Railway (RRC) Eastern Railway Group ‘D’ Examination 1st sitting Held on 30.11.2014 Question Paper With Answer Key

Railway (RRC) Eastern Railway Group ‘D’ Examination 1st sitting Held on 30.11.2014


1. Ratio of two number sis 3 : 4 and their L.C.M. is 420. What is the larger number?

(1)   120

(2)   70

(3)   140

(4)   160

Answer: (3)

2. If 30% of A = 45% of B, what is the ratio of A and B?

(1)   3 : 2

(2)   2 : 3

(3)   3 : 4

(4)   3 : 1

Answer: (1)

3. M can do a piece of work in 4 hours, N and P together in 3 hours, and M and P together in 2 hours. How long will N alone take to do it?

(1)   10 hours

(2)   12 hours

(3)   8 hours

(4)   24 hours

Answer: (2)

4. In 10 litres of dilute sulphuric acid, the ratio of water and acid is 1 : 4. How much acid is added to the solution to make the ratio of water and acid as 1 : 5?

(1)   3 litres

(2)   5 litres

(3)   6 litres

(4)   2 litres

Answer: (4)

5. If A : B = 3 : 4, B : C = 12 : 13, then A : C = ?

(1)   3 : 13

(2)   36 : 13

(3)   9 : 13

(4)   13 : 9

Answer: (3)

6. The sum of three numbers is 98. If the ratio between the first and second is 2 : 3 and that between second and third is 5 : 8, then the second number is

(1)   30

(2)   20

(3)   58

(4)   48

Answer: (1)

7. Each side of a rectangular field is diminished by 40%. By how much percentage is the area of the field diminished?

(1)   16

(2)   25

(3)   32

(4)   64

Answer: (4)

8. If the ratio of cost price and selling price of an article is 25 : 26, then what is the percentage of profit?

(1)   4

(2)   5

(3)   6

(4)   8

Answer: (1)

9. A number, when divided by 136, leaves remainder 36. If the same number is divided by 17, the remainder will be

(1)   9

(2)   7

(3)   3

(4)   2

Answer: (4)

10. The cost of an article was Rs. 75. The cost was first increased by 20% and later on it was reduced by 20%. The present cost of the article is

(1)   Rs. 72

(2)   Rs. 60

(3)   Rs. 75

(4)   Rs. 90

Answer: (1)

11. If W1 : W2 = 2 : 3 and W1 : W3 = 1 : 2, then W2 : W3 is :

(1)   4 : 3

(2)   3 : 4

(3)   2 : 3

(4)   4 : 5

Answer: (2)

12. A boy has a few coins of denominations 50 paise, 25 paise and 10 paise in the ratio 1 : 2 : 3. If the total amount of the coins is Rs. 6.50, the number of 10 paise coins is

(1)   5

(2)   10

(3)   15

(4)   20

Answer: (3)

13. A train passes a man standing on a platform in 8 seconds and also crosses the platform which 264 metres long in 20 seconds. The length (in metres) of the train is

(1)   188

(2)   176

(3)   175

(4)   96

Answer: (2)

14. An article is sold at a loss of 12.5%. What is the ratio of cost price and selling price?

(1)   8 : 7

(2)   7 : 8

(3)   5 : 6

(4)   8 : 9

Answer: (1)

15. A boatman rows 1 km in 5 minutes along the stream and 6 km in 1 hours against the stream. The speed of the stream is

(1)   12 km/hr

(2)   10 km/hr

(3)   6 km/hr

(4)   3 km/hr

Answer: (4)

16. Two numbers are in the ratio 1 : 3. If their sum is 240, then their difference is

(1)   108

(2)   100

(3)   120

(4)   96

Answer: (3)

17. A man spends a part of his monthly income and saves a part of it. The ratio of expenditure to the savings is 27 : 2 and his monthly income is Rs. 725. What is his monthly savings?

(1)   Rs. 100

(2)   Rs. 50

(3)   Rs. 75

(4)   Rs. 125

Answer: (2)

18. 7 men can complete a piece of work in 12 days. How many additional men will be required to complete double the work in 8 days?

