UGC NET Exam January 2017 English Paper-2 Question Paper With Answer Key


Paper – II


Note : This paper contains fifty (50) objective type questions of two (2) marks each. All questions are compulsory.

1. Identify from the following the work Nirad C. Chaudhuri called “the finest novel in the English language with an Indian theme”.

(1) Kim

(2) A Passage to India

(3) Train to Pakistan

(4) Private Life of an Indian Prince

Answer: (1)

2. Who is the author of the poem “The Defence of Lucknow” dealing with the siege of Lucknow, one of the terrible incidents of the Indian Mutiny ?

(1) Rudyard Kipling

(2) Edward Lear

(3) Alfred Lord Tennyson

(4) Robert Browning

Answer: (3)

3. Who among the following theorists holds that metaphor and metonymy are the two fundamental structures of language ?

(1) Ferdinand de Saussure

(2) J.L. Austin

(3) Roman Jakobson

(4) Victor Shklovsky

Answer: (3)

4. From among the following, who are the Dashwood sisters in Jane Austen’s Sense and Sensibility ?

I. Elinor      II. Marianne

III. Mary    IV. Amanda

The right combination according to the code is :

(1) I and III

(2) I and II

(3) II and III

(4) III and IV

Answer: (2)

5. Which among the following texts can be characterised as a lesbian Bildungsroman ?

(1) Angela Carter, The Magic Toyshop

(2) Sylvia Plath, The Bell Jar

(3) Jeanette Winterson, Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit

(4) Ruth Pawar Jhabvala, Heat and Dust

Answer: (3)

6. Identify the correct chronological sequence of publication :

(1) Paradise Lost – The Advancement of Learning – An Essay Concerning Human Understanding – MacFlecknoe

(2) The Advancement of Learning – An Essay Concerning Human Understanding – MacFlecknoe – Paradise Lost

(3) The Advancement of Learning – Paradise Lost – MacFlecknoe – An Essay Concerning Human Understanding

(4) Paradise Lost – MacFlecknoe – The Advancement of Learning – An Essay Concerning Human Understanding

Answer: (3)

7. Poe’s “The Raven” mourns the death of Poe’s

(1) lost Lenore

(2) lost Abigail

(3) pet animal

(4) lost heritage

Answer: (1)

8. In Shakespeare’s Macbeth who was “untimely ripped” from his mother’s womb ?

(1) Macbeth

(2) Macduff

(3) Duncan

(4) Malcolm

Answer: (2)

9. Alexander Pope revised The Rape of the Lock three times. In the final revision of the poem in 1717 he inserted a speech by

(1) Belinda

(2) Clarissa

(3) Betty

(4) Thalestris

Answer: (2)

10. Identify, from the following list, two plays written by John Webster :

I. A Woman Killed with Kindness

II. The Revenger’s Tragedy

III. The White Devil

IV. The Ducchess of Malfi

The right combination according to the code is

(1) I & IV

(2) II & IV

(3) III & IV

(4) I & III

Answer: (3)

11. Which of the following works by David Malouf tells the story of the Roman poet, Ovid, during his exile in Tomis ?

(1) Remembering Babylon

(2) The Great World

(3) The Conversations at Curlow Creek

(4) An Imaginary Life

Answer: (4)

12. In his Defence of Poesy which of the following works does Sidney commend as good examples of English Poesy ?

I. The Mirror of Magistrates

II. The Shepherd’s Calendar

III. Lament for the Makers

IV. Ballad of Scottish King

The right combination according to the code is :

(1) I and III

(2) I and IV

(3) I and II

(4) II and III

Answer: (3)

13. Who among the following dismissed Ulysses as “a misfire” ?

(1) Virginia Woolf

(2) Wyndham Lewis

(3) E.M. Forster

(4) D.H. Lawrence

Answer: (1)

14. Which of the following works Daniel Defoe offered his readers as a collection of “Strange Surprising Adventures” ?

(1) Moll Flanders

(2) Robinson Crusoe

(3) Roxana

(4) Captain Singleton

Answer: (2)

15. In Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre, what does Mr. Brocklehurst accuse Jane of when he visits Lowood School ?

(1) Laziness

(2) Stealing

(3) Lying

(4) Spying

Answer: (3)

16. William Faulkner’s As I Lay Dying contains one of the shortest chapters in literary history.

Which of these sentences is the chapter in its entirety ?

(1) “For the love of God, where is my hat ?”

(2) “My mother is a fish.”

(3) “Addie Bundren was dead, to begin with.”

(4) “Apricot jam is the worst sort of jam.”

Answer: (2)

17. The prelude to Middlemarch makes a reference to the particular history of a remarkable woman, _____.

(1) St. Agnes

(2) St. Theresa

(3) St. Joan

(4) St. Carmel

Answer: (2)

18. “O, for a draught of vintage ! that hath been 

Cooled a long age in the deep-delved earth, 

Tasting of Flora and the country green, 

Dance, and Provencal song, and sunburnt mirth !”

The above description is an example of

(1) Paronomasia

(2) Synaesthesia

(3) Aphaeresis

(4) Synecdoche

Answer: (2)

19. The term, “poetic justice,” to designate the idea that the good are rewarded and the evil punished, was devised by

(1) Aristotle

(2) John Dryden

(3) Thomas Rhymer

(4) Ben Jonson

Answer: (3)

20. ______ is the producer of the first complete printed English Bible.

(1) Jerome

(2) William Tyndale

(3) Miles Coverdale

(4) Bede

Answer: (3)

21. In The Fall of Hyperion : A Dream Keats sees a ladder leading upwards and is addressed by a prophetess in the following words : “None can usurp this height … / But those to whom the miseries of the world / Are misery, and will not let them rest.” Who is the prophetess ?

(1) Urania

(2) Moneta

(3) Melete

(4) Mneme

Answer: (2)

22. Virginia Woolf’s To the Lighthouse has a tripartite structure. The three parts are named the following EXCEPT : 

(1) The Sky

(2) The Window

(3) Time Passes

(4) The Lighthouse

Answer: (1)

23. Which novel by Patrick White is based on the story of Ludwig Leichhardt, the Prussian naturalist who explored Australia in the mid-1840s, in which White’s fictional hero says when asked about navigation – “The Map? I will first make it” ?

(1) The Tree of Man

(2) Voss

(3) Riders in the Chariot

(4) The Solid Mandala.

Answer: (2)

24. Who among the following is not a character in William Golding’s Lord of the Flies ?

(1) Ralph

(2) Piggy

(3) Peter

(4) Jack

Answer: (3)

25. Dante Gabriel Rossetti founded the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood which included

I. Holman Hunt II. Arthur Hugh Clough

III. Gerald Manley Hopkins IV. John Millais

The right combination according to the code is

(1) II and III

(2) I and IV

(3) I and III

(4) II and IV

Answer: (2)

26. The seven deadly sins are sought to be portrayed in Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales. Which of the following sins is not covered by Chaucer ?

I. Jealousy

II. Envy

III. Lust

IV. Homicide

The right combination according to the code is

(1) I & II

(2) I & III

(3) I & IV

(4) III & IV

Answer: (3)

27. Richardson’s Pamela had its origin in

(1) the real case of a woman born to lower-middle-class parents

(2) an elementary letter-writing manual

(3) the general plight of English women

(4) the suggestion of a friend to defend middle-class values

Answer: (2)

28. The Medall, a poem written by John Dryden in 1681, is sub-titled 

(1) A Satire against Sedition

(2) A Satire against Tyranny

(3) A Satire against Greed

(4) A Satire against Apostasy

Answer: (1)

29. “Full fathom five thy father lies” is an example of

(1) assonance

(2) alliteration

(3) apostrophe

(4) enjambment

Answer: (2)

30. What is a trochee ?

(1) A two syllable foot of verse with two heavy stresses

(2) A two syllable foot of verse in which the stress falls on the first syllable

(3) Three successive heavy stresses

(4) A six line stanza in which the rhyme sounds are all identical

Answer: (2)

31. Keats’s “La Belle Dame Sans Merci” combines two poetic forms

I. Lyric

II. Dramatic Monologue

III. Ballad

IV. Sonnet

The right combination according to the code is

(1) II and III

(2) I and IV

(3) I and III

(4) II and IV

Answer: (3)

32. ______ narrator highlights the problem of narrative authority.

(1) First person

(2) Self-conscious

(3) Third person

(4) Participant

Answer: (2)

33. Who among the following modern writers is associated with the quote, “Only connect” ?

(1) D.H. Lawrence

(2) Virginia Woolf

(3) James Joyce

(4) E.M. Forster

Answer: (4)

34. Which of the following images does not figure in Auden’s “Musee des Beaux Arts” ?

(1) a boy falling out of the sky

(2) children … skating on a pond at the edge of wood

(3) ranches of isolation and the busy griefs

(4) the dogs go on with their doggy life

Answer: (3)

35. Feste is a clown in

(1) Twelfth Night

(2) As You Like It

(3) The Taming of the Shrew

(4) Much Ado About Nothing

Answer: (1)

36. Which play by Tom Stoppard has a play within the play ?

(1) Enter a Free Man

(2) The Real Inspector Hound

(3) Jumpers

(4) Night and Day

Answer: (2)

37. Which of the following is not true of free verse ?

(1) Characterised by short, irregular lines.

(2) No rhyme pattern.

(3) Written in iambic pentameter

(4) A dependence on the effective and more intense use of pauses

Answer: (3)

38. James Thomson’s long poem, The Seasons, revised and expanded all his life, began in the first instance as a poem entitled

(1) Spring

(2) Summer

(3) Winter

(4) Autumn

Answer: (3)

39. Two cantos from the seventh book of The Faerie Queene appeared posthumously. They are known as

(1) Mutability cantos

(2) Friendship cantos

(3) Justice cantos

(4) Courtesy cantos

Answer: (1)

40. Foucault believes that the facts of history will protect us from

(1) repeating mistakes

(2) totalitarianism

(3) deconstructionism

(4) historicism

Answer: (4)

41. What is the occupation of Max’s son, Lenny, in Harold Pinter’s The Home Coming ?

(1) boxer

(2) butcher

(3) pimp

(4) cab driver

Answer: (3)

42. Which Byron poem begins in the following manner : “I want a hero : an uncommon want, when every year and month sends forth a new one” ?

(1) Beppo

(2) Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage

(3) Don Juan

(4) The Vision of Judgement

Answer: (3)

43. In the second ending of John Fowles’s The French Lieutenant’s Woman Charles Smithson’s lawyer finds that Sarah has been living in the house of

(1) William Morris

(2) William Holman Hunt

(3) D.G. Rossetti

(4) James Collinson

Answer: (3)

44. In 1692 William Congreve published Incognita, a work of fiction which is dubbed a ‘novel’ on its title-page. What is the sub-title ?

(1) Love and Duty Reconcil’d

(2) Beauty in Distress

(3) Virtue Rewarded

(4) Love in Excess

Answer: (1)

45. In “Tradition and the Individual Talent” T.S Eliot uses the analogy of the catalyst to elucidate his theory of impersonal poetry. He cites the example of a filament of platinum and, in the poetic process this is equivalent to

(1) the language of the poet

(2) the mind of the poet

(3) the soul of the poet

(4) the life of the poet

Answer: (2)

46. Match the character with the work :

The right combination according to the code is :

Answer: (3)

47. Samuel Johnson’s Lives of the English Poets combines the following except

(1) analytical criticism

(2) literary history

(3) personal biography

(4) Socratic dialogue

Answer: (4)

48. Which two works of JM Coetzee won Booker Prize on two occasions ?

I. In the Heart of the Country

II. Life and Times of Michael K.

III. Disgrace

IV. Waiting for the Barbarians

The right combination according to the code is :

(1) II and III

(2) II and IV

(3) III and IV

(4) I and III

Answer: (1)

49. Who among the following Greek Philosophers has a bearing on the composition of Shelley’s “Adonais” ?

(1) Miletus

(2) Socrates

(3) Plato

(4) Aristotle

Answer: (3)

50. Match the author with the work :

Answer: (3)

UGC NET Exam January 2017 Management Paper-2 Question Paper With Answer Key


Paper – II


Note : This paper contains fifty (50) objective type questions of two (2) marks each. All questions are compulsory.

1. Indicate the correct code for the scope of managerial economics from the following :

a. Demand Analysis

b. Production and Cost Analysis

c. Pricing and Investment Decisions

d. Factor pricing Decisions

e. Economic Environmental Analysis

Codes :

(1) a, b, c, d

(2) b, c, d, e

(3) a, b, c, e

(4) a, c, d, e

Answer: (3)

2. Price elasticity of demand for a product is measured by





(Where Ed = elasticity of demand, Q = Quantity, P = Price and Δ = represents change)

Answer: (2)

3. Which one of the following will be the appropriate pricing strategy for a new product expecting an expanding market ?

(1) Monopoly pricing

(2) Skimming pricing

(3) Penetrating pricing

(4) Differential pricing

Answer: (3)

4. Match the items of the List – I with those of the List – II and suggest the correct code from the following :

Answer: (2)

5. In case the firm makes varying investments on the different investment projects, the appropriate project evaluation technique would be, which one of the following ?

(1) Average annual rate of return technique

(2) Pay back period technique

(3) Net present value technique

(4) Profitability index technique

Answer: (4)

6. According to Henry Fayol, which one of the following combinations of qualities are required in a manager ?

(1) Physical, mental, experience, educational and conceptual

(2) Technical, human, conceptual, mental and moral

(3) Physical, mental, moral, educational, technical and experience

(4) Mental, moral, conceptual, educational, technical and experience

Answer: (3)

7. Neo-classical organisation theory emphasises on which one of the following ?

(1) Flat structure of organisation

(2) Tall structure of organisation

(3) Coordination by hierarchy

(4) Unity of command

Answer: (1)

8. According to Graicuna’s formula of span of management, if a superior has three subordinates, what number of cross-relationships would be ?

(1) three

(2) six

(3) nine

(4) eighteen

Answer: (2)

9. In Reddin’s ‘Tridimensional Grid’, which one of the following is a less effective style of leadership ?

(1) Developer

(2) Missionary

(3) Executive

(4) Bureaucrat

Answer: (2)

10. Assertion (A) : Attribution theory is based on relationship between personal perception and interpersonal behaviour. 

Reasoning (R) : Since most ‘whys’ are not directly observable, people must depend upon cognitions, particularly perception.

Codes :

(1) (A) is right but (R) is wrong.

(2) (A) is wrong but (R) is right.

(3) Both (A) and (R) are right but (R) does not explain (A).

(4) Both (A) and (R) are right and (R) explains (A).

Answer: (4)

11. Arrange the following steps of training and development process in the right sequence :

a. Need analysis

b. Validation

c. Evaluation

d. Implement the programme

e. Instructional design

(1) a, e, d, c, b

(2) a, e, c, b, d

(3) a, e, b, d, c

(4) a, b, e, c, d

Answer: (3)

12. Which one of the following is related to ‘Standard of Personnel’ ?

(1) Job Specification

(2) Job Description

(3) Job Design

(4) Job Evaluation

Answer: (1)

13. If an employee desires to pay more than the minimum required contribution under the Employees’ Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952, then 

(1) employer shall also pay an amount equal to the total contribution of employee.

(2) employer shall pay only half of the additional contribution of employee.

(3) employer is under no obligation to pay the additional contribution.

(4) the act is silent regarding this matter.

Answer: (3)

14. Under the Employees’ State Insurance Act, 1948, sickness benefit can be paid for which one of the following maximum periods ?

(1) 45 days in two consecutive benefit periods.

(2) 66 days in two consecutive benefit periods.

(3) 91 days in two consecutive benefit periods.

(4) 180 days in two consecutive benefit periods.

Answer: (3)

15. Which one of the following laws is enacted by the Central Government and enforced by the State Governments ?

(1) The Employees State Insurance Act, 1948

(2) The Employees’ Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952

(3) Factories Act, 1948

(4) The Mines Act, 1952

Answer: (3)

16. The cost of external equity can be most appropriately computed as per the

(1) Earnings price ratio

(2) Dividend price ratio

(3) Dividend price plus growth ratio

(4) Capital assets pricing model

Answer: (4)

17. For the following items in List – I and List – II, indicate the correct code after matching them :

Answer: (2)

18. Which one of the following is not a feature of ‘Preference Shares’ ?

(1) Prior claim on income / assets of the company over equity shareholders.

(2) Redeemability after certain period.

(3) Possessing voting rights on important issues of the company.

(4) May possess the right to participate in surplus profits of the company.

Answer: (4)

19. The basic consideration for dividend pay-out for a company excludes which one of the following ?

(1) Investment opportunities for the company

(2) Expectations of the shareholders of the company

(3) Legal and financial restrictions for the company

(4) Stability of the dividend considerations

Answer: (4)

20. For the following two statements of Assertion (A) and Reasoning (R) indicate the correct code :

Assertion (A) : Shareholders Wealth Maximisation (SWM) and not the profit maximisation is an appropriate and operationally feasible financial management goal.

Reasoning (R) : There exists a principal-agent relationship between the shareholders and the management of the company.

Codes :

(1) (A) and (R) both are correct.

(2) (A) is correct but (R) is incorrect.

(3) (A) is incorrect but (R) is correct.

(4) (A) and (R) both are incorrect. 

Answer: (1)

21. Which one of the following components is not the part of broad marketing environment ?

(1) Technological environment

(2) Task environment

(3) Demographic environment

(4) Natural environment

Answer: (2)

22. The Coco Cola Company markets a wide range of different beverage products including bottled water, soft-drinks, juices and sports drinks. Each product appeals to a different segment. This is an example of which type of market offering ?

(1) Differentiated marketing

(2) Target marketing

(3) Undifferentiated marketing

(4) Intensified marketing

Answer: (1)

23. Temporarily reducing prices to increase short-run sales is an example of which one of the following ?

(1) Segmented pricing

(2) Promotional pricing

(3) Dynamic pricing

(4) Geographical pricing

Answer: (2)

24. Match the items of List – I with the items of List – II and indicate the code of correct matching :

Answer: (1)

25. Statement – I : In developing advertising programme marketing managers must always start by identifying the target market and buyer motives.

Statement – II : A company may run multiple ad campaigns at the same time, each emphasizing different aspects of its brand and service.

(1) Only Statement – I is correct.

(2) Only Statement – II is correct.

(3) Both Statements – I and II are correct.

(4) Both Statements – I and II are incorrect.

Answer: (3)

26. Match the items of List – I with the items of List – II and select the code of correct matching with regard to forecasting models for operations :

Answer: (2)

27. In which one of the following situations, a product-oriented layout is appropriate ?

(1) A medical clinic

(2) An automated carwash

(3) A work centre for welding, heat treating and painting

(4) A home plumbing repair business.

Answer: (2)

28. A graphic tool to trace the interaction of several workers with one machine is termed as

(1) Gang process chart

(2) Flow process chart

(3) Activity chart

(4) Operation chart

Answer: (1)

29. Which one of the following is a technique of statistical quality control used for product control ?

(1) R-chart

(2) Sampling plan

(3) np-chart

(4) control-chart

Answer: (2)

30. The decision-criterion in which a decision-maker selects an alternative that maximizes H (criterion of realism) = [a × (maximum in column)] + [(1 – a) × (minimum in column)] is called

(1) Laplace criterion

(2) Hurwicz criterion

(3) Wald’s criterion

(4) Bayesian criterion

Answer: (2)

31. Which one of the following expressions relates to an event which represents the occurrence of either A or B or both ?





Answer: (1)

32. A Bernoulli process has all but which one of the following properties ?

(1) Each trial has two possible outcomes.

(2) The probability of a success on any trial remains fixed over time.

(3) The probability of success on any trial is equal to the probability of failure.

(4) Trials are statistically independent.

Answer: (3)

33. Statement – I : The product of coefficient of correlation, standard deviation of variable ‘X’ and Standard deviation of variable ‘Y’ gives the measure of covariance between X and Y variables.

Statement – II : The product of coefficient of correlation between X and Y variables and the ratio between standard deviation of X variable to standard deviation of Y variable measures the slope of the regression line of X on Y variable.

Codes :

(1) Both the Statements are correct.

(2) Both the Statements are incorrect.

(3) Statement – I is correct while Statement – II is incorrect.

(4) Statement – I is incorrect while Statement – II is correct.

Answer: (1)

34. Statement – I : Both the probable error and standard error of the coefficient of correlation are different.
Statement – II : When a sampling distribution of mean is prepared by taking small sized samples from a normally distributed population, the distribution takes the shape of normal distribution.

Codes :

(1) Both the Statements are correct.

(2) Both the Statements are incorrect.

(3) Statement – I is correct while Statement – II is incorrect.

(4) Statement – I is incorrect while Statement – II is correct.

Answer: (1)

35. Which one of the following is not the major characteristics of internet ?

(1) Open

(2) Expensive

(3) Global

(4) Untrusted

Answer: (2)

36. Assertion (A) : Private foreign capital lends to flow to the high profit areas rather than to the priority sectors.

Reasoning (R) : One of the important limitations to utilize the foreign capital is the absorptive capacity of the recipient country. 

Codes :

(1) (A) and (R) both are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(2) (A) and (R) both are correct but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(3) (A) is correct whereas (R) is incorrect.

(4) (R) is correct whereas (A) is incorrect.

Answer: (2)

37. Consider the following statements and identify the correct code of true statements :

(a) When an organization’s survival is threatened and it is not competing effectively, retrenchment strategies are often needed.

(b) Turnaround strategy is used when an organization is performing well but has not yet reached a critical stage.

(c) Divestment strategy involves selling the business or setting it up as a separate corporation.

(d) Liquidation strategy involves closure of business which is no longer profitable.

Codes :

(1) Only (a), (b) and (c) are correct.

(2) Only (b), (c) and (d) are correct.

(3) Only (a), (c) and (d) are correct.

(4) Only (a) and (d) are correct.

Answer: (3)

38. Statement – I : Most businesses start off as “Question Marks”, in that they enter a highgrowth market in which there is already a market leader.

Statement – II : A “Star” is the market leader in a high-growth market, but it does not necessarily provide much cash.

(1) Statement – I is correct but Statement – II is incorrect.

(2) Statement – II is correct but Statement – I is incorrect.

(3) Both the Statements are incorrect.

(4) Both the Statements are correct.

Answer: (4)

39. Match the items of List – I with List – II and identify the code of correct matching :

Answer: (3)

40. Apple computers uses a differentiation competitive strategy that emphasizes innovative product with creative design. This is an example of

(1) Functional strategy

(2) Business strategy

(3) Operating strategy

(4) Product strategy

Answer: (2)

41. Match the items of List – I with the items of List – II and select the code of correcting matching :

Answer: (3)

42. Total Quality Management, job redesigning, new techniques of doing things and management by consensus are the examples of which one of the following ?

(1) Opportunistic entrepreneurship

(2) Administrative entrepreneurship

(3) Incubative entrepreneurship

(4) Mass entrepreneurship

Answer: (2)

43. Under technology and quality upgradation support to help manufacturing MSMEs buy energy efficient technologies for production, what percentage of the actual expenditure is provided as financial support by the Government of India ?

(1) 75%

(2) 60%

(3) 50%

(4) 25%

Answer: (1)

44. Which one of the following is not a personal characteristic of an entrepreneur ?

(1) Innovative

(2) Hardworking

(3) Practical

(4) Submissive

Answer: (4)

45. Which one of the following is the most insignificant reason for sickness in SSI sector ?

(1) Power shortage

(2) Lack of demand

(3) Management problems

(4) Equipment problems

Answer: (3)

46. Statement – I : Ethical principles tend to be broader than legal principles.

Statement – II : Laws and ethics are closely related.

Codes :

(1) Statement – I is correct but Statement – II is incorrect.

(2) Statement – II is correct but Statement – I is incorrect.

(3) Both the Statements are correct.

(4) Both the Statements are incorrect.

Answer: (3)

47. Assertion (A) : The state shall endeavour to protect and improve the environment and to safeguard the forest and wildlife of the country.

Reasoning (R) : The Directive principles of state policy of the Indian Constitution Command the State to ensure protection and improvement of environment and to safeguard forest and wildlife.

Codes :

(1) (A) is correct but (R) is not correct.

(2) (R) is correct but (A) is not correct.

(3) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the right explanation of (A).

(4) Both (A) and (R) are correct but (R) is not the right explanation of (A).

Answer: (3)

48. Match the items of List – I with List – II and identify the code of correct matching :

Answer: (1)

49. Which one among the following is not correct about J. J. Irani Committee’s recommendations on Company Law (2005) :

(1) 2/5th of the board of a listed company should comprise of independent directors.

(2) Introduce the concept of One Person Company (OPC).

(3) Allow corporations to self-regulate their affairs.

(4) Disclose proper and accurate compilation of financial information of a corporation.

Answer: (1)

50. A business should act ethically for which of the following reasons ?

(a) To prevent harm to the general public

(b) To meet stake-holder expectations

(c) To protect their own employees

(d) To maximize profit of the business

Codes :

(1) (a), (b) and (c) only

(2) (b), (c) and (d) only

(3) (a), (c) and (d) only

(4) (a) and (d) only

Answer: (1)


UGC NET Exam January 2017 Hindustani Music Paper-2 Question Paper With Answer Key


Paper – II

Note : This paper contains fifty (50) objective type questions of two (2) marks each. All questions are compulsory.

1. Which Shastra’s help is required to set a chhand into a ‘tala’ ?

(1) Pingal Shastra

(2) Kaku

(3) Dingal Shastra

(4) Swarit

Answer: (1)

2. In a ‘tala’, where number of ‘matras’ are not placed equally in all the vibhagas but arranged in two different ways, is known as

(1) Sampadi

(2) Vishampadi

(3) Mishrapadi

(4) Ubhaypadi

Answer: (2)

3. How many players or singers are required to render the musical composition ‘Quintet’ ?

(1) 4

(2) 5

(3) 10

(4) 15

Answer: (2)

4. Match the following according to the similarity of notes and choose the correct code :

Answer: (1)

5. Which scholar elucidated the unequal interval of shruties through ‘Shruti Darpan’ ?

(1) Vyankatmakhi

(2) Ramamatya

(3) Acharya Brihaspati

(4) Bharat

Answer: (3)

6. Match the following scholars according to their ideology related to ‘Rasa’ and choose the correct code :

Answer: (2)

7. Ledger lines are used

(1) to write notes, in addition to the clef

(2) to write key signature

(3) to write bar lines

(4) to write essential key signature

Answer: (1)

8. Bharat has mentioned how many ‘Vyabhichari Bhavas’ ?

(1) 4

(2) 33

(3) 6

(4) 36

Answer: (2)

9. According to Bharat, ‘Shanka’ and ‘Glaani’ are included under which ‘Bhava’ ?

(1) Sanchari

(2) Sthai

(3) Vibhav

(4) Anubhav

Answer: (1)

10. Match the following according to ‘Shruti-Swara’ placement of Bhatkhande and Choose the correct code :

Answer: (1)

11. Which Raga is not a ‘Ragang-Raga’ ?

(1) Bhairav

(2) Todi

(3) Nat

(4) Bhimpalasi

Answer: (4)

12. Which two ‘ragas’ are commonly mentioned as male ragas by the four sects – Someshwar, Bharat, Kallinath and Hanumat in their Raga-Ragini classification ?

