Kerala PSC Degree Level Sales Assistant Date of Test 26.11.2016 Qustion Paper With Answer Key

Kerala PSC Degree Level Sales Assistant Date of Test 26.11.2016

1. The shape of acceleration versus mass graph for constant force is :

(a)  Parabola

(b)  Hyperbola

(c)  Straight line

(d)  Ellipse

Answer: (b)

2. The tank appears shallow than its actual depth, due to :

(a)  Reflection

(b)  Refraction

(c)  Diffraction

(d)  Interference

Answer: (b)

3. In n-type semiconductor the majority carriers are :

(a)  Electrons

(b)  Holes

(c)  Electrons and Holes

(d)  None of these

Answer: (a)

4. In a given sample there are 10,000 radio-active atoms of half-life period 1 month. The number of atoms remaining without disintegration at the end of 3 months is :

(a)  Nil

(b)  5,000

(c)  2,500

(d)  1,250

Answer: (d)

5. A convex lens is placed in water, its focal length

(a)  Increases

(b)  Decreases

(c)  Remains the same

(d)  Doubled

Answer: (a)

6. Principles of Law of Inheritance were enunciated by :

(a)  Morgan

(b)  Mendel

(c)  Bateson

(d)  Punnet

Answer: (b)

7. The infective stage of malarial parasite plasmodium that enters human body is :

(a)  sporozoite

(b)  merozoite

(c)  sporozoite

(d)  minuta form

Answer: (a & c)

8. Respiratory centre in human beings is :

(a)  cerebellum

(b)  medulla oblongata

(c)  hypothalamus

(d)  cerebrum

Answer: (b)

9. Artificial ripening of fruits is accomplished by treatment with

(a)  Sodium chloride

(b)  Indole-3-acetic acid

(c)  Kinetin

(d)  Ethelene gas

Answer: (d)

10. In mammals ammonia produced by metabolism is converted into urea in the :

(a)  Kidney

(b)  Blood

(c)  Liver

(d)  Spleen

Answer: (c)

11. The 17th Laureans World Sports Award , 2015 for Life Time Achievement was given away to Niki Landa for :

(a)  Tennis

(b)  Rugby

(c)  Swimming

(d)  Motor racing

Answer: (d)

12. ‘Ardhanareeswaran’ the famous novel written by :

(a)  Sugatha Kumari

(b)  Perumal Murugan

(c)  Akbar Kakkattil

(d)  C. Radhakrishnan

Answer: (b)

13. ‘Priyamanasam’ won the national award for the best Sanskrit film, directed by :

(a)  Salim Ahamad

(b)  Suresh Eriyat

(c)  Vinod Mankara

(d)  V. K. Prakash

Answer: (c)

14. IRNSS-1 G Regional Navigation Satellite System successfully launched from Satish Dhawan Space Centre with the help of :

(a)  PSLV-C 33

(b)  PSLV – C 31

(c)  PSLV – C 32

(d)  PSLV – C 34

Answer: (a)

15. Deepa Karmakar qualified for Rio de Janeiro Olympic Games 2016 after defeating :

(a)  Yelena Produnova

(b)  Oksana Chusovitina

(c)  Yamilet Pena

(d)  None of the above

Answer: (b)

16. The first Jail Museum of Kerala State is going to establish with the central prison of :

(a)  Poojappura Central Jail

(b)  Viyyur Central Jail

(c)  Cellular Jail, Andaman Nicobar Island

(d)  Kannur Central Jail

Answer: (d)

17. Who is the present Governor of Uttarakhand State?

(a)  Govind Singh Kunjuwall

(b)  Harish Rawat

(c)  K. K. Paul

(d)  J. P. Raj Khowa

Answer: (c)

18. Narendra Jadav, an economist, newly nominated to Rajya Sabha was a former member of :

(a)  Niti Ayog

(b)  Planning Commission

(c)  National Human Rights Commission

(d)  None of the above

Answer: (b)

19. Which among the following is the India’s fastest train?

(a)  Satapti Express

(b)  Himasagar Express

(c)  Gatiman Express

(d)  Mangala Express

Answer: (c)

20. Which Tennis star will carry the Spanish flag at the opening ceremony of the Rio Olympic Games, 2016?

(a)  Rafael Nadal

(b)  Djokovic

(c)  Serena Williams

(d)  Wawrinka

Answer: (a)

21. ‘Dreaming Big : My Journey to Connect India’ is the autobiography of _____

(a)  Sam Pitroda

(b)  Chandra Sekhar

(c)  M. S. Aluvalia

(d)  Aravind Panagaria

Answer: (a)

22. Who was the Deputy Chairman of the Planning Commission of India during the first two years of the Fourth Five year Plan?

