Railway (RRC) Bhubaneswar Group ‘D’ Examination Held on 07-10-2007 Question Paper With Answer Key

Railway (RRC) Bhubaneswar Group ‘D’ Examination Held on 07-10-2007


1. Manoj walks 5 metres west from point ‘O’ and then turn right and centered 35 metres and then taking h is right turn cevering 35 metres. How far is he now from point ‘O’ ?

(1)   5 metres

(2)   35 metres

(3)   40 metres

(4)   50 metres

Answer: (1)

2. In a certain code language “sam to ba” means ‘Gandhi was great”, “ho tem gun” means “Prime Minister to powerful” and “sam sum ho” means “Indian is greater”. What will be the code for “India” in that code of language?

(1)   Sam

(2)   ho

(3)   Sun

(4)   Either Sam or Sun

Answer: (3)

3. What should come in the place of question mark (?) in the following series ?

5, 13, 17, 25, 29, ?, 41

(1)   36

(2)   38

(3)   35

(4)   37

Answer: (4)

4. In a certain code language MOBILITY is written as 46293927. How the word EXAMINATION be written in that code of language?

(1)   67250623076

(2)   56149512965

(3)   45038401854

(4)   57159413955

Answer: (2)

5. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and hence form a group. Which one does not belong to t hat group?

(1)   Carrot

(2)   Tomato

(3)   Banana

(4)   Bean

Answer: (4)

Directions (6-10) : Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below :

     Six persons – A, B, C, D, E and F decided to start a business in Internet Service. B, C and E are women and rest are men, A, B, C, and F are well versed in Internet service and rest do not known much about Inter-net. B, D and F known marketing and other do not anything about marketing.

6. The woman who is well versed in Internet and marketing is:

(1)   B

(2)   C

(3)   E

(4)   F

Answer: (1)

7. The woman who neither knows the Internet nor marketing, is :

(1)   B

(2)   E

(3)   F

(4)   C

Answer: (2)

8. The man who is well used in Internet service but does not know marketing is :

(1)   D

(2)   F

(3)   A

(4)   C

Answer: (3)

9. The woman who is well versed in Internet service but does not know marketing, is :

(1)   B

(2)   E

(3)   C

(4)   F

Answer: (3)

10. The man who knows marketing but does not known Internet service is :

(1)   A

(2)   F

(3)   B

(4)   D

Answer: (4)

11. What will be come in p lace of question mark (?) in the following number series?

125, 106, ?, 76, 65, 58, 53

(1)   89

(2)   88

(3)   87

(4)   91

Answer: (1)

12. In a certain code language ‘PAPER’ is written as ‘SCTGW’. How the word ‘MOTHER’ be written be that code language?

(1)   PQXKJV

(2)   ORVLGM

(3)   PQXJJI

(4)   PQVJGT

Answer: (3)

13. “Russia” is related to “Moscow” in the same way “Ukraine” is related to –

(1)   Budapest

(2)   Vienna

(3)   Canberra

(4)   Kiev

Answer: (4)

14. How many pairs of letters are there in the word CREATIVE which have as many letters between then in the word as in alphabet?

(1)   Four

(2)   Three

(3)   Five

(4)   Two

Answer: (2)

Directions (15-19) : In each of the following questions two statements are followed by two conclusions numbered I and II. You have to consider the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts. You have to decide which of the conclusions necessarily follows from the given statements disregarding commonly known facts.

Mark your answer

(1) if only conclusion I necessarily follows

(2) if only conclusion II necessarily follows

(3) if either conclusion I or II necessarily follows

(4) if both the conclusion I and II necessarily follows

15. Statements :

All actors are artists.

All artists are clerks.


(I) All actors are clerks.

(II) No actor is clerk.

Answer: (1)

16. Statements :

All engineers are farmers.

No farmer is doctor.

Conclusions :

(I) No engineer is doctor.

(II) Some farmers are engineers.

Answer: (4)

17. Statements :

Some grocers are gamblers.

All gamblers are lawyers

Conclusions :

(I) Some lawyers are grocers.

(II) No grocer is lawyer.

Answer: (1)

18. Statements :

No mechanic is pilot.

All pilots are sailors.

Conclusions :

(I) No mechanic is sailor.

(II) Some pilots are sailors.

Answer: (4)

19. Statements :

Some servants are waiters.

