinjore and the loot of the spoils from there.

After Firuz’s death, the region felt the full force of those intensive discords which also disturbed Delhi-kingdom. Consequently, the adjacent territories and this area went out of the control of Tughlaqs. The invasion of Timur(1398) destroyed the whole countryside in the region upto Siwalik hills (possibly including Pinjore). But his sway did not last a long period. Thereafter the area passed on the Mughals. Akbar, the Great, had a vast area under his control including this region. Fidai Khan, Aurangzeb’s Master of Ordnance laid a beautiful garden at Pinjore. The region was conquered by Rohillas but they were soon expelled by the Marathas. The Marathas were badly run over by the British and major portion of this region passed under the British in 1803. The area now forming part of Bilaspur village about three kilometres of east of Manimajra was under the ruler of Manimajra. The ruler of Manimajra (Gurbaksh Singh) got built the old shrine of Mata Mansa Devi in 1815 A.D. The area now including Kalka was a part of erstwhile princely State of Patiala but was acquired by the British in 1846. Later on it was included in Simla district. After taking over the Chiefs of Ambala area under their protection, the British controlled the affairs of all the states in the region in a most effective manner through political agency at Ambala. The political agency of Ambala was transformed into Commissionership under the Commissioner of Cis-Satluj States and the political supervision and control over the States was intensified . By 1846, several chiefships had lapsed owing to their failure to have male heirs and so called break-down of administrative machinery. The British acquired strips of territory around of Ambala which was included into Ambala district. By 1858, the whole of Haryana territory was a part of the Punjab. The Kalka area, a part of Simla district, was transferred to Ambala district in 1899. No change could be effected till 1966. Prior to the formation of Haryana in November, 1966, Ambala district had six tehsils but during the re-organisation it lost Nalagarh tehsil to Himachal Pradesh, Rupnagar tehsil and major portion of Kharar tehsil to Punjab and a few villages including the Chandigarh Capital Project Area to the newly formed Union Territory Chandigarh .Ambala district retained only 3 tehsils -Ambala, Jagadhri and Naraingarh including 153 villages and the Kalka town transferred from Kharar tehsil. Later, in 1967, 153 villages and Kalka town were taken out of Naraingarh tehsil and formed into a separate Kalka tehsil. There was no jurisdictional change during the decade1971-81 with reference to the Kalka tehsil. The Ambala district experienced jurisdictional changes during the decade1981-91. Panchkula tehsil was created by transfering 77 villages of Kalka tehsil and 19 villages of Naraingarh tehsil in October, 1989. Out of these 96 villages, four villages were fully merged in Panchkula Urban Estate . The full-fledged Panchkula district came into existence with effect from 15-8-1995. Now it had two tehsils Kalka and Panchkula

At a Glance :

S.No. Item Value Rank in the Districts in Haryana(Total)
1. Population 558890 298919 259971 19
2. No.of households 92593 46179 46414 19
3. Share In total population (%)(haryana) 2.22 1.73 3.41 19
4. Decadal growth rate (%) 50.91 30.52 87.43 1
5. Child sex ratio (0-6)(%) to total district population 14.09 15.37 12.49 10
6. Sex ratio (females per 1000males) 823 798 856 10
7. Child sex ratio (0-6) 829 839 813 18
8. urban population (%) 2
9. Literacy rate (%) 74.00 66.62 82.91 3
10. Female literacy rate (%) 65.65 55.39 77.47 2
11. Male female gap in literacy (%) 15.22 20.10 10.14
12. Share of S.C. population (%) to total population in district 15.51 19.20 10.91 17
13. Workers to total population 38.14 41.79 33.59 13
14. main workers to total workers 84.16 77.37 94.71 2
15. S.C. literacy 63.43 61.58 67.42 4
16. Density of population 522 305 4525 6
17. Permanent houses (% of total census houses) 75.89 64.27 86.80 6
18. Condition of houses good (%) 59.18 45.65 71.88 1
19. Households having no exclusive room or and one room(% of total households) 29.8 31.50 28.33 15
20. Households with availability of electricity (%of total households) 87.62 83.50 91.50 7
21 Household having tap water (% of total households) 80.3 70.77 89.26 1
22. Households having bathroom within houses(%) 65.52 49.16 80.92 2
23. Households having kitchen within houses(%) 72.21 63.47 80.44 1
24. Households having television (%) 67.63 53.94 80.71 3
25. Households having telephone (%) 29.95 10.75 48.03 1
26. Households having bank accounts (%) 60.18 45.34 74.16 2
27. Households having radio(%) 44.78 37.88 51.27 3
28. Households having Car/Jeep(%) 15.10 2.90 26.60 1
29. Households having scooter/m.cycle(%) 36.93 19.51 53.35 1
30. Households having bicycle(%) 48.36 44.40 52.08 8
31. Households having no drainage of waste water (%) 17.21 26.12 8.82 12
32. Household having NO LATRINE (%) 43.57 71.00 17.74 17
33. Households having none of assets (%) 15.4 24.87 6.46 4
34. Electricity available latrine not available(%) 32.58 55.73 10.77 16
35. Electricity not available, latrine available (%) 1.38 1.23 1.53 18