(1)   28

(2)   21

(3)   14

(4)   7

Answer: (3)

19. If the interest of Rs. 400 in 10 years is Rs. 280, what is the rate of simple interest per year?

(1)   8%

(2)   6%

(3)   9%

(4)   7%

Answer: (4)

20. The average weight of 35 students is 35 kg. If the teacher is also included, the average weight increases to 36 kg. The weight of the teacher is

(1)   36 kg

(2)   71 kg

(3)   70 kg

(4)   45 kg

Answer: (2)

21. Village M is larger than village K which is smaller than village R. If village N is larger than village R but smaller than village M, then which of the following villages is the smallest?

(1)   R

(2)   N

(3)   M

(4)   K

Answer: (4)

22. In a row of thirty boys, R is fourth from the right end and W is tenth from the left end. How many boys are between R and W?

(1)   15

(2)   16

(3)   17

(4)   18

Answer: (2)

23. P, Miss Q, Mr. R and Miss S are sitting around a table and discussing their trades. Study the following observations and then answer the question choosing the correct alternative.

• Mr. P sits opposite to the cook.

• Miss Q sits right to the barber.

• The washerman is on the left of the tailor.

• Miss S sits opposite to Mr. R.

What are the trades of P and Q?

(1)   tailor and barber

(2)   barber and cook

(3)   tailor and cook

(4)   tailor and washerman

Answer: (3)

Directions (24-27) : In each of the following questions, identify the missing number from the following series.

24. 20, 30, 25, 35, ?, 40

(1)   45

(2)   35

(3)   25

(4)   30

Answer: (4)

25. 3, 8, 18, 23, 33, ?, 48

(1)   37

(2)   40

(3)   38

(4)   45

Answer: (3)

26. 0246, 6024, 4602, 2460, ?

(1)   0426

(2)   4620

(3)   2064

(4)   0246

Answer: (4)

27. 9, 27, 31, 155, 161, 1127, ?

(1)   1135

(2)   1288

(3)   316

(4)   2254

Answer: (1)

Directions (28-30) : In each of the following questions, find the odd word/letters/number from the given alternatives.


(1)   crow

(2)   bat

(3)   pigeon

(4)   parrot

Answer: (2)


(1)   144

(2)   289

(3)   312

(4)   625

Answer: (3)


(1)   Mussoorie

(2)   Shimla

(3)   Ooty

(4)   Jaipur

Answer: (4)

31. To whom is this quote attributed – “Swaraj is my birth right and I shall have it”?

(1)   Bal Gangadhar Tilak

(2)   Mahatma Gandhi

(3)   Gopalkrishna Gokhale

(4)   V. D. Savarkar

Answer: (1)

32. What was the head of Judicial department called during Akbar’s time?

(1)   Dewan

(2)   Mir Bakshi

(3)   Mir Saman

(4)   Sadr-us-Sudur

Answer: (4)

33. Who was the mother of Shivaji?

(1)   Jijabai

(2)   Tarabai

(3)   Ramabai

(4)   Hirabai

Answer: (1)

34. Subhas Chandra Bose escaped from India in the year

(1)   1940

(2)   1939

(3)   1942

(4)   1941

Answer: (4)

35. East India Association was founded in London by :

(1)   Dadabhai Naoroji

(2)   Madam Bhikaji Kama

(3)   Surendranath Banerjee

(4)   Annie Besant

Answer: (1)

36. Whom did Mahatma Gandhi consider his political ‘Guru’?

(1)   Bal Gangadhar Tilak

(2)   Chittaranjan Das

(3)   Gopalkrishna Gokhale

(4)   Dadabhai Naoroji

Answer: (3)

37. Which of the following books was not written by Harsha Vardhana?

(1)   Priyadarshika

(2)   Nagananda

(3)   Ratnavali

(4)   Harshacharita

Answer: (4)

38. Widow Remarriage Act was passed in the year

(1)   1836

(2)   1856

(3)   1857

(4)   1875

Answer: (2)

