Railway (RRC) Eastern Railway Kolkata Group ‘D’ Examination 2nd Sitting Held on 02.11.2014 Question Paper With Answer Key

Railway (RRC) Eastern Railway Kolkata Group ‘D’ Examination 2nd Sitting Held on 02.11.2014


1. 7 men can complete a piece of work in 12 days. how many additional men will be required to complete double the work in 8 days?

(1)   7

(2)   14

(3)   21

(4)   28

Answer: (2)

2. A train 240 metres long, crosses a man walking along the line in opposite direction at the rate of 2 km/h in 10 seconds. The speed of the train is

(1)   75 km/hr

(2)   86.4 km/hr

(3)   63 km/hr

(4)   83.4 km/hr

Answer: (4)

3. A General wishing to draw up h is 16160 men in the form of a solid square, found that he had 31 men left over. Find the number of men in the front.

(1)   126

(2)   125

(3)   128

(4)   127

Answer: (4)

4. A father is 50 years old and his son is 22 years old. In how many years will the father be twice old as h is son?

(1)   8

(2)   10

(3)   6

(4)   12

Answer: (3)

5. 720 is divided among Ram, Shyam and Jadu in the ratio 3 : 7 : 14. How much did Shyam receive?

(1)   90

(2)   420

(3)   210

(4)   180

Answer: (3)

6. Simplify – [0.9 – {2.3 – 3.2 – (7.1 – 5.4 – 3.5)}]

(1)   0.18

(2)   1.8

(3)   0

(4)   3.6

Answer: (3)

7. A number is increased by 10% and then decreased by 10% Finally the number-

(1)   Does not change

(2)   Decreases by 1%

(3)   Increases by 1%

(4)   Increases by 0.1%

Answer: (2)

8. The ratio of income and expenditure of a person is 12 : 10. If he saves Rs. 18000 per annum, his monthly income is

(1)   Rs 8,250

(2)   Rs 3750

(3)   Rs 9500

(4)   Rs 9000

Answer: (4)

9. Which smallest number must be added to 2203 so that we get a perfect square?

(1)   1

(2)   3

(3)   6

(4)   8

Answer: (3)

10. The area of the biggest circle, which can be drawn inside a square with a side of 21 cm. (take π = 22/7)

(1)   344.5 sq. cm

(2)   364.5 sq. cm

(3)   346.5 sq. cm

(4)   366.5 sq. cm

Answer: (3)

11. If p : q = 7 : 8 and q : r = 12 : 7, then p : r : s –

(1)   3 : 4

(2)   7 : 12

(3)   8 : 7

(4)   3 : 2

Answer: (4)

12. Out of an inheritance of Rs. 17,500, Anil invested 45% in land, 25% in National Savings Certificate, and put the rest into a bank. How much did he put in the bank?

(1)   5500

(2)   5600

(3)   6250

(4)   5250

Answer: (4)

13. A factory produces 14,600 bulbs in 365 days. How many bulbs will be produced in the factory in 140 days?

(1)   5600

(2)   6400

(3)   4800

(4)   6600

Answer: (1)

14. If A’s income is 25% less than B’s income, by how much percent is B’s income m ore than that of A?

(1)   25

(2)   30

(3)   33.33

(4)   66.66

Answer: (3)

15. The average weight of a group of 10 people increases by 1 kg when one of them weighing 58 kgs is replaced by a new person. The weight of the new person is-

(1)   68 kg

(2)   66 kg

(3)   64 kg

(4)   62 kg

Answer: (1)

16. Two numbers are in the ratio 3 : 4. If their Lowest Common Multiple (LCM) is 240,m the smaller of the two number sis-

(1)   40

(2)   60

(3)   80

(4)   100

Answer: (2)

17. The seventh term of the sequence 3, 5, 8, 12, 17 ……is

(1)   24

(2)   30

(3)   32

(4)   36

Answer: (2)

