Railway Eastern Railway Group ‘D’ Examination Held on 11-11-2007 Question Paper With Answer Key

Railway Eastern Railway Group ‘D’ Examination Held on 11-11-2007


1. If S × T means ‘S’ is brother of ‘T’ and S + T means ‘S’ is father of ‘T’, which of the following shows ‘O’ is the cousin of ‘R’?

(1)   R × T + O

(2)   R + T × O

(3)   R × O × T

(4)   None of these

Answer: (4)

2. How many 5’s are there in the following number sequence which are immediately followed by 3 but not immediately preceded by 7?

8 9 5 3 2 5 3 8 5 5 6 8 7 3 3 5 7 7 5 3 6 5 3 3 7 5 3 8

(1)   one

(2)   two

(3)   three

(4)   four

Answer: (3)

3. Sudin remembers that h is mother’s birthday is after 15th but before 20th of April, while his sister Kalpria remembers that her mother’s birthday is before 22nd but after 18th of April. If both of them are correct, which date is the birthday of the mother?

(1)   18th

(2)   19th

(3)   20th

(4)   16th

Answer: (2)

4. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group?

(1)   listen

(2)   walk

(3)   run

(4)   swim

Answer: (1)

5. Prakash started walking from a point P towards south. After walking 40 metres, he took a left turn. He then walked 30 metres and reached a point Q. What is the straight line distance between P and Q and Q is towards which direction of P?

(1)   60 metres south-east

(2)   50 metres south-west

(3)   50 metres south-east

(4)   Data inadequate

Answer: (3)

6. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group?

(1)   13

(2)   29

(3)   37

(4)   69

Answer: (4)

Directions (7-11) : Read the following information carefully and answer the questions given below.

(a) P, Q, R, S, T and U are six members of a family, each of them engaged in a different profession-Doctor, Lawyer, Teacher, Engineer, Nurse and Manager.

(b) Each of them remains at home on a different day of the week from Monday to Saturday.

(c) The lawyer in the family remains at home on Thursday

(d) ‘R’ remains at home on Tuesday.

(e) P, the doctor does not remain at home either on Saturday or on Wednesday.

(f) ‘ S’ is neither the Doctor nor the Teacher and remains at home on Friday.

(g) Q is the Engineer and T is the Manager.

7. Which of the following combination is not correct?

(1)   R-Teacher

(2)   Q-Engineer

(3)   T-Manager

(4)   All are correct

Answer: (4)

8. Which of the following combinations is correct?

(1)   Lawyer-Tuesday

(2)   Teacher-Wednesday

(3)   Manager-Friday

(4)   Nurse-Friday

Answer: (4)

9. Who is the nurse?

(1)   S

(2)   R

(3)   U

(4)   Data inadequate

Answer: (1)

10. Who among the remains at home on the following day of the nurse?

(1)   Q

(2)   Q or T

(3)   R

(4)   S

Answer: (2)

11. Who remains at home on Saturday?

(1)   S

(2)   T

(3)   R

(4)   Q or T

Answer: (4)

Directions (12-14) : In each of the following questions find the missing number.

12. 3, 6, 18, 72, ……

(1)   144

(2)   216

(3)   288

(4)   360

Answer: (4)

13. 3, 9, 27, 81, ………

(1)   324

(2)   243

(3)   210

(4)   162

Answer: (2)

14. 20, 19, 17, …….., 10, 5

(1)   14

(2)   13

(3)   15

(4)   11

Answer: (1)

Directions (15-17) : In each of the following questions find the wrong number in the given series.

15. 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 96

(1)   4

(2)   32

(3)   64

(4)   96

Answer: (4)

16. 6, 14, 30, 64, 126

(1)   6

(2)   14

(3)   64

(4)   126

Answer: (3)

17. 5, 10, 40, 80, 320, 590, 2560

(1)   8

(2)   320

(3)   590

(4)   2560

Answer: (3)

18. If × stands for addition, ÷ stands for subtraction, + stands for multiplication, and – stands for division., then 20 × 8 ÷ 8 – 4 + 2 = ?