(1) Shri – Megh

(2) Malkauns – Basant

(3) Pancham – Natnarayan

(4) Natnarayan – Bhairav

Answer: (4)

13. Choose the odd one :

(1) Kriti

(2) Padam

(3) Varnam

(4) Trivat

Answer: (4)

14. Choose the odd one :

(1) Bade Ghulam Ali Khan

(2) Barkat Ali Khan

(3) Munavvar Ali Khan

(4) Sadiq Ali Khan

Answer: (4)

15. ‘Murcchana’ consisting of ‘Antar-Kakli’ is named by Bharat as

(1) Sadharankrita

(2) Asadharana

(3) Mishra

(4) Khand

Answer: (1)

16. Out of the following, select the ‘ragas’ having ‘Ma-Sa’ Vadi-Samvadi :

I. Khamaj

II. Bahar

III. Bhimpalasi

IV. Bihag

V. Miyan Malhar

(1) II, III, V

(2) I, III, IV, V

(3) I, II, IV

(4) V only

Answer: (1)

17. If ‘shudha Ga-Ni’ of ‘Raga-Bhairav’ converts into komal ‘Ga-Ni, it will become raga

(1) Paraj

(2) Darbari Kanhda

(3) Ahir Bhairav

(4) Bhairvi

Answer: (4)

18. Match the following and choose the correct code :

Answer: (1)

19. Raga Deshkar belongs to which Thata ?

(1) Purvi

(2) Bilawal

(3) Marwa

(4) Khamaj

Answer: (2)

20. What is the name of 5th chapter of Sangit Samaysar ?

(1) Ragadhyay

(2) Prabandha adhyay

(3) Vadyadhyay

(4) Taladhyay

Answer: (2)

21. What is the name of 2nd string of sitar ?

(1) Baj ka Tar

(2) Jodi ka tar

(3) Chikari ka tar

(4) Pancham ka tar

Answer: (2)

22. Which one is not Marga Taal ?

(1) Chachatput

(2) Sampakkestak

(3) Udghatta

(4) Singhavikram

Answer: (4)

23. Pen name of Firoz Khan is

(1) Adarang

(2) Dilrang

(3) Surrang

(4) Chaturang

Answer: (1)

24. Which instrument has frets ?

(1) Tanpura

(2) Esraj

(3) Sarod

(4) Ektara

Answer: (2)

25. Alauddin Sangit Academy is situated at :

(1) Lucknow

(2) Amritsar

(3) Bhopal

(4) Kolkata

Answer: (3)

26. Which one is the name of a note of Vedic Sangit ?

(1) Chyut Sadja

(2) Shadji

(3) Krusta

(4) Prithula

Answer: (3)

27. Which one of the following tala is appropriate to accompany withVilambit Khayal ?

(1) Tilwada

(2) Teevra

(3) Choutal

(4) Dadra

Answer: (1)

28. Who was the father of Ustad Nasir Aminuddin Dagar ?

(1) Ziauddin Dagar

(2) Moinuddin Dagar

(3) Nasiruddin Dagar

(4) Fahimuddin Dagar

Answer: (3)

29. In which raga of the following ‘Ni’ is not used ?

(1) Bhairav

(2) Bangal Bhairav

(3) Bairagi Bhairav

(4) Ramkali

Answer: (2)

30. Choose the odd one of the following :

(1) Sitar

(2) Guitar

(3) Sarangi

(4) Tanpura

Answer: (4)

31. Razakhani baj was introduced by

(1) Raza Ali Khan

(2) Rajras Khan

(3) Ghulam Raza Khan

(4) Masit Khan

Answer: (3)

32. How many strings were there in ‘Alapini Veena’ ?

(1) 2

(2) 3

(3) 9

(4) 1

Answer: (1)

33. Who is the Khayal singer of the following ?

(1) Begum Akhtar

(2) Nikhil Banerjee

(3) Nasir Ahmed Khan

(4) Zahoor Ahmed Khan

Answer: (3)

34. In  GR phrase, if you consider the S as P and repeat the same phrase which raga will be revealed ?

(1) Hamir

(2) Chhayanat

(3) Kamod

(4) Kedar

Answer: (1)

35. Which swara of Karnatak Music is equal to Shuddha Gandhar of Hindustani music ?

(1) Sadharan Gandhar

(2) Chaturshruti Rishabh

(3) Trishruti Rishabh

(4) Antar Gandhar

Answer: (4)

36. Difference in Anibaddha and Nibaddha is because of

(1) Gamak

(2) Taal

(3) Meend

(4) Sthaya

Answer: (2)

37. Name of the commentary on Sangeet Ratnakar in ‘Braj-Bhasha’ is :

(1) Setu

(2) Rasikpriya

(3) Hetu

(4) Sangeet Sudhakar

Answer: (1)

38. Total number of texts written by Bhavbhatta are

(1) Four

(2) Five

(3) Three

(4) Nine

Answer: (3)

39. Which note is changed in Raga Bhimpalasi to obtain Raga Patdeep ?

(1) Rishabh

(2) Gandhar

(3) Nishad

(4) Dhaiwat

Answer: (3)

40. ‘Parivadini’ is the variety of :

(1) Tatta

(2) Avnadh

(3) Sushir

(4) Ghana

Answer: (1)

41. What is ‘Chatushkal’ ?

(1) High speed

(2) Slow speed

(3) Gamak variety

(4) Taan variety

Answer: (2)

42. Choose the correct code :

Assertion (A) : Miyan Malhar, Bahar and Basant are seasonal Ragas.

Reason (R) : Seasonal Ragas can be performed anytime during the respective seson.

Codes :

(1) (A) is true and (R) is false

(2) Both (A) and (R) are false

(3) (A) is false and (R) is true

(4) Both (A) and (R) are true

Answer: (4)

43. ‘Kalopanta’ is a Murcchana of :

(1) Madhyam Grama

(2) Desi Grama

(3) Pancham Grama

(4) Margi Grama

Answer: (1)

44. Choose the odd group :

(1) Todi – Multani

(2) Darbari – Adana

(3) Bhupali – Deshkar

(4) Shuddha Kalyan – Shuddha Sarang

Answer: (4)

45. ‘Jatra’ belongs to which State ?

(1) Punjab

(2) Rajasthan

(3) Bengal

(4) Kerala

Answer: (3)

46. Choose the correct chronological order of texts :

(1) Sangeet Raj, Sangeet Suddhakar, Anup Sangeet Vilas

(2) Anup Sangeet Vilas, Sangeet Raj, Sangeet Suddhakar

(3) Sangeet Suddhakar, Sangeet Raj, Anup Sangeet Vilas

(4) Sangeet Raj, Anup Sangeet Vilas, Sangeet Suddhakar

Answer: (3)

47. Ustad Natthan Khan belonged to which Gharana ?

(1) Patiala

(2) Agra

(3) Jaipur

(4) Delhi

Answer: (2)

48. ‘R G R S’ belongs to which Ang ?

(1) Todi

(2) Kalyan

(3) Purvi

(4) Kafi

Answer: (1)

49. Match the following and choose the correct code :

Answer: (4)

50. Which Raga does not belongs to Khamaj Thata ?

(1) Jhinjhoti

(2) Pilu

(3) Tilang

(4) Tilak Kamod

Answer: (2)


UGC NET Exam January 2017 Population Studies Paper-2 Question Paper With Answer Key


Paper – II


Note : This paper contains fifty (50) objective type questions of two (2) marks each. All questions are compulsory.

1. Which state among the following has highest female age at marriage according to census of India 2011 ?

(1) Goa

(2) Karnataka

(3) West Bengal

(4) Maharashtra

Answer: (1)

2. Which measure among the following reflect chronic malnutrition of children ?

(1) Height for age

(2) Weight for age

(3) Weight for height

(4) Upper arm circumference

Answer: (1)

3. Maternal mortality ratio in India has declared from 212 in 2007-09 to 178 in 2011-12.

Which answer below represents the correct percent decline in MMR in these four years ?

(1) About 76%

(2) About 19%

(3) About 16%

(4) About 17%

Answer: (3)

4. Which of the following is an exact measure of replacement fertility ?

(1) TFR

(2) NRR

(3) GRR

(4) TMFR

Answer: (2)

5. Given the life table functions qx, lx, Lx, Jx for a complete life table. Which of the following expressions will be used to compute ex (expectation of life at age x) ?

(1) Tx / Lx

(2) Tx / lx

(3) Tx / qx

(4) Tx / lo

Answer: (2)

6. Which among the following is the highest density area ?

(1) South Africa

(2) South America

(3) North America

(4) West Europe

Answer: (4)

7. The number of infant deaths in a year ‘y’ is Dy’ and the number of infant deaths in year ‘y + 1’ is D”y + 1 occurred to the births in year ‘y’ is By. The adjusted infant mortality rate calculated by cohort probability method is expressed as :





Answer: (1)

8. Which one of the following is being used currently as a measure of the goal of population stabilization in India ?

(1) Population growth rate

(2) Crude birth rate

(3) TFR

(4) NRR

Answer: (3)

9. Which country among the following has the largest share of elderly population in 2015 ?

(1) Korea

(2) United Kingdom

(3) Japan

(4) Italy

Answer: (3)

10. The place that functionally serves many other places is called ;

(1) City

(2) Central Place

(3) Village

(4) City Centre

Answer: (2)

11. Which among the following is not included in Human Development Index constructed by UNDP ?

(1) Life expectancy at birth

(2) Mean years of schooling

(3) Livable housing

(4) Per capita income

Answer: (3)

12. According to NFHS – IV data, which of the following states had highest percentage of underweight children under age of 5 years (weight for age) ?

(1) Maharashtra

(2) Madhya Pradesh

(3) West Bengal

(4) Bihar

Answer: (4)

13. Match the names of the propounder in List – I with the theories they proposed in List – II :

Answer: (4)

14. Match items in List – I with the associated year of their launch in List – II given below :

Answer: (1)

15. The demographic balancing equation is represented by which of the following :

(1) natural change and crude birth rates

(2) natural change and dependency ratio

(3) net migration and dependency ratio

(4) net migration and natural change

Answer: (4)

16. Match List – I, giving names of the scholars associated with some of the population theories given in List – II :

Answer: (1)

17. Assertion (A) : Most of the states in Southern part of India achieved replacement level of fertility earlier as compared with the states of Northern part of India.

Reason (R) : In Southern states of India, female empowerment and autonomy is higher as compared with the northern states.

(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is correct explanation of (A).

(2) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(3) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

(4) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

Answer: (2)

18. Among the following combination, which one correctly lists five geographically largest states of India (census – 2011), according to their descending order ranking.

(1) Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, UP, J&K.

(2) Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, UP, Gujarat.

(3) Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, J&K, Gujarat.

(4) UP, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, J&K.

Answer: (1)

19. Among the following statements, which one correctly lists five most populous countries of the world, according to their ranking in descending order (higher to lower in 2015) ?

(1) China, India, Indonesia, U.S.A., Russia

(2) China, India, U.S.A., Indonesia, Brazil

(3) China, India, U.S.A., Brazil, Indonesia

(4) China, India, U.S.A., Russia, Indonesia

Answer: (2)

20. Match Millennium Development Goals established by the United Nations in the year 2000, given below in List – I with the number assigned to them given in List – II :

Answer: (4)

21. According to 2011 census, how many class-I cities with 1,00,000 and above population were in India ?

(1) 303

(2) 403

(3) 503

(4) 603

Answer: (3)

22. While propagating central place theory of urban system which among the following was not considered by Walter Christaller ?

(1) Isotropic region

(2) Evenly distributed population

(3) Consumers are of same income level

(4) Continuous development and technology change

Answer: (4)

23. Match the denominators shown in List – II with fertility indicators shown in List – I :

Answer: (3)

24. Which among the following is the largest megacity of India ?

(1) Delhi

(2) Mumbai

(3) Kolkata

(4) Chennai

Answer: (2)

25. Match the surveys given in List – I with their year of initiation given in List – II :

Answer: (2)

26. After reaching Delhi river Yamuna is considered as a dead river. Which of the following is the reason for the same ?

(1) It is chocked with plastic waste and garbage.

(2) It’s water is diverted for irrigation and channel dried up.

(3) It is unable to dissolve oxygen any more.

(4) It is full with industrial effluent.

Answer: (3)

27. Which among the following is reasons for migration is not covered in the census of India ?

(1) Marriage

(2) Education

(3) Natural Calamities

(4) Work/Employment

Answer: (3)

28. Which one of the following is not correct about NFHS-IV ?

(1) NFHS-IV has covered 29 states.

(2) NFHS-IV has covered 5,71,660 households.

(3) NFHS-IV has covered 28,583 primary sampling units (PSUs).

(4) NFHS-IV will provide information on HIV prevalence for women age 15-49 and men age 15-54 at national and state levels.

Answer: (4)

29. Which one among the following is considered as a major factor for female headship in the household ?

(1) Higher level of education of the female member.

(2) Higher income of the female member.

(3) Young age of the female member.

(4) Absence of adult male member.

Answer: (4)

30. Assertion (A) : Women are more in marriage migration and less in economic migration in India.

Reason (R) : Women’s mobility in India is restricted by socio-cultural reasons.

Codes :

(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is correct explanation of (A).

(2) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(3) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

(4) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

Answer: (1)

31. Population growth rate of a country for a well-defined period can be measured by calculating “Arithmetic growth rate” (A), “Geometric growth rate” (G), and “Exponential growth rate” (E). Which one of the following expression is correct ?

(1) A > G > E

(2) A > E > G

(3) E > G > A

(4) E > A > G

Answer: (1)

32. Which one of the following is not a measure of association for case-control studies ?

(1) Ratio

(2) Odds ratio

(3) Attributable fraction

(4) Population attributable risk percent

Answer: (1)

33. Which one of the following is not true about Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan (PMSMA) ?

(1) PMSMA is part of the Reproductive, Maternal, Neonatal, Child and Adolescent health (RMNCH+A) strategy.

(2) PMSMA will be held on 9th of every month at identified public health facility.

(3) Target beneficiaries will be all pregnant women who are in their 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy.

(4) Health facilities, where obstretics & Gynaecology (OBGY) specialists is not available, services from private practitioner (OBGY) on fixed payment basis are to be arranged.

Answer: (4)

34. Rapid growth in a population is indicated by which of the following ?

(1) With a smaller proportion of the population in the younger ages.

(2) With a larger percentage of people in the younger ages.

(3) With a larger percentage of people in the adult ages.

(4) All of the above.

Answer: (2)

35. Match items in List – I with their description in List – II :

Answer: (1)

36. Assertion (A) : Population projection by component method gives better estimates.

Reason (R) : Component method includes both age and sex composition of the population.

Codes :

(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(2) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(3) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

(4) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

Answer: (2)

37. Measurement of Singulate Mean Age of Marriage (SMAM) was developed by

(1) A.J. Coale

(2) J. Hajnal

(3) Chandrashekar and Deming

(4) Kingsley Davis

Answer: (2)

38. Assertion (A) : Investing in Family Planning is a cost-effective method to achieve development goals.

Reason (R) : Family planning ease resource burden leading to availability of higher per capita resources for developmental activities.

Codes :

(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(2) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(3) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

(4) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

Answer: (1)

39. If a country’s rate of natural increase has declined, then which of the following is correct for the doubling time of its population :

(1) been reduced to zero

(2) decreased

(3) increased

(4) remained the same

Answer: (3)

40. According to Agenda of sustainable development adopted by 193 countries at the United Nations in 2015, how many goals and targets given below are to be achieved by 2030. 

(1) 18 goals and 130 targets

(2) 21 goals and 151 targets

(3) 15 goals and 170 targets

(4) 17 goals and 169 targets

Answer: (4)

41. Which of the following is not the health goal for India during 12th Five Year Plan ?

(1) Reduction of IMR to 25

(2) Reduction of MMR to 100 per 1,00,000 live birth

(3) Raising child sex ratio in the 0-6 age group from 914 to 950

(4) Reduction of T.F.R. below 2.0

Answer: (4)

42. Choose the correct quality of age-data category given below, for which the five point formula used for smoothing data is appropriate ?

(1) Moderate

(2) Accurate

(3) Not accurate

(4) Highly accurate

Answer: (2)

43. Settlement pattern of a place reflects upon which of the following combination ?

(a) Physical endowment of the place

(b) Social interaction

(c) Infrastructure facility

(d) Gender segregation

Codes :

(1) (a), (b), (c)

(2) (b) & (c)

(3) (c) & (d)

(4) (b), (c) & (d)

Answer: (1)

44. Assertion (A) : The Universal Health Coverage is expected to result in financial protection of the poor.

Reason (R) : Poor will have to spend less on treatment and they will also save catastrophic expenditure on health.

Codes :

(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is correct explanation of (A).

(2) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(3) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

(4) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

Answer: (1)

45. During which of the following year, National Sample Survey Organisation (NSSO) did not collect data on problems of elderly population ?

(1) 52nd Round (July, 1995 to June, 1996)

(2) 55th Round (July, 1999 to June, 2000)

(3) 58th Round (July – December, 2002)

(4) 60th Round (January – June, 2004)

Answer: (2)

Read the following table and answer questions (46 to 50) :

46. Which continent among the following has low projected population in the year 2150 ?

(1) Asia

(2) Europe

(3) Africa

(4) North America

Answer: (4)

47. Which sequence of the following continents is correct in ascending order (low to high) for the projected population in the year 2050 ?

(1) North America, Europe, Latin America & Caribbean, Africa.

(2) North America, Latin America & Caribbean, Africa, Europe.

(3) Europe, Latin America & Caribbean, Africa, North America.

(4) Africa, Europe, North America, Latin America and Caribbean.

Answer: (1)

48. During which period the population doubled in Europe ?

(1) 1800-1900

(2) 1900-1950

(3) 1950-1999

(4) 1999-2012

Answer: (1)

49. Which continent has shown continuously large size of population ?

(1) Asia

(2) Africa

(3) Europe

(4) North America

Answer: (1)

50. Which sequence of countries among the following is correct according to descending order of (high to low) projected population for the year 2150 ?

(1) Asia, Africa, Europe, Latin America & Caribbean.

(2) Latin America & Caribbean, Europe, Africa, Asia.

(3) Asia, Africa, Latin America & Caribbean, Europe.

(4) Europe, Latin America & Caribbean, Asia, Africa.

Answer: (3)

UGC NET Exam January 2017 Public Administration Paper-2 Question Paper With Answer Key


Paper – II


Note : This paper contains fifty (50) objective type questions of two (2) marks each. All questions are compulsory.

1. Who among the following said ‘that the movement of New Public Administration is a partof the rebellion of Youth and the counter culture of the non-Marxian left’ ?

(1) George Frednickson

(2) Dwight Waldo

(3) Frank Marini

(4) R.T. Golembiewski

Answer: (2)

2. Consider the following statements regarding Minnowbrook Conferences :

(i) All the conferences were held in Syracuse University.

(ii) Social Equity has remained the thrust area in all the conferences.

(iii) These conferences were held at an interval of 20 years.

(iv) These conferences have emphasized to make Public administration as independent discipline, hence rejected inter-disciplinary studies.

Select correct answer by using the codes given below :

(1) (i), (ii), (iii)

(2) (i), (iii), (iv)

(3) (ii), (iii), (iv)

(4) (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

Answer: (1)

3. Select the correct steps as suggested by William A. Niskanen for mitigation of evils of bureaucratic monopoly, by using code given below :

(i) Stricter control on bureaucracy through executive or the legislature.

(ii) More competition in the delivery of public services.

(iii) Privatization or contracting-out to reduce wastage.

(iv) Dissemination of more information for public benefits about the availability of alternatives to public services.

Codes :

(1) (i) and (ii)

(2) (i), (ii) and (iii)

(3) (ii), (iii) and (iv)

(4) (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv)

Answer: (4)

5. Which one of the following is not correct regarding principal-agent relationships ?

(1) Modern democratic state is based on principal-agent relationship.

(2) Principal-agent relationships can be reduced to contractual terms.

(3) The relationships are in between ‘population’ and its ‘rulers’.

(4) The ‘rulers’ cannot be the ‘principal’ for the staff engaged for delivering contract.

Answer: (4)

6. The word hierarchy comes from which of the following ?

(1) Greek word

(2) French word

(3) Latin word

(4) Indian word

Answer: (1)

7. Cognitive needs in Maslow’s motivational theory mean

(1) Trust and acceptance

(2) Knowledge and understanding

(3) Realizing personal potential

(4) Helping others to achieve self-actualization

Answer: (2)

8. Who among the following classical thinkers is a pioneer in suggesting the need for systematic training in administration ?

(1) F.W. Taylor

(2) Henri Fayol

(3) Max Weber

(4) Urwick

Answer: (2)

9. The decision’s which are unstructured and involve major commitments are called

(1) Rational Decisions

(2) Irrational Decisions

(3) Programmed Decisions

(4) Non-programmed Decisions

Answer: (4)

10. Which of the following is not the component of Transformational Leadership ?

(1) Idealized Influence

(2) Inspirational Motivation

(3) Individualized Consideration

(4) Informational Techniques

Answer: (4)

11. The caste bureaucracy has a class base and “arises from the class connection of those in the controlling positions”. This statement is made by

(1) F.M. Marx

(2) Max Weber

(3) P.H. Appleby

(4) Karl Marx

Answer: (1)

12. ‘The examination is nothing but bureaucratic baptism of knowledge, the official recognition of the trans substantiation of profane knowledge into sacred knowledge’ who said it ?

(1) Hegel

(2) Karl Marx

(3) Philip Selznick

(4) Robert Merton

Answer: (2)

13. Which of the following is not a feature of Prismatic society as given by F.W. Riggs ?

(1) Heterogeneity

(2) Formalism

(3) Over-lapping

(4) Continuity

Answer: (4)

14. In which of the following country the provision of ‘Prime Minister’s Question Time’ is available ?

(1) Canada

(2) Japan

(3) France

(4) United Kingdom

Answer: (4)

15. Consider the following about the administrative system of U.S.A. and select the correct answer using the codes given below :

(i) President is the highest executive authority but budget is approved by the Congress.

(ii) The treaties signed by the President and appointments done by him on the higher posts are to be satisfied by two thirds majority of Senate.

(iii) Any action or order issued by the President, if found contrary to the constitution can be declared ultravirus under the judicial review.

(iv) The President cannot withhold any bill or use Suspensive or Pocket Veto.

Codes :

(1) (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

(2) (i), (iii), (iv)

(3) (ii), (iii), (iv)

(4) (i), (ii), (iii)

Answer: (4)

16. Which of the following deals with the matters of Foreign Affairs in U.S.A. ?

(1) Secretary of State

(2) Secretary of Defense

(3) Secretary of Homeland Security

(4) Secretary of Interior

Answer: (1)

17. Match List – I with List – II. Select the correct answer from the codes given below :

Answer: (4)

18. Which goal of 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development declared by United Nations covers climate change and its impact ?

(1) Goal 2

(2) Goal 8

(3) Goal 13

(4) Goal 17

Answer: (3)

19. Central Pollution Board was established under which one of the following Acts ?

(1) The Environment (Protection) Act, 1986.

(2) The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974.

(3) The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981.

(4) The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1987.

Answer: (2)

20. Which of the following are the recommendations of the Second Administrative Reforms Commission relating to the Para States at the district level ?

(i) Merger of DRDA (District Rural Development Agency) with the Zila Parishad.

(ii) Merger of District Water and Sanitation Committee with the respective district Panchayat.

(iii) Establishing an organic relationship between the PRIs and the District Health Society.

(iv) The Union and State governments should continue to set up special committees outside the PRIs.

Select the correct answer from the codes given below :

Codes :

(1) (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv)

(2) (i), (ii) and (iii)

(3) (ii), (iii) and (iv)

(4) (i), (ii) and (iv)

Answer: (2)

21. Which of the following pairs are not correctly matched as given by Kautilya ?

(1) Dauvarika – Chief to Palace Attendants

(2) Prastar – Magistrate

(3) Samaharta – Collector-General

(4) Paur – Town Guard

Answer: (4)

22. Chronologically arrange the following in ascending order :

i. Regulating Act

ii. Cornwallis Code

iii. Aitchison Commission

iv. Macaulay Report

Codes :

(1) i, ii, iii, iv

(2) ii, iii, iv, i

(3) ii, i, iv, iii

(4) i, ii, iv, iii

Answer: (4)

23. Which one of the following committees first recommended for introduction of an essay paper carrying 200 marks in the Civil Service (main) Examination ?

(1) Kothari Committee, 1976

(2) Satish Chandra Committee, 1989

(3) Surendra Nath Committee, 2003

(4) P.C. Hota Committee, 2004

Answer: (2)

24. Which of the following match/s is/are wrong ? Answer by using codes :

i. Chairman of UPSC – Appointed by President of India

ii. Members of UPSC – Appointed by Chairman, UPSC

iii. Retirement of Chairman and Members of UPSC – 5 years or 62 years of age whichever is earlier

iv. Members of UPSC – Removed by Prime Minister of India

Codes :

(1) i, ii, iv

(2) iii, & iv

(3) ii, iii, iv

(4) ii, & iii

Answer: (3)

25. Which of the Institution/Ministry of Govt. of India is responsible for presenting Prime Minister’s Award for excellence in Public Administration to Civil Servants ?

(1) Prime Minister’s Office

(2) Cabinet Secretariat, Govt. of India

(3) The Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions

(4) The Ministry of Home Affairs

Answer: (3)

26. Yojana Aayog was replaced by National Institution for Transforming India (NITI Aayog) on which of the following date ?

(1) 1st January, 2014

(2) 1st January, 2015

(3) 15th August, 2015

(4) 26th January, 2014

Answer: (2)

27. Which Article of the Constitution authorises the Union or State Government to make grants for any public purpose, even when the purpose is one for which Parliament cannot normally legislate ?

(1) Article 268

(2) Article 269

(3) Article 282

(4) Article 271

Answer: (3)

28. Assertion (A) : CAG examines propriety, legality and validity of all government expenses.

Reason (R) : CAG exercises effective control over the government accounts.

Codes :

(1) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(2) Both (A) and (R) are correct, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(3) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

(4) (A) is false, but (R) is correct.

Answer: (2)

29. Who among the following does not have a constitutional safeguard regarding tenure ?

(1) Comptroller and Auditor General

(2) Chief Election Commissioner

(3) Prime Minister

(4) Chairperson of Union Public Service Commission

Answer: (3)

30. Which one of the following Commissions recommended the setting up of an Inter-State Council under Article 263 of the Constitution for resolution of conflicts between the Centre and the States ?

(1) First Administrative Reforms Commission

(2) Sarkaria Commission

(3) Punchhi Commission

(4) Second Administrative Reforms Commission

Answer: (1)

31. What is true of Lokpal and Lokayukta (Amendment) Bill 2016 ? Answer by using codes given below :

(i) It enables the leader of the single largest opposition party in the Lok Sabha in the absence of a recognized leader of opposition to be a member of the Selection Committee for Lokpal.

(ii) It amends Section 44 of the Parent Act and removed the period of limitation of 30 days as to furnishing of details of assets and liabilities of Public Servants.

(iii) It amends Section 45 of the Parent Act and removed the period of limitation of 30 days as to furnishing of details of assets and liabilities of Public Servants.

(iv) It keeps the provision of recognized leader of opposition to be a member of Selection Committee for Lokpal.

Codes :

(1) (i) & (iv)

(2) (i), (ii) & (iii)

(3) (i), (ii)

(4) (i), (iii)

Answer: (3)

32. Match List – I with List – II. Select the correct answer from the codes given below :

Answer: (1)

33. In which report of the Second Administrative Reforms Commission barriers of Good Governance in India have been identified ?

(1) Right to Information – Master key to Good Governance

(2) Unlocking Human Capital – Entitlements and Governance

(3) Promoting e-Governance – The Smart Way Forward

(4) Citizen Centric Administration – The Heart of Governance

Answer: (4)

34. Who states that “Gathering knowledge for knowledge’s sake is termed as ‘pure’ or ‘basic’ research” ?

(1) Goode and Halt

(2) Pauline V. Young

(3) D. Slesinger and M. Stephenson

(4) William Healey

Answer: (2)

35. Which of the following statements are correct regarding factors considered for preparing appropriate research design ?

i. The nature of the research problem to be studied.

ii. The means for obtaining information.

iii. The availability of skills of the researcher.

iv. The availability of time and money for research work.

Select the correct answer by using codes given below :

(1) i, ii and iii

(2) i, ii and iv

(3) ii, iii and iv

(4) i, ii, iii and iv

Answer: (4)

36. Who defined case study as “a comprehensive study of social unit be a person, a group, a social institution, a district or a community” ?

(1) H. Odum

(2) William Healey

(3) Burgess

(4) Pauline V. Young

Answer: (4)

37. Which one of the following methods is used by the commissions and committees appointed by government to carry on investigation ?

(1) Observation

(2) Personal interview

(3) Unstructural interview

(4) Focussed interview

Answer: (2)

38. Which one of the following is correct formula suggested by H.A. Sturges for determining the size of class interval for analyzing data ?

(1) i = R / (1 + 2.3 log N)

(2) i = R / (1 + 3.3 log N)

(3) i = R / (1 + 4.3 log N)

(4) i = R / (1 + 3.3 × N)

Answer: (2)

39. Which one of the following should not be included in the summary part of the research report ?

(1) Research problem in brief

(2) Research methodology

(3) Description of the study area

(4) Major conclusions

Answer: (3)

40. Which of the following subjects is not included in the Union List of Indian Constitution ?

(1) Relief for the disabled and unemployable.

