UGC NET Exam January 2017 Criminology Paper-3 Question Paper With Answer Key



Note : This paper contains seventy five (75) objective type questions of two (2) marks each. All questions are compulsory.

1. Who first used the term “inferiority complex” to explain criminal tendency and behaviour ?

(1) Gabriel Tarde

(2) Charles Goring

(3) Alfred Adler

(4) Sigmund Freud

Answer: (3)

2. In the context of drug dependence, recurrence after a period of abstinence is called

(1) Detoxification

(2) Tolerance

(3) Relapse

(4) Withdrawal symptom

Answer: (3)

3. Which among the following is correctly matched ?

(1) Unreported crimes – Dark figures

(2) Communal violence – Human Trafficking

(3) Smuggling – Domestic violence

(4) Tax evasion – Terrorism

Answer: (1)

4. Which term does Howard S. Becker use to describe people in powerful positions that define criminal behaviour and enforce social rules that societal members have to live by ?

(1) Moral entrepreneurs

(2) Outsiders

(3) Criminal crusaders

(4) Deviant judiciary

Answer: (1)

5. What is the most common reason people for not reporting a crime ?

(1) Fear of reprisal

(2) Dislike of the police

(3) Tootrivial for the police

(4) Best dealt with privately

Answer: (3)

6. What is defined as ‘non-conformity’ to a given set of norms that are accepted by a significant number of people in a community or society ?

(1) Criminality

(2) Deviance

(3) Recidivism

(4) Degeneracy

Answer: (2)

7. “The rational that sentences had different effects on different kinds of offenders” is basis of

(1) Rehabilitation Model

(2) Deterrence Model

(3) Retribution Model

(4) Just Desert Model

Answer: (1)

8. A boy born with one or more extra X chromosome is called

(1) Adie syndrome

(2) Klinefelter syndrome

(3) Stockholm syndrome

(4) Sinus syndrome

Answer: (2)

9. Based on the classical school of criminology the first criminal law was introduced in 1791 in

(1) Italy

(2) Austria

(3) England

(4) France

Answer: (4)

10. Which law provides compensation to victims of crime belonging to Scheduled Caste ?

(1) Protection of Civil Rights Act

(2) Code of Criminal Procedure

(3) Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe (Prevention of Atrocities) Act

(4) Indian Penal Code

Answer: (3)

11. Assertion (A) : Personality can be defined as the reasonable stable patterns of behaviour, including thought & emotions that distinguish one person from another.

Reasoning (R) : One’s personality reflects a characteristic way of adapting to lifes demands and problems.

Codes :

(1) Both (A) and (R) are true.

(2) Both (A) and (R) are false.

(3) (A) is true and (R) is false.

(4) (A) is false and (R) is true.

Answer: (1)

12. Assertion (A) : Some urban sociologists pioneered research on the social ecology of a city and the social forces operating in urban areas.

Reasoning (R) : The more severe, certain and swift the punishment, the better it is to control criminal behaviour.

Codes :

(1) Both (A) and (R) are true, and (R) is the correct explanation.

(2) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation.

(3) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

(4) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

Answer: (2)

13. Assertion (A) : One technique of neutralization is the denial of responsibility.

Reasoning (R) : People may claim that a criminal or delinquent act was an accident or assert that it was caused by factors beyond their control.

Codes :

(1) Both (A) and (R) are true, and (R) is the correct explanation.

(2) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation.

(3) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

(4) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

Answer: (1)

14. Assertion (A) : All societies have rules in the form of taboos, customs, tradition and norms that govern behaviour.

Reasoning (R) : These taboos, customs, traditions and norms reflect their values that are considered worthy, desirable or proper to maintain peace and harmony in the society.

Codes :

(1) Both (A) and (R) are true.

(2) Both (A) and (R) are false.

(3) (A) is true and (R) is false.

(4) (A) is false and (R) is true.

Answer: (1)

15. Who among the following used the term “Economic Determinism’ ?

(1) Charles Goring

(2) William Bonger

(3) Donald Cressey

(4) Gabriel Tarde

Answer: (2)

16. Chicago Area Project is related to which of the following ?

(1) Mental Illness

(2) Born Criminality

(3) Heredity

(4) Ecological Factor

Answer: (4)

17. “The Dramatization of Evil” has an impact initially on an individual’s self concept and it is one of the main causes for becoming deviant. Whose view is this ?