18. A mixture contains milk and water in the ratio of 5 : 1. On adding 5 litres of water, the ratio of milk to water becomes 5 : 2. The quantity of milk in the mixture is :

(1)   16 litres

(2)   25 litres

(3)   32.5 litres

(4)   22.75 litres

Answer: (2)

19. A machine costs Rs. 375. If it is sold at a loss of 20%, what will be the cost price as percentage of selling price?

(1)   80%

(2)   120%

(3)   110%

(4)   125%

Answer: (4)

20. If Rs. 800 amounts to Rs. 1200 in 10 years, find the rate percentage of simple interest per year.

(1)   5%

(2)   4%

(3)   8%

(4)   2%

Answer: (1)

21. Find the next member of the sequence from the given alternatives.


(1)   WLKM

(2)   WJKL

(3)   WKLJ

(4)   WLKJ

Answer: (4)

22. In a class of 100 students, 32 students study physics, 26 students study chemistry and 12 students both the subjects. Find the number of students who study neither physics nor chemistry.

(1)   54

(2)   56

(3)   46

(4)   48

Answer: (1)

23. If PALE is coded as 2134, EARTH is coded as 41590, how is PERL coded in that code?

(1)   29530

(2)   24153

(3)   25413

(4)   25430

Answer: (2)

24. Select the pair which is different from others.

(1)   Hard and soft

(2)   Hot and cold

(3)   Right and wrong

(4)   Come and arrive

Answer: (4)

25. Seema is the daughter-in-law of Sudhir and sister-in-law of Ramesh. Mohan is the son of Sudhir and only brother of Ramesh. Seema is Mohan’s ______?

(1)   Sister-in-law

(2)   Sister

(3)   Wife

(4)   Niece

Answer: (3)

26. Find the missing number from the given responses.

4, 16, 64, ?

(1)   16

(2)   52

(3)   112

(4)   256

Answer: (4)

27. Five boys named I, J, K, L, M sit on the chairs placed round a table such that M is to the left of I, J is between M and K, and K between J and L. Who is immediately to the right of K

(1)   K

(2)   L

(3)   M

(4)   J

Answer: (4)

28. Find the odd word from the following :

(1)   Newspaper

(2)   Press

(3)   Edition

(4)   Audition

Answer: (4)

29. Find the missing number of the following sequence.

8, 24, 48, 80 _____, 168

(1)   120

(2)   108

(3)   96

(4)   72

Answer: (1)

30. Determine the relationship between the pair of capitalized words and then select the lettered pair of words which have a similar relationship to the first pair.


(1)   Stone : Grinder

(2)   Axe : Wood

(3)   Knife : Stone

(4)   Gun : Hunt

Answer: (2)

31. An element fund in all organic compounds is :

(1)   Carbon

(2)   Calcium

(3)   Nitrogen

(4)   Oxygen

Answer: (1)

32. When common salt is mixed with ice, the freezing point :

(1)   is lowered

(2)   is raised

(3)   remains unaffected

(4)   is first lowered and then raised

Answer: (1)

33. The total internal reflection occurs when the angle of incidence is ______ than the critical angle.

Fill in the blank with options given.

(1)   Lower

(2)   Greater

(3)   Equal

(4)   Double

Answer: (2)

34. Apart from Sachin Tendulkar. Who has been awarded ‘Biharat Ratna’ in the year 2013?

(1)   Dhyan Chand

(2)   A.P.J. Abdul Kalam

(3)   Bhimsen Joshi

(4)   C. N. R. Rao

Answer: (4)

35. Who gave India the famous slogan, “Jai Jawan, Jai Kishan”?

(1)   Jawaharlal Nehru

(2)   Lal Bahadur Shastri

(3)   Indira Gandhi

(4)   Morarji Desai

Answer: (2)

36. 11th ASEAN sumit was held at :

(1)   Kuwait

(2)   Thailand

(3)   Iran

(4)   Brunei

Answer: (4)