(1)   80

(2)   25

(3)   24

(4)   5

Answer: (3)

19. Arrange the given words in a meaningful order and then choose the most appropriate sequence from amongst the alternative provided :

(1) key           (2) door

(3) lock                   (4) room

(5) switch on

(1)   5, 1, 2, 4, 3

(2)   4, 2, 1, 5, 3

(3)   1, 2, 3, 5, 4

(4)   1, 3, 2, 4, 5

Answer: (4)

20. The number of boys in a class-room is three times the number of girls. Which one of the following numbers cannot represent the total number of children in the class?

(1)   48

(2)   44

(3)   42

(4)   40

Answer: (3)

Directions (21-22) : In each of the following pair of words there is certain relation between them. Select that pair of words which shows different relation.


(1)   Flower : Petal

(2)   Chair : Leg

(3)   Circle : Arc

(4)   Cover : Page

Answer: (4)


(1)   Shirt : Garments

(2)   Boy : Girl

(3)   Mango : Fruit

(4)   Table : Furniture

Answer: (2)

Directions (23-28) : In each of the following questions, there are five groups of letters. One of these groups is different from the other. Find the different group in each case.


(1)   XDW

(2)   GTHS

(3)   EVFU

(4)   QJRK

Answer: (4)


(1)   ADGJ

(2)   BEHK

(3)   PSVY

(4)   LOQT

Answer: (4)


(1)   ADG

(2)   VWY

(3)   GJM

(4)   MPS

Answer: (2)


(1)   WXZ

(2)   ABE

(3)   EFI

(4)   IJM

Answer: (1)


(1)   ACF

(2)   HJM

(3)   UXZ

(4)   NPJ

Answer: (3)


(1)   BFCGD

(2)   JNKOL

(3)   YCDZA

(4)   NROSP

Answer: (3)

29. If water is called food, food is called tree, tree is called sky, sky is called wall then which of the following bears fruit?

(1)   sky

(2)   water

(3)   wall

(4)   tree

Answer: (1)

30. If 8 + 4 – 7 = 39, 7 + 2 – 6 = 20 then 6 + 5 – 7 = ?

(1)   12

(2)   16

(3)   27

(4)   32

Answer: (3)

31. If 6 × 17 = 716, 13 × 56 = 6531, 19 × 10 = 191 then 32 × 27 = ?

(1)   4544

(2)   1309

(3)   1824

(4)   7223

Answer: (4)

32. A person point towards a photograph says, “I have not brother or sister but the father of this person is the son of my father”. The photograph is of-

(1)   Person

(2)   His son

(3)   His father

(4)   His nephew

Answer: (2)

33. Rajan is the brother of Sachin and Manik is the father of Rajan. Jagat is the brother of Priya and Priya is the daughter of Sachin. Who is the uncle of Jagat?

(1)   Rajan

(2)   Manik

(3)   Sachin

(4)   Cannot b e determined

Answer: (1)

34. Ravi has not wore white clothes and Ajay was not wore blue clothes. Ravi and Sohan have wore clothes of different colours. Only Sachin has wore red clothes. What is the colour of Sohan’s clothes if all the four have wore clothes of different colours?

(1)   Red

(2)   Blue

(3)   White

(4)   Cannot be determined

Answer: (4)

35. Six students – A, B, C, D, E and F are sitting in a ground. A and B have come from Delhi while others from Bangalore.

D and F are tall and all others are short. A, C and D are girls while others are boys. Who is the tall girl hailing from Bangalore?

(1)   C

(2)   D

(3)   E

(4)   F

Answer: (2)

36. Pune is bigger than Jhansi, Sitapur is bigger than Chittor. Rajgarh is not as big as Jhansi but bigger than Sitapur. Which of the following is the smallest city?