(1) Howard Zehr

(2) Albert Reiss

(3) Henry Becker

(4) Franklin Tannenbaum

Answer: (1)

18. Among the following who conducted the Twin Studies to understand the relationship between crime and heredity ?

(1) John Cohen

(2) Pollack

(3) Christiansen

(4) Enricco Ferri

Answer: (3)

19. The first open-air camp or jail was set up in

(1) Assam

(2) Uttarakhand

(3) Gujarat

(4) Madhya Pradesh

Answer: (2)

20. Statements of official or organisational viewpoints, often recommending a particular cause of action or response to a situation is called

(1) Peer Review

(2) Position papers

(3) Positivism

(4) Reliability

Answer: (2)

21. A statement widely accepted as truth is called

(1) Hypothesis

(2) Axiom

(3) Association

(4) Analysis

Answer: (2)

22. Which among the following is not a victimless crime ?

(1) Suicide

(2) Gambling

(3) Alcoholism

(4) Homicide

Answer: (4)

23. The Englishman whose name is most frequently associated with prison reform beginning of the 18th century is

(1) John Augustus

(2) John Howard

(3) John Hagan

(4) John Richard

Answer: (2)

24. How many sub-jails are there in India ?

(1) Between 10 and 250

(2) Between 251 and 500

(3) Between 501 and 750

(4) Between 751 and 1000

Answer: (4)

25. Who is the proponent of Differential Coercion Theory ?

(1) Charles Title

(2) Mark Colvin

(3) Donald Glacer

(4) Ronald Akers

Answer: (2)

26. The two personality traits that associated with anti-social behaviour i.e., “extroversionintroversion” and “stability–instability” is identified by

(1) Lawrence Kohlberg

(2) Charles Goring

(3) Sigmund Freud

(4) Hans Eysenck

Answer: (4)

27. Match List – I with List – II, using the codes given below :

Answer: (2)

28. “Crime is an act of which offends the basic sentiments of ‘pity’ and ‘probity’.” Whose views are these ?

(1) Edwin H. Sutherland

(2) Marvin Wolfgang

(3) Raffeale Garafalo

(4) Tarvis Hirschi

Answer: (3)

29. Who is the author of the book, ‘Women and Crime’ ?

(1) Rita Simon

(2) Su Titus Reid

(3) Laura Crites

(4) Carol Smart

Answer: (1)

30. To which concept from among the following has ‘Joseph Kallinger’ contributed ?

(1) Biological theory

(2) Psychoanalytical theory

(3) Social learning theory

(4) Ecological theory

Answer: (2)

31. Who propounded the self-control theory ?

(1) Sykes and Matza

(2) Glueck and Glueck

(3) Gottfredson and Hirshi

(4) Akers and Sellers

Answer: (3)

32. Inductive logic proceeds from

(1) General to General

(2) Particular to General

(3) General to Particular

(4) Particular to Particular

Answer: (2)

33. Who is associated with ‘Critical Criminology’ ?

(1) R.E. Park

(2) E.H. Sutherland

(3) William Chambliss

(4) Cloward

Answer: (3)

34. Constitutional Theory propounded by

(1) William Sheldon

(2) Edwin Sutherland

(3) Robert Merton

(4) Albert Cohen

Answer: (1)

35. “The propensity to crime is at its maximum at the age when strength and passions have reached their height, yet when reason has not acquired sufficient control to master their combined influence.” Whose views are these ?