No waters is warrior.

Conclusions :

(I) Some waiters are not warriors.

(II) Some servants are not warriors.

Answer: (2)

20. “NCWGM” is related to “MATCH” in the same way “ETLRP” is related to :

(1)   DRINK

(2)   DLINK

(3)   BRING

(4)   DRIVE

Answer: (1)

21. In a row of boys, Satish is fifteenth from the left and seventh from the right. How many boys are there in row?

(1)   20

(2)   19

(3)   22

(4)   21

Answer: (4)

22. In a certain code ‘BODE’ is written as ‘@ $ * ?’, and ‘EAT’ is written as ‘? £’. How is DEBATE written is that code?

(1)   ? * @ * ?

(2)   * ? @ * £

(3)   * ? @ * £

(4)   Cannot be determined

Answer: (3)

Directions (23-25) : Study the following venn-diagram carefully and answer the questions given below.

The triangle represents girl-students.

The square represents sports students.

The circle presents coaches.

23. Which letter represents girls students who are sports students but not coached?

(1)   A

(2)   B

(3)   C

(4)   E

Answer: (2)

24. Which letter represents sports students who are coaches but not girl-students?

(1)   B

(2)   C

(3)   E

(4)   F

Answer: (4)

25. Which letter represents the coach who are not sports students?

(1)   D

(2)   C

(3)   F

(4)   E

Answer: (1)

26. “Atom” is related to “Molecule” in the same way s “cell” is related to :

(1)   phone

(2)   Nucleus

(3)   matter

(4)   organism

Answer: (4)

27. If ‘+’ means ‘×’, ‘−’ means ÷, ‘×’ means ‘−’ and ‘÷’ means ‘+’ then what is the value of the following expression?

6 ÷ 36 – 6 × 3 + 2

(1)   5

(2)   12

(3)   8

(4)   6

Answer: (4)

28. Which one of set of letters will complete the given series?

a – bccaabc – aa – ccab – c

(1)   acbc

(2)   bcbc

(3)   accb

(4)   abcc

Answer: (1)

29. Four of the following five are alike and hence form a group. Which one does not belong to that group?

(1)   Finger

(2)   Foot

(3)   Thumb

(4)   Nail

Answer: (2)

30. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group which in the one that does not belong to that group?

(1)   264

(2)   385

(3)   427

(4)   572

Answer: (3)

31. What should come in place of question-mark (?) in the following arrangement?

(1)   7

(2)   6

(3)   10

(4)   9

(5)   None of these

Answer: (4)

32. If 13th day of a month is a Saturday then what is the 30th day of the same month?

(1)   Sunday

(2)   Monday

(3)   Tuesday

(4)   Wednesday

Answer: (3)

33. “Child” is related to “Father” is the same way “Book” is related to

(1)   Publisher

(2)   Library

(3)   Author

(4)   Editor

Answer: (3)

34. If ‘A’ means ‘−’, ‘B’ means ‘+’, ‘C’ means ‘÷’ and ‘D’ means ‘×’, then what is the value of the following expression?

3 O A 5 B 2 5 C 5 D 5

(1)   O

(2)   50

(3)   36

(4)   30

Answer: (1)

35. By rearranging the letters of the world RAMECIA we can get the name of a country. What will be the second last letter of that country?

(1)   A

(2)   R

(3)   C

(4)   E

Answer: (3)

36. If ‘CEAD’ is related to ‘WYUX’ in the same way as ‘BEFA’ is related to-

(1)   VYZU

(2)   RYZU

(3)   VYXU

(4)   VXZW

Answer: (1)

37. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and hence form a group. Which one does not belong to that group?

(1)   FKN

(2)   OTW

(3)   BGJ

(4)   DIM

Answer: (4)

38. What should come in place of question-mark (?) in the following series ?

1, 5, 14, 30, ?, 31

(1)   55

(2)   45

(3)   49

(4)   50

Answer: (2)

39. In a certain code QUESTION is written as NXBVQLLQ. How is REPLY written in that code?

(1)   YHMOV

(2)   OFMMV

(3)   OBMIV

(4)   OHMOV

Answer: (4)

40. What should come in place of question-mark (?) in the following series?

1, 5, 14, 30, ?, 31

(1)   55

(2)   45

(3)   49

(4)   50

Answer: (1)