39. The Taj Mahal was built during the reign of

(1)   Jahangir

(2)   Akbar

(3)   Shahjahan

(4)   Humayun

Answer: (3)

40. What was the smallest unit of administration under the Mughals?

(1)   Pargana

(2)   Sarkar

(3)   Village

(4)   City

Answer: (1)

41. The slogan ‘Do or Die’ is associated with

(1)   Non Cooperation Movement

(2)   Civil Disobedience Movement

(3)   Quit India Movement

(4)   Swadeshi Movement

Answer: (3)

42. ‘Amuktyamalyada’ was written by

(1)   Harsha Vardhana

(2)   Krishnadeva Raya

(3)   Narasimhavarman I

(4)   Banabhatta

Answer: (2)

43. Who created Khalsa, the militant recognizable Sikh community

(1)   Guru Teg Bahadur

(2)   Guru Hargovind

(3)   Guru Amardas

(4)   Guru Govind Singh

Answer: (4)

44. Who was the British Prime Minster who convened the First Round Table Conference in London?

(1)   Winston Churchill

(2)   Ramsay MacDonald

(3)   Chamberlain

(4)   Disraeli

Answer: (2)

45. Who among the following organized the Ghadar Party in the U.S.A?

(1)   Shyamji Krishna Verma

(2)   Lala Hardayal

(3)   V. D. Savarkar

(4)   Raja Mahendra Pratap

Answer: (2)

46. Who was known as “Lakh Baksh”?

(1)   Iltutmish

(2)   Qutubuddin Aibak

(3)   Raziya

(4)   Balban

Answer: (2)

47. Among the following, which Indian National Army (I.N.A) officer was not tried by a British Court Martial in 1945-46?

(1)   Mohan Singh

(2)   G. S. Dhillon

(3)   Prem Sehgal

(4)   Shah Nawaz Khan

Answer: (1)

48. The city of Amritsar was founded by

(1)   Guru Govind Singh

(2)   Guru Amardas

(3)   Guru Ramdas

(4)   Guru Arjun Dev

Answer: (3)

49. In 1930, Mahatma Gandhi started Civil Disobedience Movement from

(1)   Wardha

(2)   Sevagram

(3)   Sabarmati

(4)   Dandi

Answer: (3)

50. The Sufi saint associated with Ajmer was

(1)   Shah Alam Bukhari

(2)   Shaikh Shihab-du-din-Suhrarwardi

(3)   Shaikh Muin-ud-din Chisti

(4)   Saiyid Muhammad Gesu Daraz

Answer: (3)

51. The most abundant constituents of earth’s crust are

(1)   Igneous Rocks

(2)   Sedimentary Rocks

(3)   Metamorphic Rocks

(4)   Limestone

Answer: (1)

52. Which of the following is an West-flowing river?

(1)   Godavari

(2)   Krishna

(3)   Kaveri

(4)   Narmada

Answer: (4)

53. Which of the following rocks are formed from the remains of living organisms such as corals or shellfish?

(1)   Granite

(2)   Basalt

(3)   Limestone

(4)   Graphite

Answer: (3)

54. On which river is the Mettur Dam located?

(1)   Godavari

(2)   Mahanadi

(3)   Krishna

(4)   Kaveri

Answer: (4)

55. Which of the following is not a commercial crop?

(1)   Jute

(2)   Cotton

(3)   Tea

(4)   Wheat

Answer: (4)

56. Among the following types of clouds, which is known as ‘rain cloud’?

(1)   Cirrus

(2)   Altocumulus

(3)   Cirrocumulus

(4)   Nimbostratus

Answer: (4)

57. What is the highest peak of the Aravalli mountains?

(1)   Anaimudi

(2)   Doddabetta

(3)   Gurushikar

(4)   Mahendragiri

Answer: (3)

58. “Operation Flood” refers to

(1)   Controlling flood

(2)   Providing irrigation under Green Revolution

(3)   Increasing milk production

(4)   Development of fisheries

Answer: (3)

59. Which of the following is not a tributary of the river Indus?

(1)   Gandak

(2)   Ravi

(3)   Satluj

(4)   Beas

Answer: (1)