(1)   Pune

(2)   Jhansi

(3)   Sitapur

(4)   Chittor

Answer: (4)

37. Five boys participated in a race. Raj was ahead of Mohit but behind Gaurav. Asish was ahead of Sanchit but behind Mohit. Who won the race?

(1)   Raj

(2)   Gaurav

(3)   Mohit

(4)   Ashish

Answer: (2)

38. Kunal walks 10 km, to north. Then he walks 6 km. to south. Then he walks 3 km. to east. How far and in which direction is he from the starting point?

(1)   5 km. west

(2)   7 km. west

(3)   7 km. east

(4)   5 km. north-east

Answer: (4)

39. Which of the following venn-diagrams depicts the correct relationship among carrot, cereal and vegetation?

Answer: (2)

40. In the following diagram, the triangle represents girls, square represents p layers and circle represents coaches.

Which of the following regions represents such girl players who are not coaches?

(1)   I

(2)   II

(3)   IV

(4)   V

Answer: (2)

41. The sum of the square of two numbers is 80 and the square of their difference is 36. The product of two numbers is –

(1)   22

(2)   44

(3)   20

(4)   40

Answer: (1)

42. If  then the value of  is –

(1)   2629

(2)   2.689

(3)   2689

(4)   0.2689

Answer: (3)

43. The value of  is equal to –

(1)   0

(2)   1

(3)   2

(4)   1/2

Answer: (1)

44. The value of –

is :

(1)   2.6

(2)   2

(3)   2.33

(4)   2.27

Answer: (1)

45. Three runners start running round a circular track and they complete a revolution in 24 minutes, 30 minutes and 45 minutes respectively. If the start from the same point and in the same direction, after what time they will again meet together?



(3)   6 hours

(4)   None of these

Answer: (3)

46. The value of 51/4 × (125)25 is :

(1)   √5

(2)   5√5

(3)   5

(4)   25

Answer: (3)

47. the value of x is :

(1)   9.1

(2)   0.91

(3)   0.091

(4)   91

Answer: (1)

48. A woman has a certain number of mangoes of which 13% are bad. She gives 75T of the remainder in charity and then has 261 left. The number of mangoes were :

(1)   900

(2)   1200

(3)   1000

(4)   1100

Answer: (2)

49. In a class of 20, average age is 15.6 years. Five new students join and their average age is 15.4 years. Average of the class decreases or increases by-

(1)   Decreases by 0.04

(2)   Decreases by 0.4

(3)   Increases by 0.04

(4)   Increases by 0.3

Answer: (1)

50. The denominator of a fraction is 3 more than the numerator. If 4 is added to both the numerator and the denominator, the fraction becomes 4/5. The fraction is :

(1)   5/8

(2)   7/10

(3)   8/11

(4)   10/13

Answer: (3)

51. The ratio of the ages of Meena and Meera is 4 : 3. The sum of their ages is 28 years. The ratio of their ages after 8 years will be :

(1)   4 : 3

(2)   12 : 11

(3)   7 : 4

(4)   6 : 5

Answer: (4)

52. The amount of water (in ml.) that should be added to reduce 9 ml. alcohol lotion containing 50% alcohol to a lotion containing 30% alcohol, is :

(1)   3

(2)   4

(3)   5

(4)   6

Answer: (4)

53. A dealer is professing to sell his goods at the cost price but weights 900 gms. in place of a k. His gain per cent is :


(2)   10%

(3)   12%

(4)   None of these

Answer: (1)

54. If the cost p rice of 9 pens is equal to the selling price of 11 pens, what is the gain or loss per cent?





Answer: (2)

55. The value of  is

(1)   2/7

(2)   9/7

(3)   11/7

(4)   5/7

Answer: (3)

56. In a certain college the number of girls is twice the number of boys. 1/5th of the girls and 1/8th of the boys took part in a social camp. What part of the total number of students took part in the camp.?