37. Which of the following is an essential constituent of acids?

(1)   Oxygen

(2)   Nitrogen

(3)   Hydrogen

(4)   Chlorine

Answer: (3)

38. Who is the author of the famous Bengali play ‘Bisarjan’?

(1)   Rabindranath Tagore

(2)   Girish Chandra Ghosh

(3)   Deenabandhu Mitra

(4)   Dwiejndralal Roy

Answer: (1)

39. Calamine is an ore of :

(1)   Tin

(2)   Magnesium

(3)   Zinc

(4)   Copper

Answer: (3)

40. Light year is a unit of :

(1)   Time

(2)   Distance

(3)   Light

(4)   Intensity of light

Answer: (2)

41. Who wrote the famous Hindi novel ‘Godan’?

(1)   Amrita Pritam

(2)   Bharatendu Harishchandra

(3)   Munsi Premchand

(4)   Suryakanta Tripathi Nirala

Answer: (3)

42. The science of map-making is known as :

(1)   Cartography

(2)   Geography

(3)   Carpology

(4)   Geology

Answer: (1)

43. Two wires are of the same material and length but the radius of one is twice that of the other. Therefore their resistance will be in the ratio of :

(1)   4 : 1

(2)   2 : 1

(3)   1 : 2

(4)   1 : 4

Answer: (4)

44. Who is the first chief minister of the Indian state of Telangana?

(1)   Chandrababu Naidu

(2)   K Chandrasekhar Rao

(3)   Kesava Rao

(4)   Jagmohan Reddy

Answer: (2)

45. The maple leaf is the national emblem of :

(1)   Pakistan

(2)   Canada

(3)   China

(4)   Nepal

Answer: (2)

46. Sound cannot pass through-

(1)   Water

(2)   Steel

(3)   Air

(4)   Vacuum

Answer: (4)

47. Boundary line between India and Afghanistan is known as

(1)   Rovers Line

(2)   Mortimer Line

(3)   Radcliffe Line

(4)   Durand Line

Answer: (4)

48. Which of the following is not an alloy of Copper?

(1)   Bronze

(2)   Brass

(3)   Solder

(4)   Gun metal

Answer: (3)

49. Where is National Botanical Research Institute in India situated?

(1)   Lucknow

(2)   New Delhi

(3)   Patna

(4)   Kolkata

Answer: (1)

50. Which of the following is a good conductor of both heat and electricity?

(1)   Diamond

(2)   Anthracite

(3)   Granite

(4)   Graphite

Answer: (4)

51. The disease scurvy occurs because of lack of the following vitamin in human body:

(1)   Vitamin A

(2)   Vitamin B

(3)   Vitamin C

(4)   Vitamin D

Answer: (3)

52. The outer layer of skin is called:

(1)   Dermis

(2)   Epidermis

(3)   Enidermis

(4)   Exidermis

Answer: (2)

53. Who among the following is known as “Father of Genetics”?

(1)   Robert Hooke

(2)   G J. Mendel

(3)   Charles Darwin

(4)   Hugo De Vries

Answer: (2)

54. The age of a tee can be ascertained by :

(1)   by its weight

(2)   by its height

(3)   by its annual rings present

(4)   the depth to which its roots have penetrated

Answer: (3)

55. The male part of a flower is called:

(1)   Androecium

(2)   Calyx

(3)   Thalamus

(4)   Gynoecium

Answer: (1)

56. The powerhouse of a cell is the :

(1)   Plastid

(2)   Chloroplast

(3)   Golgi apparatus

(4)   Mitochondrian

Answer: (4)

57. The process by which solar kinetic energy is converted to chemical energy of carbohydrates is known as :

(1)   Calvin Cycle

(2)   Photosynthesis

(3)   Chlorosynthesis

(4)   Dark reaction

Answer: (2)