60. In which course of the river, flood plains are formed?

(1)   Upper or Mountain Course

(2)   Middle or Valley Course

(3)   Lower or Plain Course

(4)   None of these

Answer: (3)

61. If ‘m’ is the pole strength and 2l is the length of the magnet, then the magnetic moment is given b y

(1)   m × 2l

(2)   m × l

(3)   m × 3l

(4)   m × 4l

Answer: (1)

62. In a nuclear reactor, cadmium rods are used for

(1)   absorbing neutrons

(2)   dispersing neutrons

(3)   slowing fast neutrons

(4)   speeding neutrons

Answer: (1)

63. Suspended impurities in water are effectively removed by

(1)   adding milk of lime

(2)   filtering through sand

(3)   adding filter alum

(4)   chlorination

Answer: (2)

64. The spectrum of white light can be studied by a

(1)   microscope

(2)   telescope

(3)   stereoscope

(4)   spectroscope

Answer: (4)

65. The compound of nitrogen used in dry cells is

(1)   ammonia

(2)   ammonium nitrate

(3)   ammonium chloride

(4)   ammonium nitrite

Answer: (1)

66. Colour vision is made possible by the cells in the retina called

(1)   rods

(2)   cones

(3)   fovea

(4)   blind spot

Answer: (*)

67. Rising or setting Sun appears to be reddish because

(1)   The Sun is colder at sunrise or sunset

(2)   Diffraction sends red rays to the earth at these times

(3)   Refraction is responsible for this effect

(4)   Scattering due to dust particles and air molecules is responsible for this effect

Answer: (4)

68. Which of the following is not one of the our ear ossicles?

(1)   malleus

(2)   radius

(3)   incus

(4)   stapes

Answer: (2)

69. A form of carbon which is a good lubricant is

(1)   diamond

(2)   coke

(3)   graphite

(4)   charcoal

Answer: (3)

70. When milk gets churned, cream gets separated due to

(1)   centripetal force

(2)   centrifugal force

(3)   frictional force

(4)   gravitational force

Answer: (2)

71. Gasoline is obtained from crude petroleum by

(1)   fractional distillation

(2)   fractional crystallization

(3)   sublimation

(4)   evaporation

Answer: (1)

72. Ferrous Ammonium Sulphate is also known as

(1)   Mohr’s salt

(2)   Glauber’s salt

(3)   Epsom salt

(4)   Microsomic salt

Answer: (1)

73. The minimum length of a closed pipe for resonance to be produced with sound waves of wavelength 88 cm is

(1)   88 cm

(2)   44 cm

(3)   22 cm

(4)   11 cm

Answer: (3)

74. The membranes that surround the lungs are called

(1)   pericardium

(2)   pleura

(3)   mucous membrane

(4)   mediastinum

Answer: (2)

75. A body of mass 4 kg an acceleration of 3.6 m/sec2 possess force of

(1)   14.4 Newton

(2)   1.44 Newton

(3)   144 Newton

(4)   214 Newton

Answer: (1)

76. Like magnetic poles

(1)   attract each other

(2)   repel each other

(3)   neither attract nor repel

(4)   either attract or repel depending on the conditions

Answer: (2)

77. Absence of which Vitamin in the body is responsible for the disease ‘Rickets’ ?

(1)   Vitamin A

(2)   Vitamin C

(3)   Vitamin K

(4)   Vitamin D

Answer: (4)

78. The part of the brain which is responsible for intelligence is

(1)   cerebrum

(2)   cerebellum

(3)   olfactory lobe

(4)   cochlea

Answer: (1)

79. Atom bomb is based on

(1)   artificial radioactivity

(2)   nuclear fission

(3)   nuclear fusion

(4)   chemical reaction

Answer: (2)

80. Phenol is also known as

(1)   Lysol

(2)   Carbolic acid

(3)   Perhydrol

(4)   Mannitol

Answer: (2)

81. Who is the author of ‘Unhappy India’?

(1)   Lala Lajpat Rai

(2)   Surendrnath Banerjee

(3)   Dadabhai Naoroji

(4)   Gopal Krishna Gokhale

Answer: (1)

