SBI Clerical Cadre Preliminary Examination Held on May 22, 2016 Question Paper With Answer Key

SBI Clerical Cadre Preliminary Examination Held on May 22, 2016
SBI Clerical Cadre Preliminary Examination Held on May 22, 2016 Question Paper With Answer Key

SBI Clerical Cadre Preliminary Examination Held on May 22, 2016

Part I English Language

Directions (Q. Nos. 1-10) Read the passage carefully and answer the questions given below it Certain words/phrases have been given in bold to help you locate them while answering some of the questions.

Once upon a time, there lives a washerman in a village. He had a donkey by the name of Udhata. He used to carry loads of clothes to the river bank and back home everyday. The donkey was not satisfied with the food, that was given to him by his master to eat So he wandered into the nearby fields stealthily and ate the crops growing there. Once, the donkey, while wandering around, happened to meet a fox. Soon, both of them became friends and beg a in to wander together in search of delicious food.

One night, the donkey and the fox were eating water-melons in a field. The water-melons were to tasty, that the donkey ate in a large quantity. Having eaten to his appetite, the donkey became so happy that he was compelled by an intense desire to sing, He told the fox that he was in such a good mood that he had to express his happiness in a melodious tone. ‘Don’t be a fool. If you sing, the people sleeping in and around this field will wake up and beat us  black and blue with sticks:’ said the fox worriedly. ‘You are a dull fellow’, the donkey said hearing the words of fox. ‘Singing make one happy and healthy. No matter what comes.

I’ll definitely sing a song. “The box became worried to see the donkey adamant to sing a song in the midst of the field, while the owner was still sleeping only a little distance away. Seeing his adamance, he said to the donkey, ‘Friend, wait a minute before you s tart First, let me Jump over to the other side of the fence for my safety’. Saying so the fox jumped over to the other side of the fence without losing a moment. The donkey began in his so-called melodious tone. Hearing suddenly, a donkey braying in the field, the owner woke up from his sleep. He picked up his stick lying by his side and ran towards the donkey who as still braying happily. The owner of the field looked around and saw the loss caused by the donkey. He became very angry and beat him so ruthlessly that the donkey was physically incapacitated temporarily.

He, somehow, managed to drag himself out of the field with great difficult. The fox looked at the donkey and said in a sympathetic tone, ‘I’m sorry to see you in this pitiable condition. I had already warned you, but you didn’t listen to my advice. ‘The donkey too realized his folly and hung his head in shame.

1. Why did donkey want to sing?

(a)  Donkey was so happy that he was compelled by an intense desire to sing.

(b)  He wanted to wake up the people sleeping around.

(c)  Fox told the donkey to sing a song.

(d)  He wanted to prove that he was a good singer.

(e)  None of the above

Answer: (a)

2. What was donkey’s reaction when fox suggested him not to sing a song?

(a)  Donkey agreed with fox and did not sing a song.

(b)  Donkey chose the dance instead of singing a song.

(c)  Donkey became angry and did no t talk to fox after that

(d)  Donkey didn’t pay attention to fox words and sang a song.

(e)  None of the above

Answer: (d)

3. What happened when donkey sang a song?

(a)  The fox clapped for the donkey.

(b)  The villagers praised donkey and gave him a gift.

(c)  The fox started dancing

(d)  The owner woke up and beat the donkey ruthlessly.

(e)  None of the above

Answer: (d)

4. How did donkey came to know the fox?

(a)  Both where childhood friends.

(b)  Donkey happened to meet the fox in the field while wandering around in the search of delicious food.

(c)  They used to work together for the washerman from the starting.

(d)  Fox once saved donkey life.

(e)  None of the above

Answer: (b)

5. Which of the following statement is false according to the passage?

(a)  The donkey realized his mistake in the end.

(b)  The donkey was not satisfied with the food given to him by his master.

(c)  Donkey didn’t want to sing but he was compelled to do that

(d)  The owner of the field woke LIP after hearing to the donkey is voice

(e)  None of the above

Answer: (c)

Directions (Q. Nos. 6-8) Choose the word/group of words which is most similar in meaning to the word/group of words as used in the passage.