(a)  Dr. P. T. Lakdawala

(b)  Ashok Gadgil

(c)  Dr. D. R. Gadgil

(d)  M. D. Gadgil

Answer: (c)

23. The first modern metro of India is :

(a)  The Kolkata metro

(b)  The Delhi metro

(c)  The Bangalore metro

(d)  The Chennai metro

Answer: (b)

24. ‘Crawling Order’ was issued by the British Government in India in connection with :

(a)  Chauri Chaura incident

(b)  Wagon Tragedy

(c)  Dandi March

(d)  Jallianwala Bagh incident

Answer: (d)

25. Who led the Salt Satyagraha against the illegal laws of the English after Gandhi’s arrest?

(a)  Abbas Tyabji

(b)  P. Rangiah Naidu

(c)  Sardar Dyal Singh

(d)  Pattabhi Sitaramayya

Answer: (a)

26. Freedom fighter who found the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan :

(a)  Tilak

(b)  V. J. Patel

(c)  K. M. Munshi

(d)  S. M. Sen Gupta

Answer: (c)

27. The fourth President of Indian National Congress in 1888

(a)  W. . Bannerji

(b)  George Yule

(c)  Dadabhai Naoroji

(d)  William Wedderburn

Answer: (b)

28. ______ is the second largest peninsular river flowing towards the East.

(a)  The Godavari

(b)  The Kaveri

(c)  The Narmada

(d)  The Krishna

Answer: (d)

29. Pedology is the science that deals with the study of ____

(a)  Soil

(b)  Water

(c)  Mountains

(d)  Lakes

Answer: (a)

30. The most fertile soil found in India is :

(a)  Deccan Soil

(b)  Laterite Soil

(c)  Alluvial Soil

(d)  Red Soil

Answer: (c)

31. Who founded Advaita Ashram at Aluva?

(a)  Sankaracharya

(b)  Sree Narayana Guru

(c)  Chattampi Swamikal

(d)  Swami Chinmayananda

Answer: (b)

32. Who started Sanskrit Educational Centre called Tatva Prakasika Ashram at Calicut?

(a)  Vaghbatananda

(b)  Brahmananda Swami

(c)  V. T. Bhatathiripadu

(d)  K. P. Karuppan

Answer: (a)

33. Who founded Yokakshema Sabha?

(a)  Chattampi Swamikal

(b)  Dr. Palpu

(c)  Poykayil Yohannan

(d)  V. T. Bhatathiripad

Answer: (d)

34. Who started the literary organization called vidya poshini?

(a)  Ayyankali

(b)  C. Krishnan

(c)  T. K. Madhavan

(d)  Sahodaran Ayyappan

Answer: (d)

35. The Temple Entry proclamation of Sri Chithirathirunal Balaramavarma declared on :

(a)  November 1, 1936

(b)  October 1, 1936

(c)  November 1, 1932

(d)  January 1, 1936

Answer: (*)

36. Brahmananda Swami Sivayogi’s Sidhashram is situated at :

(a)  Aluva

(b)  Kalady

(c)  Sivagiri

(d)  Alathur

Answer: (d)

37. Who founded Sadhujana Paripalana Sangham?

(a)  Ayyan Kali

(b)  K. P. Karuppan

(c)  Sahodaran Ayyappan

(d)  C. Krishnan

Answer: (a)

38. Black cotton soil is known as :

(a)  Bhangar

(b)  Khadar

(c)  Regar

(d)  Laterite

Answer: (c)

39. The outermost range of the Himalaya is known as :

(a)  Aravalli Range

(b)  Satpura Range

(c)  Siwalik Range

(d)  None of these

Answer: (c)

40. The lower layer of the atmosphere is known as :

(a)  Ionosphere

(b)  Troposphere

(c)  Mesosphere

(d)  Stratosphere

Answer: (c)

41. Which amendment act added a new fundamental duty under article 51 (A) of the constitution which provides that it shall be the duty of every Indian citizen to provide education to their children upto the age of fourteen years?