41. Find the value of 

(1)   75

(2)   90

(3)   80

(4)   None of these

Answer: (2)

42. If  then find the value if x?

(1)   36

(2)   45

(3)   40

(4)   None of these

Answer: (3)

43. If 3x × 271/5 = 31/5, then find the value of x?

(1)   −2/5

(2)   −3/5

(3)   −4/5

(4)   None of these

Answer: (1)


(1)   869/720

(2)   689/720

(3)   968/720

(4)   None of these

Answer: (2)

45. If x = 0.5 and y = 0.2,then √6 × (3Y)x = ?

(1)   0.6

(2)   0.4

(3)   0.16

(4)   None of these

Answer: (1)


(1)   6.9

(2)   9.6

(3)   99.6

(4)   None of these

Answer: (2)

47. Find the value of 




(4)   None of these

Answer: (3)

48. 9 + 8.7 – [{3.1 – 7.3 – (3.1 + 0.8) + 17.2) = ?

(1)   8.6

(2)   18.6

(3)   16.6

(4)   None of these

Answer: (1)





(4)   None of these

Answer: (2)





(4)   None of these

Answer: (1)

51. Ashok, Monu and Rajesh share profits in the ratio 3 : 5 : 2 and start a Hardware shop with a capital of Rs. 180000. Calculate the capital contributed by Monu in the shop?

(1)   Rs. 89000

(2)   Rs. 90000

(3)   Rs. 91000

(4)   None of these

Answer: (2)

52. In a mixture of 80 kg, the ratio of two kinds of rice is 3 : 2. Another 18 kg. of second king of rice is blended in the mixture. Find the ratio of two kinds of rice in the resulting mixture?

(1)   20 : 21

(2)   23 : 24

(3)   24 : 25

(4)   None of these

Answer: (3)

53. A factory worker spends 60% of his money and saves Rs. 840. Find his amount?

(1)   Rs. 2100

(2)   Rs. 2000

(3)   Rs. 2400

(4)   None of these

Answer: (1)

54. Mahesh sold a property to Vijay, there by gaining 25%, Vijay sold it to Sanjay gaining 35% on his cost and Sanjay sold it to taking 70% more than its cost to Mahesh. What percentage of profit did Sanjay gain?

(1)   0.78%

(2)   0.70%

(3)   0.74%

(4)   None of these

Answer: (3)

55. A trader is offered discount of 18% by one wholeseller and 3% cash discount in addition to 15% trade discount by another. Find which is cheaper?

(1)   Second

(2)   First

(3)   Both

(4)   None of these

Answer: (2)

56. By what rate percent a sum of Rs. 2250 will amount to Rs. 2520 in four year?

(1)   3%

(2)   3.5%

(3)   4.5%

(4)   None of these

Answer: (1)

57. The basic pay of a professor is Rs. 16800 per month. He contributes 12% on his provident fund to which his employer also contributes 12%. Find the amount of interest payable at the end of the year, if interest being calculated of 4 per cent p.a.?

(1)   Rs. 1038.32

(2)   Rs. 1048.32

(3)   Rs. 1045.32

(4)   None of these

Answer: (2)

58. A seller bought certain goods for Rs. 9000 and sold 1/3 of it bearing a loss equal to 1/5th of purchase price. AT what price should be he sell the remaining goods so t hat a profit of Rs. 1800 may be earned on the whole?

(1)   Rs. 8500

(2)   Rs. 8000

(3)   Rs. 8400

(4)   None of these

Answer: (3)

59. Twelve children take 18 days to complete a work which can be completed by 5 adults in 12 days. 10 adults started working after 2 days, 8 adults left and 4 children joined them. How many days will they take to complete the remaining work?




(4)  None of these

Answer: (1)

60. A water tank can be filled by pipe alone in 40 minutes and by Q alone in 50 minutes. The same tank can be emptied by pipe R in 35 minutes. If all the three pipes are opened at the same time how long will it take to fill t he water tank?


(2)   1 hours


(4)   None of these

Answer: (2)

61. A train passes an electrical pole in 20 seconds and passes a platform 250 metres long in 45 seconds. Find the length of the train?

(1)   225 metres

(2)   200 metres

(3)   175 metres

(4)   None of these

Answer: (2)

62. The length of a rectangular plot of land is  its breadth. If the area of the plot, is 1800 sq. metres. What is the length of the plot in metres?

