Sagar District of Madhya Pradesh at a Glance

Lok Sabha Constituencies in Sagar district, Madhya Pradesh (MP Constituencies) Damoh
MLA Assembly Constituencies in Sagar district, Madhya Pradesh Banda

District profile :

The district of Sagar lies in the north central region of Madhya Pradesh. It was spelled as Saugar during the British period. It is situated between 23 deg 10’ and 24 deg 27’ north latitude and between 78 deg 4’ and 79 deg 21’ east longitude, the district has a truly central location in the country. The tropic of cancer passes through the southern part of the district.

Lake of Sagar

The origin of the name comes from the Hindi word SAGAR meaning lake or sea, apparently because of the large and once beautiful lake around which the town of Sagar has been built. Sagar was founded by Udan Singh in 1660 and was constituted a municipality in 1867. A major road and agricultural trade centre, it has industries such as oil and flour milling, saw-milling , ghee processing , handloom cotton weaving, bidi manufacture and railway and engineering works. It is known in all over India due to its University named as Dr. Harisingh Gaur University and Army Cantonment and recently it has come into lime light due toBhagyodyay Tirth a charitable hospital named after a Jain Sant Shri VidyaSagarji Maharaj. It is known for Police Training College which are only two in Madhya Pradesh other one is in Indore. Head quarter of Forensic Science Lab is also in SAGAR.

Sagar lies in an extensive plain broken by low, forested hills and watered by Sonar river. Wheat, chickpeas, soghum, and oilseeds are chief crops of the region, there is extensive cattle raising. Sandstone, Limestone, iron ore and asbestos deposits are worked. The archaeological site nearby Eran has revealed several Gupta inscriptions. District Sagar is predominantly a Scheduled Caste/Backward class district. These together form about 75% of the district. The district has sizable population of tribals who are named as Rajgonds after their kingdom.

General Boundaries

The district is bounded on the north by Jhansi district of Uttar Pradesh , on the south by the district of Narsinghpur and Raisen, on the west by the district of Vidisha , and on the east by the district of Damoh, which was previously formed the part of Sagar District. On the noth-east and north-west, the district adjoins Chhattarpur and Ashok Nagar districts, respectively. The district is accessible by rail as the town of Sagar lies on the Bina Katni branch line of Centra railway. Sagar is 76 Km from Bina which is on the Bombay Delhi main line. The district is traversed by first class roads which connect it with important towns like Damoh and Jabalpur on the east and south east, respectively, Lalitpur and Jhansi on the north, Chhattarpur on the north east and Bhopal on the south-west. Bhopal the capital of Madhya Pradesh is about 208 Km from Sagar by road.

Area and Population

Sagar district is the eight largest district in size in the State, and the largest in the Sagar revenue division. The district is divided into eleven tahsils, viz, Bina, Khurai, Malthone Banda, Shahgarh, Rahatgarh, Sagar, Rehli, Garhakota, Deori and Kesli each in the charge of a Tahsildar

According to the Surveyor-General of India, the district has a total area of 10252 sq Kms and is shaped roughly like a triangle.

Crops of Sagar Districts

The District of Sagar is predominantly a Rabi area. Wheat crop is the agricultural staple. other staple crops are gram, linseed and jowar. Mixed cropping is resorted to as a measure of insurance against the vagaries of nature. Rabi is the main cropping season, though the proportion of Rabi to kharif has varied from time to time.Occasionally, the Kharif crop exceeded the Rabi when wheat crop was badly affected by rust or frost or when bad season hampered rabi sowing. When the season conditions came to normality the Rabi crops were gradually restored to their original position of prominence. Conversely whenever there are heavy and continuous rains through July and August which prevent the ploughs from getting to work, or Kharif crops get rotten particularly in low-lying and water-logged areas, they are ploughed and diverted to Rabi sowings. The climatic conditions thus largely determine the relative weightage given to Kharif and Rabi crops in a particular year


Wheat is the most important crop and the cultivators prefer to grow it first. There are several varieties of local wheat which are roughly divided by the cultivators into Gehun and Pissi. Former includes all the hard or macaroni wheat which are primarily grown for home consumption.The latter is soft common wheat meant for outside market.


Next in importance to wheat is gram. It is grown partly on good black soil as an alternative to wheat and partly on inferior black soils, unfit for wheat, sometimes in rotation with wheat or jowar. It is a favourable first crop on newly broken black soil, if there is any kans left on it. Gram fertilizes the soil in which it is grown


Linseed is an important commercial crop, and is grown on poorer wheat land or land unfit for wheat. It does not always follow the fortunes of wheat hence cultivators often sow linseed with wheat so as to insure against a failure of their staple crop of wheat. It is grown not infrequently mixed with gram as well as with wheat. Its cultivation is attended with considerable risks and is considered speculative. It is also exhausting to the soil. From the cultivator’s point of view it has the advantage that it requires less quantity of seed to sow in comparison to wheat, and is generally successful when gram and wheat fail. Its area is determined by the state of the market and fluctuates violently.