58. The function of Haemoglobin in the human body is to :

(1)   help excretion

(2)   provide amino acid for growth

(3)   provide enzymes and hormones

(4)   Carry oxygen to various tissues

Answer: (4)

59. Which hormone is used in ripening of fruits?

(1)   Auxin

(2)   Gibbereline

(3)   Thyroxine

(4)   Ethylene

Answer: (4)

60. From which part of pant is turmeric, a commonly used colourant and antiseptic obtained?

(1)   Root

(2)   Stem

(3)   Fruit

(4)   Flower

Answer: (2)

61. In which year was the treaty of Seringapattam signed?

(1)   1792

(2)   1793

(3)   1794

(4)   1795

Answer: (1)

62. Who was the leader of Chiittagong armoury raid?

(1)   Surya Sen

(2)   Subhash Chandra Bose

(3)   Bhagat Singh

(4)   Chandrashekhar Azad

Answer: (1)

63. Ain-i-Akbari was written b y :

(1)   Akbar

(2)   Birbal

(3)   Todar Mal

(4)   Abul Fazal

Answer: (4)

64. Who was the founder of Bengal Chemicals?

(1)   Jagadish Chandra Bose

(2)   Rabindranath Tagore

(3)   Gyanchandra Ghosh

(4)   Prafulla Chandra Roy

Answer: (4)

65. Who is the author of the text “Arthashastra”?

(1)   Kalidasa

(2)   Panini

(3)   Kautilya

(4)   Harsha Vardhana

Answer: (3)

66. Guru Nanak was born in the year :

(1)   1469

(2)   1470

(3)   1471

(4)   1468

Answer: (1)

67. Who was the proponent of ‘Drain Theory’ during the British rule of India?

(1)   Surendranath Banerjee

(2)   Dadabhai Naoroji

(3)   Motilal Nehru

(4)   C. R. Das

Answer: (2)

68. Who was the founder of Rastrakuta dynasty?

(1)   Pulakeshin I

(2)   Amoghvarsha

(3)   Krishnaraja

(4)   Dantidurga

Answer: (4)

69. Who was the founder of Sunga Dynasty?

(1)   Pushyamitra

(2)   Agnimitra

(3)   Devabhuti

(4)   Kirtivarman

Answer: (1)

70. In the history of Indian freedom struggle, Who was termed the great uprising of 1857 as “The First War of Independence”?

(1)   Veer Savarkar

(2)   Ramesh Chandra Majumdar

(3)   Bal Gangadhar Tilak

(4)   Bipin Chandra Pal

Answer: (1)

71. Harisena was the poet-laureate of :

(1)   Ashoka

(2)   Samudragupta

(3)   Chandragupta

(4)   Harsha Vardhana

Answer: (2)

72. Who did Babur defeat in the first battle of panipat in 1526?

(1)   Rana Sanga

(2)   Ibrahim Lodi

(3)   Bahlul Lodi

(4)   Sikander Lodi

Answer: (2)

73. University of Calcutta was founded in the year-

(1)   1856

(2)   1857

(3)   1875

(4)   1880

Answer: (2)

74. The most famous Saka ruler of India was :

(1)   Nahapana

(2)   Rudradaman I

(3)   Ushavadata

(4)   Ghamatika

Answer: (2)

75. In which year was Asiatic Society established in Calcutta?

(1)   1767

(2)   1784

(3)   1787

(4)   1790

Answer: (2)

76. Who announced “Communal Award” in the year 1932?

(1)   Ramsay Macdonald

(2)   Clement Atlee

(3)   Lord Arwin

(4)   Stafford Cripps

Answer: (1)

77. ‘Mudra Rakshasa” was written by :

(1)   Sudrak

(2)   Kalidasa

(3)   Banbhatta

(4)   Vishakdatta

Answer: (4)

78. Which of the following Vedas was the earliest composition?

(1)   Rigveda

(2)   Samveda

(3)   Yajurveda

(4)   Atharvaveda

Answer: (1)