(1)   80 metres

(2)   85 metres

(3)   90 metres

(4)   None of these

Answer: (3)

63. A 270 metres long train, running at a speed of 54 km./hour, cross a river bridge in 30 seconds, find the length of the bridge?

(1)   180 metres

(2)   200 metres

(3)   150 metres

(4)   None of these

Answer: (1)

64. A sum of money at simple interest doubles in 10 years. In how many years will it amount to 4 times itself?

(1)   25 years

(2)   30 years

(3)   20 years

(4)   None of these

Answer: (2)

65. The average of a 9 numbers is 28. The average of first 5 is 30 and that of the last 4 is 32. Find the fifth number?

(1)   26

(2)   25

(3)   30

(4)   None of these

Answer: (1)

66. Two numbers are in the ratio of 14 : 12. If their HCF is 15, then find the numbers?

(1)   210, 180

(2)   200, 160

(3)   220, 150

(4)   None of these

Answer: (1)

67. If three numbers in the ratio 4 : 3 : 5 be such that the sum of their squares is equal to 2500, then find the middle number?

(1)   20

(2)   30

(3)   25

(4)   None of these

Answer: (2)

68. If the radius of a circle is doubled, then find the ratio of the new circumference to the new diameter?

(1)   π : 3

(2)   π : 2

(3)   π : 1

(4)   None of these

Answer: (3)

69. A bus covers a distance between A and B at the rate of 40 km. per h our and B to A at the rate of 50 km. per hour. What is the average rate of speed for the whole journey?




(4)   None of these

Answer: (1)

70. A and B can do a work in 15 days. B and C in 12 days, A and C in 18 days. A can alone do the same work in how many days?




(4)   None of these

Answer: (1)

71. In an examination, a boy was asked to multiply a number by 5/13, but by mistake he multiplied the number by 13/5. He got 144 more than the correct answer. What is the number?

(1)   60

(2)   65

(3)   68

(4)   None of these

Answer: (2)

72. The sum of the present ages of a man and his son is 80. Twenty years ago, the man was three times as old as his son. What is the present age of the father?

(1)   55 years

(2)   48 years

(3)   50 years

(4)   None of these

Answer: (3)

73. A gardener offers flowers in each temple of the city equal to the number of temples in the city. The total number of flowers offered by him is 2025. What is the total number of temples in the city?

(1)   45

(2)   42

(3)   40

(4)   None of these

Answer: (1)

74. The population of a town increases by 4% annually. If its population in 1991 was 210912, in 1988 it was how much?

(1)   180500

(2)   187500

(3)   187005

(4)   None of these

Answer: (2)

75. A village has a population of 5400 man 5/6 part of it is male and the remaining population is of females. If 3/5 of males are married then what is the percentage of married females?

(1)   50%

(2)   52%

(3)   55%

(4)   None of these

Answer: (1)

76. Five bells ring t intervals of 2, 3, 4, 5 and 8 seconds, beginning together. After how many minutes will they again ring together?

(1)   5 minutes

(2)   2 minutes

(3)   3 minutes

(4)   None of these

Answer: (2)

77. In a hostel, there are provisions for 2000 students for 100 days. If after 20 days 450 students leave the hostel, find how long the remaining provisions will last?

(1)   103 days

(2)   102 days

(3)   105 days

(4)   None of these

Answer: (1)

78. A boat arrived with a speed of 5 km./hour down stream and 4 km./hour upstream. What is the average speed (km./hour) of the boat?




(4)   None of these

Answer: (3)

79. A mixture of 60 litres of milk and water contain 10%. How much water must be added to make water 15% in the new mixture?

(1)   8.5 litres

(2)   9.5 litres

(3)   10.5 litres

(4)   None of these

Answer: (2)

80. Two trains start at the same time from A and B and proceed towards each other at the speed of 70 km./hr. and 45 k./hr. respectively. When both meet at a point in between, one train found to be 150 km. more than the other. Find the distance between A and B?

(1)   690 km.

(2)   680 km.

(3)   650 km.

(4)   None of these

Answer: (1)

81. What is the total length of Broad Gauge route?

(1)   3,265 kilometre

(2)   14,776 kilometre

(3)   45,099 kilometre

(4)   63,140 kilometre

Answer: (1)

82. What is the total length of metre gauge route?

(1)   14,776 kilometre

(2)   19,524 kilometre

(3)   21,691 kilometre

(4)   23,385 kilometre

Answer: (1)

83. What is the total length of the National rail highway?

(1)   63140 km.

