Indian Bank Specialist Officer (Pre.) Examination Held on 8-3-2020 Quantitative Aptitude Question Paper With Answer Key

Indian Bank Specialist Officer (Pre.) Examination Held on 8-3-2020
Indian Bank Specialist Officer (Pre.) Examination Held on 8-3-2020 Quantitative Aptitude Question Paper With Answer Key

Indian Bank Specialist Officer (Pre.) Examination Held on 8-3-2020

Quantitative Aptitude

1. A sum of money was went at 10% per annum compounded annually for 2 years. If the interest was compounded half yearly, he would have received Rs 440.5 more. Find the sum

(A)  Rs 84,000

(B)  Rs 96,000

(C)  Rs 1,00,000

(D)  Rs 1,04,000

(E)   Rs 80,000

Answer: (E)

2. A project requires 12 women to complete in 16 days. 12 women started working and after a few days from the start of the project, 4 women left. If the remaining project was completed in 18 days, in how many days the whole project was completed?


(B)  26

(C)  22


(E)   25

Answer: (C)

Directions-(Q. 3 to 8) Refer to the following graph and answer the given questions.

(Note: There are only two streams available in the school i.e., Science and Commerce.)

3. Number of students who opted for commerce stream decreased by what per cent from 2015 to 2017?

(A)  45

(B)  55

(C)  42

(D)  49

(E)   52

Answer: (A)

4. What is the difference between the number of students (commerce + science streams) in 2015 and 2018?

(A)  22

(B)  25

(C)  30

(D)  15

(E)   36

Answer: (A)

5. What is the average number of students who opted for commerce stream in 2014, 2015 and 2016?

(A)  58

(B)  62

(C)  67

(D)  60

(E)   64

Answer: (E)

6. If the number of students who opted for science stream in 2019 was 10% more than that in 2016 and the number of students (commerce + science streams) in 2019 was 25% less than that in 2015. How many students opted for commerce stream in 2019?

(A)  44

(B)  55

(C)  50

(D)  45

(E)   48

Answer: (A)

7. If 20% of the number of students who were in science stream in April 2018 switched to commerce stream by the beginning of June, 2018 number of students who opted for commerce stream increased by what per cent (approximately) at the end of June, 2018 as compared to April, 2018?

(Note: No student left commerce stream in 2018.)




(D)  20%

(E)   25%

Answer: (B)

8. What is the respective ratio between number of students who opted for science stream in 2014 and those who opted for commerce stream in 2014?

(A)  3 : 2

(B)  8 : 5

(C)  5 : 6

(D)  5 : 8

(E)   2 : 3

Answer: (B)

9. The cost of fencing a square field (S1) @ Rs 11 per m is 10% more than the cost of fencing another square field (S2) @ Rs 25 per m. The side of S­1 is what per cent more than that of S2 ?

(A)  100

(B)  210

(C)  150

(D)  160

(E)   270

Answer: (C)

Directions-(Q. 10 to 14) Data given below shows total expense of a company in three different years.

     2015: Total salary expense of 80 employees is Rs 10 lakhs.

     2016: Total expense in this year is same as previous year while salary expense is increased by 26% as compared to previous year and average salary expense is decreased by Rs 500 as compared to previous year.

     2017: Total expense is Rs 60 lakhs which is 20% more than that in 2016. Others expense is Rs 47.5 lakhs. Number of employees is decreased by 5 as compared to previous year.

     Total expenses = Salary expense + Other expense

     Salary expense = Number of employees × Average salary expense

10. Find the ratio between others expense in 2015 to salary expense in 2017?

(A)  1 : 4

(B)  4 : 1

(C)  None of the given options

(D)  5 : 16

(E)   16 : 5

Answer: (E)

11. Average salary expense in 2015 is what per cent less than that in 2017?

(A)  None of the given options

(B)  10%

(C)  15%

(D)  5%

(E)   25%

Answer: (A)

12. If average employees in 2015, 2017 and 2018 is 82. Find number of employees in 2018?

(A)  86

(B)  None of the given options

(C)  76

(D)  66

(E)   56

Answer: (D)

13. Female employees in 2016 is 45 more than male employees in 2016. Find the ratio between male to female employees in 2016?