(1) Adolphe Quetelet

(2) Cessare Lombroso

(3) Envico Ferri

(4) Jeremy Bentham

Answer: (1)

36. D.K. Basu case of the Supreme Court related to which issue ?

(1) Rape victims

(2) Child rights

(3) Women rights

(4) Arrest by police

Answer: (4)

37. Which law provides for the “victim compensation” in India ?

(1) Indian Penal Code

(2) Code of Criminal Procedure

(3) Indian Evidence Act

(4) None of the above

Answer: (2)

38. The first jail training school in India was established in

(1) Madhya Pradesh

(2) Uttar Pradesh

(3) Andhra Pradesh

(4) Kerala

Answer: (2)

39. Who is the main protagonist of victimology ?

(1) Edwin H. Sutherland

(2) Hans Von Hentig

(3) Robert K. Merton

(4) Emile Durkheim

Answer: (2)

40. In India Child abuse is dealt with under which law ?

(1) POCSO Act

(2) Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act

(3) Prison Act

(4) Probation of Offenders Act

Answer: (1)

41. Which of the following concepts has been propounded by Durkheim ?

(1) Conformity

(2) Animism

(3) Atavism

(4) Altruistic suicide

Answer: (4)

42. Which of the following is the oldest juvenile legislation ?

(1) Apprentices Act

(2) Borstal Act

(3) Children Act

(4) Juvenile Justice Act

Answer: (1)

43. How many members does a Child Welfare Committee have ?

(1) Two members

(2) Three members

(3) Four members

(4) Five members

Answer: (4)

44. Which State in India has liquor prohibition in force ?

(1) Tamil Nadu

(2) Karnataka

(3) Kerala

(4) Gujarat

Answer: (4)

45. Which country is known for the production of cocaine ?

(1) Thailand

(2) Iran

(3) Laos

(4) Columbia

Answer: (4)

46. Which country given below is a part of ‘golden triangle’ ?

(1) Argentina

(2) Nigeria

(3) Philippines

(4) Myanmar

Answer: (4)

47. Which among the following plant yields opium ?

(1) Hibiscus rosa

(2) Acacia arabica

(3) Oriza sativum

(4) Papaver somniferum

Answer: (4)

48. The UN Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners is also called

(1) Beijing rules

(2) MC. Naughton’s rules

(3) Tokyo rules

(4) Nelson Mandela rules

Answer: (4)

49. Indicate chronologically the committees constituted on police reform :

I. The Padmanabhaiah Committee in Police Reform

II. Gore Committee on Police Training

III. The Ribeiro Committee on Police Reform

IV. The National Police Commission

Codes :

(1) I, II, III, IV

(2) II, IV, I, III

(3) IV, III, II, I

(4) IV, II, III, I

Answer: (2)

50. Defensible space is a term related to

(1) Hot Spots of Crime

(2) Crime Mapping

(3) Crime Pattern

(4) Situational Crime Prevention

Answer: (4)

51. A survey research that could be representative of all members of the society is referred as

(1) Victimization Survey

(2) Cross-sectional Survey

(3) Self-report Survey

(4) Cohort Research

Answer: (4)

52. The court order to “produce the body” holding someone in custody to deliver the imprisoned individual to the court issuing the order is known as

(1) writ of mandamus

(2) writ of habeas corpus

(3) writ of quo warranto

(4) writ of certiorori

Answer: (2)

53. With what do Vishaka Guidelines laid down by the Supreme Court of India deal with ?

(1) Sexual Harassment

(2) Arrest by police

(3) Wife abuse

(4) Communal violence

Answer: (1)

54. Which one among the following pairs is not correctly matched ?

(1) Juvenile Justice Board – Chapter III of JJ Act 2015

(2) Procedure in relation to Children in Conflict with Law  – Chapter IV of JJ Act 2015

(3) Child Welfare Committee – Chapter VII of JJ Act 2015

(4) Procedure in relation to children in need of care and protection – Chapter VI of JJ Act 2015 

Answer: (3)

55. Which one among the following pairs is correctly matched ?

(1) Restoration of child in need of care and protection – Section 40 of JJ Act 2015

(2) Foster case – Section 43 of JJ Act 2015

(3) Open shelter – Section 44 of JJ Act 2015

(4) Sponsorship – Section 46 of JJ Act 2015

Answer: (1)

56. Which among the following is not correctly matched ?

(1) Consensus Criminology – Durkheim

(2) Conflict Criminology – Chambliss

(3) Green Criminology – Environmental Crime

(4) Feminist Criminology – John Hagan

Answer: (4)