Decadal variation of population/Sex Ratio since 1901 :

Census Year Persons Decadel Variation % Decadel Variation Males Females Sex Raton
1901 73.413 40.646 32.767 806
1911 61.319 -11.835 -16.12 35.126 26.452 753
1921 57.319 -4.259 -6.92 32.267 25.452 776
1931 66.103 8.784 15.32 37.039 29.084 785
1941 75.444 9.341 14.13 41.981 33.463 797
1951 81.104 5.660 7.50 45.094 36.010 799
1981 105.868 24.764 30.53 56.651 47.217 805
1971 141.291 35.423 33.40 77.638 63.852 820
1981 196.939 65.648 39.39 107.465 88.474 833
1981 310.396 113.457 57.61 168.817 141.679 839
2001 468.411 158.015 50.91 256.839 211.472 823
2011 940

Religion wise population of District :

Religious Communists Haryana Total Population Sex Ratio
All Religions 21.144.584 468411 266939 211472 823
Hindus 16.655.925 410120 224858 185282 824
Muslims 1.222.916 18297 10148 8149 803
Christians 27.185 1982 1059 923 872
Sikhs 1.170.662 36194 19900 16294 819
Buddhists 7.140 159 103 58 644
Jains 57.167 1547 815 732 888
Others 1.255 58 29 29 1000
Religion not stated 2.314 54 27 27 1000

Disability -State/District :

State/Union Temporary District Total Population Disablad P/M/F Total Rural Urban
Haryana 21,144,564 Persons 455,040 338,792 115,248
11,363,953 Males 273,837 204,908 68,829
9,780,611 Females 181,203 134,884 46,319
Panchkula 468,411 Persons 8,740 5,799 3,941
256,939 males 5,934 3,219 1,587

Sex Ratio :

Sex Ratio Number Of Villages
Total Population 0-6 POP
1 2 3
<750 20 66
750-799 21 30
800-849 62 31
850-899 66 26
>900 56 71
Total 224 224

Literacy :

Ranges Of Literacy (%) Number Of Villages
1 2 3 4
0-10.00 1 0 4
10.01-30.00 4 0 4
30.01-50.00 22 6 86
50.01-70.00 146 73 107
70.01-90.00 52 131 17
90.01-& Above 0 10 0
Total 224 224 224

Uses of Census Houses :

Total ofAccupleCensus


Occupied Census Houses Used as
Residence ResidenceCum-Other Use Shop Office School,CollegeEtc Hotel,Lodge,Guest,



Hospital,Dispensaryetc. Factory work shopwork shedetc. Placeofworship
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
T 108.438 78,710 4,666 7,436 523 163 268 947 909
R 67,643 36,963 3,350 3,929 407 89 163 486 774
U 48,702 41,747 1,1218 3,507 116 74 99 481 135

Tourism :

Mansa Devi Temple,Panchkula :


Mata Mansa Devi is a Hindu temple dedicated to goddess Mansa Devi, a form of Shakti, in the Panchkula district of Haryana state in India. The temple complex is spread of 100 acres (0.40 km2) of the Shivalik foothills in village Bilaspur, near Mani Majra, and Panchkula, 10 km from Chandi Mandir, another noted Devi shrine in the region, both just outside Chandigarh.It is one of the prominent Shakti temples of North India.Navratra festival is celebrated in the mandir for nine days. Twice in a year millions of devotees visit the temple. Shardiya Navratra mela are organized at the shrine complex during Chaitra and Ashvin months. Every year two Navratra melas are organised in the month of Ashvin (Shardiya, Sharad or Winter Navratra) and other in the month of Chaitra, Spring Navratra by the Shrine Board.