(a)  75

(b)  88

(c)  86

(d)  83

Answer: (c)

42. The Human Rights Commissions at the centre and states are facing serious setbacks because ____

(i)   The function as recommendatory and advisory bodies.

(ii)  They can submit reports only annually

(iii) There is no authority to execute their orders

(iv) The existing governmental system ignores their recommendations.

(a) (i), (iii) & (iv)

(b)  (i), (ii) & (iii)

(c)  (i), (iv) & (ii)

(d)  (ii), (iii) & (iv)

Answer: (a)

43. Which one of the following powers of the Rajya Sabha provided in the Constitution of India?

(a)  To decide whether a bill is a money bill

(b)  To initiate a money bill.

(c)  To reject or amend a money bill

(d)  To delay a money bill for a period not exceeding fourteen days.

Answer: (d)

44. The institution of Ombudsman was first created in _____

(a)  USA

(b)  Switzerland

(c)  Sweden

(d)  Denmark

Answer: (c)

45. Lokayukta submits its reports to _____

(a)  Chief Minister

(b)  Governor

(c)  President

(d)  Chief Justice

Answer: (b)

46. The Constitution guarantees protection of the rights of the minorities in India through which articles?

(a)  29 and 30

(b)  350 and 351

(c)  28 and 29

(d)  15 and 16

Answer: (a)

47. Which government appointed P. V. Rajamannar Committee to examine the tension in centre-state relations?

(a)  India

(b)  Maharashtra

(c)  Karnataka

(d)  Tamil Nadu

Answer: (d)

48. The last session of the existing Lok Sabha after a new Lok Sabha has been elected is known as _____

(a)  Joint sitting

(b)  Lame Duck

(c)  Guillotine

(d)  Sine die

Answer: (b)

49. Financial Emergency can be continued for _____

(a)  2 months

(b)  6 months

(c)  One year

(d)  indefinite

Answer: (d)

50. Rights to information is the most effective and innovative tool in Indian administration because :

(i) it accepts people’s rights and privileges to know.

(ii) it makes political system accountable and transparent.

(iii) it makes people aware of public policies and decision making

(iv) it makes administrative more innovative.

(a)  (i), (iii) & (iv)

(b)  (i), (ii) & (iv)

(c)  (i), (ii) & (iii)

(d)  (ii). (iii) & (iv))

Answer: (c)

51. Which among the following is not a feature of Balika Samridhi Yojana?

(a)  To improve entrolment and relention of girl Children.

(b)  To raise the age at marriage of girls

(c)  To give reservation to girl children.

(d)  To assist the girl to undertake income generating activities

Answer: (c)

52. Anthyodaya Anna Yojana (AAY) was launched first in :

(a)  Rajasthan

(b)  Kerala

(c)  Bihar

(d)  Tamil Nadu

Answer: (a)

53. Indian business plan for creating and augmenting basic rural infrastructure :

(a)  Make in India

(b)  Bharat Nirman

(c)  Start up India

(d)  IRDD

Answer: (b)

54. The micro finance scheme for women SHG :

(a)  Kudumbasree

(b)  Ayal Koottam

(c)  Indira Rozgar Yojana

(d)  Mahila Samridhi Yojana

Answer: (d)

55. Anganwadi provides food, pre-school education and primary health care to children under the age of :

(a)  4 years

(b)  5 years

(c)  6 years

(d)  7 years

Answer: (c)

56. Which of the following is not a government organization?

(a)  NRDP

(b)  NREGP

(c)  ICDS

(d)  IRDP

Answer: (a)

57. A registered applicant under NREGP is eligible for unemployment allowance if he is not employed within :

(a)  one month

(b)  7 days

(c)  10 days

(d)  15 days

Answer: (d)