Jowar is the most important amongst the Kharif crops and stands next to wheat as a food-crop. It is often grown on good land in rotation with wheat. It sometimes does particularly well in light soil villages where wheat does not prove equally successful. Failure of wheat harvest is followed by an immediate expansion of the jowar area, partly because wheat seed is likely to be in short supply and partly to replenish the larder as it ensures early supply of food-grains.It has the added advantage that it provides fodder for the cattle.


crop in the district. It is confined to small plots round the village site to which drainage from houses can be easily diverted, the manured gadas, small embanked fields, wet land below tanks and along the edges of a water spread. It is also occasionally grown in scattered hills or hollows of trap formations.


Til is usually of the white autumn variety and is grown chiefly in the Rehli tahsil. When late til is likely to be caught by frost and if the monsoon is delayed sowings are at once affected, In the northern tahsils the hardier ramtil is preferred and is a common crop on the inferior rains.


Fruits and vegetables occupied 6,425 acres in 1960-61 out of which potato was responsible for 1,839 acres which produced 8.0 thousand tons. Sagar district is one of the principal producers of potato in the State, and Sagar tahsil is the chief potato-growing area. Mango is the chief fruit crop of the district.


The cattle besides being a source of milk supply are used as draught animal for the plough or the cart. Without cattle no cultivation would be possible, without cattle no produce could be transported.


The Civil Veterinary Department, Madhya Pradesh established a dairy farm at Ratona on 1st Octber 1946. It is situated at a distance of seven miles from Sagar, on the right side of Sagar-Bhopal Road. Tharparkar cows and murrah breeds of buffaloes are being kept at the dairy farm for the production of milk. Hariana cows were also kept for this purpose. The dairy is at present supplying good amount of milk of milk per day to the Sagar Town It also supplies bulls for breeding milch cattle.


The periodical fairs held in different places in the district stimulate the development of the quality of cattle. The weekly markets at Khurai attract a large number and variety of cattle. Similar markets are held at Kesli in Rehli tahsil and at Rahatgarh in Sagar tahsil. But by far the largest market is during the annual fair held at Garhakota. It is held from Basant Panchami to Holi every year and is reputed to be of ancient origin, having been started by Raja Mardan Singh some 150 years ago. The fair is still called after his name and is said to be largest fair in the Mahakoshal region of the State. The animals bought and soid at the fair are bulls, bullocks, cows, buffaloes and horses.


The birds are used for food and egg production. As the eggs are gradually occupying increasing place in the Indian diet on account of their nutritive value, their demand is also steadily increasing. Consequently improved methods are being adopted for poultry farming with a view to stepping up their production. White Leghorn which is a good laying breed is getting popular in the district.


A large variety of fishes are found in the district. The more common species have been mentioned in chapter I. Only four varieties of major carps, viz., labeo rohita, labeo calbasu, catla catla and cirrhina mrigal have been taken up for pond culture in the district.


Village papers recorded an area of 7,30,856 acres (1,142 sq miles) in the district as forests in the year 1959-60. This came to about 29 per cent of the total geographical area of the district. According to the Departmental figures forests cover an area of 1,065.35 sq. miles consisting of 739.80 sq.miles of ‘Reserved’ forests and 325.55 sq. miles of ‘Protected’ forests. Besides this an area of about 92 sq. miles of forests (classified as chhota-ghas) is under the control of the Revenue Department.


The forests of Sagar district belong to the Northern Tropical Drry-Deciduous type according to Champion’s Classification (group 4b) The forests of the district can be considered under the following broad sub-types:- (i) Teak forests : (a) Teak forest on alluvium. (b) Teak forest on trrap. sandstone etc. (ii) Mixed forests. (iii) Khair forests

Tourist Places :

Rahatgarh, Tehsil Sagar

Rahatgarh water fall

A small town 60 km west of Sagar on Bhopal Sagar Road renowned for its battlement ramparts, its gates and its ruins of palaces temples and mosques. It is picturesquely situated on the steep bank of the river Bina which is crossed at this point by a fine bridge of fourteen arches, completed in 1863.Close to the town stands the famous fort of Rahatgarh.It outer wall consists of 26 enormous towers, some of which were used as dwellings connected by curtain walls and enclosing a space of 66 acres. Two miles away from the fort is a waterfall nearly 50 feet high in picturesque surroundings.

