Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) Bhopal Assistant Loco-Pilot Examination Held on 13-07-2008 Question Paper With Answer Key

Railway Recruitment Board, Bhopal Assistant Loco-Pilot Examination Held on 13-07-2008


1. The first person to conduct heart transplantation in India, is

(a)   Dr. P. K. K. Ayyangar

(b)   Dr. R. Valiathan

(c)   Dr. Venugopal

(d)   Dr. R. Kesavan Nair

Answer: (c)

2. The first Field Marshal of India was

(a)   A. Vaidya

(b)   K. M. Cariappa

(c)   Sunder ji

(d)   > H. F. J. Manekshaw

Answer: (d)

3. Which book is entitled as ‘Bible of Communism’?

(a)   Affluent Society

(b)   War and Peace

(c)   Das Kapital

(d)   Gulag Archipelago

Answer: (c)

4. The President can directly disallow a State Legislation

(a)   in case of any bill

(b)   in case of money bills

(c)   in case of bills reserved by the Governor for President’s assent

(d)   Both (b) and (c) above

Answer: (c)

5. In case a President dies while office, the vice President can act as President for a maximum period of

(a)   2 years

(b)   1 year

(c)   3 months

(d)   6 months

Answer: (d)

6. What is the minimum permissible age for employment in any factory or mine?

(a)   12 years

(b)   14 years

(c)   16 years

(d)   18 years

Answer: (b)

7. Which of the following is not a condition for becoming a citizen of India?

(a)   Birth

(b)   Acquiring Property

(c)   Descent

(d)   Naturalization

Answer: (b)

8. Persons below the poverty line in India are classified as such based on whether

(a)   they are entitled to a minimum prescribed food basket

(b)   they get work for a prescribed minimum number of days in a year

(c)   they belong to agricultural labourer household and the scheduled caste/tribe group

(d)   their daily wages fall below the prescribed minimum wages

Answer: (a)

9. Which Committee’s recommendations are being followed for estimating Poverty Line in India?

(a)   Dutt Committee

(b)   Chelliah Committee

(c)   Chakravorty Committee

(d)   Lakdawala Committee

Answer: (d)

10. Economic Planning is a subject

(a)   in the Union List

(b)   in the State List

(c)   in the Concurrent List

(d)   unspecified in any special list

Answer: (d)

11. The National Development Council gets its administrative support from

(a)   Planning Commission

(b)   Finance Commission

(c)   Administrative Reforms Commission

(d)   Sarkaria Commission

Answer: (a)

12. The country having the largest are under tea cultivation is

(a)   Brazil

(b)   Russia

(c)   Bangladesh

(d)   India

Answer: (d)

13. The important feature of shifting cultivation I s

(a)   cultivation by transplantation

(b)   cultivation of Leguminious crops

(c)   change of cultivation site

(d)   rotating of crops

Answer: (c)

14. Fertility of soil can be improved by

(a)   adding living earthworms

(b)   adding dead earthworms

(c)   removing dead earthworms

(d)   removing living earthworms and adding dead earthworms

Answer: (a)

15. The Himalayan mountain system belongs to which one of the following?

(a)   Fold mountains

(b)   Volcanic mountains

(c)   Block mountains

(d)   None of the above

Answer: (a)

16. In Rigvedic society, which of the following was unknown ?

(a)   Polygamy

(b)   Purdah system

(c)   Polyandry

(d)   Child marriage

Answer: (d)

17. The title ‘Devanam Priya’ was given to

(a)   Harsha

(b)   Kanishka

(c)   Ashoka

(d)   Chandragputa Vikramditya

Answer: (c)

18. The name by which Ashoka is generally referred to in his inscriptions is

(a)   Priyadarsi

(b)   Dharmadeva

(c)   Chakravarti

(d)   Dharmakirti

Answer: (a)

19. The strategy of ‘Divide and Rule’ was adopted by

(a)   Lord Curzon

(b)   Lord Wallesley

(c)   Lord Minto

(d)   Both (a) & (c)

Answer: (d)