(2)   64024 km.

(3)   74062 km.

(4)   73428 km.

Answer: (2)

84. From where the first Jan Shatabdi express was started?

(1)   Mumbai

(2)   Delhi

(3)   Kolkata

(4)   Chennai

Answer: (4)

85. The artificial kidney operates on the principle of-

(1)   diffusion

(2)   osmosis

(3)   dialysis

(4)   active transport

Answer: (3)

86. The average gestation period of sheep is :

(1)   30 days

(2)   150 days

(3)   280 days

(4)   365 days

Answer: (2)

87. The pollen grains in plants are produced in the-

(1)   anthex

(2)   carpel

(3)   ovary

(4)   ovule

Answer: (1)

88. Megasthenese was the ambassador of –

(1)   Seleucus

(2)   Alexander

(3)   Darius

(4)   the Greeks

Answer: (1)

89. Where have excavations taken place in connection with the Vedic Age –

(1)   Chandigarh

(2)   Pataliputra

(3)   Kurukshetra

(4)   Hastinapur and Atranjikhera

Answer: (4)

90. What was the function of Portuguese fort at Goa?

(1)   to supervise Malabar

(2)   to control the east Indian specie trade

(3)   to act as the entrepretor for the far east

(4)   to act at the base for the further expansion in India.

Answer: (1)

91. European painting was introduced in the court of-

(1)   Humayun

(2)   Akbar

(3)   Jahangir

(4)   Shahjahan

Answer: (3)

92. Which of the following states is the second largest producer of rubber in the country and has also rich reserves of natural gas?

(1)   Assam

(2)   Tamil Nadu

(3)   Karnataka

(4)   Tripura

Answer: (4)

93. By 1943, where had the Muslim League ministry not been installed?

(1)   Assam

(2)   Sind

(3)   Bengal

(4)   Uttar Pradesh

Answer: (4)

94. What is incoming solar radiation known as?

(1)   radiation

(2)   refraction

(3)   insolation

(4)   reflection

Answer: (3)

95. Hall consists of

(1)   granular ice

(2)   crystals of ice

(3)   water droplets

(4)   masses of ice in layers one above the others

Answer: (4)

96. How much of the earth’s surface is a covered by the hydrosphere?

(1)   66%

(2)   69%

(3)   71%

(4)   75%

Answer: (3)

97. Which one of the following cities in India hosted the Asia Team Chess Championship recently?

(1)   Hyderabad

(2)   Jodhpur

(3)   Mumbai

(4)   Ranchi

Answer: (2)

98. The term “nife” refers to :

(1)   earthquakes

(2)   core of the earth

(3)   crust of earth

(4)   ocean beds

Answer: (2)

99. Which countries are joined b y the Palk-Straits?

(1)   India and Sri Lanka

(2)   North and South Korea

(3)   North and South Vietnam

(4)   Britain and France

Answer: (1)

100. Which one is not a major port on the east-coast?

(1)   Paradeep

(2)   Calcutta

(3)   Cochin

(4)   Vishakhapatnam

Answer: (3)

101. Where is the sex ratio lowest?

(1)   Punjab

(2)   Andaman and Nicobar Islands

(3)   Rajasthan

(4)   Sikkim

Answer: (2)

102. Which one of the following is not a Fundamental Right?

(1)   Right to property

(2)   Right to assemble peacefully

(3)   Right to move freely throughout the country

(4)   Right to constitutional remedies

Answer: (1)

103. Wen Jibao in Chinese Government is –

(1)   President

(2)   Vice-President

(3)   Vice-Premier

(4)   Prime Minister

Answer: (4)

104. How many types of emergencies are envisaged by the Constitution?

(1)   None

(2)   2

(3)   3

(4)   4

Answer: (3)

105. Jane Wyman, the Oscar winning actress, who was Ronal Reagan’s first wife and starred in the popular 1980s television drama Falcon Crest passed away at the age of 90 on

(1)   September 10, 2007

(2)   September 16, 2007

(3)   September 12, 2007

(4)   September 14, 2007

Answer: (1)