Yadavindra Garden, Pinjore :


Pinjore Gardens (also known as Pinjor Gardens or Yadavindra Gardens) is located in Pinjore, Panchkula district in the Indian state of Haryana. It is an example of the Mughal Gardens style, and was built by Patiala Dynasty Rulers.The garden is in the village of Pinjore lie 22 km from Chandigarh on the Ambala-Shimla road. It was created in the 17th century by architect Nawab Fidai Khan during the early reign of his foster brother Aurangzeb (r. 1658-1707).. In recent times, it has been renamed as ‘Yadavindra Garden’ in the memory of Maharaja Yadavindra Singh former of the princely state of Patiala. After it was initially built by Fidai Khan, the garden was refurbished by Yadevendra Singh and restored to its former spledour, since it had grown into a wild jungle after initially built due to long years of neglect.


Morni Hills :


Morni is a village and tourist attraction in the Morni Hills in the Panchkula district of the Indian state of Haryana. It is located around 45 kilometres (28 mi) from Chandigarh,35 km from Panchkula city and is known for its Himalayan views, flora, and lakes.[1] The name of Morni is believed to derive from a queen who once ruled the area.The Morni Hills are offshoots of the Shivalik range of the Himalayas, which run in two parallel ranges. The village of Morni lies on the mountainside, at 1,220 metres (4,000 ft) above mean sea level. Among the spurs of the hills lie two lakes, the larger of these being about 550 metres (1,800 ft) long and 460 metres (1,510 ft) broad, and the smaller around 365 metres (1,198 ft) either way. A hill divides the two lakes, but there is theorised to be a hidden channel linking them, as the water level of two lakes remains roughly the same. Morni locals look upon the lakes as sacred.


Nada Sahib :


The Gurudwara Nada Sahib is situated in Panchkula on the bank of Ghaggar river in Sivalik foothills. It is a famous religious place of the Sikhs. Guru Gobind Singh halted here while travelling from Paonta Sahib to Anandpur Sahib after the Battle of Bhangani in 1688.The holy flag flies atop a 105 feet (32 m) high staff on one side of the courtyard, near the site of the old shrine. Religious gatherings and community meals take place every day. The full moon day every month is celebrated as a festive occasion attended by a large number of people from the northern region so its good.


Cactus Garden :

Cactus Garden, renamed as National Cactus and Succulent Botanical Garden and Research Centre is located in the heart of the city Panchkula, the Satellite town of Chandigarh City. The objective behind developing this garden was preservation and conservation of endangered species of cacti and succulents and as well as to attract tourists. Stretched over an area of seven acres of land, it is considered as Asia’s largest outdoor landscaped cacti and Succulents Garden with over 2500 species of Cacti & succulents. The garden has a comprehensive collection of Indian succulents, the largest in the world, some of them extremely rare and have already been declared as endangered species, which includes complete collection of Genus Caralluma of Indian origin. The garden is home to three green houses. The cacti and succulents are also known to have medicinal values since Indian succulents are being used in Ayurveda and Unani medicines for centuries. It is a great source of attraction for not only tourists but also for botanists. The park remains open daily in the months of April to September between 9 AM to 1 PM and from 3 PM to 7 PM while during October and March, Cactus Garden between 9 AM to 1 PM and from 2 PM to 6 PM. The entry fee here is Rs. 10 per head.


Kali Mata Mandir, Kalka :


Kali Mata Mandir at Panchkula is also called as Kalka Mandir which is a gateway to the eastern side of Himachal Pradesh. Actually Kalka is a town which is named because of Kali Mata Temple. This temple is one of the old shrines from Panchkula Temples.


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