IBPS R.R.Bs. Probationary Officer (Pre.) Examination-2019 Held on 03-08-2019 Reasoning Question Paper With Answer Key

IBPS R.R.Bs. Probationary Officer (Pre.) Examination-2019 Held on 03-08-2019


   Directions-(Q. 1 to 5) Read the given information to answer the given questions-

   Eight people are sitting in a straight line with equal distance between adjacent persons. Some of them are facing north while some of them are facing south.

   A sits second from one of the extreme ends of the line and faces north. H sits to the immediate right of A. B sits third to the right of H. B and H face opposite directions. G sits to the immediate left of B. D sits third to the left of G. F sits second to the right of D. C sits to the immediate left of F. E sits at one of the positions to the left of C. E faces the same directions as C.

1. As many people sit to the left of C as to the left of-

(A)  B

(B)  A

(C)  D

(D)  H

(E)  E

Answer: (B)

2. Which of the following is true as per the given arrangement?

(A)  Only two people sit to the right of F

(B)  None of the given statements is true

(C)  H sits at one of the positions to the left of G

(D)  F sits second to the left of B

(E)  C is an immediate neighbor of G

Answer: (D)

3. As per the given arrangement, how many people are facing south?

(A)  Two

(B)  More than four

(C)  One

(D)  Three

(E)  Four

Answer: (D)

4. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on their direction as per the given arrangement and thus form a group. Which one of the following does not belong to that group?

(A)  GB

(B)  BD

(C)  EH

(D)  DF

(E)  FG

Answer: (C)

5. Which of the following pairs represents the immediate neighbors of E?

(A)  B, A

(B)  A, H

(C)  G, A

(D)  G, H

(E)  B, C

Answer: (A)

   Directions-(Q. 6 to 10) Read the given information to answer the given questions

   Eleven boxes are kept above the other in a stack. Only five boxes are kept between box F and box K. Box T is kept immediately below box F. More than five boxes are kept above box T. Only two boxes are kept between box T and box S. Only five boxes are kept between box S and box M. Box M is kept at one of the positions above box S. Only two boxes are kept between box M and box R. Only three boxes are kept between box R and box H. Box H is kept at one of the positions below box R. Only one box is kept between box H and Box J. Only three boxes are kept above box J. Box W is kept at one of the positions below box D but above box A.

6. What is the position of box R in the given stack of boxes?

(A)  Immediately above box W

(B)  Fifth from the top

(C)  Third from the bottom

(D)  Second from the top

(E)  Immediately below box J

Answer: (D)

7. Which of the following is true as per the given arrangement?

(A)  None of the given statements is true

(B)  Only one box is kept between box D and box S

(C)  Box M is kept at one of the positions below box H

(D)  Only four boxes are kept below box T

(E)  Box S is kept at the bottom of the stack

Answer: (E)

8. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way as per the given arrangement and thus form a group. Which one of the following does not belong to that group?

(A)  KJ

(B)  DH

(C)  MT

(D)  RS

(E)  FA

Answer: (D)

9. How may boxes are kept between box J and box F?

(A)  Four

(B)  Three

(C)  Five

(D)  None

(E)  Two

Answer: (E)

10. Which box s kept immediately above and immediately below box A respectively?

(A)  H, T

(B)  T, W

(C)  T, S

(D)  W, S

(E)  S, H

Answer: (D)

11. What will come next in place of (?) in the following series based on the English alphabetical order?


(A)  LPK

(B)  MOL

(C)  LOK

(D)  MPL

(E)  LKK

Answer: (A)

   Directions-(Q. 12 to 14) Read the given information to answer the given questions-

   Bhanu starts walking from point V towards east. He walks for a distance of 52 m and reaches point B and turns right, walks for a distance of 20 m to reach point C. From point C he turns right and walks for 16 m to reach point W, turns right, walk for 28 m to reach Point E. From point E, he turns left, walks for a distance of 24 m to reach point F and stops.

12. If Point R is 8 m north of point V, what is distance between point F and point R?

(A)  18 m

(B)  12 m

(C)  16 m

(D)  21 m

(E)  36 m

Answer: (B)

13. Four of the following five points are alike in a certain way based on their directions as per the given arrangement and thus form a group. Which one of the following does not belong to that group?