6. Stealthily

(a)  Superstitiously

(b)  Secretly

(c)  Honestly

(d)  Openly

(e)  Overtly

Answer: (b)

7. Compelled

(a)  Discouraged

(b)  Delayed

(c)  Suspended

(d)  Forced

(e)  Demanded

Answer: (d)

8. Adamance

(a)  Easy going

(b)  Yielding

(c)  Flexible

(d)  Mischievous

(e)  Rigid

Answer: (e)

Directions (Q. Nos. 9-10) Choose the word/group of words which is most opposite in meaning of the word/group of words as used in the passage.

9. Frolly

(a)  Stupidity

(b)  Madness

(c)  Advanceness

(d)  Sageness

(e)  Sharpness

Answer: (c)

10. Pitiable

(a)  Miserable

(b)  Misfortunate

(c)  Pathetic

(d)  Honourable

(e)  Commendable

Answer: (e)

Directions (Q. Nos. 11-15) Rearrange the following six sentence A, B, C, D, E and F in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph and then answer the questions given below.

A. Anything that you touch will turn into gold. The king was delighted with his good fortune.

B. Even though he was very rich he always craved for more and more.

C. Everything he touched turned into gold. He turned trees, grass, tables, chairs, flowers, and vases into gold.

D. One day, he called his court magician and commanded, Find me a spell that can get me more treasures than I already have.

E. King Midas was a very greedy king.

F. The magician said, Your majesty, I can given you a power that no one else in this world has.

11. Which of the following should be the FIRST sentence after rearrangement?

(a)  F

(b)  E

(c)  B

(d)  A

(e)  C

Answer: (b)

12. Which of the following should be the SECOND sentence after rearrangement?

(a)  A

(b)  B

(c)  C

(d)  E

(e)  D

Answer: (e)

13. Which of the following should be the THIRD sentence after rearrangement?

(a)  E

(b)  F

(c)  D

(d)  C

(e)  B

Answer: (b)

14. Which of the following should be the FOURTH sentence after rearrangement?

(a)  A

(b)  B

(c)  F

(d)  E

(e)  CC

Answer: (a)

15. Which of the following should be the LAST (SIXTH) sentence after rearrangement?

(a)  C

(b)  A

(c)  B

(d)  D

(e)  F

Answer: (b)

Directions (Q. Nos. 1-20) Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical or idiomatic error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer. If there is ‘No error’, the answer is (e). (Ignore errors of punctuation, if any.)

16. (a) Harsh Vardhan said he was looking forward / (b) to serve his roots, as he had spend / (c) the first 15 years of his life / (d) in the streets of old Delhi. (e) No error

Answer: (b)

17. (a) A family office has to / (b) execute all tasks related to / (c) manage the wealth of / (d) the upper-rich family. (e) No error

Answer: (c)

18. (a) Service providers in the financial industry, specially private banks / (b) and wealth management firms, are increasingly / (c) forced to standardize their / (d) products to optimize profit. (e) No error

Answer: (e)

19. (a) Social or impact funds are private equity-like funds /(b) that pool money from investors / (c) and put it to work in a portfolio of ventures / (d) that meet the funds objective. (e) No error

Answer: (a)

20. (a) While residential land purchases/ (b) have benefitted many investors/ (c) buying land can be risky / (d) especially for a NRI. (e) No error.

Answer: (c)

Directions (Q. Nos. 21-25) In each question below, four words printed in bold type are given. These are indicated as (a), (b), (c) and (d). One of these words printed in bold may either be wrongly spelt or in appropriate in the context of the sentence. Find out the word that is inappropriate or wrongly spelt, if any. The number of that word is your answer. If all the words printed in bold are correctly spelt and appropriate in the context of the sentence then mark (e) i.e. ‘All correct’, as your answer.

21. All the competitors (a)/ completed (b) / the race (c) / with just one (d) All correct (e)

Answer: (d)

22. Poor posture (a) / can lead (b) / to muscular (c) / problems (d)/ in later life. All correct (e)

Answer: (e)

23. The pump (a) / shut off (b) / as a result (c) / of a mechanikal (d) / failure. All correct (e)

Answer: (d)

24. The Principal (a) / gave a very pompous (b) / speach (c) / about ‘The portals of learning’. (d) All correct (e)

Answer: (c)

25. Copeing (a)/ with her mother’s long illness (b)/ was a heavy load (c)/ to (d) All correct (e)

Answer: (a)

Directions (Q. Nos. 26-30) In the following passage, some of the words have been left out. each of which is indicated by a number. Find the suitable word from the options given against each number and fill up the blanks with appropriate words to make the paragraph meaningfully complete.