(2) Fishing and fisheries beyond territorial water.

(3) Taxes on the sale or purchase of newspapers and on advertisements published therein.

(4) Taxes on income other than agriculture.

Answer: (1)

41. Consider the following statements regarding Social Administration :

i. It is a sub-field of Public Administration.

ii. It comprises of social policies and programmes meant for preventing the incapabilities of individual and family.

iii. Rehabilitation of criminals and substance users is one of its objectives.

iv. It is a multi-disciplinary field of study.

Select the correct answer by using codes given below :

Codes :

(1) i, ii and iii

(2) ii, iii and iv

(3) i, iii and iv

(4) i, ii, iii and iv

Answer: (4)

42. Which of the following statements regarding Social Change is not correct ?

(1) It is a natural process taking place in every society.

(2) It is a continuous process having uniform speed.

(3) It comprises of changes in social structure and processes.

(4) This change can be complete or partial.

Answer: (2)

43. Which Constitutional Amendment bifurcated the combined National Commission for SCs and STs into two separate bodies ?

(1) 52nd Amendment

(2) 89th Amendment

(3) 90th Amendment

(4) 93rd Amendment

Answer: (2)

44. Which one of the following is the lowest tier of Local Government in France ?

(1) Canton

(2) Chartered Cities

(3) Communes

(4) The Marie

Answer: (3)

45. Which one of the following is not a type or form of Local Government in U.S.A. ?

(1) The Mayor-Council form

(2) The Commission form

(3) The Council/City Manager Plan

(4) The District Council form

Answer: (4)

46. Which one of the following statement does not explain a distinct feature of a Departmental form of Organization ?

(1) It is fully owned by the Government.

(2) It is created for regulating activities of the Government.

(3) It is subject to strict accounting and audit controls.

(4) Public undertakings doing business always constitute themselves into and should be seen as, a separate commercial entity.

Answer: (4)

47. Which of the following subjects is not included in the 11th Schedule of Indian Constitution ?

(1) Drinking Water

(2) Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

(3) Libraries

(4) Markets and Fairs

Answer: (2)

48. Which of the following committee first recommended people’s participation in government programmes through PRIs ?

(1) B.R. Mehta Committee

(2) Ashok Mehta Committee

(3) L.M. Singhvi Committee

(4) G.V.K. Rao Committee

Answer: (1)

49. Assertion (A) : Domestic economic developments are constrained by loss of policy autonomy in India.

Reason (R) : Globalization has intensified interdependence and competition between economics.

Codes :

(1) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(2) Both (A) and (R) are correct, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(3) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

(4) (A) is false, but (R) is correct.

Answer: (1)

50. Which of the following areas is not examined by the Expenditure Management Commission ?

(1) Delivery mechanism of programmes of the government

(2) Technology being used to implement the programmes

(3) Pros and Cons of various programmes

(4) The Accounting methods used by the government

Answer: (3)

UGC NET Exam January 2017 Home Science Paper-2 Question Paper With Answer Key


Paper – II

Note : This paper contains fifty (50) objective type questions of two (2) marks each. All questions are compulsory.

1. RDA of thiamin (ICMR, 2010) for a moderately active man is

(1) 1.2 mg/day

(2) 1.4 mg/day

(3) 1.5 mg/day

(4) 1.7 mg/day

Answer: (2)

2. ‘Allin’ is a compound found in

(1) Garlic

(2) Turmeric

(3) Cinnamon

(4) Cloves

Answer: (1)

3. Which is the correct danger zone in food production ?

(1) 45° F – 115° F

(2) 41° F – 135° F

(3) 35° F – 120° F

(4) 38°F – 145° F

Answer: (2)

4. Which of the following is the theory of clothing ?

(1) Individuality

(2) Conformity

(3) Tattooing

(4) Modesty

Answer: (4)

5. Denier is the weight in gms of :

(1) 9000 metres of yarn

(2) 1000 metres of yarn

(3) 560 metres of yarn

(4) 840 metres of yarn

Answer: (1)

6. Which of the following is concerned with the functions of management ?

(1) Henri Fayol

(2) Taylor

(3) Gilbreth

(4) Elton Mayo

Answer: (1)

7. Participant observation of a culture or a distinct social group where a researcher tries to understand the cultures’ values and social processes is called

(1) Experimental observation

(2) Ethnography

(3) Clinical method

(4) Structured observation

Answer: (2)

8. Who was the initiator of the ‘Gurgaon Experiment’ under Rural Reconstruction ?

(1) Rabindranath Tagore

(2) F.L. Brayne

(3) Daniel Hamilton

(4) Malcom Marshall

Answer: (2)

9. As per the Aristotle’s model of communication, the three dimensions of persuasive speech are

(1) Ethos, Empathy, Mathos

(2) Ethos, Logos, Pathos

(3) Empathy, Chaos, Pathos

(4) Logos, Ethos, Laos

Answer: (2)

10. In Symmetrical or Normal Distribution

(1) Median is greater than Mean and Mode.

(2) Mean, Median and Mode have the same value.

(3) Mean is greater than Median and Mode.

(4) Mode is greater than Mean and Median.

Answer: (2)

11. Following are the symptoms of ascorbic acid deficiency :

I. Symmetrical Dermatitis

II. Gingivitis

III. Oedema

IV. Delayed wound healing

V. Petechiae haemorrhage

Codes :

(1) I, II and IV

(2) II, IV and V

(3) II, III and IV

(4) II, III and V

Answer: (2)

12. Following are the factors that inhibit iron absorption in the body :

I. Low gastric acidity

II. Ascorbic acids

III. Animal proteins

IV. Phytic acid

V. Tannins

Codes :

(1) I, IV and V

(2) I, II and IV

(3) I, III and V

(4) I, II and III

Answer: (1)

13. Methods used for assessing performance are

I. Chronocycle-graph

II. Work sampling

III. Pathway Chart



VI. Micro motion

Codes :

(1) I, II, III, VI

(2) II, III, IV, V

(3) III, IV, II, I

(4) IV, V, VI, I

Answer: (1)

14. Which of the following can be used to remove the grease stain ?

I. Fuller’s Earth

II. Benzene

III. Glycerine

IV. Vinegar

Codes :

(1) II and III

(2) I and II

(3) III and IV

(4) I and IV

Answer: (2)

15. Which of the following fibers have good resiliency ?

I. Wool

II. Polyester

III. Rayon

IV. Cotton

Codes :

(1) I, III

(2) III, IV

(3) I, II

(4) I, IV

Answer: (3)

16. Which of the following are the types of human resources ?

I. Knowledge

II. Bank

III. Attitude

IV. Intelligence

V. Soil

Codes :

(1) I, II, IV

(2) I, III, IV

(3) II, IV, V

(4) III, IV, V

Answer: (2)

17. The following are milestones of emotional development during infancy :

I. Separation anxiety

II. Social smile

III. Strange anxiety

IV. Altruistic behaviour

Codes :

(1) I, II, III

(2) I, III, IV

(3) II, III, IV

(4) I, II, IV

Answer: (1)

18. The qualities of a receiver, which influence face to face communication are :

I. Positive attitude

II. Active Listening skills

III. Channel vehicle

IV. Decoding skills

Codes :

(1) I, II and III

(2) II, III and IV

(3) I, II and IV

(4) I, III and IV

Answer: (3)

19. Which of the following approaches indicate the methodology of Extension Education ?

I. Simple to Complex

II. Concrete to Abstract

III. Learning by doing

IV. Learning by listening

Codes :

(1) I, II and III

(2) II, III and IV

(3) I, III and IV

(4) II, IV and I

Answer: (1)

20. In a Random Sampling distribution of means :

I. The standard error will decrease as the sample size increases.

II. The standard error will increase as the sample size increases.

III. The mean equals the population mean.

IV. The mean is not equal to the population mean.

Codes :

(1) I and III

(2) II and IV

(3) I and IV

(4) II and III

Answer: (1)

21. Assertion (A) : Complex carbohydrates are recommended in diabetic diets.

Reason (R) : The complex carbohydrates have a low Glycemic Index.

Codes :

(1) Both (A) and (R) are correct.

(2) (A) is correct and (R) is incorrect.

(3) (A) is incorrect and (R) is correct.

(4) Both (A) and (R) are incorrect.

Answer: (1)

22. Assertion (A) : Addition of soda-bi-carbonate during cooking of green vegetables makes them bright green.

Reason (R) : The pigment chlorophyll changes to pheophytins in alkaline medium.

Codes :

(1) Both (A) and (R) are correct.

(2) (A) is correct and (R) is incorrect.

(3) (A) is incorrect and (R) is correct.

(4) Both (A) and (R) are incorrect.

Answer: (2)

23. Assertion (A) : A cycle menu is a selective menu.

Reason (R) : It is rotated at definite intervals.

Codes :

(1) Both (A) and (R) are correct.

(2) (A) is incorrect and (R) is correct.

(3) (A) is correct and (R) is incorrect.

(4) Both (A) and (R) are incorrect.

Answer: (2)

24. Assertion (A) : Collars, seams and texture when put together create structural design.

Reason (R) : Structural design is inherent parts of the garment.

Codes :

(1) (A) is correct but (R) is incorrect.

(2) (A) is incorrect but (R) is correct.

(3) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(4) Both (A) and (R) are correct, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

Answer: (3)

25. Assertion (A) : Microscopic test is a confirmatory test for man-made fibres.

Reason (R) : Man-made fibres have their distinct characteristic microscopic appearance.

Codes :

(1) Both (A) and (R) are correct.

(2) Both (A) and (R) are incorrect.

(3) (A) is correct, but (R) is incorrect.

(4) (A) is incorrect, but (R) is correct.

Answer: (2)

26. Assertion (A) : Indirect light is ideal for general illumination.

Reason (R) : This light is directed to a ceiling from where it is reflected back into the room.

Codes :

(1) Both (A) and (R) are correct.

(2) (A) is correct, but (R) is incorrect.

(3) (A) is incorrect, but (R) is correct.

(4) Both (A) and (R) are incorrect.

Answer: (1)

27. Assertion (A) : For Piaget the most serious deficiency of pre-operational thinking is egocentrism and underlies all others.

Reason (R) : Young children ego-centrically assign human purposes to physical events and magical thinking is common.

Codes :

(1) Both (A) and (R) are incorrect.

(2) Both (A) and (R) are correct.

(3) (A) is correct, but (R) is incorrect.

(4) (A) is incorrect, but (R) is correct.

Answer: (2)

28. Assertion (A) : Mass communication is a transactional process.

Reason (R) : In most of the mass communication situations, the communicator and the audience are in asynchronous relationship.

Codes :

(1) (A) is correct, (R) is incorrect.

(2) (A) is incorrect, (R) is correct.

(3) Both (A) and (R) are correct.

(4) Both (A) and (R) are incorrect.

Answer: (2)

29. Assertion (A) : Result demonstration refers to the showing net worth of a practice or a product.

Reason (R) : Result demonstrations do not only establish the value of a practice but also prove the feasibility of the practice under local conditions.

Codes :

(1) (A) is correct and (R) is incorrect.

(2) (A) is incorrect and (R) is correct.

(3) Both (A) and (R) are correct.

(4) Both (A) and (R) are incorrect.

Answer: (3)

30. Assertion (A) : The power of a statistical test is the probability, given that null hypothesis is false, of obtaining sample results that will lead to its rejection.

Reason (R) : The larger the sample size, the greater is the power of the statistical test.

Codes :

(1) Both (A) and (R) are correct.

(2) Both (A) and (R) are incorrect.

(3) (A) is correct, and (R) is incorrect.

(4) (A) is incorrect and (R) is correct.

Answer: (1)

31. Arrange the steps involved in conducting 24 hour dietary recall in correct sequence :

I. Convert the amount of food & beverages consumed into amounts of raw foods.

II. Standardize the recipes.

III. Preparation and pretesting of questionnaire.

IV. Compare energy and nutrient intake with RDA.

V. Collect information on all foods and beverages eaten by respondent in previous 24 hours using standardized equipment.

VI. Calculate energy and nutrients using food composition tables.

Codes :

(1) II, V, III, I, VI, IV

(2) V, II, III, I, VI, IV

(3) III, V, II, I, VI, IV

(4) III, V, I, II, IV, VI

Answer: (3)

32. Arrange the steps of processing of wheat in the correct sequence :

I. Purifying        II. Washing

III. Aspirating   IV. Bleaching

V. Grinding       VI. Tempering

Codes :

(1) I, II, V, III, IV, VI

(2) II, I, IV, III, V, VI

(3) III, II, VI, V, I, IV

(4) I, III, VI, II, IV, V

Answer: (3)

33. Write in the right sequence the steps taken in an orientation program :

I. Introduction to facilities

II. Introduction to job

III. Review of company policies & practice

IV. Breaking Ice

V. Introduction to fellow workers

VI. Setting Employees expectation

Codes :

(1) III, VI, I, II, V, IV

(2) IV, III, VI, V, I, II

(3) I, II, III, VI, V, IV

(4) II, IV, VI, I, V, III

Answer: (2)

34. Give the correct path of the upper thread in the sewing machine :

I. Tension discs   II. Needle

III. Spool              IV. Thread guide

V. Thread take up lever

Codes :

(1) II, III, IV, V, I

(2) I, III, II, V, IV

(3) III, IV, I, V, II

(4) IV, II, III, I, V

Answer: (3)

35. Give the correct sequence of making woollen felts :

I. Layering of wool fibers

II. Cleaning, blending and carding of wool fibres

III. Beating, compressing and squeezing the web

IV. Application of heat and moisture

V. Imparting required finish to the felt

VI. Scouring, rinsing and drying

Codes :

(1) I, II, III, IV, VI, V

(2) II, I, IV, III, V, VI

(3) III, IV, II, I, V, VI

(4) II, I, IV, III, VI, V

Answer: (4)

36. Arrange in correct sequence the steps involved in decision-making :

I. Selecting the best alternative

II. Identifying the problem

III. Searching alternative solutions

IV. Thinking through alternatives

V. Feedback

Codes :

(1) I, III, II, V, IV

(2) V, III, I, II, IV

(3) II, III, IV, I, V

(4) III, V, I, IV, II

Answer: (3)

37. Arrange according to the stages of child birth :

I. Placenta delivery

II. Transition

III. Dilation and effacement of cervix

IV. Pushing

V. Birth of baby

Codes :

(1) II, III, IV, V, I

(2) III, II, IV, V, I

(3) III, IV, II, V, I

(4) IV, III, II, V, I

Answer: (2)

38. Arrange the steps of Extension Campaign Planning in their sequential order :

I. Draw a concrete plan

II. Identify the local needs

III. Arrange for supplies and support

IV. Choose the Appropriate Methods and Media

V. Decide the dates and time

Codes :

(1) II, III, IV, V, I

(2) II, III, IV, I, V

(3) II, III, I, V, IV

(4) II, III, I, IV, V

Answer: (4)

39. Arrange the following stages of ‘Coming Together’ in developing relationships through communication as presented by Mark Knapp :

I. Experimenting   II. Bonding

III. Integrating      IV. Initiating

V. Intensifying

Codes :

(1) I, IV, II, III, V

(2) II, III, IV, V, I

(3) III, II, IV, I, V

(4) IV, I, V, III, II

Answer: (4)

40. Arrange the steps in the construction of grouped data frequency distribution in correct sequence :

I. Find the range

II. Determine the point at which lowest interval should begin.

III. Divide the range by 10 and by 20 to determine acceptable and convenient interval width.

IV. Enter the frequency of raw scores in appropriate class interval.

V. Record limits of all class intervals, placing the highest score class interval at top.

VI. Find the value of the lowest and the highest score.

Codes :

(1) VI, II, I, III, IV, V

(2) VI, I, II, III, IV, V

(3) VI, I, III, II, V, IV

(4) VI, II, I, III, V, IV

Answer: (3)

41. Match the nutrients in List – I with their deficiency symptoms with List – II :

Answer: (2)

42. Match the laboratory tests given in List – I with their chemical compound given in List – II :

Answer: (3)

43. Match the given names in List – I with Theories of Management in List – II :

Answer: (3)

44. Match the terms given in List – I with their description given in List – II :

Answer: (2)

45. Match the items given in List – I with the items given in List – II :

Answer: (2)

46. Match the items given under List – I with the appropriate items under List – II :

Answer: (1)

47. Match the concepts in List – I with their characteristics in List – II :

Answer: (4)

48. Match the programmes given in List – I with the year of their inception given in List – II :

Answer: (2)

49. Match the functions of communication given in List – I with their related activities given in List – II : 

Answer: (2)

50. Match the items in List – I with items in List – II :

Answer: (4)

UGC NET Exam January 2017 Defence and Strategic Studies Paper-2 Question Paper With Answer Key


Paper – II

Note : This paper contains fifty (50) objective type questions of two (2) marks each. All questions are compulsory.

1. Which one of the following is intertwined with the Woodrow Wilson’s ‘fourteen Points’ to the study of International Relations ?

(1) They are the foundation for the realist approach in International Relations.

(2) They are the foundations for the idealist approach in International Relations.

(3) They are the foundations for the gender approach in International Relations.

(4) They are the foundations for deterrence theories in International Relations.

Answer: (2)

2. Who among the following opined that “geo-politics is a pseudo-science” ?

(1) Hans J.Morgenthan

(2) J. Nye

(3) Robert Jervis

(4) Carl Haushofer

Answer: (1)

3. The term ‘Detente’ refers to which one of the following :

(1) Relaxation in military tensions between two or more states.

(2) Promotion of friendly relations between two or more states.

(3) Providing most favoured nation’s status to a neighbour.

(4) Promotion of cosmopolitan culture.

Answer: (1)

4. Identify the correct code for Assertion (A) and Reason (R) as given below :

Assertion (A) : The balance of power is central to realist conception of International Security and also an essential stabilizing factor in International Relations.

Reason (R) : Realism sees states as existing in a highly competitive and dangerous environment in which they must do whatever is necessary to survive.

Codes :

(1) (A) is correct, but (R) is not correct.

(2) Both (A) and (R) are correct.

(3) Both (A) and (R) not correct.

(4) (A) is not correct, but (R) is correct.

Answer: (2)

5. Match the following books given in Table-I with their respective authors given in Table-II and use the correct code given below :

Answer: (2)

6. Match the following books given in Table-I with their respective authors given in Table-II and use the correct code given below :

Answer: (3)

7. Identify the correct code for the Assertion (A) and Reason (R) as given below : 

Assertion (A) : Pursuing liberal agenda creates major social and political difficulties for developing and transitional states and that the problem of widening gap between the rich states and the poor states needs to be addressed.

Reason (R) : This is reflected in the economic agenda of human security.

Codes :

(1) Both (A) and (R) are correct.

(2) Both (A) and (R) are not correct.

(3) (A) is correct, but (R) is not correct.

(4) (A) is not correct, but (R) is correct.

Answer: (1)

8. Match the following treaties given in Table-I with their year of effectiveness Table-II and use the code given below :

Answer: (1)

9. Identify the correct code for Assertion (A) and Reason (R) as given below :  

Assertion (A) : After the end of cold war, the concept of “Security Complex” was reworked in favour of a conceptual sliding scale denoting change, ranging through security community, self help balance of power, and mutual security regine.

Reason (R) : After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the dynamics of security confined and operate across a broad spectrum of sectors like military, political, economic, societal and environmental. 

Codes :

(1) (A) is correct, but (R) is wrong.

(2) (A) is wrong, but (R) is correct.

(3) Both (A) and (R) are correct.

(4) Both (A) and (R) are not correct.

Answer: (3)

10. Identify the correct code for Assertion (A) and Reason (R) as given below :

Assertion (A) : The central theme of International Relations is not evil, but tragedy.

Reason (R) : States often share a common interest, but the structure of the situation prevents them from bringing about the mutually desired situation.

Codes :

(1) Both (A) and (R) are correct.

(2) (A) is correct, but (R) is not correct.

(3) (A) is not correct, but (R) is correct.

(4) Both (A) and (R) are not correct.

Answer: (1)

11. In which one of the following battles, chlorine as chemical warfare agent was used firstly :

(1) Battle of Ypres

(2) Battle of Loos

(3) Battle of Cambrai

(4) Battle of Somme

Answer: (1)

12. Who among the following stated that “why should I demoralise the enemy by military means if I can do so better and more cheaply in other ways.” ?

(1) Adolf Hitler

(2) W. Churchill

(3) Mc Arthur

(4) Tojo

Answer: (1)

13. The Purge against Hitler also known as the ‘Night of the Long Knives” in Germany took place on

(1) 18th June, 1934

(2) 30th June, 1934

(3) 22nd June, 1934

(4) 26th June, 1934

Answer: (2)

14. Which one of the following brokered the Indus Water Commission between India and Pakistan ?

(1) USA

(2) Britain

(3) United Nations

(4) World Bank

Answer: (4)

15. ‘Varunastra’ refers to which one of the following :

(1) It is a heavy weight electronic torpedo.

(2) It is a light weight electronic torpedo.

(3) It is a medium weight electronic torpedo for hitting targets below the sea level.

(4) It is a sensor guided under sea electronic torpedo.

Answer: (1)

16. The ‘Friendship Highway’ is located between

(1) India and Nepal

(2) Pakistan and Afghanistan

(3) Tibet and Nepal

(4) India and Bangladesh

Answer: (3)

17. The sounder installed in satellite INSAT – 3 DR has the aim to :

(1) touching the level of sea.

(2) detecting the migration of people from one place to another.

(3) providing information about enemy positions.

(4) providing information on humidity, temperature and ozone level over the Indian landmass.

Answer: (4)

18. India is jointly developing a new SPG (Self Propelled Gun) in collaboration with which one of the following countries ?

(1) Russia

(2) Sweden

(3) France

(4) Israel

Answer: (1)

19. India and Vietnam have elevated their strategic ties to which one of the following ?

(1) Comprehensive Strategic Collaboration

(2) Comprehensive Strategic Commission

(3) Comprehensive Strategic Ventures

(4) Comprehensive Strategic Partnership

Answer: (4)

20. The latest missile system deployed in South Korea by the US against North Korea is known as

(1) SCUD Missile System

(2) THAAD Missile System

(3) AMOSS Missile System

(4) DELTA Missile System

Answer: (2)

21. Who among the following thinkers conceptualized horizontal and vertical competition as societal security threats ?

(1) B. Buzan

(2) Mc Sweeney

(3) Martin Shaw

(4) Quiney Wright

Answer: (1)

22. An economy is at the take-off stage on its path of development when it :

(1) becomes stagnant

(2) begins steady growth

(3) is liberalized

(4) gets maximum foreign aid

Answer: (2)

23. Who among the following US officials aptly opined that “There is another kind of violence in its way as destructive as the bullet or the bomb. This is the violence of institutions; indifference, inaction and slow decay…..”:

(1) Jimmy Carter

(2) Bill Clinton

(3) R.F. Kennedy

(4) J.F. Kennedy

Answer: (3)

24. Who among the following thinkers conceptualized the term “Structural Violence” ?

(1) W. Gibson

(2) J. Galtung

(3) R. Jervis

(4) Amartya Sen

Answer: (2)

25. Which one of the following is not characterised as a contributory factor to multi-polarity as a strategic pursuit of the global order ? 

(1) Strategic multi-polarity is closely linked to the distribution of military and economic power.

(2) States operating within strategic multi-polarity maintain a strong preference for balance of power approaches to international order.

(3) A polar power within strategic multi-polarity usually seeks out weaker partners (especially its neighbour) in order to develop a “sphere of influence”.

(4) Vigorous exercise of soft power is absent in the above context of states.

Answer: (4)

26. In the Indian conditions, opportunities for development of scientific temper, humanism and spirit of inquiry are found in the :

(1) Fundamental Rights

(2) Directive Principles of State Policy

(3) Fundamental Duties

(4) Preamble

Answer: (3)

27. Which of these organizations manages internet Protocol Numbers and Domain Name system roots ?

(1) IUCN



(4) IAEA

Answer: (2)

28. Which one of the following African nation is not a member of the African Union ?

(1) Algeria

(2) Morocco

(3) Lesotho

(4) Comoros

Answer: (2)

29. India’s first supercomputer is known as :

(1) SAGA

(2) PARAM-8000

(3) PARAM-10000


Answer: (2)

30. IRNSS is a :

(1) Navigation Satellite

(2) Space Mission

(3) Mars Mission

(4) Geo-stationary Satellite

Answer: (1)

31. Identify the correct code for the Assertion (A) and Reason (R) as given below :

Assertion (A) : The United Nations established after the end of world war II is not a democratic body, although each member of the UN General Assembly irrespective of their size, economy and military capability has one vote.

Reason (R) : Oligarchy is inherent in the very structure of the United Nations.

Codes :

(1) (A) is correct, but (R) is not correct.

(2) (A) is not correct, but (R) is correct.

(3) Both (A) and (R) are not correct.

(4) Both (A) and (R) are correct.

Answer: (3)

32. Which one of the following SAARC leaders had proclaimed that “the issue of cross-border terrorism is on the table and the heads of state of SAARC will have to address this challenge. SAARC will become irrelevant if cross-border terrorism is not addressed …… cross-border terrorism might worsen if SAARC is thrown away.” :

(1) Benazir Bhutto

(2) P.V. Narasimha Rao

(3) Sheikh Hasina

(4) Ranil Wickremesinghe

Answer: (4)

33. Match the following personalities in List-I with their countries in List-II by using the correct code :

Answer: (1)

34. Identify the correct code for the Assertion (A) and Reason (R) and select the correct answer by using the code given below :

Assertion (A) : Where both sides possess nuclear weapons, total war makes non-sense and any unlimited war waged with nuclear power would make worse than non-sense, it would be suicidal.

Reason (R) : Wars are likely to occur again and again and that the limitation of their destruction is everybody’s concern.

Codes :

(1) Both (A) and (R) are correct but (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(2) Both (A) and (R) are correct, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(3) (A) is true, but (R) is not true.

(4) (A) is not true, but (R) is true.

Answer: (1)

35. Arrange the following World War II operations in the ascending chronological order and use the code given as under :

I. ‘Operation Balsam’ intended to do photographic recce of Southern Malaya and airstrikes against Sumatran airfields during the World War II.

II. ‘Operating Boarding Party’ intended to do raids against German ships interned in neutral port of Goa during World War II.

III. ‘Operation Cockpit’ intended to do Allied naval strike on Sabang, Sumatra during the World War II.

IV. ‘Operation Bajadere’ intended German special force operation in India, during the World War II.

Codes :

(1) I, II, III, IV

(2) IV, II, III, I

(3) II, III, IV, I

(4) III, IV, I, II

Answer: (2)

36. Identify the correct code for the following Assertion (A) and Reason (R) as given below :

Assertion (A) : Democratic India, with its political stability and a decade of steady economic advance, has the potential for a long term political and security partnership and substantially expanded trade and economic relation globally.

Reason (R) : Pakistan’s political instability, entrenched Islamist extremism, economic and social weaknesses, and dangerous hostility toward India have forced United States to rethink and reshape their strategic interests in South Asia.

Codes :

(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is a correct explanation of (A).

(2) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(3) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

(4) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

Answer: (1)

37. Identify the correct code for the Assertion (A) and Reason (R) as given below :

Assertion (A) : In the domain of arms build-up, one nation-state’s common sense is other nation state’s high blood pressure.

Reason (R) : Arms race is not conducive to security, peace and development in the long-run.

Codes :

(1) Both (A) and (R) are correct.

(2) Both (A) and (R) are correct, and (R) is supportive argument of (A).

(3) (A) is correct, but (R) is not correct.

(4) (A) is not correct, but (R) is correct.

Answer: (2)

38. Identify the correct code for the Assertion (A) and Reason (R) as given below :

Assertion (A) : The political and economic effects of migration are a possible source of insecurity of the state as well as society.

Reason (R) : The degree of instability and insecurity generated will depend on the capacity of social, economic, political and administrative institutions to integrate large number of immigrants.

Codes :

(1) (A) is correct, but (R) is not correct.

(2) (A) is not correct, but (R) is correct.

(3) Both (A) and (R) are not correct.

(4) Both (A) and (R) are correct, and (R) is a correct explanation of (A).

Answer: (4)

39. Identify the correct code for the Assertion (A) and Reason (R) as given below :

Assertion (A) : As a responsible scientific and economic power in its own right, India is trying not only to shift its own economy to a ‘Blue’ one ; but also to leverage it a substantial geo-strategic advantage to provide idealeadership to the littoral, states of the Indian Ocean region.