(A)  BF

(B)  BE

(C)  WV

(D)  VE

(E)  WF

Answer: (D)

14. In which direction is Point F with respect to point C?

(A)  North-west

(B)  North

(C)  North-east

(D)  South-east

(E)  West

Answer: (A)

   Directions-(Q. 15 to 19) In each of the following questions some statements are given an these statements are followed by two conclusions numbered I and II. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts. Read the conclusions and then decide which of the given statements, disregarding commonly known facts. Give answer-

(A) If only conclusion I follows.

(B) If only conclusion II follows.

(C) If either I or II follows.

(D) If neither I nor II follows.

(E) If both I and II follow.

15. Statements: All nests are ankles. Only a few pillows are nests. Only a few trollies are ankles.


(I) Some trollies are definitely not nests.

(II) All ankles can never be pillows.

Answer: (D)

16. Statements : Only a few offers are buckets. No can is a bucket. All arrows are buckets.


(I) Some offers are arrows.

(II) No can is an arrow.

Answer: (B)

17. Statements : No dentist is a carpenter. Only a few actors are dentists. No supervisor is an actor.


(I) All supervisors can never be dentists.

(II) No carpenter is an actor.

Answer: (D)

18. Statements: No dentist is a carpenter. Only a few actors are dentists. No supervisor is an actor.


(I) All supervisors being carpenters is a possibility

(II) Some actors are definitely not carpenters.

Answer: (E)

19. Statements: All nests are ankles. Only a few pillows are nests. Only a few trollies are ankles.


(I) All pillows being ankles is a possibility.

(II) Atleast some trollies are nests.

Answer: (A)

20. If it is possible to make only one meaningful four letter English word with the first, the fourth, the fifth and the ninth letters of the word EDUCATION using each letter only once, when counted from left to right, which of the following will be the third letter of the word so formed from the left end? If no such word can be formed give X as your answer. If more than one such can be formed, give Z as your answer.

(A)  N

(B)  X

(C)  C

(D)  E

(E)  Z

Answer: (E)

   Directions-(Q. 21 to 25) Read the given information to answer the given questions-

   In a certain code language,

   ‘prize awarded for dance’ is coded as ‘vb dr cs ph’

   ‘for the best choreographer’ is coded as ‘it vb ua mq’

   ‘the prize distribution held’ is coded as ‘ph ez fj lt’

   ‘medal awarded on distribution is coded as ‘cs yn kl ez’

   (Note: All the codes are two letter codes only)

21. In the given code language, if ‘best prize’ is coded as ‘ph mq, then how will ‘choreorgrapher for’ be coded as in the given code language?

(A)  Vb cs

(B)  yn cs

(C)  vb ua

(D)  yn  ua

(E)  ua ph

Answer: (C)

22. How may ‘dance show’ be coded as in the given code language?

(A)  dr xw

(B)  dr ua

(C)  xw ua

(D)  cz xw

(E)  dr ez

Answer: (A)

23. How is ‘awarded’ coded as in the given code language?

(A)  Cs

(B)  Either ‘vb’ or ‘dr’

(C)  ph

(D)  Either ‘ph’ or ‘vb’

(E)  dr

Answer: (A)

24. What does the code ‘It stand for in the given code language?

(A)  Choreographer

(B)  Either ‘best’ or ‘for’

(C)  Either ‘held’ or ‘prize’

(D)  for

(E)  the

Answer: (E)

25. In the given code language, if ‘medal distribution yesterday’ is coded as ‘og yn ez’, then how will ‘yesterday held on’ be coded as in the given code language?

(A)  Kl mq fj

(B)  og kl dr

(C)  f jog kl

(D)  kl fj dr

(E)  og dr mq

Answer: (C)

26. The positions of how many alphabets will remain the same if each of the alphabets in the word CHAMBER are arranged as per the English alphabetical order from left to right?

(A)  Three

(B)  None

(C)  Two

(D)  One

(E)  More than three

Answer: (D)

Directions-(Q. 27 to 31) Read the given information to answer the given questions-

   Seven different events were held on seven different days of the same week starting from Monday and ending on Sunday.

   Event R was held on Friday. Only one event was held between event R and event F. Only four events was held between event F and event J. Event C was held immediately before event E. Event Z was held on one of the days after event S.