20. Delhi became the capital of India in

(a)   1910

(b)   1911

(c)   1916

(d)   1923

Answer: (b)

21. The solution of (1 + x2)dy – xy dx = 0 is

(a)   y = c(1 + x2)

(b)   y2 = c(1 + x2)


(d)   None of the above

Answer: (b)


(a)   π4/64

(b)   π4/256

(c)   π4/124

(d)   None of these

Answer: (d)

23. In ∆ABC, cot (A/2) + cot (B/2) + cot(C/2) is equal to

(a)   s2/∆2

(b)   s/∆

(c)   s2/∆

(d)   None of these

Answer: (c)

24. If  then x is equal to

(a)   1/2

(b)   1/3

(c)   1/4

(d)   None of these

Answer: (a)

25. If  and  find B




(d)   None of these

Answer: (d)

26. If 20Pr = 13 × 20Pr – 1, then r is equal to

(a)   5

(b)   6

(c)   7

(d)   8

Answer: (d)

27. The term independent of x in the expansion of  is

(a)   −12

(b)   15

(c)   24

(d)   −20

Answer: (d)

28. If x = log­a(bc), y = logb (ca) and z = logc (ab), then xyz is equal to

(a)   x + y + z

(b)   x + y + z + 1

(c)   x + y + z + 2

(d)   x + y + z + 3

Answer: (c)

29. In an AP, S1 = 6, S7 = 105, then Sn : Sn – 3 is same as

(a)   (n + 3) : (n – 3)

(b)   (n + 3) : n

(c)   n : (n – 3)

(d)   None of these

Answer: (a)

30. If 1, ω, ω2 are the cube roots of unity, then (3 + 3ω + 5ω2) – (2 + 4ω + 2ω2)3 is equal to

(a)   0

(b)   3

(c)   2

(d)   1

Answer: (a)

31. The roots of the equation 4x – 3 ∙ 2x+ 2 + 32 = 0 are

(a)   1, 2

(b)   1, 3

(c)   2, 3

(d)   4, 1

Answer: (c)

32. If  and   , then α + β is equal to

(a)   π/3

(b)   π/4

(c)   π/6

(d)   3π/2

Answer: (b)

33. If cos1x + cos1y = 2π, then the value of sin1x + sin1y, is

(a)   0

(b)   π

(c)   −π

(d)   π/3

Answer: (c)

34. The incentre of the triangle with vertices (1, √3), (0, 0) and (2, 0), is





Answer: (d)

35. The value of λ, for which the equation x2 – y2 – x + λy – 2 = 0 represents a pair of straight lines, are

(a)   −3, 1

(b)   −1, 1

(c)   3, −3

(d)   3, 1

Answer: (c)

36. The line y = mx + c is a normal to the circle x2 + y2 + 2gx + 2fy + c = 0, if

(a)   c= 0

(b)   mg  = c +f

(c)   mg ≠ c + f

(d)   None of these

Answer: (b)

37. The function 

(a)   is an even function

(b)   is an odd function

(c)   is a one-one function

(d)   None of the above

Answer: (a)

38.  is equal to

(a)   1

(b)   0

(c)   2

(d)   1/2

Answer: (c)

39. If  then  is equal to

(a)   x



(d)   0

Answer: (c)

40.  is equal to




(d)   None of these

Answer: (b)

41. The area of a parallelogram whose adjacent sides are  is

(a)   5√3

(b)   10√3

(c)   5√6

(d)   10√6

Answer: (c)

42. A bullet is projected with a velocity 160 m/s at an angle of 30° with the horizontal. Total time of flight I s (g = 10 m/s2)

(a)   8 s

(b)   16 s

(c)   12 s

(d)   20 s

Answer: (b)

43. If sin α and cos α are the roots of the equation px2 + qx + r = 0, then

(a)   p2  + q2 – 2pr = 0

(b)   p2 – q2 + 2pr = 0

(c)   p2 – q2 – 2pr = 0

(d)   p2 + q2 + 2pr = 0

Answer: (b)