106. There has been a retardation in inflationary conditions since :

(1)   September 1984

(2)   January 1984

(3)   April 1984

(4)   August 1984

Answer: (4)

107. The ARDC has been taken over by the :

(1)   IDBI

(2)   ICICI

(3)   IRCI

(4)   NABARD

Answer: (4)

108. The Union List contains :

(1)   66 items

(2)   67 items

(3)   97 items

(4)   47 items

Answer: (3)

109. The judge of the high court retire at the age of –

(1)   60 years

(2)   62 years

(3)   58 years

(4)   65 years

Answer: (2)

110. The Comptroller and Auditor General is appointed by-

(1)   The Prime Minister

(2)   The President

(3)   The Parliament

(4)   The president on the advice of the Parliament

Answer: (2)

111. In which year were the States reorganized on a linguistic basis?

(1)   1947

(2)   1956

(3)   1951

(4)   1966

Answer: (2)

112. Who are Moplahs?

(1)   tribals of Madhya Pradesh

(2)   tribals of Assam

(3)   Muslims of Kerala

(4)   tribals of West Bengal

Answer: (3)

113. The temperature needed taxcultivation of rubber is –

(1)   about 25°C

(2)   30°C

(3)   about 35°C

(4)   about 45°C

Answer: (3)

114. From which part of the plant is jute obtained?

(1)   flower

(2)   fruit

(3)   stem

(4)   leaf

Answer: (3)

115. Which is an organic rock?

(1)   marble

(2)   coal

(3)   granite

(4)   slate

Answer: (2)

116. What amount has the Govt. earmarked for setting up a Pharmaceutical Research and Development Fund during the 10th Plan?

(1)   Rs. 100 cr.

(2)   Rs. 150 cr.

(3)   Rs. 200 cr.

(4)   Rs. 250 cr.

Answer: (2)

117. On September 20, 2007 which of the following famous personalities visited his/her ancestral village Jhulasan in Mehsana district of Gujarat?

(1)   V S Naipaul

(2)   Anita Desai

(3)   Salman Rushdie

(4)   Sunita Williams

Answer: (4)

118. The first Sola City of India is

(1)   Jaipur

(2)   Anandpur Sahib

(3)   Mysore

(4)   Patna Sahib

Answer: (2)

119. When was the coolour light signals get started?

(1)   1920

(2)   1928

(3)   1938

(4)   1935

Answer: (3)

120. When was the first steam engine manufactured?

(1)   1853

(2)   1901

(3)   1912

(4)   1935

Answer: (1)

121. CaSO4 is a molecular formula of :

(1)   Zypsum

(2)   Sugar

(3)   Borax

(4)   Vermillion

Answer: (1)

122. Haemoglobin is related to :

(1)   Water

(2)   Veins

(3)   Blood

(4)   Arteries

Answer: (3)

123. What is the boiling point of water?

(1)   100°C

(2)   200°C

(3)   60°C

(4)   90°C

Answer: (1)

124. The causative agent of AIDS is :

(1)   Bacteria

(2)   Fungus

(3)   Algae

(4)   Virus

Answer: (4)

125. Which of the following gases is responsible for Greenhouse Effect?

(1)   Carbon monoxide

(2)   Methane

(3)   Carbon dioxide

(4)   Ethane

Answer: (3)

126. What is the total number of neutrons in 92U238?

(1)   146

(2)   144

(3)   330

(4)   23

Answer: (1)

127. Which element burns in water?

(1)   Radium

(2)   Sodium

(3)   Mercury

(4)   Iron

Answer: (2)

128. The atomic number of an element is equivalent to :

(1)   The total number of protons or electrons

(2)   The total number of neutrons

(3)   The total number of protons and neutrons

(4)   None of these

Answer: (1)

129. The period of revolution of a geostationary satellite is :

(1)   24 hours

(2)   30 days

(3)   365 days

(4)   constant

Answer: (3)

130. Most fish do not sink in the water because of the presence of :

(1)   Swim bladder

(2)   Air bladder

(3)   Air Sacs

(4)   Air in spongy bones

Answer: (1)

131. The hormone responsible for the secretion of milk in mothers is:

(1)   Adrenalin

(2)   ACTH

(3)   Lactogenic hormone

(4)   Lentinizing hormone

Answer: (3)