 Khimlasa,  Tehsil Khurai

Panch Pir Dargah

Khimlasa is said to have been founded by a Mohammedan noble and was mahal in the sarkar of Raisen of the subah of Malwa. The town of Khimlasa is enclosed within a fortified wall built of stone rubble more or less coursed

In the centre of the towb is a bastion fort of which the gateways alone form an interesting feature. One one side of the fort is the dargah of the Panch Pirs, with an elaborately carved perforated screen work, which deserves an special mention.

Abchand, Tehsil Sagar

In the ravines of river Gadheri,ensconced in the dense growth of Abchand reserve forest ( 23 45′ N and 78 55′ E), about 22 miles east of Sagar on the Sagar-Damoh road, exist about a dozen rock-cut caves with paintings of the same type as found at Singhanpur and Adamgarh.The largest cave is about 40 feet in length and its walls contain more than a dozen paintings showing activities of the pre-historic men.The hunting scenes represent individual or group of hunters. They are equipped with bows and arrows, spears and other weapons. The game animals shown in these paintings,are bison’s, bulls,deer antelopes, tiger, boars etc. In one of the Shelters a fierce fight between two tigers is fitfully depicted.The primitive people seem to have amused themselves with songs and dances. At one place seven figures are shown dancing hand-in- hand in a row. In front of them are played instruments like drums, dhapli and flutes. The colours used in these paintings are yellow, green, red, black, and white. The red colour shows different shades, dark orche and pink. The super- imposition or overlapping is also clear in some cases. There are alos some symbolic representations such as the swastikia, taurine, cross and the tree within railing symbols.

Baleh, Tehsil Rehli

Baleh Tehsil Rehli Situated in 23 degree 35 N and 79 degree 10 E it is a village 36 miles south-east of Sagar and 11 miles from Rehli with which it is connected by a road. A record found here mention Palvana or Yalavana Pattala and refers to a Chandika temple. Formerly the estate of Baleh consisting of 53 villages belong to a gond family of Patehra, which being driven out of Deori, settled here in 1747. It has some old tanks and betel vine gardens producing a leaf of some reputation.

Bamora, Tehsil Khurai

Bamora, Tehsil Khurai – A large village, lying 23 degree 35’N and 79 degree 05’E is a railway station on the Bina-Itarsi line of the Central Railway. There is a ruined temple built of stone without mortar similar to the one at Janjgir. The date of erection is not known, but it is believed to be very ancient. It contains a small stone image of a Varaha and one of a horse with rider. In one corner is an image of Shiva placed there since the temple passed out of its original use. There are also Buddhist ruins in the village

Barodia kalan, Tehsil Khurai

Barodia Kalan, Tehsil Khurai Situated in 24 degree 10′ N and 78 degree 35′ E, it is 30 miles north of Sagar on the Jhansi road. There is a ruined fort of the late mediaeval period in the village. On 31 January 1858, an encounter took place at Barodia Kalan between a British force and the insurgents, who had concentrated here after the fall of Rahatgarh fort. A remarkable scene of heroism was enacted in this place, as the Afghan soldiers, even when dying, killed their enemies with their broad swords. From the river Bina to the garhi the British had to fight their way step by step. The fort was surrounded and occupied, but the casualties suffered by the victors were severe.

Bhapel, Tehsil Sagar

Bhapel, Tehsil Sagar – A village situated in 23 degree 45’N and 87 degree 35’E, is 9 miles from Sagar on the Rahatgarh road. It is also called Phular as there is a temple of Mahadeo,locally called Phulnath. During the great Uprising on 15 December,1857 Bhapel was the site of an engagement between a British detachment from Sagar and the mutineers. An annual religious fair is held on the Purnima Day after Diwali which is attended by about 3,000 persons.

Bilhera, Tehsil Sagar

Bilhera, Tehsil Sagar – A village situated in 23 degree 35′ N and 78 degree 40′ E is 17 miles South of Sagar. It was founded in about 1659 A.D. by a Rajput chief called Pargal Shah, brother of Udan shah, the founder of Sagar who built the small fort which still stands. Later it was assigned, alongwith other villages as a grant for the maintenance of the old Dangi rulers of Sagar

Bina, Tehsil Sagar

Bina, Tehsil Khurai – A town situated in 24 degree 10′ N and 78 degree 10′ E at an elevation of 1352 feet is an important Railway Junction on the Central Railway 47 miles from Sagar by Rail and adjoining the town of Etawa. The Station having been named after the Bina River to avoid confusion with another Etawa in Uttar Pradesh. It is connected with Katni Junction on the Central Railway by a branch line through Sagar and Damoh