A camel and a jackal were friends. One day the jackal …(26)… his friend to a big sugarcane farm. It was on the opposite side of a river. After a …(27)… meal the Jackal began to howl loudly. The frightened camel pleaded …(28)… the Jackal not to do so. The jackal said, “Friend, I have this habit after every meal. I cannot help it.” Soon the farmers arrived and gave a sound thrashing to the camel.

When the camel crossed the river the jackal joined him on his back. In the midstream, the camel took a deliberate dip …(29)… the water. When the jackal cried out in terror, the camel said casually “I have the habit of rolling in the water after every meal.” The poor jackal was …(30)… .


(a)  brought

(b)  bought

(c)  took

(d)  taken

(e)  invites

Answer: (c)


(a)  dally

(b)  desirous

(c)  delicacy

(d)  dinner

(e)  sumptuous

Answer: (e)


(a)  to

(b)  for

(c)  on

(d)  with

(e)  before

Answer: (e)


(a)  onto

(b)  in

(c)  within

(d)  down

(e)  on

Answer: (b)


(a)  sank

(b)  sinking

(c)  drowning

(d)  drowned

(e)  wetting

Answer: (d)

Part II Reasoning Ability

Directions (Q. Nos. 31-35) To answer these questions study carefully the following arrangement of letters, digits and symbols.

M 7 ∑ 8 L P @ ? 6 N B T Y 3 2 = E $ 4 9 © G H 5

31. How many such letters are there in the arrangement each of which is immediately followed by a number?

(a)  Three

(b)  Four

(c)  One

(d)  Two

(e)  None of these

Answer: (a)

32. How many such symbols are there in the arrangement each of which is immediately preceded by a number?

(a)  Two

(b)  Three

(c)  Four

(d)  Nil

(e)  None of these

Answer: (b)

33. If all the symbols are deleted from the arrangement, then which of the following will be fourth to the left of the 17th element from the left end?

(a)  9

(b)  E

(c)  2

(d)  Y

(e)  None of these

Answer: (b)

34. ‘78’ is to ‘P?6’ and ‘?N’ is to ‘T32’ in the same way as ‘2E’ is to ……….. in the arrangement.

(a)  4©H

(b)  49G

(c)  4©G

(d)  9GH

(e)  None of these

Answer: (c)

35. If all the numbers are deleted from the arrangement then which of the following will be fifth to the right of the 13th element from the right end?

(a)  B

(b)  N

(c)  Y

(d)  T

(e)  None of these

Answer: (a)

Directions (Q. Nos. 36-40) In these questions, a relationship between different elements is shown in the statements. The statements are followed by two conclusions.

Give answer

a. if only conclusion I is true

b. if only conclusion II is true

c. if either conclusion I or II is true

d. if neither conclusion I nor II is true

e. if both conclusions are true

36. Statements A > B > C < D,

C = E > G

Conclusions I. D > E

II. B > E

Answer: (b)

37. Statements P > Q > M > N, Q = S

Conclusions I. S > P        II. N < S

Answer: (b)

38. Statement S > M = Z > T < Q > V

Conclusions I. V = S        II. Q > M

Answer: (d)

39. Statement T < U = V < S > P > Q

Conclusions I. S > T        II. V < Q

Answer: (e)

40. Statements M < N > R > W,

E = J > L > W

Conclusions I. E > W       II. M > L

Answer: (a)

Directions (Q. Nos. 41-45) The following questions are based on the five three-digit numbers given  below:

684      512    437    385    296

41. If 2 is added to the first digit of each of the numbers how many numbers thus formed will be divisible by three?

(a)  None

(b)  One

(c)  Two

(d)  Three

(e)  None of these

Answer: (b)

42. If all the digits in each of the numbers are arranged in descending order within the number, which of the following will be the highest number in the new arrangement of numbers?

(a)  684

(b)  385

(c)  296

(d)  437

(e)  None of these

Answer: (c)

43. What will be the resultant number if the second digit of the second lowest number is divided by the third digit of the highest number?

(a)  2

(b)  3

(c)  0

(d)  1

(e)  4

Answer: (a)

44. If 1 is added to the first digit and 2 is added to the last digit of each of the numbers then which of the following n umbers will be the second highest number?