132. A wire of resistance 10Ω is elongated through a die to double its length. Its resistance will change to :

(1)   40Ω

(2)   20Ω

(3)   15Ω

(4)   5Ω

Answer: (4)

133. The power output of a machine that lifts a 600 kg crate through a height of 20 m in 1 minute, is :

(1)   0.98 kw

(2)   1.96 kw

(3)   3.92 kw

(4)   12 kw

Answer: (2)

134. The sun is visible to us a little before the actual sunrise and a little after the actual sunset. This is because of :

(1)   Diffraction

(2)   Reflection

(3)   Refraction

(4)   Scattering

Answer: (3)

135. The formula of propane is :

(1)   C3H8

(2)   C4H10

(3)   C2H6

(4)   C2H4

Answer: (1)

136. Match the following :


(A) Glucose

(B) Urea

(C) Baking Soda

(D) Glycerol


(1) CH­2OH

(2) H­2NCONH2

(3) C6H12O6

(4) NaHCO3

(1)   A – 2; B – 3; C – 4; D – 1

(2)   A – 1; B – 2; C – 3; D – 4

(3)   A – 3; B – 2; C – 4; D – 1

(4)   A – 4; B – 1; C – 3; D – 2

Answer: (3)

137. Urine is stored in :

(1)   Urethra

(2)   Bladder

(3)   Ureter tubes

(4)   Hilus

Answer: (2)

138. The B.C.G. is a/an :

(1)   Vaccine

(2)   Medicine

(3)   Virus

(4)   Algae

Answer: (1)

139. The Ozone layer protects the earth from :

(1)   Ultraviolet rays

(2)   X-rays

(3)   Microwave rays

(4)   Infrared rays

Answer: (1)

140. The sunlight reaches on the earth by which process?

(1)   Conduction

(2)   Convection

(3)   Radiation

(4)   Condensation

Answer: (3)

141. Who, among the following launched the “Save the Girl Child” campaign of the Union Health and Family Welfare Ministry on October 2, 2007?

(1)   Sonia Gandhi

(2)   Pratibha Patil

(3)   Monmohan Singh

(4)   Ambumani Ramadoss

Answer: (2)

142. Who has been appointed the Chief Justice of Lahore High Court on November 3, 2007?

(1)   Justice Amanula Yasim Zai

(2)   Justice Iftikhar Hussain Chaudhry

(3)   Justice Abdul Mohammed Somroo

(4)   None of these

Answer: (2)

143. India-born celebrity fashion designer who on October 26, 2007, pleaded not guilty to charges of sexually assaulting around 30 omen, including aspirins models in a Los Angeles court is ____.

(1)   Manish Choudhary

(2)   Anil Diwan

(3)   Anand Jon

(4)   Rajneesh Kumar Vais

Answer: (3)

144. Ninety-six MoUs for projects worth Rs. _____ crore were signed during the two-day Global Investors’ Summit organized in October 2007 at the initiative of the Madhya Pradesh state government.

(1)   1,14,256

(2)   2,35,763

(3)   3,24,981

(4)   4,53,924

Answer: (1)

145. Poland’s Ambassador to Iraq who was injured in a bomb attack in Baghadad on October 3, 2007, is ____.

(1)   Edward Pietryzyk

(2)   Nicolai Solace

(3)   Martin Breznei

(4)   Peter Mozart

Answer: (1)

146. According to 2001 Census, what is the density of the State Orissa?

(1)   236 person/sq.km

(2)   240 person/sq.km

(3)   242 person/sq.km

(4)   246 person/sq.km

Answer: (1)

147. When famous Jagannath Temple was built?

(1)   Around 890 AD

(2)   Around 1030 AD

(3)   Around 1120 AD

(4)   Around 1080 AD

Answer: (2)

148. World famous ‘Olive Redley’ is found in which place of the State Orissa?

(1)   Ambapani Sanctury

(2)   Gahirmatha Sanctury

(3)   Beldhar Sancutry

(4)   None of these

Answer: (2)

149. Which one is the famous food crop of the State Orissa?

(1)   Rice

(2)   Wheat

(3)   Corn

(4)   Bajra

Answer: (1)

150. In which year Journalist ‘Dr. Radha Nath Rath’ has got ‘Orissa Sahitya AKadami Award’?

(1)   1967

(2)   1969

(3)   1972

(4)   1997

Answer: (1)

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