44. 32n+2 – 8n – 9 is divisible by 64 for all

(a)   n ∈ N

(b)   n ∈ N, n ≥ 2

(c)   n ∈ N, n > 2

(d)   None of these

Answer: (a)

45. The probability that in a family of 5 members, exact 2 members have birthday on Sunday, is

(a)   2/5




Answer: (b)

46. The foci of the conic section 25x2 + 16y2 – 150x = 175 are

(a)   (0, ±3)

(b)   (0, ±2)

(c)   (3, ±3)

(d)   (0, ±1)

Answer: (c)

47. The equation of the hyperbola with vertices (3, 0) and (−3, 0) an semi-latusrectum 4, is given by

(a)   4x2 – 3y + 36 = 0

(b)   4x2 – 3y2 + 12 = 0

(c)   4x2 – 3y2 – 36 = 0

(d)   None of these

Answer: (c)

48. is equal to

(a)   log(ex + ex) + c

(b)   log(e2x + 1) + c

(c)   tan1(ex) + c

(d)   None of these

Answer: (c)

49. If tan 2θ tan θ = 1, then the general value of θ is




(d)   None of these

Answer: (a)

50. The equation of the normal to the hyperbola  at point (−4, 0) is

(a)   y = 0

(b)   x = 1

(c)   x = 0

(d)   2x – 3y = 1

Answer: (a)

51. A 2m wide road is to be constructed surrounding a square plot of area 144 sq m. If the u nit cost of construction is Rs 250 per sq m, what is the total cost of construction?

(a)   Rs 9000

(b)   Rs 13000

(c)   Rs 16000

(d)   None of these

Answer: (d)

52. The length is of the longest rod that can be placed in a room which is 12 m long, 9 m broad and 8 m high is

(a)   27 m

(b)   19 m

(c)   17 m

(d)   13 m

Answer: (c)

53. If , then value of x is

(a)   18/17

(b)   21/17

(c)   13/17

(d)   12/17

Answer: (b)

54. A grocer mixes 26 kg of tea which costs Rs 20 a kg with 30 kg of tea which costs Rs 36 a kg and sells the mixture at Rs 30 a kg. His profit percent is

(a)   5%

(b)   6%

(c)   7%

(d)   8%

Answer: (a)

55. The average salary of male employees in a firm was Rs 5200 and that of females was Rs 4200. The mean salary of all the employees was Rs 5000. Percentage of female employees is

(a)   80%

(b)   20%

(c)   40%

(d)   30%

Answer: (b)

56. A man boys tow cows for Rs 1350 and sells one so as to lost 6% and the other so as to gain 7.5% and on the whole he neither gains nor loses. What does the first cow cost ?

(a)   Rs 750

(b)   Rs 600

(c)   Rs 800

(d)   None of these

Answer: (a)

57. The average weight of a group of 150 students in a class is 60 kg. If the mean of weights of all 50 male students in the class is 70 kg, then the average weight of 100 girls in the class is

(a)   65 kg

(b)   50 kg

(c)   60 kg

(d)   55 kg

Answer: (d)

58. The HCF and LCM of two numbers are 21 and 4641 respectively. If one of the numbers lies between 200 and 300, find out the two numbers.

(a)   273, 357

(b)   210, 340

(c)   215, 314

(d)   210, 252

Answer: (a)

59. The difference between simple and compound interest compounded annually, on a certain sum of money for 2 yr at 4% per annum is Rs 1. The sum (in Rs) is

(a)   650

(b)   630

(c)   625

(d)   640

Answer: (c)

60. A and B can do a piece of work in 12 days, B and C in 15 days and C and A in 20 days. When they work together, the time required will be

(a)   20 days

(b)   13 days

(c)   15 days

(d)   10 days

Answer: (d)

61. The value of  is

(a)   10

(b)   8

(c)   6

(d)   4

Answer: (d)

62. In how many years, a certain sum doubles itself at 4% per annum simple interest ?

(a)   5 yr

(b)   10 yr

(c)   20 yr

(d)   25 yr

Answer: (d)

63. How many seconds will a 500 m long train take to cross a man walking with a speed of 3 km/h in the direction of the moving train if the speed of the train is 63 km/h?