79. Which Governor General is associated with Doctrine of Lapse?

(1)   Lord Ripon

(2)   Lord Bentinck

(3)   Lord Curzon

(4)   Lord Dalhousie

Answer: (4)

80. The first woman president of Indian National Congress was :

(1)   Sucheta Kripalani

(2)   Raj Kumari Amrit Kaur

(3)   Annie Besant

(4)   Sarojini Naidu

Answer: (3)

81. Who is the first Indian who went to space?

(1)   Sunita Williams

(2)   Kalpana Chawala

(3)   Abhinav Bindra

(4)   Rakesh Sharma

Answer: (4)

82. In which country is the Niagara falls located?

(1)   U.S.A.

(2)   U.K.

(3)   Canada

(4)   Mexico

Answer: (1)

83. On which river is Negarjuna Sagar dam located?

(1)   Godavari

(2)   Mahanadi

(3)   Krishna

(4)   Kaveri

Answer: (3)

84. Where is Indian Military Academy situated?

(1)   Dehradun

(2)   Pune

(3)   Bengaluru

(4)   Kanpur

Answer: (1)

85. Most abundant gas in the atmosphere is :

(1)   Oxygen

(2)   Hydrogen

(3)   Nitrogen

(4)   Carbon di oxide

Answer: (3)

86. Who is the ex-officio Chairman of the Rajya Sabha?

(1)   President

(2)   Vice President

(3)   Prime Minister

(4)   Leader of Opposition of the Rajya Sabha

Answer: (2)

87. What is the capital of Austria?

(1)   Vienna

(2)   Rome

(3)   Venice

(4)   Paris

Answer: (1)

88. Which of the following is a metamorphic rock?

(1)   Gneiss

(2)   Sandstone

(3)   Basalt

(4)   Limestone

Answer: (1)

89. The local wind which blows down the Rockies in Canada is known as :

(1)   Sirocco

(2)   Mistral

(3)   Foehn

(4)   Chinook

Answer: (4)

90. The volcano Mount Vesuvius is located in the country :

(1)   Indonesia

(2)   France

(3)   Japan

(4)   Italy

Answer: (4)

91. The Parliament of Japan is known as –

(1)   Bundestag

(2)   Diet

(3)   Congress

(4)   Senate

Answer: (2)

92. The Himalayas belong to which type of mountain?

(1)   Residual

(2)   Volcanic

(3)   Block

(4)   Fold

Answer: (4)

93. Who is the constitutional head of the Government of India?

(1)   President

(2)   Prime Minister

(3)   Chief Justice of India

(4)   Attorney General

Answer: (1)

94. Which country is known as “Land of the Midnight Sun”?

(1)   Japan

(2)   Finland

(3)   Norway

(4)   Sweden

Answer: (3)

95. Who certifies a Bill to be a Money Bill in India?

(1)   Finance Minister

(2)   President

(3)   Prime Minister

(4)   Speaker of the Lok Sabha

Answer: (4)

96. In which type of mountains, fossils are found?

(1)   Volcanic

(2)   Block

(3)   Fold

(4)   Residual

Answer: (3)

97. On which river is the Sivasamudram falls located?

(1)   Krishna

(2)   Godavari

(3)   Kaveri

(4)   Narmada

Answer: (3)

98. By which article of the Constitution, equality of opportunity for all citizens of India in matters relating to public employment is guaranteed?

(1)   Article 14

(2)   Article 19

(3)   Article 15

(4)   Article 16

Answer: (4)

99. The lowest layer of atmosphere is known as :

(1)   Troposphere

(2)   Stratosphere

(3)   Ionosphere

(4)   Ozonosphere

Answer: (1)

100. By which amendment to the Constitution of India, the words “Socialist” and “Secular” were added to the Preamble of the Constitution?

(1)   42nd amendment

(2)   44th amendment

(3)   43rd amendment

(4)   45th amendment

Answer: (1)

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