58. The self-employment venture to assist less educated and poor unemployed youth

(a)  Sampoorna Grameen Rozgar Yojana

(b)  PMRY

(c)  Jawahar Gram Samridhi Yojana

(d)  Jawahar Rozgar Yojana

Answer: (b)

59. ‘Kudumbasree’ was launched by :

(a)  Dr. T. M. Thomas Islac

(b)  Paloli Muhammed Kutty

(c)  Atal Bihari Vajpayee

(d)  V. S. Achutanandan

Answer: (c)

60. ‘Empowering the poor’ is the motto of :

(a)  NRDP

(b)  AAY

(c)  IRDP

(d)  NREGP

Answer: (a)

61. Minimum number of bits essential to store any 2 digit decimal number is equal to _____

(a)  9

(b)  8

(c)  7

(d)  6

Answer: (c)

62. USB stands for ______

(a)  Universal Serial bus

(b)  Universal synchronous bus

(c)  Unified Serial bus

(d)  Ultra Speed Bus

Answer: (a)

63. The type of test used in computing to check whether or not the user is a human :

(a)  Debugging

(b)  Cryptanalysis


(d)  Black Box Testing

Answer: (c)

64. Which among the following is the fastest memory component in a computer ?

(a)  Hard disk

(b)  Registers

(c)  Cache Memories

(d)  RAM

Answer: (b)

65. Which among the following is not an Open Source Software?

(a)  Firefox

(b)  Python

(c)  R Programming

(d)  Tally

Answer: (d)

66. What is E-mail Spoofing?

(a)  E-main that appears to have been originated  from one source when it was actually sent from another source.

(b)  Sending E-mail to thousands and thousands of users.

(c)  Repeatedly sending an identical E-mail message to a particular address.

(d)  Sending threatening E-mails.

Answer: (a)

67. International Computer Security Day :

(a)  December, 2nd

(b)  December, 23rd

(c)  November, 30th

(d)  July, 18th

Answer: (c)

68. Which section of IT Act deals with Cyber Terrorism?

(a)  66 F

(b)  67 B

(c)  67 A

(d)  56 F

Answer: (a)

69. Which is the national nodal agency for responding to computer security incidents as and when they occur?

(a)  CAT

(b)  ICERT

(c)  CCA

(d)  CDAC

Answer: (b)

70. Which protocol is used for secure communication over internet?

(a)  IP

(b)  UDP

(c)  HTTP

(d)  HTTPS

Answer: (d)

71. Choose the antonym of the italicized word from the sentence.

After months of droughts the farmers began to despair that they would lose everything.

(a)  inspire

(b)  desperate

(c)  hope

(d)  hurry

Answer: (c)

72. Choose a suitable interpretation for the idiom ‘to blaze a trail’ :

(a)  to set fire

(b)  to blow one’s trumpet

(c)  to be annoying

(d)  to initiate work

Answer: (d)

73. Jessie waited with _____ breath for news of her success.

(a)  bated

(b)  batton

(c)  baited

(d)  battled

Answer: (a)

74. Find the appropriate reported speech for the following :

“Keep quiet” said the mother to the child.

The mother asked the child _____

(a)  for keeping quiet

(b)  to keep quiet

(c)  should keep quiet

(d)  that it should have kept quiet

Answer: (b)

75. The universe ____ continuously ever since the beginning of time and the galaxies _____ away from one another at great speed.

(a)  has expanded, moved

(b)  expanded, has been moving

(c)  had been expanding, had moved

(d)  has been expanding, have been moving

Answer: (d)

76. Give a one word substitute for :

A person who does not believe in God.

(a)  altruist

(b)  atheist

(c)  theist

(d)  amateur

Answer: (b)

77. It is obvious from the leader’s mumbling that he does not have a flair _____ public speaking.

(a)  in

(b)  to

(c)  for

(d)  by

Answer: (c)

78. Correct the statement :

Each of the boys were given a pen.

(a)  Each of the boys are given a pen.

(b)  Each of the boys was given a pen.

(c)  Each of the boys give a pen.

(d)  Each of the boys were given pens.

Answer: (b)

79. Choose the word which is spelt correctly?

(a)  accommodation

(b)  accomodation

(c)  accommadation

(d)  accommodation

Answer: (a & d)

80. Change the voice :

Did the blast terrify the children?