(a)   25

(b)   30

(c)   40

(d)   45

Answer: (b)

64. Let x and y be two numbers and their harmonic mean, arithmetic mean and geometric mean be 4, A and G, respectively such that 2A + G2 = 27. What are the values of x and y, respectively ?

(a)   36, 1/2

(b)   18, 1

(c)   9, 2

(d)   6, 3

Answer: (d)

65. A’s income is 10 per cent more than B’s. How much percent is B’s income less than A’s?


(b)   10


(d)   5

Answer: (c)

66. If  then value of  is

(a)   36/25

(b)   25/36

(c)   61/11

(d)   11/61

Answer: (c)

67. The ratio of two unequal sides of a rectangle is 1 : 2. If its perimeter is 24, then the length of a diagonal is

(a)   2/√5

(b)   4/√5

(c)   2√5

(d)   4√5

Answer: (c)

68. How many numbers lying between 3000 and 4000 and made with the digits 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 are divisible by 5 while numbers are not repeated ?

(a)   5 !

(b)   4 !

(c)   12

(d)   6

Answer: (d)

69.On simplification of  we get

(a)   4.7

(b)   1.41

(c)   5

(d)   6

Answer: (c)

70. How much will Rs 25000 amount to in 2 yr at compound interest, if the rates for the successive years be 4 and 5 percent per year?

(a)   Rs 26600

(b)   Rs 27300

(c)   Rs 27100

(d)   Rs 28050

Answer: (b)

71. In a certain code language, ‘CGZ’ is written as ‘XTA’. How will ‘DFP’ be written in that code ?

(a)   WHK

(b)   KUW

(c)   WUK

(d)   WUQ

Answer: (c)

72. In a certain code language, ‘FILE’ is written as ‘UROV’. How will ‘SOUR’ be written in that code ?

(a)   IFLT

(b)   HLFI

(c)   LIFT

(d)   IHIF

Answer: (b)


(a)   320

(b)   274

(c)   262

(d)   132

Answer: (c)


(a)   117

(b)   36

(c)   32

(d)   26

Answer: (b)

75. Pointing to Satish, Ashok said, “He is the son of my sister’s only brother”. How is Satish related to Ashok?

(a)   Son

(b)   Grandson

(c)   Nephew

(d)   None of these

Answer: (a)

76. Five girls are standing in a row facing East. Savita is left to Usha, Tulsi and Urmila. Usha, Tulsi and Urmila are left to Kumud. Urmila is between Usha and Tulsi. If Tulsi is fourth from the left end, then what is the position of USha from the right end?

(a)   First

(b)   Second

(c)   Third

(d)   Fourth

Answer: (d)

77. Six students A, B, C, D, E and F are standing in a row. ‘B’ is between F and D. ‘E’ is between A and C. A’ is not standing beside F or D. ‘C’ is not standing beside D, then F is standing between which of the following pairs?

(a)   B and C

(b)   B and D

(c)   B and A

(d)   B and E

Answer: (a)

78. Four girls are sitting on a bench to be photographed. Shikha is to the left of Reena. Manju is to the right of Reena. Rita is between Reena and Manju. Who would be second from the left in the photograph?

(a)   Reena

(b)   Shikha

(c)   Manju

(d)   Rita

Answer: (a)

Directions (Q. 79-83) : In each of the following questions, choose one word which can be formed from the letters of the given words using each letter only once.


(a)   TELL

(b)   HEALTH

(c)   LATE

(d)   COOLER

Answer: (c)


(a)   MASTER

(b)   MANTLE

(c)   SUMMIT

(d)   ASSURE

Answer: (a)


(a)   RENAL

(b)   HIND

(c)   SURE

(d)   HORSE

Answer: (d)


(a)   IMPACT

(b)   CENTRE

(c)   REMAIN

(d)   PENCIL

Answer: (a)



(b)   MOTIVE

(c)   COPY

(d)   TINY

Answer: (a)

84. Pointing to a man a woman said, “The daughter of his father is the only daughter of my mother”. How is the husband of that woman related to that man?