Reason (R) : In pursuing this ‘Blue Economy’ model, India seeks the integration of Ocean-based economic development, along with the norms of social inclusion, environmental sustainability and innovative business models.

Codes :

(1) (A) is correct, but (R) is not correct.

(2) (A) is not correct, but (R) is correct.

(3) Both (A) and (R) are correct, but (R) is not the explanation of (A).

(4) Both (A) and (R) are not correct.

Answer: (3)

40. Identify the correct code for the Assertion (A) and Reason (R) as given below :

Assertion (A) : The natural animosity between a polity and those on its frontiers compels it to seek alliances with those whose relationships with its antagonists are equally hostile.

Reason (R) : In the case of landlocked countries like Nepal and Bhutan, the relationship with India and China are fraught with ambiguity.

Codes :

(1) Both (A) and (R) are correct.

(2) Both (A) and (R) are not correct.

(3) (A) is correct, but (R) is not correct.

(4) (A) is not correct, but (R) is correct.

Answer: (1)

41. Match the following operations given in List – I with the List – II of specified acts by using the code mentioned as under :

Answer: (4)

42. Identify the correct code for the Assertion (A) and Reason (R) as given below :

Assertion (A) : The end of the cold war witnessed a change in forms of community as referents of the security discourse, away from ‘state’ and towards ‘nation’.

Reason (R) : It is perfectly possible for the state to remain secure in a military and political sense, and yet for a significant degree of subjective societal insecurity to exist.

Codes :

(1) Both (A) and (R) are not correct.

(2) (A) is correct, but (R) is not correct.

(3) (A) is not correct, but (R) is correct.

(4) Both (A) and (R) are correct, and (R) is the comprehensive explanation of (A).

Answer: (4)

43. ‘Red Wagon’ refers to which one of the following :

(1) It is a classified Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV).

(2) It is a classified Unmanned Robot Mounted on a Vehicle.

(3) It is a classified Unmanned Robot Mounted on a Drone.

(4) It is a classified Unmanned Ground Vehicle with electronic sensors and detectors.

Answer: (1)

44. Who among the following economists coined the word ‘BRIC’ in 2001 :

(1) Jim Borg

(2) Jim O’Neill

(3) Adam Smith

(4) Jane Williamson

Answer: (2)

45. What is the meaning of collective rights ?

(1) Collective rights belong to distinct groups of people.

(2) Collective rights are those that belong to particular groups as opposed to the individual members of the group.

(3) Minority rights are collective rights.

(4) Collective rights entail a right of the group.

Answer: (2)

46. Identify the correct code for the Assertion (A) and Reason (R) as given below :

Assertion (A) : Climate change and energy security are intertwined issues at the forefront of the global challenges today.

Reason (R) : Despite declining stocks and rising prices of fossil fuels, there is no indication of slow down on use of energy from these sources.

Codes :

(1) (A) is not correct and (R) is correct.

(2) (A) is correct and (R) is not correct.

(3) Both (A) and (R) are correct.

(4) Both (A) and (R) are not correct.

Answer: (3)

47. Arrange the following bilateral strategic partnership agreements / defence initiative in the ascending chronological order and use the code given as given below :

I. India – Afghanistan Strategic Partnership Agreement.

II. India – France Strategic Partnership Agreement.

III. India – Japan vision 2025 Special Strategic and Global Partnership.

IV. India – US Defence Technology and Trade Initiative (DTTI).

Codes :

(1) I, II, III, IV

(2) II, I, IV, III

(3) III, IV, I, II

(4) IV, III, II, I

Answer: (2)

48. Arrange the following military operations of the Indian Army in the ascending chronological order of their occurrence and use the code given as under :

I. Operation Meghdoot

II. Operation Stapplechase

III. Operation Trishul

IV. Operation All-out

Codes :

(1) I, II, III, IV

(2) II, III, IV, I

(3) III, IV, II, I

(4) II, I, III, IV

Answer: (4)

49. Identify the correct code for the Assertion (A) and Reason (R) as given below :

Assertion (A) : With increasing water scarcity and climate aberrations such as floods and droughts, awareness is arising for cross-border utilization and management of water. Yet the approach of the South Asian nations has been to look at the water flowing at the border rather than integrated management of resources.

Reason (R) : South Asian nations tend to see cross-border water management to be a bilateral issue rather than regional or multilateral.

Codes :

(1) (A) is correct, but (R) is not correct.

(2) (A) is not correct, but (R) is correct.

(3) Both (A) and (R) are correct.

(4) Both (A) and (R) are not correct.

Answer: (3)

50. Identify the correct code for the Assertion (A) and Reason (R) as given below :

Assertion (A) : The Globalization of production and technology has internationalized the defence industries.

Reason (R) : The increase in licensing, co-production agreements, joint ventures, corporate alliances and subcontracting institutions of defence have been shifted from state to multinational control with few countries only claiming to have autonomous defence production capacity.

Codes :

(1) Both (A) and (R) are correct, and (R) is a supportive argumentation of (A).

(2) (A) is correct, but (R) is not correct.

(3) (A) is not correct, but (R) is correct.

(4) Both (A) and (R) are not correct.

Answer: (1)

UGC NET Exam January 2017 Social Work Paper-2 Question Paper With Answer Key


Paper – II


Note : This paper contains fifty (50) objective type questions of two (2) marks each. All questions are compulsory.


1. Practice wisdom denotes :

(1) Skills based on personal experiences of other social workers.

(2) Skills based on personal experiences in research.

(3) Skills based on personal experience in practice.

(4) Skills based on common sense.

Answer: (3)

2. ‘Active Listening’ concept was developed by

(1) Carl Rogers

(2) William Reid

(3) Sigmund Freud

(4) John Bowlby

Answer: (1)

3. Which one of the following cannot be dealt by social work as

(1) Conscious

(2) Pre-conscious

(3) Sub-conscious

(4) Unconscious

Answer: (4)

4. Square root of the average of squares of deviations, when such deviations for the individual items in a series are obtained from arithmetic average is known as :

(1) Mean deviation

(2) Standard deviation

(3) Range

(4) Skewness

Answer: (2)

5. Those who tend to be solitary, insensitive and uncaring about others are high on :

(1) Assertiveness

(2) Agreeableness

(3) Manipulation

(4) Psychoticism

Answer: (4)

6. Culture is

(1) Genetically transmitted

(2) Socially transmitted

(3) Politically transmitted

(4) Genetically and Politically transmitted

Answer: (2)

7. Peer group is a group whose members share

(1) similar playground

(2) similar circumstances

(3) similar study circle and books

(4) similar values

Answer: (2)

8. Which of the following community approaches was not given by M.G. Ross ?

(1) The specific content approach

(2) The general content approach

(3) The process approach

(4) The social planning approach

Answer: (4)

9. Which one of the following is not correctly matched ?

(1) M.G. Ross – Community

(2) P.D. Kulkarni – Social Policy in India

(3) H.B. Trecker – Social Group Work

(4) M.S. Gore – Social Case Work

Answer: (4)

10. “Functional approach” in social case work was developed by

(1) Jessie Teft

(2) Otto Rank

(3) Gordon Hamilton

(4) Talcott Parsons

Answer: (2)

11. Who among the following is/are best associated with models – social goals, remedial and reciprocal – of social group work ?

(1) G. Konopka

(2) Toseland & Rivas

(3) Papell and Rothman

(4) Glasser and Mayada

Answer: (3)

12. Behaviour modification involves

(1) solving problems through insight

(2) bringing behaviour under stimulus control

(3) demonstrating learning in the absence of reinforcement

(4) application of learning principles to change behaviour

Answer: (4)

13. Generally the responsibility for the choice of programme in group work rests with _____.

(1) Members of the group

(2) Group worker

(3) The agency

(4) Members, agency and the worker

Answer: (1)

14. Which among the following are the prime focuses of ‘Sustainable Development Goals’ ?

(1) Peace and Prosperity

(2) People, Planet and Prosperity

(3) People, Partnership and Peace

(4) People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace and Partnership

Answer: (4)

15. “A comprehensive concept which implies major structural changes which are introduced as part of deliberate action to transform a society” is called as

(1) Social change

(2) Social development

(3) Community development

(4) Social action

Answer: (2)

16. The formula  is used to calculate _______.

(1) General Fertility Rate (GFR)

(2) Gross Reproduction Rate (GRR)

(3) Specific Fertility Rate (SFR)

(4) Crude Birth Rate (CBR)

Answer: (2)

17. Which among the following is/are not a characteristic features of a good leader ?

i. authoritarian approach.

ii. distribution of responsibility

iii. rapport with individual members

iv. understanding group dynamics.

Codes :

(1) i only

(2) i and iv only

(3) ii and iii only

(4) iv only

Answer: (1)

18. Which among the following titles of the Acts are wrongly mentioned ?

i. Child Labour Protection Act

ii. Employees’ Family Provident Fund Act

iii. Bonded Labour Rehabilitation Act

iv. Employees’ State Insurance Act.

Codes :

(1) i and ii only

(2) ii and iii only

(3) iii and iv only

(4) i, ii and iii only

Answer: (4)

19. Which among the following statements is /are true in case of ‘violence against women’ ?

i. There is no specific section in the IPC to deal specifically with acid attacks.

ii. Honour killing is a death awarded to a woman or girl for marrying against the wishes of her parents.

iii. Women are generally abused and attacked by men they know.

iv. The most important motives of abduction of women are sex and marriage.

Codes :

(1) i, ii and iii only

(2) i, ii, iii and iv

(3) ii, iii and iv only

(4) iii and iv only

Answer: (2)

20. From the following stages of psychological development propounded by Erikson, find the correct answer :

I. Play age – Initiative v/s guilt

II. School age – industry v/s inferiority

III. Adolescence – Autonomy v/s shame and doubt

IV. Young adulthood – Intimacy v/s isolation

Codes :

(1) I and II

(2) II and III

(3) III and IV

(4) I, II and IV

Answer: (4)

21. A stress situation which approaches or exceeds adaptive capacities of an individual or a group is called

(1) Catharsis

(2) Crisis

(3) Acute stress

(4) Chronic stress

Answer: (2)

22. Who among the following is best associated with ‘Gestalt therapy’ ?

(1) C.R. Rogers

(2) Sigmund Freud

(3) B.F. Skinner

(4) Fritz Perls

Answer: (4)

23. The Persons with Disability (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act assented by the President of India on 1st January

(1) 1993

(2) 1994

(3) 1995

(4) 1996

Answer: (4)

24. The responses to events that are threatening or challenging is called

(1) Depression

(2) Stress

(3) Emotion

(4) Negative feeling

Answer: (2)

25. _____ is a graphic representation of the choices or the association of group members using symbols for people and their interactions.

(1) Histogram

(2) Sociogram

(3) Sonogram

(4) Isogram

Answer: (2)

26. While testing Hypothesis, the following types of error may creep-in. Identify the correct one :

(1) Type I Error – Rejection of a null hypothesis when it is true and when it should not have been rejected.

(2) Type I Error – Acceptance of a null hypothesis when it is false.

(3) Type II Error – Acceptance of null hypothesis when it is true.

(4) Type II Error – Rejection of null hypothesis when it is false.

Answer: (1)

27. Who among the following is best associated with ‘Rapid Rural Appraisal’ (RRA) ?

(1) Britto G.A.A.

(2) Robert Chambers

(3) Fried Lander

(4) Luigi Cavestro

Answer: (2)

28. The advantages of Thurstone scale is

(1) The statements are precisely mentioned.

(2) The judges decide the importance of each statement.

(3) The statements are easy to prepare.

(4) All statements are considered to be of equal in weightage.

Answer: (2)

29. Claiming authorship for the material / findings / work that is not owned by the person and by not acknowledging the work of others is referred to as

(1) Plagiarism

(2) Duplication

(3) Repetition

(4) Copying

Answer: (1)

30. Identify the correct name :

(1) The Narcotic Drugs and Psychotic Substances Act

(2) The Narcotic Drugs and Psychic Substances Act

(3) The Psychotropic Drugs and Narcotic Substances Act

(4) The Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act

Answer: (4)

31. Which one of these is not a criteria of man – power planning ?

(1) Employee turnover

(2) Rate of growth of organisation

(3) Future man – power needs

(4) Job enrichment

Answer: (4)

32. Job specification is related to

(1) Work description

(2) Analysis of work

(3) Prospect of work

(4) Qualification and experience

Answer: (4)

33. Which article of Indian Constitution considers the claims of Scheduled Castes and Tribes in the working of appointments to services and posts in connection with the affairs of the Union or of a State ?

(1) Article 330 (2)

(2) Article 164 (1)

(3) Article 335

(4) Article 16

Answer: (3)

34. Which is not dimension of Human Resource Development ?

(1) Performance Appraisal

(2) Career Development and Planning

(3) Recruitment

(4) Training

Answer: (3)

35. Match the following List-I with List-II :

Answer: (3)

36. Match the items in List-I with List-II :

Answer: (2)

37. Match List-I with List-II and choose the correct answer from the codes given :

Answer: (2)

38. Match the List-I with List-II and choose the correct answer from the codes given :

Answer: (1)

39. Match List-I with List-II and choose the correct answer from the codes given :

Answer: (4)

40. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below :

Answer: (4)

41. Assertion (A) : Effective field work training is only possible with integration of theory and practice.

Reason (R) : Social work is a practicing profession.

Codes :

(1) Both (A) and (R) are correct, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(2) (A) is correct and (R) is wrong.

(3) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is correct explanation of (A).

(4) (A) is wrong and (R) is correct.

Answer: (3)

42. Assertion (A) : Social work has not been able to establish its identity in India.

Reason (R) : Social work practice is broad based.

Codes :

(1) (A) is correct and (R) is wrong.

(2) (A) is wrong and (R) is correct.

(3) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is correct explanation of (A).

(4) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

Answer: (3)

43. Assertion (A) : Social work promotes social justice.

Reason (R) : Social work gives equal opportunity to all to develop their personality in the way they like and approved by the society.

Codes :

(1) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

(2) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

(3) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is correct explanation of (A).

(4) Both (A) and (R) are correct, and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

Answer: (3)

44. Arrange in sequence the structure of a funding proposal.

(1) Background, statement of the problem, justification of the project, goals and objectives, planned activities, division of responsibilities, implementation.

(2) Background, justification of the project, statement of the problem, goals andobjectives, division of responsibilities, planned activities, implementation.

(3) Background, statement of the problem, goals and objectives, justification of the project, division of responsibilities, planned activities, implementation. 

(4) Background, justification of the project, statement of the problem, goals and objectives, division of responsibilities, planned activities, implementation.

Answer: (1)

45. Arrange in an order of sequence the following phases in female victim’s adjustment to life after stigmatization.

i. removing pain

ii. avoidance and humiliation

iii. shock and pain

iv. adaptation

Codes :

(1) i, iii, iv, ii

(2) iii, i, ii, iv

(3) ii, iv, iii, i

(4) iv, ii, i, iii

Answer: (2)

Read the passage given below and answer the following questions (46 – 50) as per the understanding of the passage :

   Cultural competence is the capacity to work effectively with people from a variety of ethnic, cultural, political, economic and religious backgrounds. It is being aware and respectful of the values, beliefs, traditions, customs, and parenting styles of those we serve, while understanding that there is often as wide a range of differences within groups. Cultural competency is about developing skills. This includes improving your ability to control or change your own false beliefs, assumptions and stereotypes; to think flexibly; to find sources of information about those who are different from you; and to recognize that your own thinking is not the only way.

   Cultural competence allows social workers to feel comfortable and be effective in their interactions with families whose cultures are different from their own. It enables families to feel good about their interactions with their social worker, and it allows the two parties to accomplish their goals.

   Cultural competence requires an open mind and heart and the willingness to accept the views of others. It may mean setting aside your own beliefs in order to better serve others. Generally, we need to lower our defences, take risks, and practice behaviours that may be uncomfortable or unfamiliar. Remember that all people are alike in some ways and different in others. Everyone needs to eat, have clothes and shelter, to learn, to grow, and to experience
meaning and purpose in their lives.

   The first step toward being more culturally competent is self-awareness. To understand and appreciate the culture of others, we must first understand and appreciate our own culture. There are several ways to learn about other cultures. First, find someone – a friend, neighbour, or colleague – who can serve as your “guide” to the culture. You can also study a culture by reading history, geography, poetry, biography, and fiction. In addition to reading or using a guide, you can participate in the daily routine of the culture you wish to learn about by celebrating their holidays, working on community projects, and attending worship. Finally, you can learn the language.

46. What is the relevance of cultural competence in social work practice ?

(1) It helps social work practitioner to be more vigilant about the bad elements in the society.

(2) It allows social workers to feel comfortable and be effective in their interaction with families whose cultures are different from their own.

(3) It enables the social workers to be familiar with their own culture.

(4) It is not at all relevant for social work practice.

Answer: (2)

47. What do you understand by cultural competence ?

(1) To test the competence of any culture.

(2) To know how important is a culture in a given society.

(3) It is the capacity to work effectively with people from a variety of ethnic, cultural, political, economic and religious backgrounds.

(4) It is to test the validity of values and norms of a community for its proper functioning.

Answer: (3)

48. What qualities are required in social workers to learn cultural competence ?

(1) It requires an open mind and heart and the willingness to accept the views of others.

(2) It requires great determination and will power.

(3) Social worker must be dedicated to their work.

(4) It requires theoretical knowledge about cultures of the clients.

Answer: (1)

49. Is cultural competency a skill in social work ?

(1) No, it is not a skill.

(2) It depends on the interest of the social worker.

(3) It is for improving social worker’s ability to be flexible about others.

(4) It is a working style of a social worker.

Answer: (3)

50. How do we learn the culture of others ?

(1) It can be learned by experience.

(2) It is very difficult to learn.

(3) It can be learned through a friend, neighbour or a colleague who can serve as your guide to the culture.

(4) Classes in an academic institution.

Answer: (3)


UGC NET Exam January 2017 Education Paper-2 Question Paper With Answer Key

Paper – II


Note : This paper contains fifty (50) objective type questions of two (2) marks each. All questions are compulsory.


1. Select a proper combination for the answer.

The study of philosophy by a teacher helps him/her.

i. learn the concepts of education easily

ii. think in a holistic perspective

iii. take a logical view of the world and reality

iv. attain confidence in planning how to teach

v. develop a critical framework

Codes :

(1) i, ii, iv and v

(2) i, ii, iii and v

(3) ii, iii, iv and v

(4) ii, iii and v

Answer: (1)

2. The reality is in the constant flux, hence knowledge is essentially relative in nature. Who among the following educators will favour this proposition ?

(1) Immanuel Kant

(2) John Dewey

(3) David Hume

(4) Leibnitz

Answer: (2)

3. Which of the following statements finds support from an existentialist teacher ?

(1) Education is value centric.

(2) Education is instinctive.

(3) Education is contextual.

(4) Education is perennial.

Answer: (2)

4. Which of the following schools of philosophy regards education as a means for social growth and economic production ?

(1) Idealism

(2) Realism

(3) Naturalism

(4) Marxism

Answer: (4)

5. In the framework of Sankhya stipulation, which of the following will not be considered acceptable ?

(1) Prakriti is trigunatmak.

(2) Prakriti is subtle.

(3) Prakriti is directly visible.

(4) Prakriti is by nature evolutionary.

Answer: (3)

6. Which Indian school of thought considers all knowledge as relative ?

(1) Buddhism

(2) Vedant

(3) Jainism

(4) Islam

Answer: (3)

7. Match the items of List-I with that of List-II and select the appropriate code :

Answer: (1)

8. Which of the following core content will not conform to Gandhiji’s views ?

(1) Language

(2) Social studies

(3) Vocational skills

(4) Genetic Engineering

Answer: (4)

9. Which of the following constitutional values gets endorsed through reservation policy in education ?

(1) Liberty

(2) Equality

(3) Fraternity

(4) Humanity

Answer: (2)

10. The main purpose of education should be the integrated development of the person. Who has offered a model in this regard ? 

(1) Aurobindo

(2) Tagore

(3) Gandhi

(4) Vivekananda

Answer: (1)

11. Which combination of measures in the list given below is likely to ensure social equity and equality of educational opportunity ? 

i. The education of girl child should be organized separately.

ii. Each child should be provided an opportunity to grow, develop and flourish.

iii. Education of tribal children should be given priority as against the non-tribals.

iv. Curriculum at the school level should be diversified to cater the diverse needs of students.

v. Moral education should form a part of every school curriculum.

vi. The multiplicity of methods and approaches should be emphasized in school systems.

Select the correct code :

Codes :

(1) i, ii and iii

(2) iv, v and ii

(3) ii, iv and vi

(4) iii, iv and v

Answer: (3)

12. In the following two sets, Set-I gives the specific disciplines while Set-II provides the major concerns of the disciplines. Match the two sets : 

Answer: (4)

13. Role conflict and issues of collaboration are most relevant to which of the following disciplines ?

(1) Cultural Anthropology

(2) Educational Sociology

(3) Politics and Education

(4) Value based Education

Answer: (2)

14. According to educational sociologists the role of education should focus on

(1) Social integration among the groups

(2) Enculturation of participants in education

(3) Social mobility of the downtrodden

(4) Modification of values of teachers

Answer: (2)

15. Education is considered as a sub-system of a social system because :

(1) It provides essential service that society has to provide to the people.

(2) It has a complex structure.

(3) It has well defined objectives and functions to promote adaptations.

(4) It has various interacting components determining social goals.

Answer: (3)

16. Vertical mobility will be said to occur when :

(1) People move from rural area to urban area.

(2) People move from one social position to the other social position.

(3) People move from one position to the other superior position.

(4) People move from one place to the other place.

Answer: (3)

17. Which statement refers to the two way relationship between education and society ?

(1) The school is a miniature social system.

(2) The society plans to have schools.

(3) The school is a creature of society.

(4) The school is created by society to recreate itself.

Answer: (4)

18. The process of socialization is accelerated during adolescence through

(a) Family orientation

(b) Religious affiliation

(c) The school system

(d) The peer group interaction

(e) Neighbourhood hospitality

Choose the correct set of answers from the following codes :

Codes :

(1) (a) (b) (c)

(2) (b) (e) (a)

(3) (a) (c) (d)

(4) (c) (b) (e)

Answer: (3)

19. A school principal organizes a spectrum of co-curricular activities so that the maximum participation of students and teachers is ensured. Which of the following values will get optimally encouraged through such interventions ?

(1) Religious values

(2) Moral values

(3) Democratic values

(4) Scientific values

Answer: (3)

20. Changes in society which manifest ideas, values and literature may be called

(1) Non-material changes

(2) Ornamental changes

(3) Cosmopolitan changes

(4) Material changes

Answer: (1)

21. In the context of social development which of the following stages is characterized by ‘Intense self Awareness’ ?

1) Infancy

(2) Childhood

(3) Adolescence

(4) Adulthood

Answer: (3)

22. Which of the following is the characteristic feature of the emotional development during adolescence ? 

(1) Jealously towards brothers / sisters in the family and peers in the school.

(2) Conflicts in motivations.

(3) Showing curiosity towards environmental objects.

(4) Tendency to evince worries in respect of school or personal related matters.

Answer: (2)

23. Which of the following subordinate laws of learning developed by Thorndike is related to classical conditioning of Pavlov ?

(1) Multiple response

(2) Prepotency of elements

(3) Associative shifting

(4) Response by analogy

Answer: (3)

24. Match the two sets by selecting the correct code :

Answer: (4)

 25. In the following two sets, Set-I gives the stages of cognitive development as given by Piaget and Set-II provides the important features which denote the cognitive growth.
Match the two by selecting the correct code :

Answer: (2)

26. In which of the following operant conditioning procedures the training arrangement insists the presence of a cue and making of a response to get negatively reinforced ?

(1) Escape training

(2) Punishment training

(3) Omission training

(4) Active avoidance training

Answer: (4)

27. Which of the following list reflects the basis for Tolman’s sign gestalt learning. Select from the code :

(i) Experiments on maze learning

(ii) Place learning experiment

(iii) Reward expectancy experiment

(iv) Habit family hierarchy

(v) Latent learning experiment

Code :

(1) (ii), (iv) and (v)

(2) (i), (ii) and (iii)

(3) (ii), (iii) and (v)

(4) (ii), (iii) and (iv)

Answer: (3)

28. In which of the following teaching-learning presentations, shaping of a response is called for ?

(1) Lecturing with examples

(2) Discussions with buzz sessions

(3) Programmed learning with individualisation

(4) PowerPoint presentation with a scope for interaction

Answer: (3)

29. In Skinner’s view secondary reinforces are derived when associated with

(1) Neutral stimulus

(2) Positive stimulus

(3) Negative stimulus

(4) Either positive or negative stimulus

Answer: (4)

30. Match the two sets and choose the correct answer from the code given :

Answer: (4)

31. Brainstorming procedures are helpful specially for which category of children ?

(1) Gifted children

(2) Backward children

(3) Creative children

(4) Mentally retarded children

Answer: (3)

32. Which set of statements best describes the process of adjustment in the context of education ? Select the code for giving your answer : 

(i) Adjustment is the outcome of the individual’s efforts to deal with stress.

(ii) Adjustment is directed at changing others.

(iii) For defining adjustment the reciprocal influence between a person and his/her social group has to be emphasized.

(iv) Adjustment is a continuous process of satisfying one’s needs.

(v) Adjustment is a kind of mentoring.

(vi) In adjustment both individual and his/her environment undergo a change.

Codes :

(1) (i), (iii), (iv) and (vi)

(2) (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv)

(3) (ii), (iii), (iv) and (v)

(4) (iii), (iv), (v) and (vi)

Answer: (1)

33. Match the two sets, Set-I theories of intelligence and Set-II the special emphasis given in explaining and measuring intelligence. Choose the correct code for indicating your answer:

Answer: (1)

34. Which concept of intelligence addresses the problem of meaning and value ?

(1) Academic Intelligence (IQ)

(2) Emotional Intelligence (EQ)

(3) Spiritual Intelligence (SQ)

(4) Cultural Intelligence (CQ)

Answer: (3)

35. Assertion (A) : In order to be able to present learning materials in a systematic manner and to promote group learning a teacher’s IQ and EQ must be high. 

Reason (R) : IQ of an individual contributes to being systematic while EQ helps in understanding group needs.

Which of the following options is correct ?

(1) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct reason for of (A).

(2) Both (A) and (R) are true, and (R) is the correct reason for of (A).

(3) Both (A) and (R) are false.

(4) (R) is true, but it cannot be the reason for (A).

Answer: (2)

36. Which of the following questions will belong to qualitative research ?

a. What is the impact of RTE Act on attendance of elementary school children ?

b. Why do parents not participate in PTA meetings ?

c. How to assess the competency level of school teachers ?

d. Why students of a particular community out number as dropouts ?

e. How to assess the verbal ability of elementary school children ?

Codes :

(1) a and d

(2) c and e

(3) d and e

(4) b and d

Answer: (4)

37. The methodology section in a quantitative research paradigm-based article contains

(1) Participants, materials, instruments

(2) Participants, procedures, materials

(3) Instruments, procedures, data analysis

(4) Participants, instruments, procedures

Answer: (4)

38. “_____ assesses the sufficiency of the data according to the convergence of multiple data sources or multiple data collection procedure.” Identify the term referred to above.

(1) Multivariate analysis

(2) Meta analysis

(3) Contexualization

(4) Triangulation

Answer: (4)

39. In educational research, case study method gives importance to :

(1) Prediction

(2) Causal connections

(3) Generalization

(4) Unique characteristics

Answer: (4)

40. Percentile scores assume a scale of measurement called

(1) Nominal scale

(2) Ordinal scale

(3) Interval scale

(4) Ratio scale

Answer: (2)

41. The purpose of methodology section of qualitative studies is to

(1) show how researcher interpretations will be made

(2) present the focus of the study

(3) provide general background of the study

(4) describe the overall design of the study

Answer: (4)

42. Internal reliability in qualitative research design refers to

(1) Information selection

(2) Inter observer reliability

(3) Extent to which the results approximate the reality

(4) Accuracy of measures

Answer: (2)

43. Set I contains certain descriptor statements and Set II, sources of literature review. Match Set I and Set II and select the suitable code :

Answer: (3)

44. In a normal distribution, the plus one standard deviation corresponds to which percentile ?

(1) 34th

(2) 60th

(3) 84th

(4) 75th

Answer: (3)

45. Regarding a research hypothesis, which of the following combinations is not correct ?
A research hypothesis

a. is more specific than a problem statement.

b. is supported or not supported by theory.

c. is a statement including the participants of the study.

d. relates variables that can be measured, manipulated or categorized.

e. is the same as a statistical hypothesis.