(1)   7/40

(2)   7/80

(3)   2/15

(4)   1/25

Answer: (1)

57. The value of  is :

(1)   3/8

(2)   1/24

(3)   1/16

(4)   1/23

Answer: (2)

58. The H.C.F. of three numbers is 16. If the numbers be in the ratio of 1 : 2 : 3, the numbers are :

(1)   16, 32, 48

(2)   12, 24, 36

(3)   8, 16, 24

(4)   5, 10, 15

Answer: (1)

59. If  then A : B : C is :

(1)   1 : 4 : 9

(2)   1 : 4 : 12

(3)   1 : 8 : 9

(4)   None of these

Answer: (2)

60. The monthly salaries of A, B, C are tin the ratio of 1 : 2 : 3. If C’s monthly salary is Rs. 1200 more than that of A, B’s annual salary is :

(1)   Rs. 1200

(2)   Rs. 14400

(3)   Rs. 15000

(4)   None of these

Answer: (2)

61. A and B enter into a partnership for a year. A contributes Rs. 1500 and B Rs. 2000. After 4 months, they admit C who contributes Rs. 2250. If B withdraws his contribution after 9 months, the profit at the end of the year should b e shared in the ratio :

(1)   1 : 1 : 1

(2)   2 : 1 : 2

(3)   1 : 2 : 1

(4)   3 : 2 : 1

Answer: (1)

62. If 2 (A’s capital) = 3 (B’s capital) = 5 (C’s capital), out of a total profit of Rs. 930, C gets :

(1)   Rs. 180

(2)   Rs. 200

(3)   Rs. 210

(4)   Rs. 240

Answer: (1)

63. At what rate per cent simple interest will a sum of money double itself in 20 years?

(1)   5% p.a.

(2)   4% p.a.

(3)   5.5% p.a.

(4)   6% p.a.

Answer: (1)

64. When the rate of interests in a bank is reduced from 5% to 4%, a man deposits Rs. 2000 and his annual income remains the same. The original deposit is :

(1)   Rs. 8,000

(2)   Rs. 7,500

(3)   Rs. 8,500

(4)   Rs. 7000

Answer: (1)

65. The compound interest on a sum of money for 2 years is Rs. 205 and simple interest on the same sum at the same rate and for the same time is Rs. 200. The rate % is :

(1)   4%

(2)   5%

(3)   4.5%

(4)   5.5%

Answer: (2)

66. The average salary per head of all the officers and workers in a factory is Rs. 70. The average salary per head of 12 officers is Rs. 400 and the average salary per head of the rest is Rs. 60. The number of workers in the factory is –

(1)   376

(2)   385

(3)   396

(4)   400

Answer: (3)

67. A can do a piece of work in 15 days and B in 20 days. With the help of C, they finish the work in 5 days. How long will it take C to finish the work?

(1)   12 days

(2)   14 days

(3)   15 days

(4)   None of these

Answer: (1)

68. Two trains are running in the same direction at 56 kmph. and 29 kmph. and the faster train passes a man in the slower train in 16 seconds. The length of the faster train is :

(1)   125 m.

(2)   120 m.

(3)   110 m.

(4)   90 m.

Answer: (2)

69. A and B can do a piece of work separately in 10 days and 12 days respectively. If they work alternate days, and A starting when will the work be finished?





Answer: (4)

70. A boat travels upstream from B to A and downstream from A to B in 3 hours. If the speed of the boat in still water is 9 kmph. and speed of the current is 3 kmph. the distance between A and B is :

(1)   12 km.

(2)   10 km.

(3)   9 km.

(4)   11 km.

Answer: (1)

71. Three pipes A, B and C can fill a cistern in 6 hours. After working at together for 2 hours, C is closed and A and B fill it in 7 hours more. How many hours will C alone take to fill the cistern?

(1)   12 hrs.

(2)   14 hrs.

(3)   10 hrs.

(4)   None of these

Answer: (2)

72. Given that √2 = 1.414, the value of  is :

(1)   0.414

(2)   0.412

(3)   4.12

(4)   None of these

Answer: (1)

73. What is the total number of candidates at an examination if 31% fail and the number of those who pass exceeds the number of those who fail by 247?