82. Among the following minerals, in which India has the largest deposit in the world?

(1)   Gold

(2)   Copper

(3)   Mica

(4)   Silver

Answer: (3)

83. The Constitution of India does not mention the post of

(1)   Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha

(2)   Deputy Prime Minister

(3)   Deputy Speaker of the Lok Sabha

(4)   Deputy Speaker of the State Legislative Assemblies

Answer: (2)

84. Lakshmibai College of Physical Education is situated in

(1)   Patiala

(2)   Jalandhar

(3)   Indore

(4)   Gwalior

Answer: (4)

85. Who has become the first Woman Mathematician to win the Field Medal in Methematics?

(1)   Artur Avila

(2)   Manjula Bhargava

(3)   Martina Hairer

(4)   Maryam Mirzakhani

Answer: (4)

86. The headquarters of World Trade Organization (WTO) is situated at

(1)   Vienna

(2)   Geneva

(3)   Paris

(4)   Washington

Answer: (2)

87. Who has been sworn in as the youngest ever Prime Minister of Italy on February 22, 2014?

(1)   Silvio Berlusconi

(2)   Matteo Renzi

(3)   Romano Prodi

(4)   Enrico Letta

Answer: (2)

88. Which of the following nonmembers of Parliament has the right to address it?

(1)   Solicitor General of India

(2)   Chief Justice of India

(3)   Attorney General of India

(4)   Chief Election Commissioner

Answer: (3)

89. Which Article of the Constitution provides that it shall be endeavour of every state to provide adequate facility for instruction in the mother tongue at the primary stage of education?

(1)   Article 349

(2)   Article 350

(3)   Article 350-A

(4)   Article351

Answer: (3)

90. What is the capital of Indonesia?

(1)   Jakarta

(2)   Bangkok

(3)   Kuala Lumpur

(4)   Colombo

Answer: (1)

91. The South Asian Federation (SAF) Game, as a part of the SAARC programme was first held in the year

(1)   1964

(2)   1974

(3)   1984

(4)   1994

Answer: (3)

92. India’s tallest stone statue of the Jain saint Gomateswara is situated at

(1)   Mysore, Karnataka

(2)   New Delhi

(3)   Sravanbelgola, Karnataka

(4)   Mandu, Madhya Pradesh

Answer: (3)

93. Who discovered Penicilin?

(1)   Alexander Fleming

(2)   Louis Pasteur

(3)   Thomas Alva Edison

(4)   Robert Boyle

Answer: (1)

94. Who has been appointed as 22nd Navy Chief of India on April 17, 2014?

(1)   R. K. Dhowan

(2)   Devendra Joshi

(3)   Shekhar Sinha

(4)   Laxminarayan Ramdas

Answer: (1)

95. The famous dance form ‘Kathakali’ belongs to which Indian state?

(1)   Tamil Nadu

(2)   Karnataka

(3)   Manipur

(4)   Kerala

Answer: (4)

96. Which parliamentary committee in India is normally chaired by a prominent member of the Opposition?

(1)   Committee on Government Assurances

(2)   Estimates Committee

(3)   Privileges Committee

(4)   Public Accounts Committee

Answer: (4)

97. Which Indian state has the highest representation in the Lok Sabha?

(1)   Uttar Pradesh

(2)   Maharashtra

(3)   West Bengal

(4)   Bihar

Answer: (1)

98. The ratio of the width of the National Flag of India to its length should be

(1)   2 : 3

(2)   3 : 4

(3)   4 : 5

(4)   1 : 2

Answer: (1)

99. In which country was the first World Cup Football tournament held?

(1)   Brazil

(2)   Sweden

(3)   Uruguay

(4)   Paraguay

Answer: (3)

100. The National Anthem of India, Jana-Gana-Mana was first sung on ______ at the Calcutta Session of Indian National Congress.

Fill in the blanks with the correct alternative from the options given.

(1)   26th January, 1913

(2)   25th February, 1914

(3)   27th December, 1911

(4)   15th August, 1912

Answer: (3)

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