(a)   Brother-in-law

(b)   Sister’s son

(c)   Son-in-law

(d)   Son

Answer: (a)

85. It ‘sti nro kti’ stands for ‘clouds pour down’; ‘nro bsi mit’ stands for ‘down he goes’ and ‘bsi nro zpi’ stands for ‘died down he’ which word would mean ‘goes’?

(a)   nro

(b)   mit

(c)   kti

(d)   bsi

Answer: (b)

Directions (Q. 86-90) : In the following figure, rectangle, square, circle and triangle represent the regions of wheat, gram, maize and rice cultivation respectively. On the basis of the above figure, answer the following questions.

86. Which area is cultivated by all the four commodities?

(a)   7

(b)   8

(c)   9

(d)   2

Answer: (a)

87. Which area is cultivated by wheat and maize only?

(a)   8

(b)   6

(c)   5

(d)   4

Answer: (d)

88. Which area is cultivated by rice only ?

(a)   5

(b)   1

(c)   2

(d)   11

Answer: (b)

89. Which area is cultivated by maize only ?

(a)   10

(b)   2

(c)   3

(d)   4

Answer: (c)

90. Which are is cultivated by rice and maize and nothing else ?

(a)   9

(b)   8

(c)   2

(d)   7

Answer: (c)

Directions (Q. 91-92) : In following questions, four words have been given, out of which three are alike in a certain way and the one is different. Choose out the odd one.


(a)   Hostel

(b)   Hotel

(c)   Inn

(d)   Club

Answer: (d)


(a)   Kennel

(b)   House

(c)   Stable

(d)   Aviary

Answer: (b)

Directions (Q. 93-94) : In the following questions, arrange the words in a meaningful logical order and then select the appropriate sequence from the alternatives provided below each of the groups of words.

93. (1) Travel (2) Destination

(3) Payment (4) Berth/Seat number

(5) Reservation

(6) Availability of berth/seat for reservation

(a)   6, 2, 5, 4, 3, 1

(b)   5, 3, 4, 1, 6, 2

(c)   2, 6, 3, 5, 4, 1

(d)   1, 2, 5, 4, 3, 6

Answer: (c)

94. (1) Elephant (2) Cat

(3) Mosquito (4)Tiger

(5) Whale

(a)   1, 3, 5, 4, 2

(b)   2, 5, 1, 4, 3

(c)   3, 2, 4, 1, 5

(d)   5, 3, 1, 2, 4

Answer: (c)

95. Kishankant walk 10 km towards North. From there, he walks 6 km towards South. Then, he walks 3 km towards East. How far and in which direction is he with reference to his starting point ?

(a)   5 km West

(b)   5 km North-East

(c)   7 km East

(d)   7 km West

Answer: (b)

96. Pointing to a photograph, a lady tells Pramod, “I am the only daughter of this lady and her son is your maternal uncle.” How is the speaker related to Pramod’s father?

(a)   Sister-in-law

(b)   Wife

(c)   Either (a) or (b)

(d)   Neither (a) nor (b)

Answer: (b)

97. In a certain code language, ‘134’ means ‘good any tasty’; ‘478’ means ‘see good pictures’ and ‘729’ means pictures are faint’. Which of the following digits stands for ‘see’?

(a)   9

(b)   2

(c)   1

(d)   8

Answer: (d)

98. In a certain code, ‘247’ means ‘spread red carpet’; ‘256’ means ‘dust one carpet’ and ‘234’ means one red carpet’ which digit in that code means ‘dust’?

(a)   2

(b)   3

(c)   5

(d)   6

Answer: (c)

99. If Z = 52 and ACT = 48, then BAT will be equal to

(a)   39

(b)   41

(c)   44

(d)   46

Answer: (d)

100. If MACHINE is coded as 19-7-9-14-15-20-11, how will you code DANGER?

(a)   10-7-20-13-11-24

(b)   11-7-20-16-11-24

(c)   13-7-20-9-11-25

(d)   13-7-20-10-11-25

Answer: (a)

101. In a certain code, COMPUTER is written as RFUVQNPC. How is MEDICINE written in the same code ?





Answer: (a)

Directions (Q. 102-103) : In the following questions, find the number which can be put in the blank to complete the series.