(1)   650

(2)   750

(3)   670

(4)   770

Answer: (1)

74. Three cubes of metal whose edges are 3, 4 and 5 cm. respectively are melted without any loss of metal into a single cube. The edge of the new cube is :

(1)   5 cm.

(2)   6 cm.

(3)   7 cm.

(4)   8 cm.

Answer: (2)

75. A circular plot covers an area of 154 sq.m. How much long wire is required for fencing the plot?

(1)   40 m.

(2)   42 m.

(3)   44 m.

(4)   45 m.

Answer: (3)

76. Find the length of the longest bamboo that can be placed in a room of 12 m long, 7 m. broad and 8 m. high?

(1)   10 m.

(2)   12 m.

(3)   15 m.

(4)   17 m.

Answer: (4)

77. A fridge is listed at Rs. 4000. Due to the off season, a shopkeeper announces discount of 5%. The selling price is :

(1)   Rs. 3800

(2)   Rs. 3900

(3)   Rs. 38755

(4)   None of these

Answer: (1)

78. A man after completing his tour found that he has expensed the same money in Rs. per day as the number days he was on tour. If he expenses Rs. 7744 in total, find out for how many days was he on tour?

(1)   88

(2)   46

(3)   85

(4)   56

Answer: (1)

79. The lowest of the following fractions,  is :

(1)   4/5

(2)   6/7

(3)   5/6

(4)   7/8

Answer: (1)

80. The expression  for any natural number n, is :

(1)   always greater than 1

(2)   always less than 1

(3)   always equal to 1

(4)   None of these

Answer: (2)

81. The first woman candidate who contested presidential election in India was –

(1)   Sarojini Naidu

(2)   Vijay Lakshmi Pandit

(3)   Nafisa Ali

(4)   Lakshmi Shegal

Answer: (4)

82. APJ Abdul Kalam got Bahrat Ratna in the year –

(1)   1998

(2)   1997

(3)   1994

(4)   1996

Answer: (2)

83. When did Mr. Chapman send to India for research on railways?

(1)   1840

(2)   1842

(3)   1848

(4)   1845

Answer: (4)

84. Amir Khusro was the famous poet in the court of –

(1)   Akbar

(2)   Shahjahan

(3)   Ibrahim Lodi

(4)   Allauddin Khilji

Answer: (4)

85. Which one of the following Mughal emperors donated land for the construction of Golden Temple at Amritsar?

(1)   Akbar

(2)   Humayun

(3)   Jahangir

(4)   Shahjahan

Answer: (1)

86. Who among the following destroyed the Group of Forty Nobles?

(1)   Baharam Shah

(2)   Iltutmish

(3)   Razia Sultan

(4)   Balban

Answer: (4)

87. The source of “Satyameva Jayate” is –

(1)   Ashok Pillar

(2)   Bhagvat Gita

(3)   Mundaka Upanishad

(4)   Rigveda

Answer: (3)

88. Who was the chairperson of the committee which sent Chapman in India?

(1)   White

(2)   Vorat

(3)   Stuart Vortal

(4)   Stevenson

Answer: (3)

89. Which one of the following enzymes starch into reducing sugars?

(1)   Sucrose

(2)   Catalyze

(3)   Maltose

(4)   Amylase

Answer: (3)

90. The world is divided into :

(1)   12 time zones

(2)   20 time zones

(3)   24 time zones

(4)   36 time zones

Answer: (4)

91. February will have 30 days, after :

(1)   100 years

(2)   200 years

(3)   300 years

(4)   400 years

Answer: (4)

92. Where did Chapman form the committee?

(1)   Glassgo

(2)   London

(3)   Edimbara

(4)   Lord

Answer: (2)

93. Which one of the following conversions takes place in the process of photosynthesis?

(1)   heat energy to kinetic energy

(2)   thermal energy to chemical energy

(3)   thermal energy to electromagnetic energy

(4)   electro magnetic energy to chemical energy

Answer: (2)