(a)  Was the blast terrified by the children?

(b)  Was the children terrified by the blast?

(c)  Were the children terrifying by the blast?

(d)  Were the children terrified by the blast?

Answer: (d)

81. Which of the following number is divisible by 11 ?

(a)  8294627

(b)  3495714

(c)  7546743

(d)  974362

Answer: (a)

82. What should be the measure of the diagonal of a square whose area is 162 cm2?

(a)  15 cm

(b)  19 cm

(c)  18 cm

(d)  14 cm

Answer: (c)

83. 25 women can complete a work in 5 days. In how many days will 30 women can complete that work?

(a)  7 days

(b)  6 days

(c)  8 days

(d)  10 days

Answer: (*)

84. Find the sum of the numbers lying between 200 and 700 which are multiples of 5.

(a)  44550

(b)  34440

(c)  65240

(d)  32300

Answer: (a)

85. The difference between 72% and 54% of a number is 432. What is 55% of that number?

(a)  1355

(b)  1445

(c)  1420

(d)  1320

Answer: (d)

86. A cylinder of radius 4 cm and height 10 cm is melted and recasted into a sphere of radius 2 cm. How many such sphere are got?

(a)  25

(b)  30

(c)  15

(d)  28

Answer: (c)

87. Nine years ago the age of Athira was five times that of Ammu’s age. After time years Athira’s age will be twice of Ammu’s age. Athira’s present age is :

(a)  21

(b)  24

(c)  32

(d)  27

Answer: (*)

88. 2016 January 22nd is Friday. Find 2016, August 20.

(a)  Friday

(b)  Tuesday

(c)  Thursday

(d)  Saturday

Answer: (d)

89. A train 520 m long is running with a speed of 90 km/hr. In what time will it cross a bridge 130 m long?

(a)  26 second

(b)  23 second

(c)  32 second

(d)  30 second

Answer: (a)

90. Find the value of x, if 

(a)  3

(b)  2

(c)  6

(d)  8

Answer: (b)

91. If FATHER is coded IDWKHU, then the code for MOTHER will be :





Answer: (c)

92. Three of the following four pair of numbers are alike in a certain way and so they form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to the group?

(a)  2, 10

(b)  3, 26

(c)  5, 124

(d)  4, 63

Answer: (a)

93. Among the four options given below find the word which does not have a related meaning as the word ‘Judicious’?

(a)  Justice

(b)  Wise

(c)  Prudent

(d)  Discreet

Answer: (a)

94. Among the four options given below find the word which has opposite meaning of the word ‘combat’.

(a)  Compete

(b)  Contest

(c)  Yield

(d)  Fight

Answer: (c)

95. Choose the pair in which the words are differently related.

(a)  Canberra-Australia

(b)  Algeria-Africa

(c)  Norway-Europe

(d)  Iran-Asia

Answer: (a)

96. In the following, find the number that replaces ‘____’ 846 : 624 :: 774

(a)  331

(b)  263

(c)  467

(d)  552

Answer: (d)

97. Examine carefully the following statements and answer the question given below :

A and B play football and cricket.

B and C play cricket and hockey.

A and D play basketball and football.

C and D play hockey and basketball.

Who plays football, basketball and hockey?

(a)  A

(b)  B

(c)  C

(d)  D

Answer: (d)

98. Arrange the following words as per the order in the dictionary :

(i) Ambitious          (ii) Ambiguous     (iii) Ambiguity

(iv) Animation        (v) Amphibians

(a)  (iii), (ii), (i), (iv), (v)

(b)  (iii), (ii), (i), (v), (iv)

(c)  (i), (ii), (iii), (v), (iv)

(d)  (ii), (iii), (i), (iv), (v)

Answer: (b)

99. If February 1, 2004 is Wednesday, then what day is March 3, 2004?

(a)  Monday

(b)  Sunday

(c)  Friday

(d)  Saturday

Answer: (d)

100. In the following numbers series, one number is wrong. Find the wrong number.

Number series : 1, 2, 6, 15, 31, 56, 91

(a)  31

(b)  91

(c)  15

(d)  56

Answer: (b)

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