(a)  385

(b)  684

(c)  437

(d)  296

(e)  512

Answer: (e)

45. If in each number the first and second digits are interchanged then which will be the highest number?

(a)  296

(b)  512

(c)  437

(d)  684

(e)  385

Answer: (a)

Directions (Q. Nos. 46-47) Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:

P is to the North of Q and S is to the East of P, who is to the South of W. T is to the West of P.

46. Who among the following is towards South of W and North of Q?

(a)  P

(b)  T

(c)  S

(d)  Q

(e)  None of these

Answer: (a)

47. W is in which direction with respect to T?

(a)  North

(b)  North-East

(c)  South-West

(d)  West

(e)  None of these

Answer: (b)

Directions (Q. Nos. 48-52) Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:

Dhondu, Chintu, Titu, Chiku, Sonu, Monu, Bittu and Sonty are sitting around a circular table facing the centre. Sonty is third to the right of Titu and second to the left of Sonu. Chintu is not an immediate neighbour of Sonty or Titu. Monu is second to the right of Chiku and is in immediate neighbour of Titu. Bittu is not the neighbour of Sonu.

48. Who among the following is second to the right of Titu?

(a)  Sonty

(b)  Bittu

(c)  Monu

(d)  Sonu

(e)  None of these

Answer: (b)

49. Who among the following is an immediate neighbour of Sonty and Sonu?

(a)  Dhondu

(b)  Chintu

(c)  Titu

(d)  Bittu

(e)  None of these

Answer: (a)

50. In which of the following pairs the second person is sitting on the immediate right of the first person?

(a)  Dhondu, Sonty

(b)  Titu, Chiku

(c)  Bittu, Sonty

(d)  Sonu, Sonty

(e)  Monu, Titu

Answer: (c)

51. Who among the following is second to the left of Chintu?

(a)  Titu

(b)  Sonty

(c)  Monu

(d)  Dhondu

(e)  None of these

Answer: (d)

52. Who among the following is opposite to Chiku?

(a)  Dhondu

(b)  Bittu

(c)  Sonty

(d)  Sonu

(e)  None of these

Answer: (c)

Directions (Q. Nos. 53-57) Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions.

Seven neighbours S, P, L, Q, R, M and I live on different floors in the same building having seven floors numbered one to seven. (The first floor is numbered one, the floor above it is numbered two and so on and the topmost floor is numbered as seven.) Three persons live between I and M. M lives on the floor above S, who does not live on an odd-numbered floor. P is neither live on odd number nor on topmost floor. I does not live on the first floor. Two persons live between I and S. Q lives neither on the first floor nor on the fourth floor.

53. Who lives on the floor just above M?

(a)  I

(b)  P

(c)  Q

(d)  R

(e)  None of these

Answer: (c)

54. How many persons live between L and P?

(a)  None

(b)  One

(c)  Two

(d)  Three

(e)  Can’t be determined

Answer: (c)

55. Which of the following pairs live on the first floor and the topmost floor respectively?

(a)  L, Q

(b)  Q, P

(c)  I, Q

(d)  L, I

(e)  Can’t be determined

Answer: (a)

56. Who among the following lives on the topmost floor?

(a)  I

(b)  Q

(c)  P

(d)  L

(e)  None of these

Answer: (b)

57. Which of the following combinations is true?

(a)  First floor – S

(b)  Fourth floor – R

(c)  Third floor – M

(d)  Sixth floor – I

(e)  None of the above

Answer: (e)

58. How many pairs of letters are there in the word (in forward direction) APPLICATION, each of which have as many letters between then in the word as they have between then in the English alphabet?

(a)  One

(b)  Two

(c)  Three

(d)  Four

(e)  None of these

Answer: (a)

59. In a certain coding system, PAPER is written as PERPA and SUBJECT is written as JECTSUB, what should be the code for COUNCIL?





(e)  None of these

Answer: (a)

60. In a certain code language ‘lu ja ka hu’ means’ will you meet us’, ‘lu ka hu p a’ means ‘will you sold us’. Then what is the code of ‘meet’ in this code languge?

(a)  ja

(b)  lu

(c)  ka

(d)  hu

(e)  cannot be determined

Answer: (a)

61. In a certain code language, COMBINE is written as XLNYRMV. How will TOWARDS be written in the that code language?





(e)  None of these

Answer: (b)

62. 37 girls are standing in a row facing the school building. Ayesha is fifteenth from the left end. If she is shifted six places to the right what is her position from the right end?