94. What was the main source of earning of railways?

(1)   goods fair

(2)   passenger fair

(3)   catering

(4)   None of these

Answer: (1)

95. A steady increase in the general level of prices as a result of excessive increase in aggregate demand as compared to aggregate supply is termed as-

(1)   demand-pull inflation

(2)   cost-push inflation

(3)   stagflation

(4)   structural inflation

Answer: (1)

96. The proclamation of Emergency under Article 352 of the Constitution of India must be approved by the Parliament within-

(1)   6 months

(2)   3 months

(3)   2 months

(4)   one month

Answer: (1)

97. The Himalayan kingdom of Nepal was much in international news in September 2007 for communal clashes, specially the city of Kapilavastu. Kapilavastu lies in ______part of Nepal.

(1)   northern

(2)   eastern

(3)   western

(4)   southern

Answer: (4)

98. The Mathura School of Art was influenced by:

(1)   Amaravati School of Art

(2)   Bodh Gaya School of Art

(3)   Roman School of Art

(4)   Gandhara School of Art

Answer: (4)

99. Which one of the following has been the main feature of the South Indian architecture?

(1)   Sikhara

(2)   Gopuram

(3)   Vimana

(4)   Mandapa

Answer: (2)

100. Sound travels faster in-

(1)   dry air than in water

(2)   wood than in iron

(3)   iron than in air

(4)   hydrogen than in water

Answer: (3)

101. Sprain, a condition normally countered is related to-

(1)   painful muscular contractions

(2)   hotter than the Sun

(3)   as hot as the Sun

(4)   cooler than the Sun

Answer: (2)

102. Lac is a product of-

(1)   faecal matter

(2)   secretion from the body

(3)   excretion from the body

(4)   excess food oozing out of the body

Answer: (2)

103. Which of the following can not pass through vacuum?

(1)   light

(2)   sound

(3)   electric field

(4)   magnetic field

Answer: (2)

104. Which one of the following authors put forth the theory of the Drain of India’s resources to England?

(1)   Raja Rammohan Roy

(2)   Bankim Chandra Chatterjee

(3)   G. G. Agarkar

(4)   Dadabhai Naoroji

Answer: (4)

105. Rana Pratap Sagar Plant (Rajasthan) is associated with –

(1)   nuclear power

(2)   solar energy

(3)   hydroelectricity

(4)   irrigation

Answer: (1)

106. Which one of the following states is leading producer of woolen textiles?

(1)   Jammu and Kashmir

(2)   Punjab

(3)   Rajasthan

(4)   Himachal Pradesh

Answer: (2)

107. Small droplets of a liquid are spherical in shape because of-

(1)   Viscosity

(2)   Surface tension

(3)   Thermal conductivity

(4)   Density

Answer: (2)

108. Which one of the following is a mixture?

(1)   Lime

(2)   Table Salt

(3)   Sugar

(4)   Sea water

Answer: (1)

109. The National Health Policy 2002 has set the goal of achieving eradication of Polio by-

(1)   2005

(2)   2007

(3)   2010

(4)   2015

Answer: (2)

110. Six months shall not intervene between two sessions of the Indian Parliament because –

(1)   it is the customary practice

(2)   it is the British convention followed in India

(3)   it is an obligation under Constitution in India

(4)   None of the above

Answer: (3)

111. Which one of the following is NOT a source of information for the history of the Aryans in India?

(1)   Vedas

(2)   Brahamanas

(3)   Smritis

(4)   Upanishads

Answer: (3)

112. In the human body urea is produced in the –

(1)   Liver

(2)   Spleen

(3)   Kidney

(4)   Pancreas

Answer: (3)

113. The basic feature theory of the Constitution of India was propounded by the Supreme Court in the case of –

(1)   Minerva Mills vs Union of India

(2)   Golaknath vs State of Punjab

(3)   Maneka Gandhi vs Union of India

(4)   Keshavananda vs State of Kerala

Answer: (4)