Codes :

(1) a and b

(2) b and e

(3) c and e

(4) d and b

Answer: (3)

46. The Phi-Coefficient is related to tetrachoric ‘γ’ in the same manner as point – biserial is related to

(1) Contingency Coefficient (c)

(2) biserial (γ)

(3) Product moment (γ)

(4) Eta coefficient

Answer: (2)

47. In a study the significance of difference between means was tested through use of a ‘t’ test for a large group. The value of ‘t’ being 2.10, what will be the decision warranted in respect of H0 (Null hypothesis) ?

(1) The H0 will be retained.

(2) The H0 will be rejected at 0.01 level of significance.

(3) The H0 will be rejected at 0.05 level of significance only.

(4) The H0 will be rejected at both the levels of significance.

Answer: (3)

48. For use of a non-parametric test like the chi-square, which of the following assumptions has to be satisfied ?

(1) The data should arise from interval measures.

(2) The distribution has to be normal.

(3) No assumption about the nature of distribution is required.

(4) The variables under reference must be dichotomous.

Answer: (3)

49. A researcher finds out the relationship between three variables such as academic achievement, intelligence and socio-economic status of children using Pearson’s product moment ‘γ’. As per objective of his/her study the relationship between academic achievement and intelligence is also to be estimated by controlling the influence of socioeconomic status. Which statistical technique will be appropriate in this context ?

(1) Finding out multiple correlation

(2) Finding out correlation ratio

(3) Estimating contingency coefficient via chi-square

(4) Finding out partial correlation

Answer: (4)

50. For computation of ‘F’ value in one way Anova, what is the final procedural step ?

(1) Finding out the within sum of squares

(2) Finding out the between sum of squares

(3) Finding out the ratio of within and between sum of squares

(4) Finding out the ratio of between and within variance

Answer: (4)

UGC NET Exam January 2017 Commerce Paper-2 Question Paper With Answer Key

Paper – II


Note : This paper contains fifty (50) objective type questions of two (2) marks each. All questions are compulsory.


1. Assertion (A) : Corporate culture is generally considered as either closed and threatening or as open and participatory.

Reason (R) : Corporate culture and style of functioning of top managers is important factor for determining the internal environment of a company.

Codes :

(1) (A) is correct, but (R) is incorrect.

(2) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(3) Both (A) and (R) are correct, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(4) (R) is correct, but (A) is incorrect.

Answer: (2)

2. Statement I : If the workers develop an attitude of non-cooperation with Management, a repressive economic system may be needed to set right this industrial disorder. 

Statement II : By fulfilling social responsibility towards shareholders, employees, consumers, government and community, a business achieves economic growth and increases public image.

Codes :

(1) Statement I is correct, but II is incorrect.

(2) Both the statements I and II are correct.

(3) Statement II is correct but I is incorrect.

(4) Both the statements are incorrect.

Answer: (2)

3. Match the items of List-I with List-II.

Answer: (3)

4. From which Five Year Plan “Growth with Social Justice” has received emphasis ?

(1) 5th

(2) 6th

(3) 7th

(4) 10th

Answer: (1)

5. Which of the following is not the objective of the Competition Act, 2002 ?

(1) Prohibition of Restrictive Trade Practices.

(2) Prohibition of Dominant Position

(3) Prohibition of Anti-competitive Agreements

(4) Regulation of Combinations

Answer: (1)

6. Consolidated financial statements are prepared on the principle

(1) In form the companies are one entity, in substance they are separate.

(2) In form companies are separate, in substance they are one.

(3) In form and substance the companies are one entity.

(4) In form and substance the companies are separate.

Answer: (3)

7. Match the items of List-I with those of List-II and indicate the correct code :

Answer: (4)

8. From the following two statements of Assertion (A) and Reason (R), indicate the correct code :

Assertion (A) : From the marginal costing approach point of view, the marginal cost is compared with the purchase price.

Reason (R) : If the marginal cost is less than the purchase price it should be purchased rather than manufactured.

Codes :

(1) (A) and (R) both are correct.

(2) (A) is correct, but (R) is not correct.

(3) (A) is not correct, but (R) is correct.

(4) (A) and (R) both are incorrect.

Answer: (2)

9. Which one of the following statements is true about standard labour time ?

(1) Standard labour time indicates the time in hours needed for a specific process.

(2) It is standardized on the basis of past experience.

(3) In fixing standard time due allowance should not be given to fatigue and tool setting.

(4) The Production Manager does not provide any input in setting the labour time standards.

Answer: (1)

10. Under the yield method of valuation of equity share capital, if for an equity share of Rs. 50, the normal rate of return is 10% and expected rate of return is 5%, then the value of an equity share will be

(1) Rs. 25

(2) Rs. 40

(3) Rs. 50

(4) Rs. 100

Answer: (1)

11. Match the items of List-I with the items of List-II and denote the code of correct matching.

Answer: (3)

12. Which of the following is not a correct matching with regard to price elasticity, change in price and change in total revenue ?

Answer: (2)

13. The short-run production function for a firm is as follows :

Q = – L3 + 15L2 + 10L

Where Q denotes total output in physical units and L denotes units of labour which are homogeneous, but are not perfectly divisible and change in labour does not tend to become zero.

Statement I : In this production function, the marginal product of 5th unit of labour is 85.

Statement II : Similarly, in this production function, the average product of the 5th unit of labour is 60.

Codes :

(1) Both the Statements are true.

(2) Both the Statements are false.

(3) Statement I is true, while Statement II is false.

(4) Statement I is false, but Statement II is true.

Answer: (4)

14. The Kinked demand curve model of oligopoly was developed by

(1) Augustin Cournot

(2) Stackelberg

(3) Edgeworth

(4) Sweezy

Answer: (4)

15. For the success of the penetration price policy, which one of the following is not desirable ?

(1) Short-run demand for the product to have elasticity greater than unity.

(2) Availability of economies of large scale production.

(3) Product to have very low cross-elasticity of demand.

(4) Easy acceptance and adoption of the product by the consumers.

Answer: (3)

16. Statement I : The absolute value of the difference between an unbiased estimate and the corresponding population parameter is called sampling error. 

Statement II : Multi-stage sampling is a restricted non-probability based sampling technique.

Indicate the correct code :

(1) Both the Statements are correct.

(2) Both the Statements are incorrect.

(3) Statement I is correct, while Statement II is incorrect.

(4) Statement I is incorrect, while Statement II is correct.

Answer: (3)

17. Match the following items of List-I and List-II with regard to hypothesis-testing and indicate the code of correct matching.

Answer: (2)

18. Which one of the following is a false statement ?

(1) The signs of the regression coefficients are always the same.

(2) Correlation coefficient is the geometric mean of the two regression coefficients.

(3) The co-variance between two variables divided by the product of their standard deviations produces the value of coefficient of correlation.

(4) Coefficient of correlation is independent of origin but not of scale.

Answer: (4)

19. If the two regression coefficients are 0.8 and 0.2, then the value of coefficient of correlation is

(1) – 0.16

(2) + 0.50

(3) + 0.40

(4) – 0.40

Answer: (3)

20. Process of arranging data into a new order is called 

(1) Manipulation of data

(2) Standardization of data

(3) Sequencing of data

(4) Standardized input

Answer: (1)

21. Developed by the Special Projects Office of the U.S. Navy; this technique was first formally applied to the planning and control of the Polaris Weapon System in 1958 and worked well in expediting the completion of that programme. The technique is known as 

(1) Gantt Chart

(2) PERT

(3) CRM

(4) Milestone budgeting

Answer: (2)

22. Consider the following statements relating to planning and find out which of the following are correct :

Statement I : The operating personnel should not be associated with the preparation of the budget.

Statement II : A programme indicates the principal operations to be carried out to accomplish a work.

Statement III : Under MBO technique, the Managers should be provided with a freehand to laydown the objectives.

Codes :

(1) Only Statement I is correct.

(2) Only Statement II is correct.

(3) Only Statement III is correct.

(4) Only Statements I and III are correct.

Answer: (2)

23. Assertion (A) : Sympathetic listening in upward communications often leads to resentment in communicator.

Reason (R) : Sympathetic listening and encouraging remarks often lead the communicator to believe that his proposal will receive action not contemplated by superior (communicatee).

Codes :

(1) (A) is correct and (R) is the right explanation to it.

(2) (A) is correct, but (R) is not the right explanation to it.

(3) (A) is not correct while (R) is a correct statement.

(4) Both (A) and (R) are incorrect.

Answer: (1)

24. Assertion (A) : Herzberg believes that today’s motivators are tomorrow’s hygiene factors.

Reason (R) : Some job conditions operate primarily to dissatisfy employees when they are absent, but their presence does not motivate them in strong way.

Codes :

(1) (A) and (R) both are correct and (R) is the right explanation of (A).

(2) (A) and (R) both are correct, but (R) is not the right explanation of (A).

(3) (A) is not correct while (R) is a correct.

(4) Both (A) and (R) are incorrect.

Answer: (2)

25. Which of the following statements relating to Henry Fayol are correct ?

Statement I : Authority and responsibility are related and former arises from latter.

Statement II : Espirit de Corps is an extension of the principle of unity of command.

Statement III : Unity of command means only one command at a time.

Statement IV : There are fourteen basic principles identified by Henry Fayol.

Codes :

(1) Statements I, II and IV

(2) Statements II and III

(3) Statements I and IV

(4) Statements II and IV

Answer: (4)

26. Match the following items of List-I (sources of competition) with List-II (examples for these sources of competition) and indicate the code of correct matching.

Answer: (4)

27. The marketing task which finds ways to alter the time pattern of demand through flexible pricing, promotion and other incentives is called 

(1) Demarketing

(2) Synchromarketing

(3) Fleximarketing

(4) Gorilla Marketing

Answer: (2)

28. Which of the following is not a reason for a firm to lose its market share to competitors ?

(1) A product/model is perceived by the target customer group as satisfying needs.

(2) Customers not being covered by the company’s sales force and distribution outlets.

(3) Customers may have been lost to competitors due to poor service by the firm or its sales personnel or product becoming obsolete or more expensive.

(4) All the above are correct reasons for given condition.

Answer: (1)

29. Match the items of List-I with List-II and denote the code of correct matching.

Answer: (1)

30. An elaborated version of the idea expressed in meaningful consumer term is called

(1) Product image

(2) Product idea

(3) Product concept

(4) Prototype

Answer: (3)

31. Which one of the following combination of rules stands true while preparing schedule of changes in working capital ?

A. An increase in current assets increases working capital.

B. An increase in current assets decreases working capital.

C. An increase in current liabilities decreases working capital.

D. An increase in current liabilities increases working capital.

Codes :

(1) A and D

(2) A and C

(3) B and C

(4) C and D

Answer: (2)

32. Assertion (A) : The primary motive of a company in using financial leverage is to magnify shareholders’ return under favourable economic conditions.

Reason (R) : To magnify shareholders’ return fixed charges funds can be obtained at a cost higher than the firm’s rate of return on net assets.

Codes :

(1) (A) is correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(2) (A) is correct, but (R) is wrong.

(3) (R) is correct, but (A) is wrong.

(4) Both (A) and (R) are wrong.

Answer: (2)

33. Debt financing is a cheaper source of finance because of

(1) Time value of money

(2) Rate of interest

(3) Tax deductibility of interest

(4) Dividends are not payable to lenders

Answer: (3)

34. Which of the following is not true with reference to capital budgeting?

(1) Capital budgeting is related to asset replacement decisions.

(2) Cost of capital is equal to minimum required rate of return.

(3) Timing of cash flows is relevant.

(4) Existing investment in a project is not treated as sunk cost.

Answer: (4)

35. Which of the following statements is not correct ?

(1) The cost of capital is required rate of return to ascertain the value of the firm.

(2) Different sources of funds have a specific cost of capital related to that source only.

(3) Cost of capital does not comprise any risk premium.

(4) Cost of capital is basic data for NPV technique.

Answer: (3)

36. Which of the following is not the quality of human resources in any organization ?

(1) Their behaviour to stimuli is often inconsistent and unpredictable.

(2) They depreciate with passage of time in terms of skills.

(3) They are heterogeneous.

(4) Retaining qualified human resources is a challenge for managers.

Answer: (2)

37. Human Resource Planning benefits to an organization are reflected in which of the combination of the following ?

a. Balance between demand and supply of human resources.

b. Non-compulsion on management to assess critically and continuously the employees and personnel policies.

c. Duplication of efforts and conflicts are avoided.

d. Minimizing the future returns on investment in human resources.

Codes :

(1) a and b

(2) a and c

(3) a, b and c

(4) a, c and d

Answer: (2)

38. A statement containing items such as job title, location, summary, duties, materials used, working conditions etc., is called

(1) Job specification

(2) Job evaluation

(3) Job description

(4) Job analysis

Answer: (3)

39. Match List-I with List-II relating to theory of wages.

Answer: (2)

40. Which organizational analysis method is used, among the following, to develop various efficiency indices relating to contribution of human capital in meeting the organizational goals ?

(1) Objectives analysis

(2) Resource utilization analysis

(3) Task analysis

(4) Organizational climate analysis

Answer: (2)

41. Match the items of List-I with the items of List-II regarding evaluation of project application and suggest the correct code.

Answer: (3)

42. Match the items of Column-I with the items of Column-II and suggest the correct code.

Answer: (3)

43. In which year, IFCI Act was amended in order to make it possible to provide assistance, inter alia, for medical, health or other allied services ?

(1) 1960

(2) 1970

(3) 1973

(4) 1986

Answer: (4)

44. SIDBI was set up as a subsidiary of IDBI to

(1) Take over the functions of small business financing of IDBI.

(2) Take over the venture capital operations of ICICI.

(3) Reconstruct and rehabilitate the sick and closed industrial units financed by IDBI.

(4) Facilitate, finance and promote India’s Foreign trade.

Answer: (1)

45. Letters of credit, Guarantees, Forward Contracts etc., come under which one of the following ?

(1) Liabilities of a bank

(2) Assets of a bank

(3) Foreign exchange items of a bank

(4) Off-balance sheet items of a bank

Answer: (4)

46. Consider the following statements with regard for the “Theory of Absolute Cost Advantage” :

(i) Productive efficiency differed among different countries because of diversity in natural and acquired resources possessed by them. 

(ii) The difference in natural advantage manifests in varying climate, quality of land, availability of minerals, water and other resources.

(iii) The difference in acquired resources manifests in different levels of technology and skills available.

Identify the correct code from the following :

(1) Statement (i) is correct, but (ii) and (iii) are incorrect.

(2) Statements (i) and (ii) are correct, but (iii) is incorrect.

(3) All the statements (i), (ii) and (iii) are correct.

(4) None of the statements is correct.

Answer: (3)

47. Match the items of List-I with List-II and indicate the correct code.

Answer: (1)

48. Match the items of List-I with List-II and indicate the code of correct matching


Answer: (2)

49. Statement I : TRIMS agreement refers to conditions or restrictions imposed on foreign investors.

Statement II : TRIMS agreement specifically forbids imposing restrictions on operations of an enterprise which result in protecting domestic products and making imports disadvantageous.

Codes :

(1) Statement I is correct, but II is incorrect.

(2) Statement II is correct, but I is incorrect.

(3) Both the statements I and II are correct.

(4) Both the statements I and II are incorrect.

Answer: (3)

50. Assertion (A) : Revenue from indirect taxes was the major source of tax revenue till tax reforms were taken during nineties.

Reason (R) : Traditionally India’s tax regime relied heavily on indirect taxes including customs and excise.

Codes :

(1) (A) and (R) both are correct, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(2) (A) is correct, but (R) is not correct.

(3) (A) and (R) both are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(4) (A) and (R) both are incorrect.

Answer: (3)


UGC NET Exam January 2017 Anthropology Paper-2 Question Paper With Answer Key

Paper – II


Note : This paper contains fifty (50) objective type questions of two (2) marks each. All questions are compulsory.


1. Identify the “suspensory primate” from the following :

(1) Chimpanzee

(2) Tree-Shrew

(3) Gibbon

(4) Howler Monkey

Answer: (3)

2. The term “Anthropometry” was coined by

(1) Quetlet

(2) Martin & Saller

(3) Hrdlicka

(4) Georges Cuvier

Answer: (4)

3. The Boyd’s racial classification was based on

(1) Blood groups

(2) Anthropometry

(3) Dermatoglyphics

(4) DNA markers

Answer: (1)

4. Which one of the following is associated with the racial classification of the peoples of India ?

(1) S.R.K. Chopra

(2) S.S. Sarkar

(3) D.N. Majumdar

(4) P.C. Biswas

Answer: (2)

5. The principal objective of which article of Indian Constitution is to ban the practice of untouchability in any form ?

(1) Article 17

(2) Article 16(4)

(3) Article 19

(4) Article 25

Answer: (1)

6. Who among the following is not an affinal kin ?

(1) Ego’s husband’s sister

(2) Ego’s brother’s son

(3) Ego’s wife’s brother

(4) Ego’s wife’s mother

Answer: (2)

7. Which among the following is not a source of law ?

(1) Custom

(2) Religion

(3) Habits

(4) Judicial decision

Answer: (3)

8. Who, among the following, has propounded a ‘descent’ theory of kinship ? 

(1) Rodney Needham

(2) Claude Levi-Strauss

(3) Marvin Harris

(4) A.R. Radcliffe-Brown

Answer: (4)

9. Which of the following is not considered as a geometric type of microlith ?

(1) Backed blade

(2) Trapeze

(3) Triangle

(4) Rhomboid

Answer: (1)

10. Which of the following is radiometric dating ?

(1) Archaeomagnetism

(2) Varve

(3) Thermo-luminescence

(4) Potassium-Argon

Answer: (4)

11. The characteristic features of Orangutans are

(a) They are found in Indonesia on the Islands of Sumatra and Borneo.

(b) They are also known as Pongo.

(c) They show extreme sexual dimorphism

(d) They were extensively studied by Jane Goodall

Codes :

(1) only (c) and (d) are correct.

(2) only (b) and (d) are correct.

(3) (a), (b) and (c) are correct.

(4) (a), (b) and (d) are correct.

Answer: (3)

12. Characteristic of multiple alleles are

(a) Multiple alleles occupy the same locus within the homologous chromosomes. But only one member of the series is present in a given chromosome. 

(b) Crossing-over occurs in multiple alleles.

(c) Multiple alleles control the same character.

(d) In the multiple alleles, one is dominant and the rest are recessive or sometimes they are codominant :

Codes :

(1) (a), (c) and (d) are correct.

(2) (b), (c) and (d) are correct.

(3) only (a) and (b) are correct.

(4) only (a), (b) and (d) are correct.

Answer: (1)

13. The typical feature shown by a Klinefelter syndrome individual are :

(a) The male has one extra X-chromosome.

(b) He is highly fertile.

(c) Body hair is sparse.

(d) Female like breasts are there.

Codes :

(1) (a), (b), (c) are correct.

(2) (b), (c), (d) are correct.

(3) (a), (c), (d) are correct.

(4) (a), (b), (d) are correct.

Answer: (3)

14. Features of X-linked dominant inheritance are

(a) The trait is never passed from father to son.

(b) Mating of affected females and normal males produce 1/3 the sons affected and 1/2 the daughters affected.

(c) Both males and females affected but often an excess of females.

(d) Females less severely affected than males.

Codes :

(1) (a), (c) and (d) are correct.

(2) (b), (c) and (d) are correct.

(3) only (a), (b) and (c) are correct.

(4) (a), (b) and (d) are correct.

Answer: (1)

15. Which of the following are the examples of achieved status ? Use the codes :

(a) Elected membership of Parliament

(b) Professorship

(c) Lawyer

(d) Vice-chancellorship

Codes :

(1) (a), (b), (c) and (d) are correct.

(2) only (a), (b) and (d) are correct.

(3) only (a), (b) and (c) are correct.

(4) only (a) and (c) are correct.

Answer: (1)

16. Which of the following are considered as the characteristic features of Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups ? Use Codes :

(a) Pre-agricultural level of technology

(b) Extremely low literacy

(c) Stagnant or diminishing population

(d) Surplus level of economy

Codes :

(1) (a), (b) and (d) are correct.

(2) (a), (b) and (c) are correct.

(3) only (d) is correct.

(4) only (b) and (d) are correct.

Answer: (2)

17. Which of the following are the common characteristics of a ‘lineage’ and a ‘clan’ ? Use the codes :

(a) Both believe in real ancestors.

(b) Both believe in fictional ancestors.

(c) Both are social groups.

(d) Both believe in common ancestors

Codes :

(1) (a), (b) and (c) are correct.

(2) (a), (b), (c) and (d) are correct.

(3) only (c) and (d) are correct.

(4) only (a) and (b) are correct.

Answer: (3)

18. Which of the anthropologists are considered belonging to ‘German School of Diffusionism’ ? Use codes.

(a) F. Ratzel

(b) F. Graebner

(c) F.W. Schmidt

(d) G.E. Smith

Codes :

(1) (a), (b) and (d) are correct.

(2) only (a) and (b) are correct.

(3) only (c) and (d) are correct.

(4) (a), (b) and (c) are correct.

Answer: (4)

19. Which of the following scholars have worked in the Neolithic sites of North Arcot district ?

Use Codes :

(a) H.D. Sankalia

(b) R.B. Foote

(c) V.N. Mishra

(d) F.R. Allchin

Codes :

(1) (a) and (b) are correct.

(2) (b) and (c) are correct.

(3) (c) and (d) are correct.

(4) (b) and (d) are correct.

Answer: (4)

20. Which of the following Mesolithic sites are located on sand dunes ? Use codes :

(a) Tennevelly

(b) Bagor

(c) Sarai-Nahar-Rai

(d) Langhnaj

Codes :

(1) (a), (b), (c) are correct.

(2) (b), (c), (d) are correct

(3) (a), (c), (d) are correct.

(4) (a), (b), (d) are correct.

Answer: (4)

21. Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R). Indicate your answers from the alternatives below :

Assertion (A) : Finger ball prints are unique in each and every individual. 

Reason (R) : Fingerprints are not very useful in establishing the identity of a person.

In the context of the above two statements, which one of the following is correct ?

(1) (A) is correct, but (R) is wrong.

(2) Both (A) and (R) are correct.

(3) (A) is wrong, but (R) is correct.

(4) Both (A) and (R) are wrong.

Answer: (1)

22. Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R). Indicate your answers from the alternatives below : 

Assertion (A) : A captive study allows us to closely observe non-human primates up close and personal because they would not hide in dense trees for hours on end.

Reason (R) : However, we cannot manipulate the study group’s behaviour.

In the context of the above two statements, which one of the following is correct ?

(1) (A) is correct, but (R) is wrong.

(2) Both (A) and (R) are correct.

(3) (A) is wrong, but (R) is correct.

(4) Both (A) and (R) are wrong.

Answer: (1)

23. Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R). Indicate your answers from the alternatives below :

Assertion (A) : Selection introduces new genes in a population.

Reason (R) : Mutation favours one of the two alleles.

In the context of the above two statements, which one of the following is correct ?

(1) (A) is correct, but (R) is wrong.

(2) Both (A) and (R) are correct.

(3) (A) is wrong, but (R) is correct.

(4) Both (A) and (R) are wrong.

Answer: (4)

24. Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R). Indicate your answers from the alternatives below :

Assertion (A) : Very dark-skinned populations can be found in Africa, India and Melanesia. 

Reason (R) : Populations from different parts of the world may have similar skin colours because they share a common environmental feature, namely, the intensity of sunlight exposure.

In the context of the above two statements, which one of the following is correct ?

(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(2) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(3) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

(4) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

Answer: (1)

25. Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R). Indicate your answers from the alternatives below : 

Assertion (A) : Economists believe that economic theories cannot be applied in ‘subsistence level economies’; nor could any economic theory be derived out of their studies.

Reason (R) : ‘Medium of exchange’ is found in subsistence level economies.

In the context of the above two statements, which one of the following is correct ?

(1) (A) is correct, but (R) is wrong.

(2) Both (A) and (R) are correct.

(3) (A) is wrong, but (R) is correct.

(4) Both (A) and (R) are wrong.

Answer: (1)

26. Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R). Indicate your answers from the alternatives below : 

Assertion (A) : Unilinear evolutionists believed in parallel development of human culture from savagery through barbarism to civilization. 

Reason (R) : Unilever evolutionists believed in psychic unity of mankind.

In the context of the above two statements, which one of the following is correct ?

(1) (A) is correct, but (R) is wrong.

(2) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(3) (A) is wrong, but (R) is correct.

(4) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

Answer: (2)

27. Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R). Indicate your answers from the alternatives below : 

Assertion (A) : Kingdom is considered as a ‘stateless society’ because it does not hold the characteristics of a state.

Reason (R) : Characteristics of a state are as such, a defined territory, population, sovereignty and a government.

In the context of the above two statements, which one of the following is correct ?

(1) (A) is correct, but (R) is wrong.

(2) Both (A) and (R) are correct.

(3) (A) is wrong, but (R) is correct.

(4) Both (A) and (R) are wrong.

Answer: (3)

28. Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R). Indicate your answers from the alternatives below : 

Assertion (A) : In Euro-American societies Ambilineal descent system is prevalent.

Reason (R) : In Ambilineal descent, the members enjoy equal rights, duties and privileges from both father and mother sides. 

In the context of the above two statements, which one of the following is correct ?

(1) (A) is correct, but (R) is wrong.

(2) Both (A) and (R) are correct.

(3) (A) is wrong, but (R) is correct.

(4) Both (A) and (R) are wrong.

Answer: (4)

29. Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R). Indicate your answers from the alternatives below : 

Assertion (A) : Amino-acid racemization is a relative method of dating.

Reason (R) : The method depends on principles on molecules that rotate polarized light to the left.

In the context of the above two statements, which one of the following is correct ?

(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation.

(2) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation.

(3) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

(4) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

Answer: (1)

30. Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R). Indicate your answers from the alternatives below : 

Assertion (A) : Chopper chopping tools are always made on pebble cores.

Reason (R) : Hand axes are never made on pebble cores.

In the context of the above two statements, which one of the following is correct ?

(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(2) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(3) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

(4) (A) is false but (R) is true.

Answer: (3)

31. Identify the correct sequence of different phases of Indian Anthropology in the ascending order of their development.

(1) Evaluation phase – Analytical phase – Constructive phase – Formative phase

(2) Formative phase – Constructive phase – Analytical phase – Evaluation phase

(3) Constructive phase – Formative phase – Evaluation phase – Analytical phase

(4) Analytical phase – Formative phase – Evaluation phase – Constructive phase

Answer: (2)

32. Identify the correct order of organization of genetic material from the largest to the smallest.

(1) Chromosome – Gene – Nucleotide – Genome

(2) Genome – Gene – Chromosome – Nucleotide

(3) Genome – Chromosome – Gene – Nucleotide

(4) Gene – Nucleotide – Chromosome – Genome

Answer: (3)

33. Arrange the following authorities in the order in which they gave classifications of the peoples of India from the earliest to the most recent.