(A)  11 : 9

(B)  5 : 2

(C)  2 : 5

(D)  9 : 11

(E)   None of the given options

Answer: (C)

14. Find the difference between Salary expense in 2017 to Salary expense in 2016?

(A)  10,000

(B)  90,000

(C)  60,000

(D)  40,000

(E)   None of the given options

Answer: (A)

Directions-(Q. 15 to 19) What approximate value will come in place of question-mark (?) in the given question?

15. (18.06 + 14.01) × (6.011 + ?) = 802

(A)  19

(B)  23

(C)  25

(D)  32

(E)   31

Answer: (A)

16. 2831.994 23.998 + 11.992 5.991 = ?2

(A)  144

(B)  12

(C)  196

(D)  14

(E)   17

Answer: (B)

17. 20% of 451 + 49 4.99 = 24.91* ?

(A)  1

(B)  8

(C)  10

(D)  4

(E)   20

Answer: (D)

18. 80.05% of (2.01 * 40.12) = ?2

(A)  6

(B)  10

(C)  4

(D)  12

(E)   8

Answer: (E)

19. 60.1% of 374.98 – ? = 13.022

(A)  36

(B)  56

(C)  42

(D)  96

(E)   98

Answer: (B)

20. A shopkeeper marked the price of an article at Rs 1600 and sold it to Parul at a discount of 25%. Parul had to pay a tax on the selling price. If the total amount she paid was Rs 1,320, the tax paid was what per cent of the selling price?

(A)  15

(B)  6

(C)  5

(D)  10

(E)   25

Answer: (D)

21. Vessel A contains mixture of water and milk such that the quantity of milk such that the quantity of milk is five times that of water. 60 litre mixture was taken out and poured in vessel B. 48 litre pure milk and 4 litre of water is added to vessel B. In vessel B, the quantities of milk is what per cent of that of water?

(A)  500

(B)  600

(C)  700

(D)  800

(E)   100

Answer: (C)

22. Out of her monthly salary, Ruhi spends 15% on house rent, and Rs 4,000 on transportation. From the remaining salary she spends 80% and saves the rest in her Bank A/c. The amount she pays as rent is less than that she saves in Bank A/c by Rs 240. What is Jolly’s monthly salary if it is 50% more than Ruhi’s?

(A)  Rs 78,000

(B)  Rs 52,000

(C)  Rs 55,000

(D)  Rs 75,000

(E)   Rs 80,000

Answer: (A)

23. Ratio of A’s age 4 years later to B’s age 6 years later is 2 : 1. Another person C whose present age is twice the sum of present age of A and B together and after 4 years ratio of C’s age to B’s age is 23 : 4 then find the present age of B?

(A)  16 years

(B)  10 years

(C)  15 years

(D)  12 years

(E)   18 years

Answer: (D)

Directions-(Q. 24-29) Study the following table and answer the given question:

24. The number of male employees (graduate and under-graduate in company B is what per cent more than the number of female employees (graduate and under-graduate) in Company D?

(A)  83

(B)  82.5

(C)  85

(D)  84.5

(E)   87.5

Answer: (E)

25. In company C, the respective ratio between female graduate employees and female under-graduate employees is 7 : 8. What is the difference between the number of undergraduate male employees and that of undergraduate female employees?

(A)  36

(B)  34

(C)  37

(D)  38

(E)   39

Answer: (A)

26. In company A, if there are equal number of graduate female employees and under-graduate female employees, what is the number of graduate employees (male and female)?

(A)  90

(B)  95

(C)  98

(D)  70

(E)   78

Answer: (A)

27. What is the average number of male employees (graduate and under-graduate) in the four companies?

(A)  146

(B)  147

(C)  151

(D)  137

(E)   131

Answer: (B)

28. If in company B, the number of under-graduate female employees is 17 more than that of male employees, what is the number of graduate female employees?

(A)  37

(B)  26

(C)  36

(D)  32

(E)   28

Answer: (B)

29. In company D, number of graduate employees (male and female) is 189. What per cent of number of female employees in company D are under-graduate?

(A)  51

(B)  71

(C)  59

(D)  65

(E)   19

Answer: (E)

Directions-(Q. 30-35)  Refer to the pie charge and answer the given question. A college collected data from 2016-2018 comprising of 220 students (out of total number of students in the college) who were placed from different subject streams.