114. Lakshadweep Islands are the product of-

(1)   Volcanic activity

(2)   Wave action

(3)   Sea-floor expansion

(4)   Reef formation

Answer: (4)

115. The author of the book ‘Animal Farm’ is-

(1)   Leo Tolstoy

(2)   George Orwell

(3)   Johan Dryden

(4)   S. M. Ali

Answer: (2)

116. The Indian Consulate office in which of the following countries reopened after a gap of 23 years?

(1)   Uganda

(2)   Cuba

(3)   Afghanistan

(4)   Ethiopia

Answer: (3)

117. The former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif returned home after six years in exile but was sent back immediately on September 10, 2007 to Jeddah via London. He was Prime Minister of

(1)   Bangladesh

(2)   Pakistan

(3)   Iraq

(4)   Indonesia

Answer: (2)

118. Which of the following countries tested on September 11, 2007 the world’s most powerful non-nuclear bomb-an air-delivered thermobaric bomb to use the technical jargon?

(1)   Russia

(2)   USA

(3)   China

(4)   Iran

Answer: (1)

119. State Bank of India on September 28, 2007 became the first public sector bank to touch a market capitalization of Rs. 1,00,000 crore. Who among the following is the chairman of the State Bank of India?

(1)   O P Bhatt

(2)   D D Rawat

(3)   B C Khatua

(4)   Kirit S Parekh

Answer: (1)

120. Which of the following Indian aviation companies was, in September 2007 approved by the Government for flying on the Gulf route, after Air India and Indian Airlines now merged into single entity Air India?

(1)   Jet Airways

(2)   Kingfisher Airlines

(3)   Deccan Airways

(4)   Spice Airways

Answer: (1)

121. Which of the following is a fundamental mineral in producing atomic energy?

(1)   Uranium

(2)   Heavy water

(3)   Germenium

(4)   Paraffin

Answer: (1)

122. Sodium is kept in kerosene because :

(1)   It tends to tarnish in air

(2)   It starts burning in air

(3)   It is, then kept fresh

(4)   It is, then saved from evaporation

Answer: (1)

123. If a train were to move with velocity of light its length would be :

(1)   Infinite

(2)   Zero

(3)   Finite

(4)   Unchanged

Answer: (2)

124. Fleming’s right hand rule is related to :

(1)   Atmospheric pressure

(2)   Dynamo

(3)   Magnetic direction

(4)   Electric cell

Answer: (3)

125. The source of Sun’s radiant energy is :

(1)   Nuclear fission

(2)   Magnetic traps

(3)   Cosmic radiations

(4)   Nuclear fusion

Answer: (4)

126. A body of mass 4 kg. and an acceleration of 3.6 m.sec2 possesses force of :

(1)   14.4 Newton

(2)   144 Newton

(3)   214 Newton

(4)   2.14 Newton

Answer: (1)

127. Which of the following is not a constituent of DNA molecule?

(1)   Adenine

(2)   Guracil

(3)   Thymine

(4)   Guanine

Answer: (2)

128. Which of the following is used in cleaning the nose and the ear?

(1)   Nitrogen oxide

(2)   Hydrogen

(3)   Hydrogen oxide

(4)   Nitrogen

Answer: (3)

129. What is the S.I. unit of temperature?

(1)   Ampere

(2)   Kelvin

(3)   Candela

(4)   Mole

Answer: (2)

130. The device, which is used to convert sound waves into electric waves is known as :

(1)   Microphone

(2)   Microscope

(3)   Microtome

(4)   Phonograph

Answer: (1)

131. How can you explain the feeling of hunger?

(1)   The salivary glands become active

(2)   Blood gets short of some nutrients

(3)   It is psychological

(4)   The stomach is empty

Answer: (2)

132. The blood pressure in normal human being is :

(1)   80/110

(2)   70/90

(3)   110/150

(4)   110/80

Answer: (1)

133. The melting point of mercury is :

(1)   −38.7° Celsius

(2)   38.87° Celsius

(3)   33.70° Celsius

(4)   15.35° Celsius

Answer: (1)

134. Persons in asbestos factories are affected by air pollution.

The most affected part of their body is the :

(1)   Eyes

(2)   Throat

(3)   Lungs

(4)   Skin

Answer: (3)

135. The Ventilators of building is necessary for :

(1)   The entry of outside oxygen

(2)   The entry of outside moisture

(3)   The entry of outside light into the room

(4)   Removing CO2 exhaled by us and the water vapours evaporated from our bodies.