(1) Risley – Haddon – Guha – Sarkar

(2) Haddon – Risley – Guha – Sarkar

(3) Sarkar – Risley – Haddon – Guha

(4) Guha – Sarkar – Haddon – Risley

Answer: (1)

34. Arrange the following fossil hominids in the descending order of their cranial capacity.

(1) Homo habilis – Australopithecus africanus – Homo erectus – Neanderthal Man

(2) Neanderthal Man – Homo habilis – Homo erectus – Australopithecus africanus

(3) Australopithecus africanus – Neanderthal man – Homo erectus – Homo habilis

(4) Neanderthal Man – Homo erectus – Homo habilis – Australopithecus africanus

Answer: (4)

35. Identify the correct sequence of the development of anthropological theories :

(1) Evolution → Diffusion → Structure and function → Culture and personality

(2) Culture and personality → Structure and function → Diffusion → Evolution

(3) Evolution → Diffusion → Culture and personality → Structure and function

(4) Diffusion → Evolution → Structure and function → Culture and personality

Answer: (1)

36. Identify the correct sequence in ascending order of the following concepts :

(1) Dominant caste → Folk-urban continuum → Universalization and Parochialization → Nature-man-spirit complex

(2) Folk-urban continuum → Dominant caste → Universalization and Parochialization → Nature-man-spirit complex

(3) Nature-man-spirit complex → Folk-urban continuum → Universalization and Parochialization →Dominant caste

(4) Folk-urban continuum → Nature-man-spirit complex → Dominant caste → Universalization and Parochialization

Answer: (2)

37. Arrange the following books in order in which they appeared (in ascending order).

(1) We the Tikopia by Raymond Firth → Suicide by Emile Durkheim → The Kamar by S.C. Dubey → The Mirror of Man by Clyde Kluckhohn

(2) Suicide by Emile Durkheim → We the Tikopia by Raymond Firth → The Mirror of Man by Clyde Kluckhohn → The Kamar by S.C. Dubey

(3) Suicide by Emile Durkheim → The Mirror of Man by Clyde Kluckhohn → The Kamar by S.C. Dubey → We the Tikopia by Raymond Firth

(4) The Mirror of Man by Clyde Kluckhohn → We the Tikopia by Raymond Firth → The Kamar by S.C. Dubey → Suicide by Emile Durkheim

Answer: (2)

38. Arrange Anthony Wallace’s concept of organization of religious beliefs and practices in descending order :

(1) Individualistic cult → Shamanistic cult → Communal cult → Ecclesiastical cult

(2) Ecclesiastical cult → Communal cult → Individualistic cult → Shamanistic cult

(3) Shamanistic cult → Communal cult → Ecclesiastical cult → Individualistic cult

(4) Ecclesiastical cult → Communal cult → Shamanistic cult → Individualistic cult

Answer: (4)

39. Arrange the following sites in proper early to later sequence of culture types they are famous for, use code :

a. Pallavaram    b. Adamgarh

c. Amri               d. Tekkalkota

Codes :

(1) a, b, d, c

(2) a, d, c, b

(3) c, d, a, b

(4) b, c, a, d

Answer: (1)

40. Arrange the following cultures in their proper chronological order earlier to later sequence. Use code :

a. Aurignacian          b. Gravettian

c. Chattelperonian   d. Solutrean

Codes :

(1) b, d, c, a

(2) d, c, a, b

(3) a, b, c, d

(4) c, a, b, d

Answer: (4)

41. Match items in List – I with items in List – II. Use the codes given below :


Answer: (1)

42. Match items in List – I with items in List – II. Use the codes given below :

Answer: (4)

43. Match items in List – I with items in List – II. Use the codes given below :

Answer: (1)

44. Match items in List – I with items in List – II. Use the codes given below :

Answer: (1)

45. Match items in List – I with items in List – II. Use the codes given below :

Answer: (1)

46. Match items in List – I with items in List – II. Use the codes given below :

Answer: (4)

47. Match items in List – I with items in List – II. Use the codes given below :

Answer: (2)

48. Match items in List – I with items in List – II. Use the codes given below :

Answer: (4)

49. Match items in List – I with items in List – II. Use the codes given below :

Answer: (4)

50. Match items in List – I with items in List – II. Use the codes given below :

Answer: (4)



UGC NET Exam January 2017 History Paper-2 Question Paper With Answer Key

Paper – II


Note : This paper contains fifty (50) objective type questions of two (2) marks each. All questions are compulsory.


1. Which of the following are true of the Mesolithic period ?

Select your answer from the code given below :

(i) Microliths are found in general.

(ii) Bagor, Langhnaj and Bhim-betka are some important sites.

(iii) Bones of wild and domesticated animals are found.

(iv) Rock-paintings are available during this period.

Code :

(1) i, ii, iii and iv

(2) i, ii and iii

(3) ii, iii and iv

(4) i, ii and iv

Answer: (1)

2. Which of the following Neolithic archaeological sites is not known for ash-mounds?

(1) Utnur

(2) Pallavoy

(3) Kupgal

(4) Burzahom

Answer: (4)

3. Which of the following sites has yielded a short inscription written in Harappan script with huge alphabets ?

(1) Banawali

(2) Dholavira

(3) Kalibangan

(4) Mohenjodaro

Answer: (2)

4. Which of the following pairs is wrongly matched ?

Answer: (1)

5. Match List – I with List – II and select the correct answer from the code given below :

Answer: (2)

6. With which of the following departments was Kantaka-Sodhana connected ?

(1) Taxation

(2) Industry

(3) Tolls

(4) Judiciary

Answer: (4)

7. Which one of the following is wrongly matched ?

   Tax-term        Connotation

(1) Vishti      –    Forced labour

(2) Bhaga    –    Local tax

(3) Kara      –    Tax

(4) Pranaya –    Emergency tax

Answer: (2)

8. Which of the following is not a part of the Buddhist architecture ?

(1) Anda

(2) Medhi

(3) Chhatra

(4) Antarala

Answer: (4)

9. Which of the following statements is true of the Kushan period ?

(1) Issue of silver coins on a large scale.

(2) Flourishing of the Gandhara art.

(3) Patronage of Amarasimha.

(4) Extension of the empire up to Bengal.

Answer: (2)

10. Which of the following statements are known from the Hathigumpha inscription of Kharavela ?

Select your answer from the code given below :

(i) He was a ruler of Kalinga.

(ii) He describes himself as a Mahameghavahana.

(iii) He convened a Council of Jain scholars.

(iv) He enlarged the canal originally excavated by a Nanda King,up to the city.

Code :

(1) i, ii, iii and iv

(2) i, ii and iii

(3) ii, iii and iv

(4) i, ii and iv

Answer: (4)

11. Which of the following statements are made in the Periplus of the Erythraean sea ?

Select your answer from the code given below :

(i) Colchi, Camara and Poduca were South Indian ports.

(ii) Ivory was produced in Dosarene.

(iii) Large ships called Colandia sailed to the Ganges and Chryse.

(iv) Masalia lay to the south of Muziris.

Code :

(1) i, ii and iii

(2) iii and iv

(3) ii, iii and iv

(4) i, ii and iv

Answer: (1)

12. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the code given below :

Answer: (3)

13. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other as Reason (R) :

Assertion (A) : Fa-hien visited India during the time of Chandragupta II.

Reason (R) : He described Chandragupta II as ruling from his capital at Pataliputra.

In the context of the other two statements which of the following is correct ?

Codes :

(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(2) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(3) (A) is true, but (R) is the false.

(4) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

Answer: (3)

14. Arrange the following Astronomers in a correct chronological order :

(i) Aryabhata (ii) Brahmagupta

(iii) Lagadha (iv) Varahamihira

Select the correct answer from the code given below :

Code :

(1) I, III, II, IV

(2) II, IV, III, I

(3) III, I, IV, II

(4) IV, II,III, I

Answer: (3)

15. Match List-I with List-II and select the answer from the code given below :

Answer: (2)

16. Who, among the following, were not a South Indian mercantile/maritime organisation ?

(1) Anjuvannam

(2) Manigramam

(3) Ainnurruvar

(4) Mahajanas

Answer: (4)

17. Which of the following statements are true in respect of the Kingdom of Srivijaya ?

Select the answer from the code given below :

(i) Devapala of the Pala family granted villages for the maintenance of a Buddhist monastery built by Balaputradeva.

(ii) Chola Rajaraja I had cordial relations with the Kingdom of Srivijaya.

(iii) Rajendra I’s relations with Srivijaya were initially friendly, but later inimical.

(iv) Mara Vijayottugavarman built a Buddhist monastery at Nagapatinam.

Code :

(1) i, ii, iii and iv

(2) i, ii and iii

(3) ii, iii and iv

(4) i, iii and iv

Answer: (1)

18. Match Persian/Arabic texts given in List-I with its composers given in List-II and select the correct answer from the code given below :

Answer: (3)

19. “During the entire period of khani and kingship of well over 40 years he never talked to bazaar people, the base, mean, musicians and buffoons.”

In the above statement Ziauddin Barani is referring to which of the following Sultan ?

(1) Nasiruddin Mahmud

(2) Balban

(3) Alauddin Khalji

(4) Muhammad bin Tughluq

Answer: (2)

20. Which of the following city was named Khizrabad by Alauddin Khalji after his son Khizr Khan ?

(1) Lakhnauti

(2) Ranthambhor

(3) Chittor

(4) Mandu

Answer: (3)

21. The fourteenth century saint-poetess Lalla Ded’s verses are known as :

(1) Var

(2) Vaakh

(3) Lalkavya

(4) Spanda

Answer: (2)

22. Ziauddin Barani records that inspite of ban on wine “addicts libertines and debauched people built Bhattis in their houses and distilled wine… and themselves consumed it and secretly sold it at higher costs.”

In the above statement Ziauddin Barani is referring to which of the following Sultan who prohibited consumption and sale of wine in his dominion ?

(1) Balban

(2) Alauddin Khalji

(3) Muhammad Bin Tughluq

(4) Firoz Shah Tughluq

Answer: (2)

23. Arrange the following Chak rulers of Kashmir in chronological order :

(i) Sultan Muhammad Shah I

(ii) Sultan Hasan Shah

(iii) Sultan Fateh Shah

(iv) Sultan Haidar Shah

Select your answer from the code given below :

Code :

(1) (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

(2) (ii), (i), (iv), (iii)

(3) (iv), (ii), (i), (iii)

(4) (iii), (iv), (ii), (i)

Answer: (All)

24. ‘It is their custom that the person to whom this (platter containing ‘betel’) is brought out takes the platter in his hand, places it upon his shoulder and then does homage with his other hand touching the ground.’

Who among the following wrote this while mentioning the feasts arranged by Sultan Muhammad Tughluq for his nobles and for foreign visitors ?

(1) Abdur Razzaq

(2) Ibn Battuta

(3) Mirza Nathan

(4) Shams Siraj Afif

Answer: (2)

25. Who gave the following arguments for understanding his work Ma’danu’sh Shifa-i Sikandarshahi ?

‘First, that the Greek medicine did not suit the climate of India, and secondly, that the medicinal plants mentioned in that system were either unidentifiable or unobtainable in India.’

(1) Ali Muhammad Khan

(2) Milhana

(3) Mir Masum

(4) Miyan Bhuwah

Answer: (4)

26. Which one of the following works was commissioned by Aurangzeb to compile authoritative passages from the standard works of Hanafi fiqh for the guidance of the qazis ?

(1) Siyasat Nama

(2) Nasihat-ul Muluk

(3) Ahkam i Alamgiri

(4) Fatawa al-Alamgiri

Answer: (4)

27. Whom did Abul Fazl style ‘Sada Lahu’ (‘simple one’) because he mourned the loss of the idol he used to worship, and call him ‘a blind follower of custom’ ?

(1) Todar Mal

(2) Man Singh

(3) Tansen

(4) Birbal

Answer: (1)

28. Match List- I with List-II and select your answer from the code given below :

Answer: (All)

29. Point out which of the following is/are not a form of Hundi ?

(i) Zabti Hundi

(ii) Darshani Hundi

(iii) Miyadi Hundi

(iv) Faslana Hundi

Choose your answer from the code given below :

Code :

(1) (i) and (ii) only

(2) (i) and (iv) only

(3) (ii) and (iii) only

(4) (iii) and (iv) only

Answer: (2)

30. Arrange the following historical monuments in chronological order :

(i) Humayun’s Tomb – Delhi

(ii) Atala Mosque – Jaunpur

(iii) Rabia Daurani’s Tomb – Aurangabad

(iv) Sher Shah’s Tomb – Sasaram

Select your answer from the following code :

Code :

(1) (i), (iii), (ii), (iv)

(2) (ii), (iv), (i), (iii)

(3) (ii), (iii), (iv), (i)

(4) (ii), (i), (iii), (iv)

Answer: (2)

31. Which of the following Mughal royal woman assigned land from her jagir for grazing cows ?

(1) Hamida Bano Begum

(2) Maham Anga

(3) Nur Jahan

(4) Mumtaz Mahal

Answer: (1)

32. Which of the following is not correct ?

(1) In sarkar, a territorial division of a suba, a number of officials were appointed.

(2) The highest officer of a sarkar was called faujdar.

(3) One of the officers was called pradhan of the sarkar.

(4) The duty of the faujdar was to maintain law and order in his sarkar.

Answer: (3)

33. During his conversation with Aurangzeb Mirza Mukarram Safavi asked him to express his views on music. Which of the following statement/s of Aurangzeb is/are true on music ?

(i) Music was ‘mubah’, neither good nor bad.

(ii) I dislike instrumental and vocal music.

(iii) I cannot listen to music without flutes especially Pakhawaj.

(iv) Flutes are unanimously prohibited (harām) so I left music.

Select the correct answer from the code given below :

Code :

(1) (i) and (ii)

(2) (ii) and (iii)

(3) (ii) and (iv)

(4) (i), (iii) and (iv)

Answer: (4)

34. Chronologically arrange the following celebrated buildings built by Shahjahan :

(i) Diwan-i Ām in Agra Fort (ii) Moti Masjid in Agra Fort

(iii) Taj Mahal, Agra (iv) Jama Masjid, Shahjahanabad

Select the correct answer from the code given below :

Codes :

(1) (i), (iii), (ii), (iv)

(2) (ii), (iii), (i), (iv)

(3) (iii), (ii), (iv), (i)

(4) (iii), (iv), (ii), (i)

Answer: (1)

35. Which system was declared illegal in India by the India Act V of 1843 ?

(1) Sati

(2) Infanticide

(3) Slavery

(4) Dowry

Answer: (3)

36. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R) :

Assertion (A) : Chiefs’ colleges in India was founded to provide education for the princely and aristocratic families of India.

Reason (R) : Natives were desirous to be taught in English and not to be taught in native languages.

In the context of the above statements, which of the following is correct ?

Code :

(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(2) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(3) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

(4) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

Answer: (3)

37. Who among the following did not endorse the view that the protected princes in India were mere ‘feudatories’ of the British Crown ?

(1) Sir Lewis Tupper

(2) Wheaton

(3) Duke of Argyll

(4) Sir William Lee Warner

Answer: (4)

38. Arrange chronologically the following Famine Commissions :

(a) Macdonnell   (b) Strachey

(c) Lyall               (d) Campbell

Select the correct answer from the code given below :

Code :

(1) (c), (a), (d), (b)

(2) (b), (c), (a), (d)

(3) (d), (b), (c), (a)

(4) (a), (c), (d), (b)

Answer: (3)

39. When was the first Factory Act was passed by the British Colonial Government ?

(1) 1867

(2) 1876

(3) 1881

(4) 1884

Answer: (3)

40. Which one of the following was not the declared objective for the founding of the All India Muslim League ?

(1) Propagate the Ideology of pan-Islamism among the Indian Muslims.

(2) Plead with the British Government about the political rights and interests of the Indian Muslims.

(3) Promote among the Indian Muslims feelings of loyalty to the British Government.

(4) To prevent the rise among the Indian Muslims of any feelings of hostility towards other communities.

Answer: (1)

41. Who among the following were the members of Khilafat Committee ?

(a) Shaukat Ali

(b) Hakim Ajmal Khan

(c) Hasrat Mohani

(d) Mustafa Nasaruddin

Select the correct answer from the code given below :

Code :

(1) (a), (b) and (d)

(2) (a), (c) and (d)

(3) (a), (b) and (c)

(4) (b), (c) and (d)

Answer: (3)

42. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer with the help of the code given below :

Answer: (2)

43. Which among the following Act was described as a ‘new charter of bondage’ by Jawaharlal Nehru ?

(1) Indian Criminal Law Amendment Act, 1913

(2) Rowlatt Act, 1919

(3) Government of India Act, 1919

(4) Government of India Act, 1935

Answer: (4)

44. Who among the following condemned the Ottawa Trade Agreement of 1932 by saying that : ‘it has killed much larger interests of India’ ?

(1) G.D. Birla

(2) J.R.D. Tata

(3) Jawahar Lal Nehru

(4) J.B. Kripalani

Answer: (3)

45. Who among the following did not belong to the ‘Liberal Party’ ?

(1) Dinshaw Petit Ali Iman

(2) Purshottam Das Thakur

(3) S.M. Paranjpye

(4) V.S. Srinivasa Sastri

Answer: (3)

46. Which one of the following would not be a necessary condition for being a ‘Nation-State’ ?

(1) A State organized for the Government of a Nation or closely related Nations.

(2) A State whose territory is determined by National boundaries.

(3) A State whose law is determined by National customs and aspirations.

(4) A Nation is the expression of the State.

Answer: (4)

47. Which of the following Articles of the Indian Constitution guarantees complete equality of men and women ?

(1) 12 and 13

(2) 14 and 15

(3) 18 and 19

(4) 49 and 50

Answer: (2)

48. Who among the following was a great innovator in Politics. Being fully and consciously secular, he understood, more clearly the danger that communalism posed to the nation. He often told that communalism was as big an enemy as colonialism.

(1) Chandrashekhar Azad

(2) Bhagwati Charan Vohra

(3) Yashpal

(4) Bhagat Singh

Answer: (4)

49. Who among the following was not the member of the States Reorganization Commission ?

(1) Justice Syed Fazl Ali

(2) Dr. Hriday Nath Kunzru

(3) K.M. Panikkar

(4) Sasipada Banerji

Answer: (4)

50. Who coined the term ‘positivism’ and was the founder of positivist philosophy ?

(1) Niebuhr

(2) Ranke

(3) Auguste Comte

(4) Thomas Buckle

Answer: (3)

UGC NET Exam January 2017 Sociology Paper-2 Question Paper With Answer Key

Paper – II

Note : This paper contains fifty (50) objective type questions of two (2) marks each. All questions are compulsory.

1. Who has stated that the history of society is the history of the class struggle ?

(1) Emile Durkheim

(2) George Herbert Mead

(3) Erving Goffmann

(4) Karl Marx

Answer: (4)

2. Who has propounded the concept of ‘collective representation’ in sociology ?

(1) Emile Durkheim

(2) Max Weber

(3) Auguste Comte

(4) Karl Marx

Answer: (1)

3. A Society which pessimistically depicts the social transformation brought about by modernization is a :

(1) Global society

(2) Local society

(3) Mass society

(4) Civil society

Answer: (3)

4. In any social arrangement in which the behaviour of majority is governed by norms and roles is known as :

(1) Association

(2) Community

(3) Institution

(4) Culture

Answer: (3)

5. Lack of appropriate cultural resources like language and knowledge is known as :

(1) Cultural materialism

(2) Cultural deprivation

(3) Cultural trait

(4) Cultural pluralism

Answer: (2)

6. Who has said that “man’s uniqueness lies in his possession of culture” ?

(1) R.M. MacIver

(2) E. Durkheim

(3) R. Benedict

(4) K. Davis

Answer: (4)

7. Which one of the following is not an ascribed status ?
(1) Sex

(2) Age

(3) Occupation

(4) Kinship

Answer: (3)

8. Which one of the following refers to an individual whose behaviour in a particular role provides a pattern upon which another individual bases his behaviour in performing the same role ?

(1) Ideal role

(2) Role model

(3) Perceived role

(4) Internalized role

Answer: (2)

9. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below the lists.

Answer: (3)

10. Who has observed that ‘each person in society inevitably occupies multiple statuses and that, for each of these statuses, there is an associated role’ ?

(1) R.K. Merton

(2) R. Linton

(3) T. Newcomb

(4) W.F. Ogburn

Answer: (2)

11. The distinction between in-group and out-group was given by :

(1) G. Simmel

(2) P. Sorokin

(3) W.G. Sumner

(4) H. Spencer

Answer: (3)

12. Who has classified groups into ‘dyad’ and ‘triad’ ?

(1) Sorokin

(2) Sumner

(3) Simmel

(4) Giddings

Answer: (3)

13. Who has said that marriage is rooted in the family rather than the family is rooted in marriage ?

(1) Kingsley Davis

(2) G.P. Murdock

(3) E. Westermarck

(4) C. Levi-Strauss

Answer: (3)

14. ‘Taravad’ is a kind of :

(1) a kinship usage

(2) a rule of residence

(3) an extended family

(4) a community

Answer: (3)

15. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below the lists :

Answer: (3)

17. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below the lists :

Answer: (3)

17. Which one is the correct statement about socialization ?

(1) An election process

(2) A time taking process

(3) A policy making process

(4) A role seeking process

Answer: (4)

18. Which one is the important concept in the theory of Socialization held by Emile Durkheim ?

(1) Role performing

(2) Imagining the other

(3) Collective consciousness

(4) Division of labour

Answer: (3)

19. Pierre Bourdieu’s theoretical perspective makes use of the concept of capital. Which of the following is not a part of this concept ?

(1) Economic Capital

(2) Political Capital

(3) Social Capital

(4) Cultural Capital

Answer: (2)

20. Which term is used to describe various aspects of an individual’s identity such as class, ethnicity, gender, disability and location ?

(1) Intersectionality

(2) Ascription

(3) Meritocracy

(4) Mobility

Answer: (1)

21. Who among the following has conceptualized caste stratification into four types namely cultural universalistic, cultural particularistic, structural universalistic and structural particularistic ?

(1) Andre Beteille

(2) E.R. Leach

(3) Yogendra Singh

(4) A.C. Mayer

Answer: (3)

22. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below the lists :

Answer: (1)

23. Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion (A) and other as Reason (R) :

Assertion (A) : Social change is inevitable.

Reason (R) : There are various kinds of external and internal forces operating with each other within the system.

Select the correct answer from the codes given below :

Codes :

(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(2) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(3) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

(4) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

Answer: (1)

24. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below the lists :

Answer: (1)

25. According to whom anthropology is a natural science and studies human society, often using the methods of the natural sciences ?

(1) B. Malinowski

(2) A.R. Radcliffe-Brown

(3) C. Levi-Strauss

(4) John Dewey

Answer: (2)

26. Who talks about ‘roles’ in virtue of social relationships ?

(1) A.R. Radcliffe-Brown

(2) R.K. Merton

(3) S.F. Nadel

(4) C. Levi-Strauss

Answer: (3)

27. According to whom, culture is held to embody principles which mirror essential features of the human mind – ‘binary classificatory systems’ ?

(1) S.F. Nadel

(2) A.R. Radcliffe-Brown

(3) R.K. Merton

(4) C. Levi-Strauss

Answer: (4)

28. Match List-I with List-II.

Answer: (2)

29. Malinowski is best known for emphasizing the importance of which one of the following ?

(1) Oral History

(2) Content Analysis

(3) Ethnography

(4) Narratives

Answer: (3)

30. Which term is used by Parsons to explain the fundamental ‘dilemmas’ facing all actors and involved in all social situations ?

(1) Social Actions

(2) Value Orientations

(3) Pattern Variables

(4) Functional Pre-requisites

Answer: (3)

31. Central to Durkheim’s functionalism was a distinction between which forms of social organization ?

(1) Normal and Pathological

(2) Normal and Healthy

(3) Average and Abnormal

(4) Forced and Anomic

Answer: (1)

32. According to Merton which one of the following sequences is correct ?

(1) Innovation, Retreatism, Ritualism, Rebellion.

(2) Ritualism, Rebellion, Innovation, Retreatism.

(3) Rebellion, Retreatism, Ritualism Innovation.

(4) Innovation, Ritualism, Retreatism, Rebellion.

Answer: (4)

33. “The problems which scientists selected for study, and their conceptualization, were determined by the values of the scientists.” According to Max Weber, this statement refers to

(1) Value Judgement

(2) Value Neutrality

(3) Normative Value

(4) Value Relevance

Answer: (4)

34. Match List-I with List-II.

Answer: (1)

35. According to Marx ‘when people become aware of their conflicting relations with other classes’ then it results into :

(1) Class in itself

(2) Division of labour

(3) Class for itself

(4) Development of leadership

Answer: (3)

36. Who has stated that ‘the conflict is dysfunctional, if the structures are rigid’ ?

(1) K. Marx

(2) L.A. Coser

(3) E. Durkheim

(4) J.C. Alexander

Answer: (2)

37. According to Dahrendorf, “the aggregates of incumbents of positions with identical role interests” is known as :

(1) The interest group

(2) The conflict group

(3) The quasi group

(4) The Primary group

Answer: (3)

38. Who has written the book ‘Rules of Sociological Method’ ?

(1) Max Weber

(2) Auguste Comte

(3) Emile Durkheim

(4) Karl Marx

Answer: (3)

39. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below the lists :

Answer: (4)

40. Who has presented the view, ‘a historical approach that also makes possible generalizations about processes of social change’ ?

(1) C.H. Carr

(2) Max Weber

(3) Arnold J. Toynbee

(4) Karl Marx

Answer: (2)

41. A survey design meant for collection of data needed from the same selected population at different points of time is known as :

(1) Cohort Survey

(2) Cross-sectional Survey

(3) Longitudinal Survey

(4) Pilot Survey

Answer: (3)

42. A hypothesis that suggests no relationship among the variables selected under study is called :

(1) Conflict hypothesis

(2) Comfort hypothesis

(3) Null hypothesis

(4) Contrary hypothesis

Answer: (3)

43. Who said these words : “I started research as a non-participating observer. As I became accepted into the community, I found myself becoming almost a non-observing participant” ?

(1) B. Malinowski

(2) E. Durkheim

(3) William.F. Whyte

(4) N. Anderson

Answer: (3)

44. Given below are two statements, one is Assertion (A) and other is the Reason (R) : 

Assertion (A) : Qualitative methods are often criticized for failing to meet the same standards of reliability.

Reason (R) : The procedures used to collect data in Qualitative studies are precise and accurate.

Select the correct answer from the codes given below :

Codes :

(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(2) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(3) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

(4) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

Answer: (3)

45. The study of recorded human communications such as books, websites, paintings, Laws is known as

(1) Content analysis

(2) Semiotics

(3) Book-view

(4) Ethnography

Answer: (1)

46. In which qualitative approach the primary goal is to gain access to individuals’ inner world experiences ?

(1) Case study

(2) Ethnography

(3) Phenomenology

(4) Grounded theory

Answer: (3)

47. In a normal distribution the Mean, Median and Mode are located at :

(1) All the three in the centre.

(2) Mean on the left of centre, Median in the Centre and Mode on the right of centre.

(3) Mean in the centre, Median on the left, Mode on the right.

(4) None of the three is located in the centre.

Answer: (1)

48. Which one of the following averages can be applied to the qualitative variables ?

(1) Mean

(2) Mode

(3) Median

(4) Geometric Mean

Answer: (2)

49. Correlation coefficient measures the relationship between which couple of variables ?

(1) A qualitative and a quantitative variable.

(2) Both the qualitative variable.

(3) Both the quantitative variables.

(4) More than two qualitative variables.

Answer: (3)

50. Reliability in social research includes :

A. Dependability of data collected.

B. A test or measurement used to collect data.

C. A test of consistency and association.

D. A measure which gives same results if repeated.

Mark the correct answer from the codes given below :

Codes :

(1) A, B and C

(2) B, C and D

(3) A, C and D

(4) A, B and D

Answer: (4)

UGC NET Exam January 2017 Psychology Paper-2 Question Paper With Answer Key

Paper – II


Note : This paper contains fifty (50) objective type questions of two (2) marks each. All questions are compulsory.


1. Which among the following are the products in Guilford’s structure of intellect model ?

(a) Systems (b) Transformation

(c) Reasoning (d) Interpretation

Codes :

(1) (a) and (b) only

(2) (a), (b) and (c) only

(3) (a), (b) and (d) only

(4) (a), (b), (c) and (d)

Answer: (1)

2. According to Jung, which of the following is the deepest and darkest part of collective unconscious and contains all of the animal instincts

(1) Anima

(2) Animus

(3) Shadow

(4) Persona

Answer: (3)

3. In classical conditioning progress of conditioning can be examined by indexing Conditioned Response (CR) in terms of 

(a) Quantity  (b) Latency 

(c) Rate         (d) Density

Codes :

(1) (a), (b) and (d) only

(2) (b), (c), and (d) only

(3) (a), (b), and (c) only

(4) (a), (c), and (d) only

Answer: (3)

4. Which of the following intelligence tests are applicable to an illiterate adult ?

(a) Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale

(b) Alexander Pass Along Test

(c) Coloured Progressive Matrices

(d) Koh’s Block Design Test

Codes :

(1) (a) only

(2) (b) and (d) only

(3) (a) and (c) only

(4) (b), (c) and (d) only

Answer: (2)

5. Match List – I with List – II and select the correct answer by choosing from the codes given below :

Answer: (2)

6. Length and Intensity of Lightwave play an important role in

(1) Perception of colour and brightness

(2) Perception of colour and illumination

(3) Perception of constancy and brightness

(4) Perception of brightness and illumination

Answer: (1)

7. Match List – I with List – II and select the correct answer by choosing from the codes given below :

Answer: (2)

8. Geeta studied for sociology exam and then studied for psychology exam. Certain concepts and theories are similar in psychology and sociology. While taking sociology exam, she finds that she keeps getting confused with psychology theorists. Geeta’s problem is most likely due to 

(1) Decay of memory trace

(2) Proactive interference

(3) Retroactive interference

(4) Encoding failure

Answer: (3)

9. Which of the following sequence is correct in case of the curve of forgetting ?

(1) Percent recall of words is greatest immediately after learning → Percent recall

decreases rapidly within the first hour → Percent recall further decreases rapidly after 30 days. 