30. What is the average number of students who got placed from Marketing, Accounts and Economics in 2016-18?

(A)  38

(B)  36

(C)  44

(D)  48

(E)   40

Answer: (C)

31. What is the difference between number of students who got placed from HR and Economics in 2016-18?

(A)  10

(B)  15

(C)  20

(D)  11

(E)   21

Answer: (D)

32. What is the central angle corresponding to the number of students who got placed from accounts stream in 2016-18 (in degrees)?

(A)  72°

(B)  75°

(C)  80°

(D)  65°

(E)   90°

Answer: (A)

33. If only 88% of total number of students were placed during 2016-18, what was the ratio of number of students who got placed from Economics stream in 2016-18 and total number of students (those who got placed + not placed) in 2016-18 from all streams together?

(A)  13 : 45

(B)  11 : 50

(C)  12 : 41

(D)  50 : 11

(E)   11 : 53

Answer: (B)

34. If the respective ratio between the number of males and the number of females who got placed from the Marketing Stream was 3 : 8 and that from Operations stream was 7 : 4 in 2016-18. What is the total number of males from Marketing and operations streams together who got placed in 2016-18?

(A)  23    

(B)  26

(C)  28

(D)  29

(E)   35

Answer: (A)

35. If the number of students who got placed from Accounts stream in 2019-20 was 60% less than the number of students who got placed from Economics stream in 2016-18, what was the difference between the number of students who got placed from Accounts stream in 2016-18 and in 2019-20?

(A)  22

(B)  20

(C)  28

(D)  24

(E)   33

Answer: (A)

Directions-(Q. 36-41) In this question two equations numbered I and II are given. You have to solve both the equations and mark the appropriate option and answered as :

(A) x > y

(B) x ≥ y

(C) x < y

(D) x ≤ y

(E) x = y or relationship cannot be established

36. (I) 3x2 – 22x + 7 = 0

(II) y2 – 15y + 56 = 0

Answer: (D)

37. (I) 3x2 – 7x + 4 = 0

(II) 2y2 – 3y + 1 = 0

Answer: (B)

38. (I) x2 + 20x + 96 = 0

(II) y2 + 18y + 80 = 0

Answer: (E)

39. (I) 2x2 – 5x + 3 = 0

(II) 2y2 – 7y + 6 = 0

Answer: (D)

40. (I) x2 – 8x + 15 = 0

(II) 2y2 – 13y + 20 = 0

Answer: (E)

41. (I) x2 – 196

(II) y2 – 144 = 0

Answer: (E)

42. A and B started a business with B’s investment being twice of A’s investment. At the end of 8th month from the start of the business. A and B left and C joined with an investment which was twice of B’s investment. If the total annual profit eared was Rs 20,800, what was B’s share in the profit?

(A)  Rs 6,640

(B)  Rs 8,320

(C)  Rs 8,500

(D)  Rs 6,520

(E)   Rs 9,560

Answer: (B)

43. The average of three consecutive positive even integers is more than that of four consecutive positive odd integers by 10. The sum of second highest even integer and the second highest odd integer is 27. What is the lowest odd integer?

(A)  9

(B)  11

(C)  5

(D)  3

(E)   13

Answer: (C)

44. The time taken by a boat to cover certain distance upstream is 50% more than it takes to travel the same distance downstream. If speed of the current is 3 km/h, what is the speed of the boat in still water? (in km/h)

(A)  15

(B)  20

(C)  25

(D)  10

(E)   5

Answer: (A)

45. A sum of money (Rs X) was invested for 8 years in a scheme which offers simple interest at a rate of 20% p.a. The interest received after 8 years was reinvested in the same scheme for the same period. If the interest received after reinvesting for the said period was Rs ‘X + 7020’, what is the value of X?

(A)  Rs 6,400

(B)  Rs 4,800

(C)  Rs 4,500

(D)  Rs 5,000

(E)   Rs 5,600

Answer: (C)

Directions-(Q. 46-50) In this question, a number series is given in which one number is wrong. Find out the wrong number.