Binaika, Tehsil Banda

Binaika, Tehsil Banda – A large village in 24 degree 05 N and 78 degree 50′ E is 24 miles north of Sagar. It is supposed to have been populated in the 15th Century and was held by the Gond rulers of Garh Mandla from whom it was taken by Raja Beer Singh Deo of Orchha and was ceded to the Marathas in 1730 by Chhatrasal Later the Maratha Governer Vinayakrao built a fort here. In 1842 it was plundered by the Bundela Thakur from Narhut and Chandrapur and there after in 1857 was held by the Raja of Shahgarh on the 18th July 1857 a company of soldiers with two European Officers sent from Sagar to Binaika on the 21th the insurgents, having been reinforce from Shahgarh attacked this detachment with a gun and in the action that followed Major Legard was defeated and had to return to Sagar

Deori, Tehsil Rehli

Deori, Tehsil Rehli – A municipal town situated in 23 degree 05′ N and 78 Degree 40′ E at an elevation of 1409 feet on the Sukhchain river is 40 miles from Sagar on the Narsinghpur road. It was formerly called Ramgarh or Ujargarh but following the erection of a temple it was renamed as Deori meaning the ” abode of God”.The town is believed to have been founded about 400 years ago by a chandel Raja to whom local tradition ascribes the present fort.In the kingdom of Garh Mandla the Garh of Deori contained 750 mouzas. Later it became the capital of a tract known as Panch Mahal comprising Naharmau,Gourjhamer Chawarpatha and Tendukheda and was in possession of Durga Singh,the Gond ruler of Gourjhamer who is known to have rebuilt the fort.In 1767 Deori and the attached tract of Panchmahal were given rent free by the Peshwa to Dhondu Dattatreya a deshastha Maratha Brahman.

Dhamoni, Tehsil Banda

Dhamoni, Tehsil Banda – A village situated 24 degree 10′ N and 78 degree 45 E, 29 miles North of Sagar on the Jhansi road has a rich historical past.Though know deserted it was a place of sufficient importance to be a Garh in the Kingdom of Garh Mandla and has 750 mouzas. Dhamoni is undoubtedly a place of archaeological interest on account of old ruins. The fortress stands on an eminence and has a triangular ground plan enclosing a space of 52 acres.

Gadpahra, Tehsil Sagar

This is also called old Sagar,was the capital of the Dangi Kingdom. It is situated six miles north of Sagar on Jhansi road. Gadphara still has some historical remains. The fort build on a low range of hills, is approached  by a steep road leading to bastion, a rough gateway and a white washed temple on a platform. There are remains of a summer residence called a Shish Mahal or Glass palace of the Dangi Rular. It is a square building very much like a Muslim tomb consisting of two stores, each room having a veranda all around. The glassed tiles of various colors are fixed alternatively in the panel of the battlement and in the ribbing of the domes. It is attributed to Raja Jaisingh who is supposed to have live about 200 years ago. In the neighbour hood is a tomb which is treated as an object of worship.Below the hill toward the north is small lake called Motital.

Eran, Tehsil Khurai

An ancient site lying at the junction of Bina and Reuta rivers, 6 miles from Bamora station on the central railways. By its natural situation, Eran is at the gate of Bundelkhand on one side and Malwa at the other. The name is derived from the abundant growth of ERAKA, a sort of grass of emollient and diligent properties. The village of Eran has a most interesting collection of archaeological relics. There is a fort in rulings attributed to the Dangis, who formerly dominated over this region. The site had a number of Vishnu shrines but nothing now remains except some of the lower courses of   masonry, four standing columns with there architrave and some beams and part of door ways. The Principal statue is a colossal Varaha about 10 feet high. The excavation conducted by the Department of Archeaology of the University of Sagar have yielded relics similar to those found at Maheshwar and Tripuri showing that Eran formed the Northern most limit of the Chalcolithic culture in Madhya Pradesh.

Rangir, Tehsil Rehli

Harsiddi Devi of Rangir

A village situated 10 miles from Rehli and 21 miles from Sagar on Sagar Rehli Road on the bank of the Dahar river. It was site of an engagement between Chatrasak Bundela and Khaliq, the Mugal Fauzdar of Damoni. On the adjoining Hill stands a temple of Harsiddi Devi in whose honour fairs are held in the months of Asvina and Chaitra.

The Chaitra fair is an important one and large number of people visit the temple. The image of the goddess is held in great veneration and people believe that she changes her form thrice   every day , as a child at dawn, a young girl at mid day and a old women in the evening. A government rest house of forest department is located here.

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