(2) Percent recall of words is greatest immediately after learning → Percent recall decreases rapidly within the first hour → Forgetting levels off after the first hour.

(3) Percent recall of words is greatest after two days → Forgetting levels off within 10 – 15 days → Percent recall decreases further after 30 days.

(4) Percent recall of words is greatest after 2 days → Percent recall decreases rapidly20 days → Forgetting levels off after 30 days.

Answer: (2)

10. Consider the following three types of investigations :

(a) Expost facto field studies,

(b) Laboratory experiments, and

(c) Field experiments,

Arrange the above three types of investigations in ascending order in terms of researcher’s ability to control secondary variance.

(1) (c), (b), (a)

(2) (b), (c), (a)

(3) (b), (a), (c)

(4) (a), (c), (b)

Answer: (4)

11. Read each of the following two statements – Assertion (A) and Reason (R) and indicate your answer using codes given below : 

Assertion (A) : People often attain their visual experiences after many years of blindness.

Reason (R) : Most of the knowledge of the world had come to them through the sense of touch.

Codes :

(1) Both (A) and (R) are true, and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(2) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(3) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

(4) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

Answer: (1)

12. In Pavolian conditioning paradigm the strongest and most rapid conditioning occurs in

(1) Simultaneous conditioning

(2) Trace conditioning

(3) Short-delay conditioning

(4) Long-delay conditioning

Answer: (3)

13. Read each of the following two statements – Assertion (A) and Reason (R) ; and indicate your answer using codes given below : 

Assertion (A) : The information processing approach is rooted in structuralism.

Reason (R) : It attempts to identify the basic capacities and processes we use in cognition.

Codes :

(1) Both (A) and (R) are true, and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(2) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(3) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

(4) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

Answer: (1)

14. Utilitarianism provided the description of ______ of thought and behaviour.

(1) what

(2) when

(3) why

(4) how

Answer: (3)

15. Read each of the following two statements – Assertion (A) and Reason (R); and indicate your answer using codes given below : 

Assertion (A) : Naturalistic observation is a very popular research method in ethological research.

Reason (R) : Naturalistic observation is free from observer bias.

Codes :

(1) Both (A) and (R) are true, and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(2) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(3) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

(4) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

Answer: (3)

16. Meaningfulness of verbal material can be indexed in terms of

(1) Associative Reaction Time

(2) Associative Value

(3) Single Response Free Association

(4) Single Response Controlled Association

Answer: (2)

17. Facial Feedback Hypothesis supports

(1) Canon-Bard Theory of Emotion

(2) James-Lange Theory of Emotion

(3) Two-Factor Theory of Emotion

(4) Opponent Process Theory of Emotion

Answer: (2)

18. Read each of the following two statements – Assertion (A) and Reason (R); and indicate your answer using codes given below :

Assertion (A) : In some cases people attempt to reach the goal slowly and hesitantly.

Reason (R) : In approach – avoidance conflict, a single goal has positive valence as well as negative valence.

Codes :

(1) Both (A) and (R) are true, and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(2) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(3) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

(4) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

Answer: (1)

19. Which of the following is/are the limitation/s of the survey method ?

(a) Difficulties in obtaining representative samples.

(b) Unsuitable for subjects with low educational levels.

(c) Socially desirable responding.

(d) Can not be used in longitudinal research

Codes :

(1) (d) only

(2) (b) and (c) only

(3) (a) and (c) only

(4) (a), (b) and (c) only

Answer: (3)

20. Read each of the following two statements – Assertion (A) and Reason (R); and indicate your answer using codes given below :

Assertion (A) : In cross-sectional research to study development process of intelligence; age and cohorts are confounded. 

Reason (R) : According to Flynn effect, each successive generation of people is more intelligent than the preceding one.

Codes :

(1) Both (A) and (R) are true, and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(2) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(3) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

(4) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

Answer: (1)

21. Chronometric measurement of intelligence involves the use of which of the following : 

(1) Reaction time apparatus

(2) Flicker-Fusion apparatus

(3) ECG Bio-feedback apparatus

(4) EMG Bio-feedback apparatus

Answer: (1)

22. Read each of the following two statements – Assertion (A) and Reason (R); and indicate your answer using codes given below :

Assertion (A) : The individual is left with little or no energy for cathexise (APM) after satisfying a particular need.

Reason (R) : Cathexis is the investment of psychic energy in the thoughts of objects or processes that will satisfy a need.

Codes :

(1) Both (A) and (R) are true, and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(2) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(3) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

(4) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

Answer: (4)

23. Network of auditory pathways can be arranged in which of following sequence :

(1) Auditory Nerve → Cochlear Nuclei → Superior olives → Lateral Leminiscus → Inferior Colliculi → Medial Geniculate Nuclei → Primary Auditary Cortex.

(2) Cochlear Nuclei → Auditory Nerve → Lateral Leminiscus → Superior Olives → Inferior Colliculi → Medial Geniculate Nuclei → Primary Auditary Cortex.

(3) Auditory Nerve → Cochlear Nuclei → Lateral Leminiscus → Inferior Colliculi → Superior Colliculi → Medial Geniculate Nuclei → Auditory Cortex

(4) Cochlear Nuclei → Auditory Nerve → Inferior Colliculi → Superior Colliculi →Lateral Leminiscus → Medial Geniculate Nuclei → Auditary Cortex.

Answer: (1)

24. The tendency for parallel lines to appear to converge on each other is termed as 

(1) Motion parallax

(2) Ponzo illusion

(3) Linear perspective

(4) Aerial perspective

Answer: (3)

25. In a contingency table, one of the cell has an obtained frequency of 20 and an expected frequency of 30. What would be the contribution of this cell towards the total Chi-square value ?

(1) 3.33

(2) 5.00

(3) 10.00

(4) 20.00

Answer: (1)

26. Match List – I with List – II and select the correct answer by choosing from the codes given below :

Answer: (3)

27. Match List – I with List – II and select the correct answer by choosing from the codes given below :

Answer: (2)

28. Match List – I with List – II and select the correct answer by choosing from the codes given below :

Answer: (2)

29. Match List – I with List – II and select the correct answer by choosing from the codes given below :

Answer: (2)

30. 30. Read each of the following two statements – Assertion (A) and Reason (R); and indicate your answer using codes given below : 

Assertion (A) : Minor frustrations will add upto produce considerable frustration but not to aggression.

Reason (R) : Disruption of goal-directed behaviour usually leads to frustration.

Codes :

(1) Both (A) and (R) are true, and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(2) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(3) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

(4) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

Answer: (4)

31. Which of the following are not nuclei of Thalamus ? 

(a) Internal Lamina

(b) Anterior Nucleus

(c) Ventromedial Nucleus

(d) Paraventricular Nucleus

Codes :

(1) (a) and (b) only

(2) (b) and (c) only

(3) (c) and (d) only

(4) (a) and (c) only

Answer: (3)

32. Short-term memory holds information for 

(a) 50 seconds

(b) 30 seconds or less

(c) more than 60 seconds

(d) between 50 and 60 seconds

Codes :

(1) (c) only

(2) (a) only

(3) (b) only

(4) (a) and (d)

Answer: (3)

33. Match List – I with List – II and select the correct answer by choosing from the codes given below :

Answer: (3)

34. Read each of the following two statements – Assertion (A) and Reason (R); and indicate your answer using codes given below :  

Assertion (A) : Participants of a study were shown novel geometric shapes that served as targets. Then they were shown fragments of these shapes. Participants were quicker to recognize the fragments as part of the original target. 

Reason (R) : We do not use Gestalt principles in our everyday perception.

Codes :

(1) Both (A) and (R) are true, and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(2) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(3) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

(4) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

Answer: (3)

35. In problem solving if you follow rules that reduce the number of operations or allow you to take short cuts, you are using : 

(1) Algorithm

(2) Heuristic

(3) Strategy (4) Skill

Answer: (2)

36. Anticipation Method can be used in

(a) Free Recall

(b) Serial Learning

(c) Verbal Discrimination

(d) Paired Associates Learning

Codes :

(1) (a), (b) and (c) only

(2) (b), (c) and (d) only

(3) (a) and (b) only

(4) (b) and (d) only

Answer: (4)

37. Gestalt Psychologist Max Wertheimer attempted to train children to think in a logical and systematic way where he used several figures such as 

(a) Squares and rectangles

(b) Parallelogram

(c) Triangles

(d) Circles

Codes :

(1) (a) & (b) only

(2) (b) and (c) only

(3) (c) and (d) only

(4) (a), (b) and (c) only

Answer: (4)

38. Which of the following sequence describes the energy mobilization in body ?

(1) Fasting phase → Absorptive phase → Cephalic phase

(2) Cephalic phase → Absorptive phase → Fasting phase

(3) Absorptive phase → Fasting phase → Cephalic phase

(4) Fasting phase → Cephalic phase → Absorptive phase

Answer: (2)

39. According to Bandura, which of the following cognitive mechanisms are adopted by a person to act contrary to his or her moral principles without experiencing self-contempt :

(a) Moral justification

(b) Dehumanization

(c) Displacement of Responsibility

(d) Diffusion of Responsibility

Codes :

(1) (a), (b) and (c) only

(2) (a), (b) and (d) only

(3) (b), (c) and (d) only

(4) (a), (b), (c) and (d)

Answer: (4)

40. In Guilford’s struct of Intellect Model, obtained abilities have been named in which of the following sequence :

(1) Operations, contents, products

(2) Operations; products; contents

(3) Contents; operations; products

(4) Products; contents; operations

Answer: (1)

41. Read each of the following two statements – Assertion (A) and Reason (R); and indicate  your answer using codes given below :

Assertion (A) : Differences between intelligence levels of monozygotic twins are attributed to environmental influences. 

Reason (R) : Monozygotic twins have identical genetically determined reaction range.

Codes :

(1) Both (A) and (R) are true, and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(2) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(3) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

(4) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

Answer: (1)

42. Match List – I with List – II and select the correct answer by choosing from the codes given below :

Answer: (2)

43. Information in short-term memory enters long-term storage through 

(1) selective attention

(2) elaborate rehearsal

(3) learning

(4) information-processing

Answer: (2)

44. Read each of the following two statements – Assertion (A) and Reason (R); and indicate your answer using codes given below : 

Assertion (A) : A neural membrane is double-layered.

Reason (R) : Lipid molecules turn their tails toward each other.

Codes :

(1) Both (A) and (R) are true, and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(2) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(3) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

(4) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

Answer: (1)

45. The inputs from our sensory receptors are structured by

(1) Selective principles

(2) Gestalt principles

(3) Analytical principles

(4) Learning principles

Answer: (2)

Instructions for Questions 46 to 50 :
Read the following paragraph and answer the five questions which follow :
              A researcher working in the area of human intelligence wanted to develop a new verbal test of intelligence. For this purpose, he wrote 200 objective multiple-choice items. Each item had four alternatives, one of which was right and the three remaining ones were wrong. He administered this initial version to a sample of 400 subjects. Using P27 and P73 as the cut-off points, he obtained two groups – Low Scoring and High Scoring respectively. The item difficulty index and the item discrimination index were computed for each of the 200 items. To assess whether each item significantly discriminates between Low scoring and High scoring groups, appropriate statistical significance tests were also employed. This item analysis process retained 150 items. The final version of 150 items
was administered to a fresh sample of 750 subjects. The appropriate measures of internal consistency reliability were obtained. The test norms were developed using normalized T scores (mean = 100, SD = 20) and the Wechsler type deviation IQ scores. To assess the dimensionality of verbal intelligence, the researcher also carried out the factor analysis of item scores.

46. Which one of the following test of statistical significance can be employed in the above study to evaluate whether the item significantly discriminates between the Low scoring and High scoring groups ?

(1) Chi-square

(2) Point-biserial correlation

(3) t test

(4) Biserial correlation

Answer: (1)

47. Which of the following reliability coefficients can be computed in the above study to assess the internal consistency ?

(a) Odd-even reliability coefficient

(b) Kuder-Richardsen reliability coefficient

(c) Cronbach alpha coefficient

(d) Interscorer reliability coefficient

Codes :

(1) (a) only

(2) (a) and (c) only

(3) (a), (b) and (c) only

(4) (b), (c) and (d) only

Answer: (3)

48. For the above test, what is the expected percentile rank for the T score of 120 ? 

(1) 60

(2) 68

(3) 75

(4) 84

Answer: (4)

49. For the above test, a T score of 80 would correspond to the deviation IQ of 

(1) 68

(2) 80

(3) 85

(4) 115

Answer: (3)

50. In the above study, which type of correlations can be employed to carry out the factor analysis of the test items ?

(1) Biserial correlations

(2) Phi coefficients

(3) Point biserial correlations

(4) Rank order correlations

Answer: (2)

UGC NET Exam January 2017 Political Science Paper-2 Question Paper With Answer Key



Note : This paper contains fifty (50) objective type questions of two (2) marks each. All questions are compulsory.

1. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other as Reason (R). Select the correct answer from the codes given below :

Assertion (A) : Kautilya emphasizes the need for a strong ruler.

Reason (R) : He was having acute awareness of the dangers of anarchy as well as the absolute necessity to establish order in society.

Codes :

(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(2) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(3) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

(4) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

Answer: (1)

2. Which one of the following is not a source of Plato’s theory of Ideas ?

(1) Heracleitus-The notion of sphere of Becoming.

(2) Antisthenes-The notion of absolute asceticism and rigorous self-mortification.

(3) Socrates-The doctrine of concepts.

(4) Eleatics-The idea of a sphere of absolute being.

Answer: (2)

3. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below :

Answer: (2)

4. Given below are the two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and other labelled as Reason (R) :

Select the correct answer from the codes given below :

Assertion (A) : For Locke, Labour is the source and justification of property.

Reason (R) : Its function is to turn the earth into consumable goods.

Codes :

(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(2) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(3) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(4) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

Answer: (1)

5. Which one of the features of Rawls’ concept of ‘Veil of ignorance’ is not true ?

(1) No one knows his place in society, his class position or social status.

(2) No one knows his fortune in the distribution of natural assets and abilities.

(3) The parties know their special psychological propensities.

(4) The parties do not (even) know their conception of the good.

Answer: (3)

6. Who among the following described the welfare state as a kind of enslavement ?

(1) Karl Popper

(2) F.A. Hayek

(3) R. Nozick

(4) Milton Friedman

Answer: (3)

7. E.M.S. Namboodiripad’s book Mahatma and Ism is an analysis of Mahatma Gandhi from the point of view

(1) Syndicalism

(2) Socialism

(3) Liberalism

(4) Marxism

Answer: (4)

8. Which of the following statements is not true in case of M.N. Roy ? 

(1) He prepared a model constitution for free India.

(2) Sovereign power was to be vested in the people.

(3) People’s committees to be set up in villages, towns and cities.

(4) He did not concede the right of secession to its constituent units.

Answer: (4)

9. Which of the following statements is not true ?

(1) Traditional political theory is qualitative.

(2) Behavioural political theory is quantitative.

(3) Post-behavioural political theory is both qualitative and quantitative.

(4) Post-behavioural political theory is ethnocentric; focuses especially on westerndemocracies.

Answer: (4)

10. Who among the following emphasized on ‘procedural theory of democracy’ highlighting three criteria ?

(1) S.M. Lipset

(2) R.A. Dahl

(3) Joseph Schumpeter

(4) Sheldon Wolin

Answer: (2)

11. Which one of the following is not a formulation of Max Weber ?

(1) Rationality, functional differentiation and specialization resulting in order, harmony and efficiency.

(2) Dominant authority based on beliefs and symbols in relation to ideal types.

(3) Dominant authority is hierarchical and related to state and ruling class.

(4) Rationalization and ideal typology method.

Answer: (3)

12. Who said that federalism requires a people “Who desire union and must not desire unity” ?

(1) James Bryce

(2) A.V. Diecy

(3) K.C. Wheare

(4) H. Finer

Answer: (2)

13. The assertion that there is no direct connection between the shape of a political culture and the stability of governance is made by

(1) Lijphart

(2) Wolin

(3) Kavanagh

(4) Blondel

Answer: (1)

14. The ability of the U.S. President to get their way depends on four crucial relationships

(a) Congress, (b) The federal bureaucracy, (c) The Supreme Court and (d) The mass media.

Which of the above is undoubtedly the most critical ?

(1) The Congress

(2) The Federal bureaucracy

(3) The Supreme Court

(4) The mass media

Answer: (1)

15. C. Wright Mills’ The Power Elite (1956) offered a general analysis of elites in

(1) Entire capitalistic world.

(2) Developed capitalistic world of North America and Western Europe.

(3) Developed capitalistic nations of North America, Western Europe and Japan.

(4) Developed capitalism of the U.S.A.

Answer: (4)

16. Power is like money is formulated by

(1) C. Wright Mills

(2) Paul Sweezy

(3) Talcott Parsons

(4) Ralph Miliband

Answer: (3)

17. Catch all party describes the post second world war party system in

(1) Western Europe

(2) Eastern Europe

(3) The U.S. Party system

(4) All of the above

Answer: (1)

18. Who believed that the success of a revolution occurs when it is limited to the political and not extending to the social ?

(1) Crane Brinton

(2) V.I. Lenin

(3) Hannah Arendt

(4) Mahatma Gandhi

Answer: (3)

19. The Capitalist world economy is made up of “Commodity Chains” of producers and consumers, sellers and buyers linking countries in the core of the world economy”, is the basis of

(1) Globalization and modernization theory.

(2) Lenin’s theory of imperialism

(3) Friedman’s World is flat theory

(4) World system theory

Answer: (4)

20. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R) :

Select the correct answer from the codes given below :

Assertion (A) : Consociational democracy is an incomplete theory of democracy.

Reason (R) : As it blocks the way of a genuine alternative

In the context of the two statements, which one of the following is correct ?

(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(2) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(3) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

(4) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

Answer: (2)

21. Who said, “The Constituent Assembly was a one party body in an essentially one party country. The Assembly was the congress and the congress was India” ?

(1) Morris Jones

(2) Paul R. Brass

(3) Granville Austin

(4) Richard Sisson

Answer: (3)

22. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below :

Answer: (2)

23. Which of the following have been identified as the ground for judicial review in the exercise of power of pardon by the President of India or Governor of a state ? 

a. that the order has been passed without application of mind.

b. that the order is malafide.

c. that the order is based on extraneous or wholly irrelevant considerations.

d. that the order suffers from arbitrariness.

Select the correct answer from the codes given below :

Codes :

(1) a, c and d

(2) b, c and d

(3) a, b and d

(4) a, b, c and d

Answer: (4)

24. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below :

Answer: (2)

25. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R) : 

Select the correct answer from the codes given below :

Assertion (A) : Fundamental Duties are non-justiciable.

Reason (R) : They are supposed to inculcate a sense of patriotic and sensible citizenship

Codes :

(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(2) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(3) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

(4) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

Answer: (2)

26. Which of the following are the privileges of the Legislature in India ?

a. Right to publish debates and proceedings and the right to restrain others from publishing.

b. The privilege of excluding strangers from the house.

c. The right to regulate its internal matters.

d. The right to punish members and outsiders for breach of privilege.

Select the correct answer from the codes given below :

Codes :

(1) a, c and d

(2) b, c and d

(3) a, b and d

(4) a, b, c and d

Answer: (4)

27. Arrange the following peasant movements in India in chronological order and select the correct answer from the codes given below :

i. Singur        ii. Bardoli

iii. Tebhaga  iv. Champaran

Codes :

(1) iv, iii, i, ii

(2) iv, ii, iii, i

(3) ii, iii, iv, i

(4) i, ii, iii, iv

Answer: (2)

28. Identify the correct chronological order of the developments of events related to federalism in India.

(1) Anandpur Sahib Resolution, Rajamannar committee, Punchhi Commission, West Bengal Memorandum.

(2) West Bengal Memorandum, Rajamannar Committee, Anandpur Sahib Resolution, Punchhi Commission

(3) Rajamannar Committee, West Bengal Memorandum, Anandpur Sahib Resolution, Punchhi Commission

(4) Rajamannar Committee, Anandpur Sahib Resolution, West Bengal Memorandum, Punchhi Commission

bg_collapse view=”button-orange” color=”#4a4949″ icon=”arrow” expand_text=”Show Answer” collapse_text=”Hide Answer” ]

Answer: (4)


29. Who described Indian capitalism as “Dharmashala Capitalism” ?

(1) V.K.R.V. Rao

(2) J. Bhagwati

(3) Amartya Sen

(4) Raj Krishna

Answer: (4)

30. Which of the following is not associated with electoral reforms in India ?

(1) Tarkunde Committee

(2) Dinesh Goswami Committee

(3) N.N. Vohra Committee

(4) Indrajit Gupta Committee

Answer: (3)

31. Arrange the following approaches to the study of Public Administration in a sequential order :

a. Behavioural approach b. Systems approach

c. Institutional approach d. Public Policy approach

Select the correct answer from the codes given below :

Codes :

(1) a, b, c, d

(2) c, b, a, d

(3) a, c, d, b

(4) c, a, b, d

Answer: (4)

32. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R) :

Select the correct answer from the codes given below :

Assertion (A) : Civil servants in India do not have any political rights.

Reason (R) : Neutrality is the hallmark of the civil services in India.

Codes :

(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(2) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(3) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

(4) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

Answer: (4)

33. Which of the following have been identified by the Second Administrative Reforms Commission as barriers to citizen-centric administration in India ?

a. Inflexible self-perpetuating and inward looking attitude of civil servants.
b. Lack of accountability of civil servants.
c. Absence of well educated political leadership.
d. Low levels of awareness of the rights and duties of citizens.

Select the correct answer from the codes given below :

Codes :

(1) a, b and c

(2) a, b and d

(3) a, c and d

(4) a, b, c and d

Answer: (2)

34. Which of the following is the nodal agency for budget implementation in India ?

(1) Parliament

(2) Public Accounts Committee

(3) Ministry of Finance

(4) Comptroller and Auditor General of India

Answer: (3)

35. In India, the term deficit financing was first defined by

(1) First Five Year Plan

(2) Finance Commission

(3) Administrative Reforms Commission

(4) A.D. Gorwala Report

Answer: (1)

36. Which of the following types of bureaucracy regards itself as the custodian of public interest but is independent of and unresponsive to public opinion ?

(1) Merit bureaucracy

(2) Caste bureaucracy

(3) Patronage bureaucracy

(4) Guardian bureaucracy

Answer: (4)

37. Which of the following are the common features between the 73rd Constitutional Amendment Act and the 74th Constitutional Amendment Act ?

a. Periodical elections.
b. Empowerment of socially and economically weak groups.
c. Constitution of State Election Commission.
d. Constitution of Ward Committees.

Select the correct answer from the codes given below :

Codes :

(1) a and c

(2) a, b and c

(3) a, c and d

(4) a, b, c and d

Answer: (2)

38. Which of the following are statutory bodies ?

a. University Grants Commission
b. Official Language Commission
c. Railway Board
d. Atomic Energy Commission

Select the correct answer from the codes given below :

Codes :

(1) a and b

(2) a, c and d

(3) a, b and d

(4) b and d

Answer: (2)

39. Which one of the following ministries is an example of ministry formed on the basis of clientele principle ?

(1) Ministry of Defence

(2) Ministry of Human Resource Development

(3) Ministry of Agriculture

(4) Ministry of Law

Answer: (3)

40. Who among the following are of the view that the managerial techniques and skills of Planning, Organizing, Coordinating and Budgeting are same in both Public and Private Administration ?

a. Henry Fayol       b. M.P. Follet
c. Luther Gulick    d. L. Urwick

Select the correct answer from the codes given below :

Codes :

(1) a and c

(2) b and d

(3) a, b and c

(4) a, b, c and d

Answer: (4)

41. Who of the following belongs to British School of Realism ?

(1) Reinhold Niebuhr

(2) N.J. Spykman

(3) Quincy Wright

(4) Hedley Bull

Answer: (4)

42. The notion of ‘Balance of Terror’ is related to

(1) Global Terrorism

(2) Counter Terrorist strategies

(3) Terrorist activities of drug traffickers

(4) Over-kill capacity emanating from nuclear weapons.

Answer: (4)

43. Which one of the following is not a major assumption of balance of power ?

(1) States are determined to protect vital national interests.

(2) Vital national interests may be threatened.

(3) Relative power positions of the states can be measured.

(4) States apply moral parameters for assessing others’ behaviour.

Answer: (4)

44. Which country/countries refused to accept legally binding emission cuts following Kyoto Protocol ?

(1) India

(2) China

(3) India and China both

(4) Sweden

Answer: (3)

45. Which leader of the USSR introduced the policy of ‘peaceful-coexistence’ ?

(1) Mikhail Gorbachev

(2) N. Khrushchev

(3) L. Brezhnev

(4) Joseph Stalin

Answer: (2)

46. At the end of cold war Francis Fukuyama constructed the thesis of ‘end of history’ which meant :

(1) The world would no longer be unfolding events.

(2) The tension and conflict would cease to exist at global level.

(3) Ideological struggles had come to an end.

(4) Ideological struggles would be waged with new vigour.

Answer: (3)

47. NATO’s partnership for peace programme was aimed at

(1) Incorporating ex-Eastern bloc states into the organisation.

(2) Tackling problem of Serbs in Bosnia.

(3) Implementing military action against Yugoslavia.

(4) Taking action against Al Asad Regime in Syria.

Answer: (1)

48. Which of the events mentioned below is taken as signaling the end of Cold War ?

(1) Soviet Union’s collapse in 1991

(2) Breaching of Berlin Wall in 1989

(3) Declaration of independence by Republic of Kazakhstan in 1991

(4) Large scale revolt for freedom in Baltic States in 1989

Answer: (2)

49. The renaming of European Community (EC) to European Union resulted from the signing of

(1) Maastricht Treaty

(2) Treaty of Rome

(3) The Lisbon Treaty

(4) Treaty of Nice

Answer: (1)

50. Which of the following is not a specialized agency of the United Nations ?

(1) WHO

(2) IMF

(3) FAO

(4) OPEC

Answer: (4)


UGC NET Exam January 2017 Economics Paper-2 Question Paper With Answer Key

Paper – II

Note : This paper contains fifty (50) objective type questions of two (2) marks each. All questions are compulsory.

1. Marginal rate of transformation between two goods X and Y is defined as


(2) MRTX, Y = MRSX, Y


(4) None of the above

Answer: (1)

2. Consider the following statements regarding the expansion path of a firm :

I. It shows least cost combination for producing different level of outputs.
II. The input prices remain constant.

Of the above which statement is/are true ?

Answer from the codes given below :

Codes :

(1) Both I and II are true.

(2) Only I is true.

(3) Only II is true.

(4) Neither I nor II is true.

Answer: (1)

3. The First Fundamental Theorem of Welfare Economics requires

(1) producers and consumers to be price takers

(2) that the economy operate at some point on the utility possibility curve

(3) that there be an efficient market for every commodity

(4) All of the above

Answer: (4)

4. Which among the following allocation/distribution corresponds to Rawlsian concept of equity ? 

(1) All members of the society receive equal amount of goods.

(2) Maximise the utility of the least well off people.

(3) Market outcomes are most equitable.

(4) Maximise the total utility of all members of the society.

Answer: (2)

5. Under discriminating monopoly, if the elasticity of demand in market I is 2 and in market II, it is 1, (elasticities being in absolute terms) then the price behaviour of the monopolist will be :

(1) To charge a higher price in market I

(2) To charge a higher price in market II

(3) To charge the same price in both the markets

(4) In market I, charge double the price of that is charged in market II

Answer: (2)

6. Given the demand function :

where symbols have their usual meaning, at which price, the elasticity of demand would be unity ?