46. 2 13 27 113 561 3369 23581

(A)  27

(B)  13

(C)  113

(D)  561

(E)   3369

Answer: (B)

47. 9 4.5 6.5 14 57 457 7313

(A)  4.5

(B)  57

(C)  457

(D)  9

(E)   7313

Answer: (A)

48. 1728 998 1511 1167 1384 1260 1323

(A)  998

(B)  1511

(C)  1323

(D)  1167

(E)   1260

Answer: (E)

49. 5 86 174 276 399 558 736

(A)  276

(B)  736

(C)  558

(D)  86

(E)   399

Answer: (C)

50. 50 51 47 56 42 65 29

(A)  51

(B)  47

(C)  56

(D)  42

(E)   65

Answer: (D)

RBI Grade B Officer’s Recruitment 2015 (134 Posts)

RBI Grade B officers recruitment 2015

Reserve Bank of India Services Board has announced recruitment of Grade B officers post for which online application need to be filled from 5th October to 23rd October 2015. 

1. RBI Grade B Officers Recruitment Important Dates:

Website Link Open –For On-Line Registration of Applications and Payment of Fees/Intimation Charges October 5 to 23, 2015
Phase-I Online Examination November 21 & 22, 2015
Phase-II Online Examination December 7, 2015


  • The Board reserves the right to make any change in these dates.
  • Candidate will have to appear in only one shift of Phase-I online examination on any one of these days.
  • Candidate will have to appear in all the shifts of Phase-II online examination.

2. RBI Grade B Officers Recruitment 2015 Eligibility Criteria:

a. Age (as on 01/10/2015): Between 21 and 30 years (candidates must have been born not earlier than 02/10/1985 and not later than 01/10/1994). For candidates possessing M.Phil. and Ph.D. qualification, upper age limit will be 32 and 34years respectively. For candidates having experience as an officer in Commercial Bank/Financial Institution in Public Sector as also prior experience in Reserve Bank of India, upper age limit is relaxed to the extent of number of years of such experience subject to a maximum of three years. For such candidates, upper age limit should not exceed 33 years including experience. For experience, probationary period will not be reckoned. Refer item 8 below for relaxation in upper age limit for specified categories.

b. Educational Qualifications (as on 01/10/2015) : A minimum of 60% marks (50% in case of SC/ST/PWD) or an equivalent grade in Bachelor’s degree as well as in 12th and 10th standard examinations. The minimum qualifying percentage or an equivalent grade for the Bachelor’s Degree will be in aggregate for all semesters / years.

2. RBI Grade B Officers Recruitment 2015 Number of Attempts:

Candidates belonging to unreserved category i.e. General Category, who had already appeared Phase – I exam for Six times for this post in the past, are not eligible to apply. However, there is no such restriction for candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC/PWD, if the posts are reserved for them.

2. RBI Grade B Officers Recruitment 2015 Scheme of Examination / Selection:

Selection for RBI Grade B Officers will be through ON-LINE Examinations and interview. There will be two phases of online examination and candidates has to qualify in Phase – I examination to be eligible for appearing Phase – II examination.

I. Phase – I will be a single shift examination to be appeared by candidates on any available day of their choice. The Paper for this test is for 200 marks and consists tests of (i) General Awareness (ii) English Language (iii) Quantitative Aptitude and (iv)Reasoning, with composite time of 120 minutes. 

II. The Phase-II online Examination will be conducted in 3 shifts and it is only for those candidates who are shortlisted on the basis of results of Phase-I. The Phase-II examination will be in 3 shifts. Candidates are required to appear for all shifts. Separate Admission Letters will be issued for each shift.

Phase–II online examination will consist of three papers as under:

Name of Paper Type of Paper Time (Minutes) Marks
Economic and Social Issues
Objective Type 90 100
Paper II:
English (Writing Skills)
Descriptive, to be typed with the help of the keyboard 90 100
Paper-III: (Optional)
Finance and Management or Economics or Statistics
Objective type 90 100

NOTE: In Paper-III, candidates have to choose one of the three subjects at the time of online application. All question papers (in both the Phases, except the test of English) will be set bilingually in Hindi and English.

III.  Interview: On the basis of results of Phase – II examination, candidates will be called for the interview. The minimum aggregate cut off marks for being shortlisted for Interview will be decided by the Board on the basis of number of vacancies for the post. Roll No. of the candidates shortlisted for interview will be published on RBI website at appropriate time and interview call letters will be sent on registered email ID.

The final Interview will be of 50 marks. Candidate may opt for interview either in Hindi or English.

IV. Final Selection will be through a merit list which will be prepared by adding marks secured by candidates in Phase-II examination and interview.

 For More Details, Click Here

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