(a)  16th

(b)  21st

(c)  20th

(d)  18th

(e)  None of these

Answer: (e)

63. X is mother is the mother-in-law of the father of Z. Z is the brother of Y while X is the father of M. How is X related to Z?

(a)  Paternal uncle

(b)  Maternal uncle

(c)  Cousin

(d)  Grandfather

(e)  Brother-in-law

Answer: (b)

64. If A is a brother of B, C is t he sister of A, D is the brother of E, E is the daughter of B, F is the father of C. Who is the uncle of D?

(a)  A

(b)  C

(c)  B

(d)  None of these

(e)  Can’t be determined

Answer: (a)

65. A said to B that B’s mother was the mother-in-law of A’s mother. How is A’s mother related to B’s mother?

(a)  Daughter-in-law

(b)  Mother-in-law

(c)  Sister

(d)  Aunt

(e)  None of these

Answer: (a)

Part III Numerical Ability

Directions (Q. Nos. 66-70) What should come in the place of question marks in the following questions?


(a)  133.4

(b)  137.2

(c)  127.8

(d)  131.6

(e)  None of these

Answer: (a)

67. 12% of 555 + 15% of 666 = ?

(a)  166.5

(b)  167.5

(c)  168.5

(d)  169.5

(e)  None of these

Answer: (a)

68. 84368 + 65466 – 72009 – 13964 = ?

(a)  61481

(b)  62921

(c)  63861

(d)  64241

(e)  None of these

Answer: (c)

69. 338 × 331.2 ÷ 335 = 33 × 33?

(a)  2.8

(b)  3

(c)  3.2

(d)  4

(e)  6

Answer: (b)


(a)  404

(b)  408

(c)  410

(d)  414

(e)  416

Answer: (e)

Directions (Q. Nos. 71-75) Study the following table carefully and answer the given questions.

The number of various crimes, as supplied by national crime record, reported in different States in the year 2012-13

71. The total number of various crimes in Himchal Pradesh is

(a)  37803

(b)  38903

(c)  37903

(d)  36903

(e)  37003

Answer: (d)

72. Find the ratio of Stalking and Assault in Uttar Pradesh to Theft and Criminal Trespass in Haryana.

(a)  28 : 51

(b)  21 : 52

(c)  52 : 21

(d)  14 : 55

(e)  55 : 14

Answer: (b)

73. Find the approximate average of Murder and Theft in all the eight States together.

(a)  1141

(b)  1132

(c)  1311

(d)  941

(e)  1021

Answer: (e)

74. The total number of Assaults and Murders together in Bihar is what percent of the total number of crimes in that State?

(a)  29.82%

(b)  39.82%

(c)  25%

(d)  21.82%

(e)  25.5%

Answer: (b)

75. Find the difference between the number of various crimes committed in Bihar and that in Rajasthan.

(a)  105

(b)  98

(c)  145

(d)  139

(e)  104

Answer: (c)

Directions (Q. Nos. 76-80) What should come in the place of question marks in the following questions.

76. 4376 + 3209 – 1784 + 97 = 3125 + ?

(a)  2713

(b)  2743

(c)  2773

(d)  2793

(e)  2737

Answer: (c)


(a)  1521

(b)  1369

(c)  1225

(d)  961

(e)  1296

Answer: (b)

78. 85% of 420 + ?% of 1080 = 735

(a)  25

(b)  30

(c)  35

(d)  40

(e)  45

Answer: (c)


(a)  8920

(b)  8940

(c)  8960

(d)  8820

(e)  8640

Answer: (d)

80. 30% of 1225 – 64% of 555 = ?

(a)  10.7

(b)  12.3

(c)  13.4

(d)  17.5

(e)  None of these

Answer: (b)

81. How many litres of water should be added to a 30 L mixture of milk and water containing milk and water in the ratio of 7 : 3 such that the resultant mixture has 40% water in it?

(a)  5 L

(b)  2 L

(c)  3 L

(d)  8 L

(e)  7 L

Answer: (c)

82. The SI on certain sum of money for 15 months at rate o f 7.5% per annum exceed the SI on same sum at 12.5% per annum for 8 months by Rs 3250 find sum?

(a)  Rs 160000

(b)  Rs 20000

(c)  Rs 170000

(d)  Rs 18000

(e)  Rs 312000

Answer: (e)

83. 4 men and 3 women finish a job in 6 days, and 5 men and 7 women can do the same job in 4 days. How long will 1 man and 1 woman take to do the work?