(1) 20

(2) 10

(3) 5

(4) All of the above

Answer: (4)

7. The idea of indicative planning was first adopted in which Five year Plan of India ?

(1) Second Plan

(2) Fifth Plan

(3) Seventh Plan

(4) Eighth Plan

Answer: (4)

8. Consider the following statements about Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana (RSBY) : 

(A) Under RSBY the premium is shared on 85 : 15 basis by the centre and state governments.

(B) In the case of the North-Eastern States and Jammu & Kashmir, under RSBY thepremium is shared in a 90 : 10 ratio.

Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct ?

(1) Only (B)

(2) Only (A)

(3) Both (A) & (B)

(4) Neither (A) nor (B)

Answer: (1)

9. Match the following from the lists given below :

Select the correct codes :

Codes :

Answer: (3)

10. Which of the following has the highest share in India’s external debt at the end of March 2015 ?

(1) Rupee debt

(2) NRI deposits

(3) Commercial Borrowings

(4) Export credit

Answer: (3)

11. R.B.I. can print currency notes upto the value of :

(1) Rs. 25,000

(2) Rs. 10,000

(3) Rs. 5,000

(4) Rs. 1,000

Answer: (2)

12. Union Budget 2016-17 imposed a 15% surcharge on the income exceeding

(1) Rs. 2 crore

(2) Rs. 75 lakh

(3) Rs. 10 lakh

(4) Rs. 1 crore

Answer: (4)

13. ‘Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana’ aims to boost :

(1) Drip Irrigation

(2) Organic Farming

(3) Horticulture Crops

(4) Vegetable Production

Answer: (2)

14. Classical dichotomy refers to which one of the following ?

(1) There are two sectors of the economy, namely, agriculture and industry.

(2) Influence of money is not on the real variables like employment and output but onprice level.

(3) Savings come only from profits and not from the wages.

(4) All of the above

Answer: (2)

15. The basic rationale of the theory of ‘Big-Push’ is based upon the idea of

(1) size of population

(2) external economies

(3) internal economies

(4) None of the above

Answer: (2)

16. “Central problem in the theory of economic development is to understand the process by which a community which was previously saving 4 to 5 per cent or less of its national income, converts itself into an economy where voluntary savings is running about 12 to 15 of national income or more.” Who among the following economists is attributed with this view ?

(1) Ragner Nurkse

(2) P.N. Rogenstein-Rodan

(3) Gunnar Myrdal

(4) W. Arthur Lewis

Answer: (4)

17. In the Harrod-Domar equation g = s/v, where v is defined as :

(1) The value of country’s capital stock

(2) Incremental capital output ratio

(3) The change in country’s capital stock

(4) None of the above

Answer: (2)

18. Leibenstein in his critical minimum effort thesis treats population as a factor that is

(1) investment – inducing

(2) income – generating

(3) market – expanding

(4) income – depressing

Answer: (4)

19. Who among the following economists was not associated with the Dependency Theory of Development ?

(1) Raul Prebisch

(2) T.D. Santos

(3) Andre Gunder Frank

(4) Gunnar Myrdal

Answer: (4)

20. The saving function used in the neo-classical growth model is a :

(1) Classical saving function

(2) Proportional saving function

(3) Differential saving function

(4) Constant saving function

Answer: (2)

21. Consider the following items in the balance of payment in India

I. NRI deposits

II. Remittances

Which among the above is/are part of the capital account of balance of payments ?

Answer from the codes below :

Codes :

(1) Only I above

(2) Only II above

(3) Both I and II above

(4) Neither I nor II above

Answer: (1)

22. Which of the following pairs is not correctly matched ?

(1) Taussig : Barter Terms of Trade

(2) Prebisch : Deteriorating Terms of Trade

(3) Marshal : Offer Curves

(4) Walras : Dumping Conditions

Answer: (4)

23. Which among the following is correct for the discretionary fiscal action ?

(1) Payment of Unemployment insurance.

(2) Payment of Social Security to the retired individuals.

(3) A managed change in level of Government spending and/or net tax revenues.

(4) Automatic changes in net tax revenues that result from income tax structure.

Answer: (3)

24. Who among the following called trade as the ‘hand maiden’ of growth ?

(1) J. Viner

(2) Irwing B. Kravis

(3) Anne Kruger

(4) J. Bhagwati

Answer: (2)

25. For the import substitution policy of Latin American countries in 1950’s which of the following is/are true ?

I. It resulted in overvalued exchange rate.

II. It treated development as a natural process.

Answer from the codes below :

Codes :

(1) Both I and II are true.

(2) Only I is true.

(3) Only II is true.

(4) Neither I nor II are true.

Answer: (2)

26. Consider the following concepts :

I. Leontief paradox

II. Linder Hypothesis

Which among the following can be treated as exception to the conclusions of theHeckscher-Ohlin theory ? Answer from the codes below :

Codes :

(1) Both I and II are exception.

(2) Neither I nor II are exception.

(3) Only I is an exception.

(4) Only II is an exception.

Answer: (1)

27. Which among the following statements are true for the proposed GST arrangements in India ?

I. Both Centre and State taxes will be collected at the point of sale.

II. The Centre and State GST will be charged on the manufacturing cost.

Of the above, which statement/s is/are true ? Answer from the code below :

Codes :

(1) Neither I nor II are true.

(2) Only I is true.

(3) Only II is true.

(4) Both I and II are true.

Answer: (4)

28. Economists refer to an unanticipated inflation that reduces the real value of outstanding government debt as :

(1) Burden of inflation

(2) unanticipated default

(3) seigniorage

(4) the inflation tax

Answer: (4)

29. A public good is

(i) non-excludable in nature.
(ii) nonrival in consumption.
(iii) excludable in nature.
(iv) a good that public must possess.

Select the correct answer using the codes given below :

(1) Both (i) and (ii)

(2) Only (iii)

(3) Both (iii) and (iv)

(4) Only (iv)

Answer: (1)

30. A forward-shifted tax will affect

(1) buyers more than sellers

(2) sellers more than buyers

(3) buyers and sellers equally

(4) government revenues negatively

Answer: (1)

31. Assume B is social benefits, C is social costs, r is the social discount rate, t is the time and T is the life of the investment project. The Net Present Value (NPV) of a project is





Answer: (1)

32. With reference to the characteristics of ‘non-excludability’ and ‘non-rivalry’, “Law and Order” is a classic example of

(1) a negative externality

(2) a positive externality

(3) increasing returns

(4) a public good

Answer: (4)

33. In the trade cycle theory of J.R. Hicks, long run equilibrium growth is determined by

(1) Technology

(2) Population

(3) Autonomous investment

(4) Both (1) and (2) above

Answer: (3)

34. Which among the following is not a characteristic of stagflation ?

(1) High inflation

(2) High unemployment

(3) Low growth

(4) High employment

Answer: (4)

35. Consider the following statements regarding the consumption function fitted by Simon Kutznets to US economic data for the period 1869 to 1929 :

I. There appeared no constant terms in the linear consumption function so fitted.
II. The APC and MPC were not significantly different.

Which of the above statement/s is/are true ? Answer from the codes below :

Codes :

(1) Both statements are not true.

(2) Only I is true.

(3) Only II is true.

(4) Both statements I and II are true.

Answer: (4)

36. Which among the following theory/approach does not treat consumption to depend upon expected income ?

(1) Keynes’ approach

(2) Friedman’s approach

(3) Life cycle approach

(4) Both (2) and (3) above

Answer: (1)

37. In an economy, the saving and investment functions are given as :

S = – 100 + 0.2 y
I = – 30 + 0.1 y

What will be equilibrium level of income ?

(1) 1000

(2) 900

(3) 600

(4) 700

Answer: (4)

38. For the set of observations : 0, 4, 5, 7, 100, which one of the following is the most suitable average ?

(1) Arithmetic Mean

(2) Geometric Mean

(3) Median

(4) Harmonic Mean

Answer: (3)

39. Which is a random sampling method ?

(1) Quota Sampling

(2) Purposive Sampling

(3) Systematic Sampling

(4) Cluster Sampling

Answer: (3, 4)

40. The area between – 3σ and + 3σ under standard normal curve is

(1) 1

(2) 0.9973

(3) 0.95

(4) 0.6826

Answer: (2)

41. For a symmetrical distribution skewness is

(1) 3

(2) 0

(3) 1

(4) 2

Answer: (2)

42. Given the following data :

Number of observations = 100

Arithmetic Mean = 180

Variance = 324

The coefficient of variation will be

(1) 32.4%

(2) 10%

(3) 18%

(4) 1.8%

Answer: (2)

43. Which of the following satisfies time reversal test but not factor reversal test ?

(1) Lespeyres

(2) Marshall-Edgeworth

(3) Fisher

(4) Paasche

Answer: (2)

44. For testing the association of attributes which of the following tests is suitable ?

(1) t test

(2) F test

(3) χ2 test

(4) Z test

Answer: (3)

Note : Questions 45 to 50 are Assertion (A) and Reason (R) type. Key to these questions is as follows :

(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(2) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(3) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

(4) (A) is false but (R) is true.

45. Assertion (A) : In the long period and in perfect competition, a firm earns only normal profit.

Reason (R) : There are no transport costs in the system.

Answer: (2)

46. Assertion (A) : Labour becomes ready to work overtime. 

Reason (R) : Industry pays its employees efficiency wage.

Answer: (2)

47. Assertion (A) : The principle of progressive taxation is a generally accepted state policy.

Reason (R) : Progressive taxation does not affect distribution of income and wealth.

Answer: (3)

48. Assertion (A) : Stagflation can develop due to market imperfections.

Reason (R) : Wage flexibility can cause stagflation.

Answer: (2)

49. Assertion (A) : Friedman treats money as a Luxury good.

Reason (R) : It serves as a medium of exchange.

Answer: (2)

50. Assertion (A) : Moving average method is a method of trend estimation.

Reason (R) : Regression method is used to estimate fluctuations in time series.

Answer: (3)


UGC NET Exam January 2017 Paper-1 (Code W) Question Paper With Answer Key

Paper – I

Note : • This paper contains Sixty (60) multiple-choice questions, each question carrying two (2) marks.

• Candidate is expected to answer any Fifty (50 )questions.

• In case more than Fifty (50) questions are attempted, only the first Fifty (50) questions will be evaluated.

1. The principal of a school conducts an interview session of teachers and students with a view to explore the possibility of their enhanced participation in school programmes. This endeavour may be related to which type of research ?

(1) Evaluation Research

(2) Fundamental Research

(3) Action Research

(4) Applied Research

Answer: (3)

2. In doing action research what is the usual sequence of steps ?

(1) Reflect, observe, plan, act

(2) Plan, act, observe, reflect

(3) Plan, reflect, observe, act

(4) Act, observe, plan, reflect

Answer: (2)

3. Which sequence of research steps is logical in the list given below ?

(1) Problem formulation, Analysis, Development of Research design, Hypothesis making, Collection of data, Arriving at generalizations and conclusions.

(2) Development of Research design, Hypothesis making, Problem formulation, Data analysis, Arriving at conclusions and data collection.

(3) Problem formulation, Hypothesis making, Development of a Research design, Collection of data, Data analysis and formulation of generalizations and conclusions.

(4) Problem formulation, Deciding about the sample and data collection tools, Formulation of hypothesis, Collection and interpretation of research evidence.

Answer: (3)

4. Below are given two sets – research methods (Set-I) and data collection tools (Set-II). Match the two sets and indicate your answer by selecting the correct code :

Set – I                                                       Set – II
(Research Methods)                              (Data Collection Tools)

a. Experimental method                  i. Using primary and secondary sources

b. Ex post-facto method                  ii. Questionnaire

c. Descriptive survey method          iii. Standardized tests

d. Historical method                        iv. Typical characteristic tests

Codes :
     a     b     c       d
(1) ii    i      iii       iv
(2) iii   iv     ii       i
(3) ii   iii      i        iv
(4) ii   iv     iii       i

Answer: (2)

5. The issue of ‘research ethics’ may be considered pertinent at which stage of research ?

(1) At the stage of problem formulation and its definition

(2) At the stage of defining the population of research

(3) At the stage of data collection and interpretation

(4) At the stage of reporting the findings.

Answer: (3)

6. In which of the following, reporting format is formally prescribed ?

(1) Doctoral level thesis

(2) Conference of researchers

(3) Workshops and seminars

(4) Symposia

Answer: (1)

Read the following passage carefully and answer questions from 7 to 12 :
The last great war, which nearly shook the foundations of the modern world, had little impact on Indian literature beyond aggravating the popular revulsion against violence and adding to the growing disillusionment with the ‘humane pretensions’ of the Western World. This was eloquently voiced in Tagore’s later poems and his last testament, Crisis in Civilisation. The Indian intelligentsia was in a state of moral dilemma. On the one hand, it could not help sympathising with England’s dogged courage in the hour of peril, with the Russians fighting with their backs to the wall against the ruthless Nazi hordes, and with China groaning under the heel of Japanese militarism; on the other hand, their own country was practically under military occupation of their own soil, and an Indian army under Subhas Bose was trying from the opposite camp to liberate their country. No creative impulse could issue from such confusion of loyalties. One would imagine that the achievement of Indian independence in 1947, which came in the wake of the Allies’ victory and was followed by the collapse of colonialism in the neighbouring countries of South-East Asia, would have released an upsurge of creative energy. No doubt it did, but unfortunately it was soon submerged in the great agony of partition, with its inhuman slaughter of the innocents and the uprooting of millions of people from their homeland, followed by the martyrdom of Mahatma Gandhi. These tragedies, along with Pakistan’s invasion of Kashmir and its later atrocities in Bangladesh, did indeed provoke a poignant writing, particularly in the languages of the regions most affected, Bengali, Hindi, Kashmiri, Punjabi, Sindhi and Urdu. But poignant or passionate writing does not by itself make great literature. What reserves of enthusiasm and confidence survived these disasters have been mainly absorbed in the task of national reconstruction and economic development. Great literature has always emerged out of chains of convulsions. Indian literature is richer today in volume, range and variety than it ever was in the past.

Based on the passage answer the following questions from 7 to 12 :

7. What was the impact of the last great war on Indian literature ?

(1) It had no impact. 

(2) It aggravated popular revulsion against violence.

(3) It shook the foundations of literature.

(4) It offered eloquent support to the Western World.

Answer: (2)

8. What did Tagore articulate in his last testament ? 

(1) Offered support to Subhas Bose.

(2) Exposed the humane pretensions of the Western World.

(3) Expressed loyalty to England.

(4) Encouraged the liberation of countries.

Answer: (2)

9. What was the stance of Indian intelligentsia during the period of great war ?  

(1) Indifference to Russia’s plight.

(2) They favoured Japanese militarism.

(3) They prompted creativity out of confused loyalties.

(4) They expressed sympathy for England’s dogged courage.

Answer: (4)

10. Identify the factor responsible for the submergence of creative energy in Indian literature. 

(1) Military occupation of one’s own soil.

(2) Resistance to colonial occupation.

(3) Great agony of partition.

(4) Victory of Allies.

Answer: (3)

11. What was the aftermath that survived tragedies in Kashmir and Bangladesh ? 

(1) Suspicion of other countries

(2) Continuance of rivalry

(3) Menace of war

(4) National reconstruction

Answer: (4)

12. The passage has the message that 

(1) Disasters are inevitable.

(2) Great literature emerges out of chains of convulsions.

(3) Indian literature does not have a marked landscape.

(4) Literature has no relation with war and independence.

Answer: (2)

13. Effective communication pre-supposes 

(1) Non-alignment

(2) Domination

(3) Passivity

(4) Understanding

Answer: (4)

14. When verbal and non-verbal messages are contradictory, it is said that most people believe in

(1) indeterminate messages

(2) verbal messages

(3) non-verbal messages

(4) aggressive messages

Answer: (3)

15. The typical feature of an information-rich classroom lecture is in the nature of being

(1) Sedentary

(2) Staggered

(3) Factual

(4) Sectoral

Answer: (3)

16. Expressive communication is driven by

(1) Passive aggression

(2) Encoder’s personality characteristics

(3) External clues

(4) Encoder-decoder contract

Answer: (2)

17. Positive classroom communication leads to

(1) Coercion

(2) Submission

(3) Confrontation

(4) Persuasion

Answer: (4)

18. Classroom communication is the basis of

(1) Social identity

(2) External inanities

(3) Biased passivity

(4) Group aggression

Answer: (1)

19. The missing term in the series 1, 4, 27, 16, ?, 36, 343, … is

(1) 30

(2) 49

(3) 125

(4) 81

Answer: (3)

20. The next term in the following series YEB, WFD, UHG, SKI, ? will be

(1) TLO

(2) QOL

(3) QLO

(4) GQP

Answer: (2)

21. If A is coded as C, M as I, N as P, S as O, I as A, P as N, E as M, O as E and C as S, then the code of COMPANIES will be





Answer: (4)

22. Among the following, identify the continuous type of data :

(1) Number of languages a person speaks

(2) Number of children in a household

(3) Population of cities

(4) Weight of students in a class

Answer: (4)

23. Ali buys a glass, a pencil box and a cup and pays Rs. 21 to the shopkeeper. Rakesh buys a cup, two pencil boxes and a glass and pays Rs. 28 to the shopkeeper. Preeti buys two glasses, a cup and two pencil boxes and pays Rs. 35 to the shopkeeper. The cost of 10 cups will be

(1) Rs.  40

(2) Rs. 60

(3) Rs. 80

(4) Rs. 70

Answer: (4)

24. Out of four cities given below three are alike in some manner while the fourth one is different. Identify the odd one

(1) Lucknow

(2) Rishikesh

(3) Allahabad

(4) Patna

Answer: (1)

25. Given below are some characteristics of reasoning. Select the code that states a characteristic which is not of deductive reasoning :

(1) The conclusion must be based on observation and experiment. 

(2) The conclusion should be supported by the premise/premises.

(3) The conclusion must follow from the premise/premises necessarily.

(4) The argument may be valid or invalid.

Answer: (1)

26. If two standard form categorical propositions with the same subject and predicate are related in such a manner that if one is undetermined the other must be undetermined, what is their relation ?

(1) Contrary

(2) Subcontrary

(3) Contradictory

(4) Sub-altern

Answer: (3)

27. Men and woman may have different reproductive strategies but neither can be considered inferior or superior to the other, any more than a bird’s wings can be considered superior or inferior to a fish’s fins. What type of argument it is ?

(1) Biological

(2) Physiological

(3) Analogical

(4) Hypothetical

Answer: (3)

28. Among the following propositions two are related in such a way that they cannot both be true but can both be false. Select the code that states those two propositions.

Propositions :

(a) Every student is attentive.
(b) Some students are attentive.
(c) Students are never attentive.
(d) Some students are not attentive.

Codes :

(1) (a) and (b)

(2) (a) and (c)

(3) (b) and (c)

(4) (c) and (d)

Answer: (2)

29. Given below are two premises ((a) and (b)). From those two premises four conclusions (i), (ii), (iii) & (iv) are drawn. Select the code that states the conclusions validly drawn from the premises (taking singly or jointly.)

Premises : (a) Untouchability is a curse.

(b) All hot pans are untouchable.

Conclusions : (i) All hot pans are curse.

(ii) Some untouchable things are hot pans.

(iii) All curses are untouchability.

(iv) Some curses are untouchability.

Codes :

(1) (i) and (ii)

(2) (ii) and (iii)

(3) (iii) and (iv)

(4) (ii) and (iv)

Answer: (4)

30. If the statement ‘None but the brave wins the race’ is false which of the following statements can be claimed to be true ?

Select the correct code :

(1) All brave persons win the race.

(2) Some persons who win the race are not brave.

(3) Some persons who win the race are brave.

(4) No person who wins the race is brave.

Answer: (2)

The table below embodies data on the sales revenue (Rs. in lakh) generated by a publishing house during the years 2012-15 while selling books, magazines and journals as three categories of items. Answer questions 31 – 33 based on the data contained in the table.

31. In 2015, approximately what percent of total revenue came from books ?

(1) 45%

(2) 55%

(3) 35%

(4) 25%

Answer: (1)

32. The number of years in which there was an increase in revenue from at least two categories of items, is

(1) 0

(2) 1

(3) 2

(4) 3

Answer: (3)

33. If the year 2016 were to show the same growth in terms of total sales revenue as the year 2015 over the year 2014, then the revenue in the year 2016 must be approximately :

(1) Rs. 194 lakh

(2) Rs. 187 lakh

(3) Rs. 172 lakh

(4) Rs. 177 lakh

Answer: (4)

A University professor maintains data on MCA students tabulated by performance and gender of the students. The data is kept on a computer hard disk, but accidently some of it is lost because of a computer virus. Only the following could be recovered :

Panic buttons were pressed but to no avail. An expert committee was formed, which decided that the following facts were self evident :
(a) Half the students were either excellent or good.

(b) 40% of the students were females.

(c) One-third of the male students were average.

Answer questions 34 – 36 based on the data given above :

34. How many female students are excellent ?

(1) 0

(2) 8

(3) 16

(4) 32

Answer: (1)

35. What proportion of female students are good ?

(1) 0

(2) 0.25

(3) 0.50

(4) 0.75

Answer: (2)

36. Approximately, what proportion of good students are male ?

(1) 0

(2) 0.73

(3) 0.43

(4) 0.27

Answer: (2)

37. Which of the following statement(s) is/are TRUE ?

S1 : The decimal number 11 is larger than the hexadecimal number 11.
S2 : In the binary number 1110.101, the fractional part has the decimal value as 0.625.

(1) S1 only

(2) S2 only

(3) Both S1 and S2

(4) Neither S1 nor S2

Answer: (2)

38. Read the following two statements :

I : Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is considered a subset of Information Technology (IT).
II : The ‘right to use’ a piece of software is termed as copyright.

Which of the above statement(s) is/are CORRECT ?

(1) Both I and II

(2) Neither I nor II

(3) II only

(4) I only

Answer: (2)

39. Which of the following correctly lists computer memory types from highest to lowest speed ?

(1) Secondary Storage; Main Memory (RAM); Cache Memory; CPU Registers

(2) CPU Registers; Cache Memory; Secondary Storage; Main Memory (RAM)

(3) CPU Registers; Cache Memory; Main Memory (RAM); Secondary Storage

(4) Cache Memory; CPU Registers; Main Memory (RAM); Secondary Storage

Answer: (3)

40. Which of the following is a characteristic of Web2.0 applications ?

(1) Multiple users schedule their time to use Web2.0 applications one by one. 

(2) Web2.0 applications are focused on the ability for people to collaborate and share information online.

(3) Web2.0 applications provide users with content rather than facilitating users to create it. 

(4) Web2.0 applications use only static pages.

Answer: (2)

41. With regard to a word processing software, the process of combining static information in a publication together with variable information in a data source to create one merged publication is called

(1) Electronic mail

(2) Data sourcing

(3) Mail merge

(4) Spam mail

Answer: (3)

42. DVD technology uses an optical media to store the digital data. DVD is an acronym for

(1) Digital Vector Disc

(2) Digital Volume Disc

(3) Digital Versatile Disc

(4) Digital Visualization Disc

Answer: (3)

43. Assertion (A) : Sustainable development is critical to well being of human society.

Reason (R) : Environmentally sound policies do not harm the environment or deplete the natural resources.

Choose the correct code :

(1) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(2) Both (A) and (R) are correct, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(3) (A) is true and (R) is false.

(4) (A) is false and (R) is true.

Answer: (2)

44. The dominant source of pollution due to oxides of nitrogen (NOX) in urban areas is

(1) road transport

(2) commercial sector

(3) energy use in industry

(4) power plants

Answer: (1)

45. Which of the following is not a water-brone disease ?

(1) Typhoid

(2) Hepatitis

(3) Cholera

(4) Dengue

Answer: (4)

46. Indian government’s target for power production from small hydro projects by the year 2022 is

(1) 1 Giga-Watt

(2) 5 Giga-Watt

(3) 10 Giga-Watt

(4) 15 Giga-Watt

Answer: (2)

47. In which country, the recent international agreement on phasing out Hydro Fluoro Carbons (HFCs) was signed ?

(1) Rwanda

(2) Morocco

(3) South Africa

(4) Algeria

Answer: (1)

48. Which of the following natural hazards is not hydro-meteorological ?

(1) Snow avalanche

(2) Sea erosion

(3) Tropical cyclone

(4) Tsunami

Answer: (4)

49. Which of the following are the demerits of globalisation of higher education ?

(a) Exposure to global curriculum
(b) Promotion of elitism in education
(c) Commodification of higher education
(d) Increase in the cost of education

Select the correct answer from the codes given below :

Codes :

(1) (a) and (d)

(2) (a), (c) and (d)

(3) (b), (c) and (d)

(4) (a), (b), (c) and (d)

Answer: (3)

50. Which of the following statements are correct about deemed universities ?

(a) The Governor of the State is the chancellor of deemed universities.
(b) They can design their own syllabus and course work.
(c) They can frame their own guidelines regarding admission and fees.
(d) They can grant degrees.

Select the correct answer from the codes given below :

Codes :

(1) (a), (b) and (c)

(2) (b), (c) and (d)

(3) (a), (c) and (d)

(4) (a), (b), (c) and (d)

Answer: (2)

51. The purpose of value education is best served by focussing on

(1) Cultural practices prevailing in the society.

(2) Norms of conduct laid down by a social group.

(3) Concern for human values.

(4) Religious and moral practices and instructions.

Answer: (3)

52. Which of the following statements are correct ?

(a) Rajya Sabha is a permanent House which can be dissolved only during nationalemergency.
(b) Rajya Sabha does not represent the local interests of the States.
(c) Members of the Rajya Sabha are not bound to vote at the dictates of the states they represent.
(d) No Union territory has a representative in the Rajya Sabha.

Select the correct answer from the codes given below :

Codes :

(1) (a) and (d)

(2) (b) and (c)

(3) (b), (c) and (d)

(4) (a), (b), (c) and (d)

Answer: (2)

53. Which of the following are not necessarily the immediate consequences of the

proclamation of the President’s Rule in a State ?
(a) Dissolution of the State Assembly.
(b) Removal of the Council of Ministers in the State.
(c) Takeover of the State administration by the Union Government.
(d) Appointment of a new Chief Secretary.

Select the correct answer from the codes given below :

(1) (a) andü (d)

(2) (a), (b) and (c)

(3) (a), (b), (c) and (d)

(4) (b) and (c)

Answer: (1)

54. Instead of holding the office during the pleasure of the President who among the following hold(s) office during good behaviour ?

(a) Governor of a State

(b) Attorney General of India

(c) Judges of the High Court

(d) Administrator of a Union Territory

Select the correct answer from the codes given below :

Codes :

(1) (a) only

(2) (c) only

(3) (a) and (c)

(4) (a), (b), (c) and (d)

Answer: (2)

55. Which of the following set of statements represents acceptable propositions in respect of teaching-learning relationships ? Choose the correct code to indicate your answer.

(i) When students fail in a test, it is the teacher who fails.
(ii) Every teaching must aim at ensuring learning.
(iii) There can be teaching without learning taking place.
(iv) There can be no learning without teaching.
(v) A teacher teaches but learns also.
(vi) Real learning implies rote learning.

Codes :

(1) (ii), (iii), (iv) and (v)

(2) (i), (ii), (iii) and (v)

(3) (iii), (iv), (v) and (vi)

(4) (i), (ii), (v) and (vi)

Answer: (2)

56. Assertion (A) : Learning is a life long process. 

Reason (R) : Learning to be useful must be linked with life processes.

Choose the correct answer from the following code :

(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(2) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(3) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

(4) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

Answer: (1)

57. Effectiveness of teaching has to be judged in terms of

(1) Course coverage

(2) Students’ interest

(3) Learning outcomes of students

(4) Use of teaching aids in the classroom

Answer: (3)

58. In which teaching method learner’s participation is made optimal and proactive ?

(1) Discussion method

(2) Buzz session method

(3) Brainstorming session method

(4) Project method

Answer: (4)

59. One of the most powerful factors affecting teaching effectiveness is related to the

(1) Social system of the country

(2) Economic status of the society

(3) Prevailing political system

(4) Educational system

Answer: (4)

60. Assertion (A) : Formative evaluation tends to accelerate the pace of learning.

Reason (R) : As against summative evaluation, formative evaluation is highly reliable.

Choose the correct answer from the following code :

(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

(2) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

(3) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

(4) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

Answer: (3)

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