102. 1, 6, 13, 22, 33, (…….)

(a)   44

(b)   45

(c)   46

(d)   47

Answer: (c)

103. 3, 9, 27, 81, (……)

(a)   324

(b)   243

(c)   210

(d)   162

Answer: (b)

104. ‘A × B’ means that A is the sister of B, ‘A ÷ B’ means that A is the daughter of B ‘A – B’ means that A is the son of B. On the basis of this information you have to tell, how is P related to S in the relationship P – Q × R ÷ S ?

(a)   Brother

(b)   Son

(c)   Grandson

(d)   Daughter’s son

Answer: (d)

105. Pointing to a person in photograph, Raman said, “She is the only daughter of the mother of my brother’s sister.” How is that person related to Raman?

(a)   Uncle

(b)   Father

(c)   Mother

(d)   Sister

Answer: (d)

Directions (Q. 106-109) : Choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the given idiom/phrase.

106. Harp on

(a)   To comment

(b)   To criticise

(c)   To keep on talking

(d)   To keep in insulting

Answer: (c)

107. To catch somebody on the hop

(a)   To give someone a surprise

(b)   To catch somebody off guard

(c)   To stand in the way of someone

(d)   To catch somebody suddenly

Answer: (b)

108. To spill the beans

(a)   To reveal secret information

(b)   To misbehave

(c)   To keep secrets

(d)   To talk irrelevant

Answer: (a)

109. To bring one’s eggs to a bad market

(a)   To face a humiliating situation

(b)   To bring one’s commodities to a market where there is no demand for them

(c)   To show one’s talents before audience which is incapable for appreciating them

(d)   To fail in one’s plans because one goes to the wrong people for help

Answer: (d)

Directions (Q. 110-113) : Choose the alternative which is most opposite in meaning of the word given in capitals.


(a)   Innocent

(b)   Pure

(c)   Virtuous

(d)   Argelic

Answer: (a)


(a)   Plenty

(b)   Monotonous

(c)   Unhappy

(d)   Cheerful

Answer: (d)


(a)   Bully

(b)   Solicit

(c)   Demand

(d)   Dismiss

Answer: (c)


(a)   Plumb

(b)   Cool

(c)   Freeze

(d)   Chill

Answer: (b)

Directions (Q. 114-117) : Choose the most appropriate alternative to fill in the blank.

114. He is too dull ………….. the problem.

(a)   solves

(b)   to solve

(c)   solving

(d)   to solving

Answer: (b)

115. The speaker drew the attention of the audience ……. the burning issue.

(a)   to

(b)   towards

(c)   on

(d)   into

Answer: (a)

116. It’s 9 o’clock …….. and I’m still at breakfast.

(a)   till

(b)   yet

(c)   so

(d)   already

Answer: (d)

117. Although he is blind, he is very fast ………… calculations.

(a)   in

(b)   with

(c)   at

(d)   about

Answer: (c)

Directions (Q. 118-120) : In each of the following questions, choose the proper order for the parts P, Q, R and S to make a meaningful sentence.

118. Work is the one thing

(P)   and without it

(Q)  that is necessary

(R)  to keep the world going

(S)   we all should be

(a)   QPSR

(b)   QRPS

(c)   RPQS

(d)   SRPQ

Answer: (b)

119. The man

(P) is generally the one

(Q) who can work very hard

(R) when he must work

(S) who can play most heartily when he has the chance of playing

(a)   PSQR

(b)   QRPS

(c)   QRSP

(d)   SPQR

Answer: (b)

120. The natives of the Carribean

(P) regarded the papaya

(Q) because of its ability

(R) as a magic tree

(S) to keep magic tree

(a)   PRQS

(b)   PRSQ

(c)   RPQS

(d)   RPSQ

Answer: (a)

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