Answer: (4)

136. Iodine is administered to patients suffering from :

(1)   Goitre

(2)   Night blindness

(3)   Rickets

(4)   Rheumatism

Answer: (1)

137. An electric iron of 750 W is operated at 250 volts. Its current rating is :

(1)   17 A

(2)   5 A

(3)   3 A

(4)   15 A

Answer: (3)

138. Who invented the Pencillin?

(1)   Alexander Fleming

(2)   Louis Pasteur

(3)   Leuwnehock

(4)   Jonas Watson

Answer: (1)

139. Match the following :

Source          Fatty Acid

(A) Coconut oil       (1) Obec acid

(B) Butter               (2) Buyric acid

(C) Animal Fat       (3) Outonoic acid

(D) Plant Fat           (4) Stearic acid

(1)   A – 2; B – 1; C – 3; D – 4

(2)   A – 4; B – 3; C – 1; D – 2

(3)   A – 3; B – 2; C – 4; D – 1

(4)   A – 1; B – 2; C – 3; D – 4

Answer: (3)

140. Which Vitamin is found in a rich amount in sunlight?

(1)   Vitamin B12

(2)   Vitamin D

(3)   Vitamin B6

(4)   Vitamin P

Answer: (2)

141. The former head of Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence who was on October 2, 2007, declared to succeed President Pervez Musharraf as Army chief is –

(1)   Ashfaq Parvez Kayani

(2)   Abdul Bashir Baluchi

(3)   Mazid Mir Kaliki

(4)   Imran Suleiman Nazareth

Answer: (1)

142. Long-serving Australian Prime Minister John Havard, on October 14, 2007, announced that general elections will be held on _____2007.

(1)   October 30

(2)   November 24

(3)   December 18

(4)   December 12

Answer: (2)

143. The German President who, on October 14, 2007, was attacked in Frankfurt as he left a ceremony to honour Israeli historian Saul Friedlaender for his writings on the Holocaust is –

(1)   Jacques Dneiper

(2)   Ben Waldheim

(3)   Horst Koehler

(4)   Marcus Nizen

Answer: (3)

144. BBC Worldwide, the commercial arm of the British Broadcasting Corporation, on October 1, 2007, bought Lonely Planet which publishes about 500 travel guides, including cycling and walking titles. Lonely Planet is based in ___.

(1)   Italy

(2)   Australia

(3)   Switzerland

(4)   England

Answer: (2)

145. On October 23, 2007 G. Srinivasan assumed charge of United Insurance Company Limited as its new Chairman and Managing Director. Prior to his current appointment., he served as Managing Director of the New India Insurance Company ______.

(1)   Mauritius

(2)   Singapore

(3)   Trinidad

(4)   Guatemala

Answer: (3)

146. What is length of West Bengal state from North to South?

(1)   580 km

(2)   590 km

(3)   599 km

(4)   610 km

Answer: (1)

147. According to current Census Report, what is the male literacy rate of the State West Bengal?

(1)   72.58%

(2)   75.58%

(3)   77.0%

(4)   79.59%

Answer: (3)

148. What is the length of state from East to West?

(1)   200 km

(2)   226 km

(3)   256 km

(4)   268 km

Answer: (1)

149. What is the percentage of population involved in Agricultural work in West Bengal?

(1)   75%

(2)   65%

(3)   60%

(4)   55%

Answer: (3)

150. What is percentage of irrigated area of the State West Bengal?

(1)   60%

(2)   65%

(3)   70%

(4)   72%

Answer: (2)

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