(e)  None of these

Answer: (a)

84. A and B started a business with initial investments in the ratio 5 : 7. If after one year their profits were in the ratio 1 : 2 and the period for A’s investment was 7 months, B invested the money for

(a)  6 months


(c)  10 months

(d)  4 months

(e)  7 months

Answer: (c)

85. An army lost 10% its men in war, 10% of the remaining due to diseases and 10% of the rest were disabled. Thus, the strength was reduced to 729000 active men. Find the original strength.

(a)  1000000

(b)  1200000

(c)  1500000

(d)  180000

(e)  None of these

Answer: (a)

86. What is the difference between the compound interests on Rs 5000 for 1 years at 4% per annum compounded yearly and half-yearly?

(a)  Rs 2

(b)  Rs 3

(c)  Rs 4

(d)  Rs 8

(e)  None of these

Answer: (a)

87. The speeds of John and Max are 30 km/h and 40 km/h. Initially, Max is at a place L and John is at a place M. The distance between L and M is 650 km. John started his journey 3 hours earlier than Max to meet each other. If they meet each other at a place P some where between L and M, then the distance between P and M is

(a)  220 km

(b)  250 km

(c)  330 km

(d)  320 km

(e)  None of these

Answer: (c)

88. The average weight of boys in a class is 30 kg and the average weight of girls in the same class is 20 kg. If the average weight of the whole class is 23.25 kg, what could be the possible strength of boys and girls respectively in the same class?

(a)  14 and 26

(b)  13 and 27

(c)  17 and 27

(d)  19 and 21

(e)  None of these

Answer: (b)

89. A profit of 8% is made by selling a shirt after offering a discount of 12%. If the marked price of the shirt is Rs 1080, find it cost price.

(a)  Rs 890

(b)  Rs 780

(c)  Rs 880

(d)  Rs 900

(e)  None of these

Answer: (c)

90. The difference between 4/5 of a number and 45% of the number is 56. What is 65% of the number?

(a)  96

(b)  104

(c)  112

(d)  120

(e)  None of these

Answer: (b)

91. A man can row 24 km upstream and 54 km downstream in 6 hours. He can also row 36 km upstream and 48 km downstream in 8 hours. What is the speed of the man in still water?

(a)  18.75 km/h

(b)  19.25 km/h

(c)  17.65 km/h

(d)  15.55 km/h

(e)  22.75 km/h

Answer: (b)

92. The numerator of a fraction is decreased by 25% and the denominator is increased by 250%. If the resultant fraction is 6/5, what is the original fraction?

(a)  22/5

(b)  24/5

(c)  27/6

(d)  28/5

(e)  30/11

Answer: (d)

93. What would be the area of a rectangle whose area is equal to the area of circle of radius 7 cm?

(a)  77 cm2

(b)  154 cm2

(c)  184 cm2

(d)  180 cm2

(e)  150 cm2

Answer: (b)

94. In a village, three people contested for post of village Pradhan. Due to their own interest, all the voters voted and no one vote was invalid. The losing candidate got 30% votes. What could be the minimum absolute margin of votes by, which the winning candidate led by the nearest rival, if each candidate got an integral percent of votes?

(a)  4

(b)  2

(c)  1

(d)  3

(e)  None of these

Answer: (b)

95. The price of the article is first increased by 20% and later on the price were decreased by 25% due to reduction in sales. Find the net percentage change in final p rice of article.

(a)  20%

(b)  18%

(c)  38%

(d)  10%

(e)  None of these

Answer: (d)

Directions (Q. Nos. 96-100) What will come in the place of the question marks in the following number series?

96. 48, 23, ? 4.25, 1.125

(a)  10.5

(b)  10

(c)  2.5

(d)  11

(e)  None of these

Answer: (a)

97. 2, 15, 41, 80, 132, ?

(a)  197

(b)  150

(c)  178

(d)  180

(e)  None of these

Answer: (a)

98. ?, 15, 75, 525, 4725, 51975

(a)  5

(b)  10

(c)  8

(d)  6

(e)  None of these

Answer: (a)

99. 4, 19, 49, ?, 229

(a)  75

(b)  109

(c)  65

(d)  169

(e)  None of these

Answer: (b)

100. 840, ?, 420, 140, 35, 7

(a)  408

(b)  840

(c)  480

(d)  804

(e)  None of these

Answer: (b)

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