57. Child Welfare Committee is constituted under the Section of

(1) 27 of JJ Act 2015

(2) 37 of JJ Act 2015

(3) 25 of JJ Act 2015

(4) 35 of JJ Act 2015

Answer: (1)

58. Which school of thought in Criminology is termed to be arm chair philosophy ?

(1) Differential opportunity structure

(2) Labelling theory

(3) Classical school

(4) Positive school

Answer: (3)

59. Who will review the pendency of cases of the Juvenile Justice Board once in every three months ?

(1) Chief Judicial Magistrate

(2) Principal Magistrate

(3) First Class Magistrate

(4) District Magistrate

Answer: (1)

60. Which among the following is not dealing with corruption in public life ?

(1) Lokpal

(2) Lokayukt

(3) Lok Adalat

(4) Central Bureau of Investigation

Answer: (3)

61. Which among the following is not correctly matched ?

(1) FBI – USA

(2) CBI – India

(3) Interpol – Paris

(4) Kobe – China

Answer: (4)

62. Which of the following is not correctly matched ?

(1) Marijuana – Drug Abuse

(2) Trafficking – Underworld

(3) Black Money – Economic offences

(4) Delinquency – Arrest

Answer: (4)

63. Which of the following is not correctly matched ?

(1) Retribution – Punishment

(2) Deterrence – Fear of Punishment

(3) Restitution – Victim Compensation

(4) Probation – Institutional Treatment

Answer: (4)

64. Which of the following is not matched correctly ?

(1) Kautilya – Manusmriti

(2) Untouchability – Protection of Civil Rights Act

(3) Smuggling of Intoxicating drugs – Afghanistan

(4) Cyber Crime – Computer

Answer: (1)

65. Which among the following is correctly matched ?

(1) Anomie – Sellin

(2) Kleptomania – Urge to hurt others

(3) XXY – Criminal Tendency

(4) Class Struggle – Glueck

Answer: (3)

66. Which among the following is correctly matched ?

(1) Containment – Sutherland

(2) Endomorph – Garafalo

(3) Atavism – Bentham

(4) Middle Class Measuring Rod – Cohen

Answer: (4)

67. Indicate which among the following appeared first by using the codes given below :

I. Positive school

II. Rational Choice Theory

III. Classical School

IV. Anomie Theory

Codes :

(1) I, III, II, IV

(2) I, II, III, IV

(3) IV, III, II, I

(4) III, I, IV, II

Answer: (4)

68. Indicate the process of criminological research using the codes given below :

I. Pilot Study

II. Conceptualisation of variables

III. Main study

IV. Constructing tools

Codes :

(1) IV, II, III, I

(2) II, IV, I, III

(3) I, II, III, IV

(4) IV, III, II, I

Answer: (2)

69. Arrange the following using the codes given below :

I. I.O. Report

II. Conviction

III. Investigation

IV. Charge Sheet

Codes :

(1) III, I, IV, II

(2) III, IV, I, II

(3) I, II, III, IV

(4) IV, III, II, I

Answer: (1)

70. The idea of Paratoptican Prison was given by

(1) Bentham

(2) Garofalo

(3) Thomas

(4) Banfield

Answer: (1)

71. The Santhanam Committee was appointed by Government of India in 1960 to deal with

(1) Pollution

(2) Police Reforms

(3) Corruption

(4) Prison Reforms

Answer: (3)

72. The notion that the rich and powerful people create crimes to distract attention away from the injustices they inflict on the masses in society, is central to which view ?

(1) Labelling perspective

(2) Conflict theory

(3) Radical theory

(4) Consensus theory

Answer: (3)

73. To encourage support or approval of a crime is called

(1) Crime syndicate

(2) Riot

(3) Abetment

(4) Organised Crime

Answer: (3)

74. Which of the following sociologists, first related conflict theory to criminal tendency and behaviour ?

(1) George Vold

(2) Ralf Dahrendorf

(3) Austin Turk

(4) Emile Durkheim

Answer: (1)

75. Which approach holds that deviance is not a feature of a group or individual but a process of interaction through which one group becomes defined as deviant ?

(1) Labelling theory

(2) Control theory

(3) Functionalist theory

(4) Conflict theory

Answer: (1)

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