27. Which of the following is not true as per the given arrangement?

(I) Event E was held on one of the days before event Z.

(II) No event was held after event Z.

(III) Only three events were held between event C and event F.

(A)  Only I and III

(B)  Only II and III

(C)  Only III

(D)  Only II

(E)  Only I

Answer: (D)

28. On which day was event Z held?

(A)  Saturday

(B)  Wednesday

(C)  Thursday

(D)  Tuesday

(E)  Sunday

Answer: (A)

29. How many events were held before event F?

(A)  Two

(B)  Three

(C)  One

(D)  More than three

(E)  None

Answer: (D)

30. The number of events held before event J is one less than the number of events held after event-

(A)  F

(B)  C

(C)  Z

(D)  E

(E)  R

Answer: (E)

31. Which event was held on Wednesday?

(A)  Z

(B)  E

(C)  S

(D)  F

(E)  C

Answer: (E)

   Directions-(Q. 32 to 36) Read the given information to answer the given questions-

   Eight people live on four different floors of a building where the ground floor is numbered one, the one above that is numbered two and so on till the topmost floor of the building is numbered four. On each floor there are two flats, viz. Flat A and Flat B such that Flat A is exactly to the west of Flat B. Also, A of floor number two is immediately above flat A of floor number one. Similarly, flat B of floor number three is immediately above flat B of floor number two and so on. Thus only one person lives in each flat and only two people live on each floor. The area of each flat on each floor is same.

   P lives on an even numbered floor. No one lives to the west of P. Q lives on the west of P. Q lives on a floor immediately below the floor on which P lives. No one lives to the east of Q. There is only one floor between the floors on which Q and S live. R lives in a flat exactly to the west of S. There are only two floors between the floors on which R and T live. U lives in flat exactly to the west of V. W lives on one of the floors above V.

32. Who amongst the following lives in flat B on floor number four?

(A)  U

(B)  T

(C)  V

(D)  Q

(E)  S

Answer: (B)

33. Which of the following is true as per the given information?

(I) There is only one floor between the floors on which V and P live.

(II) R lives on the lowermost floor.

(III) S lives on a floor immediately above U.

(A)  Only III

(B)  Only I

(C)  Only I and II

(D)  Only II and III

(E)  Only II

Answer: (C)

34. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way as per the given arrangement and thus form a group. Which one of the following does not belong to that group?

(A)  SP

(B)  QV

(C)  PW

(D)  UR

(E)  VS

Answer: (A)

35. Which of the following depicts the flat and the floor number in which U lives?

(A)  Flat A Floor number 2

(B)  Flat B, floor number 2

(C)  Flat B, floor number 1

(D)  Flat A, Floor number 3

(E)  Flat A, Floor number 1

Answer: (A)

36. Who lives in a flat immediately below W?

(A)  S

(B)  P

(C)  Q

(D)  U

(E)  V

Answer: (D)

37. How many such pairs of digits are there in the number 2485163 each of which has as many digits between them in the number (in both forward and backward directions) as they have between the in arithmetic numerals?

(A)  None

(B)  More than three

(C)  Three

(D)  Two

(E)  One

Answer: (C)

   Directions-(Q. 38-40) Read the given information to answer the given questions-

   Six boxes viz.-A, B, C, D E and F are each of a different weight. A is heavier than only two boxes. D is heavier than A but lighter than B. B is heavier than C but lighter than F. E is not the lightest. The weight of the second heaviest box is 79 kg. The weight of the second lightest box is 62 kg.

   (Note: Weights are calculated in whole numbers only)

38. If the weights of A is 68 kg, then which of the following boxes possibly weights 75 kg?

(A)  E

(B)  C

(C)  B

(D)  D

(E)  F

Answer: (D)

39. If C weights 24 kg less than B, then which of the following statement is definitely true?

(I) The weight of C is 55 kg.

(II) C does not weigh the lowest.

(III) E is 7 kg heavier than C.

(A)  Only I

(B)  Only II

(C)  Both I and III

(D)  Only III

(E)  Both II and III

Answer: (C)

40. Which of the following is the second heaviest box?

(A)  C

(B)  F

(C)  D

(D)  B

(E)  E

Answer: (D)

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